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Direct underwater observation of micro‐habitat use by 1838 young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar [mean LT 7·9 ± 3.1(s.d.) cm, range 3·19] and 1227 brown trout Salmo trutta (LT 10·9 ± 5·0 cm, range 3·56) showed both species were selective in habitat use, with differences between species and fish size. Atlantic salmon and brown trout selected relatively narrow ranges for the two micro‐habitat variables snout water velocity and height above bottom, but with differences between size‐classes. The smaller fishes <7 cm held positions in slower water closer to the bottom. On a larger scale, the Atlantic salmon more often used shallower stream areas, compared with brown trout. The larger parr preferred the deeper stream areas. Atlantic salmon used higher and slightly more variable mean water velocities than brown trout. Substrata used by the two species were similar. Finer substrata, although variable, were selected at the snout position, and differences were pronounced between size‐classes. On a meso‐habitat scale, brown trout were more frequently observed in slow pool‐glide habitats, while young Atlantic salmon favoured the faster high‐gradient meso‐habitats. Small juveniles <7 cm of both species were observed most frequently in riffle‐chute habitats. Atlantic salmon and brown trout segregated with respect to use of habitat, but considerable niche overlap between species indicated competitive interactions. In particular, for small fishes <7 cm of the two species, there was almost complete niche overlap for use of water depth, while they segregated with respect to water velocity. Habitat suitability indices developed for both species for mean water velocity and water depth, tended to have their optimum at lower values compared with previous studies in larger streams, with Atlantic salmon parr in the small streams occupying the same habitat as favoured by brown trout in larger streams. The data indicate both species may be flexible in their habitat selection depending on habitat availability. Species‐specific habitat overlap between streams may be complete. However, between‐species habitat partitioning remains similar.  相似文献   

The role of competition in a lacustrine community of two salmonid species, cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki and Dolly Varden char Salvelinus malma , was studied in three coastal British Columbia lakes Habitat use by the species alone (allopatric) and in coexistence with each other (sympatric) was investigated by gill netting at 0-40 m depth contours (surface to bottom) so that several habitats (littoral, epipelagic. pelagic, epibenthic) were sampled From June to October, trout used mainly littoral and epipelagic habitats in sympatry and allopatry Char used all habitats in allopatry. and deep habitats (pelagic, epibenthic) not frequented by trout in sympatry The two species were thus spatially segregated with depth in sympatry Diel (day, night) and seasonal changes (spring, summer, autumn) in habitat use were not pronounced The shift in habitat use by experimentally allopatric char but not trout suggests that the effects of competition between sympatric trout and char for habitat resources are greater on the char  相似文献   

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have been widely introduced outside their respective ranges within North America causing declines and displacement of native trout. Yet, successful coexistence of native and non-native trout has received little attention. Here we evaluated the effect of introduced brook trout on the size and density of native redband trout in two invaded sub-basins in southeastern Oregon. In a multi-year study, we investigated whether habitat and fish communities differed between streams and stream reaches where redband trout were allopatric versus where redband trout were sympatric with brook trout. We hypothesized that redband trout would be less dense and have smaller total length in sympatry with brook trout than in allopatry, but that total trout density would not differ. We investigated whether differences in habitat existed between sympatric and allopatric locations that would indicate differentiation in site level habitat preferences for each trout species. We found that sympatric locations had more wood but similar fish community structure. Mean length and densities of redband trout were higher at allopatric locations. However, in most years at sympatric locations total trout density was twice that of allopatric redband trout sites. Using comparable data from an eastern United States system where brook trout are native, sympatric sites had lower densities of brook trout; however, total trout density did not differ. We conclude that invading trout negatively impact native trout densities; but in southeastern Oregon system the negative impact is minimized.  相似文献   

