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Proteinase-activated receptors 4 (PAR(4)) is a class A G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) recognized through the ability of serine proteases such as thrombin and trypsin to mediate receptor activation. Due to the irreversible nature of activation, a fresh supply of receptor is required to be mobilized to the cell surface for responsiveness to agonist to be sustained. Unlike other PAR subtypes, the mechanisms regulating receptor trafficking of PAR(4) remain unknown. Here, we report novel features of the intracellular trafficking of PAR(4) to the plasma membrane. PAR(4) was poorly expressed at the plasma membrane and largely retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in a complex with the COPI protein subunit β-COP1. Analysis of the PAR(4) protein sequence identified an arginine-based (RXR) ER retention sequence located within intracellular loop-2 (R(183)AR → A(183)AA), mutation of which allowed efficient membrane delivery of PAR(4). Interestingly, co-expression with PAR(2) facilitated plasma membrane delivery of PAR(4), an effect produced through disruption of β-COP1 binding and facilitation of interaction with the chaperone protein 14-3-3ζ. Intermolecular FRET studies confirmed heterodimerization between PAR(2) and PAR(4). PAR(2) also enhanced glycosylation of PAR(4) and activation of PAR(4) signaling. Our results identify a novel regulatory role for PAR(2) in the anterograde traffic of PAR(4). PAR(2) was shown to both facilitate and abrogate protein interactions with PAR(4), impacting upon receptor localization and cell signal transduction. This work is likely to impact markedly upon the understanding of the receptor pharmacology of PAR(4) in normal physiology and disease.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling is affected by formation of GPCR homo- or heterodimers, but GPCR regulation by other cell surface proteins is not well understood. We reported that the kinin B1 receptor (B1R) heterodimerizes with membrane carboxypeptidase M (CPM), facilitating receptor signaling via CPM-mediated conversion of bradykinin or kallidin to des-Arg kinin B1R agonists. Here, we found that a catalytically inactive CPM mutant that still binds substrate (CPM-E264Q) also facilitates efficient B1R signaling by B2 receptor agonists bradykinin or kallidin. This response required co-expression of B1R and CPM-E264Q in the same cell, was disrupted by antibody that dissociates CPM from B1R, and was not found with a CPM-E264Q-B1R fusion protein. An additional mutation that reduced the affinity of CPM for C-terminal Arg and increased the affinity for C-terminal Lys inhibited the B1R response to bradykinin (with C-terminal Arg) but generated a response to Lys(9)-bradykinin. CPM-E264Q-mediated activation of B1Rs by bradykinin resulted in increased intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in a B1R FRET construct, similar to that generated directly by a B1R agonist. In cytokine-treated human lung microvascular endothelial cells, disruption of B1R-CPM heterodimers inhibited B1R-dependent NO production stimulated by bradykinin and blocked the increased endothelial permeability caused by treatment with bradykinin and pyrogallol (a superoxide generator). Thus, CPM and B1Rs on cell membranes form a critical complex that potentiates B1R signaling. Kinin peptide binding to CPM causes a conformational change in the B1R leading to intracellular signaling and reveals a new mode of GPCR activation by a cell surface peptidase.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled β2-adrenoreceptor (β2AR) signals through the heterotrimeric G proteins Gs and Gi and β-arrestin. As such, the energy landscape of β2AR-excited state conformers is expected to be complex. Upon tagging Cys-265 of β2AR with a trifluoromethyl probe, 19F NMR was used to assess conformations and possible equilibria between states. Here, we report key differences in β2AR conformational dynamics associated with the detergents used to stabilize the receptor. In dodecyl maltoside (DDM) micelles, the spectra are well represented by a single Lorentzian line that shifts progressively downfield with activation by appropriate ligand. The results are consistent with interconversion between two or more states on a time scale faster than the greatest difference in ligand-dependent chemical shift (i.e. >100 Hz). Given that high detergent off-rates of DDM monomers may facilitate conformational exchange between functional states of β2AR, we utilized the recently developed maltose-neopentyl glycol (MNG-3) diacyl detergent. In MNG-3 micelles, spectra indicated at least three distinct states, the relative populations of which depended on ligand, whereas no ligand-dependent shifts were observed, consistent with the slow exchange limit. Thus, detergent has a profound effect on the equilibrium kinetics between functional states. MNG-3, which has a critical micelle concentration in the nanomolar regime, exhibits an off-rate that is 4 orders of magnitude lower than that of DDM. High detergent off-rates are more likely to facilitate conformational exchange between distinct functional states associated with the G protein-coupled receptor.  相似文献   

