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Coral‐associated fauna is a relatively understudied topic. Hence, the nature of the relationship between an associated organism and its host is usually unknown. In the present study, the obligate associations between gall crabs (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae) and mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) are reviewed from a phylogenetic perspective. Based on field surveys, examination of museum material and a literature review, a total of 35 fungiid species have been found that act as hosts for four gall crab species. Fungiid‐associated gall crabs appear to be more geographically widespread than previously known, with new records showing their occurrences from the Red Sea and western Indian Ocean all the way to the central Pacific Ocean. The obligate nature of the association between cryptochirids and their hosts makes them an ideal model taxon to test for possible cospeciation events. The congruence between their phylogenies was tested by using the program Jane 4.0, resulting in cospeciation and duplication events between the crabs and their host corals. The sharing of several closely related host coral species by the same gall crab species or genus may provide support to models indicating phylogenetic relationships within the Scleractinia.  相似文献   

Male True Crabs use two pairs of gonopods to deliver mating products during copulation. Commonly, the second pair is shorter than the first pair, and most research to date has focused on species with short second gonopods. We investigated male and female copulatory organs in Calappula saussurei and Calappa pelii, two species of box crabs (Calappidae) with second gonopods which are longer than the first pair. Scanning electron microscopy and histological cross sectioning show that the female copulatory system is unique in several aspects: the genital duct is part concave and part simple type. The seminal receptacle is divided into two chambers, a ventral chamber of ectodermal and mesodermal origin, and a dorsal chamber of ectodermal origin. This dorsal chamber is the location of spermatophore reception during copulation. A sperm plug closes the dorsal chamber off. We propose that long second gonopods deliver male mating products directly into the dorsal chamber. To date, spermatophore reception has been associated with the mesodermal tissue of the seminal receptacle. The copulatory system of box crabs with long second gonopods shows novel deviations from this general pattern. J. Morphol. 276:77–89, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the female reproductive system of the yellowline arrow crab Stenorhynchus seticornis by means of histological and histochemical techniques. Mature specimens obtained in the field were kept in the laboratory for mating experiments. After 24 h, newly mated females were dissected, and their reproductive trait routinely processed for embedding in historesin. The specimens examined each possessed a pair of kidney‐shaped seminal receptacles (SR), and these we classified as ventral type, based on the location of the oviduct opening. The mesodermal dorsal region (DR) of SR consisted of a stratified epithelium with scaly cells, while the ectodermal ventral region (VR) was composed of a simple epithelium covered by a cuticle. The oviduct opened at the transition region (TR) between DR and VR and had no velum. The simple epithelium of TR had more folds on the face of the oviduct opening. The vagina exhibited the same features as the TR epithelium and was contiguous to VR, anchored by muscles. In the lumen, from one to three strata of sperm packets were observed, the dorsal one containing free sperm, and the most ventral stratum, spermatophores. An acidophilic glycoprotein layer enclosed the strata. Spermatophores in the ventral stratum were enclosed in a voluminous secretion, composed by acid polysaccharides most likely from the last male mated. The ventral‐type receptacle, stratified sperm packets, and polyandry, usually observed in females of Majoidea, suggest the occurrence of sperm competition in S. seticornis, favoring the sperm of the last male mated, as its sperm mass is located near the opening of the female oviduct.  相似文献   

In this article, the morphology and function of the female reproductive organs of Ebalia tumefacta were investigated using histological methods. While the vagina conforms to the concave type, the study reveals a new orientation of seminal receptacle compartments. The seminal receptacle consists of two chambers, which are oriented in anterior‐posterior direction. This is in contrast to the dorso‐ventral orientation of seminal receptacle chambers in all other known brachyuran crabs. The anterior chamber is lined by cuticle, whereas the posterior chamber is covered with a holocrine glandular epithelium. The oviduct connection is located ventrally, close to the opening of the vagina. The oviduct orifice is characterized by a transition of the epithelium lining of the oviduct to the seminal receptacle holocrine glandular epithelium. Special features are muscle fibers, which are attached to the oviduct orifice and to the sternal cuticle as well. The muscle fibers can be found exactly at that point where the oviduct opens into the seminal receptacle and are secondly attached to the sternum beneath. This musculature is newly described for Eubrachyuran crabs. This musculature can be interpreted as an important feature in the fertilization and egg‐laying process in relation to supporting and controling the inflow of eggs into the seminal receptacle lumen. These new discoveries were compared to the known pattern of an Eubrachyuran seminal receptacle. J. Morphol. 276:517–525, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The reproductive systems of crabs reveal characters of considerable importance for the understanding of brachyuran phylogeny and evolution. The Dorippoidea show several plesiomorphic characters within Eubrachyura and similarities to podotreme crabs. Hence, they are often considered as an early diverging lineage, sometimes even as the sister group to all remaining eubrachyurans. Due to their role as prime candidates for putative plesiomorphic characters of the reproductive system of the Eubrachyura, we compared the morphology of the vaginae, seminal receptacles, and ovaries of three dorippid species using histological methods, micro‐computed tomography, and 3‐D reconstructions. Despite the putative phylogenetic position of dorippids, the female reproductive system shows features that are regarded as derived characters in eubrachyurans, including a concave vagina and a ventral‐type seminal receptacle. In contrast to other eubrachyurans, the oviduct does not enter the seminal receptacle directly but through specific cuticular valves. The female reproductive systems of Dorippe sinica and Dorippe quadridens are remarkable in further aspects. The seminal receptacles of both species are completely cuticle‐lined and have accessory sperm storage structures, the bursae. Our findings on the morphology of the female reproductive system of dorippids with its unique combination of basal, derived, and new characters challenges the prevailing hypothesis on the evolution of sperm storage organs in Eubrachyura.  相似文献   