Summer habitat use by sympatric Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta was studied by two methods, direct underwater observation and electrofishing, across a range of habitats in two sub-arctic rivers. More Arctic charr and fewer Atlantic salmon parr were observed by electrofishing in comparison to direct underwater observation, perhaps suggesting a more cryptic behaviour by Arctic charr. The three species segregated in habitat use. Arctic charr, as found by direct underwater observation, most frequently used slow (mean ±s .d . water velocity 7·2 ± 16·6 cm s−1) or often stillwater and deep habitats (mean ±s .d . depth 170·1 ± 72·1 cm). The most frequently used mesohabitat type was a pool. Young Atlantic salmon favoured the faster flowing areas (mean ±s .d . water velocity 44·0 ± 16·8 cm s−1 and depth 57·1 ± 19·0 cm), while brown trout occupied intermediate habitats (mean ±s .d . water velocity 33·1 ± 18·6 cm s−1 and depth 50·2 ± 18·0 cm). Niche overlap was considerable. The Arctic charr observed were on average larger (total length) than Atlantic salmon and brown trout (mean ±s .d . 21·9 ± 8·0, 10·2 ± 3·1 and 13·4 ± 4·5 cm). Similar habitat segregation between Atlantic salmon and brown trout was found by electrofishing, but more fishes were observed in shallower habitats. Electrofishing suggested that Arctic charr occupied habitats similar to brown trout. These results, however, are biased because electrofishing was inefficient in the slow-deep habitat favoured by Arctic charr. Habitat use changed between day and night in a similar way for all three species. At night, fishes held positions closer to the bottom than in the day and were more often observed in shallower stream areas mostly with lower water velocities and finer substrata. The observed habitat segregation is probably the result of interference competition, but the influence of innate selective differences needs more study.  相似文献   

Quantification of reach-based microhabitat availability for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), considering their microhabitat requirements in two low-gradient streams, northern Japan, was attempted to test for habitat space limitation of local trout density. Underwater observations revealed that fish selected microhabitats of moderate current velocity, relatively greater depth and shorter distance to overhead cover in both streams, although habitat features used and available differed slightly between the streams. Habitat space for fish potentially available in the channel environment was evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA) of both available and used microhabitat. A close relationship was evident in both streams between reach-based microhabitat availability and fish density, which was assessed by a three-pass removal method. Direct estimates of fish microhabitat availability using PCA can contribute to accurate predictions of local fish density and provide insight into the mechanisms responsible for fish–habitat relationships in streams.  相似文献   

Direct counts of fish obtained by night spotlighting were compared with species composition and population estimates obtained from three-pass electrofishing obtained across 29 sites along small clear streams in the Otago region of New Zealand. The influence of habitat variables on the relative efficiency of each method was also examined. The same seven species of fishes were identified by both methods. Juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta were the only species present in sufficient numbers to allow comparison of abundance estimates using the two methods. A total of 777 brown trout were counted by spotlight and 803 brown trout were caught using electrofishing. Estimates of abundance obtained by spotlighting reflected population estimates obtained by three-pass electrofishing across most habitats. Electrofishing produced higher population estimates relative to spotlighting in fast-flowing turbulent riffle habitats, whereas counts obtained by spotlighting tended to be higher relative to electrofishing in slow-flowing pool habitats. The results suggest that spotlighting is an effective method for assessing fish composition and brown trout abundance in small clear water streams, although the extremes of water velocity may influence efficiency of both spotlighting and electrofishing.  相似文献   

Selection on Arctic charr generated by competition from brown trout   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We experimentally explored population‐ and individual‐level effects on Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) resulting from resource competition with its common European competitor, the brown trout (Salmo trutta). At the population level, we compared performance of the two species in their natural sympatric state with that of Arctic charr in allopatry. At the individual level, we established selection gradients for morphological traits of Arctic charr in allopatric and in sympatric conditions. We found evidence for interspecific competition likely by interference at the population level when comparing differences in average performance between treatments. The growth and feeding rates did not differ significantly between allopatric and sympatric Arctic charr despite lower charr densities (substitutive design) in sympatric enclosures indicating that inter‐ and intraspecific competition are of similar strength. The two species showed distinct niche segregation in sympatry, and brown trout grew faster than Arctic charr. Arctic charr did not expand their niche in allopatry, indicating that the two species compete to a limited degree for the same resources and that interference may suppress the growth of charr in sympatric enclosures. At the individual level, however, we found directional selection in sympatric enclosures against individual Arctic charr with large head and long fins and against individuals feeding on zoobenthos rather than zooplankton indicating competition for common resources (possibly exploitative) between trout and these charr individuals. In allopatric enclosures these relations were not significant. Diets were correlated to the morphology supporting selection against the benthic‐feeding type, i.e. individuals with morphology and feeding behaviour most similar to their competitor, the benthic feeding brown trout. Thus, this study lends support to the hypothesis that Arctic charr have evolved in competition with brown trout, and through ecological character displacement adapted to their present niche.  相似文献   

