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曹勇 《生态学杂志》1993,12(1):56-58
独墅湖颤蚓翻新底泥量的估算曹勇(苏州城建环保学院,215008)QuantitativeEstimationofSedimentRenewalbyTubificidsinDushuLake¥CaoYong(SuzhouInstituteofUrbanConstruction&EnvironmentalProtection,215008).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(1):56-58。Tubificidsaresampledmainlyatanintervaloftwomonthsin1984.SixspeciesarefoundinthesedimentofDushulake,andLimnodrilushoffmeistriandBranchurasowerbyiaredominantspecies.Thedefecationratesofthesetwospeciesaremeasuredandtheamountsofsedimentrenewalareestimated.Keywords:Tubificids,lakesediment,Dushulake.水栖寡毛类  相似文献   

克隆哺乳动物的一些进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
陈秀兰CHEN  Xiu-Lan 《遗传》1997,19(5):41-44
克隆哺乳动物的一些进展陈秀兰(中国科学院遗传研究所,北京100101)RecentProgresinMammalianCloningChenXiulan(InstituteofGenetics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Bei...  相似文献   

植物细胞质膜氧化还原系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物细胞质膜氧化还原系统陈珈(北京农业大学生物学院。北京100094)REDOXSYSTEMINTHEPLASMAMEMBRANEOFPLANTCELL¥ChenJia(CollegeofBiologica!Sciences,BeijingAgric...  相似文献   

本文氡线蚓科(Enchytraeidae)半线蚓属(Hemienchytraeus)4种,其中2种为新种,即扁毛半线蚓(H.planisetosus sp.nov)和短囊半线蚓(H.brachythecus sp.nov)。另2种是国内新记录,即史氏半线蚓(H.stephensoni)和洛氏半线蚓(H.loksai)。  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒及其疫苗研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
猪瘟病毒及其疫苗研究进展陆宇,陈建国,丁明孝(北京大学生命科学学院,北京100871)ResearchProgressonHogCholeraVirusanditsVaccineLuYu;ChenJianguo;DingMingxiao(Colleg...  相似文献   

描述线蚓科Enchytraeidae玛利安蚓属Marionina Michaelsen1889一新种--长白山玛利安蚓M.changbaishanensis Xie,Liang et Wang,sp.nov。该种的主要特点为:刚毛线束2~4条直棒状,一束内志长度不等;肾管在隔膜前仅包含肾漏斗;储精囊单个,发达,受精囊腔有2个近球形的分支,分支内具精子环。  相似文献   

温度,pH对菌根真菌生长影响的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
温度、pH对菌根真菌生长影响的研究韩桂云,齐玉臣,刘忱,周玉芝(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)EffectsofTemperatureandpHonMycorrbizalFungusGrowth¥HanGuiyun;QiYuChen;LiuChen;ZhouYuzhi(InstituteofAppliedEcology,AcademiaSinica,Shenyang110015).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(1):15-19。TheeffectsoftemperatureandpHonthegrowthof19purestrainsofmycorrhizalfungiareinvestigated.TheoptimumtemperatureandpHarefoundandrelationshipsbetweenadaptablerangesoftemperatureandpHformycorrhizalfungusgrowthandtheirecologicaldistributionareindicated.Keywords:temperature,pH,  相似文献   

报道生于夹竹桃科(Apocynaceae)植物上的链格孢新种2个、新变种2个,即络石链格孢(Alternaria trachelospermi T.Y Zhang,X,F,Lin et W.Q.Chen)、细极链格孢络石生变种[A.tenuissima(Neesex Fr.)Wiltshirevar.trachelospermicola T.Y.Zhang,X.F.LinetW.Q.Chen]、细极链格孢长春花变种[A.tenuissima(NeesexFr.)Wiltshirevar.catharanthiT,Y.ZhangetX.F.Lin]和长春花生链格孢(A.catharanthicolaT.Y.Zhang),及生于番木瓜科(Caricaceae)植物上的番木瓜链格孢(A.caricae T.Y.Zhang,W.Q.Chen et X.F.Lin).新种和新变种均有拉丁文特征描述,并附绘图.新分类单位的模式标本分别存放在西北农业大学真菌标本室(HMUABO)和山东农业大学植物病理标本室(HSAUP).  相似文献   

罢生植物根转的丛枝菌根真菌Ⅱ.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
盖京苹  刘润进 《菌物系统》2000,19(2):205-211
本文主要报道了野生植物根围Glomus属的17个种,聚球囊霉G.aggregatum Schench&Smith。苏格兰球囊霉G.caledonium(Nicol.&Gerd.)Trappe&Gerd,近明球囊霉G.claroidueumSchenck&Smith,明球囊霉G.CLARUM nICOLSON&Schenck,缩球囊霉G.constrictum Trappe,透光球囊霉G.fasc  相似文献   

