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This study characterized the contribution of the twin-arginine translocation (TAT) pathway to growth, motility, and virulence of the phytopathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens. In contrast to wild-type strain A348, a tatC null mutant failed to export the green fluorescent protein fused to the trimethylamine N-oxide reductase (TorA) signal sequence or to grow on nitrate as a sole electron acceptor during anaerobic growth. The tatC mutant displayed defects in growth rate and cell division but not in cell viability, and it also released abundant levels of several proteins into the culture supernatant when grown in rich medium or in vir induction minimal medium. Nearly all A348 cells were highly motile in both rich and minimal media. By contrast, approximately 0.1% of the tatC mutant cells were motile in rich medium, and <0.01% were motile in vir induction medium. Nonmotile tatC mutant cells lacked detectable flagella, whereas motile tatC mutant cells collected from the edge of a motility halo possessed flagella but not because of reversion to a functional TAT system. Motile tatC cells failed to exhibit chemotaxis toward sugars under aerobic conditions or towards nitrate under anaerobic conditions. The tatC mutant was highly attenuated for virulence, only occasionally (approximately 15% of inoculations) inciting formation of small tumors on plants after a prolonged incubation period of 6 to 8 weeks. However, an enriched subpopulation of motile tatC mutants exhibited enhanced virulence compared to the nonmotile variants. Finally, the tatC mutant transferred T-DNA and protein effectors to plant cells and a mobilizable IncQ plasmid to agrobacterial recipients at wild-type levels. Together, our findings establish that, in addition to its role in secretion of folded cofactor-bound enzymes functioning in alternative respiration, the TAT system of A. tumefaciens is an important virulence determinant. Furthermore, this secretion pathway contributes to flagellar biogenesis and chemotactic responses but not to sensory perception of plant signals or the assembly of a type IV secretion system.  相似文献   

The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/D4 type IV secretion system (T4SS) translocates DNA and protein substrates across the bacterial cell envelope. Six presumptive channel subunits of this T4SS (VirD4, VirBll, VirB6, VirB8, VirB2, and VirB9) form close contacts with the VirD2-T-strand transfer intermediate during export, as shown recently by a novel transfer DNA immunoprecipitation (TrIP) assay. Here, we characterize the contribution of the hydrophobic channel component VirB6 to substrate translocation. Results of reporter protein fusion and cysteine accessibility studies support a model for VirB6 as a polytopic membrane protein with a periplasmic N terminus, five transmembrane segments, and a cytoplasmic C terminus. TrIP studies aimed at characterizing the effects of VirB6 insertion and deletion mutations on substrate translocation identified several VirB6 functional domains: (i) a central region composed of a large periplasmic loop (P2) (residues 84 to 165) mediates the interaction of VirB6 with the exiting T-strand; (ii) a multi-membrane-spanning region carboxyl-terminal to loop P2 (residues 165 to 245) is required for substrate transfer from VirB6 to the bitopic membrane subunit VirB8; and (iii) the two terminal regions (residues 1 to 64 and 245 to 290) are required for substrate transfer to the periplasmic and outer membrane-associated VirB2 and VirB9 subunits. Our findings support a model whereby the periplasmic loop P2 comprises a portion of the secretion channel and distinct domains of VirB6 participate in channel subunit interactions required for substrate passage to the cell exterior.  相似文献   

