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The nuclear poly(A)-binding protein (PABPN1) is involved in the synthesis of the mRNA poly(A) tails in most eukaryotes. We report that the protein contains two RNA binding domains, a ribonucleoprotein-type RNA binding domain (RNP domain) located approximately in the middle of the protein sequence and an arginine-rich C-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain also promotes self-association of PABPN1 and moderately cooperative binding to RNA. Whereas the isolated RNP domain binds specifically to poly(A), the isolated C-terminal domain binds non-specifically to RNA and other polyanions. Despite this nonspecific RNA binding by the C-terminal domain, selection experiments show that adenosine residues throughout the entire minimal binding site of approximately 11 nucleotides are recognized specifically. UV-induced cross-links with oligo(A) carrying photoactivatable nucleotides at different positions all map to the RNP domain, suggesting that most or all of the base-specific contacts are made by the RNP domain, whereas the C-terminal domain may contribute nonspecific contacts, conceivably to the same nucleotides. Asymmetric dimethylation of 13 arginine residues in the C-terminal domain has no detectable influence on the interaction of the protein with RNA. The N-terminal domain of PABPN1 is not required for RNA binding but is essential for the stimulation of poly(A) polymerase.  相似文献   

The PABP [poly(A)-binding protein] is able to interact with the 3' poly(A) tail of eukaryotic mRNA, promoting its translation. Cleavage of PABP by viral proteases encoded by several picornaviruses and caliciviruses plays a role in the abrogation of cellular protein synthesis. We report that infection of MT-2 cells with HIV-1 leads to efficient proteolysis of PABP. Analysis of PABP integrity was carried out in BHK-21 (baby-hamster kidney) and COS-7 cells upon individual expression of the protease from several members of the Retroviridae family, e.g. MoMLV (Moloney murine leukaemia virus), MMTV (mouse mammary tumour virus), HTLV-I (human T-cell leukaemia virus type I), SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus), HIV-1 and HIV-2. Moreover, protease activity against PABP was tested in a HeLa-cell-free system. Only MMTV, HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases were able to cleave PABP in the absence of other viral proteins. Purified HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases cleave PABP1 directly at positions 237 and 477, separating the two first RNA-recognition motifs from the C-terminal domain of PABP. An additional cleavage site located at position 410 was detected for HIV-2 protease. These findings indicate that some retroviruses may share with picornaviruses and caliciviruses the capacity to proteolyse PABP.  相似文献   

When bound to the 3′ poly(A) tail of mRNA, poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) modulates mRNA translation and stability through its association with various proteins. By visualizing individual PABP molecules in real time, we found that PABP, containing four RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), adopts a conformation on poly(A) binding in which RRM1 is in proximity to RRM4. This conformational change is due to the bending of the region between RRM2 and RRM3. PABP-interacting protein 2 actively disrupts the bent structure of PABP to the extended structure, resulting in the inhibition of PABP-poly(A) binding. These results suggest that the changes in the configuration of PABP induced by interactions with various effector molecules, such as poly(A) and PABP-interacting protein 2, play pivotal roles in its function.  相似文献   

Autoregulation of poly(A)-binding protein synthesis in vitro.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The poly(A)-binding protein (PABP), in a complex with the 3'poly(A) tail of eukaryotic mRNAs, plays important roles in the control of translation and message stability. All known examples of PABP mRNAs contain an extensive A-rich sequence in their 5' untranslated regions. Studies in mammalian cells undergoing growth stimulation or terminal differentiation indicate that PABP expression is regulated at the translational level. Here we examine the hypothesis that synthesis of the PABP is autogenously controlled. We show that the endogenous inactive PABP mRNA in rabbit reticulocytes can be specifically stimulated by addition of low concentrations of poly(A) and that this stimulation is also observed with in vitro transcribed human PABP mRNA. By deleting the A-rich region from the leader of human PABP mRNA and adding it upstream of the initiator AUG in a reporter mRNA we show that the adenylate tract is sufficient and necessary for mRNA repression and poly(A)-mediated activation in the reticulocyte cell-free system. UV cross-linking experiments demonstrate that the leader adenylate tract binds PABP. Furthermore, addition of recombinant GST-PABP to the cell-free system represses translation of mRNAs containing the A-rich sequence in their 5'UTR, but has no effect on control mRNA. We thus conclude that in vitro PABP binding to the A-rich sequence in the 5' UTR of PABP mRNA represses its own synthesis.  相似文献   

