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Cladoceran composition and diel horizontal migration were studiedin 2, 10 and 25 m diameter macrophyte exclosures establishedin the littoral zone of shallow Lake Stigsholm, Denmark. Theexclosures were protected from waterfowl grazing, but open tofish. The macrophyte community cornprized Potwnogeton pectinatus,Potamogeton pusillus and Callitriche hemaphroditica. Cladoceranswere sampled randomly every third hour inside and outside themacrophyte exclosures during a 24 h period. In the 2m exclosure,the pelagic species Ceriodaphnia spp. and Bosmina spp. dominatedduring the day, mean density being as high as 3430 indiv. l–1During the night, density decreased to 10–20% of the daytimedensity thus indicating diel horizontal migration. In the 10and 25 m exciosures, the daytime mean density of Ceriodaphniaspp. was 865 and 202 indiv. l–1, respectively, and didnot decrease at night. In contrast to the pelagic species, thedensity of macrophyte-associated species tended to be higherin the 10 and 25 m exclosure than in the 2 m exclosure. In thedaytime, Eurycercus lamellatus density in the 2, 10 and 25 rnmacrophyte exclosures was 7, 28 and 16 indiv. l–1 respectively,while that of Simocephalus vetulus was 11, 171 and 92 mdiv.l–1, respectively. There was no thy-night difference inthe density of macrophyte-associated species. We conclude thatcladoceran community composition varies with macrophyte bedsize, and that the edge zone between the bed and open wateris an important daytime refuge for potentially migrating pelagiccladocerans.  相似文献   

Clonally propagated plants of Dactylis glomerata derived froma well-drained, heavily grazed cliff habitat (clone L) and froman undergrazed poorly-drained soil (clone A) were tested forwaterlogging tolerance in soil-culture. Water-logging did notaffect the two clones differentially, a result, which contrastedstrongly with that of a previous experiment in which simulatedgrazing (clipping to 20 cm) unexpectedly caused clone A to beless tolerant of waterlogging than clone L. Maximum leaf andleaf sheath length was reduced more by water-logging in cloneL than in clone A (P < 0.05). In solution-culture when providedwith factorial combinations of 0.5, 5 and 50 mg dm–2 ofFe2+ and Mn2+ the shoot dry weight yield of the dry-soil clonewas reduced more than that of the wet-soil clone by 50 mg Fedm–3 irrespective of Mn2+ concentration (P < 0.01)but the reduction of growth was less at higher Mn2+ concentrations.Fifty milligrams of Mn2+ dm–3 reduced the growth of thedry soil clone but increased the growth of the wet soil clonewith Fe2+ at 5 mg dm–2 (P < 0.05). Iron at 0.5 mg dm–2was suboptimal for shoot growth of both clones at any levelof Mn2+ and caused more severe leaf chlorosis in the wet soilclone. Leaf tissue of clone L contained more iron than thatof clone A after waterlogging (P < 0.01) but in solutionculture, though increasing iron from 0.5 to 50 mg dm–3almost doubled leaf iron content (P < 0.001), the interactionClones x Mn x Fe just failed to reach significance at P <0.05. The manganese content of leaf tissue from the two clonesvaried differently in response to solution manganese (Clonesx Mn P < 0.01), clone A showing a slightly greater increaseof manganese content at high solution concentration. Iron at50 mg dm–3 suppressed Mn uptake (Mn x Fe, P < 0.001)in both clones. The two clones thus show marked environmentaladaptation to the chemistry of wet and dry soils. Dactylis glomerata, Cocksfoot grass, Orchard grass, waterlogging, iron, manganese, toxicity, deficiency, ecotypes  相似文献   

Five inbred strains (129/J, BALB/cByJ, C3HeB/FeJ, C57BI/6J andDBA/2J) were examined with two-bottle (48 h) preference ratiotesting across concentrations of sodium saccharin (3 x 10–4M, 10–3 M, 3 x 10–3 M and 10–2 M), d-phenylalanine(10–3 M, 10–2 M and 10–1 M), and l-glutamine(10–2 M, 3 x 10–2 M, 10–1 M and 3 x 10–1M). Three consistent groupings of strains were observed acrosssubstances and concentrations:
  1. C57BI/6J (preference at low andhigh concentrations);
  2. BALB/cByJ and C3HeB/FeJ (preferenceat high concentrations);
  3. 129/J and DBA/2J (preference at highconcentration for sodiumsaccharin and indifference to d-phenylalanineand l-glutamine).
