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Early study of transepithelial salt transfer focused on Cl(-) and not Na(+), partly because Cl(-) was readily measureable. The advent of flame photometry and tracer techniques brought Na(+) to the fore, especially since short-circuited frog skin (Rana temporaria) produces baseline net movement of Na(+) and not of Cl(-). Zadunaisky was among the first to describe what is currently termed secondary active Cl(-) transport, helping stimulate interest in Cl(-) handling by other tissues, notably the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle important in renal counter-current multiplication. More recently, molecules responsible for electroneutral and electrogenic Cl(-) transfer have been cloned, and specific diseases resulting from their faulty expression have been identified. The clinical importance of transepithelial Cl(-) transfer is illustrated by studies of aqueous humor formation by the eye's bilayered ciliary epithelium. NaCl is taken up from the stroma by the pigmented ciliary epithelial (PE) layer, diffuses through gap junctions into the nonpigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) layer, and is released into the aqueous humor largely through Na(+) pumps and Cl(-) channels. ATP released by NPE cells can be ecto-enzymatically metabolized to adenosine. Adenosine can mediate paracrine/autocrine stimulation of Cl(-) channels and aqueous humor secretion by occupying A(3) adenosine receptors (ARs). A(3)AR agonists indeed elevate, and A(3)AR antagonists lower, intraocular pressure (IOP) in wild-type mice. A(3)AR knockout mice have low IOP and their responses to A(3)AR agonists and antagonists are blunted; this suggests that reducing Cl(-)-channel activity with A(3)AR antagonists may provide a novel approach for treating glaucoma.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of various biological factors such as body mass, trophic level, climate and geography on census area in terrestrial mammals. We also examine the effects of census area on the population density–body mass relationship. The geographic areas covered in this study include most major terrestrial biomes including taïga, desert, savanna, grassland, tropical dry forest, temperate dry forest, tropical rain forest and temperate rain forest. An extensive literature search was conducted and we compiled data on census area and body mass from 377 mammalian populations and 59 communities. Statistical analyses include linear regression, Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance, LOWESS, and multiple regression. Overall, the regression between log census area (A) and log body mass (M) yielded a slope of 0.710, which did not differ significantly from 0.75, but it was significantly different from 1.0. The analyses also showed that the log A–log M relationship is constrained within a well‐defined space in a similar fashion to the home range–body mass relationship. When mammals were separated into trophic groups, regression lines differed significantly in their intercepts, but not in slopes. At the community level, the census area was particularly affected by the population with the largest body mass within the community. Both the number of species and number of taxa encompassed by the community were found to be correlated positively with log A (r = 0.26, P = 0.0464 and r = 0.27, P = 0.0398, respectively). Sampling of mammalian species is not usually random. Not only is census area significantly associated with the technique used to sample a given species, but it is also influenced by biological factors that have been shown previously to influence population density. Striking similarities were found between the census area–body mass relationship and the home range–body mass relationship, suggesting that investigators may sample mammalian populations over areas that actually reflect the use of space of their focal species.  相似文献   

Insight into potential mechanisms of succession following disturbance to an ecological community can be gained by considering processes that contribute to the rise (colonization, interactions with established species) and demise (differential mortality) of specific stages within the successional sequence. Most successional theories focus on the rise to dominance, assuming demise is the result of competition, but other factors can cause differential mortality among species, including physical disturbance, senescence, and consumers. In rocky intertidal communities on the coast of Washington state, USA, gaps in mussel beds exhibit a succession from predator-susceptible to predator-resistant species following disturbance, suggesting that differential consumption by mobile species may play an important role in the demise of early succession species and the eventual dominance of the mussel Mytilus californianus. Experimental manipulation of a dominant species earlier in succession, the blue mussel Mytilus trossulus, demonstrated that this species inhibits the invasion of M. californianus in the absence of predators. Experimental manipulation of predatory snails (Nucella emarginata and Nucella canaliculata), which feed heavily on M. trossulus but not M. californianus, greatly increased the rate at which M. californianus invaded gaps. These results and those of other studies indicate that consumers frequently have important effects on the dynamics of succession in benthic marine systems, and might also play a role in other settings.  相似文献   

There have been several attempts to build a unified framework for macroecological patterns. However, these have mostly been based either on questionable assumptions or have had to be parameterized to obtain realistic predictions. Here, we propose a new model explicitly considering patterns of aggregated species distributions on multiple spatial scales, the property which lies behind all spatial macroecological patterns, using the idea we term 'generalized fractals'. Species' spatial distributions were modelled by a random hierarchical process in which the original 'habitat' patches were randomly replaced by sets of smaller patches nested within them, and the statistical properties of modelled species assemblages were compared with macroecological patterns in observed bird data. Without parameterization based on observed patterns, this simple model predicts realistic patterns of species abundance, distribution and diversity, including fractal-like spatial distributions, the frequency distribution of species occupancies/abundances and the species–area relationship. Although observed macroecological patterns may differ in some quantitative properties, our concept of random hierarchical aggregation can be considered as an appropriate null model of fundamental macroecological patterns which can potentially be modified to accommodate ecologically important variables.  相似文献   

