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While Anartia butterflies have served as model organisms for research on the genetics of speciation, no phylogeny has been published to describe interspecific relationships. Here, we present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Anartia species relationships, using both mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Analyses of both data sets confirm earlier predictions of sister species pairings based primarily on genital morphology. Yet both the mitochondrial and nuclear gene phylogenies demonstrate that Anartia jatrophae is not sister to all other Anartia species, but rather that it is sister to the Anartia fatima-Anartia amathea lineage. Traditional biogeographic explanations for speciation across the genus relied on A. jatrophae being sister to its congeners. These explanations invoked allopatric divergence of sister species pairs and multiple sympatric speciation events to explain why A. jatrophae flies alongside all its congeners. The molecular phylogenies are more consistent with lineage divergence due to vicariance, and range expansion of A. jatrophae to explain its sympatry with congeners. Further interpretations of the tree topologies also suggest how morphological evolution and eco-geographic adaptation may have set species range boundaries.  相似文献   

The historical biogeography of insects in South America is largely unknown, as dated phylogenies have not been available for most groups. We have studied the phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of a subtribe of butterflies, Phyciodina in the family Nymphalidae, based on one mitochondrial gene (COI) and two nuclear gene regions (EF-1alpha and wingless). The subtribe comprises 89 species mainly found in tropical South America, with a few species in North America and the Greater Antilles. We find that the enigmatic genus Antillea is sister to the rest of Phyciodina, and suggest that it should be included in the subtribe. Several genera are found to be polyphyletic or nested within another genus, and are proposed to be synonymised. These are Dagon, Castilia, Telenassa and Janatella, which we propose should be synonymised with Eresia. Brazilian "Ortilia" form an independent lineage and require a new genus name. The diversification of Phyciodina has probably taken place over the past about 34 MYA. The ancestral phyciodine colonised South America from North America through a possible landspan that connected the Greater Antilles to South America about 34MYA. A vicariance event left the ancestral Antillea on the Greater Antilles, while the ancestral 0e on South America colonised the Guyanan Shield and soon after the Brazilian Shield. We hypothesise that the Brazilian Shield was an important area for the diversification of Phyciodina. From there, the ancestor of Anthanassa, Eresia and Tegosa colonised NW South America, where especially Eresia diversified in concert with the rising of the Andes beginning about 20 MYA. Central America was colonised from NW South America about 15 MYA by the ancestors of Anthanassa and Phyciodes. Our study is the first to use a dated phylogeny to study the historical biogeography of a group of South American species of butterflies.  相似文献   

Despite the long popularity of Charaxes among collectors and researchers, their evolutionary history is largely unknown. The current and accepted species groupings and relationships within the genus are based exclusively on adult morphology and life histories. Here, we examine the monophyly and evolutionary affinities of the species-groups within the genus Charaxes and explore how they relate to members of their closest genera (Euxanthe, Polyura and Palla) using 4167 bp of sequence data from five (1 mitochondrial and 4 nuclear) gene regions. Within the proposed phylogenetic framework, we estimate ages of divergence within the genus and also reconstruct their historical biogeography. We included representatives of all known species-groups in Africa and Asia, all known species of Euxanthe and Palla and two exemplar species of Polyura. We found the genus Charaxes to be a paraphyletic group with regard to the genera Polyura and Euxanthe, contrary to the earlier assumption of monophyly. We found that 13 out of 16 morphologically defined species-groups with more than one species were strongly supported monophyletic clades. Charaxes nichetes is the sister group to all the other Charaxes. Polyura grouped with the Zoolina and Pleione species-groups as a well-supported clade, and Euxanthe grouped with the Lycurgus species-group. Our results indicated that the common ancestor of Charaxes diverged from the common ancestor of Palla in the mid Eocene (45 million years ago) in (Central) Africa and began diversifying to its extant members 15 million years later. Most of the major diversifications within the genus occurred between the late Oligocene and Miocene when the global climates were putatively undergoing drastic fluctuations. A considerable number of extant species diverged from sister species during the Pliocene. A dispersal–vicariance analysis suggests that many dispersal rather than vicariance events resulted in the distribution of the extant species. The genus Polyura and the Indo-Australian Charaxes are most likely the results of three independent colonizations of Asia by African Charaxes in the Miocene. We synonymize the genera Polyura (syn. nov.) and Euxanthe (syn. nov.) with Charaxes, with the currently circumscribed Charaxes subdivided into five subgenera to reflect its phylogeny.  相似文献   

记述中国扇野螟属三条扇野螟Pleuroptya chlorophanta、枇杷扇野螟P.balteata、四斑扇野螟P.quadrimaculalis、淡黄扇野螟P.sabinusalis等4种老熟幼虫的的形态特征且提供幼虫的形态特征图,并给出基于幼虫的生物学习性。  相似文献   

