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G. Caretta 《Mycopathologia》1960,12(3):233-250
Riassunto Sono studiati nelle loro caratteristiche morfo-culturali e biologiche quattro ceppi omogenei diCoremiella isolati da feci umane. Questo genera è simile aGeotrichum ma oltre a cellule miceliche clamidosporo-simili presenta formazione apicali miceliche di tipo coremioide reptante.L'artrosporulazione è un processo endogeno come inGeotrichum, e come inGeorichum si hanno artrospore clamidosporioidi fertili opache e artrospore usuali non fertili e jaline, ma meno differenziate.I ceppi vengono riferiti aC. ulmariae e le caratteristiche vengono paragonate anche con le culture su legno diSpirea ulmaria.Il primo esemplare diCoremiella è stato pubblicato comeOospora cuboidea Sacc. etEll. come è stato accertato studiando l'esemplare autentico diEllis.In conclusione il genereCoremiella Bub. etKrieg. è stato emendato ed è stata creata la combinazioneC. cuboidea (Sacc. etEll.).
Summary Four homogeneous strains ofCoremiella from human feces were studied from morpho-cultural and biological standpoint. This genus is likeGeotrichum, but in addition to some mycelial, chlamydospore-like cells, coremioid mycelial, reptant strands are formed.The arthrosporulation is an endogeneous process, and, likeGeotrichum, there are usual hyaline and duller chlamydosporioid, fertile arthrospores, but less differentiated.The strains are referred toC. ulmariae, and the characteristics were compared also on timber and woody European Meadowsweet cultures. But the first binomial ofCoremiella has been published asOospora cuboidea Ell. etSacc., as ascertained by the study of the authenticEllis specimen.In conclusion, the genusCoremiella Bub. etKrieg. has been emended, and the combinationC. cuboidea (Sacc. etEll.) established.

Summary Two aerobic mesophilic species of a new genus belonging to the familyActinoplanaceae are described under the nameDactylosporangium (D. aurantiacum strainD/748 type species andD. thailandensis strainD/449). The new genus is characterized by the production of finger shaped sporangia emerging directly from the vegetative mycelium.The motile sporangiospores, three to four in number are arranged in a single straight row inside the sporangium.The genusActinoplanes of the familyActinoplanaceae was described in 1950 byCouch and is characterized by the bacteria-like, flagellated spores formed in sporangia. Other members of the familyActinoplanaceae have been studied byKarling (1954),Rothwell (1957) andCross et al. (1963) in the United States, byGaertner (1955) in Germany, byVan Brummelen andWent (1957) in Holland, byNonomura andOhara (1960) in Japan, byTaig et al. (1962),Tsyganov et al. (1963), andKoniev et al. (1965) in Russia. Except for the organisms studied byKarling and byRothwell, which undoubtedly belonged to theActinoplanes but were not studied in pure culture, the organisms studied by most of the other authors belonged to the genusStreptosporangium.Three new genera having motile spores were described more recently:Ampullariella andSpirillospora described byCouch (1963, 1964), andPlanomonospora byThiemann et al. (1967b).  相似文献   

Based on personal collections ofGlobba unifolia Ridl. andG. unifolia var.sessiliflora Holtt., the latter is recognized as a distinct species. As the nameG. sessiliflora is already occupied, the nomen novumG. corneri is proposed in honour of Prof. DrE. J. H. Corner, who was the first collector of the plant.Dedicated to Prof. DrE. J. H. Corner (Cambridge) on the occasion of his 85th birthday on January 12th, 1991.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of vegetative and reproductive characters was used to examine morphological relatedness amongAntennaria alborosea A. E. Porsild,A. corymbosa E. Nels.,A. marginata Greene,A. microphylla Rydb.,A. parvifolia Nutt.,A. rosea Greene, andA. umbrinella Rydb. Both pistillate and staminate plants were examined. Some of the characters examined were variable in one species, but stable in another (i.e., presence or absence of papillae on the achenes). Our analyses indicate that the seven species are morphologically distinct. It is hypothesized that theA. rosea agamic complex arose through hybridization amongA. corymbosa, A. microphylla, A. umbrinella, and possiblyA. dioica (L.)Gaertn. However, hybridization between the three former species and others, as well as their subsequent morphological responses to different environmental conditions causes confusion in recognizing the taxa.Antennaria angustifolia Rydb.,A. arida E. Nels.,A. confinis Greene,A. scariosa E. Nels.,A. foliacea humilis Rydb.,A. concinna E. Nels., andA. viscidula E. Nels. are considered to represent F 1 hybrids.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eingangs werden die systematische Stellung und die Fruchtmorphologie vonCynoglossum coelestinum Lindl. erörtert. Dabei wird gezeigt, daß die GattungAdelocaryum, zu derBrand (1921) die Art stellte, keine Berechtigung hat. Die vonPopov (1953) als verschieden betrachteten ArtenC. glochidiatum Wall. undC. denticulatum A. DC. sind synonym, ebensoC. zeylanicum (Vahl) Thunb. undC. furcatum Wall. Die GattungParacynoglossum M.Pop. und die SektionEleutherostylum Brand werden zu Untergattungen gemacht und ferner nebenCynoglossum s. str. noch die UntergattungPapilligerum H.Riedl, subgen. nov. unterschieden. Innerhalb der UntergattungCynoglossum werden die SektionenCynoglossum, Bracteata H.Riedl, sect. nova undFoliata H.Riedl, sect. nova, innerhalbParacynoglossum die SektionenParacynoglossum undAxillaria H.Riedl, sect. nova, innerhalbEleutherostylum die SektionenEleutherostylum undParacaryopsis H.Riedl, sect. nova unterschieden.Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung durch National Science Foundation Grant G 16325.  相似文献   

