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We review the New Caledonian representatives of the Australasian endemic hydroptiline genus Acritoptila, based on examination of a considerable collection of material in the Swedish Museum of Natural History and of types of previously established species. A key for identification of males is given and includes 3 species newly described here: A. parallela sp. n., A. forficata sp. n. and A. macrospina sp. n. For all New Caledonian species, male genitalia are illustrated, and for 5 associated females, distinctive features are illustrated and described.  相似文献   

Twenty‐six strains morphologically identified as Cylindrospermum as well as the closely related taxon Cronbergia siamensis were examined microscopically as well as phylogenetically using sequence data for the 16S rRNA gene and the 16S‐23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA revealed three distinct clades. The clade we designate as Cylindrospermum sensu stricto contained all five of the foundational species, C. maius, C. stagnale, C. licheniforme, C. muscicola, and C. catenatum. In addition to these taxa, three species new to science in this clade were described: C. badium, C. moravicum, and C. pellucidum. Our evidence indicated that Cronbergia is a later synonym of Cylindrospermum. The phylogenetic position of Cylindrospermum within the Nostocaceae was not clearly resolved in our analyses. Cylindrospermum is unusual among cyanobacterial genera in that the morphological diversity appears to be more evident than sequence divergence. Taxa were clearly separable using morphology, but had very high percent similarity among ribosomal sequences. Given the high diversity we noted in this study, we conclude that there is likely much more diversity remaining to be described in this genus.  相似文献   

The partial nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes was determined for 23 Chinese species of Rhacophoridae (Amphibia: Anura), representing four of the eight recognized genera. Using Buergeriinae as the outgroup, phylogenetic analyses (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference) were performed in combination with already published mitochondrial 12S and 16S sequences of Rhacophorinae frogs. In all cases, Philautus romeri Smith, 1953 is recovered as the sister taxon to all other Rhacophorinae, although the support values are weak. Chirixalus doriae Boulenger, 1893 is closer to Chiromantis [ Chiromantis rufescens (Günther, 1868) and Chiromantis xerampelina Peters, 1854] than to Chirixalus vittatus (Boulenger, 1887). The clade { Philautus odontotarsus Ye & Fei, 1993, [ Philautus idiootocus (Kuramoto & Wang, 1987), Kurixalus eiffingeri (Boettger, 1895)]} is recovered with strong support. The monophyly of Theloderma and Rhacophorus rhodopus Liu & Hu, 1959 is not supported. It is suggested that Philautus albopunctatus Liu & Hu, 1962 should be placed into the synonymy of Theloderma asperum (Boulenger, 1886), and that Philautus rhododiscus Liu & Hu, 1962 should be assigned to Theloderma , so as to correct the paraphyly. Additionally, the monophyly of ' Aquixalus ' is not supported, and this requires further examination. Results also indicate that the Rhacophorus leucomystax (Gravenhorst, 1829)/ Rhacophorus megacephalus (Hallowell, 1861) complex needs further revision. Studies employing broader sampling and more molecular markers will be needed to resolve the deep relationships within the subfamily Rhacophorinae.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 733–749.  相似文献   

We describe two new species and redescribe one in the polychaete genus Amphicorina Claparède, 1864 (Sabellidae) from Hokkaido, Japan. Amphicorina ascidicolasp. n. differs from its 38 congeners chiefly in the reduction of the collar, but also in having three pairs of radioles, one pair of ventral radiolar appendages, a bifurcate ventral lobe on the anterior peristomial ring, six abdominal chaetigers, and a large anterior tooth on the abdominal uncini. Amphicorina ezoensissp. n. has a crenulated collar, three pairs of radioles, and more than eight (12) abdominal chaetigers; Amphicorina ezoensis shares these character states with Amphicorina anneae (Rouse, 1994), Amphicorina eimeri (Langerhans, 1880), and Amphicorina persinosa (Ben-Eliahu, 1975), but differs from them in having two pairs of ventral radiolar appendages and a non-oblique collar. Amphicorina mobilis (Rouse, 1990) was previously known only from the type locality (New South Wales, Australia), but we identify our Japanese material as conspecific on the basis of morphological and molecular similarity.  相似文献   

