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研究表明 ,多倍体小麦基因组中存在一类低拷贝、染色体专化的DNA序列 ,其在多倍体形成时常表现出不稳定性。这类序列被认为在异源多倍体的建立和稳定中起着关键作用。为进一步研究这一问题 ,对通过染色体显微切割从普通小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .)中分离的 5个 7B染色体专化DNA序列的特性进行了研究。以这些序列为探针对大量的多倍体小麦和它们的二倍体祖先物种进行了Southern杂交分析。结果表明 ,这些序列可被分为两种类型 :其中的 4个序列与所有的多倍体物种均杂交 ,但是在二倍体水平上 ,它们却只与和多倍体小麦B基因组紧密相关的物种杂交 ,这说明这些序列是在二倍体物种分化以后产生的 ,然后垂直传递给多倍体 ;其中的 1个序列与所有的二倍体及多倍体物种均杂交 ,暗示在多倍体形成后这些序列从A和D基因组中消除了。用这一序列分别与一个人工合成的六倍体和四倍体小麦进行Southern杂交的结果表明 ,序列消除是一个迅速的事件而且很可能与这些序列的甲基化状态有关。认为这些低拷贝的染色体专化序列对于多倍体形成后部分同源染色体之间的进一步分化起着重要作用。  相似文献   

研究表明, 多倍体小麦基因组中存在一类低拷贝、染色体专化的DNA序列, 其在多倍体形成时常表现出不稳定性.这类序列被认为在异源多倍体的建立和稳定中起着关键作用.为进一步研究这一问题, 对通过染色体显微切割从普通小麦( Triticum aestivum L.)中分离的5个7B染色体专化DNA序列的特性进行了研究.以这些序列为探针对大量的多倍体小麦和它们的二倍体祖先物种进行了Southern杂交分析.结果表明, 这些序列可被分为两种类型:其中的4个序列与所有的多倍体物种均杂交, 但是在二倍体水平上, 它们却只与和多倍体小麦B基因组紧密相关的物种杂交, 这说明这些序列是在二倍体物种分化以后产生的,然后垂直传递给多倍体; 其中的1个序列与所有的二倍体及多倍体物种均杂交, 暗示在多倍体形成后这些序列从A和D基因组中消除了. 用这一序列分别与一个人工合成的六倍体和四倍体小麦进行Southern杂交的结果表明, 序列消除是一个迅速的事件而且很可能与这些序列的甲基化状态有关. 认为这些低拷贝的染色体专化序列对于多倍体形成后部分同源染色体之间的进一步分化起着重要作用.  相似文献   

不同分类群的异源多倍体在二倍化过程中, 正反交序列消除往往表现出不同特征, 暗示了在不同物种中, 核质互作在多倍体进化过程的作用不同。利用13对EcoRI-NN/MseI-NNN选择性引物, 对野黄瓜Cucumis hystrix (2n=24)与栽培黄瓜C. sativus (2n=14)的正反交F1、异源四倍体及二倍体亲本DNA进行AFLP分析。结果表明: 杂交后代基因组的杂合性诱发了F1与异源四倍体广泛的序列消除; 细胞质可能会影响部分亲本序列消除的频率, 但是正反交在序列消除频率上差异不显著, 并且在序列消除时间(均始于F1代)及消除类型上也表现出一致性, 表明核质互作并不是影响序列消除的主要因素; 实验还发现, 正反交不能影响序列的倾向性丢失, 染色体数少的黄瓜条带易发生丢失。  相似文献   

植物多倍体基因组的形成与进化   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
杨继 《植物分类学报》2001,39(4):357-371
多倍化是植物进化变异的自然现象,也是促进植物发生进化改变的重要力量。在被子植物中,约 70%的种类在进化史中曾发生过一次或多次多倍化的过程。目前的研究结果表明,自然界绝大多数多倍体是通过未减数配子的融合而形成的,并且很多多倍体种是通过多次独立的多倍化过程而重复发生的。由多倍化所导致的重复基因在多倍体基因组中可能有三种不同的命运,即:保持原有的功能、基因沉默或分化并执行新的功能。多倍化以后,重复基因组的进化动态则主要表现在染色体重排和“染色体二倍化”、不同基因组之间的相互渗透、以及核-质之间的相互作用等方面。  相似文献   

