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The lipid raft hypothesis proposed that these microdomains are small (10–200 nM), highly dynamic and enriched in cholesterol, glycosphingolipids and signalling phospholipids, which compartmentalize cellular processes. These membrane regions play crucial roles in signal transduction, phagocytosis and secretion, as well as pathogen adhesion/interaction. Throughout evolution, many pathogens have developed mechanisms to escape from the host immune system, some of which are based on the host membrane microdomain machinery. Thus lipid rafts might be exploited by pathogens as signalling and entry platforms. In this review, we summarize the role of lipid rafts as players in the overall invasion process used by different pathogens to escape from the host immune system.  相似文献   



Although the negative effects of habitat fragmentation have been widely documented at the landscape scale, much less is known about its impacts on species distributions at the biogeographical scale. We hypothesize that fragmentation influences the large‐scale distribution of area‐ and edge‐sensitive species by limiting their occurrence in regions with fragmented habitats , despite otherwise favourable environmental conditions. We test this hypothesis by assessing the interplay of climate and landscape factors influencing the distribution of the calandra lark, a grassland specialist that is highly sensitive to habitat fragmentation.


Iberia Peninsula, Europe.


Ecological niche modelling was used to investigate the relative influence of climate/topography, landscape fragmentation and spatial structure on calandra lark distribution. Modelling assumed explicitly a hierarchically structured effect among explanatory variables, with climate/topography operating at broader spatial scales than landscape variables. An eigenvector‐based spatial filtering approach was used to cancel bias introduced by spatial autocorrelation. The information theoretic approach was used in model selection, and variation partitioning was used to isolate the unique and shared effects of sets of explanatory variables.


Climate and topography were the most influential variables shaping the distribution of calandra lark, but incorporating landscape metrics contributed significantly to model improvement. The probability of calandra lark occurrence increased with total habitat area and declined with the number of patches and edge density. Variation partitioning showed a strong overlap between variation explained by climate/topography and landscape variables. After accounting for spatial structure in species distribution, the explanatory power of environmental variables remained largely unchanged.

Main conclusions

We have shown here that landscape fragmentation can influence species distributions at the biogeographical scale. Incorporating fragmentation metrics into large‐scale ecological niche models may contribute for a better understanding of mechanism driving species distributions and for improving predictive modelling of range shifts associated with land use and climate changes.

The ability of 16 calcareous grassland species to establish in competition with adult neighbours of two different growth forms was assessed in a glasshouse experiment. The questions asked were: (1) how well is establishment ability related to plant traits such as seed mass, DNA content, relative growth rate and adult height; and (2) are the results consistent across different neighbours? Two measures of establishment ability were calculated, survival relative yield and biomass relative yield, for seedlings grown with a dicot. ( Leontodon hispidus ) and with a graminoid ( Festuca ovina ). The results depended on which measure of establishment ability was used. When establishment ability was measured in terms of biomass relative yield, seed mass was a good predictive trait, accounting for 38–55% of variation. However, when establishment ability was measured as survival relative yield, adult height was found to be the best predictor, capable of accounting for 20% of variation, although this was not consistent across neighbours. Thus, no clear relationship between plant traits and establishment ability was found: results depended on the measure of establishment ability used, and in the case of adult height, on the identity of the neighbour species. Survival relative yield was strongly associated with target and neighbour species growth form type, with stronger suppression of like than of non-like growth forms. The lack of strong relationships between plant traits and establishment ability, and the dependence on neighbour identity, suggests that the links between plant traits and establishment might be context-dependent; thus an understanding of the mechanisms underlying any such links is essential.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role of PAPP‐A in mammalian aging. It introduces PAPP‐A and a little of its history, briefly discusses the function of PAPP‐A in the insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) system and the regulators of PAPP‐A expression, and then reviews data concerning PAPP‐A in aging and age‐related diseases especially in regard to the PAPP‐A knockout (KO) mouse. The PAPP‐A KO mouse is a valuable new model to test hypotheses concerning the control of the tissue availability of IGF, independent from systemic levels, on healthspan as well as lifespan.  相似文献   