The nameLeclercia adecarboxylata is proposed for a group of the family Enterobacteriacae previously known asEscherichia adecarboxylata. Leclercia adecarboxylata can be phenotypically differentiated from all other species of Enterobacteriaceae. The members of this species are positive for motility, indole production, methyl red, growth in the presence of KCN, malonate, beta-galactosidase, beta-xylosidase, esculin hydrolysis, gas production fromd-glucose, and acid production fromd-cellobiose,d-lactose, melibiose,l-rhamnose, adonitol,d-arabitol, dulcitol, and salicin; the strains were negative for Voges-Proskauer, citrate (Simmons), H2S (Kligler), lysine and ornithine decarboxylases, arginine dihydrolase, phenylalanine deaminase, gelatinase, DNase, Tween-80 hydrolysis, and acid production from myoinositol and alpha-methyl-d-glucoside. Fermentation ofd-raffinose,d-sucrose, andd-sorbitol is variable with strains. DNA relatedness of 11 strains ofL. adecarboxylata to three strains including the type strain of this species averaged 80% in reactions at 65°C. DNA relatedness to other species in Enterobacteriaceae was 2%–32%, indicating that this species was placed in a new genusLeclercia gen. nov. The type strain ofL. adecarboxylata is ATCC 23216.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Veronica quezelii M.Fischer aus hochalpinen Felswänden in Lycien (Kleinasien) ist eine neue Art aus der Verwandtschaft vonV. kotschyana Benth.; sie ist durch die reichliche Bedrüsung der ganzen Pflanze ausgezeichnet.Veronica saturejoides Vis. subsp.munellensis M.Fischer ist eine neue Unterart aus der alpinen Region des Berges Munella in Nord-Albanien, die — ähnlich wie die gleichfalls als Subspecies einzustufendeV. kellereri Degen etUrum. — von der typischen Subspecies hauptsächlich durch Merkmale der Behaarung unterschieden und durch eine Areallücke getrennt ist.
Summary Veronica quezelii M.Fischer from calcareous rocks of the alpine region of Lycia (Asia Minor) is a new species akin toV. kotschyana Benth. and characterised by the glandular pubescence of the whole plant.Veronica saturejoides Vis. subsp.munellensis M.Fischer is a new subspecies from the alpine region of Mount Munella in Northern Albania. SimilarlyV. kellereri Degen etUrum. has to be treated as subspecies ofV. saturejoides. Both differ from the typical subspecies by characters of the indumentum, and occur in separate areas.

