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The Atlantic coast of South America is characterized by significant variation in environmental attributes, such as the salinity and transparency of the water, substrate, temperatures, and oceanic currents, which contribute to the existence of heterogeneous environments with distinct biotic and abiotic conditions. The present study shows that the Aspistor quadriscutis from the equatorial Amazon–Orinoco plume and Aspistor luniscutis from the northeast to southeast coast of Brazil represent different morphological lineages, with distinct life habits and behavior, belonging to a single genetic lineage. This condition is related to the distinct selective pressures (ecological conditions) found in the geographic regions in which the two species occur. Intermediate morphological patterns correspond to the ancestral traits, present in fossil species, which, together with the absence of differentiation in mitochondrial markers, characterize a process of incipient speciation.  相似文献   

Crossing experiments were conducted between the Naples I (NI) strain of Ophryotrocha labronica labronica, three strains of O. l. pacifica from Japan (M3), Hawaii (WH) and Los Angeles (LA), two strains of O. labronica from Australia and one from an unknown origin, discovered in a Moscow aquarium, to determine the relationships between the European and Pacific subspecies, and the newly discovered strains. Previously published data combined with new results revealed several stages in the process of speciation within the sibling group. Interpopulation crosses yielded an increased sex ratio that appears to be positively related to genetic distance and to the sex ratio of the parent strains. Fecundity data demonstrated that the three northern Pacific strains are more closely related to each other than to any other strain, confirming that they are a valid subspecies, and indicate that they are the result of natural distribution. The strain of unknown origin as well as the Australian strains clearly belong to O. l. labronica. Its isolated presence in the South Pacific may be a remnant of an earlier wider distribution or an introduction of the Mediterranean population, as the life histories of Ophryotrocha species have made them prime candidates for anthropogenic dispersals.  相似文献   

A re‐evaluation of Dekeyseria brachyura and D. pulchra found them to be junior synonyms of D. picta, the oldest species among these congeners, based on continuous intraspecific variation in morphometrics and colour pattern. Examination of material deposited at Brazilian and Venezuelan collections, including the original type specimens of Ancistrus brachyurus and A. pictus, plus samples recently collected in the Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil, allowed re‐evaluation of the taxonomic status of D. picta and provides additional information on its distribution, habitats and reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

A new subfamily, Delturinae, is described to accommodate the loricariid catfish genera Delturus Egenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 and Hemipsilichthys Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889, a clade recently demonstrated to be the sister group of all remaining loricariids except Lithogenes . The genus Hemipsilichthys is restricted to three species, H. gobio (Lütken, 1874), its sister species H. papillatus Pereira et al ., 2000, and H. nimius Pereira et al ., 2003. Relationships among species of Delturus were not resolved and a new species, D. brevis , is described from the Rio Jequitinhonha basin in eastern Brazil. The geographical distribution of Delturinae, exclusively on the south-eastern Brazilian Shield, indicates that south-eastern Brazil acts as either a refugium for basal loricariid taxa or a point of origin for the Loricariidae. Lectotypes are designated for D. parahybae Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 and Plecostomus angulicauda Steindachner, 1877. Keys are presented for subfamilies of Loricariidae and for genera and species of Delturinae. Diagnoses are provided for all delturine clades and species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 147 , 277–299.  相似文献   