Genomic hybridization on whole genome arrays detects the presence or absence of similar DNA regions in sufficiently related microorganisms, allowing genome-wide comparison of their genetic contents. A whole genome array is based on a sequenced bacterial isolate, and is a collection of DNA probes fixed on a solid support. In a single hybridization experiment, the absence/presence status of all genes of the sequenced microbe in the queried isolate can be examined. The objective of this minireview is to summarize the past usage of DNA microarray technology for microbial strain characterizations, and to estimate its future utilization in epidemiological studies and molecular typing of bacterial pathogens. The studies reviewed here confirm the usefulness of microarray technology for the detection of genetic polymorphisms. However, the construction or purchase of DNA microarrays and the performance of strain to strain hybridization experiments are still prohibitively expensive for routine application. Future use of arrays in epidemiology is likely to depend on the development of more cost-effective protocols, more robust and simplified formats, and the adequate evaluation of their performance (efficacy) and convenience (efficiency) compared with other genotyping methods. It seems more likely that a more focused assay, concentrating on genomic regions of variability previously detected by genome-wide microarrays, will find broad application in routine bacterial epidemiology.  相似文献   

Questions: Is post‐dispersal seed predation a factor contributing to a positive feedback mechanism for dominance of tall‐tussock grasslands? Do seeds dispersed into neighbouring microhabitats of contrasting dominance differ in their probabilities of being predated? Does predation rate vary among predator groups? Do seed eaters selectively forage among the available seeds? Location: The southern and flooding sub‐regions of the Argentinian Pampas. Methods: We examined seed predation by vertebrate and invertebrate predators within two microhabitats of grassland mosaics (highly dominated tall‐grass patches vs. scarcely dominated short‐grass matrix) for different seed species in semi‐natural grasslands. Proportion of seeds eaten by different predator groups was estimated through exclusion experiments and analysed using ANOVA for split‐split‐plot designs. Experiments were performed during the autumn of two consecutive years in both Pampa sub‐regions. Results: Removal of seeds after a five day trial was two to four times higher in the tall‐grass patches than in the short‐grass matrix. During the same period, vertebrate predation was six times higher than invertebrate predation in the tall‐grass phase of the Southern Pampa, but it did not differ in the short‐grass matrix. Relative predation among phases showed the same pattern in the Hooding Pampa, where preferences by seed species also varied according to phase. Conclusions: The highest predation intensity shown by vertebrates in the tall‐grass patches indicates that they are the main seed predators in these systems, possibly because this microhabitat grants them refuge against carnivorous predators. This could significantly reduce the available seeds for recruitment of subordinate species after different disturbance events (fires, trampling by large herbivores, burrowing), representing an active filter to the floristic composition of the patch and contributing with other mechanisms to the dominance of tall‐grass species.  相似文献   

