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Anti‐atherosclerotic effects of vitamin E – myth or reality?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Atherosclerosis and its complications such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke are the leading causes of death in the developed world. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and a diet high in cholesterol and lipids clearly increase the likelihood of premature atherosclerosis, albeit other factors, such as the individual genetic makeup, may play an additional role. Several epidemiological studies and intervention trials have been performed with vitamin E, and some of them showed that it prevents atherosclerosis. For a long time, vitamin E was assumed to act by decreasing the oxidation of LDL, a key step in atherosclerosis initiation. However, at the cellular level, vitamin E acts by inhibition of smooth muscle cell proliferation, platelet aggregation, monocyte adhesion, oxLDL uptake and cytokine production, all reactions implied in the progression of atherosclerosis. Recent research revealed that these effects are not the result of the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, but rather of precise molecular actions of this compound. It is assumed that specific interactions of vitamin E with enzymes and proteins are at the basis of its non-antioxidant effects. Vitamin E influences the activity of several enzymes (e.g. PKC, PP2A, COX-2, 5-lipooxygenase, nitric oxide synthase, NADPH-oxidase, superoxide dismutase, phopholipase A2) and modulates the expression of genes that are involved in atherosclerosis (e.g. scavenger receptors, integrins, selectins, cytokines, cyclins). These interactions promise to reveal the biological properties of vitamin E and allow designing better strategies for the protection against atherosclerosis progression.  相似文献   

Gliotoxin (GT) is the most important epidithiodioxopiperazine (ETP)‐type fungal toxin. GT was originally isolated from Trichoderma species as an antibiotic substance involved in biological control of plant pathogenic fungi. A few isolates of GT‐producing Trichoderma virens are commercially marketed for biological control and widely used in agriculture. Furthermore, GT is long known as an immunosuppressive agent and also reported to have anti‐tumour properties. However, recent publications suggest that GT is a virulence determinant of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. This compound is thus important on several counts – it has medicinal properties, is a pathogenicity determinant, is a potential diagnostic marker and is important in biological crop protection. The present article addresses this paradox and the ecological role of GT. We discuss the function of GT as defence molecule, the role in aspergillosis and suggest solutions for safe application of Trichoderma‐based biofungicides.  相似文献   

Birds are anosmic or at best microsmatic… This misbelief persisted until very recently and has strongly influenced the outcome of communication studies in birds, with olfaction remaining neglected as compared to acoustic and visual channels. However, there is now clear empirical evidence showing that olfaction is perfectly functional in birds and birds use olfactory information in a variety of ethological contexts. Although the existence of pheromones has never been formally demonstrated in this vertebrate class, different groups of birds, such as petrels, auklets and ducks have been shown to produce specific scents that could play a significant role in within-species social interactions. Behavioral experiments have indeed demonstrated that these odors influence the behavior of conspecifics. Additionally, in quail, deprivation of olfactory inputs decreases neuronal activation induced by sexual interactions with a female. It seems therefore well established that birds enjoy a functional sense of smell and a fast growing body of experimental evidence suggests that they use this channel of olfactory communication to control their social life. The unequivocal identification of an avian pheromone is, however, still ahead of us but there are now many exciting opportunities to unravel the behavioral and physiological particularities of chemical communication in birds.  相似文献   

An unconstrained reference sequence facilitates the detection of selection. In Drosophila, sequence variation in short introns seems to be least influenced by selection and dominated by mutation and drift. Here, we test this with genome‐wide sequences using an African population (Malawi) of D. melanogaster and data from the related outgroup species D. simulans, D. sechellia, D. erecta and D. yakuba. The distribution of mutations deviates from equilibrium, and the content of A and T (AT) nucleotides shows an excess of variance among introns. We explain this by a complex mutational pattern: a shift in mutational bias towards AT, leading to a slight nonequilibrium in base composition and context‐dependent mutation rates, with G or C (GC) sites mutating most frequently in AT‐rich introns. By comparing the corresponding allele frequency spectra of AT‐rich vs. GC‐rich introns, we can rule out the influence of directional selection or biased gene conversion on the mutational pattern. Compared with neutral equilibrium expectations, polymorphism spectra show an excess of low frequency and a paucity of intermediate frequency variants, irrespective of the direction of mutation. Combining the information from different outgroups with the polymorphism data and using a generalized linear model, we find evidence for shared ancestral polymorphism between D. melanogaster and D. simulans, D. sechellia, arguing against a bottleneck in D. melanogaster. Generally, we find that short introns can be used as a neutral reference on a genome‐wide level, if the spatially and temporally varying mutational pattern is accounted for.  相似文献   

