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The biogenesis of peroxisomes has been investigated in the model of regenerating rat liver after partial hepatectomy using ultrastructural cytochemical staining methods: catalase as a marker of the peroxisomal matrix and uricase for the cores. The peroxisomes in regenerating rat liver showed several distinctive features: a) marked variation in shape and size, e.g., peroxisomes with tail-like extensions and tortuously elongated rod-shaped ones, b) formation of peroxisomal clusters and, c) interconnections between adjacent peroxisomes suggesting cleavage or budding. Whereas the reaction product for catalase was present at all intervals after hepatectomy in the matrix of all peroxisomes, the pattern of localization of uricase case varied with the time. It was confined to the cores in controls and at 10 days after the operation, while at 24 and 48 h it showed, in addition, a diffuse reaction in the matrix of some peroxisomes. In interconnected apparently dividing peroxisomes, the core with positive uricase reaction was present only in one half, while the other half was devoid of the reaction product. Similarly, the diffuse uricase staining was confined to the half which contained the core with the other half remaining unstained. These observations are consistent with the concept that new peroxisomes are formed from preexisting ones by budding and segmentation. While catalase is transferred uniformly to all new segments, uricase is compartmentalized in certain portions, of the apparently growing "peroxisomal reticulum".  相似文献   

Peroxisomes and mitochondria are metabolically linked organelles, which are crucial to human health and development. The search for components involved in their dynamics and maintenance led to the interesting finding that mitochondria and peroxisomes share components of their division machinery. Recently, it became clear that this is a common strategy used by mammals, fungi and plants. Furthermore, a closer interrelationship between peroxisomes and mitochondria has been proposed, which might have an impact on functionality and disease conditions. Here, we briefly highlight the major findings, views and open questions concerning peroxisomal formation, division, and interrelationship with mitochondria. Presented at the 50th Anniversary Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry, Interlaken, Switzerland, October 1–4, 2008.  相似文献   

Summary The density of hepatocellular catalase-containing peroxisomes was quantified, utilizing a computer-aided image analysing technique, on 1-m thick diaminobenzidine-stained sections. Hepatic copper accumulation following intraperitoneal injection of cupric chloride resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in the density of catalase-containing peroxisomes. A significant correlation between the density of peroxisomes and the activity of hepatic catalase indicated that computer-aided image analysis of peroxisomes stained by the diaminobenzidine technique provided a useful estimate of catalase activity in liver injured by copper. Slight treatment-related differences in the mean diameter of peroxisomes were detected in high-dose but not low-dose rats.  相似文献   

Water-relation parameters of root hair cells, hairless epidermal cells, and cortical cells in the primary root of wheat have been measured using the pressure-probe technique. Under well-watered conditions the mean cell turgor of cortical cells was 6.8±1.9 (30) bar (mean±SD; the number of observations in brackets). In hairless epidermal and root hair cells the mean cell turgor was 5.5±1.9 (22) and 4.4±1.5 (15) bar, respectively. Despite the large variability, turgor pressure was significantly lower (confidence interval=0.95) in epidermal cells relative to cortical cells. This may be a consequence of the ultrafiltration of ions by the external cell wall and-or plasmalemma of epidermal cells. The volumetric elastic modulus of the cells ranged from 10 to 150 bar. This parameter was dependent on cell volume, but within experimental accuracy, was independent of cell type. No pressure dependence of the volumetric elastic modulus was observed in these cells. The half-times for water exchange ranged from 1.8 to 48.8 s. The mean value increased in the order root hair < hairless epidermal < cortical cells and was directly related to volume to surface area ratio. Thus the hydraulic conductivities of the three cell types were similar and averaged 1.2±0.9·10-6 (170) cm s-1 bar-1. No polarity was observed between inwardly and outwardly directed water flow. The similarity of the hydraulic conductivities of root hairs to those of other cells indicates that the membranes of root hairs are not particularly specialized for water transport. The overall hydraulic conductivity for radial water flow across the root was estimated from the pressure-probe data using a simple model and was compared with that measured directly on whole roots using an osmotic backflow technique. It was tentatively concluded that upon sudden osmotic perturbation, the major pathway for water transfer across the root may be through the symplasm and involve net flow from vacuole to vacuole.  相似文献   