Synopsis The hypothesis that Sacramento suckers, Catostomus occidentalis, compete with rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, for space in streams was examined by measuring microhabitat utilization of both species in three California streams. Two streams were similar in most respects except one contained only trout and one contained trout and a large population of suckers. The third stream, formed by the union of the first two, contained trout and a small population of suckers. The species overlapped in five of the six microhabitat variables measured: maximum depth, mean water column velocity, focal point velocity, surface water velocity, and substrate type. However, the species had strong vertical segregation; there was little overlap between species in focal point depth. Mean focal point velocities were also significantly different. Suckers roamed over and generally remained in contact with the bottom while trout held position in the water column. Microhabitat utilization by trout in the stream without suckers was similar to in the stream with a higher sucker density. Differences in microhabitat utilization by trout between the third stream and the other two was attributed to the larger size of the third stream. Both sucker and trout showed a similar within-species segregation of size classes - fish under 50 mm in length sought shallow water. Size-specific trends indicated ontogenic shifts in resource utilization which reduced overlap within species. These results suggest that competition for space between trout and suckers was not a major factor regulating microhabitat utilization of trout, although the possibility that larger suckers may displace small trout needs further study.  相似文献   

Huge efforts have been made during the past decades to improve the water quality and to restore the physical habitat of rivers and streams in western Europe. This has led to an improvement in biological water quality and an increase in fish stocks in many countries. However, several rheophilic fish species such as brown trout are still categorized as vulnerable in lowland streams in Flanders (Belgium). In order to support cost‐efficient restoration programs, habitat suitability modeling can be used. In this study, we developed an ensemble of habitat suitability models using metaheuristic algorithms to explore the importance of a large number of environmental variables, including chemical, physical, and hydromorphological characteristics to determine the suitable habitat for reintroduction of brown trout in the Zwalm River basin (Flanders, Belgium), which is included in the Habitats Directive. Mean stream velocity, water temperature, hiding opportunities, and presence of pools or riffles were identified as the most important variables determining the habitat suitability. Brown trout mainly preferred streams with a relatively high mean reach stream velocity (0.2–1 m/s), a low water temperature (7–15°C), and the presence of pools. The ensemble of models indicated that most of the tributaries and headwaters were suitable for the species. Synthesis and applications. Our results indicate that this modeling approach can be used to support river management, not only for brown trout but also for other species in similar geographical regions. Specifically for the Zwalm River basin, future restoration of the physical habitat, removal of the remaining migration barriers and the development of suitable spawning grounds could promote the successful restoration of brown trout.  相似文献   

Seasonal microhabitat selection by sympatric young Atlantic salmon and brown trout was studied by diving. Both species, especially Atlantic salmon, showed seasonal variation with respect to surface and mean water velocities and depth. This variation is partly attributed to varying water flows and water temperatures. In winter the fish sought shelter in the substratum. A spatial variation in habitat use along the river due to different habitat availabilities was observed. Both species occupied habitats within the ranges of the microhabitat variables, rather than selecting narrow optima. It is hypothesized that the genetic basis allows a certain range to the behavioural response. Microhabitat segregation between the two species was pronounced, with brown trout inhabiting the more slow-flowing and partly more shallow stream areas. Atlantic salmon tolerated a wider range of water velocities and depths. Habitat suitability curves were produced from both species. It is suggested that habitat suitability curves that are based on observations of fish occupancy of habitat at median or base flow may not be suitable in habitat simulation models, where available habitat is projected at substantially greater water flows.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta in a flume used cover more often and were more aggregated at low water temperatures in winter compared with summer. Cover combinations providing the most cover (overhead, visual and velocity cover) were preferred in winter whereas velocity refuges were preferred in late summer; and brown trout rarely used any of these cover structures in early summer. Flow affected cover use especially in winter, when most of the trout moved to shelters during the first high flow period. Movements by brown trout were most frequent in early summer. The much higher aggression rate in summer compared with winter decreased during the first period of high flow in both summer experiments. The results indicate seasonal changes in cover habitat and cover type preferences suggesting that habitat complexity is important, and availability of cover is particularly important during different seasons and fluctuating flow.  相似文献   

