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Microsatellite loci were developed for genetic analysis of the bird pollinated woody shrub Calothamnus quadrifidus. A genomic library was constructed and screened with dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeat sequences. Ten dinucleotide microsatellite markers were developed, and polymorphism in a population of C. quadrifidus was investigated for six of these markers, which showed an average of 12.7 alleles per locus. Mendelian inheritance of the loci was confirmed through analysis of open pollinated progeny arrays of 10 plants. These loci will be used to study gene flow patterns between isolated populations of this species in southwest Western Australia.  相似文献   

Aims Forest fragmentation and reduced tree population densities can potentially have negative impacts on mating patterns, offspring genetic diversity and reproductive performance. The aim of the present study is to test these hypotheses comparing an extremely fragmented, low tree density (~0.02 trees/ha) holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) stand from Central Spain with a nearby high tree density stand (~50 trees/ha).Methods We genotyped adult trees and seeds from the low-density stand (436 seeds from 15 families) and the high-density stand (404 seeds from 11 families) using nine microsatellite markers. With these data, we performed paternity analyses, determined pollen flow, mating patterns and pollen pool structure, and estimated progeny genetic diversity in both stands. We also studied seed set and production and performed a pollen supplementation experiment to determine whether reduced tree density has limited foreign pollen availability.Important findings We have found extensive pollen immigration (>75%) into the low tree density stand and Monte Carlo simulations revealed that pollen moves larger distances than expected from null models of random dispersal. Mating patterns and differentiation of pollen pools were similar in the high-density stand and the low-density stand but we found higher inter-annual differentiation of pollen pools in the former. Progeny genetic diversity and self-fertilization rates did not differ between the low-density stand and the high-density stand. Seed set rates were significantly lower in the low-density stand than in the high-density stand and experimental cross-pollen supplementation evidenced that foreign pollen availability is indeed a limiting factor in the former. However, seed crops did not differ between the low-density stand and the high-density stand, indicating that limitation of foreign pollen is not likely to be of great concern in terms of reduced seed production and potential recruitment. Poor forest regeneration due to other ecological and human factors is probably a more important threat for the persistence of fragmented and low tree density stands than reduced pollen flow and only extremely small and isolated tree populations would be expected to suffer severe loss of genetic diversity in the long term.  相似文献   

In alpine ecosystems, microscale variation in snowmelt timing often causes different flowering phenology of the same plant species and seasonal changes in pollinator activity. We compared the variations in insect visitation, pollen dispersal, mating patterns, and sexual reproduction of Rhododendron aureum early and late in the flowering season using five microsatellites. Insects visiting the flowers were rare early in the flowering season (mid-June), when major pollinators were bumblebee queens and flies. In contrast, frequent visitations by bumblebee workers were observed late in the season (late July). Two-generation analysis of pollen pool structure demonstrated that quality of pollen-mediated gene flow was more diverse late in the season in parallel with the high pollinator activity. The effective number of pollen donors per fruit (N(ep)) increased late in the season (N(ep) = 2.2-2.7 early, 3.4-4.4 late). However, both the outcrossing rate (t(m)) and seed-set ratio per fruit were smaller late in the season (t(m) = 0.89 and 0.71, seed-set ratio = 0.52 and 0.18, early and late in the season, respectively). In addition, biparental inbreeding occurred only late in the season. We conclude that R. aureum shows contrasting patterns of pollen movement and seed production between early and late season: in early season, seed production can be high but genetically less diverse and, during late season, be reduced, possibly due to higher inbreeding and inbreeding depression, but have greater genetic diversity. Thus, more pollinator activity does not always mean more pollen movement.  相似文献   

In the face of widespread deforestation, the conservation of rainforest trees relies increasingly on their ability to maintain reproductive processes in fragmented landscapes. Here, we analysed nine microsatellite loci for 218 adults and 325 progeny of the tree Dipteryx panamensis in Costa Rica. Pollen dispersal distances, genetic diversity, genetic structure and spatial autocorrelation were determined for populations in four habitats: continuous forest, forest fragments, pastures adjacent to fragments and isolated pastures. We predicted longer but less frequent pollen movements among increasingly isolated trees. This pattern would lead to lower outcrossing rates for pasture trees, as well as lower genetic diversity and increased structure and spatial autocorrelation among their progeny. Results generally followed these expectations, with the shortest pollen dispersal among continuous forest trees (240 m), moderate distances for fragment (343 m) and adjacent pasture (317 m) populations, and distances of up to 2.3 km in isolated pastures (mean: 557 m). Variance around pollen dispersal estimates also increased with fragmentation, suggesting altered pollination conditions. Outcrossing rates were lower for pasture trees and we found greater spatial autocorrelation and genetic structure among their progeny, as well as a trend towards lower heterozygosity. Paternal reproductive dominance, the pollen contributions from individual fathers, did not vary among habitats, but we did document asymmetric pollen flow between pasture and adjacent fragment populations. We conclude that long-distance pollen dispersal helps maintain gene flow for D. panamensis in this fragmented landscape, but pasture and isolated pasture populations are still at risk of long-term genetic erosion.  相似文献   