Nucleobindin 1 (NUCB1) is a widely expressed multidomain calcium-binding protein whose precise physiological and biochemical functions are not well understood. We engineered and heterologously expressed a soluble form of NUCB1 (sNUCB1) and characterized its biophysical and biochemical properties. We show that sNUCB1 exists as a dimer in solution and that each monomer binds two divalent calcium cations. Calcium binding causes conformational changes in sNUCB1 as judged by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy experiments. Earlier reports suggested that NUCB1 might interact with heterotrimeric G protein α subunits. We show that dimeric calcium-free sNUCB1 binds to expressed Gαi1 and that calcium binding inhibits the interaction. The binding of sNUCB1 to Gαi1 inhibits its basal rate of GDP release and slows its rate and extent of GTPγS uptake. Additionally, our tissue culture experiments show that sNUCB1 prevents receptor-mediated Gαi-dependent inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Thus, we conclude that sNUCB1 is a calcium-dependent guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) for Gαi1. To our knowledge, sNUCB1 is the first example of a calcium-dependent GDI for heterotrimeric G proteins. We also show that the mechanism of GDI activity of sNUCB1 is unique and does not arise from the consensus GoLoco motif found in RGS proteins. We propose that cytoplasmic NUCB1 might function to regulate heterotrimeric G protein trafficking and G protein-coupled receptor-mediated signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The mammalian corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)/urocortin (Ucn) peptide hormones include four structurally similar peptides, CRF, Ucn1, Ucn2, and Ucn3, that regulate stress responses, metabolism, and cardiovascular function by activating either of two related class B G protein-coupled receptors, CRFR1 and CRFR2. CRF and Ucn1 activate both receptors, whereas Ucn2 and Ucn3 are CRFR2-selective. The molecular basis for selectivity is unclear. Here, we show that the purified N-terminal extracellular domains (ECDs) of human CRFR1 and the CRFR2α isoform are sufficient to discriminate the peptides, and we present three crystal structures of the CRFR2α ECD bound to each of the Ucn peptides. The CRFR2α ECD forms the same fold observed for the CRFR1 and mouse CRFR2β ECDs but contains a unique N-terminal α-helix formed by its pseudo signal peptide. The CRFR2α ECD peptide-binding site architecture is similar to that of CRFR1, and binding of the α-helical Ucn peptides closely resembles CRF binding to CRFR1. Comparing the electrostatic surface potentials of the ECDs suggests a charge compatibility mechanism for ligand discrimination involving a single amino acid difference in the receptors (CRFR1 Glu104/CRFR2α Pro-100) at a site proximate to peptide residue 35 (Arg in CRF/Ucn1, Ala in Ucn2/3). CRFR1 Glu-104 acts as a selectivity filter preventing Ucn2/3 binding because the nonpolar Ala-35 is incompatible with the negatively charged Glu-104. The structures explain the mechanisms of ligand recognition and discrimination and provide a molecular template for the rational design of therapeutic agents selectively targeting these receptors.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest class of integral membrane protein receptors in the human genome. Despite the great diversity of ligands that activate these GPCRs, they interact with a relatively small number of intracellular proteins to induce profound physiological change. Both heterotrimeric G proteins and GPCR kinases are well known for their ability to specifically recognize GPCRs in their active state. Recent structural studies now suggest that heterotrimeric G proteins and GPCR kinases identify activated receptors via a common molecular mechanism despite having completely different folds.  相似文献   