Globally spreading bacterial strains belong to clonal types that have the capacity to colonize, spread and cause disease in the community. Recent comparative genomic analyses of well-defined clinical isolates have led to the identification of bacterial properties that are required for the successful spread of bacterial clones. In this Review, we discuss the evolution of bacterial clones, the importance of recombination versus mutations for evolution of clones, common methods used to study clonal relationships among bacteria, factors that may contribute to the clonal spread of bacteria and the potential relevance of bacterial clones to clinical disease. We focus on the common pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, although other bacteria are also briefly discussed, such as Helicobacter pylori, Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  相似文献   

It has long been accepted that high concentrations of glutamate can destroy neurons, and this is the basis of the theory of excitotoxicity during brain injury such as stroke. Glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists such as Selfotel, Aptiganel, Gavestinel and others failed to show neuroprotective efficacy in human clinical trials or produced intolerable central nervous system adverse effects. The failure of these agents has been attributed to poor studies in animal models and to poorly designed clinical trials. We also speculate that NMDA receptor antagonism may have hindered endogenous mechanisms for neuronal survival and neuroregeneration. It remains to be proven in human stroke whether NMDA receptor antagonism can be neuroprotective.  相似文献   

Macroecological and biogeographical studies and their applicability for biological conservation vitally depend on distribution data. These are usually taken from distribution atlases and databases or maps found in identification guides. A previous study pointed to another little explored source of data — local faunistic studies. Here, I would like to draw attention to another potential source. Papers that analysed the food composition of some taxa (e.g. insectivorous birds) are an overlooked source of rich information on taxa distributions. These studies frequently include an 'Appendix' with a list of food items determined to the species level. These studies also contain data on abundances, number of samples, sampling time, and geographical location as a rule. Foraging birds naturally provide data on invertebrate distributions with good spatio-temporal coverage and reasonably large samples. Importantly, birds frequently collect rare and by entomological methods hardly detectable species (i.e. those living high, in tree canopies, in very dense vegetation, or with secretive lifestyle). Data from bird dietary studies may help to ameliorate one of the most serious problems in distribution studies — zero inflation. I briefly discuss pros and cons of this so far neglected source of biogeographical data.  相似文献   

Pineal glands of 4-day-old rats had a spontaneous rise and fall in N-acetyltransferase activity (NAT) in organ culture lasting 12–17 hr. Peak NAT increased until the pups were 10 days old, then gradually declined. Pineal glands of 28-day-old animals and of adult rats had no spontaneous rise and fall in 12–17 hr of culture. Thus, immature rat pineal glands have the capacity in vitro for the rise and fall of N-acetyltransferase in the absence of added norepinephrine.  相似文献   

The idea that the concentration of secondary metabolites in plant tissues is controlled by the availability of carbon and nitrogen in the environment has been termed the carbon–nutrient balance hypothesis (CNB). This hypothesis has been invoked both for prediction and for post hoc explanation of the results of hundreds of studies. Although it successfully predicts outcomes in some cases, it fails to such an extent that it cannot any longer be considered useful as a predictive tool. As information from studies has accumulated, many attempts have been made to save CNB, but these have been largely unsuccessful and have managed only to limit its utility. The failure of CNB is rooted in assumptions that are now known to be incorrect and it is time to abandon CNB because continued use of the hypothesis is now hindering understanding of plant–consumer interactions. In its place we propose development of theory with a firm evolutionary basis that is mechanistically sophisticated in terms of plant and herbivore physiology and genetics.  相似文献   

Human cells respond to DNA damage with an acute and transient burst in production of poly(ADP-ribose), a posttranslational modification that expedites damage repair and plays a pivotal role in cell fate decisions. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) and glycohydrolase (PARG) are the key set of enzymes that orchestrate the rise and fall in cellular levels of poly(ADP-ribose). In this perspective, we focus on recent structural and mechanistic insights into the enzymes involved in poly(ADP-ribose) production and turnover, and we highlight important questions that remain to be answered.  相似文献   

The evolution of marine neotropical shallow water species is expected to have been greatly affected by physical events related to the emergence of the Central American Isthmus. The anomuran crab Megalobrachium, a strictly neotropical porcellanid genus, consists of four species in the West Atlantic (WA) and nine in the East Pacific (EP). Dispersal is limited to a relatively short planktonic phase, which lasts approximately two weeks. We obtained DNA sequences of three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes of all but one species of Megalobrachium to construct a time‐calibrated phylogeny of the genus and its historical phylogeography, based on the reconstruction of ancestral areas. The topology of the phylogenetic trees of Megalobrachium produced by Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) were virtually congruent. The genus is monophyletic with respect to other porcellanids. Ancestral area reconstruction indicates that it arose in the eastern Pacific 18 million years ago and diversified into at least 13 species that are currently formally recognized and three additional species indicated by our data. Most morphological variation appears to have followed phylogenetic differentiation, though some cryptic speciation has also occurred. Four geminate clades in this genus implicate the gradual emergence of the Central American Isthmus in this diversification, but events preceding the final separation of the oceans as well as within‐ocean events after the cessation of water connections were also important.  相似文献   



Debates exist as to whether, as overall population health improves, the absolute and relative magnitude of income- and race/ethnicity-related health disparities necessarily increase—or derease. We accordingly decided to test the hypothesis that health inequities widen—or shrink—in a context of declining mortality rates, by examining annual US mortality data over a 42 year period.