If a single locus (presumably dpa or Sac) determines these phenotypes,there are likely to be three alleles. If two independent loci(presumably dpa and Sac) determine these phenotypes, an allelicassignment of Sacb/dpa+s for the C57BI/6J strain, Sacb/dpa–sfor the BALB/cByJ and C3HeB/FeJ strains, and either Sacd/dpa+sor Sacd/dpa–s for the 129/J and DBA/2J strains is suggested.Chem. Senses 20: 291–298, 1995.  相似文献   

Detrez, C., Tetu, T., Sangwan, R. S. and Sangwan-Norreel, B.S., 1988. Direct organogenesis from petiole and thin cell layerexplants in sugar beet cultured in vitro.—J. exp. Bot.39: 917–926. Plant regeneration was obtained by direct bud formation frompetiole as well as from thin cell layer explants taken fromsugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants grown in vitro. The budswere mainly induced in the blade-petiole transition zone ofthe explants. High frequency bud regeneration was observed inpetiole and thin layer explants of 10 different breeding linesof sugar beet tested. Organogenesis resulted when petiole explantsexcised from 8-d-old seedlings grown on half-strength Murashigeand Skoog medium (MS) containing 3.0 mg dm–3 naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 3.0 mg dm–3 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP)and 1.0 mg dm–3 2, 3, 5, triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) werecultured on MS with 3.0 mg dm–3 NAA and 3.0 mg dm–3BAP. Thin cell layer strips isolated from shoot apices culturedon MS medium supplemented with 0–9 mg dm–3 BAP or1.0 mg dm–3 indolebutyric acid (IBA) formed adventitiousbuds on MS medium containing 0–5 mg dm–3 NAA + 5.0mg dm–3 BAP. Histological studies confirmed the sub-epidermalorigin of shoots. Key words: Beta vulgaris, direct organogenesis, in vitro culture, petiole, regeneration, thin cell layer  相似文献   

Grazing by microzooplankton on autotrophic and heterotrophicpicoplankton as well as >0.7 µm phytoplankton (as measuredby chlorophyll a) was quantified during July, August, October,January and April in the surface layer of Logy Bay, Newfoundland(47°38'14'N, 52°39'36'W). Rates of growth and grazingmortality of bacteria, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonwere measured using the sea water dilution technique. Microzooplanktoningested 83–184, 96–366 and 64–118% of bacterial,Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplankton daily potentialproduction, respectively and 34–111, 25–30 and 16–131%of bacterial, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonstanding stocks, respectively. The trends in prey net growthrates followed the seasonal cycles of prey biomass, suggestingthat microzooplankton are important grazers in Newfoundlandcoastal waters. Ingestion was lowest during January and October(~2 µg C l–1 day–1) and highest in August(~20 µg C l–1 day–1). Aside from April when>0.7 µm phytoplankton represented the majority (~80%)of carbon ingested, bacterioplankton and <1 µm phytoplanktonrepresented most of the carbon ingested (~40–100%). Althoughmicrozooplankton have here-to-fore been unrecognized as an importantgrazer population in Newfoundland coastal waters, these resultssuggest that they play an important role in carbon flow withinthe pelagic food web, even at low temperatures in Logy Bay.  相似文献   

Loliun perenne L. (cv.S. 23) was grown on vermiculite in winterin a heated greenhouse for 8 weeks under factorial combinationsof two potassium regimes (nominally 6 parts/106 and 156 parts/106in Hewitt's solution) and three densities of artificially supplementedvisible radiation flux (36.1, 7.3, and 2.2 W m–2). Growthand potassium uptake were studied through the calculation ofvarious growth functions from fitted curves. There was little effect of potassium treatment but the experimentalmaterial responded markedly to light. Leaf-area ratio in thethree treatments showed extreme plasticity in increasing from2–3 x 10–2 through 6 x 10–2 to 8–9 x10–2 m2 g–1 as light intensity decreased. Correspondingdecreases in unit leaf rate, however, caused