poldisp 1.0 is a free software package to estimate the distribution of pollen dispersal distances from mother–offspring diploid genotypic data. It requires the spatial coordinates and genotypes of a sample of seed plants and their respective maternal progenies, providing estimates of the average, variance and kurtosis of the pollen dispersal curve. poldisp also estimates the effective reproductive density of pollen donors and the correlation of paternity within and among maternal sibships. poldisp is useful for characterizing the spatial scale of pollen dispersal, for assessing the variation in male fertility and for investigating biological factors affecting correlated paternity in plants.  相似文献   

Gender polymorphism, plant-animal interactions, and environmental heterogeneity are the three important sources of variation in mating system and pollen dispersal patterns. We used progeny arrays and paternity analysis to assess the effects of gender type and density level on variation in mating patterns within a highly isolated population of Prunus mahaleb, a gynodioecious species. All the adult trees in the population were sampled and located. The direct estimate of long-distance insect-mediated pollination events was low (< 10%). Gender expression deeply influenced the mating system, decreasing the outcrossing rates (t(m)) and the pollen pool diversity in hermaphrodite trees. Long intermate distances (> 250 m) were significantly more frequent among female mother trees. Variation in local tree density also affected pollen pool diversity and intermate distance, with a higher effective number of fathers (k(e)) and longer intermate distances for female trees in low-density patches. A canonical correlation analysis showed significant correlations between mating variables and the maternal ecological neighbourhood. Only the first canonical variable was significant and explained 78% of variation. Outcrossing rates tended to decrease, and the relatedness among the fathers tended to increase, when mother trees grew in dense patches with high cover of other woody species and taller vegetation away from the pine forest edge. We highlight the relevance of considering maternal ecological neighbourhood effects on mating system and gene flow studies as maternal trees act simultaneously as receptors of pollen and as sources of the seeds to be dispersed.  相似文献   

Pollen dispersal was characterized within a population of the narrowly endemic perennial herb, Centaurea corymbosa, using exclusion-based and likelihood-based paternity analyses carried out on microsatellite data. Data were used to fit a model of pollen dispersal and to estimate the rates of pollen flow and mutation/genotyping error, by developing a new method. Selfing was rare (1.6%). Pollen dispersed isotropically around each flowering plant following a leptokurtic distribution, with 50% of mating pairs separated by less than 11 m, but 22% by more than 40 m. Estimates of pollen flow lacked precision (0-25%), partially because mutations and/or genotyping errors (0.03-1%) could also explain the occurrence of offspring without a compatible candidate father. However, the pollen pool that fertilized these offspring was little differentiated from the adults of the population whereas strongly differentiated from the other populations, suggesting that pollen flow rate among populations was low. Our results suggest that pollen dispersal is too extended to allow differentiation by local adaptation within a population. However, among populations, gene flow might be low enough for such processes to occur.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can significantly affect mating and pollen dispersal patterns in plant populations, although the differential effects of the various aspects of fragmentation are poorly understood. In this study, we used eight microsatellite loci to investigate the effect of fragmentation on the mating system and pollen dispersal within one large and eight small population remnants of Banksia sphaerocarpa var. caesia, a bird-pollinated shrub in the southern agricultural region of Western Australia. The large population had a much larger neighbourhood size and lower selfing rate, maternal pollen pool differentiation and within-plot mean pollen dispersal distance than the small populations. Outcrossing was consistently high and ranged from 85.7% ± 2.6 to 98.5% ± 0.9, and mating patterns suggested nearest-neighbour pollination. Pollen immigration into small populations ranged from 2.8% ± 1.8 to 16.5% ± 3.2. Using the small populations, we tested for correlations between various fragmentation variables and mating system and pollen dispersal parameters. We found significant negative linear relationships between population isolation and outcrossing rate; population shape and neighbourhood size; and conspecific density and mean pollen dispersal distance. There were significant positive linear relationships between population shape and pollen pool differentiation and between population size and number of different fathers per seed crop. Our results suggest that birds may use a series of fragmented populations as a vegetation corridor while foraging across the landscape and that population connectivity is a critical determinant of pollinator visitation. Our results also suggest that the effect of a linear population shape on the mating system and pollen dispersal is routinely underestimated.  相似文献   

