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Systematic analysis of the hydrolysis of benzyloxycarbonyl (Cbz)-dipeptides by cathepsin A [EC] purified from rat liver lysosomes showed that multiple forms of cathepsin A preferentially cleave peptide bonds with leucine, methionine, and phenylalanine. Cbz-Met-Met, -Met-Phe, -Phe-Met, and -Phe-Ala were hydrolyzed 6 to 8 times faster than the standard substrates, Cbz-Glu-Phe and Cbz-Glu-Tyr. The pH optima of the hydrolyses were 4.6 to 5.8. Hydrolysis of peptide bonds with glycine, isoleucine, and proline was very slow, but the rate depended on the nature of the adjacent amino acids. Proteins such as albumin, cytochrome c, gamma-globulin, hemoglobin, histone, myoglobin, and myosin were scarecely degraded. Peptide hormones, such as glucagon and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were hydrolyzed markedly with optimum pH's of 4.5 and 4.6, respectively. Angiotensin I, II, bradykinin, Lys- and Met-Lysbradykinin (kallidin and Met-kallidin), and substance P were also hydrolyzed at appreciable rates. pH optima for these peptide hormones were 5.2 to 5.6. On the other hand, insulin and its A chain, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH), oxytocin and vasopressin were cleaved slowly. In the hydrolyses of glucagon and other peptides, multiple forms of rat liver lysosomal cathepsin A again showed a carboxypeptidase nature, cleaving peptide bonds sequentially from the carboxyl terminal. Almost all of the amino acids were cleaved on prolonged incubation. Vaso-activites of angiotensin II and bradykinin were rapidly lost on hydrolysis by cathepsin A. Lysosomal cathepsin C [dipeptidylaminopeptidase I, EC] also activated angiotensin II, but did not inactive bradykinin. Cathepsin A, therefore, can be regarded as one of the lysosomal angiotensinases and kinases. No distinct differences were observed between the multiple forms of cathepsin A in these hydrolyses and inactivations of peptides.  相似文献   

The turnover of rat liver lysosomal proteins was studied by a double isotope-labeling technique. The cellular fractions investigated included soluble lysosomal proteins, lysosomal membrane proteins, highly purified lysosomal beta-glucuronidase, and for comparison, microsomal proteins and soluble cytoplasmic proteins. Both "normal" lysosomes and Triton WR-1339-filled lysosomes (tritosomes) were studied, with similar results. It was found that (a) the turnover rate of lysosomal proteins, of both the soluble and membranous compartments, was very similar to that of the proteins of the microsomal and soluble cytoplasmic fractions, and (b) the turnover rate of lysosomal proteins was asynchronous. The latter conclusion was based on two lines of evidence: (a) lysosomal beta-glucuronidase had a distinctly slower turnover rate than the average rate of the soluble lysosomal proteins, and (b) subunits of the proteins of the soluble lysosomal fraction as separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate. Sephadex G-200 gel filtration showed different rates of degradation.  相似文献   

The peptide-bond-specificity of bovine spleen cathepsin S in the cleavage of the oxidized insulin B-chain and peptide methylcoumarylamide substrates was investigated and the results are compared with those obtained with rat liver cathepsins L and B. Major cleavage sites in the oxidized insulin B-chain generated by cathepsin S are the bonds Glu13-Ala14, Leu17-Val18 and Phe23-Tyr26; minor cleavage sites are the bonds Asn3-Gln4, Ser9-His10 and Leu15-Tyr16. The bond-specificity of this proteinase is in part similar to the specificities of cathepsin L and cathepsin N. Larger differences are discernible in the reaction with synthetic peptide substrates. Cathepsin S prefers smaller neutral amino acid residues in the subsites S2 and S3, whereas cathepsin L efficiently hydrolyses substrates with bulky hydrophobic residues in the P2 and P3 positions. The results obtained from inhibitor studies differ somewhat from those based on substrates. Z-Phe-Ala-CH2F (where Z- represents benzyloxycarbonyl-) is a very potent time-dependent inhibitor for cathepsin S, and inhibits this proteinase 30 times more efficiently than it does cathepsin L and about 300 times better than it does cathepsin B. By contrast, the peptidylmethanes Z-Val-Phe-CH3 and Z-Phe-Lys(Z)-CH3 inhibit competitively both cathepsin S and cathepsin L in the micromolar range.  相似文献   