Translational efficiency of a minor group of mRNAs is regulated by serum levels in 3T6 fibroblasts. Included within this group is the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) mRNA. We analyzed the distribution of PABP mRNA in polysome profiles and found a large percentage of this mRNA to be translationally repressed in both actively growing (approximately 60%) and resting cells (approximately 70%). Elevated serum levels induced a distinct bimodal distribution of this mRNA between actively translated and repressed fractions. Similarly, treatment of cells with low doses of cycloheximide also generated a partial shift of repressed PABP mRNA into the actively translated fraction. In an attempt to characterize the factors which regulate PABP mRNA translation we have identified the proteins which bind to this mRNA in vitro. Sequences within the 5' untranslated region were found to be sufficient for binding of all proteins to this mRNA. We suggest that this region and the proteins associated with it may be essential for translation control of PABP mRNA.  相似文献   

The poly(A) tail shortening in mRNA, called deadenylation, is the first rate-limiting step in eukaryotic mRNA turnover, and the polyadenylate-binding protein (PABP) appears to be involved in the regulation of this step. However, the precise role of PABP remains largely unknown in higher eukaryotes. Here we identified and characterized a human PABP-dependent poly(A) nuclease (hPAN) complex consisting of catalytic hPan2 and regulatory hPan3 subunits. hPan2 has intrinsically a 3' to 5' exoribonuclease activity and requires Mg2+ for the enzyme activity. On the other hand, hPan3 interacts with PABP to simulate hPan2 nuclease activity. Interestingly, the hPAN nuclease complex has a higher substrate specificity to poly(A) RNA upon its association with PABP. Consistent with the roles of hPan2 and hPan3 in mRNA decay, the two subunits exhibit cytoplasmic co-localization. Thus, the human PAN complex is a poly(A)-specific exoribonuclease that is stimulated by PABP in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Vasopressin (VP) mRNA and the non-coding BC200 RNA are sorted to neuronal dendrites. Among proteins interacting specifically with both RNAs is the multifunctional poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) consisting of four RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a C-terminal auxiliary domain. The protein/RNA interaction studies presented here reveal that PABPs association with VP- and BC200 RNA is exclusively mediated by RRMs 3+4. Quantitative binding studies with PABP deletion mutants demonstrate preferential binding of RRMs 3+4 even to poly(A)-homopolymers, while RRMs 1+2 exhibit a lower affinity for those sequences. An optimal interaction with both poly(A)- and non-poly(A) sequences is only achieved by full-size PABP.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the 73-kDa poly(A)-binding protein in protein synthesis, the effect of the addition of homo-polyribonucleotides on the translation of polyadenylated and non-adenylated mRNA was studied in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Poly(A) was found to be the most effective polynucleotide in inhibiting duck-globin mRNA translation, whereas it had no effect on the translation of polyribosomal duck-globin mRNP, or on the endogenous synthesis of the rabbit reticulocyte lysate. The translation of poly(A)-free mRNA was not affected by the addition of poly(A). Furthermore, we found that the inhibiting effect of poly(A) can be reversed by addition of purified poly(A)-binding protein. It is thus likely that the 73-kDa poly(A)-binding protein is an essential factor necessary for poly(A)-rich mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Human testis expresses a specific poly(A)-binding protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The poly(A)-binding protein (PAB) gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is essential for cell growth. A 66-amino acid polypeptide containing half of a repeated N-terminal domain can replace the entire protein in vivo. Neither an octapeptide sequence conserved among eucaryotic RNA-binding proteins nor the C-terminal domain of PAB is required for function in vivo. A single N-terminal domain is nearly identical to the entire protein in the number of high-affinity sites for poly(A) binding in vitro (one site with an association constant of approximately 2 X 10(7) M-1) and in the size of the binding site (12 A residues). Multiple N-terminal domains afford a mechanism of PAB transfer between poly(A) strands.  相似文献   

