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Coscinoderma sporadense sp.n. is described from shallow waters in the North Aegean. This is the first record of a Coscinoderma species from the Mediterranean. The new species is compared to the deep water East Atlantic Coscinoderma confragosum Poléjaeff, 1884, and clear differences between them are established. The status of the genus Coscinoderma is discussed.  相似文献   

Two new marine scuticociliates, Pleuronema sinica n. sp. and P. wilberti n. sp., collected from the sand beach of Qingdao, China, were investigated in vivo and following protargol impregnation. Ciliates of the genus Pleuronema are normally recognizable by their large sail-like paroral membrane although one species, P. grolierei, has shorter cilia in the paroral membrane. Neither of the new forms has the conspicuous paroral membrane in vivo so in this respect they are not typical members of this genus. Pleuronema sinica is characterized by its large, conspicuously flattened body, the possession of only one preoral kinety, the irregular-shaped macronucleus and the rather unusual structure of the oral apparatus. By contrast P. wilberti has a medium-size broad-oval body, six to eight preoral kineties and a highly differentiated membranelle 3 that is five- or six-rowed. An identification key is supplied for the 15 species of Pleuronema for which the infraciliature is known.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Taonia (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta) is described from the Mediterranean Sea. The species is characterized by pseudodichotomous fronds having entire margins and by a pronounced differentiation between the medullary and cortical cells throughout the thallus. Only tetrasporangial plants were found. The species differs from T. atomaria f. ciliata in having differently sized cells in cross section and an entire margin and from T. lennebackerae in both the habit and in the shape of cells in longitudinal section.  相似文献   

A geographical survey was made of the distribution of diaphanoid Ceramia in the Baltic Sea and adjacent waters west of the Baltic. It was found that Ceramium plants with so-called 'Gobi's' parasporangia (monosporangia) have a wide distribution in the Baltic Sea at salinities of ca (3) 5–8%. This brackish-water Ceramium is here described as a new species, Ceramium gobii. At higher salinities in the south of the Baltic Sea and on the Swedish west coast, round parasporangia (polysporangia) indicate the occurrence of other Ceramium species. The new species is very similar to the brackish-water species Ceramium radiculosum , which was described from river-mouths to the Gulf of Trieste (Italy). A comparison was made of several diaphanoid Ceramium species, C. diaphanum, C. tenuicorne, C. gobii , and C. radiculosum , including (1) size of male plants, (2) type of paraspores, (3) vegetative characters.  相似文献   

A new species of Mesaiokeras is described from the hyperbenthosof Veliko Jezero, a marine lake on the island of Mljet, Croatia.This is the first species of this genus and family (Mesaiokeratidae)reported from the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas. It is characterizedby small body length (an average 361 µm for females and337 µm for males), the low number of free segments (21)and the armature of the antennules, very long spine (a2) ofexopodite I of female right leg 4, the presence of long processeson the ventroposterior area of the female genital double-somite,the form and surface ornamentation of the genital area, theform and ornamentation of male and female leg 5, and the formand armature of caudal rami. This species was found in shallowwater with very stable hydrographic conditions and at a populationdensity from 1 to 26 ind. m-3.  相似文献   

Specimens of the marine fishes Chaetodon lineolatus (Chaetodontidae), Lethrinus nebulosus (Lethrinidae) and Acanthopagrus bifasciatus (Sparidae) were caught in the Red Sea off the coast of Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt. Fifteen (75%), four (16%) and fourteen (35%) fish, respectively, were found to harbour intestinal trematodes. C. lineolatus was parasitised by Neohypocreadium aegyptense n. sp. (Lepocreadiidae), L. nebulosus by Fairfaxia cribbi n. sp. (Opecoelidae) and A. bifasciatus by Macvicaria chrysophrys (Nagaty & Abdel-Aal, 1969) Bray, 1985 (Opecoelidae). N. aegyptense n. sp. is most similar to N. chaetodoni (Mahavi, 1972), but is smaller and differs in having acinous rather than digitate ovarian lobes, vitelline follicles extending anteriorly to midway between the ventral sucker and the intestinal bifurcation and an external seminal vesicle extending posteriorly to reach the anterior margin of the ovary. The generic diagnosis of Neohypocreadium is amended. F. cribbi n. sp. resembles F. lethini Cribb, 1990, but differs in having relatively smaller gonads, cirrus-sac and eggs, and larger suckers and pharynx. M. chrysophrys, collected from its type-host and locality, is redescribed. Plagioporus saoudi Ramadan, 1985 is considered its synonym.  相似文献   

