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Despite strong interest in understanding how habitat spatial structure shapes the genetics of populations, the relative importance of habitat amount and configuration for patterns of genetic differentiation remains largely unexplored in empirical systems. In this study, we evaluate the relative influence of, and interactions among, the amount of habitat and aspects of its spatial configuration on genetic differentiation in the pitcher plant midge, Metriocnemus knabi. Larvae of this species are found exclusively within the water‐filled leaves of pitcher plants (Sarracenia purpurea) in a system that is naturally patchy at multiple spatial scales (i.e., leaf, plant, cluster, peatland). Using generalized linear mixed models and multimodel inference, we estimated effects of the amount of habitat, patch size, interpatch distance, and patch isolation, measured at different spatial scales, on genetic differentiation (FST) among larval samples from leaves within plants, plants within clusters, and clusters within peatlands. Among leaves and plants, genetic differentiation appears to be driven by female oviposition behaviors and is influenced by habitat isolation at a broad (peatland) scale. Among clusters, gene flow is spatially restricted and aspects of both the amount of habitat and configuration at the focal scale are important, as is their interaction. Our results suggest that both habitat amount and configuration can be important determinants of genetic structure and that their relative influence is scale dependent.  相似文献   

Gotoh  Takayuki  Kawata  Masakado 《Hydrobiologia》2000,429(1-3):157-169
Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of a habitat's spatial structure on population variability in two species of freshwater snails (Physa acuta and Austropeplea ollula). To alter the spatial structure of the habitat, vinyl chloride plates were hung in experimental tanks, providing three types of spatial structure: Complex structure, Simple structure and Control (no structure). In Experiment 1, the average number of individuals in a tank did not differ among the three types of structure 2 months after the introduction of the snails, but the variability of the number of individuals in the Complex structure tanks was lowest, whereas the variability in the Control tanks was highest. In Experiment 2, in addition to the spatial structure of the habitat, three types of species interaction were designed as experimental treatments: only P. acuta was introduced into the tanks (P. acuta tanks), only A. ollula was introduced into the tanks (A. ollulatanks) and both P. acuta and A. ollula were introduced into the tanks (two-species tanks). For the P. acuta tanks, the variability of the number of P. acuta individuals in the Complex structure tanks was lowest, and the variability in the Control tanks was highest when the effect of the number of individuals in a tank was subtracted. For the A. ollula tanks and the two-species tanks, there were no significant differences in the variability of the population size among the different treatments of spatial structure. The spatial distribution of P. acuta was more uniform than the distribution of A. ollula on the plates of complex structure. Our results indicate that the spatial structure of the habitat influences the variability of population size (the variance of the number of individuals in different populations during the earlier period after the introduction of the snails), but the effects depend on the spatial behavior of individuals and the interaction with other species.  相似文献   

 Seagrass meadows are often important habitats for newly recruited juvenile fishes. Although substantial effort has gone into documenting patterns of association of fishes with attributes of seagrass beds, experimental investigations of why fish use seagrass habitats are rare. We performed two short-term manipulative field experiments to test (1) the effects of food supply on growth and densities of fish, and (2) effects of predation on the density and size distribution of fish recruits, and how this varies among habitat types. Experiments were conducted in Galveston Bay, Texas, and we focused on the common estuarine fish, pinfish Lagodon rhomboides. In the first experiment, replicate artifical seagrass and sand plots were either supplemented with food or left as controls. Recruitment of pinfish was significantly greater to seagrass than sand habitats; however, we detected no effect of food supplementation on the abundance of recruits in either habitat. Pinfish recruits in artifical seagrass grew at a significantly faster rate than those in sand habitats, and fish supplemented with food exhibited a greater growth rate than controls in both sand and artifical grass habitats. In our second experiment, we provided artificial seagrass and sand habitats with and without predator access. Predator access was manipulated with cages, and two-sided cages served as controls. Recruitment was significantly greater to the cage versus cage-control treatment, and this effect did not vary between habitats. In addition, the standard length of pinfish recruits was significantly larger in the predator access than in the predator exclusion treatment, suggesting size-selective predation on smaller settlers or density-dependent growth. Our results indicate that the impact of predation on pinfish recruits is equivalent in both sand and vegetated habitats, and thus differential predation does not explain the higher recruitment of pinfish to vegetated than to nonvegetated habitats. Since predators may disproportionately affect smaller fish, and a limited food resource appears to be more effectively utilized by fish in vegetated than in unvegetated habitats, we hypothesize that pinfish recruits may select vegetated habitats because high growth rates allow them to achieve a size that is relatively safe from predation more quickly. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted: 5 April 1997  相似文献   