多倍化是植物物种形成与多样化的重要原动力。研究植物特别是一些重要经济作物和园艺植物多倍体的起源与进化,不仅对于揭示多倍体形成过程中性状变异的分子机制具有重要意义,而且可为植物遗传资源的保护与利用提供理论和技术支持。作为连接基因组序列片段到染色体组的桥梁,荧光原位杂交技术长期被广泛用来研究多倍体形成与进化过程中相关特异基因或序列的表达定位、外源染色体检测和鉴定、基因组结构变异等科学问题。因此,在简单介绍荧光原位杂交技术发展历史和植物多倍体主要类型的基础上,主要总结了荧光原位杂交技术在植物多倍体起源与进化相关研究上的应用。  相似文献   

植物人工异源多倍体的遗传及后遗传变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
据估计,70%以上的显花植物在其生活史上至少发生过一次以上的多倍化。传统的有关多倍性的观点认为,多倍体基因组应是其双亲基因组的积加。但是,有些合成异源多倍体的基因组发生了广泛的遗传及后遗传变化。这些变化包括亲本DNA序列丢失、核仁显性、DNA甲基化模式改变、基因沉默、反转座子激活等。亲本序列丢失可能与部分同源序列间重组有关,而亲本基因沉默可能与同源性依赖的基因沉默及RNA干涉等有关。  相似文献   

植物多倍体研究的回顾与展望   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
多倍化是促进植物进化的重要力量。多倍体主要是通过未减数配子融合,体细胞染色体加倍以及多精受精三种方式起源的。其中,不减数配子是多倍体形成的主要机制。三倍体可能在四倍体的进化中起了重要作用。过去认为多倍体只能是进化的死胡同,现在发现很多多倍体类群都是多元起源的而不是单元起源的。当多倍体形成后,基因组中的重复基因大部分保持原有的功能,也有相当比例的基因发生基因沉默。多倍体通常表现出不存在于二倍体祖先的表型,并且超出了其祖先的分布范围,因为在多倍体中发生了很多基因表达的变化。主要从多倍体的起源、影响多倍体发生的因素及多倍体基因组的进化等方面回顾并展望多倍体的研究。  相似文献   

在异源多倍体形成的早期, DNA序列和基因的表达迅速发生了改变. 以异源六倍体小麦为例, 比较了四倍体小麦与节节麦合成六倍体小麦前后, 位于普通小麦D染色体组不同染色体臂上的特异性引物揭示的微卫星位点变化特点. 结果表明, 从四倍体小麦与节节麦杂交, 将A, B与D染色体组结合在一起并加倍得到AABBDD的六倍体小麦这一“剧烈事件”中: (ⅰ) 微卫星的侧翼序列发生了变化, 导致出现了供体物种没有的新带纹或供体物种的带纹消失, 其中, 供体物种的带纹消失是主要的. (ⅱ) 供体物种的带纹消失不是随机的, 而是四倍体小麦消失频率远高于节节麦的频率, 即发生在A, B染色体组的消失频率比发生在D染色体组的频率高得多. (ⅲ) 微卫星侧翼序列的变化在多倍化的早期(F1代或S1代)就开始发生. 由此看来, 微卫星两边的侧翼区域在多倍化过程中很活跃, 是容易发生变化的区域. 微卫星的生物学功能可能与多倍体进化过程有关, 微卫星两边的侧翼区域在多倍化过程的早期迅速发生有方向性的改变可能有利于新形成异源多倍体的迅速进化, 从而使不同染色体组在遗传上迅速达到协调.  相似文献   

远缘杂交早代稳定小麦导入了外源DNA片段并发生了DNA重排   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在植物界, 多倍体植物非常普遍. 具有A, B, D三个部分同源染色体组的普通小麦是异源多倍体物种的一个典型代表. 近几年, 模拟普通小麦的起源过程进行的研究表明, 从四倍体小麦注入节节麦整个基因组形成异源六倍体小麦的早期阶段, DNA序列和基因表达发生了可能有利于遗传“二倍化”的变化. 利用普通小麦-黑麦远缘杂交自然结实的早代稳定特异小麦99L2研究发现: (ⅰ) 99L2至少导入了两个黑麦染色体上的DNA片段, 表明可能存在不同于传统的小麦-外源染色体配对重组的外源DNA导入机制; (ⅱ) 99L2自身的DNA序列发生了变化, 表明外源DNA部分片段注入小麦染色体组过程中, 也可能导致小麦自身DNA序列发生变化.  相似文献   

