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Two new species from Peru,Llerasia pascoensis Sagást. & Dillon andLl. sanmartinensis Sagást. & Dillon are described and illustrated, and their relationships discussed. A key to the Peruvian species ofLlerasia is presented. Also, a notable range extension into northern Peru is reported forLl. lindenii Triana, a species previously known only from Colombia and Ecuador.  相似文献   

Taxonomic revision of South American species ofGrindelia Willd. has revealed two new species from Uruguay:G. rupestris, an erect subshurb with crowded obovate denticulate leaves, subsessile heads, and pappus composed of numerous awns, andG. linearifolia, a prostrate shrublet with small entire linear leaves. Both species are described and illustrated. A key for the UruguayanGrindelia species is provided.  相似文献   

Chiliotrichiopsis peruviana Nesom, H. Rob. & Granda, a new species from Dept. Ayacucho in southwestern Peru, is described and illustrated. It is the only rayless species of the genus, now expanded to four species, and the only one that occurs outside of Argentina.Chiliotrichiopsis is one of six shrubby South American genera of Astereae (subtribe Hinterhuberinae) with paleate receptacles. Observations on morphology and a key to these genera provide perspective for the generic placement of the new species.  相似文献   

A review of the Argentinean specimens ofHaplopappus Cass. has revealed two new species from Mendoza province, both of the sectionHaplopappus:H. boelkei, unique by its caespitose habit and long petiolate leaves, andH. mendocinus, related toH. macrocephalus (Less.) DC.,H. ochagavianus Phil. andH. tiltilensis Phil.  相似文献   

Achene size and shape, surface sculpturing, and pericarp and testa wall structure of 23 Korean Saussurea spp. were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy to evaluate the infrageneric relationships and assess their systematic significance. Achene size categories and thickness of the testa epidermis were distinguished using biometric measurements. Four basic types of surface pattern were observed: (1) lineate; (2) striate; (3) reticulate; and (4) colliculate. Saussurea rorinsanensis was found to have some unique achene characteristics, such as a fusiform achene, uniform pappus, presence of epidermal hairs and tangentially elongated, narrow testa epidermal cells. The characteristic achene features for species were found to be achene size and shape, hilum position, surface sculpture, pappus composition, morphology of the pericarp wall and thickness of the testa epidermis. Based on 16 morphological and achene characters, a cladistic analysis resolved three well‐supported clades, with S. eriophylla as the first‐branching taxon. Saussurea pulchella and S. japonica, both belonging to Saussurea subgenus Theodorea, were distant from each other in the 50% majority rule consensus tree and the character distribution cladogram. This cladistic analysis of achene morphology and anatomy should be regarded as giving us a tentative picture of the phylogenetics of Saussurea, and this study may serve as a reference for future hypotheses and studies on the characterization and classification of Saussurea spp. in Korea.  相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility of morphological and genetic identification of the closely related species in the genera Misgurnus and Paramisgurnus, the morphological characters of four species in these genera and DNA barcoding of five loaches (P. dabryanus, M. anguillicaudatus, M. bipartitus, M. mohoity, and Barbatula toni) were investigated. Twelve morphological characters were measured in 542 individuals to perform the comparative analysis. Among these characters, only the caudal peduncle length (LCP) revealed significant difference (P < 0.05) among these four species. The clustering based on morphological characters formed two clusters (P. dabryanus and M. anguillicaudatus; M. bipartitus and M. mohoity). A total of 186 COI fragments for the five loaches investigated were sequenced and analyzed. The results showed that interspecific K2P distance was much higher than intraspecific distance within the five species. Bayesian inference of phylogeny showed that individuals of these species were divided into five specific clades. Meanwhile, the COI fragments exhibited 22 character attributes for the differentiation of the five loach species based on character-based method. Our results suggested that DNA barcoding based on COI can be used as an efficient identifier of these five loach species; the combination of distance-based method, Bayesian inference and character-based approach provides higher resolution of identification at species level.  相似文献   

Machaeranthera heterocarpa, a new species from southern Texas, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to M. tenuis of Trans-Pecos Texas, is described Mexico from which it differs most notably in stem pubescence, fruit morphology, and chromosome number. The adaptive significance of the heteromorphic achenes of this new species is discussed.  相似文献   

