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Plasma membranes in eukaryotic cells display asymmetric lipid distributions with aminophospholipids concentrated in the inner and sphingolipids in the outer leaflet. This asymmetry is maintained by ATP-driven lipid transporters whose identities are unknown. The yeast plasma membrane contains two P-type ATPases, Dnf1p and Dnf2p, with structural similarity to ATPase II, a candidate aminophospholipid translocase from bovine chromaffin granules. Loss of Dnf1p and Dnf2p virtually abolished ATP-dependent transport of NBD-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylcholine from the outer to the inner plasma membrane leaflet, leaving transport of sphingolipid analogs unaffected. Labeling with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid revealed that the amount of phosphatidylethanolamine exposed on the surface of Deltadnf1Deltadnf2 cells increased twofold relative to wild-type cells. Phosphatidylethanolamine exposure by Deltadnf1Deltadnf2 cells further increased upon removal of Drs2p, an ATPase II homolog in the yeast Golgi. These changes in lipid topology were accompanied by a cold-sensitive defect in the uptake of markers for bulk-phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Our findings demonstrate a requirement for Dnf1p and Dnf2p in lipid translocation across the yeast plasma membrane. Moreover, it appears that Dnf1p, Dnf2p and Drs2p each help regulate the transbilayer lipid arrangement in the plasma membrane, and that this regulation is critical for budding endocytic vesicles.  相似文献   

Drs2p family P-type ATPases (P4-ATPases) are required in multiple vesicle-mediated protein transport steps and are proposed to be phospholipid translocases (flippases). The P4-ATPases Drs2p and Dnf1p cycle between the exocytic and endocytic pathways, and here we define endocytosis signals required by these proteins to maintain a steady-state localization to internal organelles. Internalization of Dnf1p from the plasma membrane uses an NPFXD endocytosis signal and its recognition by Sla1p, part of an endocytic coat/adaptor complex with clathrin, Pan1p, Sla2p/End4p, and End3p. Drs2p has multiple endocytosis signals, including two NPFXDs near the C terminus and PEST-like sequences near the N terminus that may mediate ubiquitin (Ub)-dependent endocytosis. Drs2p localizes to the trans-Golgi network in wild-type cells and accumulates on the plasma membrane when both the Ub- and NPFXD-dependent endocytic mechanisms are inactivated. Surprisingly, the pan1-20 temperature-sensitive mutant is constitutively defective for Ub-dependent endocytosis but is not defective for NPFXD-dependent endocytosis at the permissive growth temperature. To sustain viability of pan1-20, Drs2p must be endocytosed through the NPFXD/Sla1p pathway. Thus, Drs2p is an essential endocytic cargo in cells compromised for Ub-dependent endocytosis. These results demonstrate an essential role for endocytosis in retrieving proteins back to the Golgi, and they define critical cargos of the NPFXD/Sla1p system.  相似文献   