Two structurally different poly(A)-binding proteins (PABP) bind the poly(A) tract of mRNAs in most mammalian cells: PABPC in the cytoplasm and PABP2/PABPN1 in the nucleus. Whereas yeast orthologs of the cytoplasmic PABP are characterized, a gene product homologous to mammalian PABP2 has not been identified in yeast. We report here the identification of a homolog of PABP2 as an arginine methyltransferase 1 (RMT1)-associated protein in fission yeast. The product of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe pab2 gene encodes a nonessential nuclear protein and demonstrates specific poly(A) binding in vitro. Consistent with a functional role in poly(A) tail metabolism, mRNAs from pab2-null cells displayed hyperadenylated 3'-ends. We also show that arginine residues within the C-terminal arginine-rich domain of Pab2 are modified by RMT1-dependent methylation. Whereas the arginine methylated and unmethylated forms of Pab2 behaved similarly in terms of subcellular localization, poly(A) binding, and poly(A) tail length control; Pab2 oligomerization levels were markedly increased when Pab2 was not methylated. Significantly, Pab2 overexpression reduced growth rate, and this growth inhibitory effect was exacerbated in rmt1-null cells. Our results indicate that the main cellular function of Pab2 is in poly(A) tail length control and support a biological role for arginine methylation in the regulation of Pab2 oligomerization.  相似文献   

Poly(C)-binding proteins (CPs) are important regulators of mRNA stability and translational regulation. They recognize C-rich RNA through their triple KH (hn RNP K homology) domain structures and are thought to carry out their function though direct protection of mRNA sites as well as through interactions with other RNA-binding proteins. We report the crystallographically derived structure of the third domain of alphaCP1 to 2.1 A resolution. alphaCP1-KH3 assumes a classical type I KH domain fold with a triple-stranded beta-sheet held against a three-helix cluster in a betaalphaalphabetabetaalpha configuration. Its binding affinity to an RNA sequence from the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of androgen receptor mRNA was determined using surface plasmon resonance, giving a K(d) of 4.37 microM, which is indicative of intermediate binding. A model of alphaCP1-KH3 with poly(C)-RNA was generated by homology to a recently reported RNA-bound KH domain structure and suggests the molecular basis for oligonucleotide binding and poly(C)-RNA specificity.  相似文献   

E Wahle 《Cell》1991,66(4):759-768
Polyadenylation of mRNA precursors by poly(A) polymerase depends on a specificity factor, CPF, recognizing the polyadenylation signal AAUAAA. This paper describes an apparently novel poly(A)-binding protein that acts as a second specificity factor, mediating the recognition of the growing poly(A) tail. A transition from a slow initiation phase of polyadenylation to rapid elongation occurs when the growing tail is long enough to serve as a binding site for the poly(A)-binding protein. Elongation of an RNA carrying a tail of 10 or more adenylate residues can occur independently of CPF. A sharp decrease in the poly(A) chain growth rate after the addition of approximately 200 adenylate residues invites speculations about a role of the poly(A)-binding protein in poly(A) tail length control.  相似文献   

