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A simple technique is presented for the isolation of cells from paraffin-embedded tissues for Feulgen DNA cytophotometric investigations. Tissue fragments from paraffin blocks were deparaffinized in xylene, rehydrated and refixed in a formalin solution and incubated in a solution of 0.5 pepsin in 0.25% hydrochloric acid. After filtration through a 70 micron mesh and centrifugation, the cells were smeared upon a glass slide. Comparison between the results obtained with freshly prepared imprints and with pepsin-extracted cells of the same tumor showed that the extraction technique does not influence the Feulgen reaction or the DNA distribution pattern. Investigations carried out on bladder and embryonal carcinomas have demonstrated that the method permits an analysis of histologically or histochemically identified tumor cells within individual tissue areas.  相似文献   

Because of a lack of suitable archival material, it is rarely possible to make retrospective studies of the correlation between the prognosis for a patient with mammary carcinoma and the distribution of nuclear DNA in the cells of the neoplasm. An investigation of the possibility of using sections cut from paraffin-embedded specimens showed that such sections are not suitable for use in retrospective studies of breast carcinoma. Because of such factors as the heterogeneity in size and shape of the nuclei from neoplastic cells and their tendency to mold around each other, determinations of DNA content of cells in sections were extremely difficult; in this particular carcinoma it was found that the distribution of nuclear DNA as obtained from a Feulgen-stained histologic section was not the same as that obtained from a Feulgen-stained imprint smear, and some polyploid tumors were erroneously classified as aneuploid.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy measurements in tissue sections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nuclear DNA ploidy measurements based on tissue sections, although technically tedious and time consuming, can provide useful diagnostic and prognostic information. Methods for minimizing distributional errors and optimizing interpretation of DNA histograms are presented, and the diagnostic and prognostic significance of DNA ploidy measurements in gynecologic cancer and its precursors is reviewed.  相似文献   

We report here on a new sensitive and highly specific DNA staining technique which we have called sulpho-DNA staining. DNA staining is based on a sulphonylation reaction of 2'-deoxycytidine or cytidine that takes place in the 6th position of cytosine with ensuing immunodetection of the sulphonylated DNA. The specificity of DNA staining is introduced by the use of an antibody recognizing only modified DNA but not modified RNA, by recourse to an additional acid hydrolysis step which destroys RNA but not DNA. We describe here the optimal conditions for the sulphonylation of DNA using O-methylhydroxylamine and metabisulphite as reactants. The new DNA stain labels all nuclei in either normal human tissue or in tumor cells. For nuclear DNA the staining signal is higher for the sulpho-DNA staining than for the Feulgen staining for nuclear DNA. This new DNA staining technique is suitable for use on tissue sections as well as on cytosmears.  相似文献   

Summry— The aim of this study was to localise two ionic S-phase markers in tissue sections using SIMS microscopy: aluminium as a potential endogenous marker and bromine as an exogenous marker after in vivo injection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). This study was performed in an experimental model of hyperplastic proliferation after partial hepatectomy in rat. Aluminium was never detected in nuclei which were positive or negative for tritiated thymidine uptake, as determined by autoradiography in tissue prepared by cryotechniques. In contrast, bromine of BrdU was found in hepatocyte nuclei. However, there was a discrepancy between SIMS bromine images and BrdU immunohistochemistry detection which appears more sensitive. This is probably due to problems of stereology intrinsic to the correlation method which requires serial sections for this multi-instrumental approach.  相似文献   

An endonuclease for depurinated DNA in rat liver   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Summary We report here on a new sensitive and highly specific DNA staining technique which we have called sulpho-DNA staining. DNA staining is based on a sulphonylation reaction of 2-deoxycytidine or cytidine that takes place in the 6th position of cytosine with ensuing immunodetection of the sulphonylated DNA. The specificity of DNA staining is introduced by the use of an antibody recognizing only modified DNA but not modified RNA, by recourse to an additional acid hydrolysis step which destroys RNA but not DNA. We describe here the optimal conditions for the sulphonylation of DNA using O-methylhydroxylamine and metabisulphite as reactants. The new DNA stain labels all nuclei in either normal human tissue or in tumor cells. For nuclear DNA the staining signal is higher for the sulpho-DNA staining than for the Feulgen staining for nuclear DNA. This new DNA staining technique is suitable for use on tissue sections as well as on cytosmears.  相似文献   