生境片段化伴随的面积效应和边缘效应, 可改变分散贮食动物的竞争强度、觅食行为以及隐蔽条件, 影响种子捕食和扩散模式。阐明生境片段化对多物种种子捕食和扩散的影响, 对理解片段化生境中的植物更新和生物多样性维持十分重要。该研究在浙江省千岛湖地区的岛屿和大陆上开展了针对6种壳斗科植物的种子捕食和扩散实验, 分析了物种、分散贮食动物相对多度、种子产量、岛屿大小和边缘效应如何共同影响种子命运和种子扩散距离。主要结果: (1)种子命运和扩散距离在物种间存在显著差异; (2)大陆比岛屿有更长的种子留存时间, 小岛种子留存时间最短, 岛屿内部比岛屿边缘有更长的种子留存时间; (3)物种和岛屿大小对种子原地取食率存在交互作用, 白栎(Quercus fabri)种子在大岛上有更高的原地取食率; (4)种子在小岛上有最高的扩散率, 分散贮食动物相对多度对种子扩散后贮藏率有负效应。表明在千岛湖地区, 生境片段化改变了种子捕食和扩散模式, 且面积效应对不同物种的种子捕食和扩散模式产生了不同作用, 从而影响森林群落更新和生物多样性维持。  相似文献   

Pollination by nectarivorous birds is predicted to result in different patterns of pollen dispersal and plant mating compared to pollination by insects. We tested the prediction that paternal genetic diversity, outcrossing rate and realized pollen dispersal will be reduced when the primary pollinator group is excluded from bird‐pollinated plants. Pollinator exclusion experiments in conjunction with paternity analysis of progeny were applied to Eucalyptus caesia Benth. (Myrtaceae), a predominantly honeyeater‐pollinated tree that is visited by native insects and the introduced Apis mellifera (Apidae). Microsatellite genotyping at 14 loci of all adult E. caesia at two populations (n = 580 and 315), followed by paternity analysis of 705 progeny, revealed contrasting results between populations. Honeyeater exclusion did not significantly impact pollen dispersal or plant mating at Mount Caroline. In contrast, at the Chiddarcooping site, the exclusion of honeyeaters led to lower outcrossing rates, a threefold reduction in the average number of sires per fruit, a decrease in intermediate‐distance mating and an increase in near‐neighbour mating. The results from Chiddarcooping suggest that bird pollination may increase paternal genetic diversity, potentially leading to higher fitness of progeny and favouring the evolution of this strategy. However, further experimentation involving additional trees and study sites is required to test this hypothesis. Alternatively, insects may be effective pollinators in some populations of bird‐adapted plants, but ineffective in others.  相似文献   

Volumetric data on airborne pollen have been gathered for two consecutive years at a neotropical location (Caracas). Among the 65 taxa which were identified, pollen from aCupressus species (introduced) and from aCecropia species (indigenous) were dominant. Less numerous but also abundant (daily averages ≥5 grains/m3 air) were pollen from Gramineae, Urticaceae,Alcalypha, Pinus, Piperaceae andMimosa. Pollen grains were recorded daily throughout the year. They increased in numbers during April–May and again during November–December. The first peak was contributed mainly by indigenous species, the second peak mainly by introduced species.  相似文献   

The number of sires fertilizing a given dam is a key parameter of the mating system in species with spatially restricted offspring dispersal, since genetic relatedness among maternal sibs determines the intensity of sib competition. In flowering plants, the extent of multiple paternity is determined by factors such as floral biology, properties of the pollen vector, selfing rate, spatial organization of the population, and genetic compatibility between neighbours. To assess the extent of multiple paternity and identify ecological factors involved, we performed a detailed study of mating patterns in a small population of a self-incompatible clonal herb, Arabidopsis halleri . We mapped and genotyped 364 individuals and 256 of their offspring at 12 microsatellite loci and jointly analysed the level of multiple paternity, pollen and seed dispersal, and spatial genetic structure. We found very low levels of correlated paternity among sibs ( P full-sib = 3.8%) indicating high multiple paternity. Our estimate of the outcrossing rate was 98.7%, suggesting functional self-incompatibility. The pollen dispersal distribution was significantly restricted (mean effective pollen dispersal distance: 4.42 m) but long-distance successful pollination occurred and immigrating pollen was at most 10% of all pollination events. Patterns of genetic structure indicated little extent of clonal reproduction, and a low but significant spatial genetic structure typical for a self-incompatible species. Overall, in spite of restricted pollen dispersal, the multiple paternity in this self-incompatible species was very high, a result that we interpret as a consequence of high plant density and high pollinator service in this population.  相似文献   

