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胚胎干细胞诱导分化为雄性生殖细胞的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES细胞)具有自我更新及无限分化潜能,理论上可以分化为生殖细胞。目前,在人及鼠中已有体外诱导ES细胞分化为成熟精子的报道。系统阐述影响ES细胞分化为雄性生殖细胞的内源性及外源性因素,并结合国内外最新研究进展总结其诱导分化方法,展望应用前景,期望为从事相关研究的学者提供参考。  相似文献   

人类胚胎干细胞体外诱导分化为神经干细胞   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人类胚胎干细胞是替代治疗充满希望的细胞来源. 描述了从人胚胎干细胞诱导分化出神经干细胞的方法. 将人胚胎干细胞系PKU1, PKU2在细菌培养皿中悬浮培养, 分化形成囊性拟胚体. 拟胚体接种至组织培养皿, 加入N2培养液和生长因子bFGF培养2周, 拟胚体贴壁、展开,中心出现灶状增生, 有突起的小细胞. 用机械方法取下此种细胞, 重新接种, 则细胞团悬浮生长,形成神经球. 培养10天后, 将神经球打散成单细胞接种, 该细胞贴壁生长旺盛. 免疫荧光检测显示为几乎100% 纯净的nestin阳性细胞. 将培养液中的生长因子撤除, 继续培养7~10天, 细胞分化为神经元, 该细胞呈现β-tubulin isotype 阳性、GABA阳性、serotonin阳性、synaptophysin阳性. 在生长因子PDGF-AA诱导下, 细胞分化为星形胶质细胞, 其GFAP阳性; 或少突胶质细胞, 其O4阳性. 可见, 人类胚胎干细胞经上述方法培养可分化为典型神经干细胞, 表达神经干细胞特异的标志分子nestin、能自我更新、具有分化为神经系统三类主要细胞的能力.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞体外诱导分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胚胎干细胞能在体外长期不断自我更新,具有高度分化潜能,可分化成胎儿和成体的几乎所有类型的细胞,如心肌细胞、神经细胞、上皮细胞、肝细胞、血细胞、胰岛细胞、脂肪细胞及生殖细胞等。在细胞治疗和组织器官替代治疗、发育生物学等的研究中将具有广阔的应用前景。目前已有多种胚胎干细胞体外定向诱导的报道。本文从体外诱导分化影响因素和几种主要诱导细胞类型进行分析和总结,为胚胎干细胞的诱导分化研究提供参考资料。  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞向神经上皮祖细胞的诱导分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人胚胎干细胞具有自我更新和多向分化潜能,是研究早期胚胎发育和细胞替代治疗的重要细胞来源.采用一种与小鼠成纤维细胞共培养的方法进行人胚胎干细胞的神经诱导,可产生高纯度的神经上皮祖细胞,其神经上皮特异性基因的表达有一定的时空性;诱导生成的神经上皮祖细胞具有增殖潜能并可分化为神经元和星型胶质细胞,是潜在的神经干细胞.人胚胎干细胞来源的神经上皮祖细胞为研究神经发育和神经诱导提供了新材料,也为神经系统疾病的细胞替代治疗提供了新的细胞来源.  相似文献   

鸡胚胎原始生殖细胞体外培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以14-15期鸡胚血液为材料,采用Ficoll密度梯度离心方法,提取鸡胚胎原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cells,PGCs),在无基质细胞和基质细胞上分别进行体外培养。从实验结果可以看出:在含有胎牛血清(fetal bovine serum,FBS)、鸡血清(chicken serum,CS)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)、人胰岛素样生长因子(hIGF-1)、小鼠白血病抑制因子(mLIF)和青,链霉素双抗的M199培养液中培养时,鸡PGCs最多能够存活4天:当采用细胞因子和5天鸡胚胎性腺基质细胞共培养时能存活23代且每代细胞增殖可达近10倍。提纯后的PGCs细胞冻存复苏后,经台盼蓝染色鉴定存活率可达80%左右。  相似文献   

如今女性卵子不足所致不孕的患者日渐增多,却尚无治愈的方法。干细胞作为高度未分化的细胞,其体外定向分化为雌性生殖细胞为治疗这类不孕患者提供了新途径。随着干细胞的研究不断发展,不同来源的干细胞诱导生成雌性生殖细胞的研究也越来越多,目前研究者们能够在体外条件下获得类卵母样细胞,不过其诱导的机制、生物学功能仍需进一步研究探讨。本文对不同来源的干细胞体外定向分化为雌性生殖细胞的研究进行综述,以期为从事该方面的研究者提供一定的借鉴帮助。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞的体外诱导分化模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胚胎干细胞是具有全能性及无限制的自我更新与分化能力的一类特殊的细胞群体 ,它能通过祖细胞为中介 ,分化为各种类型的体细胞 ,可重演体内干细胞的分化过程。自 80年代从小鼠囊胚的内细胞团分离到胚胎干细胞并建系到现在已建立了神经细胞、肌肉细胞、上皮细胞、造血细胞等体外分化体系。将胚胎干细胞体外分化成为可利用的分化模型 ,无论从组织结构、细胞及分子水平都体现了体内分化过程的体外重演 ,再加上胚胎干细胞系具有体系简单 ,影响因子少 ,可控制 ,便于研究等特点 ,因此可用于研究早期胚胎发育和细胞分化调控 ;可成为器官移植和修复…  相似文献   

