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The effects of exogenous histone H1 on estrogen receptor status of human breast cancer MCF 7 cells were investigated in presence and absence of estrogen. Exogenous histone H1 was significantly cytotoxic in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Cell cycle analysis revealed a significant increase in the percentage of cell accumulation in G0/G1 phase. In histone H1-treated cells, a significant decrease in the estrogen receptor content and an increase in the dissociation constant (KD) of ER was observed compared to control.  相似文献   

A prospective study with mild general analgesia and sedation together with local anesthesia during bone marrow harvest was performed. Thirty-one patients underwent 33 bone marrow collections. Pretreatment consisted of 100 mg meperidine i.m. and 20 mg diazepam i.m. 1 h before start of procedure. Eight patients got additional meperidine and diazepam during the procedure, all patients got lidocaine 1% locally. A mean volume of 1.321 was obtained with 42.5 punctures. Twenty-two patients had no complications, 4 vomited, 4 had easily correctable hypotension of short duration, one got oxygen for cyanosis of short duration. Acceptance was good in 23 patients, in 6 reasonably well, in two bad. Only one patient experienced pain problems, due to suction. Anxiety was no major problem due to good information before the procedure and mild sedation. This form of anesthesia for bone marrow collection is a safe procedure, it is generally well accepted by the patient and it can be performed on an out-patient basis.  相似文献   

Stem cells of the bone marrow, including hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and hepatic progenitors were reported to give rise to hepatocytes by both transdifferentiation and cellular fusion. Transdifferentiation was observed without liver damage although significant numbers of stem cell derived hepatocytes were not described. Cellular fusion was demonstrated in the presence of a proliferation stimulus in conjunction with impaired intrinsic liver regeneration capacity. Here, we review potential therapeutic applications of stem cell derived hepatocytes depending on how they emerge. Stem cells turning into hepatocytes by transdifferentiation introduce new functioning liver cells into a diseased organ, which can support intrinsic liver regeneration or bridge the time gap until a definitive treatment is available. When cellular fusion is the mechanism behind stem cell plasticity, however, no new cells emerge in the first place, whereas new genetic material is introduced. The fusion cell thereby acquires a selective advantage over resident hepatocytes allowing for extensive proliferation and liver repopulation. Therefore genetic deficiencies might be the predominant target for cell fusion therapies. We conclude that transdifferentiation and cellular fusion might be powerful tools for the therapy of liver diseases in the future and we propose the introduction of artificial cell fusion as well as stem cell differentiation as therapeutic options.  相似文献   

A multiple dose IL-1 therapy was evaluated for its capability to stimulate hematopoiesis in normal primates and to restore hematopoiesis after autologous bone marrow transplantation. The administration of IL-1 to normal animals over a dose range of 0.5 to 10 ug/kg/d led to a 7-12 fold increase in peripheral blood neutrophil and monocyte counts after 24 hours. This increase in the mature peripheral blood myeloid cells was followed by changes in the myeloid composition of the bone marrow, where the percentage of myeloid elements increased along with a transient increase in myeloid progenitor cell activity. IL-1 treatment also led to an initial decrease in platelet counts of 10-30% during the first 3 days of treatment. However, a striking finding was a significant and long lasting stimulation of increased platelet production with platelet counts increasing to 77% of baseline 3 days after cessation of treatment and remaining elevated for the next 10 days. The therapeutic potential of the IL-1 regimen to restore hematopoiesis was further evaluated in an established autologous bone marrow transplantation model. In monkeys receiving IL-1 doses, 1.0 and 5.0 ug/kg/d, neutrophil counts recovered to >0.5 x 10e9/1 on day 16, one day earlier than control, but the recovery to baseline neutrophil counts occurred 5 days sooner than control. IL-1 therapy had its greatest effect on the restoration of platelet counts after transplantation, reaching >100 x 10e9/l by day 21, two weeks earlier than control. This work demonstrates that IL-1 therapy stimulates myelopoiesis but its most promising clinical application is the stimulation of platelet production.Views presented in this paper are those of the authors: no endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Defense Nuclear Agency has been given or should be inferred. This work was supported by the Naval Medical Research and Development Command, Research Task No. 63706N MM095.003.1007 and the Defense Nuclear Agency Work Unit No. 132082.  相似文献   

