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BackgroundThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic forced us to accept changes in our usual diagnostic procedures and treatments for colorectal cancer. This study aimed to determine the impact of the pandemic on colorectal cancer treatment in Japan.MethodsThe number of colorectal surgeries, stoma constructions, stent placements or long tube insertions, and neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapies were determined each month using sampling datasets from the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. The observation periods before and during the pandemic were January 2015 to January 2020 and April 2020 to January 2021, respectively. An interrupted time-series analysis was used to estimate the changes in the number of procedures during the pandemic.ResultsThe number of endoscopic surgeries for colon cancer significantly decreased in April and July 2020 and for rectal cancer in April 2020. Additionally, the number of laparoscopic and open surgeries for colon cancer significantly decreased in July 2020 and October 2020, respectively. The number of stoma constructions and stent placements or long tube insertions did not increase during the observation period. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer significantly increased in April 2020 but levels returned shortly thereafter. These results suggest that the recommendations to overcome the pandemic proposed by expert committees, including the replacement of laparoscopic surgery with open surgery, stoma construction to avoid anastomotic leak, and replacement of surgery on the ileus with stent placement, were not widely implemented in Japan. However, as an exception, neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer was performed as an alternative treatment to delay surgery in small quantities.ConclusionA declining number of surgeries raises concerns about cancer stage progression; however, we found no evidence to suggest cancer progression from the trajectory of the number of stoma constructions and stent placements. In Japan, even during the pandemic, conventional treatments were performed.  相似文献   

The dengue fever epidemic in Guangzhou may have been affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The number of dengue cases dropped drastically in 2020, and there have been only 2 local cases, suggesting that dengue has not become endemic in Guangzhou.

Guangzhou is located on the southeast coast of China and is the country’s third largest city. Since 1978, outbreaks of dengue fever have occurred intermittently in this city. In the past decade, the number of reported dengue cases reached more than 1,000 in 2013, 2014, 2018, and 2019, with 37,385 cases reported in 2014 alone. Therefore, dengue fever is a major public health concern in Guangzhou, and there is a continuing argument that it is endemic in Guangzhou [13].The numbers of dengue cases from 2017 to 2020 are shown in Table 1. In 2020, the total and local case numbers dropped dramatically compared to the previous years. With a high proportion of imported cases (n = 32, 94.12%), the proportion of local cases (n = 2, 5.88%) was considerably low in 2020. All the prevention and control strategies for dengue, including issuing public education messages, preventing further mosquito bites in patients, cleaning vector breeding sites, and using pesticides, were similar during these years. Additionally, dengue, as a mosquito-borne viral infectious disease, is closely related to mosquito density. The mosquito ovitrap index (MOI), which is the proportion of positive mosquito ovitraps, is usually used to indicate mosquito density. The MOI in 2017, 2018, and 2019 was 7.073 ± 1.016, 9.657 ± 1.307, and 8.464 ± 0.961, respectively. The average MOI was 8.398 ± 0.648 from 2017 to 2019 in Guangzhou. The MOI in 2020 was 7.135 ± 0.786, which remained at the median risk level. Therefore, the abnormal decline in dengue cases could not be attributed to the change in mosquito density in 2020.Table 1Numbers and percentages of dengue cases from 2017 to 2019.
Total cases9441,2951,65534
Imported cases(percentage)69 (7.31%)96 (7.41%)270 (16.31%)32 (94.12%)
Local cases (percentage)875 (92.69%)1,199 (92.59%)1,385 (83.69%)2 (5.88%)
Open in a separate windowIn 2020, the 14-day quarantine in a designated hotel for international travelers to curb the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was an important public health intervention. People had to remain indoors except for medical care needs. All imported dengue cases were identified during their quarantine periods. No secondary case related to the imported cases was reported. This may be because Aedes albopictus, which is the major vector of dengue in Guangzhou, bites aggressively during the day outdoors. The chance of being bitten by A. albopictus was reduced by staying all day indoors. Moreover, some research revealed that viremia occurred 6 to 18 hours before symptoms appeared and lasted as long as 12 days [4]. After the 14-day quarantine, viremia had almost subsided. Therefore, imported dengue cases were unlikely to be transmitted. The impact of imported dengue cases was limited by the quarantine, which provided a rare opportunity to identify the local epidemic.The epidemiology investigation showed that the 2 local cases, who were living in the same building, had no travel history outside Guangzhou in 2020 and had symptoms successively. Two dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2) strains were isolated from them. The envelope gene sequences were obtained and deposited in GenBank under accession numbers MW295818 and MW345921. Reference sequences, which were downloaded from GenBank, and sequences of Guangzhou strains identified in the previous years, were used to construct a phylogenetic tree. The 2 isolated strains in 2020 were identical. The tree (Fig 1) shows that the 2 strains belonged to the Malaysia/Indian subcontinent genotype, which was the prevailing genotype in Guangzhou [5]. However, they were neither identical with nor derived from the Guangzhou strains obtained from the previous years. Using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool in GenBank, the 2 strains were found to be highly similar to those identified in Zhejiang (China), Singapore, and Guangdong (China) in 2017. These results imply that the local cases may be secondary to some undiscovered cases imported from other cities in China, as no restriction and quarantine was imposed for domestic travels.Open in a separate windowFig 1Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree shows the evolutionary relationships of DENV-2 detected in the sera of 2 local cases along with 45 other sequences.The reference sequences are named using the GenBank accession number, country, and year. The sequences of strains isolated in Guangzhou are named using the GenBank accession number, year, and our lab number. Bootstrap support values are shown in the notes. Strains isolated in 2020 are indicated with a black triangle.When the impact of imported dengue cases was limited by quarantine, dengue did not spread in Guangzhou during 2020, with the MOI still at median risk level and without any changes in the prevention and control strategies. Moreover, serotype 1 had been prevalent in Guangzhou since 2011 [6,7]. However, there was no local infection of serotype 1 detected in 2020. These observations may provide further evidence that dengue fever is not endemic in Guangzhou.In conclusion, the number of dengue cases decreased during the COVID-19 epidemic in Guangzhou in 2020. Thus, we believe that dengue fever is not endemic in Guangzhou.  相似文献   