目的探讨人胚胎干细胞分化为神经干细胞过程中,经拟胚体(embryonic body,EB)法和直接分化法的不同效率。方法人胚胎干细胞常规培养消化后,分为两组:A组,经EB法分化;B组,添加noggin和ITSFn直接分化法。倒置相差显微镜观察细胞形态变化,RT-PCR检测细胞各阶段标志物,免疫荧光及流式细胞仪观察两组细胞Nestin阳性细胞率。神经干细胞继续分化,免疫荧光、RT-PCR法检测MAP2、GFAP表达。结果RT-PCR检测到OCT4、nestin表达。B组nestin阳性细胞率明显高于A组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),且诱导周期短于A组。神经干细胞继续分化,得到不同数量的神经元和胶质细胞,MAP2、GFAP分别阳性。结论在体外采用定向分化诱导,人胚胎干细胞不经EB,可直接定向分化为神经干细胞,且诱导效率比EB法高。因此直接分化法是一种经济实用的诱导方法。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞体外诱导分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胚胎干细胞能在体外长期不断自我更新,具有高度分化潜能,可分化成胎儿和成体的几乎所有类型的细胞,如心肌细胞、神经细胞、上皮细胞、肝细胞、血细胞、胰岛细胞、脂肪细胞及生殖细胞等.在细胞治疗和组织器官替代治疗、发育生物学等的研究中将具有广阔的应用前景.目前已有多种胚胎干细胞体外定向诱导的报道.本文从体外诱导分化影响因素和几种主要诱导细胞类型进行分析和总结,为胚胎干细胞的诱导分化研究提供参考资料.  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞向生殖细胞分化的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小鼠胚胎干细胞体外已成功诱导分化为配子细胞,人胚胎干细胞理论上也具备分化为生殖细胞的潜能。本文从影响人胚胎干细胞体外向生殖系分化的基因调控和干细胞小生境(niche)方面进行综述,并指出胚胎干细胞在生殖医学及不孕治疗中的研究方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

High-grade transgenic somatic chimeras from chicken embryonic stem cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Male and female embryonic stem (ES) cell lines were derived from the area pellucidae of Stage X (EG&K) chicken embryos. These ES cell lines were grown in culture for extended periods of time and the majority of the cells retained a diploid karyotype. When reintroduced into Stage VI-X (EG&K) recipient embryos, the cES cells were able to contribute to all somatic tissues. By combining irradiation of the recipient embryo with exposure of the cES cells to the embryonic environment in diapause, a high frequency and extent of chimerism was obtained. High-grade chimeras, indistinguishable from the donor phenotype by feather pigmentation, were produced. A transgene encoding GFP was incorporated into the genome of cES cells under control of the ubiquitous promoter CX and GFP was widely expressed in somatic tissues. Although cES cells made extensive contributions to the somatic tissues, contribution to the germline was not observed.  相似文献   

牛胚胎生殖细胞的分离与培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胚胎生殖细胞 (Embryonicgermcells,EG)是由生殖嵴原始生殖细胞 (Primordialgermcells,PGCs)中分离得到的一种未分化而多潜能的干细胞。牛EG细胞的研究在EG细胞核移植、转基因及建立生物反应器方面具有广阔的应用前景。本研究从 2 9- 70日龄牛胎儿PGCs分离得到EG细胞 ,经过抑制分化培养 ,其中一个细胞系传至 6代。所分离得到的EG细胞具有典型的EG细胞形态 ,AP及PAS染色呈阳性 ,核型正常 ,同时观察到这些细胞在体外进行自发性分化 ,可形成类胚体、成纤维样细胞及神经样细胞  相似文献   