A. P. Kausch  H. T. Horner 《Planta》1985,164(1):35-43
Three peroxisomal enzymes, glycolate oxidase, urate oxidase and catalase were localized cytochemically in Psychotria punctata (Rubiaceae) leaves and Yucca torreyi (Agavaceae) seedling root tips, both of which contain developing and mature calcium-oxalate raphide crystal idioblasts. Glycolate-oxidase (EC and catalase (EC activities were present within leaftype peroxisomes in nonidioblastic mesophyll cells in Psychotria leaves, while urate-oxidase (EC activity could not be conclusively demonstrated in these organelles. Unspecialized peroxisomes in cortical parenchyma of Yucca roots exhibited activities of all three enzymes. Reactionproduct deposits attributable to glycolate-oxidase activity were never observed in peroxisomes of any developing or mature crystal idioblasts of Psychotria or Yucca. Catalase localization indicates that idioblast microbodies are functional peroxisomes. The apparent absence of glycolate oxidase in crystal idioblasts of Psychotria and Yucca casts serious doubt that pathways involving this enzyme are operational in the synthesis of the oxalic acid precipitated as calcium-oxalate crystals in these cells.Abbreviations AMPD 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propandiol - CTEM conventional transmission electron microscopy - DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - HVEM high-voltage electron microscopy  相似文献   

Summary Leptomonas samueli possesses in its cytoplasm a membrane-bounded organelle which can reach a length of 2.8 m and a diameter of 0.2 m. Catalase activity, which is inhibited by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole, was detected at the ultrastructural level in the matrix of the organelle by using an alkaline diaminobenzidine medium. Freeze-fracture studies showed the presence of a large number of intramembranous particles on both the P and the E faces of the membrane of the organelle. Based on these data as well as on previous observations, it is suggested that the trypanosomatids possess an organelle that can be considered to be a peroxisome.  相似文献   

Examination of root tips from cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings grown at 8 degrees C for varying periods ranging from 15 min to 96 h, showed marked changes in the ultrastructure of cortical cells within only 15 min of exposure. Greater parts of the cortex were affected with longer periods of exposure, but the sequence of morphological changes in cell components was similar to that found for the roots exposed for 15 min. The effect of chilling injury included alterations in cell walls, nuclei, ER, mitochondria, plastids, and ribosomes. The extent of alterations varied greatly among cells, moderate to severe alterations to cell components being observable among adjoining cells. The measurements of root pressure using the root pressure probe showed a sudden, steep drop in the root pressure in response to lowering of the temperature of the bathing solution from 25 degrees C to 8 degrees C. These observations are discussed in the light of the information available on the ultrastructural and biochemical characteristics of the effect of cold exposure in chilling-sensitive plants.  相似文献   

Treatment of rats with a new hypocholesterolemic drug BM 15766 induces proliferation of peroxisomes in pericentral regions of the liver lobule with distinct alterations of the peroxisomal membrane (Baumgart, E., K. Stegmeier, F. H. Schmidt, and H. D. Fahimi. 1987. Lab. Invest. 56:554-564). We have used ultrastructural cytochemistry in conjunction with immunoblotting and immunoelectron microscopy to investigate the effects of this drug on peroxisomal membranes. Highly purified peroxisomal fractions were obtained by Metrizamide gradient centrifugation from control and treated rats. Immunoblots prepared from such peroxisomal fractions incubated with antibodies to 22-, 26-, and 70-kD peroxisomal membrane proteins revealed that the treatment with BM 15766 induced only the 70-kD protein. In sections of normal liver embedded in Lowicryl K4M, all three membrane proteins of peroxisomes could be localized by the postembedding technique. The strongest labeling was obtained with the 22-kD antibody followed by the 70-kD and 26-kD antibodies. In treated animals, double-membraned loops with negative catalase reaction in their lumen, resembling smooth endoplasmic reticulum segments as well as myelin-like figures, were noted in the proximity of some peroxisomes. Serial sectioning revealed that the loops seen at some distance from peroxisomes in the cytoplasm were always continuous with the peroxisomal membranes. The double-membraned loops were consistently negative for glucose-6-phosphatase, a marker for endoplasmic reticulum, but were distinctly labeled with antibodies to peroxisomal membrane proteins. Our observations indicate that these membranous structures are part of the peroxisomal membrane system. They could provide a membrane reservoir for the proliferation of peroxisomes and the expansion of this intracellular compartment.  相似文献   

