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Most bacteriophages (phages) release their progeny through the action of holins that form lesions in the cytoplasmic membrane and lysins that degrade the bacterial peptidoglycan. Although the function of each protein is well established in phages infecting Streptococcus pneumoniae, the role—if any—of the powerful bacterial autolysin LytA in virion release is currently unknown. In this study, deletions of the bacterial and phage lysins were done in lysogenic S. pneumoniae strains, allowing the evaluation of the contribution of each lytic enzyme to phage release through the monitoring of bacterial-culture lysis and phage plaque assays. In addition, we assessed membrane integrity during phage-mediated lysis using flow cytometry to evaluate the regulatory role of holins over the lytic activities. Our data show that LytA is activated at the end of the lytic cycle and that its triggering results from holin-induced membrane permeabilization. In the absence of phage lysin, LytA is able to mediate bacterial lysis and phage release, although exclusive dependence on the autolysin results in reduced virion egress and altered kinetics that may impair phage fitness. Under normal conditions, activation of bacterial LytA, together with the phage lysin, leads to greater phage progeny release. Our findings demonstrate that S. pneumoniae phages use the ubiquitous host autolysin to accomplish an optimal phage exiting strategy.Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), a common and important human pathogen, is characterized by the high incidence of lysogeny in isolates associated with infection (34, 44). Pneumococcal bacteriophages (phages) share with the majority of bacteriophages infecting other bacterial species the “holin-lysin” system to lyse the host cell and release their progeny at the end of the lytic cycle. Genes encoding both holins and lysins (historically termed “endolysins”) are indeed found in the genomes of all known pneumococcal phages (8, 28, 31, 37). Supporting this mechanism, a lytic phenotype in the heterologous Escherichia coli system was achieved only by the simultaneous expression of the Ejh holin and the Ejl endolysin of pneumococcal phage EJ-1 (8). When these proteins were independently expressed, cellular lysis was not perceived. Similar results were shown for pneumococcal phage Cp-1, not only in E. coli, but also in the pneumococcus itself (28).Phage lysins destroy the pneumococcal peptidoglycan network due to their muralytic activity, whereas holins have been shown in S. pneumoniae to form nonspecific lesions (8), most likely upon a process of oligomerization in the cytoplasmic membrane, as observed for the E. coli phage λ (13, 14, 43). It was generally proposed that holin lesions allow access of phage lysins to the cell wall (52, 54), as the majority of phage lysins, including the pneumococcal endolysins, lack a typical N-terminal secretory signal sequence and transmembrane domains (8). However, recent evidence also highlights the possibility for a holin-independent targeting of phage lysins to the cell wall, where holin lesions seem to be crucial for the activation of the already externalized phage lysins (42, 50, 51). Regardless of the mechanism operating in S. pneumoniae to activate phage lysins, holin activity compromises membrane integrity.Pneumococcal cells present their own autolytic activity, mainly due to the presence of a powerful bacterial cell wall hydrolase, LytA (an N-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanine-amidase), responsible for bacterial lysis under certain physiological conditions (47). Although other bacterial species also encode peptidoglycan hydrolases, the extensive lysis shortly after entering stationary phase caused by LytA is a unique feature of S. pneumoniae. Interestingly, LytA is translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane to the cell wall—where it remains inactive—in spite of the absence of a canonical N-terminal sequence signal (7). In the cell wall, autolysin activities are tightly regulated by mechanisms that seem to be related to the energized state of the cell membrane. In fact, depolarizing agents are able to trigger autolysis in Bacillus subtilis (16, 17), and bacteriocin-induced depletion of membrane potential triggers autolysis of some species of the genera Lactococcus and Lactobacillus, closely related to streptococci (29). It is therefore possible that the holin-inflicted perturbations of the S. pneumoniae cytoplasmic membrane upon the induction of the lytic cycle may trigger not only the lytic activity of the phage lysin, but also that of inactive LytA located in the cell wall. Accordingly, LytA could also participate in the release of phage particles at the end of the infectious cycle, especially considering its powerful autolytic activity. Previous studies have suggested a role for the host autolytic enzyme in the release of phage progeny (11, 38), but in fact, the evidence is unclear and dubious, considering that the existence of phage-encoded lysins was unknown or very poorly understood and some of the experimental conditions used to show a role of LytA could have also affected the activity of the phage lysin (38).To clarify the possible role of the bacterial autolysin in host lysis, we used the S. pneumoniae strain SVMC28, lysogenic for the SV1 prophage (34), which contains a typical “holin-lysin” cassette, and a different host strain lysogenized with the same SV1 phage. Our results show that LytA is activated by the holin-induced membrane disruption, just like the phage endolysin. In the absence of the endolysin, LytA is capable of mediating host lysis, releasing functional phage particles able to complete their life cycle. Still, sole dependence on LytA results in an altered pattern of phage release that may reduce phage fitness. Importantly, we also show that, together with the endolysin, the concurrent LytA activation is critical for optimal phage progeny release.  相似文献   

