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原子力显微镜(AFM)作为一项重要的表面可视化技术,以其独特的优势(纳米级的空间分辨率、皮牛级力灵敏度、免标记、可在溶液环境下工作)被广泛应用于生物被膜的研究。AFM不仅可以在近生理环境下对生物被膜表面超微形貌进行可视化表征,同时还可以通过纳米压痕对生物被膜的机械特性(弹性和粘性)进行定量测量,利用AFM单细胞和单分子力谱技术可以获得生物被膜形成过程中细胞-基底以及细胞-细胞之间的相互作用力,为生物被膜的实时原位系统研究提供了可行性。本文简述了AFM的基本操作原理,综述了近年来AFM用于生物被膜表面超微结构成像、机械特性测量以及相互作用力研究方面的进展,并对AFM在生物被膜研究中面临的问题和未来的发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were compared as tools for the observation of bacterial biofilms developed on carbon steel and AISI 316 stainless steel surfaces under stagnant conditions. Biofilms were generated in batch cultures of two different isolates of marine sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) and in cultures consisting of mixed populations of acidophilic bacteria, known as "acid streamers";. Imaging of single SRB cells on mica was also carried out to reveal the surface topography of individual bacterial cells at nanometre resolution. Following the removal of biofilms, the stainless steel surfaces were profiled using AFM to determine the degree of steel deterioration. ESEM and AFM studies of bacterial biofilms in-situ, gave both qualitative and quantitative information on biofilm structure at high resolution. The use of AFM image analysis software allowed estimation of the width and height of bacterial cells, the thickness and width of exopolymeric (EPS) capsule and bacterial flagella, as well as characterisation of the surface roughness of the steel, including measurements of depth and diameter of individual pits. Exposure of stainless steel specimens to acid streamers resulted in a significant increase in the surface roughness of the steel, compared to specimens placed in sterile medium.  相似文献   

An overview of the biophysical applications of atomic force microscopy   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The potentialities of the atomic force microscopy (AFM) make it a tool of undeniable value for the study of biologically relevant samples. AFM is progressively becoming a usual benchtop technique. In average, more than one paper is published every day on AFM biological applications. This figure overcomes materials science applications, showing that 17 years after its invention, AFM has completely crossed the limits of its traditional areas of application. Its potential to image the structure of biomolecules or bio-surfaces with molecular or even sub-molecular resolution, study samples under physiological conditions (which allows to follow in situ the real time dynamics of some biological events), measure local chemical, physical and mechanical properties of a sample and manipulate single molecules should be emphasized.  相似文献   

We detected polysaccharide capsules from Zunongwangia profunda SM-A87 with atomic force microscopy (AFM). The molecular organization of the capsules at the single-polysaccharide-chain level was reported. Furthermore, we found that with ScanAsyst mode the polysaccharide capsules could be detected even in the presence of deliquescent water covering the capsule.  相似文献   

P.A.GUNNING, A.R.KIRBY, M.L.PARKER, A.P.GUNNING AND V.J.MORRIS. 1996. Both Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) have been used to visualize the morphology of Pseudomonas putida bacterial colonies isolated from model oil-in-water emulsions. A new method has been developed for growing flat homogeneous bacterial biofilms at planar oil-water interfaces. A marked increase in resolution has been achieved when these flat bacterial biofilms are imaged by both SEM and AFM methods. On flat bacterial biofilms AFM offers superior resolution with minimal sample preparation. High resolution DC contact mode AFM studies of the bacterial surfaces have revealed surface features comparable in size to large proteins. AC non-contact AFM methods have been used to image bacterial flagella trapped in the biofilm.  相似文献   

The potential of atomic force microscopy for estimating geometric characteristics of blood cells is demonstrated. Comparison of hemocyte morphometric characteristics recorded using different scanning modes has demonstrated that noncontact and semicontact imaging are adequate for studying the size and geometry of biological objects. A contact scanning of cells leads to their irreversible deformation.  相似文献   

原子力显微技术在酶学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酶在生物体的生命活动中占有及其重要的地位,机体功能的和谐统一有赖于酶的作用。原子力显微技术(AFM)作为一门新发展起来的技术,为人们认识酶的结构与功能提供了又一新的窗口。AFM能够在生理条件下对生物样品进行三维成像,在分子水平上实时监测生理生化反应。AFM还能够在皮牛顿精度上测定分子间作用力。目前,AFM已用于单分子酶的化学性质及其作用原理的研究。本简述AFM在酶学中的应用情况。  相似文献   

