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Vibrio mutants of Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Proton-translocating pyrophosphatase of Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Bacilliform mutants of Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Structure of Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Cells from serial cultures of R. rubrum, grown anaerobically in the light, were harvested at intervals from ½ to 15 days and sectioned for electron microscopy by conventional methods. Cells of this species possess a multilayered outer envelope, and the external cell surface is differentiated into ridges extending parallel or obliquely to the long axis of the cell. Cells from very young cultures resemble non-photosynthetic bacteria and contain only a granular cytoplasm, scattered high-density particles, and low-density areas corresponding to the chromatin areas observed by light microscopy. They contain neither the chromatophores nor the lamellar systems assumed by previous investigators to be characteristic of this species when grown anaerobically in the light. Chromatophores appear in cells from cultures older than about 12 hours, while systems of paired lamellae appear along with the chromatophores in cells from cultures older than about 8 days. Divergent opinions concerning the occurrence of chromatophores or lamellae in this species can be resolved on the basis of the age of cultures used in previous studies. Other changes occurring in cells from cultures of increasing age include the appearance of granular and reticulate cytoplasmic bodies and vacuoles, extension of the chromatin areas, and the appearance of a single membrane enclosing several chromatophores.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Thylakoide aus Rhodospirillum rubrum und Rhodospirillum molischianum werden nach Homogenisation der Zellen mit Ultraschall durch fraktionierte Zentrifugation isoliert. An diese Membranstrukturen ist das System der Photophosphorylierung gebunden. Die Aktivität dieses Systems in Abhängigkeit vom Redoxpotential des Mediums wird untersucht. Die stärkste Bindung anorganischen Phosphates wird unter Edelgasatmosphäre bei Zusatz von Spuren eines Elektronendonators (0,07 mol Succinat je Ansatz) beobachtet. Die cyclische Photophosphorylierung wird einerseits durch Sauerstoff und oxydierende Verbindungen wie K3Fe(CN)6 anderseits durch Überreduktion mittels reduzierter Redoxverbindungen wie 2,6-Dichlorphenolindophenol oder Phenazinmethosulfat (beide reduziert durch Ascorbat) unter Wasserstoffatmosphäre gehemmt. Die Sauerstoffhemmung kann durch reduziertes Phenazinmethosulfat zu 50% aufgehoben werden. Antimycin A blockiert die lichtabhängige Phosphorylierung; 2,4-Dinitrophenol dagegen hemmt kaum. Die zellfreien Systeme beider Arten zeigen die gleiche Abhängigkeit vom Redoxpotential obwohl R. rubrum wesentlich sauerstofftoleranter ist als R. molischianum und auch durch oxydative Phosphorylierung im Dunkeln ATP bilden kann. Die Befunde sprechen für eine Unabhängigkeit der cyclischen Photophosphorylierung von der Atmungskette und für eine starke Übereinstimmung im Aufbau der Elektronentransportsysteme für die cyclische Photophosphorylierung bei R. rubrum und R. molischianum.
Summary The isolated thylakoide-structures (chromatophores) of Rhodospirillum molischianum and Rhodospirillum rubrum are investigated with regard to activity of cyclic, light induced phosphorylation. A high activity of the photochemical apparatus needs an optimal external oxidation-reduction potential. Over-oxidation by oxygen or K3[Fe[CN)6] inhibit just as much as over-reduction by hydrogen and N-methyl phenazonium methosulfate or 2,6-dichlorphenol-indophenole both reduced with ascorbate. The highest activity is observed in hydrogen atmosphere without an electron-donator system or in helium with traces (0,07 mol) of succinate. The inhibitoryeffect of oxygen can partly be compensated by reduced PMS. The photochemical apparatus of R. molischianum and R. rubrum react nearly in the same way on changes of the external oxidation-reduction potential and both systems are strongly inhibited by antimycin A but not by low concentrations of 2,4-dinitrophenole. R. molischianum is a strict anaerobic organism and can grow only in the light and under low oxygen partialpressure. In comparison with it R. rubrum is more oxygen-tolerant. The strain can grow under conditions of aerobic dark metabolism. The present results together with those of other investigations provide strong evidence for the conclusion that the systems of cyclic photophosphorylation in both organisms have the same composition and are relatively independent from the respiratory chain.