Philip Hunter 《EMBO reports》2013,14(8):683-685
The role of the microbial fauna in our gut for health and well-being is undisputed. Now, scientists are discovering that gut viruses also play a crucial role in modulating our risk for a wide range of diseases.Research has shown that the microbiota—the population of micro-organisms inhabiting the gut—has a profound influence on health in both humans and animals. However, most studies have largely ignored the viral population of the gut—the virome—although it is much larger, both in number of organisms and in genetic diversity. This is because the virome was thought to be less important for health and immunity, as it mainly comprises bacteriophages that only affect bacteria. However, researchers are beginning to realize that the viruses present might well be important in human health, as they manipulate the microbiota, swapping genetic virulence factors among bacteria, and through interaction with the host immune system.There are two distinct categories of virus in the gut: phages, which infect bacteria, and viruses that target host cells. Although these two categories are apparently independent of each other, there is a relationship between them, as indicated by growing evidence that the microbiota as a whole, including phages, has a crucial role in protecting against bacterial and viral infections [1].The phage and bacteria populations of the gut have an intricate relationship, which raises the potential therapeutic use of phages to treat a variety of conditions caused by bacteria in the gut, especially those involving chronic inflammation. The first step, however, is to explore and analyse the phage populations in the gut in terms of diversity and number, along with their interactions with their bacterial targets. This has proven to be a major challenge, given the enormous difficulties in identifying, isolating and amplifying genetic material from the phage population.Nevertheless, researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science and Tel Aviv University in Israel have made substantial progress by indirectly identifying phages through clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) in their bacterial hosts [2]. CRISPRs function as a prokaryotic adaptive immune system against genetic invaders such as phages by recognizing foreign DNA and then silencing its expression in a manner analogous to RNA interference (RNAi) in eukaryotes. Short segments of the foreign DNA, known as spacers, are incorporated into the bacterial genome to provide the memory of past exposures to enable recognition of phage DNA.The phage and bacteria populations of the gut have an intricate relationship, which raises the potential therapeutic use of phages to treat a variety of conditions…The Israeli study reconstructed the CRISPR bacterial immune system in the human gut microbiomes of 124 European individuals, and from that identified 991 phages targeted in at least one of the individuals. Of these phages, 78% were present in at least two individuals and some turned out to be the same ones that had already been identified in Japanese and American people. This global distribution of particular phages was a surprise, given that in other ecological niches, notably seawater, where phages are highly abundant, there is great genetic diversity among the populations, even over short distances.The Israeli team further succeeded in deducing the bacterial hosts of 130 of the phages, which allowed them to study the associated phage–bacteria interactions. It turned out that a subset of the phages had developed closer associations with their host bacteria as lysogenized prophages after fusing their DNA with the bacterial chromo-some or as plasmids. Rotem Sorek, a specialist in microbial warfare at the Weizmann Institute of Science and co-author of the Israel study, commented that this behaviour allows bacteria to take advantage of the phage by incorporating and transmitting genes that provide vital functions and occasionally aid pathogenesis. “There are clear instances of phages ‘helping'' pathogenic bacteria to attack humans,” Sorek said. “The toxins of the Cholera, Diphtheria and Shigella (disenteria) are all carried by phages that are integrated into the bacterial genome.”Horizontal gene transfer among bacteria has long been known to increase the adaptability of several potentially virulent bacterial species, but it is only recently that the mechanisms involving prophages have begun to be elucidated. A significant advance was made in a Japanese study from the University of Miyazaki, inspired by the observation that many sequenced bacterial genomes contain multiple prophages carrying a wide range of genes involved in virulence, and that these often seem to contain genetic defects [3]. The team analysed a virulent strain of Escherichia coli, known as O157, which contains 18 prophages that encode various genes involved in the production of virulence factors, including two potent cytotoxins: Shiga toxins 1 and 2. Most of the prophages they identified contained multiple genetic defects, yet they seemed to be capable of transporting virulence elements between not only members of the same strain but also different E. coli strains.The conclusion from their study was that defective prophages in close proximity within E. coli cells were still capable of recombining to yield a new phage that was released from the cell and could infect other cells nearby in the gut. It seems that these defective prophages were not just evolutionary leftovers, but were important components of the bacterial genome, conferring additional adaptive flexibility through horizontal gene transfer. Many other bacteria contain multiple prophages with genetic defects, so it is probable that this mechanism is not confined to E. coli.Other studies have focused on the composition of phage virus populations outside bacteria in the gut, as part of initiatives to compare and contrast the virome and bacteriome in response to individual genetic variation and environmental factors such as diet. One might imagine that phage and bacteria populations should be closely correlated, but it turns out that there are significant differences in the level of variation between individuals, as well as over time within the same individual. A study at the Washington University School of Medicine, USA, on monozygotic twins, found that in contrast to bacteriomes, viromes tended to be unique to individuals and less varied over time in response to changes in diet or other factors. By contrast, the bacterial population changed much more with diet and was also quite similar between twins.“There are clear instances of phages ‘helping'' pathogenic bacteria to attack humans”…Given that there is a direct relationship between the bacteria of the gut and the immune system of the individual—which is not the case for phage viruses—these findings make a degree of sense. Furthermore, as noted by Jeffrey Gordon, co-author of the Washington University study, there is not a one-to-one relationship between bacteria and the phages they host: “It''s been shown in other environments that you can have several different viruses capable of infecting the same bacterial host, while the specificity of each virus is usually quite narrow, typically extending only to a few strains within a species-level phylotype,” he explained. “This leads to a greater genetic diversity in the virome. Furthermore, a viral genome is enriched for genes involved in genome replication and virion assembly. Thus, the functional composition of the virome and the microbiome are quite different.”The situation is different for non-phage viruses in the gut that have a direct relationship with the human or animal host. The main research interest here is the three-way relationship between the virus, the bacteriome and the host''s immune system. Research on this front has already led to a new understanding of the role played by the entire microbiome in immunity. Often, the microbiome provides protection against viruses, but in some cases it can encourage their propagation. This is relevant in the context of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), for example, given that the virus infects immune cells such as helper T cells, macrophages and dendritic cells, the activity and production of which in turn are related to the microbiota. An important question is whether the course of HIV and its possible development into symptomatic acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) might be encouraged by the microbiota, if it stimulates production of such immune cells. Whilst this has yet to be established for AIDS, there is evidence that it is the case in monkeys carrying the related simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), which infects at least 45 species of African primates. Unlike HIV in humans, SIV is usually non-pathogenic, as many primates evolved to coexist with the virus; but it does cause AIDS in rhesus macaque monkeys.Another Washington University School of Medicine study, this time looking at the link between viruses, the bacteriome and host immunity, began with the insight that animals developing AIDS experience immune hyperactivation, including higher levels of inflammatory chemokines, cytokines and activated T cells. This observation suggested that excessive inflammation is an important factor in progression to AIDS, presumably because it increases the number of cells vulnerable to HIV and SIV infection. The US team investigated whether there were any corresponding changes in the virome, finding that whilst it remains unchanged in uninfected animals, including rhesus macaque monkeys that had not succumbed to AIDS, its diversity increases significantly in infected macaques with full-blown AIDS [4].Often, the microbiome provides protection against viruses, but in some cases it can encourage their propagationThe team is following up by probing the relationship between enteric viruses and AIDS and how the immune system is stimulated. The animals suffer from progressive damage to their intestinal walls, which could increase the absorption of viruses that in turn stimulate the immune system, promoting replication of SIV and possibly encouraging more opportunistic viral infection, thereby creating a vicious circle. “This is one of several possible scenarios that we are actively investigating,” commented Scott Handley, lead author of the study. “What is uncertain is what is causing the damage to the intestinal wall. It could be the viruses which expand in the enteric virome during SIV infection, or some other factor, which could be immune-mediated or some other microbe or microbial product in the enteric microbiome.”Handley''s team has identified some of the viruses involved, including both common ones and some previously undiscovered. “Many of the viruses we identified have been associated with [gastrointestinal] disease in one form or another,” Handley said. “It is true that many of the viruses we identified are common; however, we identified at least 32 novel subtypes of these viruses never seen before.” He added that it remains to be established whether SIV infection encourages opportunistic infection by these viruses or not: “We don''t really have a good handle on what viruses would be considered ‘commensal'' viruses in any animal, including research primates. So whether they are already there when infection with SIV occurs, or are just more susceptible to opportunistic infection, is unclear.”Handley further commented that this work could lead to new therapeutic targets for treating HIV infection and preventing AIDS, and he is investigating whether the same expansion of the enteric virome occurs in humans infected with HIV. “In addition, we are interested to see if vaccination can reverse the enteric virome expansion,” he explained. “We would also like to better understand if the viruses we have identified were already circulating in these primates, or are succumbing to opportunistic infections.”Handley argued that his team''s work and that of others provides a compelling case for devoting more resources to studying the role of viruses in the gut, which would require further advances in laboratory and analytical techniques. “One challenge with studying the viral members of a microbiome is that there are no well-defined marker sequences,” he said. “Therefore, we are largely dependent on random shotgun sequencing approaches, which are less efficient and more expensive. Not only do you have to gather much more data, the computational analysis required is much more complex than the well-established techniques developed for studying the bacterial microbiome. While we know there is a great deal of interest in studying the virome, current techniques and technology tend to limit the number of labs that can participate in these efforts. We are very interested in developing new tools and techniques to help alleviate this issue.”An important question is whether the course of HIV […] might be encouraged by the microbiota, if it stimulates production of such immune cellsWork undertaken so far has already shown that probiotic or prebiotic treatments that provide or encourage beneficial gut bacteria can benefit patients infected with HIV. Improvements in intestinal health could reduce the leakage of all antigens, including viral ones, through the intestinal wall. More generally, a better understanding of how phages, viruses and bacteria in the gut interact could lead to new therapies that manipulate the microbiome to restore intestinal health in sufferers of a variety of conditions, including those involving chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Virulent phages and their bacterial hosts represent an unusual sort of predator-prey system where each time a prey is eaten, hundreds of new predators are born. It is puzzling how, despite the apparent effectiveness of the phage predators, they manage to avoid driving their bacterial prey to extinction. Here we consider a phage-bacterial ecosystem on a two-dimensional (2-d) surface and show that homogeneous space in itself enhances coexistence. We analyze different behavioral mechanisms that can facilitate coexistence in a spatial environment. For example, we find that when the latent times of the phage are allowed to evolve, selection favors “mediocre killers,” since voracious phage rapidly deplete local resources and go extinct. Our model system thus emphasizes the differences between short-term proliferation and long-term ecosystem sustainability.The replication strategies of phages fall into two major categories: virulent and temperate. A temperate phage has the ability to integrate its DNA into the host chromosome, where it is then replicated along with the bacterial DNA during cell division. This strategy allows the phage to slow down or completely stop exploitation of the bacteria, thus reducing the risk of driving its host to extinction. A virulent phage lacks this ability, and it is not fully understood how they manage to coexist with their bacterial prey (4, 19). Consider, for example, the highly effective T4 phage. For the sake of argument, let us assume a burst size of 100 offspring upon lysis. On average, not more than a single phage out of each burst of 100 should survive to infect another bacterium, or else the phage would rapidly outgrow the bacteria and drive them to extinction. The half-life (t1/2) of a free T4 phage particle has been measured to be approximately 10 days in LB at 37°C (6). Therefore, on average, at least t1/2 × log2(100) ≈ 2 months should pass between infections to prevent runaway phage growth—a time span that seems highly unreasonable for many of the environments where phage and bacteria interact, such as soil or biofilm. Even a more considered calculation, inserting the above half-life measurement into more realistic Lotka-Volterra-like predator-prey models (9) does not change the conclusion that T4 and other virulent phages appear to be far too effective predators for coexistence to be feasible. It is, however, an undisputed fact that virulent phages and bacteria have coexisted for eons and do so still, everywhere around us and inside us. One possible explanation for this puzzle is that bacteria constantly evolve resistance to existing phages and that the phages evolve to attack resistant bacteria in a continuous arms race. This “Red Queen” argument (23) has, however, been criticized on the grounds that the rates of evolution of phages and bacteria are not symmetric (17, 12). Recent measurements support this: in soil, phages appear to be “ahead of the bacteria in the coevolutionary arms race” (24). We therefore wish to explore mechanisms other than bacterial resistance that may promote coexistence between virulent phages and bacteria.Historically, phage-bacterial ecosystem models have ignored the issue of space, utilizing zero-dimensional approaches, such as ordinary differential equations (e.g., see references 1, 5, 13, 14, 15, and 21). However, many real phage-bacterial ecosystems are found in environments with a complex spatial structure, such as soil, biofilms, or wounds in animal and plant tissue. Schrag and Mittler (20) showed that coexistence between virulent phage and bacteria is feasible in a chemostat but not in serial cultures, due to the heterogeneous nature of the environment in the chemostat. Further, experiments done by Brockhurst et al. (3) indicate that reduced phage dispersal can prolong coexistence for virulent phage and bacteria in spatial environments by creating ephemeral refuges for the bacteria. Kerr et al. (10) introduced a simple cellular automaton to model fragmented populations of phage and bacteria in which coexistence was more easily achieved when migration was spatially restricted. Thus, the main extension to the simple predator-prey framework that we examine will be to add a spatial dimension.We construct and compare two phage-bacterial ecosystem models: one model where the phage and bacteria exist in a two-dimensional space, such as the surface of an agar gel (referred to as the “spatial model”), and the other model where the phage and bacteria are repeatedly mixed, mimicking serial cultures or a well-mixed broth (referred to as the “well-mixed model”). We show that space does indeed enhance coexistence. We then move on to explore other mechanisms that phage could incorporate into their behavior to further enhance coexistence. These can broadly be classified as “hardwired” (where every phage follows the same deterministic strategy) versus “adaptive” (where each phage potentially behaves differently, thus allowing the population to explore different options).We have chosen to look at three specific mechanisms as examples of these categories: (i) phage effectiveness would be reduced if they were unable to register whether they were infecting live, infected, or dead bacteria (a hardwired behavior); (ii) phage could prolong their latent time, concurrently increasing burst size, depending on the number of multiple infections (also a hardwired behavior, but a more “active” sort, where each phage senses and responds to information from the environment; T4 is known to use such a lysis inhibition strategy), and (iii) phage offspring could have altered latent times due to mutations in the holin genes (an adaptive behavior). We will compare each of these mechanisms in the spatial and well-mixed models to investigate whether the heterogeneity possible in a spatial environment affects the outcome.  相似文献   