U Seppelt  E Sprenger 《Cytometry》1984,5(3):258-262
Eighty patients with prostate carcinoma underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy for cytologic grading and DNA-single-cell fluorescence photometry before and at 6-month intervals after endocrine treatment. The histograms of DNA values showed single peaks and bimodal and scattered distributions which correlated to the different tumor grades before therapy. The DNA values were significantly different from the controls with benign prostatic hypertrophy. After start of therapy, regressive changes of the DNA-histograms were increases of diploid and hypodiploid DNA values and disappearance of secondary peaks. Progressive changes were increased scattering of DNA values and appearance of secondary peaks. Progressive changes in the histograms were closely related to clinical remission and stable disease, but related poorly to clinical progression. The survival correlated with the pretherapeutic DNA-histograms and with the DNA-median, third-quartile, and maximum parameters.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish an upper limit of diploidy for microspectrophotometric (MSP) DNA measurements in sections of mesenchymal tissue analyzing DNA data of a large number of normal cell populations. The reliability of this upper limit of diploidy for discriminating between diploid and hyperploid bone sarcomas was tested by analyzing the same tumors by MSP in imprint preparations and flow cytometry (FCM). The median DNA value of control cells in tissue sections was given arbitrary value of DNA index (DI) 1.0, denoting the diploid DNA content. The proportion of cells with DNA values exceeding DI 1.25 (greater than DI 1.25) was determined for each normal cell population. The maximum percentage of cells with DNA values exceeding DI 1.25, encountered by analysis of 91 normal cell populations in tissue sections, was 31%. This percentage was set as an upper limit of diploidy. Hence, tumors with a higher percentage of cells greater than DI 1.25 were classified as hyperploid. When we applied this criterion, 31 of 36 sarcomas analyzed by MSP in tissue sections were hyperploid, which was in complete agreement with FCM and MSP in imprints of the same tumors. Apart from discriminating between diploid and hyperploid tumors, an attempt was made to determine peak DNA values of sarcomas analyzed in tissue sections. Peak DNA values, as defined by a minimum of 30% of the cells within a class width of DI 0.25, could be determined for 23 of 36 tumors. These peak DNA values correlated well with corresponding peaks obtained by FCM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The grading of nuclear atypia has a great and well recognized value when predicting the malignancy of neoplastic processes. Although the basic criteria for the grading are generally agreed upon, in the individual case, the final judgement is to some extent still a matter of subjectivity, which naturally impairs reproducibility. The present paper describes a method for quantification of variability of nuclear size and Feulgen-stainability. By plotting the mean optical density against the area value in a scatterdiagram, a cluster is obtained, the size of which reflects the degree of nuclear atypia. The measurements are performed in tissue sections using stage scanning cytophotometry. A computer program — HISTOSCAN — has been developed which enables measurements in highly cellular tissues. The system is also insensitive to the influence of light scattering, a factor of importance when measuring in tissue sections. The performance of the program is tested in both imprints and tissue sections.This work was supported by the Swedish Cancer Society, grant no. 1284-B80-02X  相似文献   

The applicability of Feulgen-based parameters to detect variant metaphase chromosomes involved in deletions or translocations, was investigated and algorithms developed to compute such parameters. This report is focused primarily on the magnitude of the errors involved during the prerequisite procedures of photography, measurement and computation. Measurements were performed by stage-scanning of photographic negatives of Feulgen-stained metaphases. In the scanned images the initial chromosome boundaries were obtained by thresholding, while definite chromosomal areas and local background values were obtained by expansion of the initial boundaries. The integrated density profiles and the relative DNA content were computed for the individual chromosomes (straight as well as bent). Total DNA content, DNA arm ratio, as well as length and centromere index can be obtained from the profile. It was shown that under such conditions the experimental errors associated with the measurements are small compared to biologic variations (e.g., differences between homologues) and that the procedures applied allow to detect polymorphisms. In addition to this, mean and standard deviations of both DNA and length parameters are given for metaphases of five subjects. Comparison of the applicability of DNA and length parameters is realized by a classification experiment.  相似文献   

