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The goal of text mining is to make the information conveyed in scientific publications accessible to structured search and automatic analysis. Two important subtasks of text mining are entity mention normalization - to identify biomedical objects in text - and extraction of qualified relationships between those objects. We describe a method for identifying genes and relationships between proteins.


We present solutions to gene mention normalization and extraction of protein-protein interactions. For the first task, we identify genes by using background knowledge on each gene, namely annotations related to function, location, disease, and so on. Our approach currently achieves an f-measure of 86.4% on the BioCreative II gene normalization data. For the extraction of protein-protein interactions, we pursue an approach that builds on classical sequence analysis: motifs derived from multiple sequence alignments. The method achieves an f-measure of 24.4% (micro-average) in the BioCreative II interaction pair subtask.


For gene mention normalization, our approach outperforms strategies that utilize only the matching of genes names against dictionaries, without invoking further knowledge on each gene. Motifs derived from alignments of sentences are successful at identifying protein interactions in text; the approach we present in this report is fully automated and performs similarly to systems that require human intervention at one or more stages.


Our methods for gene, protein, and species identification, and extraction of protein-protein are available as part of the BioCreative Meta Services (BCMS), see http://bcms.bioinfo.cnio.es/.



The biomedical literature is the primary information source for manual protein-protein interaction annotations. Text-mining systems have been implemented to extract binary protein interactions from articles, but a comprehensive comparison between the different techniques as well as with manual curation was missing.


We designed a community challenge, the BioCreative II protein-protein interaction (PPI) task, based on the main steps of a manual protein interaction annotation workflow. It was structured into four distinct subtasks related to: (a) detection of protein interaction-relevant articles; (b) extraction and normalization of protein interaction pairs; (c) retrieval of the interaction detection methods used; and (d) retrieval of actual text passages that provide evidence for protein interactions. A total of 26 teams submitted runs for at least one of the proposed subtasks. In the interaction article detection subtask, the top scoring team reached an F-score of 0.78. In the interaction pair extraction and mapping to SwissProt, a precision of 0.37 (with recall of 0.33) was obtained. For associating articles with an experimental interaction detection method, an F-score of 0.65 was achieved. As for the retrieval of the PPI passages best summarizing a given protein interaction in full-text articles, 19% of the submissions returned by one of the runs corresponded to curator-selected sentences. Curators extracted only the passages that best summarized a given interaction, implying that many of the automatically extracted ones could contain interaction information but did not correspond to the most informative sentences.


The BioCreative II PPI task is the first attempt to compare the performance of text-mining tools specific for each of the basic steps of the PPI extraction pipeline. The challenges identified range from problems in full-text format conversion of articles to difficulties in detecting interactor protein pairs and then linking them to their database records. Some limitations were also encountered when using a single (and possibly incomplete) reference database for protein normalization or when limiting search for interactor proteins to co-occurrence within a single sentence, when a mention might span neighboring sentences. Finally, distinguishing between novel, experimentally verified interactions (annotation relevant) and previously known interactions adds additional complexity to these tasks.



In the absence of consolidated pipelines to archive biological data electronically, information dispersed in the literature must be captured by manual annotation. Unfortunately, manual annotation is time consuming and the coverage of published interaction data is therefore far from complete. The use of text-mining tools to identify relevant publications and to assist in the initial information extraction could help to improve the efficiency of the curation process and, as a consequence, the database coverage of data available in the literature. The 2006 BioCreative competition was aimed at evaluating text-mining procedures in comparison with manual annotation of protein-protein interactions.


To aid the BioCreative protein-protein interaction task, IntAct and MINT (Molecular INTeraction) provided both the training and the test datasets. Data from both databases are comparable because they were curated according to the same standards. During the manual curation process, the major cause of data loss in mining the articles for information was ambiguity in the mapping of the gene names to stable UniProtKB database identifiers. It was also observed that most of the information about interactions was contained only within the full-text of the publication; hence, text mining of protein-protein interaction data will require the analysis of the full-text of the articles and cannot be restricted to the abstract.


