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1. In order to investigate the role of the adrenocortical system in the regulation of plasma levels of reproductive hormones, adult male white-tailed deer (five intact and one castrated) from a captive herd were sedated with xylazine and ketamine and then challenged with various doses of ACTH with and without dexamethasone (DX) pretreatment. 2. Plasma levels of LH, testosterone (T), FSH, prolactin (PRL) and androstenedione (A) were determined by RIA in serial samples taken from the jugular vein. 3. An increase of A levels detected after ACTH in both intact and castrated deer indicated stimulation of secretion of adrenal androgens by ACTH. 4. No effect on FSH and PRL levels was observed in either group. 5. A significant decline of LH and T observed in various treatments could not be attributed to ACTH or DX administration. It is speculated that the decrease may be caused by anaesthetics which alleviate the stress induced in deer by the pre-immobilization activities.  相似文献   

Seasonal levels of LH, FSH, Prolactin (PRL) and testosterone (T) were determined in blood plasma of penned male white-tailed deer, ranging in age from 2 to 10 yr. Peak levels of T (observed around the rutting season in November) gradually increased until the 7th yr and then they began to decline slowly; a sharp decrease was registered in the 10th yr. Peak levels of PRL (measured in June) steadily increased until the 6th yr and then dropped rapidly in the 8-9-yr-old group. Peak concentrations of FSH (observed during September-October) rose gradually until the 6th yr, decreased in 8-yr-olds and then increased again in the 9th and 10th yr of life. On the other hand LH maxima (occurring during July-September) were rising until the 4th yr and then remained steady until the 6th yr. LH peaks in the 8th and 9th yr were more than 50% higher than that of the 4-6th yr. These data indicate that increasing peak levels coincide with approaching "prime male age" around 5-7 yr. In senior bucks (9-10 yr) decreasing gonadal function may be the sign of diminished responsiveness to pituitary hormones since gonadotrophins are elevated to the "castrate-type" levels.  相似文献   

To establish the relation between photoperiodicity and the levels of LH, FSH, and testosterone (T) in plasma, three intact and three castrated adult male white-tailed deer were sampled once a month for 2-3 years. The rang of average LH levels in controls varied between 0.8 and 2.0 ng/mL; the levels in castrates were considerably higher, 3.4 to 8.9 ng/mL. Average levels of FSH varied in controls between 25 and 112 ng/mL and in castrates between 141 and 240 ng/mL. A significant correlation between the seasonal time course of LH and FSH was found in castrated, but not in intact bucks. In castrates both gonadotropins exhibit two major elevations coinciding with spring and fall equinoxes in March and September. The seasonal time course of FSH in castrates correlates highly with seasonal levels of FSH in controls. However, the time course of the LH curve in controls is substantially different from the curve in castrates, presumably owing to feedback mechanisms. A possible role of testicular estradiol in this feedback is discussed. In controls, peak T levels are reached in December, i.e., 3 months after maximum levels of FSH and 5 months after peak levels of LH were detected. It appears that male deer undergo two periods of reproductive stimulation (one in the spring, the other in the fall). However, the organism responds with the full range of gonadal and behavioral mechanisms leading to the initiation of the rut only during the fall.  相似文献   

Seasonal levels of LH, FSH, testosterone (T) and prolactin (PRL) were determined in plasma of six captive adult male pudu (Pudu puda) kept in Concepcion, Chile. Average PRL levels exhibited one peak (28 ng/ml) in December (summer); minimal levels (3 to 6 ng/ml) were detected between April and July. FSH concentrations remained at peak levels (54–63 ng/ml) from December until March; minimal values (25–33 ng/ml) were detected from April until October. T levels exhibited two, almost equal peaks; the first peak (2.8 ng/ml) was detected in March (rut) and the second one (2.7 ng/ml) in October (spring). Both T peaks were preceded by an earlier elevation of LH in February and July (both around 1.3 ng/ml). During the fall, only the alpha male exhibited a sharp peak of T (8.4 ng/ml), whereas in the spring five out of six bucks demonstrated an increase of T levels. Two peaks of LH and T and the 4 months of elevated FSH may be related to a long period of spermatogenesis observed in this species.  相似文献   