Gu J  Liu X  Li Y  Han W  Lei L  Yang Y  Zhao H  Gao Y  Song J  Lu R  Sun C  Feng X 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e31698


Bacteriophage could be an alternative to conventional antibiotic therapy against multidrug-resistant bacteria. However, the emergence of resistant variants after phage treatment limited its therapeutic application.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, an approach, named “Step-by-Step” (SBS), has been established. This method takes advantage of the occurrence of phage-resistant bacteria variants and ensures that phages lytic for wild-type strain and its phage-resistant variants are selected. A phage cocktail lytic for Klebsiella pneumoniae was established by the SBS method. This phage cocktail consisted of three phages (GH-K1, GH-K2 and GH-K3) which have different but overlapping host strains. Several phage-resistant variants of Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated after different phages treatments. The virulence of these variants was much weaker [minimal lethal doses (MLD)>1.3×109 cfu/mouse] than that of wild-type K7 countpart (MLD = 2.5×103 cfu/mouse). Compared with any single phage, the phage cocktail significantly reduced the mutation frequency of Klebsiella pneumoniae and effectively rescued Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia in a murine K7 strain challenge model. The minimal protective dose (MPD) of the phage cocktail which was sufficient to protect bacteremic mice from lethal K7 infection was only 3.0×104 pfu, significantly smaller (p<0.01) than that of single monophage. Moreover, a delayed administration of this phage cocktail was still effective in protection against K7 challenge.


Our data showed that the phage cocktail was more effective in reducing bacterial mutation frequency and in the rescue of murine bacteremia than monophage suggesting that phage cocktail established by SBS method has great therapeutic potential for multidrug-resistant bacteria infection.  相似文献   



Spounavirinae viruses have received an increasing interest as tools for the control of harmful bacteria due to their relatively broad host range and strictly virulent phenotype.


In this study, we collected and analyzed the complete genome sequences of 61 published phages, either ICTV-classified or candidate members of the Spounavirinae subfamily of the Myoviridae. A set of comparative analyses identified a distinct, recently proposed Bastille-like phage group within the Spounavirinae. More importantly, type 1 thymidylate synthase (TS1) and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) genes were shown to be unique for the members of the proposed Bastille-like phage group, and are suitable as molecular markers. We also show that the members of this group encode beta-lactamase and/or sporulation-related SpoIIIE homologs, possibly questioning their suitability as biocontrol agents.


We confirm the creation of a new genus—the “Bastille-like group”—in Spounavirinae, and propose that the presence of TS1- and DHFR-encoding genes could serve as signatures for the new Bastille-like group. In addition, the presence of metallo-beta-lactamase and/or SpoIIIE homologs in all members of Bastille-like group phages makes questionable their suitability for use in biocontrol.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1757-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



A rapid worldwide increase in the number of human infections caused by the extremely antibiotic resistant bacterium Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is prompting alarm. One potential treatment solution to the current antibiotic resistance dilemma is “phage therapy”, the clinical application of bacteriophages to selectively kill bacteria.


Towards that end, phages DLP1 and DLP2 (vB_SmaS-DLP_1 and vB_SmaS-DLP_2, respectively) were isolated against S. maltophilia strain D1585. Host range analysis for each phage was conducted using 27 clinical S. maltophilia isolates and 11 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Both phages exhibit unusually broad host ranges capable of infecting bacteria across taxonomic orders. Transmission electron microscopy of the phage DLP1 and DLP2 morphology reveals that they belong to the Siphoviridae family of bacteriophages. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and complete genome sequencing and analysis indicates that phages DLP1 and DLP2 are closely related but different phages, sharing 96.7 % identity over 97.2 % of their genomes. These two phages are also related to P. aeruginosa phages vB_Pae-Kakheti_25 (PA25), PA73, and vB_PaeS_SCH_Ab26 (Ab26) and more distantly related to Burkholderia cepacia complex phage KL1, which together make up a taxonomic sub-family. Phages DLP1 and DLP2 exhibited significant differences in host ranges and growth kinetics.


