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The hypothesis that resource monopolization and defense increaseas the spatial clumping of resources increases was tested usinggroups of three convict cichlids competing for 120 Daphnia magnaprey. Spatial clumping was manipulated by varying the distance(3, 20, or 40 cm) between three tubes through which the preyappeared. As predicted, monopolization of prey (percentage eatenby the dominant fish) and frequency of aggression (chases perminute) by dominant fish increased significantly as the distancebetween the tubes decreased. However, there was no evidenceof individual flexibility in the aggressiveness (percentageof conspecifics chased) of dominant fish across treatments.Differences among dominant fish in aggressiveness were positivelycorrelated with their ability to monopolize prey, but the strengthof the correlation decreased as the distance between the tubesincreased. Aggression appears to be a more effective mechanismof interference competition when resources are clumped thanwhen resources are dispersed.  相似文献   

For group-foraging ungulates, forage is generally widely and relatively evenly dispersed. However, for free-ranging red deer Cervus elaphus supplementary winter feeding provides distinct patches of predictable food. These patches differ in size, but also in temporal distribution and depletion rate. Interference competition is known to increase with increasing spatial clumping (decreasing patch size), but the influence of temporal clumping and the predictability of food occurrence has received much less attention. Therefore in this study we investigated the effects of different degrees of spatial and temporal clumping of food on interference competition during feeding. Patch size was the main parameter influencing participation in feeding as well as interference competition during feeding on the respective patch. Temporal dispersion and the predictability of food occurrence were however, important parameters for the timing of aggressive interactions. Generally, aggression occurs during feeding and increases with decreasing patch size. But when depletion rate was high food availability was predictably short and the patch occurred predictably (such as hay), middle ranking stags increased aggression already prior to feeding at the respective patch. We suggest that in this way they confirmed hierarchy outside feeding on the quickly depleted patch and as a result gained actual feeding time when feeding on the respective patch. With the patch occurring predictably but varying in size the number of participating subordinates varied concomitantly with variation in patch size. Subordinates assessed patch profitability and left without having fed when patch size was too small for an efficient participation. When patch size was predictably small enough to be defended exclusively (feed blocks), subordinate stags did not assess profitability each time but did not participate at all in feeding at the respective patch. The relative importance of these various food-related parameters (patch size depletion rate, predictability) influencing feeding competition and the timing of aggression will vary with group size, rank, alternative food sources, physical characteristics of the food as well as different hierarchy systems of the feeding animals.  相似文献   

Individuals within a species often compete for resources inboth space and time. In dominance hierarchies individuals withthe greatest competitive ability will occupy prime locationsduring optimal periods. We compared spatial and temporal useof habitat, aggression, and feeding success among giant kokopu(Galaxias argenteus) in dominance hierarchies under normal andreduced food supply. Under normal food supply conditions dominantfish were predominantly nocturnal and maintained large homeranges at night. Conversely, subdominant fish were diurnal andoccupied large home ranges by day but were generally not observedat night. When the food supply was limited, the utilizationof pools was determined by social rank. Dominant fish from eachpool increased diurnal activity, home range size, aggressiveness,and the capture of food items offered by day while simultaneouslyreducing the spatial and temporal activity and habitat use ofsubdominant fish. These results indicate that behavioral changesin large dominant fish influence and reduce the amount of resourcesavailable to subdominant fish.  相似文献   

Responses are quicker to predictable stimuli than if the time and place of appearance is uncertain. Studies that manipulate target predictability often involve overt cues to speed up response times. However, less is known about whether individuals will exhibit faster response times when target predictability is embedded within the inter-trial relationships. The current research examined the combined effects of spatial and temporal target predictability on reaction time (RT) and allocation of overt attention in a sustained attention task. Participants responded as quickly as possible to stimuli while their RT and eye movements were measured. Target temporal and spatial predictability were manipulated by altering the number of: 1) different time intervals between a response and the next target; and 2) possible spatial locations of the target. The effects of target predictability on target detection (Experiment 1) and target discrimination (Experiment 2) were tested. For both experiments, shorter RTs as target predictability increased across both space and time were found. In addition, the influences of spatial and temporal target predictability on RT and the overt allocation of attention were task dependent; suggesting that effective orienting of attention relies on both spatial and temporal predictability. These results indicate that stimulus predictability can be increased without overt cues and detected purely through inter-trial relationships over the course of repeated stimulus presentations.  相似文献   