Zusammenfassung Die vonBoissier aufgestellte GattungChionodoxa wird auf Grund samenanatomischer und karyologischer Befunde eingezogen. Ihre nahe Verwandtschaft mitScilla bifolia agg. konnte aufgezeigt werden. Die wesentlichen Unterschiede derScilla bifolia- Gruppe (inklusiveChionodoxa-Arten) zu anderen Gruppen myrmekochorerScilla-Arten sowie zuPuschkinia undHyacinthus wurden dargelegt.Folgende neue Kombinationen werden aufgestellt:Scilla luciliae (Boiss.)Speta comb. nova,Scilla cretica (Boiss. &Heldr.)Speta comb. nova,Scilla nana (Schult. fil.)Speta comb. nova,Scilla sardensis (Barr &Sugden)Speta comb. nova,Scilla siehei (Stapf)Speta comb. nova,Scilla×allenii (Nicholson)Speta comb. nova.Weiters wurden die Chromosomenzahlen für einigeScilla- Arten überprüft und dabei fürScilla bifolia neben der bekannten diploiden auch die tetraploide Zahl 2n=36 aufgefunden.
Summary The genusChionodoxa set up byBoissier is withdrawn due to seedanatomical and caryological statements and its species are incorporated intoScilla L. The close affinity between formerChionodoxa-species andScilla bifolia agg. could be demonstrated. The essential differences between theScilla bifolia group (including the formerChionodoxa species) and other groups of myrmecochorousScilla species,Puschkinia andHyacinthus were shown. The following new combinations are set up:Scella luciliae (Boiss.)Speta comb. nova,Scilla cretica (Boiss. &Heldr.)Speta comb. nova,Scilla nana (Schult. fil.)Speta comb. nova,Scilla sardensis (Barr &Sugden)Speta comb. nova,Scilla siehei (Stapf)Speta comb. nova,Scilla×allenii (Nicholson)Speta comb. nova.Furthermore the chromosome numbers of someScilla species were checked, and inScilla bifolia L. besides the known diploid number the tetraploid number 2n=36 was discovered.

V. Labeyrie 《BioControl》1959,4(1):43-46
Summary The Braconid,Chelonus contractus Nees, egg endoparasite ofPhthorimea ocellatella Boyd, in S.E. of France, presents only females in his progeny. Its breeding is easy with the help of the small wax moth:Gnorimoschema operculella Zell. The mass breeding is inspired from method that we established for the production ofMacrocentrus ancylivorus Roh.   相似文献   

Zusammenfassung A. sagittata (Bertol.) DC. von zehn Herkünften aus Europa ist mit 2 n=16 diploid.A. hirsuta (L.)Scop. s. str. einschließlich der sicherlich hierhergehörigen var.glaberrima Wahlenb. von 30 europäischen Herkünften ist mit 2 n=32 tetraploid; diploide Pflanzen konnten beiA. hirsuta s. str. nicht gefunden werden.
Summary A. sagittata (Bertol.) DC. from 10 different places in Europe has 2 n=16 chromosomes and is diploid.A. hirsuta (L.)Scop. s. str., its var.glaberrima Wahlenb. being included, has been investigated from 30 provenances in Europe, it has the tetraploid chromosome number 2 n=32, diploid plants could not be found in this species.A. hirsuta var.glaberrima (2 n=32) is surely belonging toA. hirsuta s. str. and not toA. allionii (2 n=16).

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1968,36(3-4):267-288
Summary In this paper the author has described seventeen new Deuteromycetes from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. These are: Phyllosticta careyae Sahni onCareya arborea Roxb.,Phyllosticta anogeissi Sahni onAnogeissus latifolia Wall.,Phomopsis dalbergiae Sahni onDalbergia sissoo Roxb.,Phomopsis yuccae Sahni onYucca aloifolia L.,Phomopsis dracaenae Sahni onDracaena brachystachys Hook.,Phomopsis buteae Sahni onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kunze,Cytospora grevilleae Sahni onGrevillea robusta A. Cunn.,Coniothyrium sarcinellae Sahni onSarcinella palawanensis (Syd.)Sahni parasitising leaves ofCalastrus paniculatus Willd.,Coniothyrium dioscoreae Sahni on fruits ofDioscorea sp.,Amerodiscosiella indica Sahni onIxora parviflora Vahl.,Ascochyta nyctanthis Sahni onNyctanthes arbor-tristis L.,Pseudodiplodia buteae Sahni onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kunze,Pseudodiplodia oreodoxae Sahni onOreodoxa oleracea Mart.,Phaeoseptoria bougainvilleae Sahni onBougainvillea glabra Choisy,Hainesia jabalpurensis Sahni onWoodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz.,Colletotrichum arjunae Sahni onTerminalia arjuna W. & A., andColletotrichum terminaliae Sahni onTerminalia bellirica (Gaertn.)Roxb.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die chorologischen und morphologisch-taxonomischen Verhältnisse vonCarlina frigida Boiss. etHeldr.,C. fiumensis Simk.,C. graeca Heldr. etSart, undC. corymbosa L. im adriatischen Küstengebiet von Jugoslawien werden näher besprochen.Aus dem Gebiet des Quarnero wird der erste sichere Bastard innerhalb der GattungCarlina L.,C.×bakariensis (=C. fiumensis Sime.×C. corymbosa L.), beschrieben.  相似文献   