Poliovirus (PV) causes a rapid and drastic inhibition of host cell cap-dependent protein synthesis during infection while preferentially allowing cap-independent translation of its own genomic RNA via an internal ribosome entry site element. Inhibition of cap-dependent translation is partly mediated by cleavage of an essential translation initiation factor, eIF4GI, during PV infection. In addition to cleavage of eIF4GI, cleavage of eIF4GII and poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) has been recently proposed to contribute to complete host translation shutoff; however, the relative importance of eIF4GII and PABP cleavage has not been determined. At times when cap-dependent translation is first blocked during infection, only 25 to 35% of the total cellular PABP is cleaved; therefore, we hypothesized that the pool of PABP associated with polysomes may be preferentially targeted by viral proteases. We have investigated what cleavage products of PABP are produced in vivo and the substrate determinants for cleavage of PABP by 2A protease (2A(pro)) or 3C protease (3C(pro)). Our results show that PABP in ribosome-enriched fractions is preferentially cleaved in vitro and in vivo compared to PABP in other fractions. Furthermore, we have identified four N-terminal PABP cleavage products produced during PV infection and have shown that viral 3C protease generates three of the four cleavage products. Also, 3C(pro) is more efficient in cleaving PABP in ribosome-enriched fractions than 2A(pro) in vitro. In addition, binding of PABP to poly(A) RNA stimulates 3C(pro)-mediated cleavage and inhibits 2A(pro)-mediated cleavage. These results suggest that 3C(pro) plays a major role in processing PABP during virus infection and that the interaction of PABP with translation initiation factors, ribosomes, or poly(A) RNA may promote its cleavage by viral 2A and 3C proteases.  相似文献   

During picornavirus infection, several cellular proteins are cleaved by virus-encoded proteinases. Such cleavage events are likely to be involved in the changing dynamics during the intracellular viral life cycle, from viral translation to host shutoff to RNA replication to virion assembly. For example, it has been proposed that there is an active switch from poliovirus translation to RNA replication mediated by changes in RNA-binding protein affinities. This switch could be a mechanism for controlling template selection for translation and negative-strand viral RNA synthesis, two processes that use the same positive-strand RNA as a template but proceed in opposing directions. The cellular protein poly(rC)-binding protein (PCBP) was identified as a primary candidate for regulating such a mechanism. Among the four different isoforms of PCBP in mammalian cells, PCBP2 is required for translation initiation on picornavirus genomes with type I internal ribosome entry site elements and also for RNA replication. Through its three K-homologous (KH) domains, PCPB2 forms functional protein-protein and RNA-protein complexes with components of the viral translation and replication machinery. We have found that the isoforms PCBP1 and -2 are cleaved during the mid-to-late phase of poliovirus infection. On the basis of in vitro cleavage assays, we determined that this cleavage event was mediated by the viral proteinases 3C/3CD. The primary cleavage occurs in the linker between the KH2 and KH3 domains, resulting in truncated PCBP2 lacking the KH3 domain. This cleaved protein, termed PCBP2-DeltaKH3, is unable to function in translation but maintains its activity in viral RNA replication. We propose that through the loss of the KH3 domain, and therefore loss of its ability to function in translation, PCBP2 can mediate the switch from viral translation to RNA replication.  相似文献   

The function of poly(A)-binding protein 1 (PABP1) in poly(A)-mediated translation has been extensively characterized. Recently, Xenopus laevis oocytes and early embryos were shown to contain a novel poly(A)-binding protein, ePABP, which has not been described in other organisms. ePABP was identified as a protein that binds AU-rich sequences and prevents shortening of poly(A) tails. Here, we show that ePABP is also expressed in X. laevis testis, suggesting a more general role for ePABP in gametogenesis. We find that ePABP is conserved throughout vertebrates and that mouse and X. laevis cells have similar tissue-specific ePABP expression patterns. Furthermore, we directly assess the role of ePABP in translation. We show that ePABP is associated with polysomes and can activate the translation of reporter mRNAs in vivo. Despite its relative divergence from PABP1, we find that ePABP has similar functional domains and can bind to several PABP1 partners, suggesting that they may use similar mechanisms to activate translation. In addition, we find that PABP1 and ePABP can interact, suggesting that these proteins may be bound simultaneously to the same mRNA. Finally, we show that the activity of both PABP1 and ePABP increases during oocyte maturation, when many mRNAs undergo polyadenylation.  相似文献   

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