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A new species of the genus Chresta Vell. ex DC. (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) from the Brazilian state of Bahia is described and illustrated. The new species resembles Chresta pinnatifida (Philipson) H.Rob. but differs in having solitary glomerules, leaf bases clasping the stem and 35–40 capitula per glomerule. It can be distinguished from Chresta harleyii and Chresta martii , the other two species of the genus with pinnately lobed leaves, by the type of pubescence, leaf blade bases and florets number. In addition, a key to distinguish all the species of the genus is presented. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 587–590.  相似文献   

We assessed the evolutionary histories of two hummingbirds, Augastes scutatus and Augastes lumachella, endemic to the highlands of the Espinhaço Range in Brazil. These hummingbirds are considered relictual taxa with phylogenetic affinities to members of the genus Schistes from the Andean region. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships of Augastes through the use of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear sequences within the Polytminae hummingbird clade, and found that the inferred phylogenetic reconstructions placed A. scutatus as the sister species of A. lumachella and Augastes as sister to Schistes geoffroyi from the northern Andes, as previously suggested by similarities found in plumage and morphology. Our results are consistent with an initial divergence of Augastes and Schistes lineages in the Late Miocene, associated with geological and climatic changes across the South American landscape. A Late Pliocene vicariant event between A. scutatus and A. lumachella may be associated with climatically distinct environmental conditions influencing the local differentiation and adaptation of ancestral Augastes populations. Our findings represent additional important evidence of vicariant events between east and west in southern South America, and between north and south within the Espinhaço Range of Brazil.  相似文献   

Euphorbia subsect. Pachycladae is a taxon of primarily Macaronesian distribution, defined by morphological and biogeographical criteria. On the basis of morphological data, it is a heterogeneous group within which at least three complexes of species can be distinguished. To ascertain whether it is a natural group and discover its phylogenetic relations, we performed a cladistic analysis of the sequences of ribosomal nuclear DNA and a karyological study. The results of the two studies are concordant and show that the sub-section is polyphyletic and includes three different groups. The first monophyletic group is made up of the Macaronesian endemics E. atropurpurea complex and E. lamarckii complex, which form a polytomy with E. dendroides as the basal species. The lauroid species E. longifolia and E. stygiana represent the second monophyletic group, which derive from Mediterranean forms of E. sect. Helioscopia Dumort. Both species are paleopolyploid (2n=44) with highly symmetrical karyotypes. Finally, E. balsamifera, with a Canarian, African and Arabian distribution, remains isolated in a basal position. Its karyotype, with 2n=20 chromosomes, differs from the Macaronesian model and displays analogies with African cactiform spurges. On the basis of the results, some hypotheses are formulated about speciation processes in the three groups. Received March 3, 2001 Accepted October 28, 2001  相似文献   

Microscopic methods were used to investigate the morphological characterization of two novel oligotrich ciliates, Spirostrombidium paraurceolare sp. nov. and Spirostrombidium faurefremieti sp. nov., isolated from a mangrove wetland in Zhanjiang and an intertidal sandy beach in Qingdao, respectively. Spirostrombidium paraurceolare sp. nov. is characterized by three thigmotactic and 8–10 buccal membranelles, the girdle kinety spiralling around cell with one and a half whorls, and located at right anterior third of dorsal side anteriorly. Spirostrombidium faurefremieti sp. nov. can be recognized by a prominently deep and broad buccal cavity, two thigmotactic and 15–19 buccal membranelles, and the girdle kinety spiralling around cell with two whorls. The small subunit ribosomal RNA genes of these two species were sequenced and compared with those of their congeners to reveal nucleotide differences. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the genus Spirostrombidium is non-monophyletic. Spirostrombidium faurefremieti sp. nov. falls into a clade comprising most congeners, but Spirostrombidium paraurceolare sp. nov. branches off and groups with Varistrombidium kielum with moderate support. A key to the identification of Spirostrombidium species is also provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AB96BEE6-BE3A-4B95-B75A-3469B1C53ABB2  相似文献   

香花油茶——山茶属短柱茶组一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马锦林  叶航  叶创兴 《广西植物》2012,32(6):753-755
描述了山茶属短柱茶组新种Camellia osmantha Ye CX,Ma JL et Ye H.新种为灌木,花白色,微有香气.其苞被不分化为苞片和萼片,多数,10~12枚,花瓣6~8枚,均易脱落;雄蕊长短不一,大部分分离;花柱短,基部连生,先端分离,与短柱茶组特征一致.新种花有香气与窄叶短柱茶C.fluviantlis Hand.-Mzt.接近,但前者叶常为倒卵形,具尾尖,后者叶狭披针形,渐尖.  相似文献   

