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Summary The passive electrical cable properties of ocellar L-neurons were determined by applying current steps and recording the voltage transients using a two-electrode intracellular current clamp system. Morphological data were obtained following intracellular staining with Lucifer yellow.Two groups of neurons were distinguished physiologically. In the first group both the membrane time constant m and the first equalizing time constant 1 could be determined. In the second group only m was measurable. The ratio of the physiological groups was equal to the ratio of the morphological types ML:(M1 plus M2) in the median ocellar nerve. Thus the first group probably consists of ML-type L-neurons. The passive cable properties of this group were calculated by combining the physiological and morphological data. The following values were obtained: electrotonic lengthL=1.35; membrane time constant m =7.6 ms; length constant =0.22 cm; membrane resistivityR m=2.0 · 103 · cm2; membrane capacitanceC m=3.8 F · cm–2; intracellular resistivityR i=24 · cm. Evidence is presented that the membrane parameters of the other types of L-neurons have the same values. The results are discussed with special reference to transmission in the ocellar system.  相似文献   

The ocellar L-neurons of cockroach Periplaneta americana were used in the present study as model systems to investigate the pharmacological properties of the GABA receptors. To do so, a glass microelectrode was impaled into the axon of the L-neurons to record the membrane potential intracellularly and to monitor membrane response to GABA treatment and cercal stimulation by air puff. The traditional GABA and their receptor agonists were introduced through perfusion and/or iontophoresis to monitor their effects on the L-neurons. The GABA receptor antagonists were administered by perfusion to examine if the response of the L-neurons to GABA and/or cercal stimulation was changed. The results revealed that administration of GABA, muscimol and imidazole acetic acid, two GABAA agonists, produced depolarization on the L-neurons. However, treatment of 3-APS and guanidine acetic acid, another two GABAA agonists, evoked hyperpolarization on the L-neurons. Among those tested antagonists, only picrotoxin, GABAA antagonist, antagonize the depolarization induced by GABA and/or cercal stimulation. More interestingly, administration of strychnine, glycine receptor antagonist, largely attenuated the depolarization response of the L-neurons to cercal stimulation. This attenuation caused by strychnine was even stronger than that initiated by varied GABA antagonists. In addition, phaclofen, a GABAB receptor antagonist, showed no antagonistic effect. These results strongly suggest that the characteristics of GABA receptors of the ocellar L-neurons may differ from those in vertebrates. It may be more likely to be a novel GABA receptor.  相似文献   

The intracellular response of the ocellar nerve dendrite, the second order neuron in the retina of the dragonfly ocellus, has been modified by application of various drugs and a model developed to explain certain features of that response. Curare blocked the response completely. Both picrotoxin and bicuculline eliminated the "off" overshoot. Bicuculline also decreased the size of response and the sensitivity. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), however, increased the size of response. The evidence indicates the possibility that the receptor transmitter is acetylcholine and is inhibitory to the ocellar nerve dendrite whereas the feedback transmitter from the ocellar nerve dendrite may be GABA and is facilitory to receptor transmitter release. The model of synaptic feedback interaction developed to be consistent with these results has certain important features. It suggests that the feedback transmitter is released in the dark to increase input sensitivity from receptors in response to dim light. This implies that the dark potential of the ocellar nerve dendrite may be determined by a dynamic equilibrium established by synaptic interaction between it and the receptor terminals. Such a system is also well suited to signalling phasic information about changes in level of illumination over a wide range of intensities, a characteristic which appears to be a significant feature of the dragonfly median ocellar response.  相似文献   

Sun L  Han X  He S 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19477
The ON-OFF direction selective ganglion cells (DSGCs) in the mammalian retina code image motion by responding much more strongly to movement in one direction. They do so by receiving inhibitory inputs selectively from a particular sector of processes of the overlapping starburst amacrine cells, a type of retinal interneuron. The mechanisms of establishment and regulation of this selective connection are unknown. Here, we report that in the rat retina, the morphology, physiology of the ON-OFF DSGCs and the circuitry for coding motion directions develop normally with pharmacological blockade of GABAergic, cholinergic activity and/or action potentials for over two weeks from birth. With recent results demonstrating light independent formation of the retinal DS circuitry, our results strongly suggest the formation of the circuitry, i.e., the connections between the second and third order neurons in the visual system, can be genetically programmed, although emergence of direction selectivity in the visual cortex appears to require visual experience.  相似文献   

