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During oogenesis, Xenopus oocytes synthesize and accumulate all types of RNA. In particular, they store poly(A+) RNA to such an extent that only about 5% is actually translated in the oocyte. Using a protein blotting and in vitro binding assay, we have identified proteins which are associated with poly(A+) RNA and perhaps other RNAs as well. Two groups of binding proteins were identified. The first group accumulates during oogenesis, generally is less than 50,000 molecular weight, and sediments in the 80 S and polysome regions of a gradient. These proteins most likely include ribosomal proteins. A second group of proteins is oocyte-specific, sediments less than 80 S as well 80 S and slightly heavier, generally has molecular weights greater than 50,000, and diminishes in amount as oogenesis progresses. In addition, these proteins are retained by oligo(dT)-cellulose when ribonucleoproteins are analyzed by chromatography and, when challenged with several different types of RNA in vitro, bind poly(A+) RNA preferentially. The possibility that some of these proteins might regulate the stability or translatability of mRNAs during oogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are activated in somatic cells in response to many extracellular stimuli and in oocytes during meiotic maturation. We have examined the tissue specificity of expression of a MAP kinase (Xp42) in adult and larval Xenopus laevis. MAP kinase RNA and protein were abundant in the nervous system and lymphoid tissues and were readily detected in most other organs. A remarkably high level of RNA was detected in ovary. Fractionation of oocytes showed that MAP kinase RNA is expressed at the highest level in small oocytes, suggesting that it is a maternal RNA that is stored for early embryogenesis. The levels of MAP kinase RNA and protein did not change from the time of fertilization through to late blastula. The results are consistent with functions for MAP kinases in signal transduction in embryonic as well as adult cells.  相似文献   

Developmentally regulated gene expression in Schistosoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Xenopus is a well-characterized model system for the investigation of biological processes at the molecular, cellular, and developmental level. The successful application of a rapid and reliable method for transgenic approaches in Xenopus has led to renewed interest in this system. We have explored the applicability of tetracycline-regulated gene expression, first described by Gossen and Bujard in 1992, to the Xenopus system. By optimizing conditions, tetracycline repressor induced expression of a luciferase reporter gene was readily and reproducibly achieved in both the Xenopus oocyte and developing embryo. This high level of expression was effectively abrogated by addition of low levels of tetracycline. The significance of this newly defined system for studies of chromatin dynamics and developmental processes is discussed.  相似文献   

R Stick 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(10):3189-3197
Lamins are nucleoskeletal proteins which form intermediate type filaments in close association with the inner nuclear envelope membrane. Based on molecular and biochemical properties the lamins were grouped as type-A and type-B lamins, respectively. I have cloned the cDNA encoding lamin LIII of Xenopus which is the lamin protein present in oocyte nuclei and in cleavage nuclei. The data presented here indicate that a pool of maternal lamin LIII RNA is synthesized very early in oogenesis and that it continues to be present until gastrulation when the vast majority of the LIII RNA is degraded. Despite the similarities shared by all lamin proteins, the lamin LIII sequence neither possesses the features diagnostic for either type-A or type-B lamins nor does it show greater sequence similarity to one of the lamin types than to the other and thus it may represent a third type of lamin protein which may reflect its special function in oogenesis and early development.  相似文献   

The topographic projection pattern formed by the retinal ganglion cell axons in the tectum of the lower vertebrate appears to require positional cues that guide the optic nerve fibers to their appropriate targets. One approach to understanding these positional cues or "positional information" has been to investigate changes in the pattern of the retinotectal projection after surgical manipulation of the embryonic eyebud. Analysis of these apparent changes in the patterns of positional information in the eye, termed "pattern regulation," may provide clues to both the nature of positional information and the mechanisms by which it is assigned to cells in the eyebud. Here we examine pattern regulation in the Xenopus visual system following the replacement of the temporal half of a right eyebud with the temporal half of a left eyebud. This manipulation requires that the left half-eyebud be inverted along its dorsoventral axis. Electrophysiological maps of these compound eyes in postmetamorphic frogs reveal regulated maps; the cells in the temporal half of the NrTl eye project to the tectum with a dorsoventral polarity appropriate for their position in the host eye and not appropriate for the original positions of the grafted cells in the donor eyebud. Paradoxically, the regulated patterns are not apparent in the projections of the original grafted eyebud cells during early larval development. Using fiber-tracing and electrophysiological mapping techniques, we now show that the regulated patterns appear gradually in the projections made by peripheral retinal cells added during mid-larval development. Because the regulation occurs relatively late in development and probably only in the peripheral retinal cells, simple models of epimorphic or morphallactic regulation do not appear to fit this system. Thus, new or more complex models must be invoked to explain the phenomenon of pattern regulation in the developing visual system of Xenopus.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported a zebrafish iroquois gene, ziro3, and its expression during early embryogenesis (Mech. Dev. 87 (1999) 165). In the present study, we have isolated two novel zebrafish iroquois genes, ziro1 and ziro5, homologs of mouse Irx1 and mouse Irx5, respectively. The expression of both genes is initiated in dorsal neuroectoderm and mesoderm during gastrulation. Later, their expression appears in the central nervous system (CNS), excluding the telencephalon and most of the diencephalon. ziro1 expression is complementary to that of ziro3 in the notochord and later in the gut. In contrast, ziro5 expression mostly overlaps with that of ziro3. Interestingly, all three iroquois zebrafish genes are expressed in the notochord while only Irx3 is active in the mouse notochord. Their expression in later stages of embryogenesis was also compared.  相似文献   