The relative effects of inter- and intra-specific competition on the distribution of stocked salmon in relation to depth and gradient were investigated in an upland stream during two summer sampling periods. The stream was divided into two areas by an impassable fish barrier, and trout were removed from the upstream section prior to 2 years of salmon stocking. A small amount of trout re-immigration to the cleared area occurred. Under sympatric conditions in the downstream section the fry of both species were significantly more abundant in shallow water, whereas the yearling and older fish tended to inhabit the deeper, slow-flowing areas. Under near allopatric conditions in the cleared section salmon fry changed their distribution to include deeper areas, with shallow, fast-flowing water becoming the least preferred habitat. This trend for a wide distribution of salmon fry over all the available habitat in the upstream section was maintained in the second year when parr were present but trout remained at very low densities. It was therefore concluded that high inter-specific competition from trout was responsible for restricting the distribution of salmon fry to shallow habitat in the control area. Intra-specific competition from older salmon apparently only affected the growth and survival of salmon fry. The regulating mechanisms involved in these inter- and intra-specific effects are discussed in terms of competition for stream resources and predation. Recommendations based on the findings are made for stocking and habitat management of salmonid waters.  相似文献   

Increasing circumstantial evidence indicates that the introduction of brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) to New Zealand has caused a widespread decline in native fish populations but few of the underlying mechanisms have been investigated. The possibility of spatial competition was investigated by comparing the microhabitat used by native Galaxias vulgaris Stokell (Family Galaxiidae) that were sympatric and allopatric with brown trout. A range of microhabitat variables was measured from random locations where G. vulgaris were present in the Shag River during the day. G. vulgaris preferred coarse substrates, using them as resting places, but showed no other microhabitat preferences. This pattern of microhabitat use did not change in the presence of brown trout although galaxiid densities were considerably lower. Experiments in in situ stream channels confirmed that competition for space does not occur during the day even at high galaxiid densities. This situation changed dramatically at night, however, with G. vulgaris spending significantly more time in slower areas when trout were present. G. vulgaris feeds on drifting invertebrates, so brown trout could affect the galaxiids deleteriously by forcing them to occupy less profitable feeding positions. Interspecific competition for space, perhaps combined with competition for food and predation by trout, could explain declines in G. vulgaris populations.  相似文献   

1. The effects of predation risk, fish density and discharge on habitat use by juvenile brown trout, Salmo trutta, in four artificial streams were studied. Each stream contained three habitats, riffles, runs and pools, the latter two each being further divided into shallow margins and deeper mid-regions. 2. The presence of northern pike, Esox Indus, caused trout to decrease use of pool midregions, where pike also occurred, and to increase use of other habitats. Increasing the number of trout caused trout to increase use of pools and the shallow margins of runs. Decreasing discharge reduced the area of the run and pool margins covered by water, thereby reducing use of these areas by trout. 3. Habitat selection indices for the different treatments were calculated. The data indicated that riffles and the mid-regions of runs were preferred habitats, whereas run margins and pools were inferior habitats used when intraspecific fish densities were high. 4. Despite density- and discharge-dependent habitat use by trout, the number of trout consumed by pike was independent of trout density and discharge. 5. The results reveal the flexibility of habitat use by trout and illustrate the potential danger of applying data on habitat use in one stream to others where habitat availability and bioric interactions may differ.  相似文献   