Bacteriophages attacking lactic acid bacteria (LAB) still represent a crucial problem in industrial dairy fermentations. The consequences of a phage infection against LAB can lead to fermentation delay, alteration of the product quality and, in most severe cases, the product loss. Phage particles enumeration and phage-host interactions are normally evaluated by conventional plaque count assays, but, in many cases, these methods can be unsuccessful. Bacteriophages of Lactobacillus helveticus, a LAB species widely used as dairy starter or probiotic cultures, are often unable to form lysis plaques, thus impairing their enumeration by plate assay. In this study, we used epifluorescence microscopy to enumerate L. helveticus phage particles from phage-infected cultures and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to visualize both phages and bacteria during the different stages of the lytic cycle. Preliminary, we tested the sensitivity of phage counting by epifluorescence microscopy. To this end, phage particles of ΦAQ113, a lytic phage of L. helveticus isolated from a whey starter culture, were stained by SYBR Green I and enumerated by epifluorescence microscopy. Values obtained by the microscopic method were 10 times higher than plate counts, with a lowest sensitivity limit of ≥ 6 log phage/ml. The interaction of phage ΦAQ113 with its host cell L. helveticus Lh1405 was imaged by AFM after 0, 2 and 5 h from phage-host adsorption. The lytic cycle was followed by epifluorescence microscopy counting and the concomitant cell wall changes were visualized by AFM imaging. Our results showed that these two methods can be combined for a reliable phage enumeration and for studying phage and host morphology during infection processes, thus giving a complete overview of phage-host interactions in L. helveticus strains involved in dairy productions.  相似文献   



One of the main factors that reduce fruit quality and lead to economically important losses is oversoftening. Textural changes during fruit ripening are mainly due to the dissolution of the middle lamella, the reduction of cell-to-cell adhesion and the weakening of parenchyma cell walls as a result of the action of cell wall modifying enzymes. Pectins, major components of fruit cell walls, are extensively modified during ripening. These changes include solubilization, depolymerization and the loss of neutral side chains. Recent evidence in strawberry and apple, fruits with a soft or crisp texture at ripening, suggests that pectin disassembly is a key factor in textural changes. In both these fruits, softening was reduced as result of antisense downregulation of polygalacturonase genes. Changes in pectic polymer size, composition and structure have traditionally been studied by conventional techniques, most of them relying on bulk analysis of a population of polysaccharides, and studies focusing on modifications at the nanostructural level are scarce. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows the study of individual polymers at high magnification and with minimal sample preparation; however, AFM has rarely been employed to analyse pectin disassembly during fruit ripening.


In this review, the main features of the pectin disassembly process during fruit ripening are first discussed, and then the nanostructural characterization of fruit pectins by AFM and its relationship with texture and postharvest fruit shelf life is reviewed. In general, fruit pectins are visualized under AFM as linear chains, a few of which show long branches, and aggregates. Number- and weight-average values obtained from these images are in good agreement with chromatographic analyses. Most AFM studies indicate reductions in the length of individual pectin chains and the frequency of aggregates as the fruits ripen. Pectins extracted with sodium carbonate, supposedly located within the primary cell wall, are the most affected.  相似文献   

Self-assembly plays an important role in the formation of many chiral biological structures and in the preparation of chiral functional materials. Therefore the control of chirality in synthetic or biological self-assembled systems is important either for the comprehension of recognition phenomena or to obtain materials with predictable and controllable properties. Circular dichroism was developed to study molecular chirality, however, because of its outstanding sensitivity to chiral perturbations of the system under investigation; it has been extended more recently to supramolecular chemistry. In particular, self-assembly processes leading to the formation of chiral supramolecular architectures (and eventually to gels or liquid crystal phases) can be monitored by CD. Furthermore, CD spectroscopy often allows one to obtain structural information on the assembled structures. This review deals with representative contributions to the study of supramolecular chirality by means of circular dichroism.  相似文献   

原子力显微技术成像在生物医学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原子力显微技术利用探针尖端与标本之间相互作用的力场对标本进行三维成像。这种成像可在生理条件下进行 ,可进行动态观察和标本容易制备是有别于其它成像技术如电子显微镜成像等的特点。对于细胞和生物大分子 ,能够在生理条件下成像具有重要意义。它意味着人们在认识生命本质的方法学方面 ,又向前迈出了新的一步。本文简要综述对细胞和生物大分子的成像在生物医学方面的应用。  相似文献   