Most vertebrate retinas contain two types of photoreceptor cells, rods and cones, which show different photoresponses to mediate scotopic and photopic vision, respectively. These cells contain different types of visual pigments, rhodopsin and cone visual pigments, respectively, but little is known about the molecular properties of cone visual pigments under physiological conditions, making it difficult to link the molecular properties of rhodopsin and cone visual pigments with the differences in photoresponse between rods and cones. Here we prepared bovine and mouse rhodopsin (bvRh and mRh) and chicken and mouse green-sensitive cone visual pigments (cG and mG) embedded in nanodiscs and applied time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to compare their Gt activation efficiencies. Rhodopsin exhibited greater Gt activation efficiencies than cone visual pigments. Especially, the Gt activation efficiency of mRh was about 2.5-fold greater than that of mG at 37 °C, which is consistent with our previous electrophysiological data of knock-in mice. Although the active state (Meta-II) was in equilibrium with inactive states (Meta-I and Meta-III), quantitative determination of Meta-II in the equilibrium showed that the Gt activation efficiency per Meta-II of bvRh was also greater than those of cG and mG. These results indicated that efficient Gt activation by rhodopsin, resulting from an optimized active state of rhodopsin, is one of the causes of the high amplification efficiency of rods.  相似文献   

Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins play essential roles in the regulation of signaling via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). With hundreds of GPCRs and dozens of G proteins, it is important to understand how RGS regulates selective GPCR-G protein signaling. In neurons of the striatum, two RGS proteins, RGS7 and RGS9-2, regulate signaling by μ-opioid receptor (MOR) and dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) and are implicated in drug addiction, movement disorders, and nociception. Both proteins form trimeric complexes with the atypical G protein β subunit Gβ5 and a membrane anchor, R7BP. In this study, we examined GTPase-accelerating protein (GAP) activity as well as Gα and GPCR selectivity of RGS7 and RGS9-2 complexes in live cells using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based assay that monitors dissociation of G protein subunits. We showed that RGS9-2/Gβ5 regulated both Gi and Go with a bias toward Go, but RGS7/Gβ5 could serve as a GAP only for Go. Interestingly, R7BP enhanced GAP activity of RGS7 and RGS9-2 toward Go and Gi and enabled RGS7 to regulate Gi signaling. Neither RGS7 nor RGS9-2 had any activity toward Gz, Gs, or Gq in the absence or presence of R7BP. We also observed no effect of GPCRs (MOR and D2R) on the G protein bias of R7 RGS proteins. However, the GAP activity of RGS9-2 showed a strong receptor preference for D2R over MOR. Finally, RGS7 displayed an four times greater GAP activity relative to RGS9-2. These findings illustrate the principles involved in establishing G protein and GPCR selectivity of striatal RGS proteins.  相似文献   

Fundamental knowledge about how G protein-coupled receptors and their ligands interact is important for understanding receptor-ligand binding and the development of new drug discovery strategies. We have used cross-linking and tandem mass spectrometry analyses to investigate the interaction of the N terminus of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae tridecapeptide pheromone, α-factor (WHWLQLKPGQPMY), and Ste2p, its cognate G protein-coupled receptor. The Trp(1) residue of α-factor was replaced by 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) for periodate-mediated chemical cross-linking, and biotin was conjugated to Lys(7) for detection purposes to create the peptide [DOPA(1),Lys(7)(BioACA),Nle(12)]α-factor, called Bio-DOPA(1)-α-factor. This ligand analog was a potent agonist and bound to Ste2p with ~65 nanomolar affinity. Immunoblot analysis of purified Ste2p samples that were treated with Bio-DOPA(1)-α-factor showed that the peptide analog cross-linked efficiently to Ste2p. The cross-linking was inhibited by the presence of either native α-factor or an α-factor antagonist. MALDI-TOF and immunoblot analyses revealed that Bio-DOPA(1)-α-factor cross-linked to a fragment of Ste2p encompassing residues Ser(251)-Met(294). Fragmentation of the cross-linked fragment and Ste2p using tandem mass spectrometry pinpointed the cross-link point of the DOPA(1) of the α-factor analog to the Ste2p Lys(269) side chain near the extracellular surface of the TM6-TM7 bundle. This conclusion was confirmed by a greatly diminished cross-linking of Bio-DOPA(1)-α-factor into a Ste2p(K269A) mutant. Based on these and previously obtained binding contact data, a mechanism of α-factor binding to Ste2p is proposed. The model for bound α-factor shows how ligand binding leads to conformational changes resulting in receptor activation of the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is irreversibly proteolytically activated by thrombin. Hence, the precise regulation of PAR1 signaling is important for proper cellular responses. In addition to desensitization, internalization and lysosomal sorting of activated PAR1 are critical for the termination of signaling. Unlike most G protein-coupled receptors, PAR1 internalization is mediated by the clathrin adaptor protein complex 2 (AP-2) and epsin-1, rather than β-arrestins. However, the function of AP-2 and epsin-1 in the regulation of PAR1 signaling is not known. Here, we report that AP-2, and not epsin-1, regulates activated PAR1-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis via two different mechanisms that involve, in part, a subset of R4 subfamily of “regulator of G protein signaling” (RGS) proteins. A significantly greater increase in activated PAR1 signaling was observed in cells depleted of AP-2 using siRNA or in cells expressing a PAR1 420AKKAA424 mutant with defective AP-2 binding. This effect was attributed to AP-2 modulation of PAR1 surface expression and efficiency of G protein coupling. We further found that ectopic expression of R4 subfamily members RGS2, RGS3, RGS4, and RGS5 reduced activated PAR1 wild-type signaling, whereas signaling by the PAR1 AKKAA mutant was minimally affected. Intriguingly, siRNA-mediated depletion analysis revealed a function for RGS5 in the regulation of signaling by the PAR1 wild type but not the AKKAA mutant. Moreover, activation of the PAR1 wild type, and not the AKKAA mutant, induced Gαq association with RGS3 via an AP-2-dependent mechanism. Thus, AP-2 regulates activated PAR1 signaling by altering receptor surface expression and through recruitment of RGS proteins.  相似文献   