 Fragmentation and destruction of natural habitats is currently considered to be the major threat to wildlife populations. We here perform a comprehensive analysis of the demographic effects of habitat fragmentation and destruction on 14 populations of the root vole. The experiment was divided into two consecutive periods. During the first period, we contrasted populations with the same initial size and structure in continuous and fragmented habitat. During the second period, we fragmented the continuous habitat into the same configuration as the permanently fragmented habitat so that the effect of habitat destruction could be evaluated. We estimated survival and fecundity parameters and combined them into population projection matrices to evaluate their relative impact on population growth. In the first period of the experiment there was no difference in population growth rate between fragmented and continuous populations, although litter size was significantly higher in the continuous populations. In the second period, we found higher population growth rates in populations that had experienced habitat destruction. By applying the transition matrix model to empirical estimates of demographic parameters, we demonstrate that the difference in population growth rate in the second period of the experiment was the result of a nonsignificant difference in adult survival. Movements out of the habitat patches were significantly lower in populations that had experienced habitat destruction. We conclude that predator-caused mortality of animals moving out of the habitat patches was the main determinant of demographic variation in this system. Received: January 31, 2002 / Accepted: March 25, 2003  相似文献   

 Habitat fragmentation is becoming increasingly common, yet, the effect of habitat spatial structure on population dynamics remains undetermined for most species. Populations of a single species found in fragmented and nonfragmented habitat present a rare opportunity to examine the effect of habitat spatial structure on population dynamics. This study investigates the impact of highly fragmented habitat on dispersal patterns, mating behavior, and genetic variation in a pika (Ochotona princeps) population with a mainland-island spatial structure. Juvenile dispersal patterns in fragmented habitat revealed that individuals tended to disperse to neighboring habitat patches. However, within-patch band-sharing scores from multilocus DNA fingerprints did not differ from what would be expected if individuals were assorting randomly among habitat patches each year. Multiple, short-distance dispersal targets for juveniles and occasional long-distance dispersal events suggest that habitat fragmentation on this scale has not resulted in restricted dispersal and a genetically subdivided population. Although pikas tended to mate with the closest available partner, DNA fingerprinting band-sharing scores between mated pairs were consistent with a random mating hypothesis. Random mating in this population appears to be an incidental effect of dispersal in a fragmented habitat. This pattern is distinct from that found in nonfragmented habitat (large talus patches) where mating was non-random and consistent with mating between individuals of intermediate relatedness. DNA fingerprinting data revealed within-species variation in the mating habits of the pika directly attributable to habitat spatial structure. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 30 June 1997  相似文献   

We exploited the newly developed amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique to study the polymorphism, distribution and inheritance of AFLP markers with a doubled haploid rice population derived from ‘IR64’/‘Azucena’. Using only 20 pairs of primer combinations, we detected 945 AFLP bands of which 208 were polymorphic. All 208 AFLP markers were mapped and distributed over all 12 chromosomes. When these were compared with RFLP markers already mapped in the population, we found the AFLP markers to be highly polymorphic in rice and to follow Mendelian segregation. As linkage map of rice can be generated rapidly with AFLP markers they will be very useful for marker-assisted backcrossing. Received: 11 April 1996 / Accepted: 14 June 1996  相似文献   

 The effect of overcompensatory recruitment and the combined effect of overcompensatory recruitment and generation delay in discrete nonlinear age-structured population models is studied. Considering overcompensatory recruitment alone, we present formal proofs of the supercritical nature of bifurcations (both flip and Hopf) as well as an extensive analysis of dynamics in unstable parameter regions. One important finding here is that in case of small and moderate year to year survival probabilities there are large regions in parameter space where the qualitative behaviour found in a general n+1 dimensional model is retained already in a one-dimensional model. Another result is that the dynamics at or near the boundary of parameter space may be very complicated. Generally, generation delay is found to act as a destabilizing effect but its effect on dynamics is by no means unique. The most profound effect occurs in the n-generation delay cases. In these cases there is no stable equilibrium X * at all, but whenever X * small, a stable cycle of period n+1 where the periodic points in the cycle are on a very special form. In other cases generation delay does not alter the dynamics in any substantial way. Received 25 April 1995; received in revised form 21 November 1995  相似文献   