Drs2p, a P-type adenosine triphosphatase required for a phosphatidylserine (PS) flippase activity in the yeast trans Golgi network (TGN), was first implicated in protein trafficking by a screen for mutations synthetically lethal with arf1 (swa). Here, we show that SWA4 is allelic to CDC50, encoding a membrane protein previously shown to chaperone Drs2p from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex. We find that cdc50Delta exhibits the same clathrin-deficient phenotypes as drs2Delta, including delayed transport of carboxypeptidase Y to the vacuole, mislocalization of resident TGN enzymes and the accumulation of aberrant membrane structures. These trafficking defects precede appearance of cell polarity defects in cdc50Delta, suggesting that the latter are a secondary consequence of disrupting Golgi function. Involvement of Drs2p-Cdc50p in PS translocation suggests a role in restricting PS to the cytosolic leaflet of the Golgi and plasma membrane. Annexin V binding and papuamide B hypersensitivity indicate that drs2Delta or cdc50Delta causes a loss of plasma membrane PS asymmetry. However, clathrin and other endocytosis null mutants also exhibit a comparable loss of PS asymmetry, and studies with drs2-ts and clathrin (chc1-ts) conditional mutants suggest that loss of plasma membrane asymmetry is a secondary consequence of disrupting protein trafficking.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factor appears to regulate the budding of both COPI and clathrin-coated transport vesicles from Golgi membranes. An arf1Delta synthetic lethal screen identified SWA3/DRS2, which encodes an integral membrane P-type ATPase and potential aminophospholipid translocase (or flippase). The drs2 null allele is also synthetically lethal with clathrin heavy chain (chc1) temperature-sensitive alleles, but not with mutations in COPI subunits or other SEC genes tested. Consistent with these genetic analyses, we found that the drs2Delta mutant exhibits late Golgi defects that may result from a loss of clathrin function at this compartment. These include a defect in the Kex2-dependent processing of pro-alpha-factor and the accumulation of abnormal Golgi cisternae. Moreover, we observed a marked reduction in clathrin-coated vesicles that can be isolated from the drs2Delta cells. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence analysis indicate that Drs2p localizes to late Golgi membranes containing Kex2p. These observations indicate a novel role for a P-type ATPase in late Golgi function and suggest a possible link between membrane asymmetry and clathrin function at the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Sec2p is required for the polarized transport of secretory vesicles in S. cerevisiae. The Sec2p NH(2) terminus encodes an exchange factor for the Rab protein Sec4p. Sec2p associates with vesicles and in Sec2p COOH-terminal mutants Sec4p and vesicles no longer accumulate at bud tips. Thus, the Sec2p COOH terminus functions in targeting vesicles, however, the mechanism of function is unknown. We found comparable exchange activity for truncated and full-length Sec2 proteins, implying that the COOH terminus does not alter the exchange rate. Full-length Sec2-GFP, similar to Sec4p, concentrates at bud tips. A COOH-terminal 58-amino acid domain is necessary but not sufficient for localization. Sec2p localization depends on actin, Myo2p and Sec1p, Sec6p, and Sec9p function. Full-length, but not COOH-terminally truncated Sec2 proteins are enriched on membranes. Membrane association of full-length Sec2p is reduced in sec6-4 and sec9-4 backgrounds at 37 degrees C but unaffected at 25 degrees C. Taken together, these data correlate loss of localization of Sec2 proteins with reduced membrane association. In addition, Sec2p membrane attachment is substantially Sec4p independent, supporting the notion that Sec2p interacts with membranes via an unidentified Sec2p receptor, which would increase the accessibility of Sec2p exchange activity for Sec4p.  相似文献   

Microtubule-dependent transport of secretory vesicles in RBL-2H3 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antigen-mediated activation of mast cells results in Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of preformed mediators of the inflammatory response. To investigate the role of secretory vesicle motility in this response, we have performed time-lapse confocal microscopy on RBL-2H3 cells transfected with a green fluorescent protein-Fas ligand fusion protein (GFP-FasL). Green fluorescent protein-labeled vesicles exhibit rapid, bidirectional movement in both resting and activated cells and can be localized adjacent to microtubules. Colchicine treatment inhibits the motility of secretory vesicles as measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Colchicine also inhibits both the extent and the rate of exocytosis triggered by receptor activation or by Ca2+ ionophore, demonstrating that microtubule-dependent movement of secretory vesicles plays an important role in the exocytic response .  相似文献   

Cell polarity involves transport of specific membranes and macromolecules at the right time to the right place. In budding yeast, secretory vesicles are transported by the myosin-V Myo2p to sites of cell growth. We show that phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) is present in late secretory compartments and is critical for their association with, and transport by, Myo2p. Further, the trans-Golgi network Rab Ypt31/32p and secretory vesicle Rab Sec4p each bind directly, but distinctly, to Myo2p, and these interactions are also required for secretory compartment transport. Enhancing the interaction of Myo2p with PI4P bypasses the requirement for interaction with Ypt31/32p and Sec4p. Together with additional genetic data, the results indicate that Rab proteins and PI4P collaborate in the association of secretory compartments with Myo2p. Thus, we show that a coincidence detection mechanism coordinates inputs from PI4P and the appropriate Rab for secretory compartment transport.  相似文献   

We here report the first comparative proteomics of purified yeast post-Golgi vesicles (PGVs). Vesicle samples isolated from PGV-accumulating sec6-4 mutants were treated with isobaric tags (iTRAQ) for subsequent quantitative tandem mass spectrometric analysis of protein content. After background subtraction, a total of 66 vesicle-associated proteins were identified, including known or assumed vesicle residents as well as a fraction not previously known to be PGV associated. Vesicles isolated from cells lacking the polarity protein Sro7p contained essentially the same catalogue of proteins but showed a reduced content of a subset of cargo proteins, in agreement with a previously shown selective role for Sro7p in cargo sorting.  相似文献   

