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Acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase were shown to be present in five species of Ochromonas grown in organic media (O. danica, O. malhamensis, O. minuta, O. sociabilis and Ochromonas sp. 933/4). Acid phosphatase was found to have a pH optimum at 4.0 in O. danica, and at 5.1 in the four other species. No alkaline phosphatase was found in any of the above mentioned species. β-glucosidase in the species studied has a pH optimum at 4.6 Low α-glucosidase activity was found only in O. danica. Acid phosphatase in all the five species shows an increase in activity during the logarithmic phase of growth and a decrease during the early stationary phase. β-glucosidase shows a similar behavior only in O. danica.  相似文献   

五种棺头蟋核型的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
尤平  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2001,44(1):40-45
报道了中国5种棺头蟋的核型:石首棺头蟋Loxoblemmus equestris, 2n=17, XO();小棺头蟋L. aomoriensis, 2n=11, XO(); 哈尼棺头蟋L. haani, 2n=11, XO();多伊棺头蟋L. doenitzi, 2n=11, XO()和窃棺头蟋L. detectus, 2n=11,XO()。并应用核型似近系数及进化距离对这5种蟋蟀作了聚类分析,得出5种蟋蟀的演化方向为石首棺头蟋→小棺头蟋→哈尼棺头蟋→多伊棺头蟋→窃棺头蟋。  相似文献   

Major satellite sequences are analysed in the three tenebrionid beetles Palorus cerylonoides, P. genalis, and P. ficicola, and compared with the ones from P. ratzeburgii and P. subdepressus reported elsewhere. All of them are A+T rich, pericentromerically located, and with lengths of about 150 bp, either in the form of monomers or formed by more complex repeating units. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of Palorus species using the 3' end of the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I gene shows that the five Palorus species have been diverging for a considerable amount of evolutionary time, with the pair P. ratzeburgii and P. genalis being the most closely related. Only these two taxa showed some similarity between their respective high-copy-number satellite sequences, while other satellites are mutually unrelated and might have originated independently. However, all the satellites have in common tertiary structure induced by intrinsic DNA curvature, a characteristic which is conserved within the genus. Palorus major satellites were previously detected in the genomes of congeneric species as low-copy-number clusters (Mestrovi? et al., Mol. Biol. Evol. 15: 1062-1068. 1998). Given the divergences between the analysed species, the substitution rate deduced from high- and low-copy-number repeats is unexpectedly low. The presence of sequence-induced DNA curvature in all Palorus satellites and similar satellite DNAs in the species pair P. ratzeburgii and P. genalis suggest (i) that constraints are at the tertiary structure; and (ii) that the satellite DNA evolutionary turnover can be dependent on the history of the taxa under study, resulting in retention of similar satellites in related taxa.  相似文献   