Phillip S. Levin 《Oecologia》1993,94(2):176-185
Pronounced spatial variation in recruitment occurs in many marine invertebrate and fish populations and is thought to be critical to the demography of these species. In this study I examined the importance of habitat structure and the presence of conspecific residents to spatial variation in larval settlement and recruitment in a temperate fish Tautogolabrus adspersus. I define settlement as the movement of individuals from the water column to the benthic habitat, while I refer to recruitment as numbers of individuals surviving some arbitrary period of time after settlement. Experiments in which standard habitats were stocked with conspecifics showed that resident conspecifics were not an important factor contributing to small-scale variability in recruitment. Further correlative analyses demonstrated that large-scale variation in recruitment could not be explained by variability in older age classes. By contrast, manipulations of macroalgal structure within a kelp bed demonstrated that recruitment was significantly higher in habitats with a dense understory of foliose and filamentous algae than in habitats with only crustose algae. Understory algae varied in their pattern of disperison among sites, and the dispersion of fish matched that of the plants. In order to determine the effects of differences in patterns of algal dispersion on the demography of associated T. adspersus populations, I used experimental habitat units to manipulate patterns of dispersion. Settlement was significantly greater to randomly placed versus clumped habitats; however, no differences in recruitment between random and clumped habitats were detected. Because recruitment is a function of the numbers of settlers minus the subsequent loss of settlers, rates of mortality or migration must have been higher in the randomly placed habitats. These results are counter to the current paradigm for reef fishes which suggests that larval settlement is the crucial demographic process producing variability in population abundance. In this experiment patterns of settlement were modified by varying the patch structure of the habitat.Contribution number 278 from the Center for Marine Biology, University of New Hampshire  相似文献   

Land use change is a major driver of declines in wildlife populations. Where human economic or recreational interests and wildlife share landscapes this problem is exacerbated. Changes in UK black grouse Tetrao tetrix populations are thought to have been strongly influenced by upland land use change. In a long-studied population within Perthshire, lek persistence is positively correlated with lek size, and remaining leks clustered most strongly within the landscape when the population is lowest, suggesting that there may be a demographic and/or spatial context to the reaction of the population to habitat changes. Hierarchical cluster analysis of lek locations revealed that patterns of lek occupancy when the population was declining were different to those during the later recovery period. Response curves from lek-habitat models developed using MaxEnt for periods with a declining population, low population, and recovering population were consistent across years for most habitat measures. We found evidence linking lek persistence with habitat quality changes and more leks which appeared between 1994 and 2008 were in improving habitat than those which disappeared during the same period. Generalised additive models identified changes in woodland and starting lek size as being important indicators of lek survival between declining and low/recovery periods. There may also have been a role for local densities in explaining recovery since the population low point. Persistence of black grouse leks was influenced by habitat, but changes in this alone did not fully account for black grouse declines. Even when surrounded by good quality habitat, leks can be susceptible to extirpation due to isolation.  相似文献   

P. Doak 《Oecologia》2000,122(4):556-567
Despite extensive research on parasitoid-prey interactions and especially the effects of heterogeneity in parasitism on stability, sources of heterogeneity other than prey density have been little investigated. This research examines parasitism rates by three parasitoid species in relationship to prey density and habitat spatial pattern. The herbivore Itame andersoni (Geometridae) inhabits a subdivided habitat created by patches of its host plant, Dryas drummondii, in the Wrangell Mountains of Alaska. Dryas colonizes glacial moraines and spreads clonally to form distinct patches. Habitat subdivision occurs both on the patch scale and on the larger spatial scale of sites due to patchy successional patterns. Itame is attacked by three parasitoids: an ichneumonid wasp (Campoletis sp.), a braconid wasp (Aleiodes n. sp.), and the tachinid fly (Phyrxe pecosensis). I performed a large survey study at five distinct sites and censused Itame density and parasitism rates in 206 plant patches for 1–3 years. Parasitism rates varied with both plant patch size and isolation and also between sites, and the highest rates of overall parasitism were in the smallest patches. However, the effects of both small- and large-scale heterogeneity on parasitism differed for the three parasitoid species. There was weak evidence that Itame density was positively correlated with parasitism for the braconid and tachinid at the patch scale, but density effects differed for different patch sizes, patch isolations, and sites. At the site scale, there was no evidence of positive, but some indication of negative density-dependent parasitism. These patterns do not appear to be driven by negative interactions between the three parasitoid species, but reflect, rather, individual differences in habitat use and response to prey density. Finally, there was no evidence that parasitism strongly impacted the population dynamics of Itame. These results demonstrate the importance of considering habitat pattern when examining spatial heterogeneity of parasitism and the impacts of parasitoids. Received: 3 June 1999 / Accepted: 4 October 1999  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the main urban vector responsible for the transmission of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. The city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is located at the southern end of the world distribution of the species. The population abundance of Ae. aegypti is mainly regulated by environmental factors. We calculated the potential number of times that a female could lay eggs during its mean life expectancy, based on potential egg production and daily meteorological records. The model considers those variables implying physical hazard to the survival of Ae. aegypti, mosquito flying activity and oviposition. The results, obtained after calibration and validation of the model with field observations, show significant correlation (P<0.001) for different lags depending on the life stage. From these results, more favorable atmospheric conditions for Ae. aegypti reproduction (linked to the urban climatic change) can be observed. The climatic variability in the last decade resembles conditions at the end of 19th century. Received: 3 March 1999 / Revised: 24 November 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 2000  相似文献   

