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文献报道从冬虫夏草中分离得到蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢,本研究检测了蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢真菌及其DNA在冬虫夏草中的共存,同时检测了2个真菌在冬虫夏草成熟过程中的竞争增殖力。应用色谱法和质谱法检测了冬虫夏草及中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉菌丝体的化学成分指纹谱。在冬虫夏草中检测到蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢活菌,在虫体和子座中检测到这两个真菌的DNA。从子座露出地表后,冬虫夏草的成熟伴有蛋白质和小分子有机化合物指纹谱的动态变化,中国被毛孢竞争增殖力下降(P<0.001)。中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉菌丝体的化学成分指纹谱均不能与冬虫夏草的成分完全重叠,与中国被毛孢相比,蝙蝠蛾拟青霉菌丝体与冬虫夏草的指纹谱更相似。结论:中药冬虫夏草的成熟伴有蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢真菌共存于它的虫体和子座,也伴有冬虫夏草化学成分的变化和中国被毛孢竞争增殖力的下降。  相似文献   

文献报道了从冬虫夏草(Cs)中同时检出蝙蝠蛾拟青霉(Ph)、中华被毛孢(Hs)和冬虫夏草菌(Os)的多个基因型;Cs的成熟伴有化学成分的改变和僵虫体中Hs竞争性菌落形成能力的下降.同时检验了Cs成熟过程中Os突变基因型生物量的变化.应用Southern杂交检验发现:Cs的成熟伴有Ph和2组Os基因型生物量的显著增加.o...  相似文献   

目的观察中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉对小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法分别给予中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉后,测定观察对小鼠碳粒廓清功能、迟发性变态反应、溶血素抗体、淋巴细胞增殖和NK细胞活性等的影响。结果3.0g/kg中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉可显著提高小鼠吞噬指数和半数溶血值(P〈0.01)、显著提高T、B淋巴细胞增殖能力(P〈0.01,P〈0.05)、显著提高NK细胞活性(P〈0.05),0.5~1.5g/kg中国被毛孢都能显著抑制小鼠耳廓肿胀(P〈0.01,P〈0.05),同时还能抑制脾脏和胸腺增大(P〈0.01,P〈0.05)。结论中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉均具有免疫调节作用,而中国被毛孢免疫抑制及增强天然免疫系统作用要优于蝙蝠蛾拟青霉,而对适应性免疫系统增强作用蝙蝠蛾拟青霉优于中国被毛孢。  相似文献   

Abstract Cordyceps is an endoparasite ascomycetous genus containing approximately 450 species with a diversity of insect hosts, traditionally included in the family Clavicipitaceae of Ascomycota. Establishing the relationships among species with a varied range of morphologies and hosts is of importance to our understanding of the phylogeny and co‐evolution of parasites and hosts in entomopathogenic ascomycetes. To this end, we used a combination of molecular index and morphological characters from 40 representative species to carry out comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses. Based on the phylogenetic tree, we used the program DISCRETE for inferring the rates of evolution and finding ancestral states of morphological character. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two important points. (i) Types of perithecia attached to stroma reflected an evolutionary trend in Cordyceps. The vertically immersed perithecia form was the ancestral state, superficial and obliquely immersed perithecia were derived characters, obliquely immersed was irreversible. Species with obliquely immersed perithecia were in a closely related group and were the derived group. (ii) A strong correlation between fungal relatedness and the microhabitat supported the hypothesis that the host jumps through commingling in soil microhabitats. Based on the results of these analyses, host switching explains the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps.  相似文献   

Cordyceps is an endoparasite ascomycetous genus containing approximately 450 species with a diversity of insect hosts,traditionally included in the family Clavicipitaceae of Ascomycota.Establishing the relationships among species with a varied range of morphologies and hosts is of importance to our understanding of the phylogeny and co-evolution of parasites and hosts in entomopathogenic ascomycetes.To this end,we used a combination of molecular index and morphological characters from 40 representative species to carry out comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses.Based on the phylogenetic tree,we used the program DISCRETE for inferring the rates of evolution and finding ancestral states of morphological character.The phylogenetic analyses revealed two important points.(i) Types of perithecia attached to stroma reflected an evolutionary trend in Cordyceps.The vertically immersed perithecia form was the ancestral state,superficial and obliquely immersed perithecia were derived characters,obliquely immersed was irreversible.Species with obliquely immersed perithecia were in a closely related group and were the derived group.(ii) A strong correlation between fungal relatedness and the microhabitat supported the hypothesis that the host jumps through commingling in soil microhabitats.Based on the results of these analyses,host switching explains the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps.  相似文献   