The development of text-mining tools to extract protein-protein interaction information may increase the literature coverage achieved by manual curation. To support the text-mining community, databases will highlight those sentences within the articles that describe the interactions. These will supply data-miners with a high quality dataset for algorithm development. Furthermore, the dictionary of terms created by the BioCreative competitors could enrich the synonym list of the PSI-MI (Proteomics Standards Initiative-Molecular Interactions) controlled vocabulary, which is used by both databases to annotate their data content.



Protein complexes can be identified from the protein interaction networks derived from experimental data sets. However, these analyses are challenging because of the presence of unreliable interactions and the complex connectivity of the network. The integration of protein-protein interactions with the data from other sources can be leveraged for improving the effectiveness of protein complexes detection algorithms.


We have developed novel semantic similarity method, which use Gene Ontology (GO) annotations to measure the reliability of protein-protein interactions. The protein interaction networks can be converted into a weighted graph representation by assigning the reliability values to each interaction as a weight. Following the approach of that of the previously proposed clustering algorithm IPCA which expands clusters starting from seeded vertices, we present a clustering algorithm OIIP based on the new weighted Protein-Protein interaction networks for identifying protein complexes.


The algorithm OIIP is applied to the protein interaction network of Sacchromyces cerevisiae and identifies many well known complexes. Experimental results show that the algorithm OIIP has higher F-measure and accuracy compared to other competing approaches.



Protein-protein interactions are important for several cellular processes. Understanding the mechanism of protein-protein recognition and predicting the binding sites in protein-protein complexes are long standing goals in molecular and computational biology.


We have developed an energy based approach for identifying the binding site residues in protein–protein complexes. The binding site residues have been analyzed with sequence and structure based parameters such as binding propensity, neighboring residues in the vicinity of binding sites, conservation score and conformational switching.


We observed that the binding propensities of amino acid residues are specific for protein-protein complexes. Further, typical dipeptides and tripeptides showed high preference for binding, which is unique to protein-protein complexes. Most of the binding site residues are highly conserved among homologous sequences. Our analysis showed that 7% of residues changed their conformations upon protein-protein complex formation and it is 9.2% and 6.6% in the binding and non-binding sites, respectively. Specifically, the residues Glu, Lys, Leu and Ser changed their conformation from coil to helix/strand and from helix to coil/strand. Leu, Ser, Thr and Val prefer to change their conformation from strand to coil/helix.


The results obtained in this study will be helpful for understanding and predicting the binding sites in protein-protein complexes.



The increasing number of protein sequences and 3D structure obtained from genomic initiatives is leading many of us to focus on proteomics, and to dedicate our experimental and computational efforts on the creation and analysis of information derived from 3D structure. In particular, the high-throughput generation of protein-protein interaction data from a few organisms makes such an approach very important towards understanding the molecular recognition that make-up the entire protein-protein interaction network. Since the generation of sequences, and experimental protein-protein interactions increases faster than the 3D structure determination of protein complexes, there is tremendous interest in developing in silico methods that generate such structure for prediction and classification purposes. In this study we focused on classifying protein family members based on their protein-protein interaction distinctiveness. Structure-based classification of protein-protein interfaces has been described initially by Ponstingl et al. [1] and more recently by Valdar et al. [2] and Mintseris et al. [3], from complex structures that have been solved experimentally. However, little has been done on protein classification based on the prediction of protein-protein complexes obtained from homology modeling and docking simulation.


We have developed an in silico classification system entitled HODOCO (Homology modeling, Docking and Classification Oracle), in which protein Residue Potential Interaction Profiles (RPIPS) are used to summarize protein-protein interaction characteristics. This system applied to a dataset of 64 proteins of the death domain superfamily was used to classify each member into its proper subfamily. Two classification methods were attempted, heuristic and support vector machine learning. Both methods were tested with a 5-fold cross-validation. The heuristic approach yielded a 61% average accuracy, while the machine learning approach yielded an 89% average accuracy.