One of the long-standing paradoxes in genomic evolution is the observation that much of the genome is composed of repetitive DNA which has been typically regarded as superfluous to the function of the genome in generating phenotypes. In this work, we used comparative phylogenetic approaches to investigate if the variations in genome sizes (GS) should be considered as adaptive or neutral processes by the comparison between GS and flower diameters (FD) of 50 Passiflora species, more specifically, within its two most species-rich subgenera, Passiflora and Decaloba. For this, we have constructed a phylogenetic tree of these species, estimated GS and FD of them, inferred the tempo and mode of evolution of these traits and their correlations, using both current and phylogenetically independent contrasted values. We found significant correlations among the traits, when considering the complete set of data or only the subgenus Passiflora, whereas no correlations were observed within Decaloba. Herein, we present convincing evidence of adaptive evolution of GS, as well as clues that this pattern is limited by a minimum genome size, which could reduce both the possibilities of changes in GS and the possibility of phenotypic responses to environment changes.  相似文献   

Auxin signaling in algal lineages: fact or myth?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease: myth or fact?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Oxidative stress is a mechanism with a central role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, cancer, and other chronic diseases. It also plays a major role in the aging process. Ischemic heart disease is perhaps the human condition in which the role of oxidative stress has been investigated in more detail: reactive oxygen species and consequent expression of oxidative damage have been demonstrated during post-ischemic reperfusion in humans and the protective role of antioxidants has been validated in several experimental studies addressing the pathophysiology of acute ischemia. Although an impressive bulk of experimental studies substantiate the role of oxidative stress in the progression of the damage induced by acute ischemia, not a single pathophysiologic achievement has had a significant impact on the treatment of patients and randomized, controlled clinical trials, both in primary and secondary prevention, have failed to prove the efficacy of antioxidants in the treatment of ischemic cardiovascular disease. This dichotomy, between the experimental data and the lack of impact in the clinical setting, needs to be deeply investigated: certainly, the pathophysiologic grounds of oxidative stress do maintain their validity but the concepts of the determinants of oxidative damage should be critically revised. In this regard, the role of intermediate metabolism during myocardial ischemia together with the cellular redox state might represent a promising interpretative key.  相似文献   

The increase of species richness with sampling area and the decrease with latitude and altitude are two of the most frequently studied patterns in biogeography. However, few studies have simultaneously examined these two patterns to investigate how species–area relationships (SAR) vary with latitude and altitude. In this study, we explore the spatial patterns of SAR in forests in China by investigating numbers of species by life form group (trees, shrubs and herbs) in 32 nested plots from 12 mountains ranging from 18.7°N to 51.9°N in latitude and from 300 to 3150 m in altitude. The slopes of the power law SAR (z‐values) decreased with increasing latitude for all life forms except herbaceous plants, and also decreased with increasing altitude for all life forms but not for shrubs. Latitude and altitude, as well as their interactions, together explained 65.4, 61.8, 48.9 and 45.3% of the variation in z‐values for overall species, trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, respectively. In addition, actual evapotranspiration affected SAR significantly, but this effect varied significantly among life forms. We concluded that there are significant geographical patterns of SAR for China's forests, which is primarily controlled by energy availability.  相似文献   

The perennial grass triploid Miscanthus × giganteus is a promising renewable bioenergy feedstock in the United States and Europe. Originating from eastern Asia, this species is a sterile hybrid cross between M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus. While research has begun to examine the impacts of M. sinensis and triploid M. × giganteus on the landscape, M. sacchariflorus has been largely overlooked in the peer‐reviewed literature. This review article discusses the origin, uses, distribution, and invasive potential of M. sacchariflorus. M. sacchariflorus is capable of producing high yields (10.7 t DM ha?1 yr?1), generally does not reproduce by seed, and can be challenging to establish due to poor cold tolerance, likely due to the limited germplasm used in evaluations. However, M. sacchariflorus has abundant and aggressively spreading rhizomes, which underscores its invasive risk. In the United States, it is listed as escaped from cultivation in at least eight states, primarily in the Midwest, although it is likely that not all populations have been reported. As such, it is essential to generate a comprehensive dataset of all known M. sacchariflorus populations and monitor any continued spread of this species.  相似文献   