Summary. Subgenus Compsochromia Kiriakoff 1953 is briefly reviewed. An overview of the taxonomic history of the group is provided along with a checklist covering all synonyms. Balacra flava n. sp. is described on the basis of eight specimens of both sexes collected in Cameroon. Three separate keys, based on male and female habitus as well as on the male genitalia, are presented for the determination of Compsochromia specimens. The vesica of B. compsa is described and illustrated for the first time.  相似文献   

The butterfly genus Zethera Felder, endemic to the Philippines and northern Sulawesi, is shown to include six species, four of which comprise the Z. pimplea (Erichson) superspecies. Type data is given for all nominal taxa, and a key to the species recognised is presented, together with data on their variation and distribution. Attention is drawn to the zoogeographic subregions of the Philippine islands, as originally described by Semper, and illustrated by the Zethera species. Their mimicry is also noted, with particular reference to its sex-limitation in the Z. pimplea superspecies, and non-limitation in Z. incerta (Hewitson) and Z. hestioides C. & R. Felder. The need to demonstrate whether or not Zethera represents a true monophyletic unit is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogeny of butterflies in the tribe Nymphalini sensu Harvey 1991, comprising the genera Vanessa, Cynthia, Bassaris, Aglais, Inachis, Nymphalis, Polygonia, Kaniska, Antanartia, Hypanartia, Symbrenthia, Mynes and Araschnia . Evidence from the mitochondrial gene ndl, the nuclear gene 'wingless' and from morphology/ ecology/behaviour were used separately and combined to analyse relationships. Phylogenies based on the different types of data agreed in many aspects of basic topology. We show that an analysis of only wing pattern characters (based on Nijhout's homology system) results in a topology broadly similar to the one resulting from analysis of the complete matrix. We found support for a monophyletic Nymphalini, where Hypanartia may be the sister clade to all other genera. Mynes, Symbrenthia and Araschnia together seem to form another basal clade. Evidence presented gives only moderate support for a monophyletic Vanessa in the wide sense, including also Cynthia and Bassaris , but strong support for the monophyly of the largely holarctic clade Aglais + Inachis + Nymphalis + Polygonia + Kaniska + Roddia . Within the latter group there is strong support for a clade consisting of Aglais + Inachis and for a second clade which includes Nymphalis, Polygonia (and its sister clade, the monotypic Kaniska) as well as Roddia l-album (= Nymphalis vaualbum ). As a consequence of this topology, Aglais is recognized as a taxon separate from Nymphalis . We present a hypothesis of species relationships within the focal group of genera. We also analyse and discuss the implications of excluding or including ecological data in phylogenetic tree construction, when the tree is to be used for studies in phylogenetic ecology.  相似文献   

A revision is made of the African Mesocyclops species, based on type material (when extant) and on collections from various parts in Africa.Diagnostic characteristics are: presence or absence of spinule patterns on antennular segments, structure of the hyaline membrane of the 17th antennular segment, spine pattern on the basipodite of the antenna, armature of the maxillulary palp, presence or absence of a spine on the basipodite of P1, armature of the connecting lamella, coxopodite and basipodite of P4, armature of the apical spines of Enp3P4, armature of the last thoracic segment, genital segment and the other abdominal segments, armature of the furcal rami and structure of the receptaculum seminis.First, the taxonomical status of M. leuckarti (Claus) is redefined; this species does not occur in Africa and its geographical range is restricted to Europe and the western part of Northern Asia. On the African continent, twelve other taxa are found. Four are described as new to science: M. kieferi sp.n., M. dussarti sp.n., M. spinosus sp.n. and M. aequatorialis similis subsp.n. The remainder are: M. major Sars, M. tenuisaccus (Sars), M. paludosus Lindberg, M. salinus Onabamiro, M. ogunnus Onabamiro, M. aspericornis (Daday), M. rarus Kiefer and M. aequatorialis aequatorialis (Kiefer).Their geographical distribution is discussed. Eleven taxa are restricted to the African continent (including the Arabian Peninsula and the Canary Islands). One taxon is also found in the Oriental Region. Madagascan representatives are briefly mentioned.The importance of breeding and cross-breeding experiments should be stressed in copepod taxonomy. Experiments were performed on African species and M. leuckarti to evaluate the morphological characters used in the present study, and intraspecific morphological variability was examined up to and including the third generation (Van de Velde, in press).In future one should critically reconsider the so-called cosmopolitan species; they may indeed represent a complex of related taxa, each with a geographical range more restricted than that of the species-complex itself.Abstracted from the author's Ph.D. thesis, State University of Ghent, 1982.Abstracted from the author's Ph.D. thesis, State University of Ghent, 1982.  相似文献   