Three gonococcal genes have been identified which encode proteins with substantial similarities to known components of the type IV pilus biogenesis pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Two of the genes were identified based on their hybridization with a DNA probe derived from the pilB gene of P. aeruginosa under conditions of reduced stringency. The product of the gonococcal pilF gene is most closely related to the pilus assembly protein PilB of P. aeruginosa while the product of the gonococcal pilT gene is most similar to the PilT protein of P. aeruginosa which is involved in pilus-associated twitching motility and colony morphology. The products of both of these genes display canonical nucleoside triphosphate binding sites and are predicted to be to cytoplasmically localized based on their overall hydrophilicity. The gonococcal pilD gene, identified by virtue of its linkage to the pilF gene, is homologous to a family of prepilin leader peptidase genes. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the gonococcal PilD protein functions to process gonococcal prepilin in a manner consistent with its being gonococcal prepilin peptidase. These results suggest that Neisseria gonorrhoeae is capable of expressing many of the essential elements of a highly conserved protein translocation system and that these gene products are probably involved in pilus biogenesis.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB proteins assemble a type IV secretion apparatus for the transfer of DNA and proteins to plant cells. To study the role of the VirB6 protein in the assembly and function of the type IV apparatus, we determined its subcellular location by immunofluorescence microscopy. In wild-type bacteria VirB6 localized to the cell poles but in the absence of the tumour-inducing plasmid it localized to random sites on the cell membranes. Five of the 11 VirB proteins, VirB7-VirB11, are required for the polar localization of VirB6. We identified two regions of VirB6, a conserved tryptophan residue at position 197 and the extreme C-terminus, that are essential for its polar localization. Topology determination by PhoA fusion analysis placed both regions in the cell cytoplasm. Alteration of tryptophan 197 or the deletion of the extreme C-terminus led to the mislocalization of the mutant protein. The mutations abolished the DNA transfer function of the protein as well. The C-terminus of VirB6, in silico, can form an amphipathic helix that may encode a protein-protein interaction domain essential for targeting the protein to a cell pole. We previously reported that another DNA transfer protein, VirD4, localizes to a cell pole. To determine whether VirB6 and VirD4 localize to the same pole, we performed colocalization experiments. Both proteins localized to the same pole indicating that VirB6 and VirD4 are in close proximity and VirB6 is probably a component of the transport apparatus.  相似文献   

The pulmonary pathogen Legionella pneumophila uses the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system (T4SS) to replicate inside host cells. This apparatus translocates proteins into macrophages to alter their endocytic pathway and enable bacterial growth. Although the secretion ATPase DotB is critical for T4SS function, its specific role in type IV secretion remains undefined. Due to similarity to the VirB11 and PilT ATPases, DotB has been proposed to play a role in assembly of the T4SS, retraction of pili and/or export of substrates. With the goal of understanding the protein's function(s), we isolated and characterized 30 dotB alleles using a variety of phenotypic and biochemical assays. Twenty-four of these alleles possess several dot/icm mutant phenotypes, including a complete lack of intracellular replication, plasmid mobilization and contact-dependent cytotoxicity. These 24 non-functional alleles fall into three classes: those with a known biochemical defect, those with a predicted enzymatic defect and those with an unknown defect. Six other alleles display partial activity in dot/icm phenotypic assays, thus constituting a fourth class. Two mutants in this class are unable to export a subset of T4SS substrates, providing the first evidence for a DotB function in substrate export and suggesting a possible role in substrate selection.  相似文献   