Chemokine receptors play a major role in immune system regulation and have consequently been targets for drug development leading to the discovery of several small molecule antagonists. Given the large size and predominantly extracellular receptor interaction of endogenous chemokines, small molecules often act more deeply in an allosteric mode. However, opposed to the well described molecular interaction of allosteric modulators in class C 7-transmembrane helix (7TM) receptors, the interaction in class A, to which the chemokine receptors belong, is more sparsely described. Using the CCR5 chemokine receptor as a model system, we studied the molecular interaction and conformational interchange required for proper action of various orthosteric chemokines and allosteric small molecules, including the well known CCR5 antagonists TAK-779, SCH-C, and aplaviroc, and four novel CCR5 ago-allosteric molecules. A chimera was successfully constructed between CCR5 and the closely related CCR2 by transferring all extracellular regions of CCR2 to CCR5, i.e. a Trojan horse that resembles CCR2 extracellularly but signals through a CCR5 transmembrane unit. The chimera bound CCR2 (CCL2 and CCL7), but not CCR5 chemokines (CCL3 and CCL5), with CCR2-like high affinities and potencies throughout the CCR5 signaling unit. Concomitantly, high affinity binding of small molecule CCR5 agonists and antagonists was retained in the transmembrane region. Importantly, whereas the agonistic and antagonistic properties were preserved, the allosteric enhancement of chemokine binding was disrupted. In summary, the Trojan horse chimera revealed that orthosteric and allosteric sites could be structurally separated and still act together with transmission of agonism and antagonism across the different receptor units.  相似文献   

Gα(o/i) interacts directly with GRIN (G protein-regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth). Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified Sprouty2 as an interacting partner of GRIN. Gα(o) and Sprouty2 bind to overlapping regions of GRIN, thus competing for GRIN binding. Imaging experiments demonstrated that Gα(o) expression promoted GRIN translocation to the plasma membrane, whereas Sprouty2 expression failed to do so. Given the role of Sprouty2 in the regulation of growth factor-mediated MAPK activation, we examined the contribution of the GRIN-Sprouty2 interaction to CB1 cannabinoid receptor regulation of FGF receptor signaling. In Neuro-2A cells, a system that expresses all of the components endogenously, modulation of GRIN levels led to regulation of MAPK activation. Overexpression of GRIN potentiated FGF activation of MAPK and decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of Sprouty2. Pretreatment with G(o/i)-coupled CB1 receptor agonist attenuated subsequent FGF activation of MAPK. Decreased expression of GRIN both diminished FGF activation of MAPK and blocked CB1R attenuation of MAPK activation. These observations indicate that Gα(o) interacts with GRIN and outcompetes GRIN from bound Sprouty. Free Sprouty then in turn inhibits growth factor signaling. Thus, here we present a novel mechanism of how G(o/i)-coupled receptors can inhibit growth factor signaling to MAPK.  相似文献   