The family Acanthoclinidae includes 10 species: Acanthoclinus fuscus Jenyns, 1842; Taumakoides littoreus ((Forster) Bloch & Schneider, 1801); T. rua n. sp.; T. marilynae n. sp.; T. matti n. sp.; Belonepterygion fasciolatum (Ogilby, 1889); Beliops xanthokrossos n. gen. et sp.; Acanthoplesiops indicus (Day, 1888); A. hiatti Schultz, 1953; and A. psilogaster n. sp. Acanthoclinus quadridactylus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) and A. trilineatus Griffin, 1933, are reduced to synonymy under Taumakoides littoreus ((Forster) Bloch & Schneider, 1801).

Osteological and morpological character states, between and within genera, suggest that Acanthoclinus and Taumakoides are close to the stock from which the family is derived. There is also compelling evidence that T. matti is the least specialised species of Taumakoides. Progressive specialisation is evident in the remaining genera, with Acanthoplesiops being the most highly specialised.

The family occurs primarily in shallow waters of the Indian and western Pacific oceans; most of the species are found about New Zealand. The centre of origin of the Acanthoclinidae was probably on the Indian-Australian Plate (which includes the New Zealand continental shelf). Acanthoplesiops hiatti and A. indicus are considered to be endemics of the Pacific and African plates, respectively.

A key to species is included.  相似文献   

The genus Glauconycteris Dobson, 1875 currently contains 12 species of butterfly bats, all endemic to sub‐Saharan Africa. Most species are rarely recorded, with half of the species known from less than six geographic localities. The taxonomic status of several species remains problematic. Here, we studied the systematics of butterfly bats using both morphological and molecular approaches. We examined 45 adult specimens for external anatomy and skull morphology, and investigated the phylogeny of Glauconycteris using DNA sequences from three mitochondrial genes and 116 individuals, which in addition to outgroup taxa, included nine of the twelve butterfly bat species currently recognized. Four additional nuclear genes were sequenced on a reduced sample of 69 individuals, covering the outgroup and Glauconycteris species. Our molecular results show that the genus Glauconycteris is monophyletic, and that it is the sister‐group of the Asian genus Hesperoptenus. Molecular dating estimates based on either Cytb or RAG2 data sets suggest that the ancestor of Glauconycteris migrated into Africa from Asia during the Tortonian age of the Late Miocene (11.6–7.2 Mya), while the basal diversification of the crown group occurred in Africa at around 6 ± 2 Mya. The species G. superba is found to be the sister‐group of G. variegata, questioning its placement in the recently described genus Niumbaha. The small species living in tropical rainforests constitute a robust clade, which contains three divergent lineages: (i) the “poensis” group, which is composed of G. poensis, G. alboguttata, G. argentata, and G. egeria; (ii) the “beatrix” group, which contains G. beatrix and G. curryae; and (iii) the “humeralis” group, which includes G. humeralis and a new species described herein. In the “poensis” group, G. egeria is found to be monophyletic in the nuclear tree, but polyphyletic in the mitochondrial tree. The reasons for this mito‐nuclear discordance are discussed.  相似文献   