A method has been developed that has been found to give reproducible images of uncoated polysaccharides by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Aqueous solutions of the polysaccharide are deposited as drops onto freshly cleaved mica surfaces, air dried, and then imaged under butanol. The method has been used to obtain images of the bacterial polysaccharide acetan. In regions within the deposited sample, where the molecules are aligned side-by-side, it has been possible to observe a periodic structure along the polysaccharide chain, attributable to the helical structure of acetan.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope has developed into a powerful tool in structural biology allowing information to be acquired at submolecular resolution on the protruding structures of membrane proteins. It is now a complementary technique to X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy for structure determination of individual membrane proteins after extraction, purification and reconstitution into lipid bilayers. Moving on from the structures of individual components of biological membranes, atomic force microscopy has recently been demonstrated to be a unique tool to identify in situ the individual components of multi-protein assemblies and to study the supramolecular architecture of these components allowing the efficient performance of a complex biological function.Here, recent atomic force microscopy studies of native membranes of different photosynthetic bacteria with different polypeptide contents are reviewed. Technology, advantages, feasibilities, restrictions and limits of atomic force microscopy for the acquisition of highly resolved images of up to 10 Å lateral resolution under native conditions are discussed. From a biological point of view, the new insights contributed by the images are analysed and discussed in the context of the strongly debated organisation of the interconnected network of membrane-associated chlorophyll-protein complexes composing the photosynthetic apparatus in different species of purple bacteria.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope has developed into a powerful tool in structural biology allowing information to be acquired at submolecular resolution on the protruding structures of membrane proteins. It is now a complementary technique to X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy for structure determination of individual membrane proteins after extraction, purification and reconstitution into lipid bilayers. Moving on from the structures of individual components of biological membranes, atomic force microscopy has recently been demonstrated to be a unique tool to identify in situ the individual components of multi-protein assemblies and to study the supramolecular architecture of these components allowing the efficient performance of a complex biological function. Here, recent atomic force microscopy studies of native membranes of different photosynthetic bacteria with different polypeptide contents are reviewed. Technology, advantages, feasibilities, restrictions and limits of atomic force microscopy for the acquisition of highly resolved images of up to 10 A lateral resolution under native conditions are discussed. From a biological point of view, the new insights contributed by the images are analysed and discussed in the context of the strongly debated organisation of the interconnected network of membrane-associated chlorophyll-protein complexes composing the photosynthetic apparatus in different species of purple bacteria.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy was used to image Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J, a gram-negative bacterial predator that consumes a variety of other gram-negative bacteria. In predator-prey communities grown on filters at hydrated air-solid interfaces, repeated cycles of hunting, invasion, growth, and lysis occurred readily even though the cells were limited to near two-dimensional movement. This system allowed us to image the bacteria directly without extensive preparation or modification, and many of the cells remained alive during imaging. Presented are images of the life cycle in two species of prey organisms, both Escherichia coli (a small prey bacterium that grows two-dimensionally on a surface) and Aquaspirillum serpens (a large prey bacterium that grows three-dimensionally on a surface), including high-resolution images of invaded prey cells called bdelloplasts. We obtained evidence for multiple invasions per prey cell, as well as significant heterogeneity in morphology of bdellovibrios. Mutant host-independent bdellovibrios were observed to have flagella and to excrete a coating that causes the predators to clump together on a surface. Most interestingly, changes in the texture of the cell surface membranes were measured during the course of the invasion cycle. Thus, coupled with our preparation method, atomic force microscopy allowed new observations to be made about Bdellovibrio at an interface. These studies raise important questions about the ways in which bacterial predation at interfaces (air-solid or liquid-solid) may be similar to or different from predation in solution.  相似文献   

Limanskiĭ AP 《Biofizika》2000,45(6):1039-1043
Atomic force microscopy was used to visualize the cruciform structure in supercoiled plasmid pUC8 DNA immobilized on aminomodified mica. The cruciform hairpin was 14 base pairs in size, as determined from atomic force microscopy images of pUC8 DNA in air. Molecular modeling confirmed that the cruciform structure is formed by hairpins with self-complementary homopyrimidine-homopurine sequences (dT)8(dA)6 and a loop 4 nucleotides long.  相似文献   

原子力显微技术作为一门新发展起来的显微成像技术,不仅具有在近生理条件下对样本实时、高分辨率三维成像等特点,而且能通过力矩测量探知样本物理性状。即给人们认识微生物的表面结构提供又一平台,也为揭示微生物表面结构与功能之间的关系提供一种新方法。介绍了对微生物表面形态观测中常用测量模式和某些样品固定方法:多孔膜技术、凹陷技术,概括近年来原子力显微技术在微生物学中的应用情况。  相似文献   

Fixation ability of five common fixation solutions, including 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 10% formalin, 4% paraformaldehyde, methanol/acetone (1:1), and ethanol/acetic acid (3:1) were evaluated by using atomic force microscopy in the present study. Three model bacteria, i.e., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida, and Bacillus subtilis were applied to observe the above fixation methods for the morphology preservation of bacterial cells and surface ultrastructures. All the fixation methods could effectively preserve cell morphology. However, for preserving bacterial surface ultrastructures, the methods applying aldehyde fixations performed much better than those using alcohols, since the alcohols could detach the surface filaments (i.e., flagella and pili) significantly. Based on the quantitative and qualitative assessments, the 2.5% glutaraldehyde was proposed as a promising fixation solution both for observing morphology of both bacterial cell and surface ultrastructures, while the methonal/acetone mixture was the worst fixation solution which may obtain unreliable results.  相似文献   

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