The ecological niche of a species determines whether a species can persist and reproduce in a patch or not. The niche of a species is often described using habitat suitability models and indices. Accordingly, one may expect tight links between demography, phenotypes of individuals, population size, and habitat suitability. However, such links are not always found. Here, we study the relationship between a habitat suitability index that is commonly used for conservation assessments and metrics describing the performance at the level of populations and individuals. Using data from a metapopulation of a pond-breeding amphibian, the Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus), we show that habitat suitability predicts population size but not body condition. Ponds with higher suitability had a higher population size of newts, whereas population size correlated negatively with body condition of individuals. Our results are in line with previous studies showing no straightforward relationship between habitat suitability and body condition (a measure of individual performance) and the performance of populations. We suggest that a population size-dependent reduction of body condition may be a regulatory mechanism in newt populations.  相似文献   

 We study the qualitative properties of degenerate diffusion equations used to describe dispersal processes in population dynamics. For systems of interacting populations, the forms of the diffusion models used determine if the population will intermix or remain disjoint (segregated). The dynamics and stability of segregation boundaries between competing populations is analyzed. General population models with segregation and mixing interactions are derived and connections to behavior in fluid mechanical systems are addressed. Received 19 January 1996; received in revised form 4 April 1996  相似文献   

Jason E. Tanner 《Oecologia》2000,122(4):514-520
The influence of environmental variation on the demography of clonal organisms has been poorly studied. I utilise a matrix model of the population dynamics of the intertidal zoanthid Palythoa caesia to examine how density dependence and temporal variation in demographic rates interact in regulating population size. The model produces realistic simulations of population size, with erratic fluctuations between soft lower and upper boundaries of approximately 55 and 90% cover. Cover never exceeds the maximum possible of 100%, and the population never goes to extinction. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the model’s behaviour is driven by density dependence in the fission of large colonies to produce intermediate sized colonies. Importantly, there is no density-dependent mortality in the model, and density dependence in recruitment, while present, is unimportant. Thus it appears that the main demographic processes which are considered to regulate population size in aclonal organisms may not be important for clonal species. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted: 29 October 1999  相似文献   

We tested whether Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) minimise the risk of gastro- intestinal nematode infection by avoiding patches with a high density of faeces. This experiment was performed in preferred summer foraging habitat. The possibility that reindeer assess infection risk on the basis of faecal contamination levels across plant communities was determined by measuring the distribution of faeces in seven plant communities, and nematode developmental success in two plant communities with contrasting soil moisture content. We explored whether variation within individual reindeer in the levels of infection by gastro-intestinal nematodes was related to their diet. Reindeer avoided pastures where faecal contamination was increased, and thereby potentially reduced the risk of becoming infected by Trichostrongyle nematodes. Dung density was inversely related to soil moisture content, with high densities of faeces in dry plant communities and low densities in wet communities. However, nematode developmental success was positively related to soil moisture content, and was highest in the wetter sites. Thus, by avoiding dry areas with high dropping densities, reindeer would tend to feed in wetter areas where nematodes thrive. Therefore, dung density may be an unreliable predictor of the risk of infection. The absence of a strong relationship between an individual’s infection level and its diet might be due to the unpredictability of pasture infection level. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   