Glycolate can be measured in the supernatant fraction after incubation of butyrate-grown cells of Rhodospirillum rubrum either colorimetrically by the Calkins method or enzymatically using glycolate oxidase. Under optimal conditions, half-maximal excretion occurs at 11% O2 and the maximal rate is 6.9 nmol of glycolate min-1 mg protein-1 at 30°C. The pH and temperature optima are 7.6 and 30°C and light intensity is saturating in the range of 2–10×104 lux. Carbon dioxide inhibits glycolate excretion and exogenous butyrate stimulates. Glycolate excretion is maximal by butyrate-light grown cells harvested in the early stationary phase and under all conditions is proportional to the cellular content of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.Non-Standard Abbreviations Bicine (N,N-bis[2-hydroxyethyl]glycine) - RuBP d-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - HPMS 2-pyridylhydroxymethanesulfonate  相似文献   

Ornithine-containing lipid in Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary Glutathione reductase (NADPH1: glutathione oxidoreductase (EC was purified 70 fold from Rhodospirillum rubrum by ammonium sulfate fractionation, gelfiltration with Sephadex and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The optimum pH of the reaction is 7.5–8.2 K m values of 8.4×10–6 M for NADPH and 5.8×10–5 M for GSSG were determined. The kinetic data indicate a bisubstrate reaction mechanism. The prosthetic group is FAD (K m 1.1×10–6M). The flavin can be completely dissociated from the enzyme, and 70% of the original activity can subsequently be restored by FAD. The molecular weight was determined with a calibrated column Sephadex G-200 and found to be approximately 63,000. The enzyme is inhibited reversibly by several anions. With iodide the inhibition is competitive with respect to GSSG. Sulfhydryl reagents (N-ethylmaleinimide, p-chlormercuribenzoate) strongly inhibit the enzyme when it is present in the reduced state. The enzyme is reduced by low concentrations of NADPH and by higher concentrations of NADH. GSSG protects the enzyme against this inhibition. The enzyme is reversibly inhibited by incubation with NADPH or NADH.
Zusammenfassung Glutathionreduktase wurde aus Rhodospirillum rubrum mit Ammoniumsulfatfraktionierung, Gelfiltration mit Sephadex und Chromatographie an DEAE-Cellulose 70 fach angereichert. Das pH Optimum der Reaktion liegt bei 7,5–8,2. K m -Werte: 8,4·10–6 M für NADPH und 5,8·10–5 M für GSSG. Aus den kinetischen Daten ergibt sich für das Enzym ein Bisubstratreaktionsmechanismus. Die prosthetische Gruppe ist FAD (K m 1,1·10–6 M). Das Flavin kann vollständig vom Enzymprotein abdissoziiert werden, durch erneute Zugabe von FAD können etwa 70% der ursprünglichen Aktivität zurückerhalten werden. Das Molekulargewicht, bestimmt durch Gelfiltration mit einer kalibrierten Säule Sephadex G-200, ist ca. 63000. Das Enzym wird durch verschiedene Anionen reversibel gehemmt. Bei J ist die Hemmung kompetitiv mit GSSG. Sulfhydrylreagentien (N-Äthylmaleinimid und p-Chlomercuribenzoat) sind potente Inhibitoren, wenn das Enzym im reduzierten Zustand vorliegt. Das Enzym kann bereits durch niedrige Konzentrationen an NADPH sowie durch höhere Konzentrationen an NADH reduziert werden. GSSG schützt das Enzymprotein gegen die Hemmung durch Sulfhydryl-reagentien. Das Enzym wird durch Inkubation mit NADPH und NADH reversibel gehemmt.