It is known that the 40s ribosomal protein S6 undergoes a dramatic increase in its level of phosphorylation during Xenopus oocyte meiotic maturation in response to progesterone stimulation. During prophase arrest, the majority of S6 has 0 moles phosphate per mole protein; this increases to 4-5 moles phosphate per mole protein by the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Our in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that the accumulation of phosphate on S6 is the net result of a 4-5-fold increase in S6 kinase activity and a 30-50% decrease in the rate of dephosphorylation and/or turnover of phosphate groups on S6 in maturing oocytes. In addition, the level of phosphorylation of S6 on 80s monosomes injected into non-hormone-stimulated oocytes was unexpectedly high. This indicates that the S6 kinase/phosphatase ratio in prophase arrested oocytes is higher than anticipated from previous studies. This observation implies that the majority of the oocyte ribosomes may be sequestered from any S6 kinase during meiotic prophase. Furthermore, these observations suggest that a portion of the increased accumulation of phosphate on S6 may be the result of increased accessibility of the ribosomes to S6 kinase during oocyte meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

To investigate the developmentally programmed telomere addition that accompanies chromosome fragmentation during macronuclear differentiation in Tetrahymena thermophila, five representative telomeric regions from the macronucleus were cloned and characterized in detail. The sequences adjacent to the telomeric (C4A2:T2G4) repeats on these five macronuclear ends had no significant sequence homology or shared secondary structure. Two developmentally independent examples of one macronuclear telomere had a 5 base pair difference in the position of the junction between the telomeric repeats and the adjacent sequences. A telomere-adjacent sequence, in the form of a synthetic oligonucleotide, was unable to prime the addition of telomeric repeats in vitro. The implications of these results for the mechanisms underlying developmentally programmed chromosome fragmentation and telomere addition in Tetrahymena are discussed.  相似文献   

Protamines from individual frogs of the subspecies Xenopus laevis laevis were compared by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels containing acetic acid, urea, and Triton X-100 to determine if the expression of protamine genes differs among individuals. Two electrophoretic bands, SP2a and SP2b, appeared to be expressed as allelic variants. Of 33 frogs, 19 expressed only SP2a, 11 expressed both SP2a and SP2b, and three expressed only SP2b. Electrophoretic analysis of partial V8 protease digests could not distinguish the peptides released from SP2a and SP2b. Differences in sperm development between individuals were not detected by light or electron microscopy. The results suggest that protamine polymorphism can exist among individuals of a species without an apparent effect on sperm development or sperm function.  相似文献   

Analysis of cDNA clones synthesized from vitellogenin mRNA of X. tropicalis revealed three different types of cDNA clones, i.e. A, A* and B. A and A* clones have a sequence divergence of about 6% and are both related to X. laevis vitellogenin cDNAs of subgroup A1 as well as A2 with a sequence divergence of 6-9%. B clones however, are related to X. laevis cDNA clones of subgroup B1 and B2 with a sequence divergence of about 7%. While the A and B clones correspond to vitellogenin mRNAs of similar abundance, A* clone is complementary to a vitellogenin mRNA about 100 fold less abundant than A and B mRNAs although all three vitellogenin mRNAs are encoded by single copy genes. Furthermore, two forms of A* mRNA were found. One of the two is lacking an internal fragment of about 900 bp. Since this DNA fragment is highly repeated in the genome, we suggest that this A* clone was synthesized from a processing intermediate of the A* precursor vitellogenin mRNA.  相似文献   

Regulation of simian virus 40 gene expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Expression of the simian virus 40 (SV40) early and late regions was examined in Xenopus laevis oocytes microinjected with viral DNA. In contrast to the situation in monkey cells, both late-strand-specific (L-strand) RNA and early-strand-specific (E-strand) RNA could be detected as early as 2 h after injection. At all time points tested thereafter, L-strand RNA was synthesized in excess over E-strand RNA. Significantly greater quantities of L-strand, relative to E-strand, RNA were detected over a 100-fold range of DNA concentrations injected. Analysis of the subcellular distribution of [35S]methionine-labeled viral proteins revealed that while the majority of the VP-1 and all detectable small t antigen were found in the oocyte cytoplasm, most of the large T antigen was located in the oocyte nucleus. The presence of the large T antigen in the nucleus led us to investigate whether this viral product influences the relative synthesis of late or early RNA in the oocyte as it does in infected monkey cells. Microinjection of either mutant C6 SV40 DNA, which encodes a large T antigen unable to bind specifically to viral regulatory sequences, or deleted viral DNA lacking part of the large T antigen coding sequences yielded ratios of L-strand to E-strand RNA that were similar to those observed with wild-type SV40 DNA. Taken together, these observations suggest that the regulation of SV40 RNA synthesis in X. laevis oocytes occurs by a fundamentally different mechanism than that observed in infected monkey cells. This notion was further supported by the observation that the major 5' ends of L-strand RNA synthesized in oocytes were different from those detected in infected cells. Furthermore, only a subset of those L-strand RNAs were polyadenylated.  相似文献   

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