Root hair formation is induced when lettuce seedlings are transferred from liquid medium at pH 6.0 to fresh medium at pH 4.0. If seedlings are transferred to pH 6.0, no root hairs are formed. We investigated the role of microtubules in this low pH-induced root hair initiation in lettuce. At the hair-forming zone in root epidermal cells, microtubules were perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cell just after pre-culture. This arrangement became disordered as early as 5 min after transfer to pH 4.0, and became random by 30 min later. At pH 4.0, the randomization extended to the entire hair-forming zone of seedlings; at pH 6.0, however, randomization did not occur and transverse microtubules were maintained. When seedlings at pH 6.0 were treated with microtubule-depolymerizing drugs, root hairs were formed. In contrast, when a microtubule-stabilizing drug, taxol, was added to the medium, no root hairs formed, even at pH 4.0. These results suggest that the transverse cortical microtubules inhibit root hair formation, and that their destruction is necessary for initiation. Furthermore, the microfilament-disrupting drugs cytochalasin B and latrunculin B inhibited root hair initiation, suggesting that actin filaments are necessary for root hair initiation.  相似文献   

Summary Root nodule initiation in Pisum sativum begins with cell divisions in the inner cortex at some distance from the advancing infection thread. After penetrating almost the entire cortex, the branches of the thread infiltrate the meristematic area previously initiated in the inner cortical cells. These cells are soon invaded by bacteria released from the infection thread and subsequently differentiate into non-dividing, bacteriod-containing cells. As the initial meristematic centre in the inner cortex is thus lost to bacteroid formation, new meristematic activity is initiated in neighbouring cortical cells. As development proceeds, more cortical layers contribute to the nodule, with the peripheral layer and apical meristem of the nodule not invaded by bacteria.Lateral root primordia are initiated in a region separate from that in which nodules are formed, with the lateral primordia being closer to the root apex. This is interpreted to indicate that the physiological basis for nodule initiation is distinct from that for initiation of lateral roots. The role of a single tetraploid cell in nodule initiation is refuted, as is the existence of incipient meristematic foci in the root. It is suggested that the tetraploid cells in nodule meristems arise from pre-existing endoreduplicated cells, or by the induction of endoreduplication in diploid cortical cells by Rhizobium.  相似文献   