J. Voegelé 《BioControl》1964,9(1):119-122
Summary The Author describes from Morocco a new species ofAsolcus which is closely related to the sibling speciesA. basalis Wollaston andA. nigribasalis Voegelé. The species is namedA. bennisi and parasitizes in nature the eggs ofGraphosoma lineata L. The separation ofA. bennisi from the species of thebasalis group is based on biological tests and on a characteristic pigmentation of the parasitized host eggs reared under optimal laboratory conditions.   相似文献   

Pelargonium otaviense Knuth andP. spinosum Willd. are excluded from sect.Glaucophyllum, whileP. grandiflorum (Andr.)Willd.,P. patulum Jacq. andP. tabulare (Burm. f.)L'Hérit. of sect.Eumorpha are included. Sect.Glaucophyllum is characterized by green to glaucous vegetative organs and zygomorphic white to pink corolla with five narrow petals. All the species have an identical pollen and chromosome morphology, the same basic chromosome number (x = 11) and similar flavonoid patterns. A close relationship between sect.Glaucophyllum and sect.Pelargonium is indicated by the occurrence of natural hybrids and concordant characters. Isorhamnetin and luteolin have been detected in the genus for the first time.  相似文献   

On the basis of sporulation (total output of all the three spore forms taken together) and fungal mat production bothF. oxysporum Schlecht ex.Fr. andF. moniliforme v.subglutinans Wr. &Rg. are auxoheterotrophic for thiamine, biotin, inositol, riboflavin and pyridoxine. The first three vitamins are selective in accelerating macro-conidial production also inF. moniliforme, which otherwise shows decrease with advance in days of incubation.F. moniliforme is an auxo-autotroph for nicotinic acid, Ca-pantothenate and folic acid and auxoheterotroph for ascorbic acid. Auxoautotrophy for Ca-pantothenate, folic acid, l-ascorbic acid and p-aminobenzoic acid cannot be suggested forF. oxysporum. Whereas nicotinic acid is a depressent of sporulation inF. oxysporum, inF. moniliforme another vitamin p-aminobenzoic acid depresses sporulation. As the two species ofFusarium show differences in preference as well as inhibition to at least five of the vitamins studied and also varied trends of pH changes exists there is full justification for their separate taxonomic placements.  相似文献   