In preparing the autologous transplantation of children a method for cryoconservation of bone-marrow was developed by means of investigating the donor's bone-marrow. This method is adapted to our conditions, can easily be practised and is cell-preserving. Quantity and quality of the stored bone-marrow cells were evaluated concerning their proliferation capability by means of CFU-c assays. The highest recovery in CFU-c (78%) and cells (98%) was observed if isolated mononuclear cells with cryoprotective addition of 5% DMSO, 20% of human albumin, and 20% of serum were slowly frozen at a controllable rate, stored in liquid oxygen and thawed very quickly. According to the elaborated method the remission marrow was taken from 15 children affected with malignant diseases for autologous reinfusion. The data gained here confirm the experimental experiences.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and effective technique using the IBM (Cobe)-2991 cell processor for the concentration of buffy coat cells from large volume marrow has been well adopted (n = 16). Only about one-eighth of the original volume was obtained while retaining more than 90% of the total nucleated cells to be cryopreserved in polyolefine bags with TC-199 culture medium and final 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (n = 9), processed by a computerized Nicool ST-20 (France) programmed freezer and stored in a vapor phase of liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees C. Stem cell assay by CFU-GM after thawing yielded a mean of 50.39 +/- 19.54% which has been satisfactory for clinical implementation. So far, three cases with hematological malignancies had been rescued by autologous cryopreserved marrow after supralethal doses of chemoradiotherapy. Two patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia transplanted in 1st remission as of Oct. 31 had been disease free for 178+ and 157+ days, respectively, after transplant which was taken at the corresponding age of 53 and 42 years. The other patient who was a victim of Hodgkin's disease, stage IV, and was transplanted in 3rd remission, expired on the 59th day because of the complication of idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis despite excellent granulocytopoietic reconstitution. The preliminary results are encouraging for further exploitation, especially for those who would otherwise be candidates for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation but are limited by age or lack of an HLA-identical sibling to serve as marrow donors.  相似文献   

It is still unclear whether the timing of intracoronary stem cell therapy affects the therapeutic response in patients with myocardial infarction.The natural course of healing the infarction and the presence of putative homing signals within the damaged myocardium appear to favor cell engraftment during the transendothelial passage in the early days after reperfusion.However,the adverse inflammatory environment,with its high oxidative stress,might be deleterious if cells are administered too early after reperfusion.Here we highlight several aspects of the timing of intracoronary stem cell therapy.Our results showed that transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells at 2 4 weeks after myocardial infarction is more favorable for reduction of the scar area,inhibition of left ventricular remodeling,and recovery of heart function.Coronary injection of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells at 2 4 weeks after acute myocardial infarction is safe and does not increase the incidence of complications.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown that purified subsets of bone marrow (BM) cells can differentiate into endothelial, cardiac, and other cell types. During coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, sternal BM is routinely discarded. To determine if this BM can be used to induce angiogenesis and augment perfusion of the cardiac tissues after CABG, a simplified and more practical approach of using whole BM extract was tried to determine whether it would be adequate for the induction of BM-derived angiogenesis in experimental acute limb ischemia. BM was prepared from FVB/N-TgN(TIE2 lacZ)182 Sato (Tie2-lacZ) or B6.129S7-Gtrosa 26 (Rosa 26) mice that express beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) in endothelial cells and most adult tissues, respectively. Acute limb ischemia was induced in either C57BL6/J or FVB/N mice by double ligation of the left femoral artery just distal to the profunda femoral artery branch. Occlusion of the ligated artery was verified by angiography. The study group (n = 31) received an intramuscular injection of 50 micro l containing 1 x 10(6) BM cells, 5 mm proximal to the site of ligation. Experimental controls (n = 21) had an intramuscular injection of 50 micro l of saline. Angiogenesis in the mice was assessed by histological analysis. BM-derived beta-gal(+) cells were observed to aggregate in the vicinity of the ligated artery and not in the injected musculature BM-derived endothelial cells were incorporated within capillaries and small size blood vessels near the site of ligation. Generation of BM-derived blood vessels in experimental acute limb ischemia does not require purification of specific subset of cells. The elimination of cell purification will enhance the ease of using BM transplantation in generating blood vessels.  相似文献   