over-all reductionsin relative growth rate. Specific absorption rates for potassium (AK, dry-weight basis)were strongly reduced at the lower light intensities but alsodisplayed complex ontogenetic drifts. Values of the allometricconstant, k (the ratio of root and shoot relative growth rates),decreased from c. 0.7 at 36.1 W m–2 through c. 0.3 at7.3 W m–2 to a value not significantly different fromzero (P < 0.05) at 2.2 W m–2. In material grown under the two higher light intensities a constantinverse relationship was found between the mass ratio of rootand shoot and the corresponding activity ratio. The resultsconform to this model: Mass ratio = –0.001+45.0 (1/activityratio) where activity ratio is expressed as specific absorptionrate for potassium (in µg g root–1 h–1)/unitshoot rate (rate of increase of whole-plant dry weight per unitshoot dry weight, in mg g shoot–1 h–1). The implicationsof this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Seedlings of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ-2) weregrown in modified Hoagland nutrient solution with various combinationsof NaCl and CaCl2. Marking experiments and numerical analysiswere conducted to characterize the spatial and temporal patternsof cotton root growth at varied Na/Ca ratios. At 1 mol m–3Ca, 150 mol m–3 NaCl reduced overall root elongation rateto 60% of the control, while increasing Ca to 10 mol m–3at the same NaCl concentration restored the elongation rateto 80% of the control. Analysis of the spatial distributionof elongation revealed that the presence of 150 mol m–3NaCl in the medium shortened the growth zone by about 2 mm fromthe approximate 10 mm in the control and also reduced the relativeelemental elongation rate (i.e. the longitudinal strain rate,defined as the derivatives of displacement velocity of a cellularparticle with respect to position on root axis). Supply of 10mol m–3 Ca at the high salt condition restored partiallythe relative elemental elongation rate, but not the length ofthe growth zone. Compared to the control, the growth trajectoriesshowed that at 1 mol m–3 CaCl2 it took more time for acellular particle to move through the growth zone at 150 molm–3 NaCl, while at 10 mol m–3 CaCl it took lesstime and there was no difference between the NaCl treatments Key words: Gossypium hirsutum, salinity stress, root growth kinematics  相似文献   

During the ANTARES 3 cruise in the Indian sector of the SouthernOcean in October–November 1995, the surface waters ofKerguelen Islands plume, and the surface and deeper waters (30–60m) along a transect on 62°E from 48°36'S to the iceedge (58°50'S), were sampled. The phytoplankton communitywas size-fractionated (2 µm) and cell numbers, chlorophyllbiomass and carbon assimilation, through Rubisco and ß-carboxylaseactivities, were characterized. The highest contribution of<2 µm cells to total biomass and total Rubisco activitywas reported in the waters of the Permanent Open Ocean Zone(POOZ) located between 52°S and 55°S along 62°E.In this zone, the picophytoplankton contributed from 26 to 50%of the total chlorophyll (a + b + c) with an average of 0.09± 0.02 µg Chl l–1 for <2 µm cells.Picophytoplankton also contributed 36 to 64% of the total Rubiscoactivity, with an average of 0.80 ± 0.30 mg C mg Chla–1 h–1 for <2 µm cells. The picophytoplanktoncells had a higher ß-carboxylase activity than largercells >2 µm. The mixotrophic capacity of these smallcells is proposed. From sampling stations of the Kerguelen plume,a relationship was observed between the Rubisco activity perpicophytoplankton cell and apparent cell size, which variedwith the sampled water masses. Moreover, a depth-dependent photoperiodicityof Rubisco activity per cell for <2 µm phytoplanktonwas observed during the day/night cycle in the POOZ. In thenear ice zone, a physiological change in picophytoplankton cellsfavouring phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activitywas reported. A species succession, or an adaptation to unfavourableenvironmental conditions such as