Pea crabs of the subfamily Pinnotherinae (Pinnotheridae) have a high investment in reproduction and an outstanding reproductive output, probably as an adaptation to the required increase in reproductive rate due to the pinnotherids small size and their parasitic, host‐dependant way of life. In the present study, we investigate the male internal reproductive structures and the ultrastructure of spermatozoa of Pinnotheres pisum and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres by histological methods and both scanning‐ and transmission electron microscopy. In the Brachyura, the male internal reproductive systems generally consist of paired testes and corresponding vasa deferentia where spermatozoa develop and mature. Spermatozoal ultrastructure of the investigated pinnotherids conforms to the thoracotreme type, however, N. pinnotheres has an accessory opercular ring and a periopercular rim, neither of which are present in spermatozoa of P. pisum. Spermatozoa are enclosed within spermatophores in the secretory proximal vas deferens. Two types of secretions were observed in P. pisum and N. pinnotheres: an electron dense substance secreted in the proximal vas deferens involved in spermatophore formation, and large electron‐luscent vesicles constituting the seminal plasma in the medial and distal vas deferens. The medial vas deferens is strongly widened compared to other brachyurans to purpose storing spermatophores embedded in seminal plasma. Tubular appendices, which produce and store large amounts of seminal plasma, arise from the distal region of the vas deferens. The appendices extend into the ventral cephalothorax and also in the first pleomere. The latter being an exceptional location for reproductive structures among male brachyurans. J. Morphol. 274:1312–1322, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies that we have published in the past have reported many aspects of the reproductive process in Armadillidium vulgare with particular emphasis on the reconstruction of female genitalia. Together this body of work provides an almost complete, albeit fragmented picture of these processes and include many data on sperm storage and sperm translocation. Females of A. vulgare have a pair of cuticular genitalia in the lumen of the oviduct. For insemination, these genitalia can receive the copulatory organs of males formed by the elongated tips of the first two pleon endopods. During transitions between reproductive (parturial) and non-reproductive (normal, non-parturial) moult cycles the genitalia undergo intriguing structural changes resulting in two types of genitalia. Throughout their reproductive lifetime, either type is reconstructed after each moult depending on the reproductive phase of the female. In this review, we integrate the events that occur during a reproductive cycle with particular emphasis on the genitalia reconstruction and sperm storage, and discuss functional aspects of the genitalia. Thereby, we provide a case model that can be useful for further studies on genitalia diversity and female reproductive strategies in terrestrial isopods.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproductive anatomy of the spider crab Inachus phalangium are investigated utilizing light and electron microscopy. Spermatozoal ultrastructure reveals the presence of a glycocalyx in the peripheral region of the periopercular rim, never recorded before in crustacean sperm cells. Sperm cell morphological traits such as semi-lunar acrosome shape, centrally perforate and flat operculum, and absence of a thickened ring, are shared only with Macropodia longirostris, confirming a close phylogenetic relationship of these species and their separation from the other members of the family Majidae. Spermatozoa are transferred to females inside spermatophores of different sizes, but during ejaculate transfer, larger spermatophores might be ruptured by tooth-like structures present on the ejaculatory canal of the male first gonopod, releasing free sperm cells. Such a mechanism could represent the first evidence of a second form of sperm competition in conflict with sperm displacement, the only mechanism of sperm competition known among Brachyura, enabling paternity for both dominant and smaller, non-dominant, males. In addition, we propose several hypotheses concerning the remote and proximal causes of the existence of large seminal receptacles in females of I. phalangium. Among these, genetically diverse progeny, reduction of sexual harassment and phylogenetic retention seem the most plausible, while acquisition of nutrients from seminal fluids, demonstrated in other arthropods, and suggested by previous studies, could be discarded on the basis of the presented data.  相似文献   