We have confirmed the reliability and potential value of classifying proteins via their predicted interactions. Our results are in the same range of accuracy as other studies that classify protein-protein interactions from 3D complex structure obtained experimentally. While our classification scheme does not take directly into account sequence information our results are in agreement with functional and sequence based classification of death domain family members.



The tasks in BioCreative II were designed to approximate some of the laborious work involved in curating biomedical research papers. The approach to these tasks taken by the University of Edinburgh team was to adapt and extend the existing natural language processing (NLP) system that we have developed as part of a commercial curation assistant. Although this paper concentrates on using NLP to assist with curation, the system can be equally employed to extract types of information from the literature that is immediately relevant to biologists in general.


Our system was among the highest performing on the interaction subtasks, and competitive performance on the gene mention task was achieved with minimal development effort. For the gene normalization task, a string matching technique that can be quickly applied to new domains was shown to perform close to average.


The technologies being developed were shown to be readily adapted to the BioCreative II tasks. Although high performance may be obtained on individual tasks such as gene mention recognition and normalization, and document classification, tasks in which a number of components must be combined, such as detection and normalization of interacting protein pairs, are still challenging for NLP systems.



In biomedical research, events revealing complex relations between entities play an important role. Biomedical event trigger identification has become a research hotspot since its important role in biomedical event extraction. Traditional machine learning methods, such as support vector machines (SVM) and maxent classifiers, which aim to manually design powerful features fed to the classifiers, depend on the understanding of the specific task and cannot generalize to the new domain or new examples.


In this paper, we propose an approach which utilizes neural network model based on dependency-based word embedding to automatically learn significant features from raw input for trigger classification. First, we employ Word2vecf, the modified version of Word2vec, to learn word embedding with rich semantic and functional information based on dependency relation tree. Then neural network architecture is used to learn more significant feature representation based on raw dependency-based word embedding. Meanwhile, we dynamically adjust the embedding while training for adapting to the trigger classification task. Finally, softmax classifier labels the examples by specific trigger class using the features learned by the model.


The experimental results show that our approach achieves a micro-averaging F1 score of 78.27 and a macro-averaging F1 score of 76.94 % in significant trigger classes, and performs better than baseline methods. In addition, we can achieve the semantic distributed representation of every trigger word.



Despite the broad use of FRET techniques, available methods for analyzing protein-protein interaction are subject to high labor and lack of systematic analysis. We propose an open source software allowing the quantitative analysis of fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) while integrating the steady-state fluorescence intensity information for protein-protein interaction studies.


Our developed open source software is dedicated to fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data obtained from Becker & Hickl SPC-830. FLIM-FRET analyzer includes: a user-friendly interface enabling automated intensity-based segmentation into single cells, time-resolved fluorescence data fitting to lifetime value for each segmented objects, batch capability, and data representation with donor lifetime versus acceptor/donor intensity quantification as a measure of protein-protein interactions.


The FLIM-FRET analyzer software is a flexible application for lifetime-based FRET analysis. The application, the C#. NET source code, and detailed documentation are freely available at the following URL: http://FLIM-analyzer.ip-korea.org.



Currently a huge amount of protein-protein interaction data is available from high throughput experimental methods. In a large network of protein-protein interactions, groups of proteins can be identified as functional clusters having related functions where a single protein can occur in multiple clusters. However experimental methods are error-prone and thus the interactions in a functional cluster may include false positives or there may be unreported interactions. Therefore correctly identifying a functional cluster of proteins requires the knowledge of whether any two proteins in a cluster interact, whether an interaction can exclude other interactions, or how strong the affinity between two interacting proteins is.