The isolation and characterization of phages able to infect two completely different species of bacteria is an exciting discovery, as phages typically can only infect related bacterial species, and rarely infect bacteria across taxonomic families, let alone across taxonomic orders.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1848-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Podoviridae are double-stranded DNA bacteriophages that use short, non-contractile tails to adsorb to the host cell surface. Within the tail apparatus of P22-like phages, a dedicated fiber known as the “tail needle” likely functions as a cell envelope-penetrating device to promote ejection of viral DNA inside the host. In Sf6, a P22-like phage that infects Shigella flexneri, the tail needle presents a C-terminal globular knob. This knob, absent in phage P22 but shared in other members of the P22-like genus, represents the outermost exposed tip of the virion that contacts the host cell surface. Here, we report a crystal structure of the Sf6 tail needle knob determined at 1.0 Å resolution. The structure reveals a trimeric globular domain of the TNF fold structurally superimposable with that of the tail-less phage PRD1 spike protein P5 and the adenovirus knob, domains that in both viruses function in receptor binding. However, P22-like phages are not known to utilize a protein receptor and are thought to directly penetrate the host surface. At 1.0 Å resolution, we identified three equivalents of l-glutamic acid (l-Glu) bound to each subunit interface. Although intimately bound to the protein, l-Glu does not increase the structural stability of the trimer nor it affects its ability to self-trimerize in vitro. In analogy to P22 gp26, we suggest the tail needle of phage Sf6 is ejected through the bacterial cell envelope during infection and its C-terminal knob is threaded through peptidoglycan pores formed by glycan strands.  相似文献   

Recent metagenomic sequencing studies of uncultured viral populations have provided novel insights into the ecology of environmental bacteriophage. At the same time, viral metagenomes could also represent a potential source of recombinant proteins with biotechnological value. In order to identify such proteins, a novel two-step screening technique was devised for cloning phage lytic enzymes from uncultured viral DNA. This plasmid-based approach first involves a primary screen in which transformed Escherichia coli clones that demonstrate colony lysis following exposure to inducing agent are identified. This effect, which can be due to the expression of membrane-permeabilizing phage holins, is discerned by the development a hemolytic effect in surrounding blood agar. In a secondary step, the clones identified in the primary screen are overlaid with autoclaved Gram-negative bacteria (specifically Pseudomonas aeruginosa) to assay directly for recombinant expression of lytic enzymes, which are often encoded proximally to holins in phage genomes. As proof-of-principle, the method was applied to a viral metagenomic library constructed from mixed animal feces, and 26 actively expressed lytic enzymes were cloned. These proteins include both Gram-positive-like and Gram-negative-like enzymes, as well as several atypical lysins whose predicted structures are less common among known phage. Overall, this study represents one of the first functional screens of a viral metagenomic population, and it provides a general approach for characterizing lysins from uncultured phage.The field of metagenomics has expanded rapidly in recent years, providing access to environmental microorganisms that would remain unapproachable by standard, culture-based methods. The foundation of metagenomics lies in the direct extraction of DNA/RNA from environmental samples (e.g., soil, water, or feces) without prior isolation of individual microbial species (reviewed in references 18 and 32). It has been estimated that only a small proportion of naturally occurring microbes—approximately 1% of soil bacteria, for instance—are culturable under standard laboratory conditions (31). In this light, metagenomics has become an increasingly common tool for studying diverse ecosystems, from around the globe to within the human body.Overall, metagenomics research can be divided into two general categories: sequence-based and functional. In the former, environmental DNA is sequenced in mass and compared with genetic databases to address broad questions of ecology, taxonomy, and diversity. Some of the most extensive metagenomic studies to date have been sequence based in nature, benefiting from the development of high-throughput sequencing technologies. Notable examples include a 76-megabase study of an acid mine biofilm (33), a 1-gigabase analysis of the Sargasso Sea (35), and a 6.3-gigabase sampling of global oceanic samples (25). In functional metagenomics, by contrast, environmental genes are recombinantly expressed within a host organism, which is monitored for the acquisition of a desired phenotype. Rather than providing insight into entire ecosystems, functional studies aim to identify individual molecules with biomedical or industrial value. Targeted compounds may be either proteins (usually enzymes) encoded directly by environmental genes or small molecules synthesized by several enzymes of a gene cluster. Numerous classes of molecules have been identified to date, with particular interest in the areas of biosynthesis, biomass degradation, and antibiotic discovery (reviewed in references 2, 34, and 36).While bacteria provide the majority of DNA to most metagenomic pools, recent studies have begun focusing on subsets of total environmental populations. A prominent example is viral metagenomics, in which viral particles (predominately bacteriophage) are purified from cellular material prior to DNA extraction (reviewed in references 10 and 12). Although the yield of DNA from environmental phage isolates is generally low, PCR amplification techniques have been developed to overcome this issue (4, 26). Viral metagenomic analyses have been conducted on a growing number of samples, including ones purified from soil (15), seawater (4, 39), and human feces (3). These studies have revealed a remarkable abundance of novel sequences, supporting the notion that phage represent the largest source of untapped genetic diversity on the planet (19). Despite this wealth of information, viral metagenomic studies to date have remained predominantly sequence based in nature. In this regard, functional screens of viral metagenomes could provide a large source of recombinant molecules.Recently one class of phage-encoded protein has received particular attention from the biotechnology field: phage lytic enzymes (also referred to as endolysins or lysins) (reviewed in references 16 and 17). These peptidoglycan hydrolases are expressed late in the infective cycle of double-stranded DNA phage, and—along with a membrane-permeabilizing protein known as a holin—they are responsible for disrupting the bacterial cell envelope and freeing progeny viral particles. Despite this conserved biological function, phage lysins (especially Gram-positive ones) are a tremendously diverse group of proteins whose enzymatic specificity includes various bonds within the peptidoglycan macromolecule. They include glycosyl hydrolases that target the polysaccharide backbone (muramidases/lysozymes and glucosaminidases), alanine amidases that target the initial l-alanine of the pentapeptide stem, and endopeptidases that target subsequent peptide bonds in the stem or cross bridge. While lysins of Gram-negative phage generally consist of an enzymatic domain alone, Gram-positive lysins are modular and combine an N-terminal lytic domain with a C-terminal binding domain that can recognize various epitopes within the target cell envelope.Although researchers have known of lysins for decades, interest has increased markedly in recent years after it was proposed that they could act as novel anti-infective agents against Gram-positive pathogens, whose peptidoglycan is directly accessible from the extracellular space (8, 23, 28). A growing number of in vitro and in vivo studies have confirmed the ability of recombinantly expressed lysins to kill such organisms, and their appeal lies in both the potency and the specificity they demonstrate toward individual Gram-positive species. This enzybiotic value of phage lysins goes alongside additional proposed applications in the areas of food (11), agricultural (20), veterinary (7), and industrial science (21, 40).Considering this potential, lytic enzymes represent an intriguing functional target for viral metagenomic screens. At the same time, identifying lysins in this manner would present several distinct challenges. Aside from general concerns common to all functional screens (e.g., protein expression and solubility), metagenomic lysin identification would face the following particular issues. (i) Clonal toxicity: recombinant lysin expression is typically well tolerated by host bacteria, since the enzymes are sequestered in the cytoplasm away from the peptidoglycan layer. Holins, on the other hand, interact nonspecifically with plasma membranes and are generally toxic to an Escherichia coli host, inducing bacteriolysis from within (9). Since holins are short (∼100 residues) and are often encoded adjacent to lysins, they can lead to selective toxicity of many of the clones one hopes to identify. In a metagenomic screen, where numerous lysins are present within a single library, this effect could lead to a significant loss of positive hits. (ii) Target bacterial species: in standard phage genomic screens, lysin-encoding clones are selected by their ability to kill the host bacterium of the encoding phage, which generally demonstrates the highest sensitivity (27). In a metagenomic screen, however, numerous host species of unknown origin could be present within a sample, confounding this choice of screening agent.To address these issues, we have devised a novel functional strategy for the general cloning of lytic enzymes from uncultured phage DNA. It utilizes a plasmid-based E. coli expression system and consists of a two-step process. Following induction by arabinose, clones are first screened for holin-mediated lysis by a hemolytic effect they create in the surrounding blood agar. These initial hits are then restreaked as patches and overlaid with Gram-negative cells whose outer membranes have been permeabilized by autoclaving, serving as a general source of peptidoglycan. The clones are observed for surrounding Gram-negative clearing zones to assay directly for the recombinant production of lytic enzymes encoded adjacent to the holins. As proof-of-principle, we applied our methodology to a viral metagenomic library constructed from mixed animal feces, identifying 26 actively expressed lysins of diverse molecular architectures. The first of its kind, this study presents a general model for lysin identification through viral metagenomics, highlighting the potential of this field for cloning of proteins of biotechnological or academic value.  相似文献   

