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This study investigated the Pleistocene history of a semi‐aquatic bug, Microvelia douglasi douglasi Scott, 1874 (Hemiptera: Veliidae) in East Asia. We used M. douglasi douglasi as a model species to explore the effects of historical climatic fluctuations on montane semi‐aquatic invertebrate species. Two hypotheses were developed using ecological niche models (ENMs). First, we hypothesized that M. douglasi douglasi persisted in suitable habitats in southern Guizhou, southern Yunnan, Hainan, Taiwan and southeast China during the LIG. After that, the populations expanded (Hypothesis 1). As the spatial prediction in the LGM was significantly larger than in the LIG, we then hypothesized that the population expanded during the LIG to LGM transition (Hypothesis 2). We tested these hypotheses using mitochondrial data (COI+COII) and nuclear data (ITS1 + 5.8S+ITS2). Young lineages, relatively deep splits, lineage differentiation among mountain ranges in central, south and southwest China and high genetic diversities were observed in these suitable habitats. Evidence of mismatch distributions and neutrality tests indicate that a population expansion occurred in the late Pleistocene. The Bayesian skyline plot (BSP) revealed an unusual population expansion that likely happened during the cooling transition between LIG and LGM. The results of genetic data were mostly consistent with the spatial predictions from ENM, a finding that can profoundly improve phylogeographic research. The ecological requirements of M. douglasi douglasi, together with the geographical heterogeneity and climatic fluctuations of Pleistocene in East Asia, could have shaped this unusual demographic history. Our study contributes to our knowledge of semi‐aquatic bug/invertebrate responses to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations in East Asia.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is a central feature of most species occupying spatially heterogeneous environments, and may factor critically in responses to environmental change. However, most efforts to model the response of species to climate change ignore intraspecific variation due to local adaptation. Here, we present a new perspective on spatial modelling of organism–environment relationships that combines genomic data and community‐level modelling to develop scenarios regarding the geographic distribution of genomic variation in response to environmental change. Rather than modelling species within communities, we use these techniques to model large numbers of loci across genomes. Using balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) as a case study, we demonstrate how our framework can accommodate nonlinear responses of loci to environmental gradients. We identify a threshold response to temperature in the circadian clock gene GIGANTEA‐5 (GI5), suggesting that this gene has experienced strong local adaptation to temperature. We also demonstrate how these methods can map ecological adaptation from genomic data, including the identification of predicted differences in the genetic composition of populations under current and future climates. Community‐level modelling of genomic variation represents an important advance in landscape genomics and spatial modelling of biodiversity that moves beyond species‐level assessments of climate change vulnerability.  相似文献   

Although mitochondrial inheritance in metazoans is typically strictly maternal, doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) is probably the major exception to this widespread rule. DUI has been found in many species of bivalve molluscs, belonging to several different families. Based on current understanding, the detection of DUI generally relies on the detection of two distinct mitochondrial DNA lineages: a female‐transmitted one, that dominates somatic tissues in males and females and eggs, and a male‐transmitted one, that dominates the male germline and sperm. When a new species with DUI is identified, novel data are available to make a better inference on the evolution of this phenomenon within the Bivalvia. In this study, mitochondrial heteroplasmy in Pseudocardium sachalinense (Schrenck, 1862) is described. This species belongs to the family of Mactridae, in which DUI has not been previously demonstrated: this finding allowed to upgrade the present knowledge about the distribution of DUI.  相似文献   

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