通过构建肺动脉高压差异基因和冠状病毒侵入人体后免疫反应相关基因的互作网络,探索COVID-19对肺动脉高压的影响机制。首先通过Meta分析挖掘肺动脉高压相关差异表达基因;其次通过SARS-CoV侵染人体后的基因表达数据,挖掘主要功能通路;最后构建肺动脉高压差异表达基因和冠状病毒主要功能通路基因的互作网络,挖掘网络的显著功能模块。发现肺动脉高压与血管平滑肌细胞、成纤细胞、T/B细胞免疫过程、转录调节因子通路、Toll样信号通路等密切相关,互作网络发现ITGAM、HBB、VCAM1、IL1R2等基因是COVID-19感染肺动脉高压患者的重要调节基因。通过肺动脉高压与冠状病毒感染机体后蛋白质互作网络探索了COVID-19对肺动脉高压的影响机制,为肺动脉高压感染COVID-19的研究及治疗提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in December 2019 and caused a global pandemic of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). More than 170 million cases have been reported worldwide with mortality rate of 1–3%. The detection of SARS-CoV-2 by molecular testing is limited to acute infections, therefore serological studies provide a better estimation of the virus spread in a population. This study aims to evaluate the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the major city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the sharp increase of the pandemic, in June 2020. Serum samples from non-COVID patients (n = 432), patients visiting hospitals for other complications and confirmed negative for COVID-19, and healthy blood donors (n = 350) were collected and evaluated using an in-house enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The overall percentage of positive samples was 7.80% in the combined two populations (n = 782). The seroprevalence was lower in the blood donors (6%) than non-COVID-19 patients (9.25%), p = 0.0004. This seroprevalence rate is higher than the documented cases, indicating asymptomatic or mild unreported COVID-19 infections in these two populations. This warrants further national sero-surveys and highlights the importance of real-time serological surveillance during pandemics.  相似文献   