Methods and Findings

Using US county mortality data from 1960–2002 and county median family income data from the 1960–2000 decennial censuses, we analyzed the rates of premature mortality (deaths among persons under age 65) and infant death (deaths among persons under age 1) by quintiles of county median family income weighted by county population size. Between 1960 and 2002, as US premature mortality and infant death rates declined in all county income quintiles, socioeconomic and racial/ethnic inequities in premature mortality and infant death (both relative and absolute) shrank between 1966 and 1980, especially for US populations of color; thereafter, the relative health inequities widened and the absolute differences barely changed in magnitude. Had all persons experienced the same yearly age-specific premature mortality rates as the white population living in the highest income quintile, between 1960 and 2002, 14% of the white premature deaths and 30% of the premature deaths among populations of color would not have occurred.


The observed trends refute arguments that health inequities inevitably widen—or shrink—as population health improves. Instead, the magnitude of health inequalities can fall or rise; it is our job to understand why.  相似文献   

Summary A problem often confronted in analyses of chargecarrying transport processesin vivo lies in identifying porterspecific component currents and their dependence on membrane potential. Frequently, current-voltage (I–V)—or more precisely, difference-current-voltage (dI-V)—relations, both for primary and for secondary transport processes, have been extracted from the overall membrane current-voltage profiles by subtracting currents measured before and after experimental manipulations expected to alter the porter characteristics only. This paper examines the consequences of current subtraction within the context of a generalized kinetic carrier model for Class I transport mechanisms (U.-P. Hansen, D. Gradmann, D. Sanders and C.L. Slayman, 1981,J. Membrane Biol. 63:165–190). Attention is focused primarily ondI-V profiles associated with ion-driven secondary transport for which external solute concentrations usually serve as the experimental variable, but precisely analogous results and the same conclusions are indicated in relation to studies of primary electrogenesis. The model comprises a single transport loop linkingn (3 or more) discrete states of a carrier molecule. State transitions include one membrane chargetransport step and one solute-binding step. Fundamental properties ofdI-V relations are derived analytically for alln-state formulations by analogy to common experimental designs. Additional features are revealed through analysis of a reduced 2-state empirical form, and numerical examples, computed using this and a minimum 4-state formulation, illustratedI-V curves under principle limiting conditions. Class I models generate a wide range ofdI-V profiles which can accommodate essentially all of the data now extant for primary and secondary transport systems, including difference current relations showing regions of negative slope conductance. The particular features exhibited by the curves depend on the relative magnitudes and orderings of reaction rate constants within the transport loop. Two distinct classes ofdI-V curves result which reflect the relative rates of membrane charge transit and carrier recycling steps. Also evident in difference current relations are contributions from hidden carrier states not directly associated with charge translocation in circumstances which can give rise to observations of counterflow or exchange diffusion. Conductance-voltage relations provide a semi-quantitative means to obtaining pairs of empirical rate parameters. It is demonstrated thatdI-V relationscannot yield directly meaningful transport reversal potentials in most common experimental situations. Well-defined arramgements of reaction constants are shown to givedI-V curves which exhibit little or no voltage sensitivity and finite currents over many tens to hundreds of millivoltsincluding the true reversal potential. Furthermore, difference currents show apparent Michaelian kinetics with solute concentration atall membrane potentials. These findings bring into question several previous reports of reversal potentials, stoichiometries and apparent current-source behavior based primarily on difference current analysis. They also provide a coherent explanation for anomolous and shallow conductances and paradoxical situations in which charge stoichiometry varies with membrane potential.  相似文献   

Ecosystem retrogression following long‐term pedogenesis is attributed to phosphorus (P) limitation of primary productivity. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) enhance P acquisition for most terrestrial plants, but it has been suggested that this strategy becomes less effective in strongly weathered soils with extremely low P availability. Using next generation sequencing of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene in roots and soil, we compared the composition and diversity of AMF communities in three contrasting stages of a retrogressive >2‐million‐year dune chronosequence in a global biodiversity hotspot. This chronosequence shows a ~60‐fold decline in total soil P concentration, with the oldest stage representing some of the most severely P‐impoverished soils found in any terrestrial ecosystem. The richness of AMF operational taxonomic units was low on young (1000's of years), moderately P‐rich soils, greatest on relatively old (~120 000 years) low‐P soils, and low again on the oldest (>2 000 000 years) soils that were lowest in P availability. A similar decline in AMF phylogenetic diversity on the oldest soils occurred, despite invariant host plant diversity and only small declines in host cover along the chronosequence. Differences in AMF community composition were greatest between the youngest and the two oldest soils, and this was best explained by differences in soil P concentrations. Our results point to a threshold in soil P availability during ecosystem regression below which AMF diversity declines, suggesting environmental filtering of AMF insufficiently adapted to extremely low P availability.  相似文献   

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