The oceanic cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus are globally important, ecologically diverse primary producers. It is thought that their viruses (phages) mediate population sizes and affect the evolutionary trajectories of their hosts. Here we present an analysis of genomes from three Prochlorococcus phages: a podovirus and two myoviruses. The morphology, overall genome features, and gene content of these phages suggest that they are quite similar to T7-like (P-SSP7) and T4-like (P-SSM2 and P-SSM4) phages. Using the existing phage taxonomic framework as a guideline, we examined genome sequences to establish “core” genes for each phage group. We found the podovirus contained 15 of 26 core T7-like genes and the two myoviruses contained 43 and 42 of 75 core T4-like genes. In addition to these core genes, each genome contains a significant number of “cyanobacterial” genes, i.e., genes with significant best BLAST hits to genes found in cyanobacteria. Some of these, we speculate, represent “signature” cyanophage genes. For example, all three phage genomes contain photosynthetic genes (psbA, hliP) that are thought to help maintain host photosynthetic activity during infection, as well as an aldolase family gene (talC) that could facilitate alternative routes of carbon metabolism during infection. The podovirus genome also contains an integrase gene (int) and other features that suggest it is capable of integrating into its host. If indeed it is, this would be unprecedented among cultured T7-like phages or marine cyanophages and would have significant evolutionary and ecological implications for phage and host. Further, both myoviruses contain phosphate-inducible genes (phoH and pstS) that are likely to be important for phage and host responses to phosphate stress, a commonly limiting nutrient in marine systems. Thus, these marine cyanophages appear to be variations of two well-known phages—T7 and T4—but contain genes that, if functional, reflect adaptations for infection of photosynthetic hosts in low-nutrient oceanic environments.  相似文献   

Imamovic L  Muniesa M 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32393


The bacteriophage life cycle has an important role in Shiga toxin (Stx) expression. The induction of Shiga toxin-encoding phages (Stx phages) increases toxin production as a result of replication of the phage genome, and phage lysis of the host cell also provides a means of Stx toxin to exit the cell. Previous studies suggested that prophage induction might also occur in the absence of SOS response, independently of RecA.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The influence of EDTA on RecA-independent Stx2 phage induction was assessed, in laboratory lysogens and in EHEC strains carrying Stx2 phages in their genome, by Real-Time PCR. RecA-independent mechanisms described for phage λ induction (RcsA and DsrA) were not involved in Stx2 phage induction. In addition, mutations in the pathway for the stress response of the bacterial envelope to EDTA did not contribute to Stx2 phage induction. The effect of EDTA on Stx phage induction is due to its chelating properties, which was also confirmed by the use of citrate, another chelating agent. Our results indicate that EDTA affects Stx2 phage induction by disruption of the bacterial outer membrane due to chelation of Mg2+. In all the conditions evaluated, the pH value had a decisive role in Stx2 phage induction.


Chelating agents, such as EDTA and citrate, induce Stx phages, which raises concerns due to their frequent use in food and pharmaceutical products. This study contributes to our understanding of the phenomenon of induction and release of Stx phages as an important factor in the pathogenicity of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and in the emergence of new pathogenic strains.  相似文献   



Bacteriophages that infect the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been classified into several groups. One of them, which includes temperate phage particles with icosahedral heads and long flexible tails, bears genomes whose architecture and replication mechanism, but not their nucleotide sequences, are like those of coliphage Mu. By comparing the genomic sequences of this group of P. aeruginosa phages one could draw conclusions about their ontogeny and evolution.


Two newly isolated Mu-like phages of P. aeruginosa are described and their genomes sequenced and compared with those available in the public data banks. The genome sequences of the two phages are similar to each other and to those of a group of P. aeruginosa transposable phages. Comparing twelve of these genomes revealed a common genomic architecture in the group. Each phage genome had numerous genes with homologues in all the other genomes and a set of variable genes specific for each genome. The first group, which comprised most of the genes with assigned functions, was named “core genome”, and the second group, containing mostly short ORFs without assigned functions was called “accessory genome”. Like in other phage groups, variable genes are confined to specific regions in the genome.


Based on the known and inferred functions for some of the variable genes of the phages analyzed here, they appear to confer selective advantages for the phage survival under particular host conditions. We speculate that phages have developed a mechanism for horizontally acquiring genes to incorporate them at specific loci in the genome that help phage adaptation to the selective pressures imposed by the host.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1146) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In recent years interest in bacteriophages in aquatic environments has increased. Electron microscopy studies have revealed high numbers of phage particles (104 to 107 particles per ml) in the marine environment. However, the ecological role of these bacteriophages is still unknown, and the role of the phages in the control of bacterioplankton by lysis and the potential for gene transfer are disputed. Even the basic questions of the genetic relationships of the phages and the diversity of phage-host systems in aquatic environments have not been answered. We investigated the diversity of 22 phage-host systems after 85 phages were collected at one station near a German island, Helgoland, located in the North Sea. The relationships among the phages were determined by electron microscopy, DNA-DNA hybridization, and host range studies. On the basis of morphology, 11 phages were assigned to the virus family Myoviridae, 7 phages were assigned to the family Siphoviridae, and 4 phages were assigned to the family Podoviridae. DNA-DNA hybridization confirmed that there was no DNA homology between phages belonging to different families. We found that the 22 marine bacteriophages belonged to 13 different species. The host bacteria were differentiated by morphological and physiological tests and by 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing. All of the bacteria were gram negative, facultatively anaerobic, motile, and coccoid. The 16S rRNA sequences of the bacteria exhibited high levels of similarity (98 to 99%) with the sequences of organisms belonging to the genus Pseudoalteromonas, which belongs to the γ subdivision of the class Proteobacteria.The marine bacterial community is responsible for a considerable portion of primary production and regeneration of nutrients in the microbial loop and is associated with a great variety of marine bacteriophages (5, 12). These phages are capable of infecting a large portion of the bacterioplankton (32, 34). It is assumed that as part of the marine food web, bacteriophages play important quantitative and qualitative roles in controlling marine bacterial populations (8, 24, 34, 39, 45). The phenotypic diversity and genotypic diversity of the phage populations are related to the interaction between phages and their host organisms, which provides a tool for understanding the interaction itself (13). To estimate the influence of marine bacteriophages on the diversity of bacterioplankton, we investigated phage diversity. The virus species concept proposed by Murphy et al. (37) delineates seven different families of bacteriophages based on morphological criteria and provides criteria for new phage species based on several traits, such as DNA homologies, serological data, protein profiles, and host ranges.In this paper, we describe the diversity and genetic relationships of marine phages based on investigations of 22 representatives from 85 phage-host systems (35, 36) collected between 1988 and 1992 from waters around an island, Helgoland, located in the North Sea. All of the phages were virulent and formed plaques on their host bacteria. We assigned the phages to different virus families, species, and strains based on morphology, DNA homology, and host range. Furthermore, we characterized the phenotypic and genotypic features of the host bacteria.  相似文献   

Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the epidemic diarrheal disease cholera, interacts with diverse environmental bacteriophages. These interactions promote genetic diversity or cause selective enrichment of phage-resistant bacterial clones. To identify bacterial genes involved in mediating the phage-resistant phenotype, we screened a transposon insertion library of V. cholerae O1 El Tor biotype strain C6706 to identify mutants showing altered susceptibility to a panel of phages isolated from surface waters in Bangladesh. Mutants with insertion in cyaA or crp genes encoding adenylate cyclase or cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein (CRP), respectively, were susceptible to a phage designated JSF9 to which the parent strain was completely resistant. Application of the cyaA mutant as an indicator strain in environmental phage monitoring enhanced phage detection, and we identified 3 additional phages to which the parent strain was resistant. Incorporation of the cyaA or crp mutations into other V. cholerae O1 strains caused similar alterations in their phage susceptibility patterns, and the susceptibility correlated with the ability of the bacteria to adsorb these phages. Our results suggest that cAMP-CRP-mediated downregulation of phage adsorption may contribute to a mechanism for the V. cholerae O1 strains to survive predation by multiple environmental phages. Furthermore, the cyaA or crp mutant strains may be used as suitable indicators in monitoring cholera phages in the water.Bacteriophages contribute to the evolution of bacteria by mediating horizontal gene transfer and genomic rearrangements, as well as by bactericidal selection, in which bacterial strains that are able to resist phage predation thrive over competing phage-susceptible strains (5, 10, 11). Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the epidemic diarrheal disease cholera, interacts with diverse phages, both in the aquatic environment and in the host milieu, and these interactions may promote genetic diversity and/or cause selective enrichment of particular bacterial clones (10, 11, 26, 27).Historically, cholera is an ancient disease with the occurrence of seven distinct pandemics since the first pandemic of cholera began in 1817, but the disease still affects millions of people (9, 16). The current seventh pandemic of cholera, which originated in Indonesia in 1961, is the most extensive in geographic spread and duration, and the causative agent is V. cholerae O1 of the El Tor biotype. The sixth pandemic and presumably the earlier pandemics were caused by the classical biotype, which now seems to be extinct.Molecular epidemiological surveillance has revealed continually changing relative prevalences of different clones of pathogenic V. cholerae (9), and the emergence of new clones has been attributed to possible horizontal transfer of clusters of genes associated with virulence or environmental fitness as well as resistance to different antibiotics (9, 20). The recent recognition that phage predation may play a role in the natural control of cholera epidemics (10, 11, 14) reinforces predictions that changes in this pathogen and the prevalences of different clones may also be driven by environmental phages. The emergence of certain strains is likely to be enhanced by phages through the bactericidal mechanism in which phage-sensitive strains are killed while providing a selective advantage to phage-resistant strains. Therefore, the ability to evade phage predation constitutes an important factor in attaining increased evolutionary fitness.In the present study we screened a transposon insertion library of V. cholerae O1 El Tor biotype strain C6706, to identify genes whose inactivation would enhance the susceptibility of the bacteria to environmental phages. Presumably, these genes contribute in mediating resistance to the relevant phages and thus allow the bacteria to survive phage predation. Bacteria with increased phage susceptibility due to mutations in the appropriate genes may also have application as improved indicator strains to monitor the prevalence of relevant phages in the environment.  相似文献   

A number of bacteriophages have been identified that target the Vi capsular antigen of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. Here we show that these Vi phages represent a remarkably diverse set of phages belonging to three phage families, including Podoviridae and Myoviridae. Genome analysis facilitated the further classification of these phages and highlighted aspects of their independent evolution. Significantly, a conserved protein domain carrying an acetyl esterase was found to be associated with at least one tail fiber gene for all Vi phages, and the presence of this domain was confirmed in representative phage particles by mass spectrometric analysis. Thus, we provide a simple explanation and paradigm of how a diverse group of phages target a single key virulence antigen associated with this important human-restricted pathogen.Bacteriophages are dependent for their survival on the presence of susceptible host bacteria in their environment. The first stage of recognition of the bacterial host normally involves binding of a specific phage attachment protein to a receptor molecule on the bacterial surface. Bacteria can evade phage infection by various mechanisms, including accumulating escape mutations in the receptor, acquiring phage inhibitory proteins, or directly modifying the receptor, for example, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (43). In addition, phage can adapt to recognize different receptors through a number of genetic mechanisms involving evolution of their attachment proteins (20) or by tropism switching (21, 22).Phage can exploit capsular exopolysaccharides as receptors, some of which are associated with virulence in pathogens (5, 23, 35). A notable example is the Vi capsule found in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) and some isolates of S. Dublin and Citrobacter freundii (29). The Vi capsule of S. Typhi is an important virulence factor, facilitating the bacteria to escape opsonization and other forms of immune surveillance (14, 30) as well as potentially helping the bacteria to evade phage that would otherwise target the O:9 LPS, which the Vi capsule can, at least in part, mask (27). In the middle of the last century, a set of lytic phages were isolated that utilized the Vi capsule as a receptor (6). These Vi phages were exploited in diagnostic laboratories as a “typing set” to distinguish between different strains of S. Typhi isolated from typhoid patients (8). A secondary typing set was generated from Vi typing phage II by adapting this phage to grow on different S. Typhi hosts (6). At this time, typhoid was still common in many parts of Europe and North America, and clinicians tested some of these Vi phages for their potential in phage therapy experiments with human typhoid patients (11). Although this work showed significant promise, phage therapy gradually disappeared from clinical practice in many countries as antibiotics became readily available.S. Typhi is a monophyletic serovar of the broad enteric species S. enterica (16, 31). Interestingly, S. Typhi is host restricted to humans and has no known zoonotic source. Unlike many other S. enterica serovars, S. Typhi normally causes a systemic infection and does not persist in the intestine efficiently, where high levels of bacteriophage are present. Although it is rare in developed countries, S. Typhi is still a significant cause of mortality in many developing countries (26). Most current clinical isolates are Vi positive when first isolated (2), but it is noteworthy that the Vi capsule biosynthesis and export genes are carried by an operon within a potentially unstable island called Salmonella pathogenicity island 7 (SPI-7) (29).Although some phenotypic characterization of the Vi phage has been undertaken (1), very little has been performed at the molecular level. We previously showed that Vi typing phage II-E1 is related to the S. Typhimurium phage ES18 (4, 28), with synteny in many capsid and tail proteins. We have now further characterized the other members of this S. Typhi Vi phage collection, designated types I, III, IV, V, VI, and VII (abbreviated from here on as Vi phages I, III, IV, etc.) (6, 11), by utilizing electron microscopy and genomic analysis. This analysis shows that this collection of Vi phages represents a diverse group of bacteriophages that have adapted to growth on S. Typhi through convergent evolution within their tail spike protein genes and the acquisition of conserved acetyl esterase domains.  相似文献   