Ariid monophyly and intrafamilial relationships are investigated based on cladistic analysis of 230 morphological characters. Terminal taxa examined include whenever possible type‐species, or the most morphologically similar species to the type‐species of the nominal genera, and the largest possible number of species, including cleared and stained specimens, available in zoological collections. Previous hypotheses about monophyly of the Ariidae are strongly corroborated by new synapomorphies discovered in the present study. The subfamily Galeichthyinae and the remaining ariids are strongly supported by new morphological characters. The monotypic subfamily Bagreinae is recognized as the sister group to all nongaleichthyin ariids, supported by a large series of exclusive synapomorphies. A new concept of Ariinae is presented: the subfamily is found to be unequivocally monophyletic and includes all ariid genera, except Galeichthys and Bagre. New data supporting the monophyly of the genera included in the Ariinae are introduced and previous hypotheses of monophyly, species composition, morphological definition, and relationships are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat configuration is expected to have a major influence on genetic exchange and evolutionary divergence among populations. Aquatic organisms occur in two fundamentally different habitat types, the sea and freshwater lakes, making them excellent models to study the contrasting effects of continuity vs. isolation on genetic divergence. We compared the divergence in post-glacial populations of a cosmopolitan aquatic plant, the pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus that simultaneously occurs in freshwater lakes and coastal marine sites. Relative levels of gene flow were inferred in 12 lake and 14 Baltic Sea populations in northern Germany using nine highly polymorphic microsatellite markers developed for P. pectinatus. We found highly significant isolation-by-distance in both habitat types (P < 0.001). Genetic differentiation increased approximately 2.5-times faster among freshwater populations compared with those from the Baltic Sea. As different levels of genetic drift or population history cannot explain these differences, higher population connectivity in the sea relative to freshwater populations is the most likely source of contrasting evolutionary divergence. These findings are consistent with the notion that freshwater angiosperms are more conducive to allopatric speciation than their life-history counterparts in the sea, the relative species poor seagrasses. Surprisingly, population pairs from different habitat types revealed almost maximal genetic divergence expected for complete reproductive isolation, regardless of their respective geographical distance. Hence, the barrier to gene flow between lake and sea habitat types cannot be due to dispersal limitation. We may thus have identified a case of rapid incipient speciation in post-glacial populations of a widespread aquatic plant.  相似文献   

Aim The lizard genus Proctoporus Tschudi, 1845 was used as a model to test the South‐to‐North Speciation Hypothesis (SNSH) for species groups occurring in the Andes Mountains of South America. This hypothesis proposes that speciation of high Andean taxa followed a south‐to‐north pattern, generally coinciding with the progression of final uplift of the Andes. According to SNSH, a phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships of a taxonomic group occurring in the high Andes would show a branching pattern in which the southernmost species diverged first, followed by the more northern species, and so on in a northerly pattern. Location The central and northern Andes Mountains in South America. Methods A phylogenetic hypothesis was reconstructed for all species of the lizard genus Proctoporus by examining the external morphology of 341 individuals. This phylogeny was then examined to determine monophyly of the genus, distribution patterns of species groups, and congruence with SNSH. Results The genus Proctoporus did appear to be monophyletic and, therefore, it was valid to use this group to assess SNSH. The southernmost species were found to be the most basal, which was consistent with SNSH. The species occurring in the northern Andes did not exactly match the SNSH prediction. The Venezuelan and Trinidadian species did appear to be highly derived, as predicted by the hypothesis, but the Ecuadorian and Colombian species did not form a particular pattern in relation to the hypothesis. Main conclusions The SNSH does appear to have predictive power with regard to large‐scale distribution patterns. The finer‐scale patterns of speciation in the Andes, however, appear to be a more complex phenomenon that cannot be fully explained by a simple hypothesis. It is important to have a testable hypothesis in hand with which to compare data from disparate species groups. The incorporation of phylogenetic data of other high Andean taxa with similar distribution patterns is necessary to determine the full utility of SNSH in explaining evolutionary patterns in the Andes of South America.  相似文献   

Troy Day  J. D. McPhail 《Oecologia》1996,108(2):380-388
We conducted an experiment to assess the change in foraging efficiency resulting from diet-induced morphological and behavioural plasticity in a species of freshwater, threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus sp.). Different degrees of morphological and behavioural change were induced using two prey items commonly found in the diet of this species, allowing us to estimate the relative importance of each type of plasticity. The purpose of the experiment was twofold. First, earlier work had suggested that diet variability might be an important factor in the evolution of trophic morphological plasticity in sticklebacks. The present results extend this work by revealing the adaptive significance of morphological plasticity. The current experiment also qualitatively assessed the compatibility of the time scale of morphological change with that of the natural resource variability experienced by this species. The results indicate that diet-induced plasticity improves foraging efficiency continuously for up to 72 days of prey exposure. This is probably due in part to plasticity of the external trophic morphology but our results also suggest a complex interplay between morphology and behaviour. The time scale appears to be matched to that of natural diet variability although it is possible that some traits exhibit non-labile plasticity. Our discussion highlights the important distinction between conditions favouring the evolution of labile versus non-labile plasticity. The second objective of the experiment was to determine the relative importance of morphological and behavioural plasticity. Few studies have attempted to quantify the adaptive significance of morphological plasticity and no study to our knowledge has separated the effects of morphological and behavioural plasticity. Our experiment reveals that both behavioural and morphological plasticity are important and it also suggests a dichotomy between the two: behavioural plasticity predominately affects searching efficiency whereas morphological plasticity predominately affects handling efficiency.  相似文献   