A new scleractinian coral species, Cyphastrea kausti sp. n., is described from 13 specimens from the Red Sea. It is characterised by the presence of eight primary septa, unlike the other species of the genus, which have six, ten or 12 primary septa. The new species has morphological affinities with Cyphastrea microphthalma, from which it can be distinguished by the lower number of septa (on average eight instead of ten), and smaller calices and corallites. This species was observed in the northern and central Red Sea and appears to be absent from the southern Red Sea.  相似文献   

Paramoeba invadens n. sp. is described from sea urchin tissues and from culture. Amoebae are 20–40 μm in length with an irregular hyaline region producing short subpseudopodia. One parasome per cell is present. The parasome is bipolar with basophilic, Feulgen-positive poles and a Feulgen-negative median segment. The fine structure of the parasome resembles those in other species of Paramoeba and the surface of the amoeba is plain with no hairs or scales. Amoebae dislodged from tissues often adopt a semifloating form; floating forms have been seen in culture. Amoebae circulate within lumina of the water vascular system and can migrate readily into or out of tissues.  相似文献   

Choudhury M  Doti BL  Brandt A 《ZooKeys》2011,(82):45-57
A new species of Coulmannia, Coulmannia rossensis, is described from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. It is most similar to Coulmannia ramosae Castelló, 2004, but can easily be distinguished from this species bythe males yielding a pair of granulate humps on the dorsum of the pereonites 1-6 and a single granulate hump on the pereonite 7 and the free pleonite. Coulmannia rossensissp. n. is sexually dimorphic. The dorsal sculpture of the female bodies yield a single granulate hump on all the pereonites and free pleonite. The species of the genus Coulmannia are restricted to the Southern Ocean, and Coulmannia rossensissp. n. is the fourth species included in it.  相似文献   

A new microsporidian species, Glugea arabica n. sp., is reported infecting the intestinal wall of the marine teleost Epinephelus polyphekadion (=microdon) collected from the Red Sea coast off Saudi Arabia, and described on the basis of microscopic and molecular procedures. Spherical blackish xenomas formed parasitophorous vacuoles completely packed with several parasitic developmental stages, including spores. The nuclei were monokaryotic in all developmental stages. Spores were ellipsoidal to pyriform and measured 6.3 ± 0.3 (5.9–6.6) μm in length and 3.3 ± 0.4 (2.9–3.7) μm in width. A lamellar polaroplast surrounded the uncoiled portion of the polar filament, which extended into the spore's posterior pole and formed 27–29 coils organized in three or four rows. The posterior vacuole, located at the spore's posterior pole, appeared surrounded by the polar filament coils and displayed an irregular matrix composed of light material, in which was located the posterosome. Molecular analysis of the rRNA genes, including the ITS region, was performed using maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methodologies. The ultrastructural features observed, in combination with the molecular data analysed, suggests the parasite to be a new species of the genus Glugea.  相似文献   

A new species of poecilostomatoid copepod, Doridicola indistinctus n. sp. (Rhynchomolgidae), is described from specimens found in association with the soft coral Gersemia fruticosa Sars (Alcyonacea: Nephtheidae), collected from the White Sea. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following features in the female: (i) antenna tipped, with two subequal large claws which are about as long as the segment bearing them; (ii) two naked, extremely unequal setae on the middle segment of the maxilliped, the short, medial seta less than half-length of the outer seta; and (iii) free segment of leg 5 bears the basal swelling and is ornamented with spinules on the outer surface. This is the first report of a copepod occurring in symbiosis with nephtheid corals from the Arctic Zone. It also constitutes the northernmost record for a species of Doridicola Leydig, 1853, which is the largest genus of the Rhynchomolgidae Burmeister, 1835 comprising 52 species, including the present new species.  相似文献   

