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The potential to genetically dissect tumorigenesis provides the major reason to study this process in the fruit flyDrosophila. Over the last 30 years genetic analysis has identified some 55 genes in which recessive mutations cause the appearance of specific tumours during development in tissues such as the imaginal discs, the brain hemispheres, the hematopoietic organs or the gonads, Since the normal allele acts dominantly over the mutated allele, these genes are designated as tumour suppressor genes. The estimate of the number of genes that can be mutated to tumour formation may be, however, much higher ranging between I00 to 200. The challenge before this field is how best to identify these genes and elucidate their function. Current molecular procedures, such as mutagenesis mediated by P-element transposon, provide new ways for tagging any gene of interest inDrosophila and thus for cloning it rapidly. Function of the gene product can be inferred by comparing its amino acid sequence with sequences of proteins with known function or can be determined by histochemical and biochemical investigations. Progress in the understanding of tumour suppression inDrosophila is most advanced in the case of genes regulating cell growth in imaginal discs. The imaginal discs are small groups of cells displaying a strong apical-basal polarity and form folded sacs of epithelia which grow throughout the larval life and give rise to the adult tegument during metamorphosis. Tumour suppressor genes regulating cell growth of imaginal discs, such as thelethal(2)giant larvae (l(2)g1),lethal(1)discs large-1 andexpanded genes, were found to encode proteins localized in domains of cell to cell contact on the plasma membrane and were thus thought to maintain cell adhesion. However, recent studies of l(2)gl have revealed that the l(2)gl protein is a component of the normal cytoskeleton which can participates to the cytoskeletal matrix underlaying the plasma membrane. These findings indicate that the changes in cell shape and the loss of apical-basal polarity in imaginal disc cells result primarily from alterations in the cytoskeleton structure. Furthermore the neoplastic growth of the mutated cells may be caused by the disorganization of an intracellular communication system that ultimately controls cell proliferation and/or cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Allotopic expression is potentially a gene therapy for mtDNA-related diseases. Some OXPHOS proteins like ATP6 (subunit a of complex V) and COX3 (subunit III of complex IV) that are typically mtDNA-encoded, are naturally nucleus-encoded in the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The mitochondrial proteins whose genes have been relocated to the nucleus exhibit long mitochondrial targeting sequences ranging from 100 to 140 residues and a diminished overall mean hydrophobicity when compared with their mtDNA-encoded counterparts. We explored the allotopic expression of the human gene products COX3 and ATP6 that were re-designed for mitochondrial import by emulating the structural properties of the corresponding algal proteins. In vivo and in vitro data in homoplasmic human mutant cells carrying either a T8993G mutation in the mitochondrial atp6 gene or a 15 bp deletion in the mtDNA-encoded cox3 gene suggest that these human mitochondrial proteins re-designed for nuclear expression are targeted to the mitochondria, but fail to functionally integrate into their corresponding OXPHOS complexes.  相似文献   

The importation of cytosolic tRNAs is required for protein synthesis in the mitochondria of the wide variety of eukaryotes that lack a complete set of mitochondrial tRNA genes. The evolutionary history of the process, however, is still enigmatic. The analysis presented here suggests that the loss of distinct mitochondrial tRNA genes was not random and that it might be explained by the differential capabilities of mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to charge imported eukaryotic-type tRNAs with amino acid.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is the fundamental source of new genes. Biases in duplication have profound implications for the dynamics of gene content during evolution. In this article, we compare genes arising from whole gene duplication (WGD), smaller scale duplication (SSD) and singletons in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our results demonstrate that genes duplicated by WGD and SSD are similarly biased with respect to codon bias and evolutionary rate, although differing significantly in their functional constituency.  相似文献   

After two decades of research the Nef protein of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains a mysterious protein with an indisputable role in HIV pathogenesis. The ability to downregulate CD4 and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) was the first ascribed function of Nef and, whereas the number of downmodulated receptors by Nef is rising, so are the explanations for how their downregulation could contribute to HIV pathogenesis. At the same time there is increasing evidence that Nef not only induces endocytosis but also exocytosis, namely of cytokines and microvesicles that contain Nef itself. Because endocytosis and exocytosis are connected events, this is not surprising - and raises the intriguing possibility that HIV aims at secretion rather than ingestion. Have we therefore barked up the wrong tree over the past two decades? In this opinion article I argue that Nef-induced secretion is most probably the pathogenesis-relevant function behind this elusive viral effector.  相似文献   

Cancer cells display an altered energy metabolism, which was proposed to be the root of cancer. This early discovery was done by O. Warburg who conducted one of the first studies of tumor cell energy metabolism. Taking advantage of cancer cells that exhibited various growth rates, he showed that cancer cells display a decreased respiration and an increased glycolysis proportional to the increase in their growth rate, suggesting that they mainly depend on fermentative metabolism for ATP generation.Warburg's results and hypothesis generated controversies that are persistent to this day. It is thus of great importance to understand the mechanisms by which cancer cells can reversibly regulate the two pathways of their energy metabolism as well as the functioning of this metabolism in cell proliferation. In this review, we discuss of the origin of the decrease in cell respiratory rate, whether the Warburg effect is mandatory for an increased cell proliferation rate, the consequences of this effect on two major players of cell energy metabolism that are ATP and NADH, and the role of the microenvironment in the regulation of cellular respiration and metabolism both in cancer cell and in yeast.  相似文献   