Fever is a fundamental response to infection and a hallmark of inflammatory disease, which has been conserved and shaped through millions of years of natural selection. Although fever is able to stimulate both innate and adaptive immune responses, the very nature of all the molecular thermosensors, the timing and the detailed mechanisms translating a physical trigger into a fundamental biological response are incompletely understood. Here we discuss the consequence of hyperthermic stress in dendritic cells (DCs), and how the sole physical input is sensed as an alert stimulus triggering a complex transition in a very narrow temporal window. Importantly, we review recent findings demonstrating the significant and specific changes discovered in gene expression and in the metabolic phenotype associated with hyperthermia in DCs. Furthermore, we discuss the results that support a model based on a thermally induced autocrine signalling, which rewires and sets a metabolism checkpoint linked to immune activation of dendritic cells. Importantly, in this context, we highlight the novel regulatory functions discovered for IGFBP‐6 protein: induction of chemotaxis; capacity to increase oxidative burst and degranulation of neutrophils, ability to induce metabolic changes in DCs. Finally, we discuss the role of IGFBP‐6 in autoimmune disease and how novel mechanistic insights could lead to exploit thermal stress‐related mechanisms in the context of cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Invasions by non-native taxa can have severe consequences for native species. In the heavily invaded serpentine grasslands of central California, many native species appear to be restricted to isolated outcrops of shallow serpentine soil, or hummocks, although the extent to which these hummocks function as refuges for native vegetation has never been quantified. We tested whether native plant species were restricted to hummocks within a serpentine grassland at the University of California Sedgwick Reserve near Santa Barbara, California by sampling species along hummock-grassland gradients. We also examined the influence of soil parameters, hummock area, proximity to other hummocks, and spatial location on species composition across 16 hummocks at this site. Both the hummocks and the surrounding grassland had high Mg, low Ca, and low Ca to Mg ratios typical of serpentine systems. Hummocks appeared to be more stressful environments because of their shallower soils, lower cation exchange capacity, and greater percent sand. Of the 27 most common plant species sampled along hummock-grassland transects, we identified 8 hummock specialists, 7 edge specialists, 8 matrix specialists, and 4 generalists. Importantly, both the hummock and matrix specialist groups included native species. Plant community composition was correlated with spatial positioning of the hummocks and with soil Ca, Na, K, and N. The number of species increased and community composition changed with increasing hummock area. Species composition was most similar among hummocks in close proximity to each other, and decreased with increasing distance between hummocks. Our results suggest that the community structure of serpentine grasslands is spatially complex and an effective management or restoration plan must address this complexity.  相似文献   

Aim To study the effects of the degree of fragmentation of heathland patches on their species richness and species composition, and to infer the ecological mechanisms behind the observed patterns. Location The heathland patches of the north‐western part of Flanders, Belgium. During the last 200 years, the heathland area in this study area has been reduced from c. 10,000 to c. 40 ha, yielding c. 150 small and highly isolated relic fragments. Methods Different isolation measures were calculated for each of the 153 inventoried heathland patches. The influence of isolation, area and habitat diversity on species richness was investigated using correlation techniques. Community composition of the patches was tested for nestedness, and the mechanisms potentially underlying this pattern were determined. Results and main conclusions Both the analyses at the species richness and community composition level yielded evidence for a positive species–area relation. This relation was not caused by higher habitat heterogeneity in larger patches. Patch isolation, measured in different ways, however seemed much more important in explaining species richness and community composition than fragment area. Our results indicate that area effects are overcompensated by the rescue‐effect: if a patch is close to other patches, species can disperse between them and prevent the species from going extinct. Species having a short living seed bank were also more sensitive to isolation than species with a long living seed bank, indicating that the latter most probably depend on the seed bank to survive periods when environmental conditions are harsh. Analogously to the spatial rescue‐effect, the existence of a persistent seed bank may lead to a sort of temporal rescue‐effect, where the extinction of a plant species is prevented through survival in the seed bank of a patch.  相似文献   

Pre‐eclampsia is a devastating complication of pregnancy which is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria in pregnant women. Pre‐eclampsia is important as it is the leading cause of death. Moreover, untreated pre‐eclampsia might lead to other lethal complications, for both fetus and mother. Pre‐eclampsia can also affect the quality of life in affected women. Despite a large number of risk factors for pre‐eclampsia, these risk factors are able to detect just 30% of women who are susceptible to pre‐eclampsia. Heterogeneous manifestations of pre‐eclampsia necessitate the discovery of potential biomarkers required for its early detection. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a type of RNA which are more abundant, specific, and highly organized compared with other types of RNA. Accordingly, circRNAs have been suggested as one of the potential biomarkers for different diseases. Recently, researchers have shown interest in the effects of circRNAs in pre‐eclampsia, although the current evidence is limited. The majority of obstetricians are probably not aware of circRNAs as a useful biomarker. Here, we aimed to summarize recent supporting evidence and assess the mechanisms by which circRNAs are involved in pre‐eclampsia.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the hydraulic vulnerability of Norway spruce (Picea abies) trunkwood by extraction of selected features of acoustic emissions (AEs) detected during dehydration of standard size samples. The hydraulic method was used as the reference method to assess the hydraulic vulnerability of trunkwood of different cambial ages. Vulnerability curves were constructed by plotting the percentage loss of conductivity vs an overpressure of compressed air. Differences in hydraulic vulnerability were very pronounced between juvenile and mature wood samples; therefore, useful AE features, such as peak amplitude, duration and relative energy, could be filtered out. The AE rates of signals clustered by amplitude and duration ranges and the AE energies differed greatly between juvenile and mature wood at identical relative water losses. Vulnerability curves could be constructed by relating the cumulated amount of relative AE energy to the relative loss of water and to xylem tension. AE testing in combination with feature extraction offers a readily automated and easy to use alternative to the hydraulic method.  相似文献   