Based on data from Norwegian streams with sympatric populations of Atlantic salmon and brown trout, it is suggested that temporal segregation is the main mechanism segregating Atlantic salmon and brown trout during spawning. Peak spawning of trout was about 15 days earlier than that of salmon. Physical factors, such as water depth, water velocity and distance from the river banks segregate spawning sites of salmon and trout poorly. Gravel sizes of the redds of salmon and trout were significantly different, though with a considerable overlap, and mean egg depth of salmon and trout were 0.18 and 0.12 m, respectively, probably attributable to the different size of spawners of salmon and trout. None of the temporal or spatial parameters analysed segregate spawners of salmon and trout completely. Species determination of eggs and alevins from the redds showed no interspecific superimposition of redds. It is, therefore, concluded that low survival of hybrids after hatching does not explain the low frequency of hybrids observed in sympatric populations of salmon and trout.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile stocks of allopatric (upstream of barrier falls) cutthroat troutSalmo clarki and those sympatric (downstream of barrier falls) with coho salmonOncorhynchus kisutch and sculpinsCottus spp., were sampled during the late summer period of low flows in six small coastal streams in British Columbia. The objective was to obtain and compare information on pattern of habitat use and fish size distribution of these two trout types. In most instances, density (n m–2; g m–2) of cutthroat trout was considerably greater in pools and glides in the allopatric than in the sympatric stocks. The sympatric salmonids were dominated by juvenile coho salmon in pools and cutthroat trout in riffles. Sympatric cutthroat trout constituted from 7 to 45 % of the salmonids present in pools and from 50 to 90% in riffles. Glides were areas of intermediate densities for both salmonids, although coho salmon was the more abundant species in most instances. The density of sculpins was high in all three habitat types, and frequently it exceeded that of coho salmon and cutthroat trout combined. Sympatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of underyearling fish, whereas allopatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of two or more age classes with a large proportion of them living in pools. When tested in a laboratory stream both types of cutthroat trout had similar habitat preferences and agonistic behaviours, with the exception that allopatric trout made greater use of cover and defended pools more intensely than sympatric trout when the flow was increased. The results of this study provide insight of potential impact of coho salmon juvenile transplants into stream segments supporting allopatric cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

To what degree are population differences in resource use caused by competition and the occupation of adjacent positions along environmental gradients evidence of competition? Habitat use may be the result of a competitive lottery, or restricted by competition. We tested to what extent population differences in habitat use of two salmonids, cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) and Dolly Varden charr (Salvelinus malma) were influenced by interspecific competition. We hypothesized that the depth distribution of Dolly Varden charr would be affected by competition from the more littoral and surface-oriented cutthroat trout, and that the depth distribution of cutthroat trout would be little affected by competition from Dolly Varden charr. Sympatric populations of cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden charr were created by reciprocal transfers of previously allopatric populations in two experimental lakes. We found evidence of asymmetric competition, as Dolly Varden charr were displaced from littoral habitats when sympatric with cutthroat trout, whereas cutthroat trout remained unaffected by the presence of Dolly Varden charr. Evolved differences between the species, and differences between experimental lakes, also contributed to population differences in habitat use, but asymmetric competition remained as the main driver of different depth distributions in sympatry.  相似文献   

Using an artificial stream, habitat use by two sympatric native salmonids in the presence and absence of introduced salmonid species was investigated experimentally. When only native white‐spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou were sympatric, they occupied different microhabitats. In the presence of introduced brown trout Salmo trutta or rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss , however, white‐spotted charr and masu salmon were observed to use a similar habitat and interspecific competition between white‐spotted charr and masu salmon was initiated. The study suggested that the coexistence of native salmonids was negatively affected through interspecific competition between native and introduced salmonids.  相似文献   

Habitat utilization and the life history of browntrout Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were investigated in fivesympatric populations and five allopatric brown troutpopulations in Høylandet catchment, a atmosphaericlow deposition area in Mid Norway. There was asignificant inverse correlation in abundance ofepibenthic Arctic charr and brown trout in theselakes, indicating that the latter species is dominant.The largest numbers of sympatric brown trout andArctic charr were caught in epibenthic habitat. In twolakes, brown trout to some extent also occurredpelagically, while pelagic individuals of Arctic charrwere found in all five lakes. The main food items forboth epibenthic and pelagic brown trout wereterrestrial surface insects and chironomid pupae.Zooplankton was the primary food item for Arctic charrin both habitats. Although the age distribution wasvery different in the populations, neither speciesseem to suffer from recruitment failure. There was nosignificant difference in survival rates betweensympatric populations of brown trout and Arctic charr.We found a significant inverse correlation betweenepibenthic catches of brown trout and the mean weightof 4+ fish, the most abundant age group. However, ifusing weight data for three-year-old fish, no suchrelationship was found for Arctic charr. Brown troutand Arctic charr reached asymptotic lengths of197–364 mm and 259–321 mm, respectively. Both speciestypically reached sexual maturity at age 2–3, and nomaturation-induced mortality was evident. We concludethat fish populations in Høylandet lakes areregulated throughout their lifes by inter- andintraspecific competition.  相似文献   

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