In the present work the yeast protein-protein interaction network is clustered using a spectral clustering method proposed by us in 2006 and the individual clusters are investigated for functional relationships among the member proteins. 3D structural models of the proteins in one cluster have been built – the protein structures are retrieved from the Protein Data Bank or predicted using a comparative modeling approach. A rigid body protein docking method (Cluspro) is used to predict the protein-protein interaction complexes. Binding sites of the docked complexes are characterized by their buried surface areas in the docked complexes, as a measure of the strength of an interaction.


The clustering method yields functionally coherent clusters. Some of the interactions in a cluster exclude other interactions because of shared binding sites. New interactions among the interacting proteins are uncovered, and thus higher order protein complexes in the cluster are proposed. Also the relative stability of each of the protein complexes in the cluster is reported.


Although the methods used are computationally expensive and require human intervention and judgment, they can identify the interactions that could occur together or ones that are mutually exclusive. In addition indirect interactions through another intermediate protein can be identified. These theoretical predictions might be useful for crystallographers to select targets for the X-ray crystallographic determination of protein complexes.



Accurate prediction of cancer prognosis based on gene expression data is generally difficult, and identifying robust prognostic markers for cancer remains a challenging problem. Recent studies have shown that modular markers, such as pathway markers and subnetwork markers, can provide better snapshots of the underlying biological mechanisms by incorporating additional biological information, thereby leading to more accurate cancer classification.


In this paper, we propose a novel method for simultaneously identifying robust synergistic subnetwork markers that can accurately predict cancer prognosis. The proposed method utilizes an efficient message-passing algorithm called affinity propagation, based on which we identify groups – or subnetworks – of discriminative and synergistic genes, whose protein products are closely located in the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. Unlike other existing subnetwork marker identification methods, our proposed method can simultaneously identify multiple nonoverlapping subnetwork markers that can synergistically predict cancer prognosis.


Evaluation results based on multiple breast cancer datasets demonstrate that the proposed message-passing approach can identify robust subnetwork markers in the human PPI network, which have higher discriminative power and better reproducibility compared to those identified by previous methods. The identified subnetwork makers can lead to better cancer classifiers with improved overall performance and consistency across independent cancer datasets.



With the improvements in biosensors and high-throughput image acquisition technologies, life science laboratories are able to perform an increasing number of experiments that involve the generation of a large amount of images at different imaging modalities/scales. It stresses the need for computer vision methods that automate image classification tasks.


We illustrate the potential of our image classification method in cell biology by evaluating it on four datasets of images related to protein distributions or subcellular localizations, and red-blood cell shapes. Accuracy results are quite good without any specific pre-processing neither domain knowledge incorporation. The method is implemented in Java and available upon request for evaluation and research purpose.


Our method is directly applicable to any image classification problems. We foresee the use of this automatic approach as a baseline method and first try on various biological image classification problems.



Analysis of preferred binding regions of a ligand on a protein is important for detecting cryptic binding pockets and improving the ligand selectivity.


The enhanced sampling approach TAMD has been adapted to allow a ligand to unbind from its native binding site and explore the protein surface. This so-called re-TAMD procedure was then used to explore the interaction between the N terminal peptide of histone H3 and the YEATS domain. Depending on the length of the peptide, several regions of the protein surface were explored. The peptide conformations sampled during the re-TAMD correspond to peptide free diffusion around the protein surface.


The re-TAMD approach permitted to get information on the relative influence of different regions of the N terminal peptide of H3 on the interaction between H3 and YEATS.



Recent computational techniques have facilitated analyzing genome-wide protein-protein interaction data for several model organisms. Various graph-clustering algorithms have been applied to protein interaction networks on the genomic scale for predicting the entire set of potential protein complexes. In particular, the density-based clustering algorithms which are able to generate overlapping clusters, i.e. the clusters sharing a set of nodes, are well-suited to protein complex detection because each protein could be a member of multiple complexes. However, their accuracy is still limited because of complex overlap patterns of their output clusters.


