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李月  庞亚如  成旭  李春  吕波 《微生物学通报》2022,49(11):4869-4885
胆固醇是动物体内积累的主要甾醇化合物,在维持细胞膜功能、合成甾体激素、生产甾体药物中间体等方面具有重要的生物学意义和医学应用价值。传统动物组织提取胆固醇的方法费时费力并存在严重的环境污染问题,而甾醇分子结构的复杂程度也限制了其化学全合成。近些年,人们利用合成生物学方法构建的微生物细胞工厂已成功用于萜类、甾醇类等天然产物的开发与合成。文中综述了胆固醇微生物细胞工厂的研究进展,包括胆固醇生物合成途径的解析、底盘菌株的选择、异源基因元件的挖掘与优化、相关代谢通路的调控等方面,并讨论了当前研究面临的问题,以期为胆固醇的高效生物合成提供参考。  相似文献   

The claim that Ca may be a dispensable element for yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reexamined. The cells of S. cerevisiae could grow in media which contained no added Ca and were deprived of contaminating Ca2+ by filtration through a Chelex 100 column. Also, the cells were able to grow in the presence of fairly high concentrations of EGTA. The apparent intracellular concentrations of Ca, assessed from the content of radioactive 45Ca in cells preloaded with 45CaCl2, could vary within the range of approx. 2 nM to 2.8 mM, without adversively affecting growth or morphology of the cells. An extremely low affinity for Ca2+ of the system taking up Ca into the cells was corroborated. However, even the Chelex 100-treated media were found in contain 1–5 μM Ca when maintained in glass culture vessels. Also, the ability of the cells to take up Ca from a medium containing surplus of EGTA or EDTA was demonstrated. su14CEDTA, alone or in the presence of Ca, could also be transported into the cells. It has been inferred that Ca must be as essential for yeast as it is for other eucaryotic organisms. The omnipresence of contaminating Ca and peculiarities of the Ca transporting system, combined with an intricate intracellular compartmentation of Ca, would account for the impossibility to prove the importance of Ca for yeast by direct growth studies.  相似文献   

[目的] 摩尔酸作为齐墩果烷型三萜化合物具有抗HIV、抗炎等多种生物学活性,其前体物质是计曼尼醇,本研究基于合成生物学策略构建酿酒酵母细胞工厂高效合成摩尔酸。[方法] 运用CRISPR/Cas9技术,首先分别整合不同来源的氧化鲨烯环化酶(OSCs),筛选高产计曼尼醇底盘细胞;进一步异源表达长春花来源的细胞色素P450氧化酶(CYP716AL1)和麻风树来源的细胞色素P450还原酶(JcCPR),构建摩尔酸生物合成途径;并通过CYP716AL1和不同来源的CPR适配研究以及过表达甲羟戊酸(MVA)代谢途径中关键酶的方式提高摩尔酸的产量。[结果] 整合苹果来源的氧化鲨烯环化酶MdOSC获得的重组菌株计曼尼醇产量最高,达68.3 mg/L;以此为底盘细胞进一步整合CYP716AL1和JcCPR实现了摩尔酸的生物合成,产量为15.0 mg/L;共表达CYP716AL1和拟南芥来源的CPR获得的重组菌株摩尔酸产量最高,达到24.3 mg/L;最后过表达MVA代谢途径中的关键酶法呢基焦磷酸合酶(ERG20)和鲨烯环氧酶(ERG1),获得的重组菌株摩尔酸产量高达34.1 mg/L。[结论] 本研究实现了摩尔酸的高效生物合成,为构建高产齐墩果烷型三萜酿酒酵母细胞工厂提供了理论和技术依据。  相似文献   

sfa1基因编码的酶具有乙醇脱氢酶和甲醛脱氢酶双功能活性,通过设计含有与sfa1基因两侧序列同源的长引物,以质粒pUG6和pUG66为模板进行PCR构建带有Cre/loxP系统的酿酒酵母sfa1基因敲除组件,转化酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)YS1并将质粒pSH47转入阳性克隆子,诱导表达Cre酶切除筛选标记,在原ORF基因处保留一个loxP位点,丢失质粒后获得sfa1基因缺陷型酵母突变株YS1-sfa1。摇瓶发酵实验表明,突变株YS1-sfa1的乙醇分解代谢活性降低,乙醇产量提高8.0%。  相似文献   

Summary Homoallelic and heteroallelic diploids involving the eth2-1, eth2-2 and eth2-7 alleles have been studied on the basis of several criteria used for the study of haploid strains: resistance towards ethionine, overproduction of either methionine or/and S-adenosylmethionine, repressibility of methionine biosynthetic enzymes. Complete recessivity of the three alleles over the wild type allele has been observed, when resistance and methionine synthesis are considered. However, with the eth2-2 allele, repressibility corresponds more to a dose effect of the ETH2 allele than to recessivity. The implications of these findings have been discussed. Results obtained for heteroallelic combinations show significant deviations from the expected values. These results have been interpreted as indicating possible interactions between two differently impaired products of gene ETH2. They render likely that the product of this gene is at least an homopolymer.  相似文献   