AIMS: The present study comparatively investigates the optimal culture conditions for the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS) and cordycepin during submerged mycelial culture of two entomopathogenic fungi Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fermentations were performed in flasks and in 5-l stirred-tank fermenters. In the case of C. militaris, the highest mycelial biomass (22.9 g l(-1)) and EPS production (5 g l(-1)) were achieved in a medium of 40 g l(-1) sucrose, 5 g l(-1) corn steep powder at 30 degrees C, and an initial pH 8.0. The optimum culture conditions for C. sinensis was shown to be (in g l(-1)) 20 sucrose, 25 corn steep powder, 0.78 CaCl2, 1.73 MgSO4.7H2O at 20 degrees C, and an initial pH 4.0, where the maximum mycelial biomass and EPS were 20.9 and 4.1 g l(-1) respectively. Cordycepin, another bioactive metabolite, was excreted at low levels during the early fermentation period (maximum 38.8 mg l(-1) in C. militaris; 18.2 mg l(-1) in C. sinensis). CONCLUSIONS: The two fungi showed different nutritional and environmental requirements in their submerged cultures. Overall, the concentrations of mycelial biomass, EPS and cordycepin achieved in submerged culture of C. militaris were higher than those of C. sinensis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: C. militaris and C. sinensis are representative insect-born fungi which have been longstanding and widely used as traditional medicines in eastern Asia. Comparative studies between two fungi are currently not available and this is the first report on the optimum medium composition for submerged culture of C. sinensis.  相似文献   

Heracula discivitta Moore is an uncommon moth species currently recorded from India, Nepal and China. Although this species has traditionally been placed in Lymantriinae, its systematic position in Macroheterocera has been enigmatic due to its unique morphological features. Here we used molecular and morphological data to explore the systematic position of H. discivitta. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that this species is sister to Pseudobiston pinratanai Inoue, a member of a recently established monotypic family Pseudobistonidae. The examinations of morphological features further show that H. discivitta shares synapomorphies with Pseudobistonidae. Based on the analysis results, we propose a new subfamily of Pseudobistonidae (Heraculinae subfam.n. ) to accommodate H. discivitta. The resemblance of the habitus to that of the brahmaeid genus Calliprogonos Mell & Hering is discussed. This published work has been registered on ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:63D17850‐6D51‐4E03‐A5D6‐F9EF6E7AF402 .  相似文献   

冬虫夏草与产地植物及土壤的重金属含量测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文测定了野生采集和人工培育冬虫夏草、人工培育冬虫夏草子实体、冬虫夏草发酵菌液、冬虫夏草寄主蝙蝠蛾昆虫食物(蕨麻Potentilla anserine和珠芽蓼Polygonum viviparum),以及野生冬虫夏草产地土壤中5种重金属元素(铜Cu、铅Pb、砷As、镉Cd、汞Hg)的含量。结果表明,人工培育冬虫夏草、人工培育冬虫夏草子实体、冬虫夏草发酵菌液、蕨麻块根、珠芽蓼种子的5种重金属元素含量符合《中医药-中药材重金属限量》ISO国际标准;而野生冬虫夏草,除砷含量(6.170 mg/kg)超标外,铜、铅、镉、汞元素含量均符合要求。按国家标准《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB 1516-2018),四川产地土壤(KDX)与青海产地土壤(GD、HN)的5种重金属含量均低于农用土壤污染风险筛选值;而四川产地土壤(KDT),除镉含量(0.923 mg/kg)高于风险筛选值而低于风险管制值外,其余4种元素含量均低于风险筛选值。结果为人工培育冬虫夏草的质量控制提供了参考。  相似文献   