In recent decades we have been given insight into the process that transforms a normal cell into a malignant cancer cell. It has been recognised that malignant transformation occurs through successive mutations in specific cellular genes, leading to the activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. The further study of these genes has generated much of its excitement from the convergence of experiments addressing the genetic basis of cancer, together with cellular pathways that normally control important cellular regulatory programmes. In the present review the context in which oncogenes such as proliferation, cell death/apoptosis, differentiation and senescence will be described, as well as how these cellular programmes become deregulated in cancer due to mutations.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between growth and proliferation in multicellular organisms requires identification of the key regulators of growth control, and an understanding of how they regulate growth and how growth is linked to cell proliferation. Recent progress in understanding the mechanisms of growth control indicates that the tuberous sclerosis complex tumour-suppressor TSC1-2 serves as a point of integration between growth-stimulatory and growth-suppressive signalling upstream of a small GTPase, Rheb. However, Rheb-induced growth might not explain the additional effects of TSC1-2 upon cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Base substitutions equivalent to those causing human pathologies have been introduced in yeast mitochondrial tRNA genes. These mutants can be utilized as flexible tools to investigate the molecular aspects of mitochondrial diseases and identify correcting genes. We show that for all studied tRNA mutations (including an homoplasmic one in tRNAVal) the severity of phenotypes follows the same trend in four different nuclear backgrounds. Correcting genes include TUF1 and genes encoding aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. The effect of suppressors was analyzed by Northern blot. Mutated leucyl-tRNA synthetase with highly reduced catalytic activity maintains full suppressing effect, thus suggesting a chaperone-like and/or stabilizing function.  相似文献   

Much remains to be learned about how cancer cells acquire the property of migration, a prerequisite for invasiveness and metastasis. Loss of p53 functions is assumed to be a crucial step in the development of many types of cancers, leading to dysregulation of cell cycle checkpoint controls and apoptosis. However, emerging evidence shows that the contribution of the tumour suppressor p53 to the control of tumorigenesis is not restricted to its well-known anti-proliferative activities, but is extended to other stages of cancer development, i.e. the modulation of cell migration. This interesting alternative function has been proposed in light of the effect of p53 on specific features of migrating cells, including cell spreading, establishment of cell polarization and the production of protrusions. The effects of p53 on cell motility are largely mediated through the regulation of Rho signalling, thereby controlling actin cytoskeletal organization. These recent studies connect the regulation of proliferation to the control of cell migration and define a new concept of p53 function as a tumour suppressor gene, suggesting that p53 might be involved in tumour invasion and metastasis. This review focuses on emerging data concerning the properties of p53 that contribute to its atypical role in the regulation of cell migration.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the roles of retinoids and other known anterior–posterior morphogens in setting up the embryonic vertebrate anterior–posterior axis. The discussion is restricted to the very earliest events in setting up the anterior–posterior axis (from blastula to tailbud stages in Xenopus embryos). In these earliest developmental stages, morphogen concentration gradients are not relevant for setting up this axis. It emerges that at these stages, the core patterning mechanism is timing: BMP‐anti BMP mediated time space translation that regulates Hox temporal and spatial collinearities and Hox‐Hox auto‐ and cross‐ regulation. The known anterior–posterior morphogens and signaling pathways––retinoids, FGF's, Cdx, Wnts, Gdf11 and others––interact with this core mechanism at and after space–time defined “decision points,” leading to the separation of distinct axial domains. There are also other roles for signaling pathways. Besides the Hox regulated hindbrain/trunk part of the axis, there is a rostral part (including the anterior part of the head and the extreme anterior domain [EAD]) that appears to be regulated by additional mechanisms. Key aspects of anterior–posterior axial patterning, including: the nature of different phases in early patterning and in the whole process; the specificities of Hox action and of intercellular signaling; and the mechanisms of Hox temporal and spatial collinearities, are discussed in relation to the facts and hypotheses proposed above.  相似文献   

There has been a current resurgence of interest in the use of cell transformation for predicting carcinogenicity, which is based mainly on rodent carcinogenicity data. In view of this renewed interest, this paper critically reviews the published literature concerning the ability of the available assays to detect IARC Group 1 agents (known human carcinogens) and Group 2A agents (probable human carcinogens). The predictivity of the available assays for human and rodent non-genotoxic carcinogens (NGCs), in comparison with standard and supplementary in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests, is also discussed. The principal finding is that a surprising number of human carcinogens have not been tested for cell transformation across the three main assays (SHE, Balb/c 3T3 and C3H10T1/2), confounding comparative assessment of these methods for detecting human carcinogens. This issue is not being addressed in the ongoing validation studies for the first two of these assays, despite the lack of any serious logistical issues associated with the use of most of these chemicals. In addition, there seem to be no plans for using exogenous bio-transformation systems for the metabolic activation of pro-carcinogens, as recommended in an ECVAM workshop held in 1999. To address these important issues, it is strongly recommended that consideration be given to the inclusion of more human carcinogens and an exogenous source of xenobiotic metabolism, such as an S9 fraction, in ongoing and future validation studies. While cell transformation systems detect a high level of NGCs, it is considered premature to rely only on this endpoint for screening for such chemicals, as recently suggested. This is particularly important, in view of the fact that there is still doubt as to the relevance of morphological transformation to tumorigenesis in vivo, and the wide diversity of potential mechanisms by which NGCs are known to act. Recent progress with regard to increasing the objectivity of scoring the transformed phenotype, and prospects for developing human cell-based transformation assays, are reviewed.  相似文献   

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