A Doligez  C Baril  H I Joly 《Genetics》1998,148(2):905-919
This paper presents the first theoretical study of spatial genetic structure within nonuniformly distributed continuous plant populations. A novel individual-based model of isolation by distance was constructed to simulate genetic evolution within such populations. We found larger values of spatial genetic autocorrelations in highly clumped populations than in uniformly distributed populations. Most of this difference was caused by differences in mean dispersal distances, but aggregation probably also produced a slight increase in spatial genetic structure. Using an appropriate level of approximation of the continuous distribution of individuals in space, we assessed the potential effects of density, seed and pollen dispersal, generation overlapping, and overdominance selection at an independent locus, on fine-scale genetic structure, by varying them separately in a few particular cases with extreme clumping. When selfing was allowed, all these input variables influenced both aggregation and spatial genetic structure. Most variations in spatial genetic structure were closely linked to variations in clumping and/or local density. When selfing was not allowed, spatial genetic structure was lower in most cases.  相似文献   

In areas with regular fishing coastal fleets seabirds may benefit from the predictability of discards from fishing vessels, but it is not clear to what extent birds rely on this predictable resource and whether foraging is synchronized with the diel availability of discards. In this paper we investigate if a typical scavenger species, the yellow‐legged gull Larus michahellis, takes advantage of the temporal and spatial predictability of fish discards in the western Mediterranean Sea. The activity and distribution of the trawling fleet in this area is regulated and very predictable in time and space. We gathered aerial survey data across a relatively large area close to the coast to study the spatial distribution and density of L. michahellis, and modelled the density distribution of the species in relation to several oceanographic, ecological and temporal variables, using two different modelling approaches: MARS (multivariate adaptative regression splines) and GLM (generalized linear models). Our models suggest that the spatial density of trawlers at sea and the time of the day are the best explanatory variables of gull distribution, and that gulls concentrate in areas with vessels mainly during fish discarding time, supporting the hypothesis that gulls optimize time foraging to take advantage of fishery waste predictability. Additional surveys from the main gull roosting sites inshore support this hypothesis, as gulls start leaving to the sea just before fishing is completed and vessels begin discarding fish scraps when back to the harbour. This study represents one of the few examples of applying MARS to density distribution modelling, although its application to marine ecosystems should be conducted with caution because of large areas with real absence data. GLMs have shown to be more adaptable to such kind of data. Our data confirm the importance of fishery waste for L. michahellis, not only as a food resource but also as a major driver of their activity and distribution patterns. The ability of seabirds to predict accurately when a food resource will be available implies that modelling their distribution at sea needs to include such variables, both in spatial and temporal dimensions.  相似文献   

Area-restricted searches have been described as important componentsof the foraging behavior of many organisms. It is unclear, however,whether individual foragers can use learning to fine-tune theirsearches, or even whether these searches are efficiently performed.I used a simulation model to make qualitative predictions aboutsearch behavior in a laboratory system. The simulation modelindicates that the sinuosity and path length of searches stronglyaffect search efficiency. The model predicts that, for a rate-maximizingforager, path length should increase and search sinuosity shoulddecrease as prey become less clumped. Foraging animals may thereforebe selected to learn the path length and sinuosity of searchesin response to changing degrees of dumping of prey. These predictionswere tested in a laboratory system involving ferrets (Mustelaputorius furo) foraging for oil-drop "prey items." Search pathschanged in a graded manner to experimental manipulations ofthe dumping of prey. As predicted by the model, ferrets learnedto perform longer and less sinuous search paths as prey becameless clumped. This study provides the first evidence that area-restrictedsearch behavior is learned and can be fine-tuned to efficientlyexploit different spatial distributions of food.  相似文献   