Mating patterns in heterodichogamous species are generally considered to be disassortative between flowering morphs, but this hypothesis has hitherto not been vigorously tested. Here, mating patterns and pollen dispersal were studied in Juglans mandshurica, a heterodichogamous wind-pollinated species that is widely distributed in northern and north-eastern China. Paternity analyses carried out on 11 microsatellite loci were used to estimate morph-specific rates of outcrossing and disassortative mating. Pollen dispersal and genetic structure were also investigated in the population under study. The mating pattern of J. mandshurica was highly outcrossing and disassortative. Pairwise values of intramorph relatedness were much higher than those of intermorph relatedness, and a low level of biparental inbreeding was detected. There was no significant difference in outcrossing and disassortative mating rates between the two morphs. The effective pollen dispersal distribution showed an excess of near-neighbor matings, and most offspring of individual trees were sired by one or two nearby trees. These results corroborate the previous suggestion that mating in heterodichogamous plant species is mainly disassortative between morphs, which not only prevents selfing but also effectively reduces intramorph inbreeding.  相似文献   

Conifers are among the most genetically diverse plants but show the lowest levels of genetic differentiation, even among geographically distant populations. High gene flow among populations may be one of the most important factors in maintaining these genetic patterns. Here, we provide empirical evidence for extensive pollen-mediated gene dispersal between natural stands of a widespread northern temperate/boreal conifer, Picea glauca. We used 6 polymorphic allozyme loci to quantify the proportion of seeds sired by pollen originating from different sources in a landscape fragmented by agriculture in North Central Ontario, Canada. In 7 stands, a small proportion of seeds were sired by self-pollen or neighboring trees but 87.1% (+/-1.7% standard error [SE]) of seeds were sired by pollen from at least 250 to 3000 m away. In 4 single isolated trees, self-fertilization rates were low and more than 96% (+/-1.3% SE) of seeds were sired by immigrant pollen. The average minimum pollen dispersal distance in outcrossed matings was 619 m. These results provide strong evidence that extensive long-distance pollen dispersal plays a primary role in maintaining low genetic differentiation among natural populations of P. glauca and helps maintain genetic diversity and minimize inbreeding in small stands in a fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract Estimating the frequency of long-distance pollination is important in cultivated species, particularly to assess the risk of gene transfer following the release of genetically modified crops. For this purpose, we estimated the diversity and origin of fertilizing pollen in a 10 x 10 km French oilseed rape production area. First, the cultivar grown in each field was identified through surveys to farmers and using microsatellite markers. Examination of the seed set in fields indicated high rates of seed contamination (8.7%) and pollination from other sources (5%). Then, male-sterile plants were scattered over the study area and their seed genotyped using the same markers. Most pollination was local: 65% of the seeds had a compatible sire in the closest field, i.e. at 50 or 300 m depending on site, but the nearest compatible field was found more than 1000 m away for 13% of the seeds. To assess the diversity of fertilizing pollen, each seed was assigned to the nearest putative siring cultivar. The observed diversity of pollen was then compared to that predicted by simulations using three empirical dispersal models with increasing proportion of long-distance pollination. The diversity was sensitive to the dispersal kernel used in the simulations, fatter-tailed functions predicting higher diversities. The dispersal kernel that was more consistent with our data predicted more long-distance dispersal than the exponential function.  相似文献   

苏敏 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3265-3269
景观破碎化和扩散是空间种群模型的重要因素,对生物入侵存在着深远的影响。本章将基于偶对近似模型,探讨由局部和全局宿主-寄生相互作用共同决定的扩散模式对破坏性景观上疾病入侵与传播的影响。其中,生境破坏由生境丧失量与生境破碎化程度来描述。模拟结果显示,宿主和病毒的全局扩散对疾病的入侵与种群密度产生不对称效应:病毒的全局扩散对系统产生的影响较宿主的全局扩散更为显著。不同扩散模式下,生境丧失越高或破碎化程度越低,均将越有害于寄生病毒的入侵;同时,生境的破坏程度也显著地影响了入侵阈值对扩散模式的响应机制。本文研究结果暗示,景观破碎化的空间分布格局以及病毒扩散的限制均可作为物种保护与管理中有效的疾病控制策略。该研究结果在一定意义上丰富和发展了寄生感染理论,为物种保护提供了生态学理论依据。  相似文献   