Background:The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on access to health care resources. Our objective was to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of childhood cancer in Canada. We also aimed to compare the proportion of patients who enrolled in clinical trials at diagnosis, presented with metastatic disease or had an early death during the first 9 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with previous years.Methods:We conducted an observational study that included children younger than 15 years with a new diagnosis of cancer between March 2016 and November 2020 at 1 of 17 Canadian pediatric oncology centres. Our primary outcome was the monthly age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) of cancers. We evaluated level and trend changes using interventional autoregressive integrated moving average models. Secondary outcomes were the proportion of patients who were enrolled in a clinical trial, who had metastatic or advanced disease and who died within 30 days. We compared the baseline and pandemic periods using rate ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).Results:Age-standardized incidence rates during COVID-19 quarters were 157.7, 164.6, and 148.0 per million, respectively, whereas quarterly baseline ASIRs ranged between 150.3 and 175.1 per million (incidence RR 0.93 [95% CI 0.78 to 1.12] to incidence RR 1.04 [95% CI 0.87 to 1.24]). We found no statistically significant level or slope changes between the projected and observed ASIRs for all new cancers (parameter estimate [β], level 4.98, 95% CI −15.1 to 25.04, p = 0.25), or when stratified by cancer type or by geographic area. Clinical trial enrolment rate was stable or increased during the pandemic compared with baseline (RR 1.22 [95% CI 0.70 to 2.13] to RR 1.71 [95% CI 1.01 to 2.89]). There was no difference in the proportion of patients with metastatic disease (RR 0.84 [95% CI 0.55 to 1.29] to RR 1.22 [0.84 to 1.79]), or who died within 30 days (RR 0.16 [95% CI 0.01 to 3.04] to RR 1.73 [95% CI 0.38 to 15.2]).Interpretation:We did not observe a statistically significant change in the incidence of childhood cancer, or in the proportion of children enrolling in a clinical trial, presenting with metastatic disease or who died early during the first 9 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, which suggests that access to health care in pediatric oncology was not reduced substantially in Canada.

Concerns have been raised that the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted health care–seeking behaviours and access to health care, affecting the diagnosis and management of other conditions such as cancer. Studies conducted in the Netherlands and United Kingdom using administrative data have shown as much as a 50% reduction in cancer incidence in adults after March 2020.1,2 Other studies in adult populations thus far have shown a decrease in the number of new cancer diagnoses, and cancer-related medical visits, therapies and surgeries, 1,35 raising concerns about potential excess cancer mortality in the upcoming years.6 This may be explained partly by the suspension or reduction of cancer-screening procedures, such as mammography, colonoscopy and cervical cytology by up to 90%,3,5,7 because these screening initiatives play a critical role in the detection of cancers in adults. A 2020 retrospective single-centre cohort study in Japan that involved 123 patients with colorectal cancer reported that significantly more of these patients presented with complete intestinal obstruction, which suggests that detection delays might have contributed to diagnosis at later stages of the disease.8 It is unclear whether these findings apply to childhood cancer because cancer screening is not part of routine pediatric care, and early detection may not be as important in childhood cancer than in its adult counterpart.9In children, case series and single-centre retrospective cohort studies, notably from Italy and the United States, suggested a marked reduction in incident cancers, along with high acuity of care at presentation.1013 Similar concerns of delayed clinical presentation were raised in other pediatric patient populations, with reports of children presenting at late stages of sepsis or diabetic ketoacidosis, which suggests a delay in seeking care.14,15It is possible that fear of COVID-19 dissuaded families with children from seeking care for nonspecific symptoms such as pain, headache or fatigue, which are typical triggers leading to a pediatric cancer diagnosis. Understanding the indirect effects of health policies during the COVID-19 pandemic is important to guide policy-making and mitigate barriers to essential health care in future public health crises.Our objective was to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions on the incidence of childhood cancer in Canada. We also aimed to compare the proportion of patients who enrolled in clinical trials at diagnosis, presented with metastatic disease or died during the first 9 months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with previous years.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the impact of isolation measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic on childbirth outcomes in pregnant women. The design was a retrospective cohort study. The pregnant women during the outbreak lockdown and isolation from February 1 to April 30, 2020, were defined as the exposed population, and the pregnant women in the same time frame in 2019 as the non-exposed population. All data for the study were obtained from the National Health Care Data Platform of Shandong University. Generalized linear regression models were used to analyze the differences in pregnancy outcomes between the two study groups. A total of 34,698 pregnant women from Shandong Province, China in the data platform met the criteria and were included in the study. The proportions were 11.53% and 8.93% for macrosomia in the exposed and the non-exposed groups and were 3.47% and 4.37% for low birth weight infants, respectively, which were significantly different. They were 22.55% and 25.94% attributed to average exposed effect for macrosomia and low birth weight infants. Meanwhile, the mean weight and standard deviation of full-term infants in the exposure group were 3414.80 ± 507.43 g, which were significantly higher than in the non-exposed group (3347.22 ± 502.57 g, P < 0.001). The effect of exposure was significant in the third trimester. In conclusion, the isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic increases the birth weight of infants and the probability of macrosomia, regardless of which trimester in isolation a pregnant woman was, while the third trimester is the sensitive window of exposure. Our findings provide a basis for health care and policy development during pregnancy in COVID-19, due to COVID-19 still showing a pandemic trend around the world in 2022.  相似文献   