G-banded karyotypes were compared in the following species of Microtidae: Microtus nivalis; M. cabrerae; M. arvalis and Arvicola sapidus. Previous observations on A. sapidus and A. terrestris (Díaz de la Guardia & Pretel, Caryologia 32: 183–189, 1979) were also incorporated in this study. The results show that Robertsonian translocations and pericentric inversions are common mechanisms involved in the karyotypic evolution of this group. Interspecific differences in C-banding patterns were also analyzed. Using the karyograph method (Imai et al., Am. Nat. 121: 477–488, 1983), the evolutionary distances of the karyotypes were estimated, and an attempt was made to establish a presumptive phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Comparative FISH analysis in five species of Eyprepocnemidine grasshoppers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The chromosomal localization of ribosomal DNA, and a 180 bp satellite DNA isolated from Spanish Eyprepocnemis plorans specimens, has been analysed in five Eyprepocnemidinae species collected in Russia and Central Asia. Caucasian E. plorans individuals carried each of the two DNAs, but the rDNA was limited to only two chromosomes (S(9) and S(11)) in sharp contrast to Spanish specimens that show 4-8 rDNA clusters and to Moroccan specimens which carry rDNA in almost all chromosomes. The four remaining species, however, lacked the 180 bp tandem repeat, and showed rDNA clusters in one (S(9) in Thisoicetrinus pterostichus), two (S(9) and S(10) in Eyprepocnemis unicolor; M(8) and S(11) in Heteracris adspersa), or three (S(9), S(10), and S(11) in Shirakiacris shirakii) chromosome pairs. The implications of these findings for the evolution of these two chromosome markers in this group of species are discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative observations of ultrastructure of five species of Candida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An electron microscopic comparison was made of five species ofCandida, namely:C. guilliermondii, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. stellatoidea andC. tropicalis. The cell wall, plasma membrane and the cytoplasm with its organelles were described. The cell wall ofC. tropicalis was twice as thick as the cell wall in the other species.C. krusei appeared with distinct, rather elaborate wall sculpturing, a feature not pronounced in the other four species. A single nucleus with nucleolus appeared only in micrographs ofC. guilliermondii andC. krusei. At the same time, large central electron-luscent area (vacuole) appeared in the cells ofC. guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis andC. stellatoidea. The cytoplasm ofC. tropicalis was characterized by a granular appearance. Budding cells and pseudohyphae appeared similar to single cells in their general organelles. Such organelles in species studied were similar to these reported for other yeasts. These include: mitochondria, lipid granules, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and vacuoles.Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, San Antonio, Texas.In partial fulfillment of the requirement of course work for Master of Science, Incarnate Word College, San Antonio.  相似文献   

Summary Comparative investigations on the physiological capacities of Gammarus locusta (L.), G. oceanicus Segerstråle, G. salinus Spooner, G. zaddachi Sexton and G. duebeni duebeni Liljeborg obtained from German coastal and estuarine areas were carried out under uniform experimental conditions. In order to assess the adaptation of these species to the abiotic conditions of their particular habitats, the following criteria were examined: (a) oxygen consumption as related to temperature, (b) time course of acclimation to a new steady state of metabolic rate following sudden temperature changes, (c) resistance to oxygen deficiency, and (d) resistance to aerial exposure. Considerable interspecific differences were found among the five amphipods studied. G. locusta reveals the highest O2 uptake rates and longest thermal acclimation periods as well as lowest resistance capacities to oxyten depletion and air exposure. The other species occupy an intermediate position as indicated in the above-cited order, but contrast with G. duebeni which exhibits comparatively high resistance capacities. The significance of the findings obtained is discussed in relation to the environmental requirements of the five crustaceans considered.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the natural durability of five lesser-utilized wood species from Mozambique. Both laboratory methods and field tests were applied for assessing wood decay of muanga (Pericopsis angolensis), metil (Sterculia appendiculata), namuno (Acacia nigrescens), ncurri (Icuria dunensis), and ntholo (Pseudolachnostylis maprounaefolia). Laboratory tests involved soft-, brown-, and white-rot fungi and termites. Heart- and sapwood of ncurri and ntholo were exposed in above-ground field tests; additionally, all species were exposed to in-ground contact tests. The results indicated that namuno, muanga, ncurri, and ntholo are resistant to soft-, brown- and white-rot fungi and the termite species Reticulitermes grassea and Mastotermes darwiniensis. Comparatively, soft-rot caused more severe decay on the studied wood species than did basidiomycete fungi. The brown-rot fungi Coniophora puteana, Gloeophiyllum trabeum, and Postia placenta caused less decay on the tested species than did the white-rot Trametes versicolor. Metil was not resistant to any of the mentioned hazards. Therefore, this species is not recommendable for exterior use if untreated.  相似文献   