Berndt R 《Mycologia》2010,102(6):1437-1449
Puccinia species (rust fungi, Pucciniales, formerly Uredinales) occurring on Berkheya (syn. Stobaea) of Asteraceae are critically evaluated. Puccinia berkheyicola, P. stobaeae var. stobaeae and P. stobaeae var. woodii are recognized as valid species and varieties, while P. berkheyae is relegated to a synonym of P. stobaeae var. stobaeae. Lectotypes are selected for P. stobaeae var. stobaeae and P. stobaeae var. woodii. P. clanwilliamensis, P. garstfonteinii and P. monsfontium are proposed as new species for three rust fungi previously assigned to P. stobaeae; P. berkheyaephila is described as new on B. bipinnatifida. A key to the accepted species is presented.  相似文献   

Jordaan  A.; Kruger  H. 《Annals of botany》1993,71(2):97-105
Pollen wall development in Felicia muricata Thunb. Nees (Asteraceae)was investigated by electron microscopy after addition of thelypophilic dye malachite green to the primary fixative. Pollenwall formation commences with the deposition of fibrillar electrondense units which represent future interbacular spaces. Radiallyarranged trilammelate structures develop between the fibrillarunits. Sporopollenin is deposited in the trilammelate structures.After release of the microspores from the tetrad, formationof interbacular spaces is accompanied by disintegration of fibrillarunits. Endexine formation occurs on white lines of unit membranedimensions. Intine formation follows the pattern described formost angiosperms. Observation of bead-like globules and pollenkittwith a membraneous structure is presumed to be related to theaddition of malachite green to the fixative.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Felicia muricata (Thunb.) Nees, pollen, pollenkitt, ultrastructure, fixation  相似文献   

M Torrell  J Vallès 《Génome》2001,44(2):231-238
Genome size was estimated by flow cytometry in 24 populations belonging to 22 Artemisia taxa (21 species, 1 with two subspecies), which represent the distinct subgenera, life forms, basic chromosome numbers, and ploidy levels in the genus. 2C nuclear DNA content values range from 3.5 to 25.65 pg, which represents a more than sevenfold variation. DNA content per haploid genome ranges from 1.75 to 5.76 pg. DNA amount is very well correlated with karyotype length and ploidy level. Some variations in genome size have systematic and evolutionary implications, whereas others are linked to ecological selection pressures.  相似文献   

Grindelia coronensis, a new species from the Meseta del Somuncura, Prov. Río Negro, Argentina, is described and illustrated. It is similar toG. chiloensis (Cornel.) Cabrera but it is readily distinguished by its leaves which are conspicuosly differentiated into a obovate blade and a long petiole.  相似文献   

Anther development, microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in several species of Heliconia were investigated as part of a complementary embryological study of the Heliconiaceae. All studied Heliconia species present bithecate and tetrasporangiate anthers with fertile pollen grains; only H. rivularis, a natural hybrid, presented sterile pollen grains of variable size and no content. The anther wall has an uniseriate epidermis and endothecium, the latter with helicoidal thickenings, although some cells of the middle layers also showed thickenings; the biseriate tapetum is of amoeboid non-syncytial type, since the tapetum cells did not fuse together forming a true plasmodium. The microsporogenesis is successive leading to isobilateral tetrads. The inaperturate pollen grains had a very reduced exine consisting of a thin, more or less continuous layer with small spines upon; the pollen grain shape is variable among the species, all of them presenting heteropolar pollen, except H. angusta with isopolar ones. Most of these characteristics were shared with other studied Zingiberales, although more studies need to be done.  相似文献   

Lagenophora (Astereae, Asteraceae) has 14 species in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, southern South America, Gough Island and Tristan da Cunha. Phylogenetic relationships in Lagenophora were inferred using nuclear and plastid DNA regions. Reconstruction of spatio‐temporal evolution was estimated using parsimony, Bayesian inference and likelihood methods, a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock and ancestral area and habitat reconstructions. Our results support a narrow taxonomic concept of Lagenophora including only a core group of species with one clade diversifying in New Zealand and another in South America. The split between the New Zealand and South American Lagenophora dates from 11.2 Mya [6.1–17.4 95% highest posterior density (HPD)]. The inferred ancestral habitats were openings in beech forest and subalpine tussockland. The biogeographical analyses infer a complex ancestral area for Lagenophora involving New Zealand and southern South America. Thus, the estimated divergence times and biogeographical reconstructions provide circumstantial evidence that Antarctica may have served as a corridor for migration until the expansion of the continental ice during the late Cenozoic. The extant distribution of Lagenophora reflects a complex history that could also have involved direct long‐distance dispersal across southern oceans. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 78–95.  相似文献   