Lem3p-Dnf1p is a putative aminophospholipid translocase (APLT) complex that is localized to the plasma membrane; Lem3p is required for Dnf1p localization to the plasma membrane. We have identified lem3 mutations, which did not affect formation or localization of the Lem3p-Dnf1p complex, but caused a synthetic growth defect with the null mutation of CDC50, a structurally and functionally redundant homologue of LEM3. Interestingly, these lem3 mutants exhibited nearly normal levels of NBD-labeled phospholipid internalization across the plasma membrane, suggesting that Lem3p may have other functions in addition to regulation of the putative APLT activity of Dnf1p at the plasma membrane. Similarly, deletion of the COOH-terminal cytoplasmic region of Dnf1p affected neither the localization nor the APLT activity of Dnf1p at the plasma membrane, but caused a growth defect in the cdc50Delta background. Our results suggest that the Lem3p-Dnf1p complex may play a role distinct from its plasma membrane APLT activity when it substitutes for the Cdc50p-Drs2p complex, its redundant partner in the endosomal/trans-Golgi network compartments.  相似文献   

SEC2 is an essential gene required for polarized growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It encodes a protein of 759 amino acids that functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small GTPase Sec4p, a regulator of Golgi to plasma membrane transport. Activation of Sec4p by Sec2p is needed for polarized transport of vesicles to exocytic sites. Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations in sec2 and sec4 result in a tight block in secretion and the accumulation of secretory vesicles randomly distributed in the cell. The proper localization of Sec2p to secretory vesicles is essential for its function and is largely independent of Sec4p. Although the ts mutation sec2-78 does not affect nucleotide exchange activity, the protein is mislocalized. Here we present evidence that Ypt31/32p, members of Rab family of GTPases, regulate Sec2p function. First, YPT31/YPT32 suppress the sec2-78 mutation. Second, overexpression of Ypt31/32p restores localization of Sec2-78p. Third, Ypt32p and Sec2p interact biochemically, but Sec2p has no exchange activity on Ypt32p. We propose that Ypt32p and Sec4p act as part of a signaling cascade in which Ypt32p recruits Sec2p to secretory vesicles; once on the vesicle, Sec2p activates Sec4p, enabling the polarized transport of vesicles to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

p200 is a cytoplasmic protein that associates with vesicles budding from the trans-golgi network (TGN). The protein was identified by a monoclonal antibody AD7. We have used this antibody to analyze whether p200 functions in exocytic transport from the TGN to the apical or basolateral plasma membrane in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. We found that transport of the viral marker proteins, influenza hemagglutinin (HA) to the apical surface or vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV G) to the basolateral surface in streptolysin O-permeabilized cells was not affected when p200 was depleted from both the membranes and the cytosol. When vesicles isolated from perforated cells were analyzed by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation, the p200 immunoreactive membranes did not comigrate with either the apical vesicle marker HA or the basolateral vesicle marker VSV G. Immunoelectron microscopy of perforated and double-labeled cells showed that the p200 positive vesicular profiles were not labeled by antibodies to HA or VSV G when the viral proteins were accumulated in the TGN. Furthermore, the p200-decorated vesicles were more electron dense than those labeled with the viral antibodies. Together, these results suggest that p200 does not function in the transport pathways that carry HA from the TGN to the apical surface or VSV G from the TGN to the basolateral surface.  相似文献   