Since 1984 bone marrow from 42 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, non Hodgkin's lymphoma and neuroblastoma was cryopreserved. In 5 cases (c-ALL, NHL and B type) the marrow was purged by using a cocktail of three monoclonal antibodies (VIL A1, VIB C5, VIB-E3). Up to now 13 children (ALL/10, neuroblastoma/3) were autografted (one of them after purging) after supralethal chemoradiotherapy. Except one child with early death all patients had engraftment: a level of 1.0.10(9)/l leukocytes was reached at days 10-33 (median, 19); platelet level over 60.10(9)/l at days 32-60 (median, 41). 2 children died on treatment related complications, one on infection after full haematological restitution, 2 patients alive with relapse, 8/13 alive in CCR and well.  相似文献   

Background aims. Bone marrow (BM)-derived mononuclear cell (MNC) preparations are increasingly used in experimental studies exploring the potential effect of progenitor cell-derived therapies in cardiocirculatory diseases. We analyzed the cellular BM composition, side-effects and other process-related variables of BM harvest and BM-MNC preparation in 80 patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods. BM (median 828 mL, range 223-1038 mL) was collected from the iliac crest. After BM harvest the MNC fraction was enriched by semi-automatic apheresis to reduce the total volume of the transplant. Autologous red blood cells (RBC) were salvaged from the initial BM harvest and autotransfused to the patients. Results. There were no serious side-effects related to BM collection, particularly no serious bleeding complications. Twenty- five of 80 (31%) patients developed mild pain. BM harvest resulted in the collection of a median of 2.8 × 10(9) MNC, containing a median of 66.5 × 10(6) CD34/45 cells, 39.5 × 10(6) CD133/45 cells and 50.3 × 10(6) CD34/CD133 cells. Apheresis technology-based MNC enrichment of harvested BM resulted in a progenitor cell recovery of 69-75.3% of total cells. Additional salvage of RBC from the initial BM harvest resulted in the recovery of a median of 175.0 mL autologous RBC mass. Transfusion of salvaged RBC was well tolerated and resulted in a significant increase in hemoglobin levels. Conclusions. Collection of BM of up to 1 L in combination with in vitro processing using a semi-automated apheresis device is a safe and feasible approach to increasing the number of progenitor cells necessary for cellular therapies, particularly when combined with RBC salvage.  相似文献   

Normal and malignant myeloid cells express a highly immunogenic oligosaccharide, lacto-n-fucopentaose-III (LNF-III), that has been identified by numerous monoclonal antibodies (MoAb). We have been interested in the use of a particular monoclonal antibody to LNF-III, PM-81, in the treatment of patients with acute myelogenous leukemia using the antibody to treat bone marrow in vitro. Following in vitro treatment of bone marrow with PM-81 and another MoAb, AML-2-23, the remaining cells are used as an autograft in a patient treated with high-dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In order to enhance the ability of the MoAb to lyse leukemic cells in the remission bone marrow, we have explored the effect of neuraminidase treatment on leukemia cells. In this paper we describe that myeloid leukemia cells expressing low levels of LNF-III by immunofluorescence can be shown to have high levels of LNF-III after neuraminidase treatment. In addition, we show that normal bone marrow progenitor cells do not have cryptic LNF-III antigen, thus allowing the application of this finding to the clinical setting. Moreover, we have shown that leukemia colony-forming cells from one patient with acute myelogenous leukemia express cryptic LNF-III and that after exposure to neuraminidase there was an increased ability of PM-81 in the presence of complement to eliminate these colony forming cells. These data indicate that the LNF-III moiety is almost universally expressed on myeloid leukemia cells and their progenitors but not expressed on normal progenitors. Thus, it may be possible to enhance leukemia cell kill in vitro by neuraminidase treatment of bone marrow.  相似文献   

