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Robertson WR  Clark K  Young JC  Sussman MR 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1677-1687
The plasma membrane proton pump (H(+)-ATPase) found in plants and fungi is a P-type ATPase with a polypeptide sequence, structure, and in vivo function similar to the mammalian sodium pump (Na(+), K(+)-ATPase). Despite its hypothetical importance for generating and maintaining the proton motive force that energizes the carriers and channels that underlie plant nutrition, genetic evidence for such a central function has not yet been reported. Using a reverse genetic approach for investigating each of the 11 isoforms in the Arabidopsis H(+)-ATPase (AHA) gene family, we found that one member, AHA3, is essential for pollen formation. A causative role for AHA3 in male gametogenesis was proven by complementation with a normal transgenic gene and rescue of the mutant phenotype back to wild type. We also investigated the requirement for phosphorylation of the penultimate threonine, which is found in most members of the AHA family and is thought to be involved in regulating catalytic activity. We demonstrated that a T948D mutant form of the AHA3 gene rescues the mutant phenotype in knockout AHA3 plants, but T948A does not, providing the first in planta evidence in support of the model in which phosphorylation of this amino acid is essential.  相似文献   

Merkouropoulos G  Shirsat AH 《Planta》2003,217(3):356-366
We detail the expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. atExt1 extensin gene. atExt1 is normally expressed in roots and inflorescences, and is induced by wounding, exogenously supplied salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate, auxins and brassinosteroids. Northern assays and histochemical analysis of transgenics expressing an atExt1:: gus fusion show that this gene is also induced by the brassica pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and that this induction is restricted to tissues close to the site of infection. Expression at regions of abscission and senescence also implicates atExt1 in these important developmental processes.  相似文献   

Mutant analysis represents one of the most reliable approaches to identifying genes involved in plant development. The screening of the Versailles collection of Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion transformants has allowed us to isolate different mutations affecting male gametophytic functions and viability. Among several mutated lines, five have been extensively studied at the genetic, molecular, and cytological levels. For each mutant, several generations of selfing and outcrossing have been carried out, leading to the conclusion that all these mutations are tagged and affect only the male gametophyte. However, only one out of the five mutations is completely penetrant. A variable number of T-DNA copies has integrated in the mutant lines, although all segregate at one mutated locus. Two mutants could be defined as "early mutants": the mutated genes are presumably expressed during pollen grain maturation and their alteration leads to the production of nonfunctional pollen grains. Two other mutants could be defined as "late mutant" since their pollen is able to germinate but pollen tube growth is highly disturbed. Screening for segregation ratio distortions followed by thorough genetic analysis proved to be a powerful tool for identifying gametophytic mutations of all phases of pollen development.  相似文献   

ATFIM1 is a widely expressed gene in Arabidopsis thaliana that encodes a putative actin filament-crosslinking protein, AtFim1, belonging to the fimbrin/plastin class of actin-binding proteins. In this report we have used bacterially expressed AtFim1 and actin isolated from Zea mays pollen to demonstrate that AtFim1 functions as an actin filament-crosslinking protein. AtFim1 binds pollen actin filaments (F-actin) in a calcium-independent manner, with an average dissociation constant (Kd) of 0.55+/-0.21 microM and with a stoichiometry at saturation of 1:4 (mol AtFim1 : mol actin monomer). AtFim1 also crosslinks pollen F-actin by a calcium-independent mechanism, in contrast to crosslinking of plant actin by human T-plastin, a known calcium-sensitive actin-crosslinking protein. When micro-injected at high concentration into living Tradescantia virginiana stamen hair cells, AtFim1 caused cessation of both cytoplasmic streaming and transvacuolar strand dynamics within 2-4 min. Using the 'nuclear displacement assay' as a measure of the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton in living stamen hair cells, we demonstrated that AtFim1 protects actin filaments in these cells from Z. mays profilin (ZmPRO5)-induced depolymerization, in a dose-dependent manner. The apparent ability of AtFim1 to protect actin filaments in vivo from profilin-mediated depolymerization was confirmed by in vitro sedimentation assays. Our results indicate that AtFim1 is a calcium-independent, actin filament-crosslinking protein that interacts with the actin cytoskeleton in living plant cells.  相似文献   

Using the cryo-fixation/freeze-substitution method, we studied the ultrastructural changes and behavior of vacuoles and related organelles (rER and Golgi bodies) during microspore and pollen development, and pollen maturation of Arabidopsis thaliana. In young microspores forming exine (pollen outer cell wall), vacuoles looked like those of somatic cells. In microspores during the formation of intine (inner cell wall), a large vacuole appeared which was made by fusion of pre-existing vacuoles and probably absorption of solutions. In the young pollen grain after the first mitosis, a large vacuole was divided into small vacuoles. The manner of division was not by binary fission and centripetally, but by the invagination of tonoplasts from one side to the opposite side of a vacuole. After the second mitosis, somatic type vacuoles disappeared. In mature pollen grains just before germination, membrane-bound structures containing fine fibrillar substances (MBFs) appeared. The MBFs were considered to be storage vacuoles. In pollen grains from flowers in bloom, MBFs changed to lysosomal structures with acid phosphatases (lytic vacuole). They gradually increased in number and volume, and decomposed the cytoplasm. The autolysis of pollen grains is the first finding in this study, which may contribute to the loss of ability of pollen germination after anthesis.  相似文献   