应用16S rRNA基因V—2高变区序列进行链霉莲分子分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐平  余利岩 《生物多样性》2001,9(2):129-137
用16S rRNA部分序列对Williams数值分类系统所包含的链霉菌属种或种群进行系统进货分析,以包含16S rRNA基因V-2高变区在内的120bp长核苷酸序列所作的系统进化树表明:这些链霉菌可分为34个簇,其中大簇5个(包括27-85株菌株);中等大小簇3个(包括9-12株菌);小簇8个(包括2-6株菌);单成员簇19个。结果同时表明,Williams数值分析系统中根据形态、生理、生化特征进行归类而得到的种或种群内存在较大异质性。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL gene sequences and of concatenated rbcL, psbA, and nuclear SSU rRNA gene sequences resolved the generitype of Lithothamnion, L. muelleri, in a clade with three other southern Australian species, L. kraftii sp. nov., L. saundersii sp. nov., and L. woelkerlingii sp. nov. Cold water boreal species currently classified in Lithothamnion and whose type specimens have been sequenced are transferred to Boreolithothamnion gen. nov., with B. glaciale comb. nov. as the generitype. The other species are B. giganteum comb. nov., B. phymatodeum comb. nov., and B. sonderi comb. nov., whose type specimens are newly sequenced, and B. lemoineae comb. nov., B. soriferum comb. nov., and B. tophiforme comb. nov., whose type specimens were already sequenced. Based on rbcL sequences from the type specimens of Lithothamnion crispatum, L. indicum, and L. superpositum, each is recognized as a distinct species and transferred to the recently described Roseolithon as R. crispatum comb. nov., R. indicum comb. nov., and R. superpositum com. nov., respectively. To correctly assign species to these three genera based only on morpho-anatomy, specimens must have multiporate conceptacles and some epithallial cells with flared walls. The discussion provides examples demonstrating that only with phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences can the evolution of morpho-anatomical characters of non-geniculate corallines be understood and applied at the correct taxonomic rank. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences support recognition of the Hapalidiales as a distinct order characterized by having multiporate tetra/bisporangial conceptacles, and not as a suborder of Corallinales whose tetra/bisporangial conceptacles are uniporate.  相似文献   

Abstract The parasitoid wasp family Aulacidae is recorded for the first time from New Caledonia, and three new species are described: Aulacus burwelli, A. coracinus , and A. emineo . Although recorded from just a few specimens, these species appear to be restricted to the moist evergreen rainforest areas of the main island of Grande Terre. They appear unrelated to Australian members of the family, based on a number of characters associated with the forewing venation and hind coxal morphology, as well as size and colour. A key to distinguish the species is presented, as well as information on their distribution and possible relationships.  相似文献   

Molecular typing of leptospiral strains based on variation within putative O-antigen polymerase gene (wzy) was determined among reference strains and those isolated from patients. Using the PCR primers designed from the flanking gene of wzy derived from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni, all L. interrogans serovars as well as human and rodent leptospiral isolates from Thailand could be amplified. The size of PCR product ranged from 1 to 1.5 kb. The limitation of these primer pairs was the inability to amplify those strains whose sequences differ in the region of the primers, these included Leptospira biflexa (serovar Patoc), Leptospira borgpetersenii (serovar Tarassovi) and Leptospira kirschneri (serovar Bim, Bulgarica, Butembo). Notably, amplification was not limited to L. interrogans as demonstrated by the amplification of some strains from L. kirschneri, Leptospira meyeri, Leptospira noguchii, Leptospira santarosai, L. borgpetersenii and Leptospira weilii. The phylogenetic tree of wzy sequence, inferred by posterior probability of the Bayesian, enabled the categorization of leptospiral serovars into seven genetically related group, of which its differentiation power was better than that of the more highly conserved 16S rRNA gene, which is used extensively for genotyping.  相似文献   

A new Phormidium‐like genus was found during an investigation of Oscillatoriales diversity in Brazil. Eight aerophytic populations from south and southeastern regions were isolated in monospecific cultures and submitted to polyphasic evaluation. The populations presented homogeneous morphology with straight trichomes, not attenuated, and apical cell with thickened cell wall. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these populations, plus the Brazilian strain Phomidium sp. B‐Tom from GenBank, formed a highly supported and distinctive clade, which corresponds to the new genus Pycnacronema, comprising six new species: P. brasiliensis (type species), P. arboriculum, P. conicum, P. marmoreum, P. rubrum, and P. savannensis. These results were confirmed and supported by rpoC1 and rbcL genes evaluated independently and by the concatenated analysis of 16S rRNA, rpoC1 and rbcL genes (for all species but P. savannensis). Secondary structures of the D1‐D1′, box‐B, and V3 regions of the internal transcribed spacer were informative at specific level, being conserved in P. brasiliensis and variable among the other strains, also confirming the phylogenetic analyses. The generic name and specific epithets of the new taxa are proposed under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature of algae, fungi, and plants.  相似文献   