low temperature and/or availableirradiance levels, may have provoked this change. The high contributionof picophytoplankton to the total biomass, and its high CO2fixation capacity via autotrophy and mixotrophy, emphasize thestrong regeneration of organic materials in the euphotic layerin the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Seventeen size-fractionation experiments were carried out duringthe summer of 1979 to compare biomass and productivity in the< 10, <8 and <5 µm size fractions with that ofthe total phytoplankton community in surface waters of NarragansettBay. Flagellates and non-motile ultra-plankton passing 8 µmpolycarbonate filters dominated early summer phytoplankton populations,while diatoms and dinoflagellates retained by 10 µm nylonnetting dominated during the late summer. A significant numberof small diatoms and dinoflagellates were found in the 10–8µm size fraction. The > 10 µm size fraction accountedfor 50% of the chlorophyll a standing crop and 38% of surfaceproduction. The <8 µm fraction accounted for 39 and18% of the surface biomass and production. Production by the< 8 µm fraction exceeded half of the total communityproduction only during a mid-summer bloom of microflagellates.Mean assimilation numbers and calculated carbon doubling ratesin the <8 µm (2.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 0.9day–1)and<5 µm(1.7 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 0.5day–1)size fractions were consistently lower than those of the totalpopulation (4.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 1.3 day–1)and the <10 µm size fraction (5.8 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 1.4 day –1). The results indicate that smalldiatoms and dinoflagellates in fractionated phytoplankton populationscan influence productivity out of proportion to their numbersor biomass. 1Present address: Australian Institute of Marine Science, P.M.B.No. 3, Townsville M.S.O., Qld. 4810, Australia.  相似文献   

Faraday, C. D., Quinton, P. M. and Thomson, W. W. 1986. Ionfluxes across the transfusion zone of secreting Limonium saltglands determined from secretion rates, transfusion zone areasand plasmodesmatal frequencies.—J. exp. Bot. 37: 482–494. The epidermal salt-secreting glands of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae)are enclosed in a cuticular envelope. Ions and metabolites enterthe glands from the mesophyll through gaps in the cuticularenvelope, the transfusion zones. Net influxes of ions acrossthe transfusion zone were calculated from measurements of secretionrates and transfusion zone areas. When leaves of L. pereziiF. T. Hubb. were treated with 300 mol m–3 NaCl, transfusionzone influxes of Na+ K+, Ca++ and Cl as high as 7?0?10–5,1.7?10–5, 5?8?10–7 and 8.5?10–5 mol m–2s–1 respectively, were calculated. Assuming a transmembranepathway, these fluxes would be some of the highest reportedfor ions in plant cells. Key words: Salt glands, ion fluxes, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Yield stress threshold (Y) and volumetric extensibility () arethe rheological properties that appear to control root growth.In this study they were measured in wheat roots by means ofparallel measurement of the growth rate (r) of intact wheatroots and of the turgor pressures (P) of individual cells withinthe expansion zone. Growth and turgor pressure were manipulatedby immersion in graded osmoticum (mannitol) solutions. Turgorwas measured with a pressure probe and growth rate by visualobservation. The influence of various growth conditions on Yand was investigated; (a) At 27 °C.In 0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2 r, P, Y and were20.7±4.6 µm min–1, 0.77±0.05 MPa,0.07±0.03 MPa and 26±1.9 µm min–1MPa–1 (expressed as increase in length), respectively.Following 24 h growth in 10 mol m–3 KC1 these parametersbecame 12.3±3.5 µm min–1, 0.72±0.04MPa, 0.13±0.01 MPa and 21±0.7 µm min–1MPa–1. After 24 h osmotic adjustment in 150 mol m–3mannitol/0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2 r= 