The female gametophyte plays a central role in the sexual reproduction of angiosperms. We previously isolated the maa3 (magatama3) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, defective in development of the female gametophyte, micropylar pollen tube guidance, and preventing the attraction of multiple pollen tubes. We here observed that the nucleolus of polar nuclei is small, and that the fusion of polar nuclei often did not occur at the time of pollination. The MAA3 gene encodes a homolog of yeast Sen1 helicase, required for RNA metabolism. It is suggested that MAA3 may regulate RNA molecules responsible for nucleolar organization and pollen tube guidance.  相似文献   

Lee Y  Kim ES  Choi Y  Hwang I  Staiger CJ  Chung YY  Lee Y 《Plant physiology》2008,147(4):1886-1897
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase has been reported to be important for normal plant growth. To characterize the role of the enzyme further, we attempted to isolate Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants that do not express the gene, but we could not recover homozygous mutant plants. The progeny of VPS34/vps34 heterozygous plants, harboring a T-DNA insertion, showed a segregation ratio of 1:1:0 for wild-type, heterozygous, and homozygous mutant plants, indicating a gametophytic defect. Genetic transmission analysis showed that the abnormal segregation ratio was due to failure to transmit the mutant allele through the male gametophyte. Microscopic observation revealed that 2-fold higher proportions of pollen grains in heterozygous plants than wild-type plants were dead or showed reduced numbers of nuclei. Many mature pollen grains from the heterozygous plants contained large vacuoles even until the mature pollen stage, whereas pollen from wild-type plants contained many small vacuoles beginning from the vacuolated pollen stage, which indicated that vacuoles in many of the heterozygous mutant pollen did not undergo normal fission after the first mitotic division. Taken together, our results suggest that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is essential for vacuole reorganization and nuclear division during pollen development.  相似文献   

Deubiquitinating enzymes are essential to the ubiquitin (Ub)/26S proteasome system where they release Ub monomers from the primary translation products of poly-Ub and Ub extension genes, recycle Ubs from polyubiquitinated proteins, and reverse the effects of ubiquitination by releasing bound Ubs from individual targets. The Ub-specific proteases (UBPs) are one large family of deubiquitinating enzymes that bear signature cysteine and histidine motifs. Here, we genetically characterize a UBP subfamily in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) encoded by paralogous UBP3 and UBP4 genes. Whereas homozygous ubp3 and ubp4 single mutants do not display obvious phenotypic abnormalities, double-homozygous mutant individuals could not be created due to a defect in pollen development and/or transmission. This pollen defect was rescued with a transgene encoding wild-type UBP3 or UBP4, but not with a transgene encoding an active-site mutant of UBP3, indicating that deubiquitination activity of UBP3/UBP4 is required. Nuclear DNA staining revealed that ubp3 ubp4 pollen often fail to undergo mitosis II, which generates the two sperm cells needed for double fertilization. Substantial changes in vacuolar morphology were also evident in mutant grains at the time of pollen dehiscence, suggesting defects in vacuole and endomembrane organization. Even though some ubp3 ubp4 pollen could germinate in vitro, they failed to fertilize wild-type ovules even in the absence of competing wild-type pollen. These studies provide additional evidence that the Ub/26S proteasome system is important for male gametogenesis in plants and suggest that deubiquitination of one or more targets by UBP3/UBP4 is critical for the development of functional pollen.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis contains eight actin genes. Of these ACT7 is the most strongly expressed in young plant tissues and shows the greatest response to physiological cues. Adult plants homozygous for the act7 mutant alleles show no obvious above-ground phenotypes, which suggests a high degree of functional redundancy among plant actins. However, act7-1 mutant plants are at a strong selective disadvantage when grown in competition with wild-type plants and therefore must have undetected physical defects. The act7-1 and act7-4 alleles contain T-DNA insertions just after the stop codon and within the first intron, respectively. Homozygous mutant seedlings of both alleles showed less than 7% of normal ACT7 protein levels. Mutants displayed delayed and less efficient germination, increased root twisting and waving, and retarded root growth. The act7-4 mutant showed the most dramatic reduction in root growth. The act7-4 root apical cells were not in straight files and contained oblique junctions between cells suggesting a possible role for ACT7 in determining cell polarity. Wild-type root growth was fully restored to the act7-1 mutant by the addition of an exogenous copy of the ACT7 gene. T-DNA insertions just downstream of the major polyadenylation sites (act7-2, act7-3) appeared fully wild type. The act7 mutant phenotypes demonstrate a significant requirement for functional ACT7 protein during root development and explain the strong negative selection component seen for the act7-1 mutant.  相似文献   

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