Adhesion G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR), with their very large and complex N termini, are thought to participate in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and appear to be highly relevant in several developmental processes. Their intracellular signaling is still poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that GPR133, a member of the adhesion GPCR subfamily, activates the G(s) protein/adenylyl cyclase pathway. The presence of the N terminus and the cleavage at the GPCR proteolysis site are not required for G protein signaling. G(s) protein coupling was verified by Gα(s) knockdown with siRNA, overexpression of Gα(s), co-expression of the chimeric Gq(s4) protein that routes GPR133 activity to the phospholipase C/inositol phosphate pathway, and missense mutation within the transmembrane domain that abolished receptor activity without changing cell surface expression. It is likely that not only GPR133 but also other adhesion GPCR signal via classical receptor/G protein-interaction.  相似文献   

Phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ) enzymes are activated by G protein-coupled receptors through receptor-catalyzed guanine nucleotide exchange on Gαβγ heterotrimers containing Gq family G proteins. Here we report evidence for a direct interaction between M3 muscarinic receptor (M3R) and PLCβ3. Both expressed and endogenous M3R interacted with PLCβ in coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Stimulation of M3R with carbachol significantly increased this association. Expression of M3R in CHO cells promoted plasma membrane localization of YFP-PLCβ3. Deletion of the PLCβ3 C terminus or deletion of the PLCβ3 PDZ ligand inhibited coimmunoprecipitation with M3R and M3R-dependent PLCβ3 plasma membrane localization. Purified PLCβ3 bound directly to glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fused M3R intracellular loops 2 and 3 (M3Ri2 and M3Ri3) as well as M3R C terminus (M3R/H8-CT). PLCβ3 binding to M3Ri3 was inhibited when the PDZ ligand was removed. In assays using reconstituted purified components in vitro, M3Ri2, M3Ri3, and M3R/H8-CT potentiated Gαq-dependent but not Gβγ-dependent PLCβ3 activation. Disruption of key residues in M3Ri3N and of the PDZ ligand in PLCβ3 inhibited M3Ri3-mediated potentiation. We propose that the M3 muscarinic receptor maximizes the efficiency of PLCβ3 signaling beyond its canonical role as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Gα.  相似文献   

The R7 family of regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins, comprising RGS6, RGS7, RGS9, and RGS11, regulate neuronal G protein signaling pathways. All members of the R7 RGS form trimeric complexes with the atypical G protein β subunit, Gβ5, and membrane anchor R7BP or R9AP. Association with Gβ5 and membrane anchors has been shown to be critical for maintaining proteolytic stability of the R7 RGS proteins. However, despite its functional importance, the mechanism of how R7 RGS forms complexes with Gβ5 and membrane anchors remains poorly understood. Here, we used protein-protein interaction, co-localization, and protein stability assays to show that association of RGS9 with membrane anchors requires Gβ5. We further establish that the recruitment of R7BP to the complex requires an intact interface between the N-terminal lobe of RGS9 and protein interaction surface of Gβ5. Site-directed mutational analysis reveals that distinct molecular determinants in the interface between Gβ5 and N-terminal Dishevelled, EGL-10, Pleckstrin/DEP Helical Extension (DEP/DHEY) domains are differentially involved in R7BP binding and proteolytic stabilization. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that Gβ5 contributes to the formation of the binding site to the membrane anchors and thus is playing a central role in the assembly of the proteolytically stable trimeric complex and its correct localization in the cell.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)-sensing receptor (CaR) regulates salt and water transport in the kidney as demonstrated by the association of gain of function CaR mutations with a Bartter syndrome-like, salt-wasting phenotype, but the precise mechanism for this effect is not fully established. We found previously that the CaR interacts with and inactivates an inwardly rectifying K(+) channel, Kir4.1, which is expressed in the distal nephron that contributes to the basolateral K(+) conductance, and in which loss of function mutations are associated with a complex phenotype that includes renal salt wasting. We now find that CaR inactivates Kir4.1 by reducing its cell surface expression. Mutant CaRs reduced Kir4.1 cell surface expression and current density in HEK-293 cells in proportion to their signaling activity. Mutant, activated Gα(q) reduced cell surface expression and current density of Kir4.1, and these effects were blocked by RGS4, a protein that blocks signaling via Gα(i) and Gα(q). Other α subunits had insignificant effects. Knockdown of caveolin-1 blocked the effect of Gα(q) on Kir4.1, whereas knockdown of the clathrin heavy chain had no effect. CaR had no comparable effect on the renal outer medullary K(+) channel, an apical membrane distal nephron K(+) channel that is internalized by clathrin-coated vesicles. Co-immunoprecipitation studies showed that the CaR and Kir4.1 physically associate with caveolin-1 in HEK cells and in kidney extracts. Thus, the CaR decreases cell surface expression of Kir4.1 channels via a mechanism that involves Gα(q) and caveolin. These results provide a novel molecular basis for the inhibition of renal NaCl transport by the CaR.  相似文献   