The synaptic connectivity between rod bipolar cells and GABAergic neurons in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) of the rat retina was studied using two immunocytochemical markers. Rod bipolar cells were stained with an antibody specific for protein kinase C (PKC, α isoenzyme), and GABAergic neurons were stained with an antiserum specific for glutamic-acid decarboxylase (GAD). Some amacrine cells were also labeled with the anti-PKC antiserum. All PKC-labeled amacrine cells examined showed GABA immunoreactivity, indicating that PKC-labeled amacrine cells constitute a subpopulation of GABAergic amacrine cells in the rat retina. A total of 150 ribbon synapses established by rod bipolar cells were observed in the IPL. One member of the postsynaptic dyads was always an unlabeled AII amacrine cell process, and the other belonged to an amacrine-cell process showing GAD immunoreactivity. The majority (n=92) (61.3%) of these processes made reciprocal synapses back to the axon terminals of rod bipolar cells. In addition, 78 conventional synapses onto rod bipolar axons were observed, and among them 52 (66.7%) were GAD-immunoreactive. Thus GABA provides the major inhibitory input to rod bipolar cells.  相似文献   

1.  Some units in the lateral ocellar nerves of the locust,Locusta migratoria, are influenced transsynaptically by the activity of ascending fibres in the thoracic connectives and therefore may be efferent to the afferent ocellar system.
2.  A variety of sensory inputs excite the ocellar nerve units, including illumination of the compound eyes, active and passive movement of the wings, wind stimuli to the thorax and sound.
3.  Most ocellar interneurons are influenced transsynaptically by electrical stimulation of the cervical connectives. L-neurons are depolarized and the components of their response to a rectangular light pulse are changed in amplitude. Only a few S-neurons could be examined. All of them were excited directly or indirectly.
4.  The descending ocellar interneurons (DN's) are influenced by stimulation of the contralateral connective, perhaps via efference to the ocellus or to ocellar L-cells.

This study describes regeneration of the neural retina in juvenile goldfish. The retina was destroyed with an intraocular injection of ouabain, a technique introduced by Wolburg and colleagues (Maier and Wolburg, 1979; Kurz-Isler and Wolburg, 1982). We confirmed their observation that the level of damage produced by the toxin was graded, in that neurons in the inner retinal layers were preferentially destroyed, and only in the more severely affected retinas were cells in the outer nuclear layer (i.e., photoreceptor cells) damaged. Evidence of retinal regeneration could be seen beginning about 2 weeks after the injection of ouabain. In contrast to previous studies (Maier and Wolburg, 1979), we found that regeneration took place only in those retinas in which photoreceptors had been destroyed. In cases in which the outer nuclear layer was spared, no regeneration of inner layers occurred, even after 6 months. Thymidine autoradiography was used to document the regeneration of new retinal neurons and to show that rod precursors, like other dividing cells, were not destroyed by the ouabain, but in contrast showed an increased mitotic activity. Regeneration did not proceed uniformly, but was initiated at neurogenic foci scattered across the retina. These foci consisted of clusters of dividing neuroepithelial-like cells. The evidence is consistent with the proposal that these cells were derived from rod precursors. These results imply that rod precursors are capable of a wider range of developmental fates than they normally express.  相似文献   