鸡胚胎干细胞的分离、培养和鉴定   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
安静  杜立新 《动物学报》2003,49(5):698-703
SNL cells (permanent line of irradiated mouse fibroblast cells), primary mice embryonic fibroblasts (PMEF) cells and primary chicken embryonic fibroblasts (PCEF) cells were respectively used as the feeder cells for chicken embryonic stem cell culture. The isolated blastoderm cells front the stage X embryos of chicken were cultured in Dulercco‘‘ s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) supplemented with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF, 1 000 IU/ml), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF 10 ng/ml) and stem cell factor (SCF, 5 ng/ml). The alkaline phosphatase (AKP) test, differentiation experiment in vitro and chimeric chicken production were carried out. The resuts showed that culture on feeder layer of PMEF yielded high quality CES cell colonies. The shape of typical CES clone showed as follows: nested aggregation (clone) with clear edge and round surface as well as close arrangement within the clone. Strong positive AKP reactive cellswere observed. On the other hand, the fourth passage CES cells could differentiate into various cells in the absence of feeder layer cells and LIF in vitro. The third and fourth passage cells were injected into the subgerminal cavity of recipient embryos at stage X. The manipulated embryos were incubated until hatching. Of 269 Hailan embryos injected with CES cells of Shouguang Chickens, 8.2 % (22/269) survived to hatching, 3 feather chimeras had been produced, which suggests that an effective culture systems were established and it could promote the growth of CES cells and maintain them in an undifferentiated state .  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells capable of differentiating into cell lineages derived from all primary germ layers including neural cells. In this study we describe an efficient method for differentiating rhesus monkey ES cells to neural lineages and the subsequent isolation of an enriched population of Nestin and Musashi positive neural progenitor (NP) cells. Upon differentiation, these cells exhibit electrophysiological characteristics resembling cultured primary neurons. Embryoid bodies (EBs) were formed in ES growth medium supplemented with 50% MEDII. After 7 days in suspension culture, EBs were transferred to adherent culture and either differentiated in serum containing medium or expanded in serum free medium. Immunocytochemistry on differentiating cells derived from EBs revealed large networks of MAP-2 and NF200 positive neurons. DAPI staining showed that the center of the MEDII-treated EBs was filled with rosettes. NPs isolated from adherent EB cultures expanded in serum free medium were passaged and maintained in an undifferentiated state by culture in serum free N2 with 50% MEDII and bFGF. Differentiating neurons derived from NPs fired action potentials in response to depolarizing current injection and expressed functional ionotropic receptors for the neurotransmitters glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). NPs derived in this way could serve as models for cellular replacement therapy in primate models of neurodegenerative disease, a source of neural cells for toxicity and drug testing, and as a model of the developing primate nervous system.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells can be differentiated into neural lineage cells, but the differentiation efficiency remains low. This study revealed two important factors that influence the neural differentiation efficiency of mouse ES cells: the first is the quality of embryonic bodies (EBs); good quality of EBs consistently originated from a suspension culture of 1 × 105 ES cells/ml serum-free chemically defined neural inducing medium and they exhibited a smooth round shape, with a dark central region surrounded by a light band. Such EBs are capable of attaining high neural differentiation efficiency. However, poor quality EBs originated from a suspension culture of 1 × 106 ES cells/ml serum-free chemically defined neural inducing medium and exhibited an irregular shape or adhered to the bottom of the dish; they displayed low neural differentiation efficiency. The second factor is the seeding density of EBs: a low seeding density (5 EBs/cm2) induced cells to differentiate into a more caudalized subtypes compared to the cells obtained from high seeding density (20 EBs/cm2). These findings provided fresh insight into the neural induction of mouse ES cells.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a transient population of multipotent progenitors contributing to a diverse array of tissues throughout the vertebrate embryo. Embryonic stem (ES) cells are able to form embryoid body and spontaneously differentiate to various lineages, following a reproducible temporal pattern of development that recapitulates early embryogenesis. Embryoid bodies were triturated and the dissociated cells were processed for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and more than 1% of cells were identified as frizzled-3+/cadherin-11+. Expression of marker genes associated with various terminal fates was detected for chondrocytes, glia, neurons, osteoblasts and smooth muscles, indicating that the FACS-sorted frizzled-3+/cadherin-11+ cells were multipotent progenitor cells capable of differentiating to fates associated with cranial neural crest. Moreover, the sorted cells were able to self-renew and maintain multipotent differentiation potential. The derivation of cranial neural crest-like multipotent progenitor cells from ES cells provides a new tool for cell lineage analysis of neural crest in vitro.  相似文献   

Nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ntESCs) show stem cell characteristics such as pluripotency but cause no immunological disorders. Although ntESCs are able to differentiate into somatic cells, the ability of ntESCs to differentiate into primordial germ cells (PGCs) has not been examined. In this work, we examined the capacity of mouse ntESCs to differentiate into PGCs in vitro. ntESCs aggregated to form embryoid bodies (EB) in EB culture medium supplemented with bone morphogenetic protein 4(BMP4) as the differentiation factor. The expression level of specific PGC genes was compared at days 4 and 8 using real time PCR. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining were used to detect Mvh as a specific PGC marker. ntESCs expressed particular genes related to different stages of PGC development. Flow cytometry and immunocytochemical staining confirmed the presence of Mvh protein in a small number of cells. There were significant differences between cells that differentiated into PGCs in the group treated with Bmp4 compared to non-treated cells. These findings indicate that ntESCs can differentiate into putative PGCs. Improvement of ntESC differentiation into PGCs may be a reliable means of producing mature germ cells.  相似文献   

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