Animal populations are frequently limited by the availability of food or of habitat. In central-place foragers, the cost of accessing these resources is distance-dependent rather than uniform in space. However, in seabirds, a widely studied exemplar of this paradigm, empirical population models have hitherto ignored this cost. In part, this is because non-independence among colonies makes it difficult to define population units. Here, we model the effects of both resource availability and accessibility on populations of a wide-ranging, pelagic seabird, the black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris. Adopting a multi-scale approach, we define regional populations objectively as spatial clusters of colonies. We consider two readily quantifiable proxies of resource availability: the extent of neritic waters (the preferred foraging habitat) and net primary production (NPP). We show that the size of regional albatross populations has a strong dependence, after weighting for accessibility, on habitat availability and to a lesser extent, NPP. Our results provide indirect support for the hypothesis that seabird populations are regulated from the bottom-up by food availability during the breeding season, and also suggest that the spatio-temporal predictability of food may be limiting. Moreover, we demonstrate a straightforward, widely applicable method for estimating resource limitation in populations of central-place foragers.  相似文献   

Female choice and male competition in longear sunfish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mating systems with spatial clumping of nests or display sitestheoretically can result from female preference for clumpedmales or from competitive interactions among males. We testedpredictions derived from these two types of models against observationsof nest dispersion, mating success, and alternative male matingtactics in a naturally occurring population of central longearsunfish (Lepomis megalotis megalotis). The data were consistentwith models for male-initiated spatial clumping of nest sites;no evidence of female preference for clumped nests was found.We observed that large males had greater mating success thansmall males and that solitarily nesting males were larger thancolonial males; the most successful males were solitary nesters.Mating success of large males did not increase with colony size.Furthermore, colonial males were often cuckolded by neighbors,whereas solitary males were not cuckolded. We propose that colonialnesting is maintained in longear sunfish because group nestingallows subordinate males to obtain access to females.  相似文献   

聚果榕小蜂繁殖性雌蜂的时空分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用扩散系数、聚集指数、平均拥挤度、聚块性指数、Green指数和负二项参数等指标比较分析了聚果榕小蜂Ceratosolenfusciceps繁殖性雌蜂的时空分布格局 ,用t-检验拟合了扩散系数测定时分布格局偏离泊松分布的显著性。结果显示 ,聚果榕小蜂繁殖性雌蜂在不同季节阶段的空间分布格局皆为聚集分布 ,不同季节时期之间有较大差异 ,反映了该种繁殖性雌蜂的活动存在比较明显的季节波动。格局强度指标的测度表明 ,聚集分布格局在雨季和雾凉季表现更强且尤以雨季为甚。繁殖性雌蜂的聚集分布格局决定了整个榕小蜂种群分布格局的聚集性 ,还影响着榕树的雌雄性别功能分配格局 ,从而在更深层次上作用于榕小蜂和榕树的互惠共生  相似文献   

Lennart Hansson 《Oecologia》1990,85(2):213-217
Summary Patterns and consistency of distribution, spatial and temporal components, and the extent of spatial density-dependence were compared between semi-cyclic and cyclic populations of the vole species Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus agrestis in south-central and north Sweden. Cyclic populations were less clumped and only C. glareolus showed a consistency in distribution between years. Spatial variation contributed little to the distributions in cyclic populations while the spatial and temporal variations were of the same magnitude in the semi-cyclic populations. The latter populations could be subdivided into areas with different spatial and temporal components. The spatial density-dependence increased from increase to decline years in C. glareolus but not in M. agrestis, which differed conspicuously between reregions in population development. The data imply that spatial dynamics should be considered as much as temporal ones for non-cyclic populations, that the same regulating or limiting factors may be at work in both spatial and temporal components and that, in addition, social behaviour may be important in explaining spatial dynamics. However, the latter effects may be fairly species-specific.  相似文献   