D-alpha-Hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase of R. rubrum grown anaerobically in the light was partially purified and some properties were investigated. 1. The enzyme catalyze stoichiometrically the dehydrogenation reaction of D-alpha-hydroxyglutarate into alpha-oxoglutarate, coupled with the reduction of 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol. 2. Cytochrome c2, cytochrome c, and ferricyanide are effective as electron acceptors with the crude enzyme but not with the purified one, whereas NAD+ and NADP+ are completely ineffective. The enzyme is thought to play a role in the electron transport system of the organism. 3. D-alpha-Hydroxyglutarate is virtually the sole substrate for the enzyme. The apparent activity against L-alpha-hydroxyglutarate is presumed to be due to contamination of the L-isomer sample with the D-isomer. The enzyme shows barely detectable activity against both isomers of malate and virtually no activity against DL-lactate and glycolate. 4. Both isomers of malate and oxalate, which are presumably substrate analogues, inhibit the enzyme activity. 5. The enzyme is not an inducible enzyme but rather is a constitutive one for R. rubrum, unlike from the enzyme of Pseudomonas putida which is an inducible enzyme for the catabolism of lysine.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence has been presented that a soluble fraction from R. rubrum cells contains two new primary carboxylation reactions which depend on the reducing power of ferredoxin: (a) pyruvate synthase which brings about a synthesis of pyruvate from acetyl-CoA and CO2 and (b) -ketoglutarate synthase which brings about a synthesis of -ketoglutarate from succinyl-CoA and CO2. The soluble fraction of R. rubrum cells contains also a series of other enzymes which, together with the ferredoxin-dependent enzymes, constitutes a reductive carboxylic acid cycle—a new cyclic pathway for CO2 assimilation that was first found in the photosynthetic bacterium, Chlorobium thiosulfatophilum.Dedicated to C. B. van Niel on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Aided by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The carbon monoxide dehydrogenase from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified over 600-fold by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, heat treatment, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and preparative scale gel electrophoresis. In vitro, this enzyme catalyzed a two-electron oxidation of CO to form CO2 as the product. The reaction was dependent on the addition of an electron acceptor. The enzyme was oxygen labile, heat stable, and resistant to tryptic and chymotryptic digestion. Optimum in vitro activity occurred at pH 10.0. A sensitive, hemoglobin-based assay for measuring dissolved CO levels is presented. The in vitro Km for CO was determined to be 110 microM. CO, through an unknown mechanism, stimulated hydrogen evolution in whole cells, suggesting the presence of a reversible hydrogenase in R. rubrum which is CO insensitive in vivo.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Rhodospirillum rubrum und Rhodopseudomonas palustris enthalten ein Bacteriochlorophyll, das mit Farnesol statt mit Phytol veretert ist. Das neue Bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl aF) läßt sich vom bekannten Bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl aP) durch 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie unterscheiden sowie durch Dünnschichtchromatographie der entsprechenden Phäophytine an mit Silbernitrat imprägniertem Kieselgel. Die Chromophore von Bchl aF und Bchl aP sind auch bezüglich ihrer Stereochemie identisch.
A new bacteriochlorophyll from Rhodospirillum rubrum
Summary Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas palustris contain a bacteriochlorophyll which is a farnesyl rather than a phytyl ester. The new bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl aF) can be distinguished from the well known bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl aP) by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy and by t.l.c. of the corresponding pheophytins on silver nitrate impregnated silica gel. The chromophores of Bchl aP and Bchl aF are identical in structure and stereochemistry.

Zusammenfassung Glutamatdehydrogenase wurde aus Rhodospirillum rubrum durch Fällung mit Ammoniumsulfat und Chromatographie an DEAE-Cellulose 35 fach angereichert. Das Enzym ist spezifisch auf NAD als Wasserstoffdonator/acceptor und -Ketoglutarat bzw. Glutamat. Hg-Ionen blockieren die Reaktion in beiden Richtungen; Nitrit- und Nitrationen hemmen in höheren Konzentrationen. Die Abbaurate wird durch die Anwesenheit von ATP verringert. Die Stickstoffquelle des Nährmediums wirkt sich nur wenig auf die Ausbildung des Enzyms in den Zellen aus, dagegen wird durch Produkthemmung im natürlichen Milieu bei Wachstum auf Malat und NH4 + der Glutamatabbau praktisch unterdrückt.
Glutamate dehydrogenase from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum
Summary Glutamate dehydrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified 35 fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The enzyme is specific for NAD as hydrogen donor/acceptor and -ketoglutarate and glutamate for the synthesis, respectively the degradation of the amino acid. Hg2+ ions completely inhibit both synthesis and degradation; a weaker inhibition can be shown by addition of various inorganic nitrogen compounds. The rate of the glutamate degradation is reduced by ATP. The nitrogen source of the culture medium is without effect on the formation of the glutamate dehydrogenase, however, under growth conditions in a malate-NH4 +-solution the glutamate degradation is almost completely suppressed by product inhibition.

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