Background The rhesus monkey is an important animal model to study human vaginal health to which lactic acid bacteria play a significant role. However, the vaginal lactic acid bacterial species richness and relative abundance in rhesus monkeys is largely unknown. Methods Vaginal swab samples were aseptically obtained from 200 reproductive‐aged female rhesus monkeys. Following Rogosa agar plating, single bacterial colonies representing different morphotypes were isolated and analyzed for whole‐cell protein profile, species‐specific polymerase chain reaction, and 16S rRNA gene sequence. Results A total of 510 Lactobacillus strains of 17 species and one Pediococcus acidilactici were identified. The most abundant species was Lactobacillus reuteri, which colonized the vaginas of 86% monkeys. Lactobacillus johnsonii was the second most abundant species, which colonized 36% of monkeys. The majority of monkeys were colonized by multiple Lactobacillus species. Conclusions The vaginas of rhesus monkeys are frequently colonized by multiple Lactobacillus species, dominated by L. reuteri.  相似文献   

A new species of scleractinian coral is described: Euphyllia donatoi. This is the first report of this genus from Central America. The outcrop is located on the north-west of Costa Rica. It consists of large colonies (1.2 m high by 0.5 m in diameter), from a patch reef which had a dendroid habit. They are part of a very distintive facies in a micritic limestones of the Barra Honda Formation (Paleogene). The finding is important because these are the only macrofossils found in Barra Honda Formation. The growth took place under unstable ecological conditions resulting in a low diversity autocthonous community. It probably developed in very shallow water with a high sedimentation rate.  相似文献   

The benthic deep-sea class Sorberacea (Tunicata) is revised. All known species are redescribed and figured and seven new species are added. Diagnoses of the genera Sorbera, Gasterascidia, Oligotrema and Hexadactylus are given. The new generic name Hexadactylus replaces Hexacrobylm and a tabular key to the 12 species is provided. Hypotheses about the evolutionary processes in the Sorberacea are proposed and a comparison with Ascidiacea is given. The geographical distribution of sorberacean species and biogeographical affinities are discussed. The bathymetric distribution is particularly large since this class is characteristic of deep-sea bottoms.  相似文献   

Hypotrichia, one of the most complex and highly differentiated groups in Ciliophora, has been the object of extensive studies, especially in recent years. Nevertheless, methodological difficulties and insufficient faunistic studies have limited our understanding of their biodiversity and phylogeny. In this study, one novel urostylid ciliate, Pseudoholosticha zhaoi nov. gen., nov. spec. and two populations of Anteholosticha monilata (Kahl, 1928) Berger, 2003, type species of the latter genus, are studied using an integrative approach (live observation, protargol impregnation, scanning electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analysis) to provide further insights into the diversity, classification, and phylogeny of this group of ciliates. Pseudoholosticha nov. gen. can be separated from other morphologically similar genera mainly by the absence of buccal and caudal cirri. A key to 12 morphologically similar genera and illustrations of their cirral patterns are provided. The validation of the new genus and new species is supported by both morphological and phylogenetic analyses. The first 18S rRNA gene sequence of A. monilata, with detailed morphological data, provided a reliable clarification of A. monilata populations and corroborated the phylogenetic position of the type species of the polyphyletic genus Anteholosticha.  相似文献   

Erysiphe gracilis is a powdery mildew species that occurs on evergreen oak species belonging to Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis in East Asia (China and Japan). In a previous report, we found that E. gracilis var. gracilis is divided into four genotypes each of them forming a separate clade with strong bootstrap support. In this study, we further investigated genotype speciation in E. gracilis var. longissima occurring on Q. acuta and Q. sessilifolia, and found that this variety is also divided into two distinct genotypes. These results suggested that E. gracilis represents a species complex consisting of six different species. Based on detailed morphological examinations correlating with results of molecular sequence analyses, we propose to divide E. gracilis into six species, encompassing three new species (E. uncinuloides, E. pseudogracilis, and E. longiappendiculata), one new name (E. longifilamentosa), and two known species (E. gracilis s. str. and E. hiratae). A key to the species concerned is provided.  相似文献   