对栎属青冈亚属17个种及炭栎花粉形态进行扫描电镜观察。结果表明:青冈亚属和炭栎花粉均为三拟孔沟,球形至长球形,(15~28.0)μm×(15.0~25.6)μm。花粉外壁纹饰可划分为3种:(1)蠕虫状(包括皱波状)、(2)聚合颗粒状、(3)棒状或小刺状。各纹饰在组间镶嵌分布。棒状及小刺状纹饰为栎属花粉较为原始式样,并为青冈亚属与高山栎组及部分巴东组(sect.Cerris)共有,推测其间具有较其它栎类更为接近的亲缘关系,可能为广义栎属中较为基础的类群,而与栎亚属sect.Quercuss.s.,Lobatae和Protobalanus关系较远。花粉形态对广义栎属系统分类价值仅适用于较高分类阶元。  相似文献   

The Hengduan Mountains region of south-west China is a noted biodiversity,hotspot, but the geographic origins and historical assembly of its rich endemic flora, including the sky-island species of Solms-laubachia Muschl. (Brassicaceae), have been little studied. Previous molecular studies on the phylogeny of Solms-laubachia showed it to be paraphyletic, leading to considerable expansion not only of its taxonomic limits, but also its geographic range, with the inclusion of taxa from outside the Hengduan region. However, these studies provided little resolution of interspecific relationships, preventing inferences about historical biogeography within the clade. In the present study, new sequence data from two nuclear genes (LEAFY and G3pdh) and two chloroplast intergenic spacers (petN-psbM and psbM-trnD) were combined with existing markers to increase phylogenetic signals. Phaeonychium villosum (Maxim.) Al-Shehbaz was found to be nested within Solms-laubachia s.l. In general, phylogenetic relationships appear to be a good predictor of geography, with the Hengduan Mountain endemics embedded in a paraphyletic grade of species from the western Himalayas and central Asia, but they also imply morphological homoplasy. Incongruence was detected between the nuclear and chloroplast gene trees, perhaps resulting from incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The crown age of Solms-laubachia s.l. was estimated to be approximately 1.42-3.68 mya, using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analysis. Historical biogeographic analysis using a parametric dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model inferred central Asia and the western Himalayas as most probable ancestral range of Solms-laubachia s.l., and estimated higher rates of eastward expansion than westward during the diversification of descendant lineages. In summary, our results suggest that Solms-laubachia s.l. originated during the Pliocene in central Asia, and subsequently migrated eastward into the Hengduan Mountains, colonizing sky-island, alpine scree-slope habitats that may have provided novel ecological opportunity and accelerated speciation, ultimately establishing this region as the present center of diversity of the genus.  相似文献   

Sixteen tardigrade species have been identified from a total of 943 specimens isolated from 69 positive soil samples collected in southern Spain (Andalusia, Huelva). Three genera (Hexapodibius, Xerobiotus and the new genus Sarascon) and eight species are new records for the Iberian Peninsula, increasing Iberian tardigrade biodiversity by 6%, and 10 species are new records for soil habitats, increasing soil tardigrade biodiversity by 9% (from 96 to 108 species). A newly discovered species and genus are described, followed by an analysis and discussion of the species' phylogenetic position and synapomorphies, based on morphological and total evidence (morphology and molecular – 18S and 28S rRNA – data combined) phylogenetic analyses. The new genus is distinguished from other Itaquasconinae genera, to which it is phylogenetically related, by having a Parascon buccopharyngeal apparatus and Ramajendas claws. In contrast to general eutardigrade evolution, which is primarily determined by claw morphology, itaquasconid evolution is more related to buccopharyngeal apparatus morphology, which shows homoplastic evolution at superfamily, family and subfamily levels, and also defines functional trophic groups in soil-related environments.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:068B9D87-27E2-4B26-8920-FF03CEF9869A  相似文献   

冬虫夏草〔Cordycepssinensis (Berk .)Sacc.〕为我国滋补名贵出口中药 ,主产于青海、西藏、四川、云南、甘肃等省。因野生资源有限 ,严重脱销。为解决药源问题 ,近年来我国已开发出了虫草菌丝体发酵产品[1] 。由于虫草系真菌寄生在昆虫体上的复合体  相似文献   