多倍化(polyploidization)是指细胞核中的染色体组发生加倍并以可遗传的方式传递至后代的现象.虽然已有研究揭示多倍化事件普遍出现于被子植物各类群的进化过程中,但其对物种多样化与基因组进化的作用始终都处于争论之中.近年来随着基因组测序的革命性进步与多种组学和分子生物学技术的应用,植物多倍化与多倍体基因组进化领域的研究已取得多方面的重要进展.本文首先系统地介绍了植物多倍化的研究历史、多倍体分类系统以及该领域目前存在的主要学术争论.在此基础上,侧重从染色体数目与结构、DNA和组蛋白表观遗传修饰以及RNA和蛋白质表达等多个层次,对在多倍体小麦、油菜与棉花等模式作物中所取得的研究成果进行了较详细的概括.期望本文通过对最新研究成果的总结与未来研究展望,进一步增进对多倍化在植物物种多样性形成与基因组进化过程中重要作用的理解,促进我国植物多倍化研究领域的发展.  相似文献   

DNA condensation with polyamines. II. Electron microscopic studies   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Approximately 75% of the wheat and rye genomes consist of repeated sequence DNA. Three-quarters of the non-repeated or few copy sequences in wheat are less than 1000 base-pairs long, whilst in rye approximately half of the non-repeated or few copy sequences are in this size class. Most of the remaining non-repeated or few copy sequences appear to be a few thousand base-pairs long.In this paper a somewhat novel approach has been used to quantitatively analyse the linear organisation of the large proportion of repeated sequence DNA as well as the non-repeated DNA in the wheat and rye genomes. Repeated sequences in the genomes of oats, barley, wheat and rye have been used as probes to distinguish and isolate four different groups of repeated sequences and their neighbouring sequences from the wheat and rye genomes. Radioactively labelled wheat or rye DNA fragments ranging from 200 to over 9000 nucleotides long were incubated separately with large excesses of denatured unlabelled oats, barley, wheat and rye DNAs to Cot values which enable all the repeated sequences of the unlabelled DNA to renature. The following parameters were then determined from the proportions of total labelled DNA in fragments which had at least partially renatured. (1) The proportions of the repeated sequences in the labelled DNAs that were able to hybridise to each unlabelled DNA; (2) the mean distance apart of the hybridising sequences on the longer labelled fragments; and (3) the proportion of the genome in which the hybridising sequences were concentrated. Analysis of these results, together with those of separate experiments designed to quantitatively estimate the nature of sequences unable to reanneal with the repeated sequences of each of the probe DNAs, have enabled schematic maps to be drawn which show how the repeated and non-repeated sequences are arranged in the wheat and rye genomes.Both genomes are constructed from millions of relatively short sequences, most of them considerably shorter than 3000 base-pairs. This structure was recognised because adjacent sequences can be distinguished by their frequency of repetition (i.e. repeated or non-repeated) or by their evolutionary origin. Approximately 40 to 45% of the wheat genome and 30 to 35% of the rye genome consists of short non-repeated sequences interspersed between short repeated sequences. Approximately 50% of the wheat genome and 60% of the rye genome consists of tandemly arranged repeated sequences of different evolutionary origins. It is postulated that much of this complex repeated sequence DNA could have arisen from amplification of compound sequences, each containing repeated and non-repeated sequence DNA.Short repeated sequences with a number average length of around 200 base-pairs and which occupy about 20% of the wheat and rye genomes are related to repeated sequences also found in oats and barley. They are concentrated in 60 to 70% of the wheat and rye genomes, being interspersed with different short repeated sequences and a significant proportion of the short non-repeated sequences.Rye chromosomes contain more DNA than wheat chromosomes. This is principally, but not entirely, due to additional repeated sequence DNA. Many quantitative changes appear to have occurred in both genomes, possibly affecting most families of repeated sequences, since wheat and rye diverged from a common ancestor. Both species contain species-specific repeated sequences (24% of rye genome; 16% of wheat genome) but a large proportion of these are closely interspersed with repeated sequences found in both genomes.  相似文献   