Greener M 《EMBO reports》2008,9(11):1067-1069
A consensus definition of life remains elusiveIn July this year, the Phoenix Lander robot—launched by NASA in 2007 as part of the Phoenix mission to Mars—provided the first irrefutable proof that water exists on the Red Planet. “We''ve seen evidence for this water ice before in observations by the Mars Odyssey orbiter and in disappearing chunks observed by Phoenix […], but this is the first time Martian water has been touched and tasted,” commented lead scientist William Boynton from the University of Arizona, USA (NASA, 2008). The robot''s discovery of water in a scooped-up soil sample increases the probability that there is, or was, life on Mars.Meanwhile, the Darwin project, under development by the European Space Agency (ESA; Paris, France; www.esa.int/science/darwin), envisages a flotilla of four or five free-flying spacecraft to search for the chemical signatures of life in 25 to 50 planetary systems. Yet, in the vastness of space, to paraphrase the British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington (1822–1944), life might be not only stranger than we imagine, but also stranger than we can imagine. The limits of our current definitions of life raise the possibility that we would not be able to recognize an extra-terrestrial organism.Back on Earth, molecular biologists—whether deliberately or not—are empirically tackling the question of what is life. Researchers at the J Craig Venter Institute (Rockville, MD, USA), for example, have synthesized an artificial bacterial genome (Gibson et al, 2008). Others have worked on ‘minimal cells'' with the aim of synthesizing a ‘bioreactor'' that contains the minimum of components necessary to be self-sustaining, reproduce and evolve. Some biologists regard these features as the hallmarks of life (Luisi, 2007). However, to decide who is first in the ‘race to create life'' requires a consensus definition of life itself. “A definition of the precise boundary between complex chemistry and life will be critical in deciding which group has succeeded in what might be regarded by the public as the world''s first theology practical,” commented Jamie Davies, Professor of Experimental Anatomy at the University of Edinburgh, UK.For most biologists, defining life is a fascinating, fundamental, but largely academic question. It is, however, crucial for exobiologists looking for extra-terrestrial life on Mars, Jupiter''s moon Europa, Saturn''s moon Titan and on planets outside our solar system.In their search for life, exobiologists base their working hypothesis on the only example to hand: life on Earth. “At the moment, we can only assume that life elsewhere is based on the same principles as on Earth,” said Malcolm Fridlund, Secretary for the Exo-Planet Roadmap Advisory Team at the ESA''s European Space Research and Technology Centre (Noordwijk, The Netherlands). “We should, however, always remember that the universe is a peculiar place and try to interpret unexpected results in terms of new physics and chemistry.”The ESA''s Darwin mission will, therefore, search for life-related gases such as carbon dioxide, water, methane and ozone in the atmospheres of other planets. On Earth, the emergence of life altered the balance of atmospheric gases: living organisms produced all of the Earth'' oxygen, which now accounts for one-fifth of the atmosphere. “If all life on Earth was extinguished, the oxygen in our atmosphere would disappear in less than 4 million years, which is a very short time as planets go—the Earth is 4.5 billion years old,” Fridlund said. He added that organisms present in the early phases of life on Earth produced methane, which alters atmospheric composition compared with a planet devoid of life.Although the Darwin project will use a pragmatic and specific definition of life, biologists, philosophers and science-fiction authors have devised numerous other definitions—none of which are entirely satisfactory. Some are based on basic physiological characteristics: a living organism must feed, grow, metabolize, respond to stimuli and reproduce. Others invoke metabolic definitions that define a living organism as having a distinct boundary—such as a membrane—which facilitates interaction with the environment and transfers the raw materials needed to maintain its structure (Wharton, 2002). The minimal cell project, for example, defines cellular life as “the capability to display a concert of three main properties: self-maintenance (metabolism), reproduction and evolution. When these three properties are simultaneously present, we will have a full fledged cellular life” (Luisi, 2007). These concepts regard life as an emergent phenomenon arising from the interaction of non-living chemical components.Cryptobiosis—hidden life, also known as anabiosis—and bacterial endospores challenge the physiological and metabolic elements of these definitions (Wharton, 2002). When the environment changes, certain organisms are able to undergo cryptobiosis—a state in which their metabolic activity either ceases reversibly or is barely discernible. Cryptobiosis allows the larvae of the African fly Polypedilum vanderplanki to survive desiccation for up to 17 years and temperatures ranging from −270 °C (liquid helium) to 106 °C (Watanabe et al, 2002). It also allows the cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia to survive desiccation, ultraviolet radiation, extremes of temperature (Wharton, 2002) and even toyshops, which sell the cysts as ‘sea monkeys''. Organisms in a cryptobiotic state show characteristics that vary markedly from what we normally consider to be life, although they are certainly not dead. “[C]ryptobiosis is a unique state of biological organization”, commented James Clegg, from the Bodega Marine Laboratory at the University of California (Davies, CA, USA), in an article in 2001 (Clegg, 2001). Bacterial endospores, which are the “hardiest known form of life on Earth” (Nicholson et al, 2000), are able to withstand almost any environment—perhaps even interplanetary space. Microbiologists isolated endospores of strict thermophiles from cold lake sediments and revived spores from samples some 100,000 years old (Nicholson et al, 2000).…life might be not only stranger than we imagine, but also stranger than we can imagineAnother problem with the definitions of life is that these can expand beyond biology. The minimal cell project, for example, in common with most modern definitions of life, encompass the ability to undergo Darwinian evolution (Wharton, 2002). “To be considered alive, the organism needs to be able to undergo extensive genetic modification through natural selection,” said Professor Paul Freemont from Imperial College London, UK, whose research interests encompass synthetic biology. But the virtual ‘organisms'' in computer simulations such as the Game of Life (www.bitstorm.org/gameoflife) and Tierra (http://life.ou.edu/tierra) also exhibit life-like characteristics, including growth, death and evolution—similar to robots and other artifical systems that attempt to mimic life (Guruprasad & Sekar, 2006). “At the moment, we have some problems differentiating these approaches from something biologists consider [to be] alive,” Fridlund commented.…to decide who is first in the ‘race to create life'' requires a consensus definition of lifeBoth the genetic code and all computer-programming languages are means of communicating large quantities of codified information, which adds another element to a comprehensive definition of life. Guenther Witzany, an Austrian philosopher, has developed a “theory of communicative nature” that, he claims, differentiates biotic and abiotic life. “Life is distinguished from non-living matter by language and communication,” Witzany said. According to his theory, RNA and DNA use a ‘molecular syntax'' to make sense of the genetic code in a manner similar to language. This paragraph, for example, could contain the same words in a random order; it would be meaningless without syntactic and semantic rules. “The RNA/DNA language follows syntactic, semantic and pragmatic rules which are absent in [a] random-like mixture of nucleic acids,” Witzany explained.Yet, successful communication requires both a speaker using the rules and a listener who is aware of and can understand the syntax and semantics. For example, cells, tissues, organs and organisms communicate with each other to coordinate and organize their activities; in other words, they exchange signals that contain meaning. Noradrenaline binding to a β-adrenergic receptor in the bronchi communicates a signal that says ‘dilate''. “If communication processes are deformed, destroyed or otherwise incorrectly mediated, both coordination and organisation of cellular life is damaged or disturbed, which can lead to disease,” Witzany added. “Cellular life also interprets abiotic environmental circumstances—such as the availability of nutrients, temperature and so on—to generate appropriate behaviour.”Nonetheless, even definitions of life that include all the elements mentioned so far might still be incomplete. “One can make a very complex definition that covers life on the Earth, but what if we find life elsewhere and it is different? My opinion, shared by many, is that we don''t have a clue of how life arose on Earth, even if there are some hypotheses,” Fridlund said. “This underlies many of our problems defining life. Since we do not have a good minimum definition of life, it is hard or impossible to find out how life arose without observing the process. Nevertheless, I''m an optimist who believes the universe is understandable with some hard work and I think we will understand these issues one day.”Both synthetic biology and research on organisms that live in extreme conditions allow biologists to explore biological boundaries, which might help them to reach a consensual minimum definition of life, and understand how it arose and evolved. Life is certainly able to flourish in some remarkably hostile environments. Thermus aquaticus, for example, is metabolically optimal in the springs of Yellowstone National Park at temperatures between 75 °C and 80 °C. Another extremophile, Deinococcus radiodurans, has evolved a highly efficient biphasic system to repair radiation-induced DNA breaks (Misra et al, 2006) and, as Fridlund noted, “is remarkably resistant to gamma radiation and even lives in the cooling ponds of nuclear reactors.”In turn, synthetic biology allows for a detailed examination of the elements that define life, including the minimum set of genes required to create a living organism. Researchers at the J Craig Venter Institute, for example, have synthesized a 582,970-base-pair Mycoplasma genitalium genome containing all the genes of the wild-type bacteria, except one that they disrupted to block pathogenicity and allow for selection. ‘Watermarks'' at intergenic sites that tolerate transposon insertions identify the synthetic genome, which would otherwise be indistinguishable from the wild type (Gibson et al, 2008).Yet, as Pier Luigi Luisi from the University of Roma in Italy remarked, even M. genitalium is relatively complex. “The question is whether such complexity is necessary for cellular life, or whether, instead, cellular life could, in principle, also be possible with a much lower number of molecular components”, he said. After all, life probably did not start with cells that already contained thousands of genes (Luisi, 2007).…researchers will continue their attempts to create life in the test tube—it is, after all, one of the greatest scientific challengesTo investigate further the minimum number of genes required for life, researchers are using minimal cell models: synthetic genomes that can be included in liposomes, which themselves show some life-like characteristics. Certain lipid vesicles are able to grow, divide and grow again, and can include polymerase enzymes to synthesize RNA from external substrates as well as functional translation apparatuses, including ribosomes (Deamer, 2005).However, the requirement that an organism be subject to natural selection to be considered alive could prove to be a major hurdle for current attempts to create life. As Freemont commented: “Synthetic biologists could include the components that go into a cell and create an organism [that is] indistinguishable from one that evolved naturally and that can replicate […] We are beginning to get to grips with what makes the cell work. Including an element that undergoes natural selection is proving more intractable.”John Dupré, Professor of Philosophy of Science and Director of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centre for Genomics in Society at the University of Exeter, UK, commented that synthetic biologists still approach the construction of a minimal organism with certain preconceptions. “All synthetic biology research assumes certain things about life and what it is, and any claims to have ‘confirmed'' certain intuitions—such as life is not a vital principle—aren''t really adding empirical evidence for those intuitions. Anyone with the opposite intuition may simply refuse to admit that the objects in question are living,” he said. “To the extent that synthetic biology is able to draw a clear line between life and non-life, this is only possible in relation to defining concepts brought to the research. For example, synthetic biologists may be able to determine the number of genes required for minimal function. Nevertheless, ‘what counts as life'' is unaffected by minimal genomics.”Partly because of these preconceptions, Dan Nicholson, a former molecular biologist now working at the ESRC Centre, commented that synthetic biology adds little to the understanding of life already gained from molecular biology and biochemistry. Nevertheless, he said, synthetic biology might allow us to go boldly into the realms of biological possibility where evolution has not gone before.An engineered synthetic organism could, for example, express novel amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids or vesicular forms. A synthetic organism could use pyranosyl-RNA, which produces a stronger and more selective pairing system than the natural existent furanosyl-RNA (Bolli et al, 1997). Furthermore, the synthesis of proteins that do not exist in nature—so-called never-born proteins—could help scientists to understand why evolutionary pressures only selected certain structures.As Luisi remarked, the ratio between the number of theoretically possible proteins containing 100 amino acids and the real number present in nature is close to the ratio between the space of the universe and the space of a single hydrogen atom, or the ratio between all the sand in the Sahara Desert and a single grain. Exploring never-born proteins could, therefore, allow synthetic biologists to determine whether particular physical, structural, catalytic, thermodynamic and other properties maximized the evolutionary fitness of natural proteins, or whether the current protein repertoire is predominately the result of chance (Luisi, 2007).In the final analysis, as with all science, deep understanding is more important than labelling with words.“Synthetic biology also could conceivably help overcome the ‘n = 1 problem''—namely, that we base biological theorising on terrestrial life only,” Nicholson said. “In this way, synthetic biology could contribute to the development of a more general, broader understanding of what life is and how it might be defined.”No matter the uncertainties, researchers will continue their attempts to create life in the test tube—it is, after all, one of the greatest scientific challenges. Whether or not they succeed will depend partly on the definition of life that they use, though in any case, the research should yield numerous insights that are beneficial to biologists generally. “The process of creating a living system from chemical components will undoubtedly offer many rich insights into biology,” Davies concluded. “However, the definition will, I fear, reflect politics more than biology. Any definition will, therefore, be subject to a lot of inter-lab political pressure. Definitions are also important for bioethical legislation and, as a result, reflect larger politics more than biology. In the final analysis, as with all science, deep understanding is more important than labelling with words.”  相似文献   