Matings between different Saccharomyces sensu stricto yeast species produce sexually sterile hybrids, so individuals should avoid mating with other species. Any mechanism that reduces the frequency of interspecific matings will confer a selective advantage. Here we test the ability of two closely-related Saccharomyces sensu stricto species to select their own species as mates and avoid hybridisation.  相似文献   

Summary A series of yeast mutants has been isolated with the inability to grow on fermentable carbon sources whilst growing normally on ethanol media. One of the mutants, namely MC16/206 lacks pyruvate decarboxylase activity and does not grow on glucose at 37°C but grows on both ethanol and glucose at 27°C. In this strain rho - petites are non-viable.  相似文献   

We are developing budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a genetic system for the study of tolerance to the trivalent aluminum cation (Al3+). We have isolated eight mutants that are more sensitive to Al3+ than the wild type. Each mutant represented a different complementation group. A number of the mutants were pleiotropic, and showed defects in other stress responses, changes in tolerance to other metal cations, or abnormal morphology. Two mutants also showed increased dependence on supplemental Mg2+ and Ca2+. One mutant with a relatively specific sensitivity to Al3+ was chosen for molecular complementation. Normal Al3+ tolerance was restored by expression of the MAP kinase gene SLT2. Strains carrying deletions of the SLT2 gene, or of the gene for the corresponding MAP kinase–kinase SLK1, showed sensitivity to Al3+. These results indicate that the SLT2 MAP kinase signal transduction pathway is required for yeast to sense and respond to Al3+ stress. Received: 17 April 1996 / Accepted: 21 October 1996  相似文献   

Summary Two additional types of nuclear determinants involved in the control of spontaneous mutability of rho in S. cerevisiae have been identified: mmc and the pet-ts 1, 2, 10, 52 and 53 genes.These genes in their mutated recessive form increase at various extents the number of respiratory deficient cytoplasmic petite mutants accumulated.The gene mmc does not affect the respiratory activity and is not temperature-dependent whereas the pet-ts genes determine at the non permissive temperature a respiratory deficient phenotypes even if they affect the mutability of rho at the permissve and at the non permissive temperature.The data here reported suggest that a replicative complex exists for the mitochondrial DNA.It is in the purpose of this paper to deal with the relative contrition that mmc and pet-ts gene products have in ensuring the fidelity of this replicative complex.  相似文献   

Summary The shift of recessive suppressor mutant of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae from permissive to restrictive conditions is accompanied by polysome decay and accumulation of 80 S ribosomes (Smirnov et al., 1976). In this paper some properties of 80 S ribosomes are studied. It is demonstrated that polysome decay under non-permissive conditions is not the consequence of the impairement of RNA synthesis. More than 70% of 80 S ribosomes accumulated under non-permissive conditions contain bound peptidyl-tRNAs localized in P-ribosomal site. tRNA moiety of bound peptidyl-tRNA is able to accept all 20 natural amino acids after chemical deacylation. Therefore it is not a specific isoacceptor species but rather total tRNA that is bound to ribosomes. The polypeptide residues of these peptidyl-tRNAs are heterogeneous in size. Their molecular weights are comparable with the molecular weights of the completed polypeptides. Some of the 80 S ribosomes accumulated under non-permissive conditions contain poly-A RNA. In conclusion, possible mechanism of the impairement of translation under non-permissive conditions in recessive suppressor strain is discussed.  相似文献   

Because of many advantages, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is increasingly being employed for expression of recombinant proteins. Usually, hybrid plasmids (shuttle vectors) are employed as carriers to introduce the foreign DNA into the yeast host. Unfortunately, the transformed host often suffers from some kind of instability, tending to lose or alter the foreign plasmid. Construction of stable plasmids, and maintenance of stable expression during extended culture, are some of the major challenges facing commercial production of recombinant proteins. This review examines the factors that affect plasmid stability at the gene, cell, and engineering levels. Strategies for overcoming plasmid loss, and the models for predicting plasmid instability, are discussed. The focus is on S. cerevisiae, but where relevant, examples from the better studied Escherichia coli system are discussed. Compared to free suspension culture, immobilization of cells is particularly effective in improving plasmid retention, hence, immobilized systems are examined in some detail. Immobilized cell systems combine high cell concentrations with enhanced productivity of the recombinant product, thereby offering a potentially attractive production method, particularly when nonselective media are used. Understanding of the stabilizing mechanisms is a prerequisite to any substantial commercial exploitation and improvement of immobilized cell systems.  相似文献   