Recent crystal structures of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) show the remarkable structural diversity of extracellular loop 2 (ECL2), implying its potential role in ligand binding and ligand-induced receptor conformational selectivity. Here we have applied molecular modeling and mutagenesis studies to the TM4/ECL2 junction (residues Pro(174(4.59))-Met(180(4.66))) of the human gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor, which uniquely has one functional type of receptor but two endogenous ligands in humans. We suggest that the above residues assume an α-helical extension of TM4 in which the side chains of Gln(174(4.60)) and Phe(178(4.64)) face toward the central ligand binding pocket to make H-bond and aromatic contacts with pGlu(1) and Trp(3) of both GnRH I and GnRH II, respectively. The interaction between the side chains of Phe(178(4.64)) of the receptor and Trp(3) of the GnRHs was supported by reciprocal mutations of the interacting residues. Interestingly, alanine mutations of Leu(175(4.61)), Ile(177(4.63)), and Met(180(4.66)) decreased mutant receptor affinity for GnRH I but, in contrast, increased affinity for GnRH II. This suggests that these residues make intramolecular or intermolecular contacts with residues of transmembrane (TM) domain 3, TM5, or the phospholipid bilayer, which couple the ligand structure to specific receptor conformational switches. The marked decrease in signaling efficacy of I177A and F178A also indicates that IIe(177(4.63)) and Phe(178(4.64)) are important in stabilizing receptor-active conformations. These findings suggest that the TM4/ECL2 junction is crucial for peptide ligand binding and, consequently, for ligand-induced receptor conformational selection.  相似文献   

Active G protein-coupled receptors activate heterotrimeric Gαβγ proteins by catalyzing the exchange of GDP by GTP at the Gα subunit. A paradoxical attenuation of G protein-activated inwardly rectifying potassium channels (GIRK) upon stimulation of native cells with high concentrations of agonist is known. However, a deactivation of activated G proteins by active receptors has not been experimentally studied in intact cells. We monitored GIRK currents and Go protein activation by means of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in parallel. The results suggested that GIRK currents were paradoxically attenuated due to an inactivation of Go proteins by active α2A-adrenergic receptors. To study the mechanisms, G protein activation and receptor-G protein interactions were analyzed as a function of nucleotide type and nucleotide concentrations by means of FRET, while controlling intracellular nucleotides upon permeabilization of the cell membrane. Results suggested a receptor-catalyzed dissociation of GTP from activated heterotrimeric Gαβγ. Consequently, nucleotide-free G proteins were sequestrated in heterotrimeric conformation at the active receptor, thus attenuating downstream signaling in an agonist-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Thrombin activates platelets by binding and cleaving protease-activated receptors 1 and 4 (PAR1 and PAR4). Because of the importance of PAR4 activation on platelets in humans and mice and emerging roles for PAR4 in other tissues, experiments were done to characterize the interaction between PAR4 homodimers. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) were used to examine the PAR4 homodimer interface. In bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments, PAR4 formed homodimers that were disrupted by unlabeled PAR4 in a concentration-dependent manner, but not by rhodopsin. In BRET experiments, the PAR4 homodimers showed a specific interaction as indicated by a hyperbolic BRET signal in response to increasing PAR4-GFP expression. PAR4 did not interact with rhodopsin in BRET assays. The threshold maximum BRET signal was disrupted in a concentration-dependent manner by unlabeled PAR4. In contrast, rhodopsin was unable to disrupt the BRET signal, indicating that the disruption of the PAR4 homodimer is not due to nonspecific interactions. A panel of rho-PAR4 chimeras and PAR4 point mutants has mapped the dimer interface to hydrophobic residues in transmembrane helix 4. Finally, mutations that disrupted dimer formation had reduced calcium mobilization in response to the PAR4 agonist peptide. These results link the loss of dimer formation to a loss of PAR4 signaling.  相似文献   

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