Bacteriophages are the most abundant forms of life in the biosphere and carry genomes characterized by high genetic diversity and mosaic architectures. The complete sequences of 30 mycobacteriophage genomes show them collectively to encode 101 tRNAs, three tmRNAs, and 3,357 proteins belonging to 1,536 “phamilies” of related sequences, and a statistical analysis predicts that these represent approximately 50% of the total number of phamilies in the mycobacteriophage population. These phamilies contain 2.19 proteins on average; more than half (774) of them contain just a single protein sequence. Only six phamilies have representatives in more than half of the 30 genomes, and only three—encoding tape-measure proteins, lysins, and minor tail proteins—are present in all 30 phages, although these phamilies are themselves highly modular, such that no single amino acid sequence element is present in all 30 mycobacteriophage genomes. Of the 1,536 phamilies, only 230 (15%) have amino acid sequence similarity to previously reported proteins, reflecting the enormous genetic diversity of the entire phage population. The abundance and diversity of phages, the simplicity of phage isolation, and the relatively small size of phage genomes support bacteriophage isolation and comparative genomic analysis as a highly suitable platform for discovery-based education.  相似文献   

Virulent phage 1358 is the reference member of a rare group of phages infecting Lactococcus lactis. Electron microscopy revealed a typical icosahedral capsid connected to one of the smallest noncontractile tails found in a lactococcal phage of the Siphoviridae family. Microbiological characterization identified a burst size of 72 virions released per infected host cell and a latent period of 90 min. The host range of phage 1358 was limited to 3 out of the 60 lactococcal strains tested. Moreover, this phage was insensitive to four Abi systems (AbiK, AbiQ, AbiT, and AbiV). The genome of phage 1358 consisted of a linear, double-stranded, 36,892-bp DNA molecule containing 43 open reading frames (ORFs). At least 14 ORFs coded for structural proteins, as identified by SDS-PAGE coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses. The genomic organization was similar to those of other siphophages. All genes were on the same coding strand and in the same orientation. This lactococcal phage was unique, however, in its 51.4% GC content, much higher than those of other phages infecting this low-GC Gram-positive host. A bias for GC-rich codons was also observed. Comparative analyses showed that several phage 1358 structural proteins shared similarity with two Listeria monocytogenes phages, P35 and P40. The possible origin and evolution of lactococcal phage 1358 is discussed.The first sequenced genome of a phage infecting Lactococcus lactis (bIL67) was reported in 1994 (57). Its genomic characterization was performed with the prospect of a better understanding of lactococcal phage biology. L. lactis is a Gram-positive bacterium added to milk to produce an array of fermented dairy products. In this human-made environment, substantial amounts of lactococcal cells are cultivated on a daily basis in large fermentation vats, and these added cells randomly encounter virulent phages present in heat-treated but nonsterile milk. Moreover, it is widely acknowledged that the increased use of the same bacterial strains within existing dairy facilities inevitably leads to milk fermentation failures due to the multiplication of virulent phages. This biotechnological problem reduces yields and lowers the quality of fermented products (51).Over 700 lactococcal phage isolates have been reported in the literature (3). To date, more than 25 complete genome sequences of lactococcal phages are publicly available in the NCBI database, and the sequencing of others is under way. These numbers indicate that Lactococcus phages are among the most studied of the bacterial viruses. All lactococcal phages belong to the order Caudovirales and are included within two families according to their tail morphology: the Siphoviridae (long noncontractile tail [most lactococcal phages]) and the Podoviridae (short noncontractile tail [few lactococcal phages]) (14). Currently, phages infecting L. lactis strains have been divided into 10 genetically distinct groups (14). The complete genomic sequence is available for at least one representative of 8 of the groups.Early sequencing efforts concentrated on the genomes of lactococcal phages belonging to the 936, c2, and P335 groups (Siphoviridae), because members of these groups were regularly isolated in dairy plants (8, 36, 50). PCR-based methods were also devised to rapidly classify these phages (41). These Siphoviridae phages pose a significant risk to the dairy industry, and their characterization is important for developing adapted antiphage strategies to limit their propagation and evolution.In recent years, representatives of the less recognized lactococcal phage groups have been characterized, including phages Q54 (22), KSY1 (13), 1706 (23), asccφ28 of the P034 group (39), and P087 (63). Their molecular characterizations were aimed at understanding why some phage groups (936, c2, and P335) predominate while the others have remained marginal, at best. However, it was recently reported that P034-like phages may be emerging in certain regions (52). Genomic and microbiological analyses indicated that members of these rare phage groups were likely the result of recombination between different lactococcal phages and phages infecting other Gram-positive bacteria, and they may not be fit to multiply rapidly in milk. For example, lactococcal phage 1706 shares similarities with Ruminococcus and Clostridium prophages (23). Similarly, L. lactis phage P087 structural proteins share identity with gene products found in a prophage in the Enterococcus faecalis genome (63). It was also shown previously that lactococcal phage asccφ28 was related to Streptococcus pneumoniae phage Cp-1 and Bacillus subtilis φ29-like phages (39). It was suggested that phages 1706, asccφ28, and P087 acquired a receptor-binding protein complex from another lactococcal phage that enabled them to infect a L. lactis host.Here, we report the complete genome sequence and analysis of phage 1358, a virulent representative of the 9th lactococcal phage group.  相似文献   

Samuel Caddick 《EMBO reports》2008,9(12):1174-1176

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