Two variants of the Neotropical mangrove species Pelliciera rhizophorae distributed along both sides of the Isthmus of Panama were detected by different colouration of the floral bracts and the size of the floral and vegetative structures. These findings raised questions concerning a possible speciation event in P. rhizophorae, for which a series of macro‐ and microscopic morphological traits (reproductive and vegetative structures), molecular markers from plastid DNA and climatic profiles were analyzed. Samples of P. rhizophorae were collected in three localities from the Panamanian Caribbean and Pacific coasts. The data obtained from molecular markers and morphological traits showed significant differences between the variants. The climatic profiles showed contrasting characteristics of rainfall and temperature in their habitats: variant A is found in wetter zones and variant B occupies drier zones. Evidence suggesting that a process of incipient speciation has occurred in P. rhizophorae in response to ecogeographical isolation due to climatic factors is presented. The presence of two geographically separate genetic‐morphological groups, adapted to contrasting climatic conditions, will be the basis for suggesting the existence of incipient lineages in Pelliciera. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 499–510.  相似文献   

Identifying mechanisms of reproductive isolation is key to understanding speciation. Among the putative mechanisms underlying reproductive isolation, sperm–female interactions (post‐mating–prezygotic barriers) are arguably the hardest to identify, not least because these are likely to operate at the cellular or molecular level. Yet sperm–female interactions offer great potential to prevent the transfer of genetic information between different populations at the initial stages of speciation. Here, we provide a preliminary test for the presence of a putative post‐mating–prezygotic barrier operating between three populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata), an internally fertilizing fish that inhabits streams with different levels of connectivity across Trinidad. We experimentally evaluate the effect of female ovarian fluid on sperm velocity (a predictor of competitive fertilization success) according to whether males and females were from the same (native) or different (foreign) populations. Our results reveal the potential for ovarian fluid to act as a post‐mating–prezygotic barrier between two populations from different drainages, but also that the strength of this barrier is different among populations. This result may explain the previous finding that, in some populations, sperm from native males have precedence over foreign sperm, which could eventually lead to reproductive isolation between these populations.  相似文献   

Molecular (mitochondrial DNA, isozyme) and morphological diversity of freshwater mussels (Family Hyriidae) was examined at 21 sites encompassing four large river systems, across southwest Queensland, Australia. Evidence was found for two major morphological groups. One group, which occurred in every river system, closely matched a recognized species (Velesunio ambiguus) both morphologically and in a well-supported lineage within a mitochondrial phylogeny generated from partial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences. The second group most closely matched Velesunio wilsonii in shell morphology but formed three deeply divergent mitochondrial DNA lineages. All four lineages occurred sympatrically in some areas and displayed corresponding fixed differences at nuclear allozyme loci, which suggests an absence of recent hybridization and the presence of separate species.  相似文献   

The tuco-tucos [Ctenomys) are subterranean rodents that are widespread in southern South America. On the basis of its 60 living species, Ctenomys is one of the most speciose mammalian genera and displays great chromosomal variation. In order to study the mode of speciation in Ctenomys and to evaluate the role of chromosomes in cladogenesis, it is essential to generate an accurate phylogeny of the genus. From such a phylogeny it should be possible to identify particular species lineages worthy of further study. Following the success in 1998 of Lessa & Cook in generating a phylogeny of 10, mostly Bolivian, species from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences, we sequenced a further 18, mostly Argentinian, species. By combining our datasi't with that of Lcssa & Cook's we were able to confirm six species lineages within Ctenomys. These lineages correspond well to taxonomic groups suggested on the basis of morphology and biogeographv. At least two of the species groups (the Boliviano-Matogrossense and Chaco) arc very variable chromosomally, and are worthwhile systems to examine the possibility of chromosomal spec iation. While, in general, multiple specimens of the named species did form monophyletic groups on the basis of the cytochrome b analysis, there were some exceptions. Thus, C. bergi and C yolandae did not form separate clades in the phylogenetic analysis, nor did C. roigi and C. dorbignyi. The molecular analysis was also very informative with regards species designations for C. boliviensis and related forms.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that sexual selection can promote the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation. Those cases in which sexual selection has led to speciation should be characterized by significant differentiation in male display traits and correlated female preferences in the absence of post-zygotic isolation, accompanied by little genetic or other morphological differentiation. Previous evidence indicates that a cluster of populations of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters) from Cumana, Venezuela, the 'Cumana guppy', differs significantly in female preferences from a nearby guppy population (A. Lindholm & F. Breden, Am. Nat., 160: 2002, S214). Here, we further document sexual isolation between these populations. In addition, these populations exhibit significant divergence in male display traits correlated to differences in between-population mating success, little mitochondrial genetic differentiation, and we find no evidence for genetic incompatibility between a Cumana population and several geographically isolated populations. These results suggest that divergent sexual selection has contributed to differentiation of the Cumana guppy, and this may be the first example of incipient speciation in the guppy.  相似文献   