不同生态条件下苹果叶面附生物种群演替的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同生态条件下苹果叶面附生物种群演替的初步研究陈功友,郑铁民,任国兰,时向阳(河南农业大学,郑州450002)郭艳春,宋爱仙(河南省植保总站,郑州450002)(郑州市园艺场,450002)SuccessionofEpiphyticMicrofloraPopulationsonApplePhylloplaneunderDiffcrentEcologicalCondi-tions¥.ChenGongyou,ZhengTiemin,RenGuolan,ShiXiangyang(Henan,AgriculturalUniuersity,Zhengzhou450002),GuoYanchun(HenanGeneralStationofplantprotection,Zhengzhou450002),SongAixian(HorliculturalFarmofZhengzhouMunicipality,Zhengzhou450002).(ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(4):7-13.Seasonalvariationsofepiphyticmicrofloraonapplephyll  相似文献   

Tn1935, a 23.5-kb transposon mediating resistance to ampicillin, kanamycin, mercury, spectinomycin, and sulfonamide was isolated from pZM3, an IncFIme virulence plasmid from Salmonella wien. Tn1935 possesses the entire sequence of Tn21 and contains two additional DNA segments of 0.95 and 2.7 kb carrying the ampicillin and kanamycin resistance genes, respectively. The latter is part of a composite element since it is flanked by two IS15-like insertion sequences (IS1936) in direct orientation. IS1936 is about 800 bp long and is closely related to IS15 delta, IS26, IS46, IS140, and IS176. Functional analysis of IS1936-mediated cointegrates shows that both insertion sequences are active and able to form cointegrates at the same frequency. Resolution of the cointegrates requires the presence of the host Rec system. The presence of the composite IS1936-element within Tn1935 supports the hypothesis that multidrug resistance transposons evolved by insertion of antibiotic determinants which are themselves transposable.  相似文献   

T he following notes were made during my second tour in Northern Rhodesia, from December 1935 to July 1938. Notes relating to some of the species seen during that tour have, however, already appeared in 'The Ibis' (1938, pp. 269–277). References are also made to the notes on the birds observed during my first tour (Ibis, 1936, pp. 763–791; 'L'Oiseau et la Revue française d'Ornithologie,' 1936, pp. 77–85), where the same species are dealt with again.  相似文献   

Stigler SM 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):317-321
On the 60th anniversary of the International Biometric Society, a look back is taken to the view of biometry held by the first president, R. A. Fisher, as reflected in notes taken in a lecture course he gave in 1935-1936.  相似文献   

In 1935, nutritional work on lettuce was started by the author. The investigations were divided into three sections: sand-culture experiments, soil-culture experiments, and field-fertilizer trials. The results of the sand-culture work have been published (Woodman, 1936, 1939 a, b, c, d , 1940 a, b ); the present paper deals with the results obtained so far from soil cultures and field trials.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie dieser Abhandlung zugrunde liegenden Versuche wurden in den Jahren 1935 und 1936 im Botanischen Institut der Universität Halle ausgeführt. Die Anregung zu der Arbeit stammt von Herrn Prof. Montfort, dem ich hiermit für das rege Interesse an der Arbeit sowie für die vielseitige Unterstützung meinen besten Dank aussprechen möchte.  相似文献   

The available data on the resistance of Antirrhinum majus L.to rust, Puccinia antirrhini Dietel and Holway, are reviewed.There is evidence for one or more genetic changes in the pathogen.In one instance it can be demonstrated that this change is likelyto have been by mutation. The chronology of the changes is:in the U.S.A., east of the Rockies between 1921 and 1935 andin California during 1936; in Europe between 1936 and 1954 andin Britain between 1958 and 1962. A virulent race was presentin Australia by 1954. Puccinia antirrhini Dietel and Holway, rust, Antirrhinum majus L., mutation, virulence, resistance  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA: Preliminary Report on the Smithsonian Institution-Harvard University Archaeological Expedition to Northwestern Honduras, 1936 . W illiam D uncan S trong , A lfred K idder II and A. J. D rexel P aul , J r .
CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA: An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Northwestern Honduras: A Report of the Work of the Tulane University-Danish National Museum Expedition to Central America 1935 . J ens Y de .  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung1 Beiträge: I. Fedde Repert.26, 177 (1929); II. l. c.27, 385 (1930); III. l. c.29, 246 (1931); IV. l. c.33, 353 (1934); V. l. c.38, 49 (1935); VI. l. c.39, 169 (1936); VII. l. c.40, 294 (1936); VIII. l. c.49, 1 (1940); IX. Candollea11 (1948).  相似文献   

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