Extant clades may differ greatly in their species richness, suggesting differential rates of species diversification. Based on phylogenetic trees, it is possible to identify potential correlates of such differences. Here, we examine species diversification in a clade of 82 tropical African forest butterfly species (Cymothoe), together with its monotypic sister genus Harma. Our aim was to test whether the diversification of the HarmaCymothoe clade correlates with end‐Miocene global cooling and desiccation, or with Pleistocene habitat range oscillations, both postulated to have led to habitat fragmentation. We first generated a species‐level phylogenetic tree for Harma and Cymothoe, calibrated within an absolute time scale, and then identified temporal and phylogenetic shifts in species diversification. Finally, we assessed correlations between species diversification and reconstructed global temperatures. Results show that, after the divergence of Harma and Cymothoe in the Miocene (15 Mya), net species diversification was low during the first 7 Myr. Coinciding with the onset of diversification of Cymothoe around 7.5 Mya, there was a sharp and significant increase in diversification rate, suggesting a rapid radiation, and correlating with a reconstructed period of global cooling and desiccation in the late Miocene, rather than with Pleistocene oscillations. Our estimated age of 4 Myr for a clade of montane species corresponds well with the uplift of the Eastern Arc Mountains where they occur. We conclude that forest fragmentation caused by changing climate in the late Miocene as well as the Eastern Arc Mountain uplift are both likely to have promoted species diversification in the Harma–Cymothoe clade. Cymothoe colonized Madagascar much later than most other insect lineages and, consequently, had less time available for diversification on the island. We consider the diversification of Cymothoe to be a special case compared with other butterfly clades studied so far, both in terms of its abrupt diversification rate increase and its recent occurrence (7 Myr). It is clear that larval host plant shift(s) cannot explain the difference in diversification between Cymothoe and Harma; however, such a shift(s) may have triggered differential diversification rates within Cymothoe. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a thorough revision of the sciathis species group of the butterfly genus Bicyclus (Kirby). Type materials are discussed and in several cases lectotypes are assigned to specimens from original type series. Four new, and morphologically distinct, species are described (B. elishiae Brattström sp.n. , B. heathi Brattström sp.n. , B. sigiussidorum Brattström sp.n. and B. subtilisurae Brattström sp.n. ), along with a comprehensive molecular phylogeny that includes exemplar taxa of all currently recognized species. We also investigate the types of all previously synonymized taxa and in the process invalidate the name B. ewondo Libert. This was done after finding the previously missing holotype of B. makomensis (Strand), which clearly belongs to the same species and thereby gives the older name priority. The phylogeny showed that some distinctly different species were surprisingly closely related, suggesting a high rate of morphological evolution in parts of the sciathis group. The distributional records for the group are updated after investigating over 1700 specimens kept in a range of museum collections. Many species previously thought to be broadly sympatric were found to have much more restricted ranges, with the previous overestimations probably based on misidentified specimens. The higher level of allopatry now established will make identification of many morphologically similar species easier. The fact that species often have smaller ranges than previously known, meaning that the level of endemism for African butterflies is likely to be higher than current estimates, has important implications for conservation management. An identification key for males of all 13 currently recognized species in the species group is included. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:837A9D4C‐779A‐4497‐8176‐7151D409DFA5 .  相似文献   

We describe three new species of forest robin in the genus Stiphrornis; two from West Africa and one from the Congo Basin. Each species represents a distinct phylogenetic lineage based on genetic analysis. In addition to genetic differentiation, each new species is diagnosable from other Stiphrornis lineages by morphology, and by plumage. One of the new species appears to be restricted to the Central and Brong-Ahafo Regions of Ghana, and another is restricted to Benin and the Central Region of Ghana. In Ghana, these two new species presumably come into contact with Stiphrornis erythrothorax (Western Region of Ghana and westward), and there is evidence that one of the new species has a distinguishably different song from erythrothorax. The distribution of the third new species is primarily on the south bank of the Congo River, near the city of Kisangani. Recognition of these species provides additional evidence that Afrotropical forests are harbouring substantial cryptic diversity, and that our knowledge of the drivers of this diversity remains poorly documented across the region.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BF2A0BE6-1140-4EFF-9035-380D61AB03AE  相似文献   

Bruno Massa 《ZooKeys》2015,(472):77-102
The results of the study of many specimens preserved in different European museums are reported. The tribe Terpnistrini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 is resurrected. The distribution of the following species is enhanced: Pardalota asymmetrica Karsch, 1896, Diogena denticulata Chopard, 1954, Diogena fausta (Burmeister, 1838), Plangiopsis adeps Karsch, 1896, Poreuomena sanghensis Massa, 2013 and Tylopsis continua (Walker, 1869). Further, for their peculiar characteristics, two African representatives of the American genus Symmetropleura Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 are included in two new genera: Symmetrokarschia africana (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878), comb. n. and Symmetroraggea dirempta (Karsch, 1889), comb. n. A new genus and species from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angustithorax spiniger gen. n., sp. n., and a new genus and species from Tanzania, Arostratum oblitum gen. n., sp. n. are described. Finally Melidia claudiae sp. n. and Atlasacris brevipennis sp. n. are described and compared with related species.  相似文献   

JURY, S. L., 1987. A new species of the genus Torilis Adanson (Apiaceae). The name Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertner has been shown to have been used to include two very distinct variants. Torilis nodosa is therefore typified, and the other variant described as a new species.  相似文献   

Many species of lepidopterans supplement their nectar diet with foods rich in nitrogen and minerals, which are present only in trace amounts in nectar. We examined the effect of adult diet on mating behaviour and spermatophore characteristics in male Bicyclus anynana (Butler, 1879) butterflies, which feed on rotten fruits as adults. We found little effect of adult diet on male reproduction in terms of mating rate and sperm production, although males fed on fruit produced larger spermatophores on their first mating compared to males fed sugar only. We also examined how males allocate sperm across matings. Males ejaculate larger spermatophores during their first mating, and produce spermatophores containing decreasingly fewer non-fertile sperm with number of matings performed. Males that produced more non-fertile sperm on their first mating had reduced lifespan possibly indicating a trade-off between sperm production and adult longevity. It is suggested that adult diet has little affect on male ejaculate production and males feed on fruit to supplement their energetic carbon requirements.  相似文献   

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