The carbon flux from woody debris, a crucial uncertainty within global carbon-climate models, is simultaneously affected by climate, site environment and species-based variation in wood quality. In the first global analysis attempting to explicitly tease out the wood quality contribution to decomposition, we found support for our hypothesis that, under a common climate, interspecific differences in wood traits affect woody debris decomposition patterns. A meta-analysis of 36 studies from all forested continents revealed that nitrogen, phosphorus, and C : N ratio correlate with decomposition rates of angiosperms. In addition, gymnosperm wood consistently decomposes slower than angiosperm wood within common sites, a pattern that correlates with clear divergence in wood traits between the two groups. New empirical studies are needed to test whether this difference is due to a direct effect of wood trait variation on decomposer activity or an indirect effect of wood traits on decomposition microsite environment. The wood trait–decomposition results point to an important role for changes in the wood traits of dominant tree species as a driver of carbon cycling, with likely feedback to atmospheric CO2 particularly where angiosperm species replace gymnosperms regionally. Truly worldwide upscaling of our results will require further site-based multi-species wood trait and decomposition data, particularly from low-latitude ecosystems.  相似文献   

Hippocampal neurogenesis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of and recovery from depression. However, most of the underlying studies were endpoint investigations in experimental animals yielding conflicting results, and it has been under debate to which extent these results could be transferred to human patients. Now, researchers have developed a powerful new tool to address these questions by a non-invasive method in humans and animals in vivo, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy to detect a biomarker for proliferating progenitor cells that give rise to new neurons. This makes it possible to study the role of neural progenitor cells in a wide variety of human brain disorders.  相似文献   

Encroachment of woody plants into grasslands is a global phenomenon that has substantial impacts on pastoral productivity and ecosystem services. Over the past half century, pastoralists and land management agencies have explored various options to control woody plants in order to improve ecosystem services in shrub‐encroached grasslands. We examined the effectiveness of controlling the encroachment of the shrub Caragana microphylla into grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. We cut and removed all of the aboveground biomass from 450 shrubs, predicting that the effectiveness of this technique to control shrubs would depend on shrub morphology. Specifically, we expected that larger shrubs with more biomass would be more difficult to kill by cutting than smaller shrubs. A year after treatment, we found that cutting killed only 11% of the 450 treated shrubs, and of these, three‐quarters of the locations that they occupied reverted to grasses and one‐quarter to bare soil. Shrubs that survived the cutting treatment produced more stems and leaf biomass, and therefore had a greater leaf to stem ratio. Shrubs that died after cutting had a lower crown area and basal area, and less stem biomass than shrubs that resprouted within 12 months of cutting. There were no effects of shrub height on the fate of treated shrubs. Cutting had no effect on understory plant cover or richness, but reproductive plants were taller under shrubs that were not cut. Overall, our study showed that removing aboveground shrub biomass by cutting is an ineffective technique for “restoring” the original grassland community unless shrubs are very small. Strategic targeting of small shrubs would be a more effective technique for controlling the spread of C. microphylla in the long term.  相似文献   

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