Fragmentation is generally considered to have negative impacts on widespread outbreedersbut impacts on gene flow and diversity in patchy, naturally rare, self-compatible plantspecies remain unclear. We investigated diversity, gene flow and contemporarypollen-mediated gene immigration in the rare, narrowly distributed endemic shrubCalothamnus quadrifidus ssp. teretifolius. This taxon occurs in aninternationally recognized biodiversity hotspot subjected to recent human-inducedfragmentation and the condition of the remnants ranges from intact to highly degraded.Using microsatellites, we found that inbreeding, historically low gene flow andsignificant population differentiation have characterized the genetic system of C.quadrifidus ssp. teretifolius. Inbreeding arises from self-pollination, asmall amount of biparental inbreeding and significant correlation of outcross paternitybut fecundity was high suggesting populations might have purged their lethals. Paternityanalyses show that pollinators can move pollen over degraded and intact habitat butpopulations in both intact and degraded remnants had few pollen parents per seed parentand low pollen immigration. Genetic diversity did not differ significantly between intactand degraded remnants but there were signs of genetic bottlenecks and reduced diversity insome degraded remnants. Overall, our study suggests human-induced fragmentation has notsignificantly changed the mating system, or pollen immigration to, remnant populations andtherefore genetic connectivity need not be the highest conservation priority. Rather, forrare species adapted to higher levels of inbreeding, conservation efforts may be bestdirected to managing intact habitats and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

C. M. HERRERA 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(22):4533-4535
In two studies on mating patterns and spatial components of pollen and seed dispersal of Prunus mahaleb based on parentage analysis, García et al. (2005, 2007) depicted their 196 focal trees as a spatially isolated population where all reproductive trees had been genotyped. Additional distributional data for P. mahaleb trees in their study area, however, revealed that García and colleagues’ depiction of their study system bears little resemblance to reality. The trees these authors studied did not form a discrete, geographically isolated population. Around 300 ungenotyped reproductive trees occurred within the 1.5‐km distributional gap to the nearest population proclaimed by García and colleagues. Since exhaustive sampling of potential parental genotypes is essential in parentage analyses, the occurrence of a large number of ungenotyped trees in the immediate neighbourhood of focal trees can severely affect the main conclusions of García et al. (2005, 2007) as well as of several related publications on gene dispersal and mating patterns of P. mahaleb conducted on the same trees and relying on the same false premises of spatial isolation and exhaustive sampling.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Understanding patterns of pollen dispersal and variation in mating systems provides insights into the evolutionary potential of plant species and how historically rare species with small disjunct populations persist over long time frames. This study aims to quantify the role of pollen dispersal and the mating system in maintaining contemporary levels of connectivity and facilitating persistence of small populations of the historically rare Acacia woodmaniorum.


Progeny arrays of A. woodmaniorum were genotyped with nine polymorphic microsatellite markers. A low number of fathers contributed to seed within single pods; therefore, sampling to remove bias of correlated paternity was implemented for further analysis. Pollen immigration and mating system parameters were then assessed in eight populations of varying size and degree of isolation.

Key Results

Pollen immigration into small disjunct populations was extensive (mean minimum estimate 40 % and mean maximum estimate 57 % of progeny) and dispersal occurred over large distances (≤1870m). Pollen immigration resulted in large effective population sizes and was sufficient to ensure adaptive and inbreeding connectivity in small disjunct populations. High outcrossing (mean tm = 0·975) and a lack of apparent inbreeding suggested that a self-incompatibility mechanism is operating. Population parameters, including size and degree of geographic disjunction, were not useful predictors of pollen dispersal or components of the mating system.


Extensive long-distance pollen dispersal and a highly outcrossed mating system are likely to play a key role in maintaining genetic diversity and limiting negative genetic effects of inbreeding and drift in small disjunct populations of A. woodmaniorum. It is proposed that maintenance of genetic connectivity through habitat and pollinator conservation will be a key factor in the persistence of this and other historically rare species with similar extensive long-distance pollen dispersal and highly outcrossed mating systems.  相似文献   

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