In studying the success of foraging animals, studies of interferencecompetition have put emphasis on effects of competitor density,whereas studies of resource defense have focused on the effectsof the spatial distribution of food within patches. Very fewstudies have looked at both factors simultaneously, that is,determined whether the effects of competitor density on foragingsuccess depend on the spatial distribution of food. We studiedthe behavior and the foraging success of ruddy turnstones (Arenariainterpres) using an experiment in which we varied both the presenceof a competitor and the food distribution. Because turnstonesmay differ strongly in their relative dominance status, we alsoexperimentally varied the foragers' relative dominance status.We found that the presence of a competitor only reduced theforaging success of subordinate birds foraging at the clumpedfood distribution. At this condition, dominant and subordinatebirds differed markedly in their foraging success. Contraryto our expectations, we did not observe more agonistic behaviorat the clumped food distribution. This indicates that the amountof agonistic behavior observed may be a bad indicator of interferenceeffects. These findings have specific implications for modelsof interference competition. Most notably they show that theeffects of competitor density on agonistic behavior and foragingsuccess may well depend on the spatial distribution of foodand the foragers' relative dominance status. Additionally, ourresults suggest that social dominance will not be fully understoodwithout considering long-term processes such as the formationand maintenance of social dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that low-ranking red deer Cervus elaphus stags adjust feeding tactics according to the spatio-temporal availability of the food. We observed free-ranging red deer at two supplementary feeding sites in the Scottish Highlands. It was predicted that at spatially clumped food, low-ranking stags would avoid high-ranking stags, 1. spatially when food is available only for a short period, but 2. temporally when the food is available continuously.
We observed several feeding tactics in low-ranking stags and the prevalence of a feeding tactic was related to the spatial distribution of the food. When food was highly clumped some low-ranking stags rushed in between feeding high-ranking stags, took a bite and retreated to process the bite (sneaking tactic). Bite rate/min did not differ between sneaking (0.29 ± 0.05) and non-sneaking low-ranking stags (0.26 ± 0.05). Compared with non-sneaking low-ranking herd members, sneaking stags took larger bites, as reflected in a significantly longer handling time (125 ± 12.4 s/bite) and thus achieved a higher intake, although still considerably less than high-ranking stags.
The temporal availability of the food did not influence feeding tactics in low-ranking stags. Low-ranking stags always avoided higher-ranking herd members spatially but did not shift their feeding bouts to times of the day when high-ranking stags were not feeding.  相似文献   

Operational sex ratio (OSR), the number of potentially matingmales divided by the number of fertilizable females, playsa central role in the theory of mating systems by predictingthe intensity of intra-sexual competition and sexual selection.We introduce a general version of OSR, competitor-to-resourceratio (CRR, the number of potential competitors divided bythe number of resource units), as a potential way of predictingthe intensity of competition for any resource. We manipulatedCRR over a broad range (0.5-8) by varying both the number ofcompeting male Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) and thenumber of resources, either females or food items. We testedwhether the rate of male—male aggression differed dependingon resource type and whether it increased monotonically or followed a dome-shaped relationship with increasing CRR. The patternsof competitive aggression in relation to CRR did not differsignificantly between resource types. In addition, the percapita rate of aggression followed a dome-shaped curve; itwas low when CRR was less than one, initially increased as CRR increased, was highest at a CRR of about two, and then decreasedwhen CRR was greater than two. However, competitor number,independent of CRR, had a significant and negative effect onrate of aggression. We suggest that CRR is a valuable predictorof the rate of competitive aggression and may be a useful conceptfor synthesizing ideas about resource competition and monopolization that are currently dispersed in the separate bodies of literatureon mating systems, social foraging and territoriality.  相似文献   