M Rosenberg  S Segal  E L Kuff  M F Singer 《Cell》1977,11(4):845-857
DNA fragments containing monkey DNA sequences have been isolated from defective SV40 genomes that carry host sequences in place of portions of the SV40 genome. The fragments were isolated by restriction endonuclease cleavage and contain segments homologous to sequences in both the highly repetitive and unique (or less repetitive) classes of monkey DNA. The complete nucleotide sequence of one such fragment [151 base pairs (bp)] predominantly homologous to the highly reiterated class of monkey DNA was determined using both RNA and DNA sequencing methods. The nucleotide sequence of this homogeneous DNA segment does not contain discernible multiple internal repeating units but only a few short oligonucleotide repeats. The reiteration frequency of the sequence in the monkey genome is >106. Digestion of total monkey DNA (from uninfected cells) with endonuclease R Hind III produces relatively large amounts of discrete DNA fragments that contain extensive regions homologous to the fragment isolated from the defective SV40 DNA.A second fragment, also containing monkey sequences, was isolated from the same defective substituted SV40 genome. The nucleotide sequence of the 33 bp of this second fragment that are contiguous to the 151 bp fragment has also been determined.The sequences in both fragments are also present in other, independently derived, defective substituted SV40 genomes.  相似文献   

The results of a detailed bioinformatic search for ribonucleotidyl coenzyme biosynthetic sequences in DNA- and RNA viral genomes are presented. No RNA viral genome sequence available as of April 2011 appears to encode for sequences involved in coenzyme biosynthesis. In both single- and double-stranded DNA viruses a diverse array of coenzyme biosynthetic genes has been identified, but none of the viral genomes examined here encodes for a complete pathway. Although our conclusions may be constrained by the unexplored diversity of viral genomes and the biases in the construction of viral genome databases, our results do not support the possibility that RNA viruses are direct holdovers from an ancient RNA/protein world. Extrapolation of our results to evolutionary epochs prior to the emergence of DNA genomes suggest that during those early stages living entities may have depended on discontinuous genetic systems consisting of multiple small-size RNA sequences.  相似文献   

M. Feldman  B. Liu  G. Segal  S. Abbo  A. A. Levy    J. M. Vega 《Genetics》1997,147(3):1381-1387
To study genome evolution in allopolyploid plants, we analyzed polyploid wheats and their diploid progenitors for the occurrence of 16 low-copy chromosome- or genome-specific sequences isolated from hexaploid wheat. Based on their occurrence in the diploid species, we classified the sequences into two groups: group I, found in only one of the three diploid progenitors of hexaploid wheat, and group II, found in all three diploid progenitors. The absence of group II sequences from one genome of tetraploid wheat and from two genomes of hexaploid wheat indicates their specific elimination from these genomes at the polyploid level. Analysis of a newly synthesized amphiploid, having a genomic constitution analogous to that of hexaploid wheat, revealed a pattern of sequence elimination similar to the one found in hexaploid wheat. Apparently, speciation through allopolyploidy is accompanied by a rapid, nonrandom elimination of specific, low-copy, probably noncoding DNA sequences at the early stages of allopolyploidization, resulting in further divergence of homoeologous chromosomes (partially homologous chromosomes of different genomes carrying the same order of gene loci). We suggest that such genomic changes may provide the physical basis for the diploid-like meiotic behavior of polyploid wheat.  相似文献   

The reassociation kinetics of DNA fragments obtained from the major components of the mouse and human genomes (recently isolated in our laboratory) have been investigated. It has been found that the relative amounts of interspersed repeated and unique sequences strikingly differ in the different major components of each genome and in the corresponding major components of the two genomes. Furthermore, within each major component, the interspersed repeated and unique sequences do not differ in dG + dC contents. These findings lead to the general conclusion that the sequence organization of mammalian genomes is not uniform in different chromosomal regions and that it exhibits remarkable variations in different mammals.  相似文献   