Lockdown edicts during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to concerns about consequences for childbirth plans and decisions. Robust empirical research to either refute or confirm these concerns, however, is lacking. To evaluate the causal impact of lockdowns on fertility, we exploited a large sample of Australians (aged 18–45) from a nationally representative household panel survey and leveraged variation from a unique natural experiment that occurred in Australia in 2020: a lockdown imposed in the state of Victoria, but not elsewhere in Australia. Difference-in-differences models were estimated comparing changes in fertility intentions of persons who resided in Victoria during lockdown, or within four weeks of the lockdown being lifted, and those living elsewhere in Australia. Results revealed a significantly larger decline in reported intentions of having another child among women who lived through the protracted lockdown. The average effect was small, with fertility intentions estimated to fall by between 2.8% and 4.3% of the pre-pandemic mean. This negative effect was, however, more pronounced among those aged over 35 years, the less educated, and those employed on fixed-term contracts. Impacts on men’s fertility intentions were generally negligible, but with a notable exception being Indigenous Australians.  相似文献   

Background: The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak had a detrimental impact on the mental health of older adults. This study evaluated the central symptoms and their associations in the network of depressive symptoms and compared the network structure differences between male and female older adults in Hong Kong.Methods: Altogether, 3,946 older adults participated in this study. We evaluated the centrality indicators for network robustness using stability and accuracy tests, and examined the potential differences between the structure and connectivity of depression networks in male and female older adults.Results: The overall prevalence of depressive symptoms was 43.7% (95% CI=40.6-46.7%) in males, and 54.8% (95% CI=53.1-56.5%) in females (P<0.05). Sad Mood, Guilt, Motor problems and Lack of Energy were influential symptoms in the network model. Gender differences were found in the network global strength, especially in the following edges: Sad Mood--Guilt, Concentration--Guilt, Anhedonia--Motor, Lack of Energy--Suicide, Appetite--Suicide and Concentration--Suicide.Conclusions: Central symptoms in the depressive symptom network among male and female older adults may be prioritized in the treatment and prevention of depression during the pandemic.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo assess the existence of association between neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and the risk of sarcopenia in COVID-19 patients.MethodsA retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in a university hospital with patients with an active COVID-19 infection admitted to the nursing ward or intensive care unit (ICU) between September to December 2020. Sarcopenia risk was assessed using the Strength, Assistance for walking, Rise from a chair, Climb stairs and Falls (SARC-F). Biochemical analyses were assessed by circulating of C-reactive protein, D-dimer, neutrophils, lymphocytes count and NLR. Sixty-eight patients were evaluated and divided into tertiles of NLR values and the association between NLR and sarcopenia risk were tested using the linear regression analyses and p < 0.05 were considered as significant.ResultsSixty-eight patients were evaluated and divided in NLR tertiles being the 1st (men = 52.2%; 71.1 ± 9.0 y; NLR: 1.1–3.85), 2nd (women = 78.3%; 73.2 ± 9.1 y; NLR: 3.9–6.0) and 3rd (men = 72.7%; 71.7 ± 10.4 y; NLR: 6.5–20.0). There was a difference between the tertiles in relation to the first to the biochemical parameters of total neutrophils count (p = 0.001), C-reactive protein (p = 0.012), and D-dimer (p = 0.012). However, no difference was found in linear regression analysis between tertiles of NLR and SARC-F, if in total sample (p = 0.054) or divided by sex, if men (p = 0.369) or women (p = 0.064).ConclusionIn elderly patients hospitalized with COVID-19, we do not find an association between the risk of sarcopenia and NLR.  相似文献   