Circadian and circannual rhythm of plasma LH, FSH, testosterone (T), prolactin, cortisol, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) were investigated in two mature male white-tailed deer. No circadian rhythms were detected. Seasonal levels of LH and FSH were reached in September and October; troughs occur in May and June. Maximal T values were detected in November and December (the time of the rut); minimal levels occur between February and July. Prolactin peaked in May and June; minimal levels were detected between October and February. T3 exhibited two maxima; the first in the May-June period, the second in the September-October period. T4 showed no recognizable circannual rhythm. Cortisol levels were found to be much higher during cold months (December-April) than during the rest of the year. The least variable circadian levels were that of FSH and prolactin, with LH, T4, T3, cortisol and testosterone following in descending order. Cannulation stress might have some effect on the levels of testosterone, LH and cortisol. Correlation between LH and testosterone levels were detected mainly during sexually active periods.  相似文献   

At monthly intervals during the year blood samples were collected every 20 min for 12 h from 4 entire and 2 prepubertally castrated adult fallow deer bucks. In the entire bucks there were seasonal changes in mean concentrations and pulse frequencies of plasma LH. Mean concentrations in late summer and autumn were 3-6 times higher than during other seasons. LH pulse frequency was low (0-1 pulses/12 h) during most of the year and increased only during the 2-month period (January and February) that marked the transition from the non-breeding season to the autumn rut. During this period there was a close temporal relationship between pulses of LH and testosterone. However, during the rutting period (March and April) episodic secretion of testosterone, manifest as surges in plasma concentrations of 4-6 h duration, was not associated with any detectable pulses in LH although mean plasma concentrations of LH remained elevated. During the rut, the surges of plasma testosterone occurred at similar times of the day. Plasma profiles in May indicated very low concentrations of LH and testosterone secretion in the immediate post-rut period. Castrated bucks exhibited highly seasonal patterns of LH secretion, with mean plasma LH concentrations and LH pulse frequency being lowest in November (early summer) and highest in February and March (late summer-early autumn). Mean concentrations and pulse frequency of LH in castrated bucks were higher than for entire bucks at all times of the year.  相似文献   

1. Artificial extension of day-length in adult male white-tailed deer during the autumn induced: (a) premature casting of antlers, early onset of the new antler growth and out of season mineralization, (b) early elevation of plasma levels of prolactin, LH, FSH, testosterone and alkaline phosphatase and (c) out of season hair molt. 2. Intramuscular administration of the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate immediately after velvet shedding induced: (a) dramatic reduction of testosterone levels in plasma, (b) premature casting in bucks with fully mineralized antlers and (c) renewal of bone rebuilding activity in incompletely mineralized antlers which resulted in blockage of casting.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations in immobilized or yarded rusa stags (Cervus rusa timorensis) were investigated over a two-year period. Testosterone concentrations showed a minor elevation in autumn (May) and reached maximal levels in late winter-early spring (August) coinciding with the rut. Luteinizing hormone in plasma was only detectable from January to May. Maximal responsiveness of the pituitary-gonadal axis to LH-RH stimulation was recorded in August. The combination of Fentaz (fentanylcitrate and azaperone) and Rompun (xylazine hydrochloride) for immobilizing deer influences hypothalamic function.  相似文献   

Inhibin activity in goat seminal plasma was measured by in vitro assay throughout successive 9 months and its relationship with the serum FSH, LH and testosterone concentrations was investigated. Total inhibin activity (TIA) in seminal plasma gradually increased from spring to summer, reduced in autumn (P<0.05) and recovered toward winter (P<0.05). Serum FSH and LH reached a peak in mid-summer (P<0.01) and returned to the low levels in autumn. Serum testosterone also increased in mid-summer and kept the high levels until the early winter (P<0.05). Some positive correlation was found in monthly levels between seminal TIA and serum FSH (r=0.305; P<0.05). Results suggest that the summer increase of inhibin activity in seminal plasma relates with the mid-summer rise of serum FSH levels in the male goat.  相似文献   