Studies from several laboratories have demonstrated the existence of at least three separable forms of the hepatic enzyme, tyrosine aminotransferase. The significance of these separable forms of the enzyme isolated in vitro for the nature and regulation of the enzyme in vivo has been the subject of some controversy. The studies reported in this paper demonstrate the existence of a heat-labile, pH- and temperature-dependent, nondialyzable component associated predominantly with the lysosomal and mitochondrial fraction of rat liver which catalyzes the conversion of form II to forms III and IV of the enzyme. The activity of this conversion factor is not significantly affected by F?, molybdate ions, or two inhibitors of proteases. On the other hand, the cyanate ion completely inhibits the conversion of form II to forms III and IV of tyrosine aminotransferase, as do iodoacetate and oxidized glutathione. p-Chloromercuribenzoate also markedly inhibits the conversion. Kinetic studies suggest that the shift from one form to another follows the pathway: II to III to IV. Titration of the available sulfhydryl groups of the three forms of the enzyme demonstrates that form II possesses between 16 and 17 titratable SH groups per mole, while forms III and IV possess 15 and 13 or 14, respectively. The possible catalytic mechanism by which the conversion of the multiple forms of tyrosine aminotransferase is accomplished is discussed.  相似文献   

Conversion of proinsulin and intermediate forms of proinsulin into insulin were studied with rat liver cell fractions and purified lysosomal proteinases by using the technique of polyacrylamide disc-electrophoresis. Both substrates were degraded very rapidly by homogenates and crude lysosomal fractions to split products not detectable on disc-electropherograms. Neither breakdown nor conversion were detected with the cytosol and the microsomal fraction. With partially purified lysosomal fractions (mol. wt. approx. 25 000) or with highly purified cathepsin L or cathepsin B (B1) proinsulin was converted into products migrating like the intermediate forms and insulin, and the intermediates were converted into products migrating like insulin and deoctapeptide-insulin in disc-electropherograms. The mechanism of conversion seems to be different for both enzymes. The results force us to conclude that lysosomal cathepsins, especially cathepsins L and B might be involved in the process of conversion of proinsulin into insulin and perhaps also of other precursors into biologically active proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B (EC from rat liver was crystallized and its amino acid composition was determined. The purified enzyme formed spindle-shaped crystals and its homogeneity was proved by ultracentrifugical analysis. Its S20, W value was 2.5 S and its molecular weight was calculated to be 24,000 from the result of sedimentation equilibrium analysis. Amino acid analysis showed that it contained glucosamine and galactosamine. The activity of the protease was maximal at pH 6.0 with α-N-benzoyl-DL-arginine p-nitroanilide as substrate. The apparent Kms for α-N-benzoyl-DL-arginine p-nitroanilide and α-N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-2-naphthylamide were 1.4 × 10?2 M and 2.0 × 10?3 M, respectively  相似文献   

Isolation of deoxyribonuclease II of rat liver lysosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Studies on the permeability of rat liver lysosomes to carbohydrates   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1. The latency of nitrocatechol sulphatase activity was measured in rat liver lysosomes before and after preincubation in 0.25m solutions of 25 different carbohydrates. 2. Preincubation in disaccharides, hexitols, gluconate, glucuronate or lactate gave little or no rise in ;free' sulphatase activity, indicating that these compounds do not easily penetrate the lysosomal membrane, but incubation in monosaccharides or the lower glycitols caused a progressive loss of latency. 3. Rates of increase in ;free' activity were taken as an indication of rates of solute penetration into lysosomes and were correlated with the structure and molecular weight of each sugar. 4. Additional evidence for non-penetration of maltose was obtained by demonstrating that the latency of lysosomal alpha-glucosidase is independent of substrate concentration employed. 5. The results are discussed in the light of published data on the latency of lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Rat liver ornithine decarboxylase induced by injection of thioacetamide has been separated into at least two fractions by covalent chromatography on an activated thiol-Sepharose 4B column. The two major fractions could be distinguished by ion exchange chromatography and electrophoresis on acrylamide gels. In addition, the two forms displayed different Km values for ornithine. Although the two forms are separable, they display identical antigenic properties, pH optima, and they appear to be the same molecular size. The biological significance or the relationship between multiple forms of ornithine decarboxylase is not understood.  相似文献   

Cathepsins B and H from rat liver contain one asparagine-linked sugar chain in each molecule. The sugar chains were liberated from the polypeptide portions by hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation and NaB3H4 reduction. Paper electrophoresis of the radioactive oligosaccharide fractions revealed that they were mixtures of neutral oligosaccharides only. After fractionation by gel filtration the structure of each oligosaccharide was studied by sequential exoglycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis. The sugar chain of cathepsin H was a high mannose type oligosaccharide which varied in size from 5 to 9 mannose residues; on the other hand the major oligosaccharide of cathepsin B was a tetrasaccharide whose structure was Manalpha 1----6Manbeta 1----4GlcNAcbeta 1----4GlcNAc.  相似文献   