武英达  员瑗 《菌物学报》2020,39(2):256-264
结合形态学特征和分子序列分析发现采自内蒙古自治区和黑龙江省兴安落叶松树上一新种——蒙古锈迷孔菌,对此种进行了形态描述和特征图示,并讨论了该新种与其近缘种之间的异同。  相似文献   

Abstract The Hengduan Mountains region of south‐west China is a noted biodiversity hotspot, but the geographic origins and historical assembly of its rich endemic flora, including the sky‐island species of Solms‐laubachia Muschl. (Brassicaceae), have been little studied. Previous molecular studies on the phylogeny of Solms‐laubachia showed it to be paraphyletic, leading to considerable expansion not only of its taxonomic limits, but also its geographic range, with the inclusion of taxa from outside the Hengduan region. However, these studies provided little resolution of interspecific relationships, preventing inferences about historical biogeography within the clade. In the present study, new sequence data from two nuclear genes (LEAFY and G3pdh) and two chloroplast intergenic spacers (petN–psbM and psbM–trnD) were combined with existing markers to increase phylogenetic signals. Phaeonychium villosum (Maxim.) Al‐Shehbaz was found to be nested within Solms‐laubachia s.l. In general, phylogenetic relationships appear to be a good predictor of geography, with the Hengduan Mountain endemics embedded in a paraphyletic grade of species from the western Himalayas and central Asia, but they also imply morphological homoplasy. Incongruence was detected between the nuclear and chloroplast gene trees, perhaps resulting from incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The crown age of Solms‐laubachia s.l. was estimated to be approximately 1.42–3.68 mya, using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analysis. Historical biogeographic analysis using a parametric dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis model inferred central Asia and the western Himalayas as most probable ancestral range of Solms‐laubachia s.l., and estimated higher rates of eastward expansion than westward during the diversification of descendant lineages. In summary, our results suggest that Solms‐laubachia s.l. originated during the Pliocene in central Asia, and subsequently migrated eastward into the Hengduan Mountains, colonizing sky‐island, alpine scree‐slope habitats that may have provided novel ecological opportunity and accelerated speciation, ultimately establishing this region as the present center of diversity of the genus.  相似文献   

The Sematophyllaceae s.l. (Sematophyllaceae s.str. + Pylaisiadelphaceae) is one of the most diversified families of pleurocarpous mosses, distributed worldwide. The familial definition and subfamilial delimitation of the family have been controversial since their inception. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses. Our molecular phylogenetic analysis using five molecular markers (nad5, rbcL, rps4, trnL-F, and 26S) from mitochondrial, chloroplast, and nuclear genomes revealed the paraphyly of the Pylaisiadelphaceae and the monophyly of Sematophyllaceae s.l. Based on the molecular and morphological evidence, the Sematophyllaceae s.l. were further divided into six subfamilies, Taxithelioideae, Isopterygoideae, Pylaisiadelphoideae, Aptychelloideae, Platygyrioideae, and Sematophylloideae. The Taxithelioideae is established to accommodate Taxithelium, Taxitheliella, and Vernieri, the Isopterygoideae is established to accommodate Isopterygium and Yakushimabryum, the Pylaisiadelphoideae is newly circumscribed to accommodate Brotherella, Pylaisiadelpha, and Orientobryum, the Aptychelloideae is established to accommodate Aptychella, the Platygyrioideae is temporarily established to accommodate Clastobryella, Clastobryum, Gammiella, Platygyrium, and Trachyphyllum, the Sematophylloideae is resurrected to accommodate the Sematophyllaceae s.str., and Isocladiella, Isocladiellopsis, Mastopoma, Heterophyllium, Pseudotrismegistia, Trismegistia, and Wijkia are transferred to the subfamily. A new classification for the Sematophyllaceae s.l. is then proposed.  相似文献   

食(药)用真菌在经济和生态方面都具有重要意义,其遗传多样性研究是资源可持续利用和生物保护学研究的基础,有利于食(药)用真菌种质资源的收集、保存、评价和利用,也有助于其分类学、系统学及进化等的研究。遗传多样性的研究方法很多,分子标记是目前最常用最有效的方法之一。综合分析了分子标记在食(药)用真菌遗传多样性研究中的应用,比较了各种标记的应用范围、优缺点,探讨了分子标记用于食(药)用真菌遗传多样性评价的前景及问题。  相似文献   