From 20 patients with solid tumors or acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in remission, hemopoietic progenitor cells were taken and stored in liquid nitrogen, for use in autologous bone marrow transplantation. Bone marrow aspiration resulted in a volume of 920(+/- 170) ml containing 16.8(+/-6.0) x 10(9) nucleated bone marrow cells and 7.2(+/-4.4) x 10(6) myeloid progenitor cells (CFUc). With use of the Haemonetics blood cell separator a progenitor cell-enriched fraction is obtained. This fraction is depleted of 90(+/-6)% of the erythrocytes and 59(+/-15)% of the neutrophils contained in the original. The original aspirate volume is reduced to one-fifth (21 +/- 3%) while containing 88(+/-38)% of the original CFUc's and 52(+/-11)% of the nucleated bone marrow cells. This technique of bone marrow enrichment has the advantage of a minimum of open-air contact, being independent of extensive laboratory facilities and manpower. The enriched fraction is frozen in autologous plasma and a final concentration of 10% (v/v) DMSO, using a program-controlled freezer (L'Air Liquide). Materials are stored at liquid nitrogen temperature in bags (Gambro) and test vials. Total CFUc recovery in test vials after thawing was 81(+/-32)%.  相似文献   

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is one of the most frequent autoimmune diseases in childhood and is characterized by chronic inflammation of the synovial fluid in joints. Several drugs are available for the treatment of JIA, including various biological agents that interfere with critical cytokine pathways. Though very effective in suppressing disease activity, none of these drugs can cure the disease and induce a lasting medication free remission. A small proportion of JIA patients will become or are unresponsive to any form of medical treatment. For these severely ill patients autologous bone marrow transplantation (aBMT) is a last resort treatment. aBMT is remarkably effective in suppressing disease activity, with beneficial outcome reported in around 70% of these previously refractory patients. Moreover aBMT is the only treatment that can induce a lasting medication-free-disease remission in these patients. In the very long term (after 7 years of remission) however, some disease relapses are observed, with the disease returning in a less severe form compared to prior aBMT. The exact mechanism of how aBMT is inducing this lasting disease remission is still largely unknown, but data from both animal models and humans suggest a prominent role for regulatory T cells. In this review we reviewed the current views of the cellular mechanisms that lay beneath disease induction of JIA and the disease remission caused by aBMT therapy.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage defects that do not repair spontaneously induce osteoarthritic changes in joints over a long period of observation. In this study, we examined the usefulness of transplanting culture‐expanded bone marrow mesenchymal cells into osteochondral defects of joints with cartilage defects. First, we performed experiments on rabbits and up on obtaining good results proceeded to perform the experiments on humans. Macroscopic and histological repair with this method was good, and good clinical results were obtained although there was no significant difference with the control group. Recent reports have indicated that this procedure is comparable to autologous chondrocyte implantation, and concluded that it was a good procedure because it required one step less than that required by surgery, reduced costs for patients, and minimized donor site morbidity. Although some reports have previously shown that progenitor cells formed a tumor when implanted into immune‐deficient mice after long term in vitro culture, the safety of the cell transplantation was confirmed by our clinical experience. Thus, this procedure is useful, effective, and safe, but the repaired tissues were not always hyaline cartilage. To obtain better repair with this procedure, treatment approaches using some growth factors during in vitro culture or gene transfection are being explored. J. Cell. Physiol. 225: 291–295, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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