Commensal pea crabs inhabiting bivalves have a high reproductive output due to the extension andfecundity of the ovary. We studied the underlying morphology of the female reproductive system in the Pinnotheridae Pinnotheres pisum, Pinnotheres pectunculi and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Eubrachyura have internal fertilization: the paired vaginas enlarge into storage structures, the spermathecae, which are connected to the ovaries by oviducts. Sperm is stored inside the spermathecae until the oocytes are mature. The oocytes are transported by oviducts into the spermathecae where fertilization takes place. In the investigated pinnotherids, the vagina is of the “concave pattern” (sensu Hartnoll 1968 ): musculature is attached alongside flexible parts of the vagina wall that controls the dimension of its lumen. The genital opening is closed by a muscular mobile operculum. The spermatheca can be divided into two distinct regions by function and morphology. The ventral part includes the connection with vagina and oviduct and is regarded as the zone where fertilization takes place. It is lined with cuticle except where the oviduct enters the spermatheca by the “holocrine transfer tissue.” At ovulation, the oocytes have to pass through this multilayered glandular epithelium performing holocrine secretion. The dorsal part of the spermatheca is considered as the main sperm storage area. It is lined by a highly secretory apocrine glandular epithelium. Thus, two different forms of secretion occur in the spermathecae of pinnotherids. The definite role of secretion in sperm storage and fertilization is not yet resolved, but it is notable that structure and function of spermathecal secretion are more complex in pinnotherids, and probably more efficient, than in other brachyuran crabs. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Phylogeny reconstructions based on mtDNA and nDNA have become the standard in studies on relationships between taxa. Difficulties in obtaining material, for example because of small endemic distributions, often lead to gaps in datasets. Collections in natural history museums can provide us with material to fill these gaps, but extracting DNA from historical specimens can be challenging. We used a PCR protocol for small amounts of sample material and high PCR yield on eggs of specimens of the coral‐dwelling gall crab family Cryptochiridae collected in 1984, including material from the eastern Atlantic species Detocarcinus balssi. We obtained DNA sequences from seven older museum specimens using newly developed primers, which we combined with COI sequences from recently collected material. Results show that D. balssi is closest to the Indo‐Pacific species Utinomiella dimorpha and not closely related to one of the other three Atlantic Cryptochiridae species. The remaining newly acquired DNA sequences from museum material cluster with the respective sequences from recently collected specimens.  相似文献   

Callichirus major inhabits the intertidal region of marine ecosystems and it is frequently used as live bait for fishing. This study aimed to describe the functional anatomy of the male reproductive system by microscopic techniques. The animals were collected along the Corujão beach, Piuma—ES, Brazil, and, in laboratory, the males were classified into two phases: immature (IM) and developed (DE) based on the macroscopic characteristics of the gonads. The gonad and vas deferens were dissected for histological routine and histochemical tests. Histologically, it was noted that in both phases, the more distal region of gonads has ovarian characteristics, showing developing oocytes. Also, different male germ cells were identified: spermatogonium (SPG), spermatocytes I and II (SPTCI, SPTCII), initial and final spermatid (IS, FS) and sperm (SPZ). Accessory cells with spherical or pyramidal nuclei were also present inside the testicular lobules. According to the vas deferens structure, three regions can be characterized: proximal (PVD), middle (MVD) and distal (DVD). In the lumen of the vas deferens, a spermatophoric matrix highly reactive for histochemical tests was observed. The presence of female germ cells in males suggests the occurrence of intersexuality or hermaphroditism in this species.  相似文献   

An assessment of the global freshwater crab diversity is presented. A total of 1,476 species in 14 families are currently known from all zoogeographical regions (except Antarctica), including 1,306 species in eight exclusively freshwater families (Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae, Potamonautidae, Deckeniidae, Platythelphusidae, Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae and Parathelphusidae). Estimates of true freshwater crab diversity including likely numbers of undescribed taxa suggest that the field remains largely in a “discovery” phase. Main ideas on the origins, diversification, and phylogeny of true freshwater crabs are briefly discussed. The economic importance of freshwater crabs is also highlighted. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

We studied the structural and cellular organisation of the oviduct of Erythrolamprus miliaris including its morphological variation during the reproductive cycle using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Four anatomically distinct regions compose the oviduct of E. miliaris including the anterior and posterior infundibulum, glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch. The cells of the oviductal epithelium secrete material by apocrine and merocrine processes, which vary between the anatomical regions and according to each phase of the reproductive cycle. The infundibular epithelium secretes electron dense vacuoles, which suggests the production of lipids, whereas the epithelial secretion of the glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch creates lucent and slightly electron dense vacuoles, indicating the production of glycoproteins. The timing of mating, vitellogenesis and sperm storage directly influences the morphofunctional alterations in the oviducts of E. miliaris. Sperm storage occurs only in the infundibular receptacles with increased production of the neutral carbohydrates in the presence of male gametes. Sperm storage happens in vitellogenic, non-vitellogenic and pregnant females of E. miliaris. Thus, females may be able to produce multiple clutches at different seasons of the year regardless of mating during autumn.  相似文献   