The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis is having a large impact on acute and chronic cardiac care. Due to public health measures and t  相似文献   

Vasodilatory prostanoids, such as prostacyclin and PGE2, and pro-inflammatory cytokines are known to play a central role in the pathogenesis of endotoxemia. This study was undertaken to elucidate whether indomethacin (INDO), a non-selective COX inhibitor, has protective effects against the cardiovascular alterations that occur during endotoxemia. Sprague-Dawley rats were injected intraperitoneally with 15 mg/kg lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS injection led to a prominent decrease in cardiac left ventricular end diastolic area (LVEDA) and increased LV fractional shortening (FS), as measured by echocardigraphy. LPS also led to a significant increase in plasma and myocardial TNF-alpha and IL-1beta levels, and elevated plasma and hypothalamic levels of PGE2. Neither the decrease in LVEDA and the increase in FS, nor the elevation in plasma and myocardial cytokine levels were altered by INDO (10 mg/kg). On the other hand, pretreatment with INDO significantly reduced the elevation in PGE2 and the hypothermia induced by LPS. Taken together, this study demonstrates that solely inhibiting the production of PGE2 is not sufficient to reduce the cardiovascular alteration seen in endotoxemia.  相似文献   

Feed is a strong incentive for encouraging cows in automatic milking systems (AMS) to voluntarily move around the farm and achieve milkings distributed across the 24 h day. It has been reported that cows show preferences for some forages over others, and it is possible that offering preferred forages may increase cow traffic. A preliminary investigation was conducted to determine the effect of offering a forage crop for grazing on premilking voluntary waiting times in a pasture-based robotic rotary system. Cows were offered one of two treatments (SOYBEAN or GRASS) in a cross-over design. A restricted maximum likelihood procedure was used to model voluntary waiting times. Mean voluntary waiting time was 45.5±6.0 min, with no difference detected between treatments. High and mid-production cows spent <44 min/milking in the premilking yard compared with >55 min/milking for low-production cows, whereas waiting time increased as queue length increased. Voluntary waiting time was 23% and 80% longer when cows were fetched from the paddock or had a period of forced waiting before volunteering for milking, respectively. The time it took cows to return to the dairy since last exiting was not affected by treatment, with a mean return time of 13.7±0.6 h. Although offering SOYBEAN did not encourage cows to traffic more readily through the premilking yard, the concept of incorporating forage crops in AMS still remains encouraging if the aim is to increase the volume or quantity of home-grown feed rather than improving cow traffic.  相似文献   

In this study, mean monthly and diurnal variations in fine particulate matters (PM2.5), nitrate, sulfate, and gaseous precursors were investigated during the Level 3 COVID-19 alert from May 19 to July 27 in 2021. For comparison, the historical data during the identical period in 2019 and 2020 were also provided to determine the effect of the Level 3 COVID-19 alert on aerosols and gaseous pollutants concentrations in Taichung City. A machine learning model using the artificial neural network technique coupled with a kinetic model was applied to predict NOx, O3, nitrate (NO3), and sulfate (SO42−) to investigate potential emission sources and chemical reaction mechanism. D during the Level 3 COVID-19 alert, a decrease in NOx concentration due to a decrease in traffic flow under the NOx-saturated regime was observed to enhance the secondary NO3 and O3 formation. The present models were shown to predict 80.1, 77.0, 72.6, and 67.2% concentrations of NOx, O3, NO3, and SO42−, respectively, which could help decision-makers for pollutant emissions reduction policies development and air pollution control strategies. It is recommended that more long-term datasets, including water soluble inorganic salts (WIS), precursors including OH radicals, NH3, HNO3, and H2SO4, be provided by regulatory air quality monitoring stations to further improve the prediction model accuracy.  相似文献   

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