In the developing mammalian brain, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is thought to play an excitatory rather than an inhibitory role due to high levels of intracellular Cl(-) in immature neurons. This idea, however, has been questioned by recent studies which suggest that glucose-based artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) may be inadequate for experiments on immature and developing brains. These studies suggest that immature neurons may require alternative energy sources, such as lactate or pyruvate. Lack of these other energy sources is thought to result in artificially high intracellular Cl(-) concentrations, and therefore a more depolarized GABA receptor (GABAR) reversal potential. Since glucose metabolism can vary widely among different species, it is important to test the effects of these alternative energy sources on different experimental preparations. We tested whether pyruvate affects GABAergic transmission in isolated brains of developing wild type Xenopus tadpoles in vitro by recording the responsiveness of tectal neurons to optic nerve stimulation, and by measuring currents evoked by local GABA application in a gramicidin perforated patch configuration. We found that, in contrast with previously reported results, the reversal potential for GABAR-mediated currents does not change significantly between developmental stages 45 and 49. Partial substitution of glucose by pyruvate had only minor effects on both the GABA reversal potential, and the responsiveness of tectal neurons at stages 45 and 49. Total depletion of energy sources from the ACSF did not affect neural responsiveness. We also report a strong spatial gradient in GABA reversal potential, with immature cells adjacent to the lateral and caudal proliferative zones having more positive reversal potentials. We conclude that in this experimental preparation standard glucose-based ACSF is an appropriate extracellular media for in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy has been utilized to investigate membrane specializations in the dark-adapted retina of the ocellus of worker honeybee, Apis mellifica (Hymenoptera : Apidae).The distal segment of the photoreceptor cell is unilaterally composed of short microvilli, termed rhabdomeres. All microvilli are oriented in the same direction. Transversally fractured rhabdomerss show the typical hexagonal arrangement of the microvillar profiles. The plasma membrane limiting each microvillus, is rich in particles (4000/μm2 on the protoplasmic (P) face). Two kinds of P-face particles are seen: one type is about 4nm in diameter and the other has diameters of 8 – 10nm. Because of their size and density, these particles may mainly correspond to photopigments. Plaques of exoplasmic (E) face particles present in the glial cells sheathing the photoreceptor cells, are thought to represent gap junctions. Special differentiations of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are found in the perirhabdomeric cytoplasm closely associated with microvilli. The membranes of the ER are wound up to form large concentric bodies. These bodies may play an important role in formation of new microvilli. Furthermore, conspisuous bodies with stomata are found in the perirhabdomeric cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Photopic action of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the cat retina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of iontophoretically applied thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on cat retinal brisk-sustained(X) and brisk-transient(Y) ganglion cells were studied in the intact eye in vivo. Under photopic illumination we found a differential action of TRH on ON- and OFF-centre cells: the maintained activity and light response were suppressed in ON-centre cells and enhanced in OFF-centre cells. This was true for both brisk-sustained(X) and brisk-transient(Y) cells. In contrast, TRH did not influence the ganglion cell discharge under scotopic stimulus conditions. These results indicate that TRH acts on neurons presynaptic to ganglion cells and these neurons are only active under photopic conditions. We suggest that a possible functional role of this specific action of TRH is in light adaptation.  相似文献   

In astrocyte-enriched cultures of the rat cerebral cortex the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 provoked the breakdown of inositol phospholipids, the liberation of arachidonic acid and the release of prostaglandins E2, F2 alpha, I2 and thromboxane A2. However, agonists for receptors also coupled to inositol phospholipid metabolism in these cells failed to produce an increase in the release of both arachidonic acid and eicosanoids. Results suggest that the A23187-stimulated release of arachidonic acid and eicosanoids is caused by a phospholipase A2-mediated attack on lipids other than the inositol phospholipids. Moreover, receptors linked to inositol lipid turnover are not involved in the control of eicosanoid release from astrocytes.  相似文献   

Noradrenergic and GABAergic systems in the medial hypothalamus influence plasma glucose and may be activated during glucoprivation. Microdialysis probes were placed into the ventromedial nucleus (VMH), lateral hypothalamus (LHA), and paraventricular nucleus (PVH) of male Sprague-Dawley rats to monitor extracellular concentrations of norepinephrine (NE) and GABA. During systemic hypoglycemia, induced by insulin (1.0 U/kg), NE concentrations increased in the VMH (P < 0.05) and PVH (P = 0.06) in a bimodal fashion during the first 10 min and 20-30 min after insulin administration. In the VMH, GABA concentrations increased (P < 0.05) in a similar manner as NE. Extracellular NE concentrations in the LHA were slightly lower (P = 0.13), and GABA levels remained at baseline. The increases in NE and GABA in the VMH were absent during euglycemic clamp; however, NE in the PVH still increased, reflecting a direct response to hyperinsulinemia. On the basis of these data, we propose that the activity of noradrenergic afferents to the medial hypothalamus is increased during hypoglycemia and influences the activity of local GABAergic systems to activate appropriate physiological compensatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

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