Five species belonging to two genera of pinnotherid crabs are reported from the Yellow Sea. Two are new to science, namely: Sakaina glabra sp. nov. and Sakaina granulata sp. nov.; while three species are recorded for the first time from China: Pinnaxodes majorOrtmann, 1894, Pinnaxodes mutuensisSakai, 1939, and Sakaina japonicaSerène, 1964. Sakaina glabra can be easily distinguished from congeners by lacking a thick rim of pubescence along the anterolateral margin of the carapace. Sakaina granulata closely resembles S. asiatica (Sakai, 1933), but differs mainly in having a row of granule-like denticles along the anterolateral margin of its carapace.  相似文献   

Freshwater crab sister group relationships with marine eubrachyuran families were investigated. A morphology-based cladistic analysis was conducted on representatives of the freshwater crab families Deckeniidae, Gecarcinucidae, Parathelphusidae, Potamidae, Potamonautidae, Pseudothelphusidae, and Trichodactylidae using a disparate assemblage of marine heterotreme and thoracotreme brachyurans as possible sister groups. The monophyly of the freshwater crabs sensu lato is falsified. The family Trichodactylidae and the marine portunid subfamily Carcininae form basal groups within the superfamily Portunoidea. The monophyly of the Pseudothelphusidae and the Paleotropical freshwater crab families is supported, and this clade is the sister group of the Thoracotremata (Gecarcinidae, Grapsidae s.l., and Ocypodoidea). The origin, groundplan, and diversification of freshwater crabs are discussed in the context of previously published scenarios of their evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the female reproductive cycle of Philodryas patagoniensis in south Brazil, which was described through morpho‐anatomical and histological analyses. The peak of secondary vitellogenesis occurred during winter–spring (July–December), ovulation in spring (October–December), mating and fertilization in spring–summer (October–February), oviposition in spring–autumn (October–May) and births from late spring to autumn (December–July). The diameter of vitellogenic follicles/eggs was larger in winter–spring than in other seasons. The diameter of the shell glands was also larger in winter–spring. In spite of the clear reproductive peak, gonads only showed reduced activity in the autumn. Therefore, at the individual level, females have a discontinuous cyclical reproduction; in the populational level, the reproductive cycle is seasonal semisynchronous. We support the hypothesis that P. patagoniensis have the ability to produce multiple clutches with long‐term stored sperm. Sexual dimorphism in body size was evident, and females are significantly larger and heavier than males. Larger females were able to produce follicles and eggs in larger amount and size. The maternal body size was positively related to the reproductive effort and fecundity. To conclude, we deliberated about the proximal and distal causes that influence the reproductive traits and patterns of P. patagoniensis.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of the female Ethusa mascarone was studied with a combination of histological and MRI‐techniques. The study reveals a completely new type of eubrachyuran seminal receptacle. This receptacle consists of two largely separate chambers that engage with each other in a manner similar to shaking hands. One chamber facing the medial axis is lined by cuticle while the second chamber consists of a thick holocrine epithelium. Both chambers are connected by two openings of a unique structure. First, the glandular chamber opens ventro‐laterally to the cuticle chamber via a laterally flattened connective duct that is lined by a highly folded cuticle. A second opening connects both chambers dorsally with the oviduct orifice. A distinct character is the cuticular hook‐like projection that is situated in between the connection of oviduct opening, the glandular chamber and the cuticle chamber of the seminal receptacle. The complete seminal receptacle exhibits a combination of plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters. The arrangement of the receptacles featured in two separate chambers, including the ventro‐lateral connection of the glandular chamber to the cuticle chamber, presumably reflects an early evolutionary stage of an eubrachyuran receptacle. In contrast, the dorso‐lateral opening between both chambers, including the hook‐like projection, appears to be an apomorphic character of at least E. mascarone. J. Morphol. 277:1497–1508, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Braga, A.L., Nakayama, C.L., Suita de Castro, L.A. and Wasielesky, W. 2011. Spermatozoa ultrastructure of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–6. The spermatozoa ultrastructure of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis was investigated in this morphological study. Spermatophores and spermatozoa were analyzed by electron microscopy. The pink shrimp spermatophore is divided into two regions: the appendage and the spermatophore main body, where spermatozoa are grouped in a spermatic mass. Pink shrimp spermatozoa are unistellate and are composed of main body and single spike. The spermatozoa body comprises a perinuclear cytoplasmic band, nucleus, acrosomal cap, and subacrosomal region. The spermatozoa cell mean total length was 10.71 μm, the mean body diameter was 5.56 μm, and the mean spike length and diameter were 5.15 μm and 0.85 μm, respectively.  相似文献   

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