We present a systematic approach of refining the overlapping clusters identified from protein interaction networks. We have designed novel metrics to assess cluster overlaps: overlap coverage and overlapping consistency. We then propose an overlap refinement algorithm. It takes as input the clusters produced by existing density-based graph-clustering methods and generates a set of refined clusters by parameterizing the metrics. To evaluate protein complex prediction accuracy, we used the f-measure by comparing each refined cluster to known protein complexes. The experimental results with the yeast protein-protein interaction data sets from BioGRID and DIP demonstrate that accuracy on protein complex prediction has increased significantly after refining cluster overlaps.


The effectiveness of the proposed cluster overlap refinement approach for protein complex detection has been validated in this study. Analyzing overlaps of the clusters from protein interaction networks is a crucial task for understanding of functional roles of proteins and topological characteristics of the functional systems.



Preeclampsia is a multifactorial disease with unknown pathogenesis. Even when recent studies explored this disease using several bioinformatics tools, the main objective was not directed to pathogenesis. Additionally, consensus prioritization was proved to be highly efficient in the recognition of genes-disease association. However, not information is available about the consensus ability to early recognize genes directly involved in pathogenesis. Therefore our aim in this study is to apply several theoretical approaches to explore preeclampsia; specifically those genes directly involved in the pathogenesis.


We firstly evaluated the consensus between 12 prioritization strategies to early recognize pathogenic genes related to preeclampsia. A communality analysis in the protein-protein interaction network of previously selected genes was done including further enrichment analysis. The enrichment analysis includes metabolic pathways as well as gene ontology. Microarray data was also collected and used in order to confirm our results or as a strategy to weight the previously enriched pathways.


The consensus prioritized gene list was rationally filtered to 476 genes using several criteria. The communality analysis showed an enrichment of communities connected with VEGF-signaling pathway. This pathway is also enriched considering the microarray data. Our result point to VEGF, FLT1 and KDR as relevant pathogenic genes, as well as those connected with NO metabolism.


Our results revealed that consensus strategy improve the detection and initial enrichment of pathogenic genes, at least in preeclampsia condition. Moreover the combination of the first percent of the prioritized genes with protein-protein interaction network followed by communality analysis reduces the gene space. This approach actually identifies well known genes related with pathogenesis. However, genes like HSP90, PAK2, CD247 and others included in the first 1% of the prioritized list need to be further explored in preeclampsia pathogenesis through experimental approaches.



Identifying protein complexes plays an important role for understanding cellular organization and functional mechanisms. As plenty of evidences have indicated that dense sub-networks in dynamic protein-protein interaction network (DPIN) usually correspond to protein complexes, identifying protein complexes is formulated as density-based clustering.


In this paper, a new approach named iOPTICS-GSO is developed, which is the improved Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS) algorithm with Glowworm swarm optimization algorithm (GSO) to optimize the parameters in OPTICS when finding dense sub-networks. In our iOPTICS-GSO, the concept of core node is redefined and the Euclidean distance in OPTICS is replaced with the improved similarity between the nodes in the PPI network according to their interaction strength, and dense sub-networks are considered as protein complexes.


The experiment results have shown that our iOPTICS-GSO outperforms of algorithms such as DBSCAN, CFinder, MCODE, CMC, COACH, ClusterOne MCL and OPTICS_PSO in terms of f-measure and p-value on four DPINs, which are from the DIP, Krogan, MIPS and Gavin datasets. In addition, our predicted protein complexes have a small p-value and thus are highly likely to be true protein complexes.


The proposed iOPTICS-GSO gains optimal clustering results by adopting GSO algorithm to optimize the parameters in OPTICS, and the result on four datasets shows superior performance. What’s more, the results provided clues for biologists to verify and find new protein complexes.