19.6±4.2 µmmin–1, P = 0.68±0.05 MPa and Y and were 0.07±0.04MPa and 30±0.2 µm min–1 MPa–01, respectively.After 24 h growth in 350 mol m–3 mannitol/0.5 mol m–3CaCl2 r= 13.3±4.1 µm min–1, P= 0.58±0.07MPa, Y=0.12±0.01 MPa and ø 32±0.2 tim min–1MPa–1. During osmotic adjustment in 200 mol m–3mannitol/0.5 mol m–3 CaCl2, with or without KCl, the recoveryof growth rate corresponded to turgor pressure recovery (t1/2approximately 3 h). (b) At 15 °C. Lowered temperature dramatically influencedthe growth parameters which became r= 8.3±2.8 um min–1,P=0.78 MPa, r=<0.2 MPa and =15±0.1 µm min–1MPa–1. Therefore, Y and are influenced by 10 mol m–3 K+ ionsand low temperature. In each case the effective pressure forgrowth (P-Y) was large indicating that small fluctuations ofsoil water potential will not stop root elongation. Key words: Yield threshold, cell wall extensibility, wheat root growth, temperature, turgor pressur  相似文献   

Carbon dynamics in the 'grazing food chain' of a subtropical lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies were conducted over a 13 month period at four pelagicsites in eutrophic Lake Okeechobee, Florida (USA), in orderto quantify carbon (C) uptake rates by size-fractionated phytoplankton,and subsequent transfers of C to zooplankton. This was accomplishedusing laboratory 14C tracer methods and natural plankton assemblages.The annual biomass of picoplankton (<2 µm), nanoplankton(2–20 µm) and microplankton (<20 µm averaged60, 389 and 100 µg C 1–1 respectively, while correspondingrates of C uptake averaged 7, 51 and 13 µg C1–1h–1. The biomass of microzooplankton (40–200 µm)and macrozooplankton (<200 µm averaged 18 and 60 µgC 1–1, respectively, while C uptake rates by these herbivoregroups averaged 2 and 3 µg C 1–1 h–1. Therewere no strong seasonal patterns in any of the plankton metrics.The ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton C uptake averaged7% over the course of the study. This low value is typical ofthat observed in eutrophic temperate lakes with small zooplanktonand large inedible phytoplankton, and indicates ineffectiveC transfer in the grazing food chain. On a single occasion,there was a high density (<40 1–1) of Daphnia lumholrzii,a large-bodied exotic cladoceran. At that time, zooplanktoncommunity C uptake was <20 µg C 1–1 h–1and the ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton C uptake was near30%. If D.lumholrzii proliferates in Lake Okeechobee and theother Florida lakes where it has recently been observed, itmay substantially alter planktonic C dynamics.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in diversity and biomass of tintinnids (Ciliophora:Tintinnida) were investigated at two fixed stations in the innerpart of the Bahía Blanca Estuary (38°42' S, 61°50'W) during an annual cycle. The variations were analysed in relationto surface temperature, salinity, transparency, solar radiationand chlorophyll a (Chl a)concentration. Biomass was calculatedin terms of biovolume and carbon units. Diversity was estimatedas the number of species and the Shannon Index (H', ln based).Density of tintinnids ranged from 100 to 7800 individuals L–1H' ranged from 0 to 1.81. The biomass varied from 0.3 to 127.78x 106 µm3 L–1 (0.02–39.4 µg C L–1).Density was significantly related to temperature, solar radiationand Secchi distance (P < 0.01); diversity was significantlyrelated to temperature (P < 0.01) and solar radiation (P< 0.05). Biomass was significantly related only to temperature(P < 0.01) in one of the stations. According to principalcomponents analysis (PCA) tintinnids exhibited a segregationof three groups: winter, spring–summer and autumn forthe most internal station and winter, spring and summer–autumnfor the most external station. H' values were lower than thoseobserved in other coastal systems found at about the same latitudein the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The IJsselmeer (surface area 1200 km2, mean depth 4.5 m, residencetime 0.4 year, phosphorus load 7 g m–2 year–1) isa very important