The intracellular bacterial pathogen Coxiella burnetii directs biogenesis of a phagolysosome-like parasitophorous vacuole (PV), in which it replicates. The organism encodes a Dot/Icm type IV secretion system (T4SS) predicted to deliver to the host cytosol effector proteins that mediate PV formation and other cellular events. All C. burnetii isolates carry a large, autonomously replicating plasmid or have chromosomally integrated plasmid-like sequences (IPS), suggesting that plasmid and IPS genes are critical for infection. Bioinformatic analyses revealed two candidate Dot/Icm substrates with eukaryotic-like motifs uniquely encoded by the QpH1 plasmid from the Nine Mile reference isolate. CpeC, containing an F-box domain, and CpeD, possessing kinesin-related and coiled-coil regions, were secreted by the closely related Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm T4SS. An additional QpH1-specific gene, cpeE, situated in a predicted operon with cpeD, also encoded a secreted effector. Further screening revealed that three hypothetical proteins (CpeA, CpeB, and CpeF) encoded by all C. burnetii plasmids and IPS are Dot/Icm substrates. By use of new genetic tools, secretion of plasmid effectors by C. burnetii during host cell infection was confirmed using β-lactamase and adenylate cyclase translocation assays, and a C-terminal secretion signal was identified. When ectopically expressed in HeLa cells, plasmid effectors trafficked to different subcellular sites, including autophagosomes (CpeB), ubiquitin-rich compartments (CpeC), and the endoplasmic reticulum (CpeD). Collectively, these results suggest that C. burnetii plasmid-encoded T4SS substrates play important roles in subversion of host cell functions, providing a plausible explanation for the absolute maintenance of plasmid genes by this pathogen.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium VirB7, VirB9, and VirB10 form a "core complex" during biogenesis of the VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system (T4SS). VirB10 spans the cell envelope and, in response to sensing of ATP energy consumption by the VirB/D4 ATPases, undergoes a conformational change required for DNA transfer across the outer membrane (OM). Here, we tested a model in which VirB10 regulates substrate passage by screening for mutations that allow for unregulated release of the VirE2 secretion substrate to the cell surface independently of target cell contact. One mutation, G272R, conferred VirE2 release and also rendered VirB10 conformationally insensitive to cellular ATP depletion. Strikingly, G272R did not affect substrate transfer to target cells (Tra(+)) but did block pilus production (Pil(-)). The G272R mutant strain displayed enhanced sensitivity to vancomycin and SDS but did not nonspecifically release periplasmic proteins or VirE2 truncated of its secretion signal. G272 is highly conserved among VirB10 homologs, including pKM101 TraF, and in the TraF X-ray structure the corresponding Gly residue is positioned near an α-helical domain termed the antenna projection (AP), which is implicated in formation of the OM pore. A partial AP deletion mutation (ΔAP) also confers a Tra(+) Pil(-) phenotype; however, this mutation did not allow VirE2 surface exposure but instead allowed the release of pilin monomers or short oligomers to the milieu. We propose that (i) G272R disrupts a gating mechanism in the core chamber that regulates substrate passage across the OM and (ii) the G272R and ΔAP mutations block pilus production at distinct steps of the pilus biogenesis pathway.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers oncogenic DNA and effector proteins to plant cells during the course of infection. Substrate translocation across the bacterial cell envelope is mediated by a type IV secretion (TFS) system composed of the VirB proteins, as well as VirD4, a member of a large family of inner membrane proteins implicated in the coupling of DNA transfer intermediates to the secretion machine. In this study, we demonstrate with novel cytological screens - a two-hybrid (C2H) assay and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) - and by immunoprecipitation of chemically cross-linked protein complexes that the VirE2 effector protein interacts directly with the VirD4 coupling protein at cell poles of A. tumefaciens. Analyses of truncation derivatives showed that VirE2 interacts via its C terminus with VirD4, and, further, an NH2-terminal membrane-spanning domain of VirD4 is dispensable for complex formation. VirE2 interacts with VirD4 independently of the virB-encoded transfer machine and T pilus, the putative periplasmic chaperones AcvB and VirJ, and the T-DNA transfer intermediate. Finally, VirE2 is recruited to polar-localized VirD4 as a complex with its stabilizing secretion chaperone VirE1, yet the effector-coupling protein interaction is not dependent on chaperone binding. Together, our findings establish for the first time that a protein substrate of a type IV secretion system is recruited to a member of the coupling protein superfamily.  相似文献   