Aims: Enterococcus faecalis is associated with a significant number of refractory endodontic infections. Previous studies report a prevalence of Ent. faecalis ranging from 24% up to 77% in teeth with failed endodontic treatment. The origin of the micro‐organism remains unclear, as enterococci do not belong to the normal oral microflora. The aim of this study was to determine whether these enterococci were of endogenous or exogenous origin. Methods and Results: Fifty consecutive patients with apical periodontitis in need of endodontic orthograde re‐treatment were included. Samples were collected from root canals, saliva and faeces and subjected to microbiological culturing. The genetic relationship between Ent. faecalis from root canals and isolates from the different host sources was determined using pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis. In 16% (8/50) of the patients, enterococci were collected from the root canal samples. The genetic analysis showed that the isolates from the root canals were not related to those from the normal gastrointestinal microflora. None of these patients had enterococci in their saliva samples. Conclusions: Endodontic infections with Ent. faecalis are probably not derived from the patient’s own normal microflora, which indicates that these infections ent. faecalis are of exogenous origin. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study to genetically compare endodontic infectious Ent. faecalis isolates with isolates from the hosts’ own normal microflora.  相似文献   

Tibayrenc and Ayala raised several interesting objections to an opinion piece we recently published in Molecular Ecology (Ramirez & Llewellyn 2014). Our piece examined the value of an alternative perspective to their theory of predominant clonal evolution (PCE) on the prevalence and importance of genetic exchange in parasitic protozoa. In particular, our aim was to establish whether population genetic signatures of clonality in parasites were representative of true biological/evolutionary processes or artefacts of inadequate tools and inappropriate or inadequate sampling. We address Tibayrenc and Ayala's criticisms and make a detailed response. In doing so, we deny the consensus that Tibayrenc and Ayala claim around their views and dismiss much of the language which Tibayrenc and Ayala have introduced to this debate as either arbitrary or inaccurate. We strongly reject accusations that we misunderstood and misquoted the work of others. We do not think the PCE provides a useful framework for understanding existing parasite population structures. Furthermore, on the eve of the population genomic era, we strongly urge Tibayrenc and Ayala to wait for the forthcoming wealth of high‐resolution data before considering whether it is appropriate to refine or re‐iterate their PCE hypothesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few studies have reported time trends for total birth defects or for a comprehensive range of phenotypes. METHODS: We examined data from the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR) from 1999 through 2007. Poisson regression was used to fit trend lines to birth prevalence over time for total birth defects (each infant/fetus counted once), for every birth defect collected by the TBDR, and for subsets of cases or defects grouped various ways. RESULTS: From 1999 through 2007, birth prevalence of total birth defects in Texas increased 3.6% per year. Increases were observed in all population groups, persisted after adjustment for demographic characteristics, and were strongest in regions of Texas that were more urban. There was a wide variety of different defects showing significant increases. The trends of several defects were driven by their mild cases. Perhaps the most compelling finding was that larger upward trends were observed in defects that had been rated as more susceptible to diagnostic variation. One notable exception to that was gastroschisis, which showed an average increase of over 5% per year, the total birth defects rate in TBDR increased at 3.6% per year, similar to 3.7% per year in birth certificate check boxes. CONCLUSIONS: In our opinion, the weight of evidence in our study suggests that the observed increase over time in total birth defects and in many specific birth defects is artifactual. This likely reflects increased awareness, referral, detection, or documentation in health care facilities visited by TBDR staff, resulting in more complete ascertainment by the registry, rather than a true change over time in the occurrence of most birth defects. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the great interest it generates, the definition of Bergmann's Rule is vague and often contested. Debate focuses on whether the rule should be described in terms of pattern or process, what taxa it should apply to and what taxonomic level it should be associated with. Here I review the historical development of studies of Bergmann's Rule. I suggest that Bergmann thought that his rule should be strongest at the intra‐specific level, rather than between closely related species as is usually thought. I argue that the rule is a pattern that can be studied regardless of mechanism in any taxon and at any taxonomic level.  相似文献   

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