Neo1p is an essential yeast member of the highly conserved Drs2 family of P-type ATPases with proposed aminophospholipid translocase activity. Here we present evidence that Neo1p localizes to endosomes and Golgi elements. In agreement with that finding, the temperature-sensitive neo1-37 and neo1-69 mutants exhibit defects in receptor-mediated endocytosis, vacuole biogenesis, and vacuolar protein sorting. Furthermore, neo1 mutants accumulate aberrantly shaped membranous structures most likely derived from vacuoles and the endosomal/Golgi system. At permissive temperatures, HA-Neo1-69p, like wild-type Neo1p, is stable and associates with endosomes. In contrast, HA-Neo1-37p is rapidly degraded and is predominantly retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Thus, the two neo1 alleles affect the stability and localization of the mutant polypeptides in different ways. A C-terminally truncated and a C-terminally epitope-tagged version of Neo1p are nonfunctional and also mislocalize to the ER. In agreement with a role within the endomembrane system, Neo1p exhibits genetic and physical interactions with Ysl2p, a potential guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Arl1p. Interestingly, deletion of ARL1 rescues the temperature sensitivity of neo1-37 and neo1-69. We demonstrate that Arl1p in its myristoylated and GTP-bound form is responsible for the inhibitory effect. Thus, Neo1p, Ysl2p, and Arl1p represent three proteins that collaborate in membrane trafficking within the endosomal/Golgi system.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nha1p, a plasma membrane protein belonging to the monovalent cation/proton antiporter family, plays a key role in the salt tolerance and pH regulation of cells. We examined the molecular function of Nha1p by using secretory vesicles isolated from a temperature sensitive secretory mutant, sec4-2, in vitro. The isolated secretory vesicles contained newly synthesized Nha1p en route to the plasma membrane and showed antiporter activity exchanging H+ for monovalent alkali metal cations. An amino acid substitution in Nha1p (D266N, Asp-266 to Asn) almost completely abolished the Na+/H+ but not K+/H+ antiport activity, confirming the validity of this assay system as well as the functional importance of Asp-266, especially for selectivity of substrate cations. Nha1p catalyzes transport of Na+ and K+ with similar affinity (12.7 mM and 12.4 mM), and with lower affinity for Rb+ and Li+. Nha1p activity is associated with a net charge movement across the membrane, transporting more protons per single sodium ion (i.e., electrogenic). This feature is similar to the bacterial Na+/H+ antiporters, whereas other known eukaryotic Na+/H+ antiporters are electroneutral. The ion selectivity and the stoichiometry suggest a unique physiological role of Nha1p which is distinct from that of other known Na+/H+ antiporters.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nha1p, a plasma membrane protein belonging to the monovalent cation/proton antiporter family, plays a key role in the salt tolerance and pH regulation of cells. We examined the molecular function of Nha1p by using secretory vesicles isolated from a temperature sensitive secretory mutant, sec4-2, in vitro. The isolated secretory vesicles contained newly synthesized Nha1p en route to the plasma membrane and showed antiporter activity exchanging H+ for monovalent alkali metal cations. An amino acid substitution in Nha1p (D266N, Asp-266 to Asn) almost completely abolished the Na+/H+ but not K+/H+ antiport activity, confirming the validity of this assay system as well as the functional importance of Asp-266, especially for selectivity of substrate cations. Nha1p catalyzes transport of Na+ and K+ with similar affinity (12.7 mM and 12.4 mM), and with lower affinity for Rb+ and Li+. Nha1p activity is associated with a net charge movement across the membrane, transporting more protons per single sodium ion (i.e., electrogenic). This feature is similar to the bacterial Na+/H+ antiporters, whereas other known eukaryotic Na+/H+ antiporters are electroneutral. The ion selectivity and the stoichiometry suggest a unique physiological role of Nha1p which is distinct from that of other known Na+/H+ antiporters.  相似文献   

The maintenance of phospholipid asymmetry in membrane bilayers is a paradigm in cell biology. However, the mechanisms and proteins involved in phospholipid translocation are still poorly understood. Members of the type 4 subfamily of P-type ATPases have been implicated in the translocation of phospholipids from the outer to the inner leaflet of membrane bilayers. In humans, several inherited disorders have been identified which are associated with loci harboring type 4 P-type ATPase genes. Up to now, one inherited disorder, Byler disease or progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 1 (PFIC1), has been directly linked to mutations in a type 4 P-type ATPase gene. How the absence of an aminophospholipid translocase activity relates to this severe disease is, however, still unclear. Studies in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have recently identified important roles for type 4 P-type ATPases in intracellular membrane- and protein-trafficking events. These processes require an (amino)phospholipid translocase activity to initiate budding or fusion of membrane vesicles from or with other membranes. The studies in yeast have greatly contributed to our cell biological insight in membrane dynamics and intracellular-trafficking events; if this knowledge can be translated to mammalian cells and organs, it will help to elucidate the molecular mechanisms which underlie severe inherited human diseases such as Byler disease.  相似文献   

Vesicles from yeast plasma membrane were prepared according to Franzusoff and Cirillo [1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 3608), with slight modifications. When Mg-ATP was added, this preparation was able to generate a membrane potential, that was sensitive to inhibitors of the yeast H+-ATPase and uncouplers, and could be decreased by the addition of permeant anions, as measured by the fluorescence changes of the dye oxonol V. The addition of ATP could also generate a pH gradient, detectable by the fluorescence changes of the monitor aminochloromethoxyacridine. This gradient was sensitive to inhibitors of ATPase and uncouplers, and could be increased by the addition of permeant anions to the incubation mixture. When the vesicles were loaded with KCl, an increased rate of K+ efflux was produced upon the addition of ATP. Cytochrome oxidase from bovine heart could be reconstituted into the vesicles and was shown to generate a membrane potential difference, negative inside, evidenced by the fluorescence quenching of the cyanide dipropylthiacarbocyanine and the uptake of tetraphenylphosphonium. Besides, in these vesicles, K+ and Rb+, but not Na+ or NH+4 could decrease the quenching of fluorescence and the uptake of tetraphenylphosphonium produced when the electron-donor system was present. In the vesicles in which cytochrome oxidase was incorporated, upon the addition of cytochrome c and ascorbate, the uptake of 86Rb+ could be demonstrated also. This uptake was found to be saturable and inhibited by K+, and to a lesser degree by Na+. The results obtained indicate that these vesicles are reasonably sealed and capable of generating and maintaining a membrane potential. The membrane potential could be used to drive ions across the membrane of the vesicles, indicating the presence and functionality of the monovalent cation carrier. The vesicles, in general terms seem to be suitable for studying transport of ions and metabolites in yeast.  相似文献   