Two DNA transfer systems encoded by the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid have been previously identified in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The virB operon is required for the transfer of transferred DNA to the plant host, and the trb system encodes functions required for the conjugal transfer of the Ti plasmid between cells of Agrobacterium. Recent availability of the genome sequence of Agrobacterium allowed us to identify a third system that is most similar to the VirB type IV secretion system of Bartonella henselae. We have designated this system avhB for Agrobacterium virulence homologue virB. The avhB loci reside on pAtC58 and encode at least 10 proteins (AvhB2 through AvhB11), 7 of which display significant similarity to the corresponding virulence-associated VirB proteins of the Ti plasmid. However, the AvhB system is not required for tumor formation; rather, it mediates the conjugal transfer of the pAtC58 cryptic plasmid between cells of Agrobacterium. This transfer occurs in the absence of the Ti plasmid-encoded VirB and Trb systems. Like the VirB system, AvhB products promote the conjugal transfer of the IncQ plasmid RSF1010, suggesting that these products comprise a mating-pair formation system. The presence of plasmid TiC58 or plasmid RSF1010 reduces the conjugal transfer efficiency of pAtC58 10- or 1,000-fold, respectively. These data suggest that complex substrate interactions exist among the three DNA transfer systems of Agrobacterium.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes are closely related plant pathogens that cause different diseases, crown gall and hairy root. Both diseases result from transfer, integration, and expression of plasmid-encoded bacterial genes located on the transferred DNA (T-DNA) in the plant genome. Bacterial virulence (Vir) proteins necessary for infection are also translocated into plant cells. Transfer of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and Vir proteins requires a type IV secretion system, a protein complex spanning the bacterial envelope. A. tumefaciens translocates the ssDNA-binding protein VirE2 into plant cells, where it binds single-stranded T-DNA and helps target it to the nucleus. Although some strains of A. rhizogenes lack VirE2, they are pathogenic and transfer T-DNA efficiently. Instead, these bacteria express the GALLS protein, which is essential for their virulence. The GALLS protein can complement an A. tumefaciens virE2 mutant for tumor formation, indicating that GALLS can substitute for VirE2. Unlike VirE2, GALLS contains ATP-binding and helicase motifs similar to those in TraA, a strand transferase involved in conjugation. Both GALLS and VirE2 contain nuclear localization sequences and a C-terminal type IV secretion signal. Here we show that mutations in any of these domains abolished the ability of GALLS to substitute for VirE2.  相似文献   

The F sex factor of Escherichia coli is a paradigm for bacterial conjugation and its transfer (tra) region represents a subset of the type IV secretion system (T4SS) family. The F tra region encodes eight of the 10 highly conserved (core) gene products of T4SS including TraAF (pilin), the TraBF, -KF (secretin-like), -VF (lipoprotein) and TraCF (NTPase), -EF, -LF and TraGF (N-terminal region) which correspond to TrbCP, -IP, -GP, -HP, -EP, -JP, DP and TrbLP, respectively, of the P-type T4SS exemplified by the IncP plasmid RP4. F lacks homologs of TrbBP (NTPase) and TrbFP but contains a cluster of genes encoding proteins essential for F conjugation (TraFF, -HF, -UF, -WF, the C-terminal region of TraGF, and TrbCF) that are hallmarks of F-like T4SS. These extra genes have been implicated in phenotypes that are characteristic of F-like systems including pilus retraction and mating pair stabilization. F-like T4SS systems have been found on many conjugative plasmids and in genetic islands on bacterial chromosomes. Although few systems have been studied in detail, F-like T4SS appear to be involved in the transfer of DNA only whereas P- and I-type systems appear to transport protein or nucleoprotein complexes. This review examines the similarities and differences among the T4SS, especially F- and P-like systems, and summarizes the properties of the F transfer region gene products.  相似文献   