Benthic cyanobacterial mats (BCMs) are natural phenomena in marine environments. Reports of BCMs occurring across coastal marine environments have increased, partly driven by nutrient loading and climate change; thus, there is a need to understand the diversity involved in the proliferations and potential toxicity of the BCMs. Furthermore, marine cyanobacterial mats are observed growing on and affecting the health of corals with one specific cyanobacterial genus, Roseofilum, dominating the microbial mats associated with black band disease (BBD), a destructive polymicrobial disease that affects corals. To explore the diversity of Roseofilum, cyanobacterial mats from various marine habitats were sampled, and individual isolates were identified based on morphology, 16S rRNA gene phylogenies, 16S–23S ITS rRNA region sequence dissimilarities, and phylogenomics. Four novel species of Roseofilum were isolated from benthic marine mats, three from the coasts of Florida, United States (R. capinflatum sp. nov., R. casamattae sp. nov., and R. acuticapitatum sp. nov.) and one from the coast of France (R. halophilum sp. nov.). Our analyses revealed that Roseofilum associated with coral BBD and those not associated with corals but rather from coastal benthic mats are systematically distinct based on both phylogenetic and phylogenomic analyses. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and LC–MS data indicated that microcystin production was found in one of the four species.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of three karyorelictean ciliates, Geleia sinica spec. nov. and two poorly known Kentrophoros species, K. flavus and K. gracilis, isolated from the intertidal zone of a beach at Qingdao, China, were investigated. Geleia sinica spec. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: body medium-sized and slender-cylindrical; with a conspicuous prebuccal fossa; 28–34 somatic kineties; about 40 short adoral polykineties; intrabuccal kinety composed of 25–34 dikinetids; paroral kineties composed of closely spaced dikinetids. The comparison with similar congeners clearly supports the validity of this new species based on morphological and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data. In light of these new data the “well-known” morphotype, Geleia simplex (Fauré-Fremiet, 1951), is redefined. Two Kentrophoros species are redescribed and improved diagnoses are supplied. Kentrophoros flavus Raikov and Kovaleva, 1968 is mainly characterized by having about 33 macronuclei and 12 micronuclei forming a row that extends along the cell meridian, and 12–19 ciliary rows on the right side of the cell. Kentrophoros gracilis Raikov, 1963 is characterized by having about 14 macronuclei, 13 micronuclei and 10–13 kineties on the right side of the cell.  相似文献   

The systematics and distribution of the cirrate octopod genus Grimpoteuthis in the north-east Atlantic are reviewed. Three new species are described and Grimpoteuthis wuelkeri (Grimpe, 1920) is redescribed. A new generic diagnosis is proposed. Five species of Grimpoteuthis are recognized in the north-east Atlantic. The type species, G. umbellata (Fisher, 1883) is known only from the type specimen, which is in such poor condition that comparison with recently captured material was not possible. G. wuelkeri is a large, slope species, caught between 1600 m and 2200 m in the north-east and north-west Atlantic. Of the three new species, both G. boylei and G. challengeri are large abyssal species. G. boylei is found in the north-east Atlantic at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) and the Madeira Abyssal Plain and may be found at abyssal depths throughout the north-east Atlantic. G. challengeri is known from the PAP, with a single specimen from the north-west Atlantic. G. discoveryi is a small, lower slope and abyssal species found in the north-east Atlantic. The Grimpoteuthis species can be separated based on shell form, presence of a radula and posterior salivary glands, arrangement of suckers and cirri and gill morphology. Two species, G. megaptera Verrill and G. plena Verrill, have been described from the north-west Atlantic, but the types are either lost ( G. megaptera ) or in poor condition ( G. plena ), hindering comparisons. Material examined from the north-west Atlantic included G. wuelkeri , G. challengeri and at least two other species.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139 , 93−127.  相似文献   

In the present study, we employed three mitochondrial DNA genetic markers in a phylogenetic analysis aiming at the delineation of the relationships amongst nominal Trachelipus kytherensis populations, as well as between populations of this species and of Trachelipus aegaeus and a new form, occurring syntopically with the latter. Both the phylogenetic analysis and the genetic distances separating populations, show the presence of several distinct and well differentiated clades that undermine the monophyly of T. kytherensis. On the other hand, despite the insular distribution of T. aegaeus populations, their divergence is low and the monophyly of this taxon can be rescued by the inclusion of two more insular populations previously assigned to T. kytherensis. The patterns of genetic divergence among clades are only partially congruent with the geographic distribution of populations. The validity of taxonomic characters used so far in the genus appears to be questionable; therefore, a more comprehensive phylogenetic study at a population level is deemed necessary for understanding the divergence of Trachelipus lineages. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 361–370.  相似文献   

Six new species of the genus Taridius Chaudoir, 1875 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) are described from Vietnam: Taridius ornatus sp. n., Taridius piceus sp. n., Taridius fasciatus sp. n., Taridius abdominalis sp. n., Taridius coriaceus sp. n., and Taridius disjunctus sp. n.. The generic characters are redescribed, based on fresh material, with a key provided to all congeners.  相似文献   

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