conservation area. Regular summer bloomingof Oscillatoria spp. can depreciate this value, so the boundsof possibility of this kind of blooming have been investigated.Therefore samples were taken along the shore and in the openwater from 1974 to 1982, continuous temperature profile measurementswere made in the same period in the middle of the lake and insitu primary production was measured in 1976 and 1977. The phytoplanktonconsists of green algae throughout the year, diatoms in spring,and blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa in summer. Blooming ofOscillatoria agardhii Gom occurs regularly in summer along theFrisian shore. In 1976, however, a heavy bloom of this algaoccurred in the whole lake. Comparing the IJsselmeer with shallowerOscillatoria-lakes in the Netherlands distinct differences arepresent concerning biomass, chlorophyll a content, relativevolume of the euphotic zone and light-dark cycle. Not only thelarger depth and extensiveness of the IJsselmeer are unfavourablefactors for Oscillatoria, but also the separation by land reclamationof many of the shallow littoral regions from the main body ofthe lake. High temperature and microstratification are neededto develop a bloom in the whole lake.  相似文献   

For Gyrodinium aureolum significant irradiance and daylengtheffects were found on the division rate and on the growth-relevantChla-normalized photosynthetic rate (gPB). Optimum conditionsof irradiance and daylength were found at 230 µmol m–2s–1 and 14 h for the division rate, and at >260 µmolm–2 s–1 and <6 h for gPB.gPB showed no photoinhibition,while the division rate decreased markedly at irradiances abovesaturation. This difference and the difference in optimum irradiancebetween the division rate and gPB are explained by a decreasein cellular Chla/carbon ratio with increasing irradiance. Thecellular content of carbon and nitrogen decreased significantlywith increasing irradiance. Total phosphorus was independentof irradiance and daylength. Below the saturation irradiancefor gPB the daily Chla-normalized carbon yield may be describedas an exponential function of the daily irradiance (irradiancex daylength).  相似文献   

The growth of four heathland species, two grasses (D. flexuosa,M. caerulea) and two dwarf shrubs (C. vulgaris, E. tetralix),was tested in solution culture at pH 4.0 with 2 mol m–3N, varying the N03/NH4+ ratio up to 40% nitrate. In addition,measurements of NRA, plant chemical composition, and biomassallocation were carried out on a complete N03/NH4+ replacementseries up to 100% nitrate. With the exception of M. caerulea, the partial replacement ofNH4+ by NO3 tended to enhance the plant's growth ratewhen compared to NH4+ only. In contrast to the other species,D. flexuosa showed a very flexible response in biomass allocation:a gradual increase in the root weight ratio (RWR) with NO3increasing from 0 to 100%. In the presence of NH4+, grassesreduced nitrate in the shoot only; roots did not become involvedin the reduction of nitrate until zero ambient NH4+. The dwarfshrubs, being species that assimilate N exclusively in theirroots, displayed an enhanced root NRA in the presence of nitrate;in contrast to the steady increase with increasing NO3in Calluna roots, enzyme activity in Erica roots followed arather irregular pattern. Free nitrate accumulated in the tissuesof grasses only, and particularly in D. flexuosa. The relative uptake ratio for NO3 [(proportion of nitratein N uptake)/(proportion of nitrate in N supply)] was lowestin M. caerulea and highest in D. flexuosa. Whereas M. caeruleaand the dwarf shrubs always absorbed ammonium highly preferentially(relative uptake ratio for NO3 <0.20), D. flexuosashowed a strong preference for NO3 at low external nitrate(the relative uptake ratio for N03 reaching a value of2.0 at 10% NO3). The ecological significance of thisprominent high preference for NO3 at low NO3/NH4+ratio by D. flexuosa and its consequences for soil acidificationare briefly discussed. Key words: Ammonium, heathland lants, N03/NH4+ ratio, nitrate, nitrate reductase activity, soil acidification, specific absorption rate  相似文献   