The hormonal response of the male rat to sexual activity was investigated in two studies. In the first, no evidence of a chronic elevation in plasma levels of testosterone (T), LH, or prolactin (PRL) was observed in sexually experienced rats compared to naive controls. Both groups showed an acute increase in plasma levels of all three hormones following mating, but the increases shown by the experienced group were more pronounced. In the second study, plasma levels of T, LH and PRL rose in sexually experienced male rats following exposure to a mating arena whether it contained an estrous female, an anestrous female, or no other animal. However, the increases were considerably larger in the group exposed to estrous females. It is suggested that plasma hormones rise in anticipation of mating, although not to the same extent as following mating, and that the anticipatory rise may function to initiate or facilitate mating behavior.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in testicular weight in the blue fox were associated with considerable variations in plasma concentrations of LH, prolactin, androstenedione and testosterone and in FSH-binding capacity of the testis. An increase in LH secretion and a 5-fold increase in FSH-binding capacity were observed during December and January, as testis weight increased rapidly. LH levels fell during March when testicular weight was maximal. Plasma androgen concentrations reached their peak values in the second half of March (androstenedione: 0.9 +/- 0.1 ng/ml: testosterone: 3.6 +/- 0.6 ng/ml). A small temporary increase in LH was seen in May and June after the breeding season as testicular weight declined rapidly before levels returned to the basal state (0.5-7 ng/ml) that lasted until December. There were clear seasonal variations in the androgenic response of the testis to LH challenge. Plasma prolactin concentrations (2-3 ng/ml) were basal from August until the end of March when levels rose steadily to reach peak values (up to 13 ng/ml) in May and June just before maximum daylength and temperature. The circannual variations in plasma prolactin after castration were indistinguishable from those in intact animals, but LH concentrations were higher than normal for at least 1 year after castration.  相似文献   

A 2-year study was conducted to determine under controlled conditions the role of the pineal gland in regulating the seasonal changes in antler growth and reproduction of male white-tailed deer. Blood samples were drawn from 6 pinealectomized (PX) and 18 control (C) deer at intervals of 2 weeks and analyzed for testosterone (T) and prolactin (Prl). Relative scrotal circumference and main beam antler length were recorded. Relative scrotal circumference was similar in PX and C groups, but the normal pattern was delayed 1 to 3 months in the PX deer relative to the C deer. The mean dates of beginning antler growth, velvet shedding, antler casting and pelage changes were significantly later in both years for PX deer than in C deer. Testosterone concentrations peaked 1 month later in the PX deer than in the C deer for both yearling and 2-year-old deer. Prl concentrations in C deer, but not in PX deer, were correlated highly with day length, and the PX deer were delayed relative to the C deer in showing the normal Prl pattern. Increasing levels of Prl in both groups coincided with beginning antler growth in both years. These results indicate that the pineal gland does not originate the seasonal cycles of male white-tailed deer but may synchronize cycles among individual deer, and regulate the circannual rhythm of Prl concentrations which may in turn influence other hormonal cycles.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to ascertain circadian fluctuations in plasma levels of LH and FSH in juvenile and adult male mice. Animals under natural lighting (11 h day/13 h night) were killed at 1-hour intervals over a 24-hour period. There were large variations in plasma LH concentrations between animals sacrificed within each killing period. Baseline LH levels (values lower than 60 ng/ml) showed a significant 24-hour periodicity in adult males. FSH concentrations exhibited significant diurnal variations in juvenile and adult males. There was significant influence of age on the temporal pattern and 24-hour mean plasma hormone levels.  相似文献   