The last gene (pulO) of the pulC-O pullulanase secretion gene operon of Klebsiella oxytoca codes for a protein that is 52% identical to the product of the pilD/xcpA gene required for extracellular protein secretion and type IV pilus biogenesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The PilD/XcpA protein is known to remove the first six amino acids of the signal sequence of the type IV pilin precursor by cleaving after the glycine residue in the conserved sequence GF(M)XXXE (where X represents hydrophobic amino acids). This prepilin peptidase cleavage site is present in the products of four genes in the pulC-O operon (PulG, PulH, Pull and PulJ proteins). It is shown here that PulO processes the pulG gene product in vivo. Processing was maximal within 15 seconds, but experiments in which the expression of pulO was uncoupled from that of the other genes in the secretion operon suggest that processing can also occur post-translationally. The products of two pulG derivatives with internal inframe deletions were also processed by PulO, but the three PulG-PhoA hybrids, two PulJ-PhoA hybrids and the single PulH-PhoA hybrid tested did not appear to be processed. Sucrose gradient fraction experiments showed that both precursor and mature forms of PulG appear to be associated with low-density, outer membrane vesicles prepared by osmotic lysis of sphaeroplasts. Neither the xcpA gene nor the Bacillus subtilis gene comC, which is also homologous to pulO and codes for a protein with type IV prepilin peptidase activity, can correct the pullulanase secretion defect in an Escherichia coli strain carrying all of the genes required for secretion except pulO. Furthermore, neither XcpA nor ComC is able to process prePulG protein in vivo.  相似文献   

Most plant pathogenic bacteria adopt the type III secretion systems to secrete virulence factors and/or avirulence gene products, which trigger the plant hypersensitive response (HR) and the oxidative burst with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as the main component. However, the soil-borne plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens uses the type IV secretion pathway to deliver its oncogenic T-DNA that causes crown gall tumours on many plant species. A. tumefaciens does not elicit a typical HR on those plants. Here, we report that inactivation of one of A. tumefaciens catalases (which converts H2O2 to H2O and O2) by a transposon insertion highly attenuated the bacterial ability to cause tumours on plants and to tolerate H2O2 toxicity, but not the bacterial viability in the absence of exogenous H2O2. This provides the first genetic evidence that the Agrobacterium-plant interaction involves a plant defence response, such as H2O2 production, and that catalase is a virulence factor for a plant pathogen.  相似文献   

This study characterized the contribution of Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB6, a polytopic inner membrane protein, to the formation of outer membrane VirB7 lipoprotein and VirB9 protein multimers required for type IV secretion. VirB7 assembles as a disulfide cross-linked homodimer that associates with the T pilus and a VirB7-VirB9 heterodimer that stabilizes other VirB proteins during biogenesis of the secretion machine. Two presumptive VirB protein complexes, composed of VirB6, VirB7, and VirB9 and of VirB7, VirB9, and VirB10, were isolated by immunoprecipitation or glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays from detergent-solubilized membrane extracts of wild-type A348 and a strain producing only VirB6 through VirB10 among the VirB proteins. To examine the biological importance of VirB6 complex formation for type IV secretion, we monitored the effects of nonstoichiometric VirB6 production and the synthesis of VirB6 derivatives with 4-residue insertions (VirB6.i4) on VirB7 and VirB9 multimerization, T-pilus assembly, and substrate transfer. A virB6 gene deletion mutant accumulated VirB7 dimers at diminished steady-state levels, whereas complementation with a plasmid bearing wild-type virB6 partially restored accumulation of the dimers. VirB6 overproduction was correlated with formation of higher-order VirB9 complexes or aggregates and also blocked substrate transfer without a detectable disruption of T-pilus production; these phenotypes were displayed by cells grown at 28 degrees C, a temperature that favors VirB protein turnover, but not by cells grown at 20 degrees C. Strains producing several VirB6.i4 mutant proteins assembled novel VirB7 and VirB9 complexes detectable by nonreducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and two strains producing the D60.i4 and L191.i4 mutant proteins translocated IncQ plasmid and VirE2 effector protein substrates in the absence of a detectable T pilus. Our findings support a model that VirB6 mediates formation of VirB7 and VirB9 complexes required for biogenesis of the T pilus and the secretion channel.  相似文献   