Cortinarius prunicola sp. nov., found in orchards and plantations ofPrunus mume, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its dry and violet-white carpophores, unpleasant odor, and its close association withP. mume in spring and early summer. The differences betweenC. prunicola and similar species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The family Ischyroceridae is analysed herein by cladistic methods based on morphological characters, using both PAUP 4.0b and TNT. The data matrix of 41 characters × 32 terminal taxa was constructed using DELTA. Based on the results, we comment on the phylogenetic relationships of certain genera and their synapomorphic characters, also discussing the phylogenetic position of M yersius gen. nov. , which appeared as the sister group of Bathyphotis. In addition, Pseudischyrocerus crenatipes is removed to Bathyphotis, for which a new diagnosis is provided. A taxonomic study with the Ischyroceridae collected on the continental slope (depth, 700–2000 m) in the Campos Basin (20.5–24°S, 40–41°W) was also performed. Samples were collected in November–December 2002 and July–August 2003 using a box core device. As a result, a new genus and eight new species are described: B onnierella campensis sp. nov. , B onnierella laurensi sp. nov. , M yersius denticaudatus gen. et sp. nov. , N otopoma lowryi sp. nov. , N otopoma teresae sp. nov. , P seudericthonius bousfieldi sp. nov. , P seudericthonius concavus sp. nov. , and P seudischyrocerus caecus sp. nov. The genus Bonnierella is recorded for the first time from Brazilian waters, and the subspecies Bonnierella linearis linearis and Bonnierella linearis californica are elevated to species rank. Keys to the genera of Ischyroceridae used in the cladistic analysis and the world species of Notopoma are given. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

A new species, Ferulugo iduea , Özhatay et Akalin from Bahkesir, Kaz Da (Mount Ida) in north-west Turkey is described. The distinctive characteristics of the new species, and its relationship with three other endemic species ( F. humilis, F. macrosciadia and F. sandrasica ) are discussed.  相似文献   

Justicia brevipedunculata, a new species ofJ. sect.Ansellia endemic to Tanzania, is described and illustrated. Detailed palynological information is given, and relationships to other species of the section are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Microlicia (Melastomataceae) endemic to campos rupestres in Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil, are described, illustrated and compared with their putative relatives. Microlicia rugosa sp. nov. is similar to M. minutiflora and M. martiana by having fastigiate branches, ascending, lanceolate or oblanceolate leaves with obtuse apex, attenuate base and entire margin, flower with short pedicels (1?2 mm long), magenta petals, and dimorphic stamens. Microlicia rugosa is further characterized by wrinkled surface of hypanthium and sepals, and both leaf surfaces with distinct depressions, which sometimes contain short‐stalked glandular trichomes. Microlicia viscida sp. nov. is similar to M. martiana, M. furnensis and M. rugosa mainly by having fastigiate branches, terete stems without leaves at the base and the bark gradually peeling to reveal the underlying brownish wood and leaves with similar size and shape. Microlicia viscida is characterized by a conspicuous secretion covering branches, leaves, hypanthium and sepals, giving a smooth and bright appearance. The leaf anatomy of both new species is briefly described. Microlicia rugosa and M. viscida are assessed as ‘Endangered’ and ‘Critically Endangered’ respectively, due to its limited extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, according to the IUCN categories and criteria.  相似文献   

A new species of Viola L., Viola yildirimlii M. Dinç & Y. Bağcı sp. nov. from South Anatolia is described and illustrated. It is found on the rocky slopes of Aladağ National Park, in the county of Adana, south Turkey, at an elevation of 1800 m. It belongs to Viola , subsect. Viola , and is similar to the Turkish endemics Viola isaurica Contandr. & Quézel and V. kizildaghensis M. Dinç & Ş. Yıldırımlı. Diagnostic morphologic characters for a detailed discrimination from two similar taxa and other Turkish Eflagellatae species are discussed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 477–482.  相似文献   

Currently, four species of the lacertid lizard genus Adolfus are known from Central and East Africa. We sequenced up to 2,825 bp of two mitochondrial (16S and cyt b) and two nuclear (c-mos and RAG1) genes from 41 samples of Adolfus (representing every species), two species each of Gastropholis and Holaspis, and in separate analyses combined this data with GenBank sequences of all other Eremiadini genera and four Lacertini outgroups. Data from DNA sequences were analyzed with maximum parsimony (PAUP), maximum-likelihood (RAxML) and Bayesian inference (MrBayes) criteria. Results demonstrated that Adolfus is not monophyletic: A. africanus (type species), A. alleni and A. jacksoni are sister taxa, whereas A. vauereselli and a new species from the Itombwe Plateau of Democratic Republic of the Congo are in a separate lineage. Holaspis and Gastropholis were recovered in separate clades. Based on this molecular data, relatively substantial sequence divergence and multiple morphological differences, we describe a new genus of lacertid for the lineage including A. vauereselli and the new Itombwe species. The recognition of this new, endemic genus underscores the conservation importance of the Albertine Rift, especially the Itombwe Plateau, a unique region that is severely threatened by unchecked deforestation, mining and poaching.  相似文献   

Miyauchi  S. 《Mycoscience》2002,43(4):0357-0361
 A new species and a new variety of Cortinarius sect. Defibulati are described and illustrated from Niigata, Japan. Cortinarius rugosolilacinus sp.nov., found in deciduous forests, is most similar to Cortinarius livido-ochraceus (=C. elatior), but differs mainly in its longer basidiospores, slender basidiocarp, and pale violet lamellae in the button stage. Cortinarius pseudosalor var. niigatensis var. nov., found in deciduous forests, is distinguished from the type variety by its brown to dark brown pileus with a wrinkled surface even when young. The differences between the two taxa and similar species are briefly discussed. Received: September 5, 2001 / Accepted: May 23, 2002  相似文献   