We studied the defensive strike of one species of each of five recognized lineages within the genus Bothrops, namely, B. alternatus, B. jararaca, B. jararacussu, B. moojeni and B. pauloensis. The defensive strike of the studied species was in general similar to that of Crotalus viridis and C. atrox, but some important differences were observed. Bothrops alternatus and B. pauloensis struck preferentially from a tight body posture, whereas B. jararaca and B. moojeni from a loose body posture. Defensive strikes were either true or false (during the latter, the mouth remains closed or partially open). Almost all strikes were successful; only on a few occasions snakes missed their target (flawed strikes). Strike variables were very conservative among the five species, especially strike distance and height, and one possible explanation may be related to constraints imposed on strike variables as a way of increasing strike accuracy.  相似文献   

Information on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anti-inflammatory drugs in birds is scarce. Choice of drug and of dosage is usually empirical, since studies of anti-inflammatory drugs are lacking. In this study, three common veterinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were administered intravenously to five different bird species. Sodium salicylate, flunixin and meloxicam were selected as anti-inflammatory drugs. These NSAIDs were administered intravenously to chickens (Gallus gallus), ostriches (Struthio camelus), ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and pigeons (Columba livia). Plasma concentrations of the drugs were determined by validated high-performance liquid chromatography methods and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. Most bird species exhibited rapid elimination of these drugs. Ostriches had the fastest elimination rate for all three NSAIDs, but there were some interesting species differences. Chickens had a half-life that was approximately 10-fold as long as the other bird species for flunixin. The half-life of chickens and pigeons was three-fold as long as the other bird species for meloxicam, and, for salicylic acid, the half-life in pigeons was at least three-five-fold longer than in the other bird species.  相似文献   

以木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、拉关木(Laguncularia racemosa)、海芒果(Cerbera manghas)、杨叶肖槿(Thespesia populnea)五种红树植物为材料,采用常规石蜡切片法对它们的叶片横切面结构进行显微观察,比较真红树植物和半红树植物叶片结构的特点及变化规律,研究红树植物叶对盐浸环境的适应性。结果表明:除杨叶肖槿为异面叶、掌状网脉外;拉关木为等面叶、羽状脉,其它三种植物为异面叶、羽状网脉;五种材料具4级叶脉,3级、4级脉具明显维管束鞘。木榄、桐花树、拉关木、杨叶肖槿1级脉为半周韧无限维管束,海芒果1级脉为外韧无限维管束。五种材料叶肉具有分泌腔,除海芒果外,具有含晶体细胞;木榄、桐花树有内皮层,拉关木有贮水组织;桐花树、海芒果有含单宁细胞;桐花树、拉关木、杨叶肖槿有盐腺。这五种植物的叶片结构体现出不同植物对盐浸环境适应性的特征。相比较而言,真红树植物的特化结构较半红树植物多。  相似文献   

We report here, for the first time, the chromosome complement, number and location of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) revealed by silver staining (AgNO3) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in five Neotropical gomphocerine species: Rhammatocerus brasiliensis, R. brunneri, R. palustris, R. pictus and Amblytropidia sp. The objective of this study was to summarize available data and propose a model of chromosome evolution in Neotropical gomphocerines. All five species studied showed chromosome numbers consisting of 2n = 23,X0 in males and 2n = 24,XX in females. Amblytropidia sp. was the only species showing a bivalent (M8) with megameric behavior during meiosis. The rDNA sites were restricted to autosomal pairs, i.e. the pericentromeric region of the S9 chromosome, the consensus NOR location in all five species. R. brasiliensis was the only species showing additional NORs on M4 and M6 pairs which, likewise the S9 NOR, were active in all cells analyzed. Comparison of these results with those reported previously in Palearctic gomphocerine species suggests higher resemblance of Neotropical species with the Old World species also possessing 23/24 chromosomes. Evolutionary mechanisms responsible for the observed interspecific variation in NOR location in this group are discussed.  相似文献   