The study of yeast mating-type (MAT) gene switching has provided insights into several aspects of the regulation of gene expression. MAT switching is accomplished by a highly programmed site-specific homologous recombination event in which mating-type-specific sequences at MAT are replaced by alternative DNA sequences copied from one of two unexpressed donors. The mating-type system has also provided an opportunity to study both the genetic regulation of gene silencing by alterations in chromatin structure, and the basis of preferential recombination between a recipient of genetic information and one of several possible donors.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated the mutants, T55s-41(a) and T562s-161 () which have no sexual agglutinability when cultured at 28°C, but become sexually agglutinable by the action of the sex pheromone produced by respective opposite mating type. The sex-specific glycoproteins responsible for sexual agglutination were detected in the mutants treated with the opposite mating type pheromone, but not in those treated with the same mating type pheromone.The induction of sexual agglutinability by the pheromone required both nitrogen and carbon sources and was inhibited by cycloheximide. The induction by the pheromone of sexual agglutinability was much more sensitive to osmotic shock and Triton X-100 in T55s-41 than in H1-0, an inducible a strain found in our stock cultures. When cultured at 22°C both T55s-41 and T562s-161 produced respective agglutination substances without the sex pheromones.H1-0 carried more than one genes responsible for the inducibility (inducible genes). The inducible genes carried by T55s-41 and T562s-161 were recessive, possibly linked to none of the mating type locus, thr4 and his 4, and shown to be identical. The inducible gene in H22, an inducible a strain found in our stock cultures and at least one of the inducible genes in H1-0 were linked to the mating type locus. All the inducible genes observed so far were not specific to the mating type in their action.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell adhesion protein a-agglutinin is composed of an anchorage subunit (Aga1p) and an adhesion subunit (Aga2p). Although functional a-agglutinin is expressed only by a cells, previous results indicated that AGA1 RNA is expressed in both a and cells after pheromone induction. Expression of the Aga2p adhesion subunit in a cells allowed a-agglutinability, indicating that a cells express the a-agglutinin anchorage subunit, although no role for Aga1p in cells has been identified. Most of the a-specific agglutination-defective mutants isolated previously were defective in AGA1; a single mutant (La199) was a candidate for an aga2 mutant. Expression of AGA2 under PGK control allowed secretion of active Aga2p from control strains but did not complement the La199 agglutination defect or allow secretion of Aga2p from La 199, suggesting that the La199 mutation might identify a new gene required for a-agglutinin function. However, the La199 agglutination defect showed tight linkage to aga2::URA3 and did not complement aga2::URA3 in a/a diploids. The aga2 gene cloned from La199 was nonfunctional and contained an ochre mutation. The inability of pPGK-AGA2 to express functional Aga2p in La199 was shown to result from an additional mutation(s) that reduces expression of plasmid-borne genes. AGA2 was mapped to the left arm of chromosome VII approximately 28 cM from the centromere.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast mutants lacking activity of the enzyme hypoxanthine: guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (H:GPRT) have been isolated by selecting for resistance to 8-azaguanine in a strain carrying the wild type allele, ade4 + of the gene coding for amidophosphoribosyltransferase (PRPPAT), the first enzyme of de novo purine synthesis. The mutants excrete purines and are cross-resistant to 8-azaadenine. They are recessive and represent a single complementation group, designated hpt1. Ade4-su, a prototrophic allele of ade4 with reduced activity of PRPPAT, is epistatic to hpt1, suppressing purine excretion and resistance to azaadenine but not resistance to azaguanine. The genotype ade2 hpt1 does not respond to hypoxanthine. Hpt1 complements and is not closely linked to the purine excreting mutants pur1 to pur5. Hpt1 and pur6, a regulatory mutant of PRPPAT, are also unlinked but do not complement, suggesting a protein-protein interaction between H:G-PRT and PRPPAT. Mycophenolic acid (MPA), an inhibitor of de novo guanine nucleotide synthesis, inhibits the growth of hpt1 and hpt1 +. Xanthine allows both genotypes to grow in the presence of MPA whereas guanine only allows growth of hpt1 +. Activity of A-PRT, X-PRT and H:G-PRT is present in hpt +. Hpt1 lacks activity of H:G-PRT but has normal A-PRT and X-PRT.  相似文献   

We have studied the recombinational repair of a double-strand break (DSB) in a plasmid-borneade2::HO-site by an intactade2 allele following the induction of a galactose-inducibleGAL-HO gene. IfGAL-HO expression is not attenuated by the presence of a low level of glucose in the galactose medium, deleterious effects are observed. Our comparison of the effects of severalrad mutations on the relative efficiencies of DSB repair at both theade2::HO-site and at the chromosomalMAT locus indicate that the two processes share common functions. Not surprisingly, most of the recombination-defective mutants found using our assay are alleles of genes in theRAD52 epistasis group. The recombination and repair deficiencies vary among the different mutant groups and also among mutants within a group. In general, there is a correlation between the extents of the recombination and repair defects. Our screen also turned up a novelrfa1 allele with a pronounced deficiency in DSB repair and recombination and asrs2 mutation which causes only a mild defect.  相似文献   

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