Anatomical analyses found that leaves of Euphorbia nicaeensis ssp. glareosa are isolateral, amphistomatous, with two layers of palisade cells on the adaxial and one on the abaxial side. Laticifers are present by vascular bundles, in palisade and spongy tissue. Stem laticifers are located in the pericyclic ring, adjacent to the phloem, in cylinder parenchyma and medullar rays. The structure of pleiochasium and dichasium peduncle is similar to the stem structure. Plants from typical steppe habitat show more xeromorphic features. Phytochemical screening of extracts showed presence of catecholes, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, free quinone derivatives and absence of anthocyanins, leucoanthocyanins, alkaloids, steroid compounds and essential oils. Our results showed that the examined taxon was partially susceptible to the action of reactive oxygen species, such as O2· and ·OH. The higher quantities of ROS thus provoked an antioxidative response from the plant, both in an enzymatic and non-enzymatic manner. Stable anatomical structure, presence and distribution of laticifers and effective antioxidant properties when exposed to ROS, make Euphorbia nicaeensis subsp. glareosa potentially interesting for further pharmaceutical and phytochemical examinations.  相似文献   

Dryopteris sect. Diclisodon is a small section of ferns with about 12 species mainly distributed in East Asia. Here, we carried out morphological and phylogenetic analyses of this section. A new species from southwest China, D. gaoligongensis, is described and illustrated. Dryopteris gaoligongensis resembles D. indonesiana and D. sparsa, but differs by having a creeping rhizome and large 4-pinnate fronds. We also show that D. glabrior Ching & Z.Y. Liu is a distinct species; however, because it is a later homonym of D. glabrior Copel., it should be renamed D. renchangiana. We conclude that a species previously known as D. nitidula, also an illegitimate homonym, should be recognized with a new name, D. sinonepalensis. We resolve the phylogenetic position of D. yoroii as sister to other sampled species of D. sect. Diclisodon. Our phylogenetic analyses confirm the distinctiveness of D. gaoligongensis, D. renchangiana, and D. sinonepalensis. A key to species of D. sect. Diclisodon in China is provided.  相似文献   

Magnolia polytepala Law, R.Z. Zhou & R.J. Zhang sp. nov. (Magnoliaceae) a new species from Fujian, south-east China, is described and illustrated. The species was found growing only in the evergreen broad-leaved forests of Mount Wuyishan at altitudes of 500–1200 m. Notes are also presented on the phenology and conservation status of the new species. It is closely related to Magnolia liliiflora Desr., but differs from the latter in its stunted habit (less than 2 m tall) and tepals, which are more numerous (12–16) and not contorted at the base.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 289–292.  相似文献   

A new species of Viola , V. kizildaghensis M. Dinç & S¸. Ẏlḋṙml̇, from Turkey is described and illustrated. It is found on the rocky slopes of K̇żldǎ, K̇żldǎ National Park, in the vilayet of Isparta, south-west Turkey, at an elevation of 1350–1600 m. It belongs to Viola , subsection Viola , and is similar to the Lebanese endemic V. libanotica Boiss., distinguished by its lanceolate, cuneate based leaves, pinkish-purple flowers with white throats, glabrous lateral petals, and peduncles bearing the mature fruit procumbent and pubescent. It is somewhat similar to another species from south-west Turkey, V. sandrasea Melchior, that is endemic to Sandras Dǎ in the vilayet Mǔla; it is distinguished from this by the characters listed above, its pubescent leaves and peduncles, and its linear-lanceolate to lanceolate stipules which have short, gland-tipped fimbriae. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 483–487.  相似文献   

Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivadasan & Mohanan (Araceae), a new species closely related to the SW. Indian endemic and little known speciesP. thomsonianus Schott is described. It is characterized by the the non-ligulate, shortly vaginate petiole, thickly peduncled inflorescence, broadly ovate spathe and a sessile spadix. It is included in ser.Brevivaginati Engler of sect.Allopothos Schott.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of Alopoglossus from the Pacific slopes of the Andes in northern Ecuador based on morphological and molecular evidence. The new species differs most significantly from all other congeners in having a double longitudinal row of widened gular scales, lanceolate dorsal scales in transverse rows, 29–32 dorsal scales in a transverse row at midbody, and 4 longitudinal rows of ventrals at midbody. It is most similar in morphology to A. festae, the only species of Alopoglossus currently recognized in western Ecuador. We analyze the phylogenetic relationships among species of Alopoglossus based on the mitochondrial gene ND4. Cis-Andean [east of the Andes] and Trans-Andean [west of the Andes] species are nested in two separate clades, suggesting that the uplift of these mountains had an important effect in the diversification of Alopoglossus. In addition, we present an updated key to the species of Alopoglossus.  相似文献   

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