Intensity of hair pigmentation of dorsal scrotum, nose, cheek and forehead areas of seven mature, male white-tailed deer were determined from close-up colour slides taken once a month during a 2-year period. Blood samples and skin biopsies from forehead areas were taken at the same time as the photographs. Plasma testosterone (T) levels were measured by radioimmunoassay and T in the skin was investigated by immunohistology. Seasonal variations of hair pigmentation are most pronounced in the forehead region followed by the cheek, scrotum, and nose area. Peak blood levels of T (15.4 ng/ml) were detected in November. The highest correlation between T levels and pigmentation of the forehead area (R = 93%; R2 = 0.87), was established when pigmentation values were shifted two months ahead. Immunohistologically detectable T was localized in hair follicles, hair sheets and apocrine glands but not in the sebaceous glands. It is hypothesized that pigmentation of head regions might serve as a visual cue indicating the sexual status of an individual.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of mouse epidermal growth factor (EGF) on the concentrations of testosterone, LH and FSH in jugular blood plasma and on the pituitary responsiveness to LHRH. In 20 rams treated with subcutaneous doses of EGF at rates of 85, 98 or 113 micrograms/kg fleece-free body weight, mean plasma LH and testosterone concentrations were significantly reduced (P less than 0.05) at 6 h after treatment but not at 24 h. EGF treatment at 130 micrograms/kg fleece-free body weight suppressed the plasma content of these hormones for up to 48 h. Mean plasma FSH concentrations decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) for up to 48 h after EGF treatment, the effect being most pronounced in rams with mean pretreatment FSH values greater than or equal to 0.5 ng/ml. Intravenous injections of 1.0 micrograms LHRH given to each of 5 rams before and at 6 h, 24 h and 72 h after EGF treatment produced LH and testosterone release patterns which paralleled those obtained in 5 control rams similarly treated with LHRH. These results suggest that, in rams, depilatory doses of mouse EGF temporarily impair gonadotrophin and androgen secretion by inhibiting LHRH release from the hypothalamus. Such treatment appears to have no effect on the responsiveness of the pituitary to LHRH.  相似文献   

P B?hm  H C?llü  L Pitzel  A K?nig 《Endokrinologie》1979,73(3):301-306
Thirty sexually mature women with hirsutism were treated with 3 x 1.5 mg dexamethasone per day over a period of three days. Before and after treatment, plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone were determined. While an effect of dexamethasone on LH plasma levels could not be established statistically, FSH and testosterone plasma concentrations decreased significantly in comparison to their initial values (p less than 0.01). Special attention is directed to the different effects of dexamethasone on LH and FSH plasma concentrations.  相似文献   

A double-antibody heterologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed to measure plasma LH values in hedgehogs. This RIA system used anti-rat LH serum and rabbit LH (AFP-559B) for radioiodination and as standard. The accuracy of the method was evaluated and indicated the ability to detect various relative concentrations of LH in plasma. The minimum detectable dose was 0.2 ng/ml. The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 4.2 and 7.9% respectively. Biological tests, e.g. effect of castration, effect of castration + testosterone implant and GnRH administration, confirmed that this method was suitable to determine subsequent changes in pituitary gonadotrophic activity in the hedgehog. LH concentrations were determined in blood samples obtained during 1 year: (a) each month, at 4-h intervals during 24 h, from different groups of unanaesthetized animals fitted with a catheter and (b) twice a month, under a light anaesthesia, from the same group of 6 animals. During the year: (1) the range of LH change was narrow (minimum values congruent to 0.25 ng/ml and maximum values congruent to 2.00 ng/ml); (2) the 24-h LH patterns did not exhibit any daily rhythm; (3) a clear annual rhythm was observed with the highest values from February to April and the lowest values in October and November. LH decreased rapidly at the end of summer and increased progressively from December to February, during hibernation. In these experiments, it was not possible to determine the characteristics of LH release patterns in the hedgehog but individual profiles indicated clearly the episodic secretion of LH, particularly during the highest pituitary activity period. During the year, a close relationship between the seasonal cycles of plasma LH and testosterone was observed.  相似文献   

1. Alkaline phosphatase (AP), cholesterol, creatinine, uric acid, total protein, albumin, bilirubin, urea nitrogen, calcium, glucose, lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT) were measured in the plasma of three intact and three castrated male deer. 2. A statistically significant seasonal cycle of AP, cholesterol, creatinine and uric acid was found in intact but not in castrated animals. 3. Monthly levels of total protein, albumin, urea nitrogen, bilirubin and calcium were significantly higher in castrated deer. 4. On the other hand, monthly levels of LDH and SGOT were higher in intact animals.  相似文献   

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