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The work reported here examines the quantitative ultrastructure of cat carotid body type I cells, and the effects of hypoxia on the cells. On the basis of size and density of electron-dense cored vesicle (EDCV) we were unable to identify more than one major population of type I cells. Prior ventilation of the animals with 10% O2 resulted in an increase in the volume percentage (Vv%) of mitochondria and a decrease in the Vv% of EDCV as compared to the values after ventilation with 100% O2. The lack of effect of prior denervation of the carotid body on the hypoxic changes suggests that the effects are not mediated via an efferent pathway.  相似文献   

The early anthropoid species initially described asAegyptopithecus zeuxis Simons, 1965, from the Oligocene of Egypt, although retained by many authors in the monotypic genusAegyptopithecus, has been lumped by others into the genusPropliopithecus. Similarly, the species originally described asParapithecus grangeri Simons, 1974, has been ranked by some authors in a monotypic genusSimonsius, while others retain it inParapithecus. Criteria to be considered in resolving these taxonomic debates are (1) the adequacy and consistency of proposed morphological differences between species; (2) analogy with the degree of morphological variation tolerated within extant genera; and (3) nomenclatural conservatism. A philosophy that would require strict monophyletic classification is of insufficient practical value for assessing the validity of Fayum genera. Characters cited as distinguishing vetweenAegyptopithecus andPropliopithecus, and betweenSimonsius andParapithecus, are reviewed and evaluated. The results indicate thatA. zeuxis is generically distinct from species ofPropliopithecus, based on differences in the crown structure and proportions of the molars.Pa. grangeri cannot be shown to differ at the generic level from the type and only known specimen ofPa. fraasi, thus establishing Simonsius as a junior synonym ofParapithecus.  相似文献   

The ecology of oligocene African anthropoidea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
African anthropoids are first recorded in Early Oligocene deposits of the Fayum Province, Egypt. Six genera and nine species are recognized. Estimated body weights for these taxa are based on the regression equation log 10(B) = 2.86log 10(L) + 1.37, whereB is the bodyweight in grams, and Lis the M 2 length in millimeters. The equation is derived from 106 species of living primates. Fayum species range in body weight from about 600 g (Apidium moustafai)to about 6000 g (Aegyptopithecus zeuxis).A similar range of body weight is found among extant Cebidae. The Fayum primates are larger than any extant insectivorous primates;this fact probably rules out a predominantly insectivorous diet. Extant frugivorous hominoids can be separated from folivorous hominoids on the basis of molar morphology. Folivorous apes (gorilla and siamang) have proportionately more shearing on their molars than do frugivorous species. Based on the hominoid analogy, the molar morphology of the Fayum species is consistent with a frugivorous diet. Parapithecus grangeristands apart from other Fayum species in having better developed molar shearing, possibly indicating that it had more fiber in its diet. Terrestrial species of Old World monkeys tend to have significantly higher molar crowns than do more arboreal species. This difference may relate to an increased amount of grit in the diet of the more terrestrial species, selecting for greater resistance to wear. Oligocene primates have molar crown heights consistent with a primarily arboreal mode of existence. However, the particularly high molar crowns of Parapithecus grangerisuggest that this species may have foraged on the ground to a considerable degree. Other evidence is advanced suggesting that Apidiummay have had a diurnal activity pattern.  相似文献   

The cercopithecoid wrist joint differs from the wrist joints of hominoids in several ways. The distal ulna, the distal radius, the pisiform, the triquetrum, the hamate, and the base of the fifth metacarpal are on the one hand remarkably alike among cercopithecoid genera, and on the other remarkably distinct from homologous bones in the Hominoidea. Functionally, the triquetrum and the pisiform, in conjuction with the ulnar styloid process, check the proximal carpal row during ulnar deviation, and are possibly important in stabilizing the wrist during dorsiflexion as well. The head of the ulna almost certainly betokens a range of radioulnar supination in cercopithecoids that is substantially less than is to be found in any of the hominoid genera. The articulation between the hamate bone and the base of the fifth metacarpal allows for considerable dorsiflexion in the Cercopithecoidea; this potential was not evidenct in any of the hominoids examined. Behaviorally, the cercopithecoid wrist can most profitably be viewed as an adaptation for a quadrupedal life style involving dorsiflexion of the wrist and palmigrade/digitigrade substrate contact. The hominoid wrist joint is not adapted for such a behavioral potential.  相似文献   

The initial appearance of hominoids, or apes, and the selective pressures that led to their emergence are currently disputed. Central to the argument are the proconsulids, variously described as the earliest apes or as stem catarrhines, based on facial and postcranial data, respectively. The present paper reports on incongruence and parsimony analyses applied to a combined data set. The results demonstrate that proconsulids are cladistic hominoids, and that the apparent incongruence between the data sets is due to mosaic evolution; the earliest changes in Hominoidea occurred in the face. These results suggest that the initial divergence of hominoids involved selection for an ape-like face, and was not driven by an adaptive shift to below-branch locomotion.  相似文献   

A method of polarization optical analysis is described in which phase retardation attributable to birefringence of a minute area in a microscopic object is determined. The optical system consists of a polarizing microscope with "rectified" strain-free lenses, a photoelectric detector to determine the intensity of the light passing through a minute window located at the image plane of the specimen, and a stage that moves the specimen at appropriate velocities for scanning. The error resulting from any flare of light emerging from outside of the area to be measured is minimized by limiting the illuminated area. The specimen can be observed during the measurement of light intensity by illuminating the whole microscope field at a wavelength different from that of the light used for the measurement. The retardation of the specimen is determined by comparing the specimen and background intensities as functions of the azimuth of a Brace-Koherl compensator. Alternatively, retardation is obtained directly from the light intensity at a fixed compensator angle, using the theory of polarization optics. The basal noise level for the present apparatus is approximately 0.03 nm when measuring birefringence of a 4-micron2 area in 0.1 s, using a X 40, NA 0.65 objective. The noise decreases in inverse proportion to the square root of the area times the duration of measurement.  相似文献   

In order to determine quantitatively the free radical content and its changes affected by additives using spin trapping under in vivo conditions, an approach is suggested carrying out experiments in a completely mixed open system (CMOS). Measurements have been carried out for a chemical oxidation process as a model system, and analysis of products and of the spin trap was extended by kinetic ESR spectrometry of the spin adducts. Since in a CMOS differential equations of accumulation of all species can be transformed into algebraic expressions using available rate constants for the formation of the spin adducts, corresponding concentrations of free radicals have been calculated. In addition, it has been established that triplet excited photosensitizers have a double effect: increasing the rate of initiation by decomposing hydroperoxide-type compounds and inhibiting the overall process by interactions with free radicals. Results indicate that by changing the "reaction vessel" the method can be applied for ex vivo and in vivo systems.  相似文献   

本文介绍了定量化研究多个种子植物区系的电子计算机程序(DDAI)工作原理,简要讨论以共有属构建的区系间相似关系问题。应用本文提出的程序,可一次性完成所有被研究区系种子植物分布区类型的统计及有关的计算工作,同时也可根据各分布区类型及总体共有属,构建各个区系间的相似性系数及其他有关的参数。本文以中国若干种子植物区系原始资料统计计算为例提供的CAR(Computer Aided Research)方法,可对全面深入地研究中国种子植物区系,提供强有力的工具。  相似文献   

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