A new conifer,Austrohamia acanthobractea,sp.nov.,is described from the Jurassic Daohugou flora,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China.The material consists of impressions represented by well-preserved ...  相似文献   

The Cyathocotylidae is a globally distributed family of digeneans parasitic as adults in fish, reptiles, birds and mammals in both freshwater and marine environments. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of interrelationships among cyathocotylids is lacking with only a few species included in previous studies. We used sequences of the nuclear 28S rRNA gene to examine phylogenetic affinities of 11 newly sequenced taxa of cyathocotylids and the closely related family Brauninidae collected from fish, reptiles, birds and dolphins from Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America and South America. This is the first study to provide sequence data from adult cyathocotylids parasitic in fish and reptiles. Our analyses demonstrated that the members of the genus Braunina (family Brauninidae) belong to the Cyathocotylidae, placing the Brauninidae into synonymy with the Cyathocotylidae. In addition, our DNA sequences supported the presence of a second species in the currently monotypic Braunina. Our phylogeny revealed that Cyathocotyle spp. from crocodilians belong to a separate genus (Suchocyathocotyle, previously proposed as a subgenus) and subfamily (Suchocyathocotylinae subfam. n.). Morphological study of Gogatea serpentum indicum supported its elevation to species as Gogatea mehri. The phylogeny did not support Holostephanoides within the subfamily Cyathocotylinae; instead, Holostephanoides formed a strongly supported clade with members of the subfamily Szidatiinae (Gogatea and Neogogatea). Therefore, we transfer Holostephanoides into the Szidatiinae. DNA sequence data revealed the potential presence of cryptic species reported under the name Mesostephanus microbursa. Our phylogeny indicated at least two major host switching events in the evolutionary history of the subfamily Szidatiinae which likely resulted in the transition of these parasites from birds to fish and snakes. Likewise, the transition to dolphins by Braunina represents another major host switching event among the Cyathocotylidae. In addition, our phylogeny revealed more than a single transition between freshwater and marine environments demonstrated in our dataset by Braunina and some Mesostephanus.  相似文献   

Abstract A new conifer, Austrohamia acanthobractea, sp. nov., is described from the Jurassic Daohugou flora, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The material consists of impressions represented by well‐preserved leafy twigs and branches as well as ovulate cones. Leafy shoots with at least two orders of branching; ultimate branchlets alternate or sub‐opposite with helically arranged leaves, decurrent at base with distal rounded tip; dorsiventrally flattened and univeined. Ovuliferous cones elliptical, less than 1 cm long, terminally borne on ultimate and penultimate branches, composed of helically arranged bracts with ovules disposed on their adaxial surfaces. The presence of similar, if not identical taxa, on both sides of the Pacific indicates the cosmopolitan distribution of primitive Cupressaceae between East Asia (Eurasia) and South America in the Pangaea.  相似文献   

Cordyceps sinensiscontains a factor that stimulates corticosteroid production in the animal model. However, it is not known whether this drug acts directly on the adrenal glands or indirectly via the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. In the present study, we used primary rat adrenal cell cultures to investigate the pharmacological function of a water-soluble extract of Cordyceps sinensis(CS) and thesignaling pathway involved. Radioimmunoassay of corticosterone indicated that the amount of corticosterone produced by adrenal cells is increased in a positively dose-dependent manner by CS, reaching a maximun at 25 μg/ml. This stimulating effect was seen 1 h after CS treatment and was maintained for up to 24 h. Concomitantly, the lipid droplets in these cells became small and fewer in number. Immunostaining with a monoclonal antibody, A2, a specific marker for the lipid droplet capsule, demonstrated that detachment of the capsule from the lipid droplet occurs in response to CS application and that the period required for decapsulation is inversely related to the concentration of CS applied. The mechanism of CS-induced steroidogenesis is apparently different from that for ACTH, since intracellular cAMP levels were not increased in CS-treated cells. However, combined application with calphostin C, a PKC inhibitor, completely blocked the effect of CS on steroidogenesis, suggesting that activation of PKC may be responsible for the CS-induced steroidogenesis. J. Cell. Biochem. 69:483–489, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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