This paper describes a microcomputer-based system that allows diagnostically relevant properties of stratified tissue sections to be objectively measured. The results of detailed nuclear image analyses are examined in the broader context of the position of nuclei within the tissue section and relative to histologic structures and each other. Quantitative measures are obtained for important morphometric and densitometric properties of individual nuclei and mitotic figures and especially for their distribution and orientation within the tissue section relative to the stratum germinativum and each other. Recorded karyometric and histometric parameters include measures of nuclear DNA content (based on optical density measurements), size, roundness, texture, shape, distance to the basal layer, angle with the stratum germinativum, epithelial height and proximate nuclear distance. Statistics generated describe normalized mitotic density as a function of depth in the epithelium, and a composite mitotic index is produced based upon weighting of these densities relative to their distance from the stratum germinativum. These properties and derived statistics may be examined as a function of epithelial depth and nuclear type and may be plotted as a function of other diagnostic features in addition to the observed stratum. The system is one part of microTICAS-STRATEX, an expert diagnostic system for the clinical evaluation of stratified tissue sections, now under development as an outgrowth of the microTICAS system. Results of measurements made with this system will be compared with site-specific and diagnosis-specific reference profiles and used in conjunction with clinical data derived from a data base at the University of Chicago of over 1.5 million patients to generate diagnostic and prognostic evaluations.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties and the ultrastructure, with special emphasis on the nanometric range, of liver tissues in an iron overload rat model have been investigated. The tissues of the animals, sacrificed at different times after a single iron dextran injection, have been characterised by magnetic AC susceptibility measurements together with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) as helping techniques. It has been observed that few days after the iron administration the liver contains at least two iron species: (i) akaganéite nanoparticles, coming from iron dextran and (ii) ferrihydrite nanoparticles corresponding to ferritin. The magnetic susceptibility of the tissues depends not only on the elemental iron content but also on its distribution among chemical species, and varies in a remarkable regular manner as a function of the elapsed time since the iron administration. The results are of relevance with respect to non-invasive techniques for liver iron determination, directly or indirectly based on the magnetic susceptibility of the tissues, as biomagnetic liver susceptometry (BLS) and magnetic resonance (MRI) image treatment.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron tomography of frozen-hydrated specimens holds considerable promise for high-resolution three-dimensional imaging of organelles and macromolecular complexes in their native cellular environment. While the technique has been successfully used with small, plunge-frozen cells and organelles, application to bulk mammalian tissue has proven to be difficult. We report progress with cryo-electron tomography of frozen-hydrated sections of rat liver prepared by high-pressure freezing and cryo-ultramicrotomy. Improvements include identification of suitable grids for mounting sections for tomography, reduction of surface artifacts on the sections, improved image quality by the use of energy filtering, and more rapid tissue excision using a biopsy needle. Tomographic reconstructions of frozen-hydrated liver sections reveal the native structure of such cellular components as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes, without the selective attenuation or enhancement of ultrastructural details associated with the osmication and post-staining used with freeze-substitution.  相似文献   

Electron tomography of frozen-hydrated tissue sections enables analysis of the 3-D structure of cell organelles in situ and in a near-native state. In this study, 160-200-nm-thick sections were cut from high-pressure frozen rat liver, and improved methods were used for handling and mounting the sections. Automated data collection facilitated tilt-series recording at low electron dose (approximately 4000 e(-)/nm(2) at 400 keV). Higher doses (up to 10,000 e(-)/nm(2)) were found to increase contrast and smooth out surface defects, but caused section distortion and movement, with likely loss of high-resolution information. Tomographic reconstruction showed that knife marks were 10-40 nm deep and located on the "knife face" of the section, while crevices were 20-50 nm deep and found on the "block face." The interior of the section was normally free of defects, except for compression, and contained useful structural information. For example, the topology of mitochondrial membranes in tissue was found to be very similar to that in frozen-hydrated whole mounts of isolated mitochondria. In rare cases, a 15-nm banding pattern perpendicular to the cutting direction was observed in the interior of the section, most evident in the uniformly dense, protein-rich material of the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

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