D Tautz  M Renz 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(10):4127-4138
Simple sequences are stretches of DNA which consist of only one, or a few tandemly repeated nucleotides, for example poly (dA) X poly (dT) or poly (dG-dT) X poly (dC-dA). These two types of simple sequence have been shown to be repetitive and interspersed in many eukaryotic genomes. Several other types have been found by sequencing eukaryotic DNA. In this report we have undertaken a systematical survey for simple sequences. We hybridized synthetical simple sequence DNA to genome blots of phylogenetically different organisms. We found that many, probably even all possible types of simple sequence are repetitive components of eukaryotic genomes. We propose therefore that they arise by common mechanisms namely slippage replication and unequal crossover and that they might have no general function with regards to gene expression. This latter inference is supported by the fact that we have detected simple sequences only in the metabolically inactive micronucleus of the protozoan Stylonychia, but not in the metabolically active macronucleus which is derived from the micronucleus by chromosome diminution.  相似文献   

T Barnett  P M Rae 《Cell》1979,16(4):763-775
A large proportion of the 28S ribosomal RNA genes in Drosophila virilis are interrupted by a DNA sequence 9.6 kilobase pairs long. As regards both its presence and its position in the 28S gene (about two thirds of the way in), the D. virilis rDNA intervening sequence is similar to that found in D. melanogaster rDNA, but lengths differ markedly between the two species. Degrees of nucleotide sequence homology have been detected bewteen rDNA interruptions of the two species. This homology extends to putative rDNA intervening sequences in diverse higher diptera (other Drosophila species, the house fly and the flesh fly), but hybridization of cloned D. melanogaster and D. virilis rDNA interruption segments to DNA of several lower diptera has been negative. As is the case with melanogaster rDNA interruptions, segments of the virilis rDNA intervening sequence hybridize with non-rDNA components of the virilis genome, and interspecific homology may involve these non-rDNA sequences as well as rDNA interruptions. There is, however, evidence from buoyant density fractionation of DNA that the distributions of interruption-related sequences are distinct in D. melanogaster and D. virilis genomes. Moreover, thermal denaturation studies have indicated differing extents of homology between hybridizable sequences in D. virilis DNA and different segments of the D. melanogaster rDNA intervening sequence. We infer from our studies that rDNA intervening sequences are prevalent among higher diptera; that in the course of the evolution of these organisms, elements of the intervening sequences have been moderately to highly conserved; and that this conservation extends in at least two distantly related species of Drosophila to similar sequences found elsewhere in the genomes.  相似文献   

Eucaryotic transposable genetic elements with inverted terminal repeats   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
S Potter  M Truett  M Phillips  A Maher 《Cell》1980,20(3):639-647
DNA carrying inverted repeats was tested for transposition within the Drosophila genome. Five Bam HI segments containing related inverted repeats were isolated from D. melanogaster and analyzed by electron microscopy and restriction mapping. Southern blot experiments using single-copy flanking sequences as probes allowed the study of DNA arrangements at specific sites in the genomes of five closely related strains. We found that in some genomes the sequences with inverted repeats were present at a particular site, whereas in other genomes they were absent from this site. These results indicated that three of the sequences are transposable genetic elements. In one case we have purified the two corresponding DNA segments, with and without the sequence containing inverted repeats, thereby confirming the mobility of this sequence. These DNA elements were found to be distinct in two ways from copia and others previously described: first, they contain inverted terminal repeats, and second, they have a more heterogeneous construction.  相似文献   

We have used computer-assisted methods to search large amounts of the human, yeast and Escherichia coli genomes for inverted repeat (IR) and mirror repeat (MR) DNA sequence patterns. In highly supercoiled DNA some IRs can form cruciforms, while some MRs can form intramolecular triplexes, or H-DNA. We find that total IR and MR sequences are highly enriched in both eukaryotic genomes. In E. coli, however, only total IRs are enriched, while total MRs only occur as frequently as in random sequence DNA. We then used a set of experimentally derived criteria to predict which of the total IRs and MRs are most likely to form cruciforms or H-DNA in supercoiled DNA. We show that strong cruciform forming sequences occur at a relatively high frequency in yeast (1/19 700 bp) and humans (1/41 800 bp), but that H-DNA forming sequences are abundant only in humans (1/49 400 bp). Strong cruciform and H-DNA forming sequences are not abundant in the E.coli genome. These results suggest that cruciforms and H-DNA may have a functional role in eukaryotes, but probably not prokaryotes.  相似文献   

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