The sect.Cortusina (Dc.)Harv. s.l. is divided into the sectt.Cortusina (Dc.)Harv. s. str. andReniformia (Knuth)Dreyer, comb. nov.,P. cortusifolium L'Hérit.,P. crassicaule L'Hérit.,P. echinatum Curt.,P. magenteum J. J. A. Van der Walt, andP. sibthorpifolium Harv. remain in the sect.Cortusina s. str., while the speciesP. album J. J. A. Van der Walt,P. dichondrifolium Dc.,P. odoratissimum (L.)L'Hérit.,P. reniforme Curt., andP. sidoides Dc. are removed from the sect.Cortusina s.l. and included in the revised sect.Reniformia. Both sections are well characterized by morphological, anatomical, karyological and palynological features. The chromosomes ofCortusina s. str. are small and based upon x = 11; those ofReniformia are larger and based upon x = 8. The size and surface sculpture of the pollen grains differ markedly between the two sections. Flavones and hydrolysable tannins occur in sect.Reniformia, but are absent in sect.Cortusina s. str. After hydrolysis hydroxybenzoic acids, which are present in large amounts inReniformia, occur only in traces inCortusina. The two sections also occupy distinctly different geographical areas. A close relationship between sect.Reniformia and some species of sect.Ligularia (Sweet)Harv. is indicated by the occurrence of artificial hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary With a few exceptions, proteins in our biosphere are based exclusively onl-amino acids. The inversion of configuration of all the stereogenic centers in a protein leads to anall-d compound with ‘mirror image’ properties and ‘mirror image’ structure. We propose to use the termprotein-enantiomerism to describe the relationship between two proteins that have the same sequence but whose amino acids have opposite configuration. We will use the termprotein-diastereomerism to define the relationship between two proteins that have the same sequence in which some amino acids have opposite configurations. A classification of type I, II, III, and IV protein-diastereomerism is proposed. By extension, a diastereoprotein is a protein where some amino acids have the same configuration (l ord) while others have the opposite one (d orl). A particular case of diastereoproteins aremesoproteins, also analyzed in this article. In addition to the goal of making proteins resistant to protease degradation, the use ofd-amino acids in protein de novo design may give rise to proteins with structures, and perhaps properties, very different to those of nativeall-l-proteins.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Auf Grund des Holotypus im Herbarium P-LA wird der NameArabia auriculata Lam. als korrekter Name für die am weitesten verbreitete Species der SectionAlomatium DC. emend. O. E.Schulz wieder eingeführt, als deren Typusart sie zugleich vorgeschlagen wird.A. auriculata Lam. 1783 wurde in letzter Zeit fälschlich in europäischen Floren mit dem jüngeren Synonym A. recta Vill. 1789 belegt und in vorderasiatischen Floren A. nova Vill. 1779 genannt.A. nova Vill. ist jedoch eine europäisch-submediterrane Art, die nicht mitA. auriculata Lam. conspecifisch ist. A. auriculata undA. nova sind diploid (2 n=16),A. verna ist tetraploid (2 n=32, diese Zahl wird erstmals veröffentlicht). A. auriculata undA. nova sind vorwiegend autogam,A. verna ist ebenfalls selbstkompatibel und trotz ihrer auffälligeren Blüten fakultativ autogam. Die drei wärmeliebenden Arten sind normalerweise einjährig, manchmal jedoch auch zweijährig. Als Einjährige sind sie in der Gattung als abgeleitet anzusehen.
Nomenclature, chromosome numbers and evolution ofArabis auriculata Lam.,A. nova Vill., andA. verna (L.) K.Br. (Brassicaceae)
Summary Based on its holotype in the herbarium P-LA the nameArabis auriculata Lam. 1783 is re-established as the correct name of the widespread annual species, which was falsely called A. recta Vill. 1789 in recent European floras, and A. nova Vill. 1779 in recent floras of Western Asia. It is shown that A. nova Vill. refers to a European species of the submediterranean region, which is not conspecific withA. auriculata Lam. A. auriculata Lam. is proposed to be the lectotype ofArabis L. sect.Alomatium DC. emend. O. E.Schulz, comprising the species discussed here. A. auriculata andA. nova are diploids (2 n=16),A. verna is a tetraploid (2 n=32); the latter chromosome number is reported here for the first time. A. auriculata andA. nova are predominantly self-fertilizing,A. verna (though having more conspicuous flowers) is self-compatible and thus facultatively autogamous as well. The three thermophilous species are normally annual, only sometimes biennial. As annuals they are to be regarded as evolutionary derived within the genusArabis.

Patterns of intraspecific variation were examined inAntennaria alborosea A. E. Porsild,A. corymbosa E. Nels,A. marginata Greene,A. microphylla Rydb.,A. parvifolia Nutt., andA. umbrinella Rydb. AlthoughA. alborosea was initially considered arctic in distribution, it became apparent that a southern montane element also exists. Our results suggest that morphological differences between arctic and southern montane specimens represent clinal variation. The additional morphological data for specimens that occur more than 1,500 km south of the species' range as it was initially described result in a better understanding of this once presumed arctic taxon. Morphological variation in the dioecious speciesA. corymbosa, A. marginata, A. microphylla, A. parvifolia, andA. umbrinella was greater between the genders than was geographic variation within each gender. These results demonstrate that both pistillate and staminate specimens must be examined in dioecious species ofAntennaria if morphological variation in the respective species is to be fully understood. Character size or number of broadly distributed species (A. microphylla andA. parvifolia) generally decreased with increasing longitude, whereas characters of species with more restricted distributions (A. alborosea, A. corymbosa, andA. marginata) generally increased in size or number with increasing latitude or longitude.Antennaria umbrinella was an exception in this respect.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes eight Foliicolous Fungi imperfecti from Jabalpur (India). These include four new species viz.Ramularia alangii Hasija onAlangium lamarckii, Colletotrichum holopteleae Hasija onHoloptelea integrifolia, Gloeosporium wendlandiae Hasija onWendlandia exserta andPhyllosticta macropycnidiai Hasija onSolanum melongena. Discosia artocreas Tode exFr. onTerminalia sp. is a new fungus record for the country raising the total number ofDiscosia from India to five.Heteropogon contortus forCurvularia lunata (Wakker)Boed. andBarleria priniotes forCercospora barlericola Payak &Thirum. are new hosts record from India, andCercospora tridacis-procumbentis Govindu &Thirum. onTridax procumbens is a new record for the state.  相似文献   

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