A new soil ciliate, Pseudonotohymena antarctica n. g., n. sp., from King George Island, Antarctica, is described based on live observation, protargol impregnation, and its 18S rRNA gene. The new genus Pseudonotohymena is morphologically similar to the genus Notohymena Blatterer and Foissner 1988 in the following characteristics: 18 fronto‐ventral‐transverse cirri, a flexible body, undulating membranes, dorsomarginal kineties, and the number of cirri in the marginal rows. However, Pseudonotohymena differs from Notohymena particularly in the dorsal ciliature, that is, in possessing a nonfragmented dorsal kinety (vs. fragmented). In addition, the molecular phylogenetic relationship of the new species differs from that of Notohymena species. On the basis of the morphological features, the genetic data, and morphogenesis, we establish P. antarctica n. g., n. sp. In addition, the cyst morphology of this species is described.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne morocciensis n. sp. is described from specimens parasitic on peach rootstock from Morocco. This species exhibits a combination of morphological characters similar to M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica. The perineal pattern of females is oval to squarish with a moderately high to high dorsal arch, and widely spaced, smooth striae; lateral lines are absent. The stylet, 16.5 μm long, has transversely ovoid, set-off knobs. Males have a set-off, annulated head region. The large, rounded labial disc is distinctly demarcated from the crescent-shaped medial lips; lateral lips are absent. The robust stylet, 24.6 μm long, has large, rounded knobs that taper slightly posteriorly. Mean second-stage juvenile (J2) length is 401 μm. The set-offhead region has incomplete annulations; the lip structures are dumbbell shaped. The stylet, 12.3 μm long, has rounded knobs that slope posteriorly. The J2 tail, 52.6 μm long, has irregularly sized annules in the posterior region and ends in a bluntly rounded tip. Tomato, tobacco, pepper, and watermelon are good hosts; cotton and peanut are not hosts. Meloidogyne morocciensis n. sp. reproduces by mitotic parthenogenesis and has a somatic chromosome number of 47-49. Its esterase phenotype is identical with the three-banded phenotype (A3) of M. arenaria.  相似文献   

The new species, Chalara lichenicola, is characterized by its diminutive, pale brown, 20–47 pm long phialophores arising without any superficial mycelium from the basal parts of the podetium of the lichen Cladonia gracilis as well as from the immature basidiomata of a Tremella sp., likewise parasitic (or saprophytic?) on the same podetia. The phialoconidia are hyaline, unicellular, cylindrical with truncate ends. 2.54.0 × 0.5–0.8 Bunim. It is the first lichenicolous hyphomycete to be included in the form-genus Chalara.  相似文献   

Steinernema weiseri n. sp. is described from a roadside with apple trees near Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic. The species is also widely distributed in Germany and Slovakia, from where it had previously been reported as Steinernema spec. F. The British Steinernema sp. D1 is considered conspecific with S. weiseri n. sp. Males of the new species are mainly characterised by light brown, slightly curved spicules with a long manubrium and the presence of a short tail mucron in the second generation. Third-stage infective juveniles are characterised by a `medium size' body and tail length, short hyaline tail portion (mostly around 1/3 of tail length), the excretory pore situated in the mid-pharynx region, lip region slightly offset, angular and flattened, and the lateral field having nine equally developed lines separated by eight distinct ridges. S. weiseri n. sp. is most similar to S. feltiae, with which it did not hybridise. RFLP analysis of the ITS region of the rDNA repeat shows S. weiseri n. sp. to be distinct from 50 other Steinernema species and isolates. The new species was found in a wide range of habitats and is readily maintained on Galleria mellonella larvae.  相似文献   

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