Several homeodomains and homeodomain-containing proteins enter live cells through a receptor- and energy-independent mechanism. Translocation through biological membranes is conferred by the third α-helix of the homeodomain, also known as Penetratin. Biophysical studies demonstrate that entry of Penetratin into cells requires its binding to surface lipids but that binding and translocation are differentially affected by modifications of some physico-chemical properties of the peptide, like helical amphipathicity or net charge. This suggests that the plasma membrane lipid composition affects the internalization of Penetratin and that internalization requires both lipid binding and other specific properties. Using a phase transfer assay, it is shown that negatively charged lipids promote the transfer of Penetratin from a hydrophilic into a hydrophobic environment, probably through charge neutralization. Accordingly, transfer into a hydrophobic milieu can also be obtained in the absence of negatively charged lipids, by the addition of DNA oligonucleotides. Strikingly, phase transfer by charge neutralization was also observed with a variant peptide of same charge and hydrophobicity in which the tryptophan at position 6 was replaced by a phenylalanine. However, Penetratin, but not its mutant version, is internalized by live cells. This underscores that charge neutralization and phase transfer represent only a first step in the internalization process and that further crossing of a biological membrane necessitates the critical tryptophan residue at position 6.  相似文献   

Numerous high‐value recombinant proteins that are produced in bacteria are exported to the periplasm as this approach offers relatively easy downstream processing and purification. Most recombinant proteins are exported by the Sec pathway, which transports them across the plasma membrane in an unfolded state. The twin‐arginine translocation (Tat) system operates in parallel with the Sec pathway but transports substrate proteins in a folded state; it therefore has potential to export proteins that are difficult to produce using the Sec pathway. In this study, we have produced a heterologous protein (green fluorescent protein; GFP) in Escherichia coli and have used batch and fed‐batch fermentation systems to test the ability of the newly engineered Tat system to export this protein into the periplasm under industrial‐type production conditions. GFP cannot be exported by the Sec pathway in an active form. We first tested the ability of five different Tat signal peptides to export GFP, and showed that the TorA signal peptide directed most efficient export. Under batch fermentation conditions, it was found that TorA‐GFP was exported efficiently in wild type cells, but a twofold increase in periplasmic GFP was obtained when the TatABC components were co‐expressed. In both cases, periplasmic GFP peaked at about the 12 h point during fermentation but decreased thereafter, suggesting that proteolysis was occurring. Typical yields were 60 mg periplasmic GFP per liter culture. The cells over‐expressed the tat operon throughout the fermentation process and the Tat system was shown to be highly active over a 48 h induction period. Fed‐batch fermentation generated much greater yields: using glycerol feed rates of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mL h?1, the cultures reached OD600 values of 180 and periplasmic GFP levels of 0.4, 0.85, and 1.1 g L?1 culture, respectively. Most or all of the periplasmic GFP was shown to be active. These export values are in line with those obtained in industrial production processes using Sec‐dependent export approaches. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2533–2542. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a plant-pathogenic bacterium capable of secreting several virulence factors into extracellular space or the host cell. In this study, we used shotgun proteomics analysis to investigate the secretome of A. tumefaciens, which resulted in identification of 12 proteins, including 1 known secretory protein (VirB1*) and 11 potential secretory proteins. Interestingly, one unknown protein, which we designated hemolysin-coregulated protein (Hcp), is a predicted soluble protein without a recognizable N-terminal signal peptide. Western blot analysis revealed that A. tumefaciens Hcp is expressed and secreted when cells are grown in both minimal and rich media. Further biochemical and immunoelectron microscopy analysis demonstrated that intracellular Hcp is localized mainly in the cytosol, with a small portion in the membrane system. To investigate the mechanism of secretion of Hcp in A. tumefaciens, we generated mutants with deletions of a conserved gene, icmF, or the entire putative operon encoding a recently identified type VI secretion system (T6SS). Western blot analysis indicated that Hcp was expressed but not secreted into the culture medium in mutants with deletions of icmF or the t6ss operon. The secretion deficiency of Hcp in the icmF mutant was complemented by heterologous trans expression of icmF, suggesting that icmF is required for Hcp secretion. In tumor assays with potato tuber disks, deletion of hcp resulted in approximately 20 to 30% reductions in tumorigenesis efficiency, while no consistent difference was observed when icmF or the t6ss operon was deleted. These results increase our understanding of the conserved T6SS used by both plant- and animal-pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

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