Heiland I  Erdmann R 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(10):2362-2372
Genetic and proteomic approaches have led to the identification of 32 proteins, collectively called peroxins, which are required for the biogenesis of peroxisomes. Some are responsible for the division and inheritance of peroxisomes; however, most peroxins have been implicated in the topogenesis of peroxisomal proteins. Peroxisomal membrane and matrix proteins are synthesized on free ribosomes in the cytosol and are imported post-translationally into pre-existing organelles (Lazarow PB & Fujiki Y (1985) Annu Rev Cell Biol1, 489-530). Progress has been made in the elucidation of how these proteins are targeted to the organelle. In addition, the understanding of the composition of the peroxisomal import apparatus and the order of events taking place during the cascade of peroxisomal protein import has increased significantly. However, our knowledge on the basic principles of peroxisomal membrane protein insertion or translocation of peroxisomal matrix proteins across the peroxisomal membrane is rather limited. The latter is of particular interest as the peroxisomal import machinery accommodates folded, even oligomeric, proteins, which distinguishes this apparatus from the well characterized translocons of other organelles. Furthermore, the origin of the peroxisomal membrane is still enigmatic. Recent observations suggest the existence of two classes of peroxisomal membrane proteins. Newly synthesized class I proteins are directly targeted to and inserted into the peroxisomal membrane, while class II proteins reach their final destination via the endoplasmic reticulum or a subcompartment thereof, which would be in accord with the idea that the peroxisomal membrane might be derived from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Summary Overall cellular arrangement of cortical microtubules (MTs) is studied by reconstruction of MT images on serial thin sections. The mature root cortex ofHyacinthus orientalis L. cv. Delft blue is composed of elongate, highly vacuolate nondividing parenchyma cells. In longitudinal sections in these cells, MTs generally form parallel arrays at oblique angles to longitudinal cell axes. These MTs extend towards the transverse face of the cell where they appear in localized parallel arrays as well as in crisscross patterns. Repeated observations of oblique parallel arrays of MTs along the length of the cell and the continuity of MT bundles in serial sections suggest that MTs form a single helix in the cell. MTs in neighboring cells appear in sections either as parallel or as herringbone patterns, suggesting that the MT helices in these cells may spiral in the same or the opposite directions.Abbreviations MT Microtubule - MF microfibil - EM electron microscopy  相似文献   

Roger W. Parish 《Planta》1972,104(3):247-251
Summary Peroxisomes isolated from maize root tips contained urate oxidase, although the supplementary enzymes allantoinase, allantoicase and NADH-glyoxylate reductase were not detected. Some glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase was present in peroxisomes. Enzymes of two other pathways occuring in plant peroxisomes, namely glycolate metabolism and the glyoxylate cycle, were not present. The root peroxisome thus resembles peroxisomes of the Arum spadix and supports the concept that peroxisomes constitute a dynamic and differentiating system.  相似文献   

Growth of Hansenula polymorpha in shake flasks and chemostat cultures in the presence of methanol as the sole source of carbon and methylamine as the sole source of nitrogen was associated with the development of peroxisomes in the cells. The organelles were involved in the concurrent oxidation of these two compounds, since they contained both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase, which are key enzymes in methanol and methylamine metabolism, respectively. In addition catalase was present. Peroxisomes with a completely crystalline substructure were observed in methanol-limited chemostat-grown cells. Amine oxidase probably formed an integral part of these crystalloids, whereas catalase was present in a freely diffusable form. Transfer of cells, grown in a methanol-limited chemostat in the presence of methylamine into glucose/ammonium sulphate media resulted in the loss of both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase activity from the cells. This process was associated with degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes. However, when cells were transferred into glucose/methylamine media, amine oxidase activity only declined during 2 h after the transfer and thereafter increased again. This subsequent rise in amine oxidase activity was associated with the development of new peroxisomes in the cells in which degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes, originally present, continued. These newly formed organelles probably originated from peroxisomes which had not been affected by degradation. When in the methanollimited chemostat methylamine was replaced by ammonium sulphate, repression of the synthesis of amine oxidase was observed. However, inactivation of this enzyme or degradation of peroxisomes was not detected. The decrease of amine oxidase activity in the culture was accounted for by dilution of enzyme as a result of growth and washout.  相似文献   

Using confocal microscopy the organization of tubulin cytoskeleton including endoplasmic and cortical microtubules (CMTs) has been studied in epidermal and cortical cells of the different growth zones of main root of Brassica rapa L. 6-days-old seedlings in control conditions and under clinorotation. It was shown that changes in CMTs orientation occured only in the distal elongation zone (DEZ). In the control, CMT arrays oriented transversely to the root long axis. Under clinorotation appearance of the shorter randomly organized CMTs was observed. Simultaneously, a significant decrease in the cell length in the central elongation zone (CEZ) under clinorotation was detected. It is suggested that the decline of anisotropic growth typical for CEZ cells is connected with CMTs disorientation under clinorotation.  相似文献   

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