Based on the phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of the glyptosternoid fishes in Qinghai-Tibet area, the following hypothesis is proposed: the speciation of this group has a direct relationship with the three uplift intervals of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This process was explained by the theory of vicariance of biogeography. The ancestor of this group was similar toBagarus and/orGlyptothorax, which still have a wide distribution. At the moment when the Tethys sea closed, the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Eurasian tectonic plate, so theGlyptothorax-like andBagarus-like ancestors entered Eurasia and gradually became widely distributed. After the Pleistocene, with the enforced colliding, the gradual uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau brought about the current water environment, and the Glyptosternoids were generated fromGlyptothorax-like fish under this environment. The presentGlyptosternum, distributed across the Himalayas is the ancestor of Glyptosternoids. In the three uplift intervals of the plateau, the water system of this region was separated gradually andGlyptosternum-like ancestor was isolated in different rivers and evolved into various species. All this resulted in the speciation and formation of the biogeographical pattern of glyptosternoids.  相似文献   

Doradidae is a putatively monophyletic group of South American freshwater catfishes containing 30 extant genera and 72 valid species. Only one study to date has attempted to estimate phylogenetic relationships among doradids. This morphological analysis partitioned species into two basal genera ( Wertheimeria and Francisodoras ) and a crown group of three subfamilies (Platydoradinae, Astrodoradinae and Doradinae) whose relationships were unresolved. No subsequent work has been done to resolve the subfamilial trichotomy or to assess whether postulated intergeneric relationships are accurate. We address this problem with complete sequences (2.5 kilobases, kb) of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes and partial (1.3 kb) sequences of the nuclear elongation factor-1 alpha (EF1α) gene from representatives of 23 doradid genera (43 species) and 13 outgroups from additional siluriform families. Phylogenetic analysis of these data yields strong support for the monophyly of Doradidae and Astrodoradinae (as well as other relationships), but otherwise shows significant conflict with morphological results. A partial re-examination of published morphological data indicates that many characters may have been incorrectly polarized and many taxa have incorrect state assignments. Our results provide a framework for ongoing efforts to describe the species-level diversity of this poorly understood neotropical family.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 551–575.  相似文献   

Based on the phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of the glyptosternoid fishes in Qinghai-Tibet area, the following hypothesis is proposed: the speciation of this group has a direct relationship with the three uplift intervals of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This process was explained by the theory of vicariance of biogeography. The ancestor of this group was similar to Bagarus and/or Glyptothorax, which still have a wide distribution. At the moment when the Tethys sea closed, the Indian tectonic plate collided with the Eurasian tectonic plate, so the Glyptothorax-like and Bagarus-like ancestors entered Eurasia and gradually became widely distributed. After the Pleistocene, with the enforced colliding, the gradual uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau brought about the current water environment, and the Glyptosternoids were generated from Glyptotho-rax-like fish under this environment. The present Glyptosternum, distributed across the Himalayas is the ancestor of Glyptosternoids. In the three uplift inte  相似文献   

匍匐茎草本植物形态可塑性、整合作用与觅食行为研究进展   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
综述了匍匐茎型克隆植物在形态可塑性、整合作用及觅食行为方面的研究进展。资源斑块性分布是生境异质性的特征之一,适应于异质性生境,匍匐茎植物对环境资源表现了一系列可塑性反应。本文着重从匍匐茎植物对光、水、肥的可塑性反应及其整合作用以及觅食行为等方面的研究进行总结分析,以期对匍匐茎型克隆植物进行更广泛深入的研究。  相似文献   

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