G J Smith  P H Pearce  I T Oliver 《Life sciences》1976,19(11):1763-1775
A particulate factor of rat liver is described which interconverts three forms of rat liver cytosolic tyrosine aminotransferase invitro with no alteration of enzyme activity. The factor appears to be a heat- and pH-sensitive lysosomal protein. The interconversion process is stimulated invitro by 2.5 mM MgCl2 and 2.5 mM ATP. Asparate aminotransferase multiple forms are also susceptible to invitro interconversion by the lysosomal factor. The properties of the factor explain several anomalous effects of invitro manipulation on the tyrosine aminotransferase forms which have been reported in the literature and implicate the form interconversion in the degradation of tyrosine aminotransferase.  相似文献   

Glyoxalase II (S-(2-hydroxyacyl)glutathione hydrolase, EC, which has been regarded as a cytosolic enzyme, was also found in rat liver mitochondria. The mitochondrial fraction contained about 10-15% of the total glyoxalase II activity in liver. The actual existence of the specific mitochondrial glyoxalase II was verified by showing that all of the activity of the crude mitochondrial pellet was still present in purified mitochondria prepared in a Ficoll gradient. Subfractionation of the mitochondria by digitonin treatment showed that 56% of the activity resided in the mitochondrial matrix and 19% in the intermembrane space. Partial purification of the enzyme (420-fold) was also achieved. Statistically significant differences were found in the substrate specificities of the mitochondrial and the cytosolic glyoxalase II. Electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing of either the crude mitochondrial extract or of the purified mitochondrial glyoxalase II resolved the enzyme activity into five forms with the respective pI values of 8.1, 7.5, 7.0, 6.85 and 6.6. Three of these forms (pI values 7.0-6.6) were exclusively mitochondrial, with no counterpart in the cytosol. The relative molecular mass of the partially purified enzyme, as estimated by Superose 12 gel chromatography, was 21,000. These results give evidence for the presence of mitochondrial glyoxalase II which is different from the cytosolic enzymes in several characteristics.  相似文献   

Effect of brefeldin A on the transport of lysosomal acid hydrolases (cathepsins D and H) was investigated in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. Both cathepsins were synthesized as proenzymes and progressively converted to mature enzymes in the control cells. However, BFA strongly inhibited the appearance of the mature enzymes in the cells in a dose dependent manner, suggesting that transport of newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes from the endoplasmic reticulum to lysosomes is blocked by the drug. The inhibitory effect by brefeldin A was reversible. Upon recovery from brefeldin A-intoxication, procathepsin D was effectively targeted into lysosomes, whereas a substantial amount of procathepsin H was found to be missorted, resulting in its secretion into the culture medium.  相似文献   

We have cloned the full coding cDNA sequence of chicken annexin V and of a mutant lacking 8 amino acid residues of the N-terminal tail for prokaryotic expression. Both proteins were synthesized in Escherichia coli upon induction with isopropyl thio-β-D-galactoside, and were purified following two different protocols: one based on the ability of these proteins to interact reversibly with liposomes in the presence of calcium, and the other based on two sequential ion-exchange chromatographic steps. Spectroscopical analysis of recombinant annexin V revealed that binding of calcium did not change the circular dichroism spectra indicating no significant changes on the secondary structure; however, a conformational change affecting the exposition to the solvent of the tryptophan residue 187 was detected by analysis of fluorescence emission spectra. Recombinant annexin V binds with high affinity to collagen types II and X, and with lower affinity to collagen type I in a calcium-independent manner. Heat denaturing of collagen decreases this interaction while pepsin-treatment of collagen almost completely abolishes annexin V binding. Mutated annexin V interacts with collagen in a similar way as the nonmutated recombinant protein, indicating that the N-terminal tail of annexin V is not essential for collagen binding.  相似文献   

Neutral-sugar transport by rat liver lysosomes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Transport of D-glucose was studied in Percoll-gradient-purified rat liver lysosomes. D-Glucose uptake had a Km of 22 mM and a t1/2 of approx. 30 s. D-Fucose, 2-deoxyglucose and methyl alpha-glucoside were the most effective competitors for uptake of D-glucose, although D-galactose, D-mannose, D-xylose and L-fucose also appeared to compete for uptake. L-Glucose was a poor competitor for uptake. No competition was observed with N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, D-glucuronic acid, N-acetylneuraminic acid, D-glucosamine or the amino acids L-glycine, L-lysine and L-proline. Uptake was unaffected by N-ethylmaleimide, dithiothreitol, KCl, NaCl, ATP/Mg or alteration of buffer pH. D-Glucose efflux from lysosomes was temperature-dependent, with a Q10 of 2.3, and was inhibited by cytochalasin B. Counter-transport could not be demonstrated. In contrast, L-fucose uptake had a Km of 65 mM and was largely unaffected by 5 M excess of neutral D-sugars. Both uptake and efflux of L-fucose were inhibited by cytochalasin B. It appears that lysosomes possess a facilitated transport system for D-glucose and perhaps other neutral D-sugars that is discrete from transport systems for acetylated and acidic sugars.  相似文献   

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