Wang J  Liu B  Li M  Pan Y 《BMC genomics》2010,11(Z2):S10


Identification of protein complexes in large interaction networks is crucial to understand principles of cellular organization and predict protein functions, which is one of the most important issues in the post-genomic era. Each protein might be subordinate multiple protein complexes in the real protein-protein interaction networks. Identifying overlapping protein complexes from protein-protein interaction networks is a considerable research topic.


As an effective algorithm in identifying overlapping module structures, clique percolation method (CPM) has a wide range of application in social networks and biological networks. However, the recognition accuracy of algorithm CPM is lowly. Furthermore, algorithm CPM is unfit to identifying protein complexes with meso-scale when it applied in protein-protein interaction networks. In this paper, we propose a new topological model by extending the definition of k-clique community of algorithm CPM and introduced distance restriction, and develop a novel algorithm called CP-DR based on the new topological model for identifying protein complexes. In this new algorithm, the protein complex size is restricted by distance constraint to conquer the shortcomings of algorithm CPM. The algorithm CP-DR is applied to the protein interaction network of Sacchromyces cerevisiae and identifies many well known complexes.


The proposed algorithm CP-DR based on clique percolation and distance restriction makes it possible to identify dense subgraphs in protein interaction networks, a large number of which correspond to known protein complexes. Compared to algorithm CPM, algorithm CP-DR has more outstanding performance.



Development in systems biology research has accelerated in recent years, and the reconstructions for molecular networks can provide a global view to enable in-depth investigation on numerous system properties in biology. However, we still lack a systematic approach to reconstruct the dynamic protein-protein association networks at different time stages from high-throughput data to further analyze the possible cross-talks among different signaling/regulatory pathways.


In this study we integrated protein-protein interactions from different databases to construct the rough protein-protein association networks (PPANs) during TNFα-induced inflammation. Next, the gene expression profiles of TNFα-induced HUVEC and a stochastic dynamic model were used to rebuild the significant PPANs at different time stages, reflecting the development and progression of endothelium inflammatory responses. A new cross-talk ranking method was used to evaluate the potential core elements in the related signaling pathways of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) as well as receptors for tumor necrosis factor (TNF-R) and interleukin-1 (IL-1R).


The highly ranked cross-talks which are functionally relevant to the TNFα pathway were identified. A bow-tie structure was extracted from these cross-talk pathways, suggesting the robustness of network structure, the coordination of signal transduction and feedback control for efficient inflammatory responses to different stimuli. Further, several characteristics of signal transduction and feedback control were analyzed.


A systematic approach based on a stochastic dynamic model is proposed to generate insight into the underlying defense mechanisms of inflammation via the construction of corresponding signaling networks upon specific stimuli. In addition, this systematic approach can be applied to other signaling networks under different conditions in different species. The algorithm and method proposed in this study could expedite prospective systems biology research when better experimental techniques for protein expression detection and microarray data with multiple sampling points become available in the future.



It is difficult to elucidate the metabolic and regulatory factors causing lipidome perturbations.


This work simplifies this process.


A method has been developed to query an online holistic lipid metabolic network (of 7923 metabolites) to extract the pathways that connect the input list of lipids.


The output enables pathway visualisation and the querying of other databases to identify potential regulators. When used to a study a plasma lipidome dataset of polycystic ovary syndrome, 14 enzymes were identified, of which 3 are linked to ELAVL1—an mRNA stabiliser.


This method provides a simplified approach to identifying potential regulators causing lipid-profile perturbations.



Data processing is one of the biggest problems in metabolomics, given the high number of samples analyzed and the need of multiple software packages for each step of the processing workflow.


Merge in the same platform the steps required for metabolomics data processing.


KniMet is a workflow for the processing of mass spectrometry-metabolomics data based on the KNIME Analytics platform.


The approach includes key steps to follow in metabolomics data processing: feature filtering, missing value imputation, normalization, batch correction and annotation.


KniMet provides the user with a local, modular and customizable workflow for the processing of both GC–MS and LC–MS open profiling data.

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