 Analyses of ITS sequences for 49 species of Olearia, including representatives from all currently recognised intergeneric sections, and 43 species from 23 other genera of Astereae, rooted on eight sequences from Anthemideae, provide no support for the monophyly of this large and morphologically diverse Australasian genus. Eighteen separate lineages of Olearia are recognised, including seven robust groups. Three of these groups and another eight species are placed within a primary clade incorporating representatives of Achnophora, Aster, Brachyscome, Calotis, Camptacra, Erigeron, Felicia, Grangea, Kippistia, Lagenifera, Minuria, Oritrophium, Peripleura, Podocoma, Remya, Solidago, Tetramolopium and Vittadinia. The remaining four groups and three individual species lie within a sister clade that also includes Celmisia, Chiliotrichum, Damnamenia, Pleurophyllum and Pachystegia. Relationships within each primary clade are poorly resolved. There is some congruence between this molecular estimate of the phylogeny and the distribution of types of abaxial leaf-hair, which is the basis of the present sectional classification of Olearia, but all states appear to have arisen more than once within the tribe. It is concluded that those species placed within the second primary clade should be removed from the genus, but the extent to which species placed within the first primary clade constitute a monophyletic group can only be resolved with further sequence data. Received November 12, 2001; accepted April 29, 2002 Published online: November 22, 2002 Addresses of authors: Edward W. Cross, Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, CSIRO, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia (E-mail: ed.cross@csiro.au); Christopher J . Quinn, Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs Macquaries Rd., Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia; Steven J. Wagstaff, Landcare Research, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8152, New Zealand.  相似文献   

Ionactis caelestis Leary & Nesom is a new species known from a single population that occurs on the Aztec Sandstone near Bridge Mountain in the Spring Mountains of Clark County, Nevada. It is placed in the genus Ionactis (=Aster subg. Ianthe) on the basis of its crowded, multicipital crown, lack of persistent basal leaves and presence of densely arranged cauline ones, strongly carinate phyllaries, blue rays, disc style branches with linear-lanceolate appendages, asymmetric carpopodia, double pappus, and chromosome number of 2n = 9 II. A key to the four species of the genus emphasizes the distinction of the new species in its taproot, the abundant, large, glandular trichomes on its stems and leaves, and disc flowers with sterile ovaries. Ionactis is more similar to the goldenaster (Heterotheca) lineage than to Aster, with which it has been allied formerly. The core of the goldenaster genera differ from Ionactis primarily in their yellow-rayed heads, the crystal complement within cells of their disc corollas, and their primarily multinerved achenes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the embryological characteristics of Delavaya toxocarpa Franch. and provide a basis for further understanding the phylogeny within Sapindaceae s.l., we studied the sporogenesis and gametogenesis of D. toxocarpa using the conventional paraffin section method. The results were as follows: anthers are tetrasporangium; tapetum is typically secretory type; cytokinesis in the microsporecyte meiosis is of the simultaneous type and microspore tetrads are tetrahedral; mature pollen contains two cells; the ovary is bilocular with two ovules per locule; placentation is axial; the ovule is amphitropous, bitegmic, and crassinucellate; the chalazal megaspore in a linear tetrad becomes functional; and the development of megaspore is of the polygonum type. Most similarities shared by the species observed suggest that the species and genera of Sapindaceae s.l. have phylogenetic consistency. The distinctive trait, lacking hypostase, indicatesDelavaya (and Handeliodendron) might be more primitive than other genera in Sapindaceae. Moreover, some characters, such as opposite palmate compound leaf, apical thyrse, rounded seed without wing, 2 hemitropous ovules per locule, and lacking aril, indicate the close relationship between Delavaya, Aceraceae, and Hippocastanaceae. The preliminary data about the embryological and morphological characteristics in Delavaya might justify the basic systematic position of this genus in the family Sapindaceae s.s.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether morphological divergence has occurred in seeds of species in a subclade of Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia . Thus, we compared seed mass, surface area, and wings (presence or absence), embryo shape and state, and embryo length to seed length (E:S) ratio in A. californica Torr., endemic to California, A. macrophylla Lamk. and A. tomentosa Sims of eastern USA, and A. manshuriensis Komarov of eastern Asia. We also compared capsule length and number of seeds per capsule in the three US species. All four species have linear, underdeveloped embryos, but for the other morphological features statistically significant differences occurred among the taxa. However, none of the seed morphological features differed between the eastern North American species A. macrophylla and its eastern Asian sister species A. manshuriensis.   © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 433–436.  相似文献   

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