S. F. Fox  J. K. McCoy 《Oecologia》2000,122(3):327-334
Tail autotomy is a defense against predators used by many lizard species but is associated with various costs, most of which have been measured only in the laboratory. We conducted a field experiment in which we induced tail autotomy to approximately half (58%) of a marked sample (n=326) of Uta stansburiana from western Texas in the fall, and left the other half with intact tails. The following spring we determined survival, measured growth, and brought females to the laboratory to allow them to oviposit their eggs, which we incubated until hatching. Based on past studies, we anticipated inferior survival, growth, and reproduction following tail autotomy. We also predicted that females with tail loss would be energetically compromised and would alter the sex ratio of their offspring toward more daughters (as predicted by the Trivers-Willard hypothesis). Tailless lizards experienced significantly reduced survivorship, but those that survived grew the same as their tailed counterparts. Tailed and tailless females produced clutches equivalent in number of eggs and total mass. Whereas tailed females showed a significant positive relationship between average egg mass and snout-vent length, tailless females did not. Contrary to our expectations, tailless females produced heavier hatchlings than tailed ones, and sex ratios of hatchlings were equivalent for tailed and tailless females. In this population, tail loss in subadults leads to an increased risk of death, but apparently does not impose an energetic handicap such that later growth and reproduction suffer. We suggest that because tailless females are faced with decreased reproductive value, they respond by growing as much and laying as many eggs of the same mass as tailed females, despite the fact that they are also regenerating the tail. In addition, they somehow produce larger hatchlings than tailed females. Nevertheless, tailless females probably end up with lower overall lifetime fitness than tailed females, and tail loss thus induces the conditional reproductive strategy ”make the best of a bad situation”. Because tailless females produce larger, not smaller, hatchlings, they do not produce more daughters as predicted; i.e., we found no evidence for the Trivers-Willard effect following tail autotomy. Received: 29 November 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1999  相似文献   

We examined the growth and reproductive rates of freshwater snails, Physa acuta, in two habitat types. In the Asabata habitat, snails lived in isolated water pools, which occasionally joined to form a single large pool; in the Kakegawa habitat, they lived in a slow-running water way. Genetic structure assessments using three microsatellite loci supports the idea that a stable panmictic population occupies the Kakegawa habitat. The Asabata habitat, however, is occupied with an alternate mixing population as revealed by microsatellite data. The Asabata population might alternate between localized mating within isolated pools (as revealed by high F IS and F IT values) when the water levels are low and panmixia (as revealed by the low F ST values and AMOVA analysis) when the habitat is flooded. Laboratory experiments, using snails collected from the two habitats, showed that juvenile snails grew faster, laid more eggs, and laid them earlier in the Asabata habitat than in the Kakegawa habitat. Growth rates were lower at high density than at low density in the Kakegawa habitat; the inverse was true in the Asabata habitat. Density-dependent response of individual snail reproduction was higher in the Kakagawa habitat than in the Asabata habitats. The results support the hypothesis that spatial structure affects the evolution of density-dependent growth rates and of timing for reproduction.  相似文献   

We describe differences in life history of the intertidal arboreal snail, Littoraria filosa, among patches of mangroves ranging in size from isolated trees to large stands several square kilometres in area. Recruitment of L. filosa occurred from mid spring (October) to early winter (June), recruits grew rapidly and copulating adults were found during the following September–April. Populations within large patches of forest were annuals; all or most individuals died between October–January (spring–midsummer). In contrast, those in smaller peripheral patches were more likely to survive over the summer but survival differed among patches and years. These differences in life history were caused by a parasitoid fly (genus Sarcophaga) that attacked L. filosa 10 mm and longer and was present in all large patches, but absent from, or rare, in smaller peripheral patches. Experimental introductions to isolated trees confirmed that the fly could kill L. filosa. Another sarcophagid parasitoid that attacked L. filosa from 4 to less than 10 mm long was also found in every patch. The combined effects of these parasitoids appear to determine the metapopulation structure of L. filosa. Most adults in large patches were killed by the larger fly during early summer. Summer recruits were often killed by the smaller fly within a month of settlement and when this happened effective recruitment of L. filosa was reduced to autumn. The planktotrophic larval stage of L. filosa lasts less than 1 month, so the source of autumn recruits to all patches must have been adults that survived the early summer, most of which were in small patches or on isolated trees. Consequently these ”peripheral sources” are likely to be important for persistence of the metapopulation of L. filosa. The results of this study demonstrate that metapopulation structure may be determined by complex interactions and that common models cannot be assumed to apply in all habitats. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the effects of tracheid dimensions on variations in the maximum density of Picea glehnii Mast., which were associated with climatic changes. Radial cell diameter and the thickness of the tangential cell walls of the last-formed cells in 90 annual rings of nine trees with different annual ring widths were analyzed by image analysis. Correlations between maximum density and tracheid dimensions indicated that changes in maximum density were due mainly to changes in cell wall thickness of the last-formed cells in annual rings and were not due to changes in radial cell diameter. The effects of climatic factors on tracheid dimensions were examined by application of dendroclimatological techniques. A chronology of cell wall thickness that represented common signals among trees was established. Simple correlation and response function analyses of the chronology revealed that cell wall thickness was influenced positively by summer temperature and negatively by precipitation in August, and these responses were similar to those of maximum density. The study demonstrated that variations in maximum density were due to variations in the cell wall thickness of the last-formed cells, which varied depending on the weather in summer. Received: 8 February 1999 / Accepted: 7 October 1999  相似文献   

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