Incubation of human platelets with unilamellar vesicles composed of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC) induces shedding of small vesicular structures from the platelet plasma membrane. No significant cell lysis is observed during the process of shedding. Isolated spicules contain the major membrane glycoproteins, Ib, IIb, and IIIa, which are used to define the sidedness of the spicule membrane. These glycoproteins are completely susceptible to chymotrypsin treatment, whereas cytoskeletal proteins are inaccessible towards this enzyme. This demonstrates that the spicule membranes have a right-side-out orientation in as far as membrane proteins are concerned. Isolated spicules were 30-fold more active than platelets in stimulating prothrombin conversion to thrombin by the prothrombinase complex (factors Xa, Va and Ca2+). The increased prothrombinase activity reflects an increased amount of phosphatidylserine in the outer leaflet of the spicule membrane. Protein analysis of platelet spicules and native platelets reveals a number of differences, the most conspicuous of which is the virtual absence of myosin in the spicule preparations. It is proposed that a lack of myosin produces a different cytoskeletal organization in the spicules. This enables phosphatidylserine to become exposed at the outer surface of the spicule membrane.  相似文献   

Sensitive profile searches and fold recognition were used to predict the structures of two yeast RNase P/MRP proteins. Rpp1p, which is one of the subunits common to eukaryotes and archaea, is predicted to adopt the seven-stranded TIM-barrel fold found in PHP phosphoesterases. Pop3p, initially thought to be one of the RNase P/MRP subunits unique to yeast, has been assigned the L7Ae/L30e fold. This RNA-binding fold is also present in human RNase P subunit Rpp38, raising the possibility that Pop3p and Rpp38 are functional homologs.  相似文献   

Budding yeast chitin synthase 2 (Chs2p), which lays down the primary septum, localizes to the mother-daughter neck in telophase. However, the mechanism underlying the timely neck localization of Chs2p is not known. Recently, it was found that a component of the exocyst complex, Sec3p-green fluorescent protein, arrives at the neck upon mitotic exit. It is not clear whether the neck localization of Chs2p, which is a cargo of the exocyst complex, was similarly regulated by mitotic exit. We report that Chs2p was restrained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) during metaphase. Furthermore, mitotic exit was sufficient to cause Chs2p neck localization specifically by triggering the Sec12p-dependent transport of Chs2p out of the ER. Chs2p was "forced" prematurely to the neck by mitotic kinase inactivation at metaphase, with chitin deposition occurring between mother and daughter cells. The dependence of Chs2p exit from the ER followed by its transport to the neck upon mitotic exit ensures that septum formation occurs only after the completion of mitotic events.  相似文献   

The yeast proteins Mrs3p and Mrs4p are two closely related members of the mitochondrial carrier family (MCF), which had previously been implicated in mitochondrial Fe2+ homeostasis. A vertebrate Mrs3/4 homologue named mitoferrin was shown to be essential for erythroid iron utilization and proposed to function as an essential mitochondrial iron importer. Indirect reporter assays in isolated yeast mitochondria indicated that the Mrs3/4 proteins are involved in mitochondrial Fe2+ utilization or transport under iron-limiting conditions. To have a more direct test for Mrs3/4p mediated iron uptake into mitochondria we studied iron (II) transport across yeast inner mitochondrial membrane vesicles (SMPs) using the iron-sensitive fluorophore PhenGreen SK (PGSK). Wild-type SMPs showed rapid uptake of Fe2+ which was driven by the external Fe2+ concentration and stimulated by acidic pH. SMPs from the double deletion strain mrs3/4Δ failed to show this rapid Fe2+ uptake, while SMPs from cells overproducing Mrs3/4p exhibited increased Fe2+ uptake rates. Cu2+ was transported at similar rates as Fe2+, while other divalent cations, such as Zn2+ and Cd2+ apparently did not serve as substrates for the Mrs3/4p transporters. We conclude that the carrier proteins Mrs3p and Mrs4p transport Fe2+ across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Their activity is dependent on the pH gradient and it is stimulated by iron shortage.  相似文献   

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