Both predicted (incubator) and measured (in situ) 14C-assimilationrates were studied from February to November 1981 at three stationsin Boknafjorden, a deep silled fjord of western Norway. Sampleswere taken from different light depths within the euphotic zone.A high degree of conformity was found between the two approaches.Daily values of carbon assimilation integrated over the euphoticzone varied between 0.05 and 1.4 g C m–2. Yearly primaryproduction varied between stations from 82 to 112 g C m–2(120–148 g C m–2 when based on average light conditions).The light-saturation curve parameters B and PBmax ranged from0.0056 to 0.0537 mg C mg Chla–1 h–1 µE–1m2 and from 0.7 to 8.5 mg C mg Chla–1 h–2 (in situassimilation numbers ranged from 0.9 to 9.3 mg C mg Chla–1h–1) respectively, which compare well with those publishedfrom the northwestern side of the Atlantic. The overall importanceof light in controlling photosynthesis throughout the year wasrevealed by the light utilization index , estimated to be 0.43mg C mg Chla–1 E–1 m2. The maximum quantum yieldwas encountered on August 17, with 0.089 mol CE–1. Chla/Cratios above and below 0.010 were found to be typical for shade-and light-adapted cells respectively. Assimilation numbers andgrowth rates were linearly related only when considering light-adaptedcells. Consistent with the findings of this study, the applicabilityof IK, B and PBmax as indicators of light-shade adaptation propertiesshould be questioned. Maximum growth rates were encounteredduring an autumn bloom of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum(1.0 doublings day–1), while 0.7–0.8 doublings day–1were found for a winter bloom (water temperature of 2°C)of the diatom Skeletonema costatum. No unambiguous temperatureeffect on assimilation number and growth of phytoplankton couldbe recognized in Boknafjorden. A tendency towards increasedassimilation numbers coinciding with increased water columnstability was revealed. The highest PBmax values were oftenencountered at almost undetectable nutrient concentrations.At least during summer this could be attributed to recyclingof nutrients by macro- and/or microzooplankton, responsiblefor a greater part of the primary production now being grazeddown. This study supports the convention that the depth of theeuphotic zone may extend considerably below the 1% light depth.  相似文献   

Microzooplankton grazing and community structure were investigatedin the austral summer of 1995 during a Southern Ocean Drogueand Ocean Flux Study (SODOFS) at the ice-edge zone of the LazarevSea. Grazing was estimated at the surface chlorophyll maximum(5–10 m) by employing the sequential dilution technique.Chlorophyll a concentrations were dominated by chainformingmicrophytoplankton (>20 µm) of the genera Chaetocerosand Nitzschia. Microzooplankton were numerically dominated byaloricate ciliates and dinoflagellates (Protoperidinium sp.,Amphisoleta sp. and Gymnodinium sp.). Instantaneous growth ratesof nanophytoplankton (<20 µm) varied between 0.019and 0.080 day–1, equivalent to between 0.03 and 0.12 chlorophylldoublings day–1. Instantaneous grazing rates of microzooplanktonon nanophytoplankton varied from 0.012 to 0.052 day–1.This corresponds to a nanophytoplankton daily loss of between1.3 and 7.0% (mean = 3.76%) of the initial standing stock, andbetween 45 and 97% (mean = 70.37%) of the daily potential production.Growth rates of microphytoplankton (>20 µm) were lower,varying between 0.011 and 0.070 day–1, equivalent to 0.015–0.097chlorophyll doublings day–1. At only three of the 10 stationsdid grazing by microzooplankton result in a decrease in microphytoplanktonconcentration. At these stations instantaneous grazing ratesof microzooplankton on microphytoplankton ranged between 0.009and 0.015 day–1, equivalent to a daily loss of <1.56%(mean = 1.11%) of initial standing stock and <40% (mean =28.55%) of the potential production. Time