We analysed the temporal and sexual patterns of intra- and interspecific aggression in sympatric harriers during the breeding season, to determine the main resource defended (food, nest sites, mates) and how factors such as body size or breeding system (territorial versus colonial) influence aggressive behaviour. We predicted that if aggression is (at least partly) related to competition for food, the hen harrier, Circus cyaneus, because of its large size and territorial system, should be more aggressive (both intra- and interspecifically) than the smaller, colonial Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus. The intraspecific aggression rate of both harriers peaked early in the season, was mainly intrasexual and increased with the number of neighbours. These patterns support the mate competition hypothesis to explain intraspecific aggression in both species. Montagu's harriers were more aggressive towards conspecifics than hen harriers. Their aggression rates towards heterospecifics were high at the start of the season then decreased, supporting the hypothesis that interspecific aggression serves primarily for nest site defence. Hen harriers showed lower interspecific aggression rates in the prelaying period and a gradual increase throughout the breeding cycle, particularly by females, who hunt around the nest for food for the nestlings. These patterns correspond to food competition, as food resources around the nest are probably more important and interspecific intrusion more costly for territorial hen harriers than for colonial Montagu's harriers. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Resource availability or distribution may affect interindividual competition in species such as primates, which forage in social groups, and several field studies suggest that dominance status predicts access to restricted food sources. Increased competition due to restricted resources may result in the intensification of aggressive behaviors. The study reported here examines the impact of manipulation of the distribution of food resources in a laboratory-housed group of bonnet macaques to assess the impact of distribution on aggressive behaviors. Food was restricted to a space which allowed access to only one or two individuals at a time or was dispersed throughout the living enclosure to allow universal access in alternating periods. During periods of clumped distribution, the monkeys obtained access to the food in order of their dominance status in the group. In addition, overall levels of aggressive behaviors increased, submissive behavior increased, and play decreased during periods of clumped distribution of food. These results confirm the findings from field studies indicating increases in agonism with restriction of food resources. These findings also have implications for primate colony management, in terms of developing strategies for minimizing intragroup aggression in captive groups.  相似文献   

外来杂草薇甘菊种群分布格局研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
在3个群落中设置样方,采用方差/均值比率法测定了薇甘菊种群的分布格局类型。结果表明,薇甘菊种群的分布格局主要受自身的生物学特征和微环境的影响,呈随机或集群分布。随机分布的种群其聚集强度指标扩散型指数、丛生指数、聚块性指标和平均拥挤度多对1.0没有显著的偏离,负二项参数则较大;而聚集分布的种群其聚集强度指标则符合聚集特征。  相似文献   

Captive chimpanzees appear to anticipate the occurrence of conflict during feeding by grooming and being in proximity at increased rates during the hour prior to feeding. The effect is more marked when food is clumped than when it is dispersed, suggesting that the proximate cause is the anticipation of increased levels of competition. Chimpanzees did not choose high ranking individuals more often as prefeed grooming partners; rather, they preferred to associate with their normal grooming partners (as reflected in post-feed grooming preferences) and close kin. A strong correlation between prefeed association patterns and spatial proximity during clumped feeding sessions suggests that their main concern is to be allowed to feed near individuals who are able to monopolize food sources.  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of foragers to patchy distributionsof resources has formed a fundamental challenge in behavioralecology. Two currencies have been used to assess the patch preferencesof herbivores—intake rate maximization and risk sensitivity.We wished to understand if small mammalian foragers, collaredlemmings (Dichrostonyx groenlandicus), choose patches to maximizefood intake rate or to reduce risk of starvation in "variable"environments. Moreover, we examined the possibility that maximizingintake rate depends on the spatial scale of patchiness. We designedan experiment offering two alternative patches of food, varyingthe predictability of food rewards and the "potential intakerate" at different spatial scales. Collared lemmings did notconsistently select patches that maximized their intake rateat either scale studied. Instead, they chose patches offeringthe least variation in food reward over the course of the experiment.Collared lemmings used prior knowledge gained from previousforaging bouts to assess food variability. We interpret theseresults as evidence for risk-averse foraging strategies, whichare predicted for continuous foragers aiming to minimize riskof starvation.  相似文献   

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