五种植物抗寒性的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电导法对五种植物(四种美国引进的植物和一种乡土植物)进行不同低温处理,研究其在各温度下的细胞膜透性改变情况,并配以Logistic方程求拐点值确定低温半致死温度LT50。结果表明:低温处理下各种植物组织电解质渗透率增加,并呈"S"形曲线增长,各种植物的低温半致死温度分别为:沙地柏为-46.58℃,四翅滨藜-1,四翅滨藜-2分别为-42.44℃和-40.09℃,黑油脂木为-27.7℃,伏地肤为-22.18℃。故其抗寒性从强到弱的顺序为沙地柏>四翅滨藜-1>四翅滨藜-2>驼绒藜>黑油脂木>伏地肤。  相似文献   

Sperm structure of four Systellognatha species, Dinocras cephalotes (Curtis, 1827) and Perla grandis (Rambur, 1841), family Perlidae, Siphonoperla torrentium (Pictet, 1841), family Chloroperlidae, and Isoperla grammatica (Poda, 1761), family Perlodidae, was investigated by light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence microscopy. The spermatozoa of all the species are filiform and flagellate; they have an elongated compact nucleus, topped by either a bi-layered or three-layered acrosomal complex, and a '9+9+2' axoneme flanked by two mitochondrial derivatives. However, some variations have been observed, particularly regarding the morphology of the acrosomal complex, the shape of the nucleus, two more or less evident accessory bodies flanking the axoneme and the degree of crystallisation of the mitochondrial derivatives. Our results support the suggestion that Systellognatha is a monophyletic group, showing a single sperm pattern. Chloroperlidae and Perlodidae retain the plesiomorphic condition of some sperm characters while Perlidae show some autoapomorphies. A phylogenetic affinity between Plecoptera and the other orders of Polyneoptera has been confirmed.  相似文献   

Five species of the leguminosae produced radioactive lupine alkaloids after feeding with dl-lysine-[2-14C]. Saturated alkaloids and compounds with a pyridone ring were radioactive. The specific radioactivity of the isolated compounds provides evidence that conversion of lysine into the saturated alkaloids, and by further oxidation to compounds both with a pyridone ring and without a d ring.  相似文献   

Organophosphate detoxicating hydrolases in different vertebrate species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Phosphorylphosphatase activities in various organs of vertebrate species from different classes were determined using a spectrophotometric assay for paraoxonase (EC and a potentiometric assay with a fluoride sensitive electrode for DFPase (EC Temperature-dependent inactivation experiments, an extended interpretation of mixed substrate studies and activity distribution patterns confirm that in vertebrate tissue at least two different enzymes are responsible for hydrolytic detoxication of paraoxon and DFP. Total organophosphate detoxicating phosphorylphosphatase activity of a certain animal species is shown to be the major determinant for differences between the inhibitory potency of organophosphorus compounds on the animal's target enzymes in vitro and organophosphate toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Gas exchange patterns, diurnal malic acid fluctuations, and stable carbon isotope ratios of five species of Sedum were investigated to assess the ecophysiological characteristics of three different photosynthetic pathways under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions. All five species have succulent leaves and stems and were examined under identical environmental conditions. When well-watered, Sedum integrifolium (Raf.) Nels. and S. ternatum Michx. displayed C3 photosynthesis, S. telephioides Michx. and S. nuttallianum Raf. exhibited CAM-cycling, and S. wrightii A. Gray showed CAM. When grown under a less frequent watering regime, S. integrifolium and S. ternatum exhibited CAM-cycling, whereas S. telephioides and S. nuttallianum displayed CAM-cycling simultaneously with low-level CAM. Sedum wrightii retained its CAM mode of photosynthesis. In general, leaf 13C values reflected these variations in photosynthetic pathways. While all values of water-use efficiency (WUE) were greater than those reported for most C3 and C4 species, no correlation of malic acid accumulation in the CAM and CAM-cycling (including low-level CAM) species with increased WUE was found. Sedum wrightii (CAM) had the highest WUE value at night, yet its 24-h WUE was not different from S. ternatum when the latter was in the C3 mode. Thus, relative water-use efficiencies of these species of Sedum were not predictable based on photosynthetic pathways alone.  相似文献   

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