series grazing experimentsconducted at 6 h intervals did not show any diel patterns ofgrazing by microzooplankton. Our data show that microzooplanktongrazing at the ice edge were not sufficient to prevent chlorophylla accumulation in regions dominated by rnicrophytoplankton.Here, the major biological routes for the uptake of carbon thereforeappear to be grazing by metazoans or the sedimentation of phytoplanktoncells. Under these conditions, the biological pump will be relativelyefficient in the drawdown of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The fecundity and somatic growth rates of Calanus agulhensisand Calanoides carinatus, the dominant large calanoid copepodsin the southern Benguela upwelling system, as well as the fecundityof several other common copepods, were measured between Septemberand March of 1993/94 and 1994/95. Mean egg production of mostcopepods was low at >30 eggs female-1 day-1 {Calanoides carinatus23.7, Calanus agulhensis 19.0, Neocalanus tonsus 16.1 and Rhincalanusnasutus 26.1), whereas the mean fecundity of Centropages brachiatuswas significantly greater (83.6 eggs female–1 day-1).This study also presents the first comprehensive field estimatesof the fecundity of Nanno-calanus minor (mean: 26.1 eggs female–1day–1, range: 0.0–96.2 eggs female–1 day–1)and of somatic growth of N6 and all copepodite stages of Calanoidescarinatus (decreasing from 0.58 day–1 for N6 to 0.04 day–1for C5). Somatic growth rates of Calanus agulhensis also declinedwith age: from 0.57 day1 for N6 to 0.09 day1 for C5. Data ongrowth rates were used to assess the relative importance offood [as measured by total chlorophyll (Chi) a concentration],phytoplankton cell size (proportion of cells >10 µm)and temperature to the growth of copepods. Multiple regressionresults suggested that fecundity and somatic growth rates werepositively related to both Chi a concentration and phytoplanktoncell size, but not to temperature. Although it was not possibleto separate the effects of Chi a concentration and phytoplanktoncell size, data from previous laboratory experiments suggestthat copepod growth is not limited by small cells per se, butby the low Chi a concentrations that are associated with theseparticles in the field. Despite growth not being directly relatedto temperature, a dome-shaped relationship was evident in somespecies, with slower growth rates at cool (<13°C) andwarm (>18°C) temperatures. The shape of this relationshipmirrors that of Chi a versus temperature, where poor Chi a concentrationsare associated with cool and warm temperatures. It is concludedthat the effect of food limitation on growth of copepods outweighsthat of temperature in the southern Benguela region. Sourcesof variability in relationships between growth and Chi a concentrationare discussed.  相似文献   

Food size selectivity was examined in Artemia franciscana metanaupliiat three different developmental stages. Clearance rates weredetermined in short-term experiments either by measuring thedecrease in concentration of live particles and plastic beads,or by measuring the radioactivity accumulated in animals thatgrazed 14C-labelled live particles. The maximum clearance rateofA.franciscana metanauplii increased during development andwas measured at 50–63 µl ind.–1 h–1,254 µl ind.–1 h–1 and 1.48–2.10 ml ind.–1h–1 in 2-, 4- and 7-day-old metanauplii, respectively.A preference for particles with a diameter of 4–8 µmwas observed at all three developmental stages. The abilityof A.franciscana metanauplii to graze bacterial particles wasalso demonstrated, although the efficiency in grazing such smallparticles was low compared to microalgae (28, 20 and 9% of themaximum clearance rate in 2-, 4- and 7-day-old metanauplii,respectively). Electron microscopy showed that the inter-setulardistance in antennae and thoracopods was 0.20 ± 0.07,0.16 ± 0.05 and 0.18 ± 0.04 µm in 2-, 4-and 7-day-old metanauplii, respectively, and accordingly independentof stage.  相似文献   

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