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The nature of major antigens of Pseudomonas syringae was studied on one strain of four pathovars (pvs aptata, mors-prunorum, phaseolicola and tabaci) belonging to four separate serogroups. Bacterial antigens were prepared by 4 procedures: extraction by phenol-water (PW), by citrate-NaCl (CN), by trichloracetic acid (TCA), and precipitation of a glycoproteic extracellular complex (GP). 3-Deoxy-2-octulosonic acid (KDO) revelation in all the extracts showed that the four procedures led to antigens containing similar amounts of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Twenty polyclonal antisera were raised in rabbits against whole bacteria and the different extracts. Serological reactions were tested by gel double diffusion (DD) and indirect immunofluorescent staining (IF). The anti-whole cell sera were shown to contain mostly anti-LPS antibodies. For each pathovar, whole bacteria used as antigens in DD gave precipitation bands identical to the bands given by the LPS extracts (PW, CN or TCA), identical to the heated bacteria (HB), and identical to LPS sidechain preparations. The GP extract itself was shown to be rich in LPS. To serotype P. syringae, it is advised to raise antisera against either whole bacteria or GP extracts; whereas the reacting antigens for DD would be heated bacteria.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), ubiquitous cell surface components of Gram-negative bacteria, are directly implicated in plant/pathogen interactions. However, their perception by the plant, the subsequent signal transduction in both compatible and incompatible interactions, as well as the defence reactions induced in compatible interactions are as yet poorly understood. We focused on biochemical and physiological reactions induced in cell suspensions of three Solanaceae species (tobacco, tomato, and potato) by purified lipopolysaccharides from PECTOBACTERIUM ATROSEPTICUM (PA), a pathogen of potato, and PSEUDOMONAS CORRUGATA (PSC), a pathogen of tomato. LPS PA and LPS PSC caused a significant acidification of potato, tomato, and tobacco extracellular media, whereas laminarin (a linear beta-1,3 oligosaccharide elicitor) induced an alkalinisation in tobacco and tomato, but not in potato cell suspensions. None of the two LPS induced the formation of active oxygen species in any of the hosts, while laminarin induced H (2)O (2) production in cells of tobacco but not of tomato and potato. In tomato cells, LPS PA and LPS PSC induced a strong but transitory stimulation of lipoxygenase activity, whereas laminarin induced a stable or slightly increasing LOX activity over the first 24 h of contact. In tobacco, LOX activity was not triggered by either LPS, but significantly increased following treatment with laminarin. In potato, neither LPS nor laminarin induced LOX activity, in contrast with concentrated culture filtrate of PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS (CCF). These results demonstrate that LPS, as well as laminarin, are perceived in different ways by SOLANACEAE species, and possibly cultivars. They also suggest that defence responses modulated by LPS depend on plant genotypes rather than on the type of interaction.  相似文献   

Two isolates of Pseudomonas corrugata, P. corrugata 1, a rhizosphere associate, and P. corrugata 7, a rhizoplane associate have been isolated and characterized from maize soils; these isolates are from the subtropical and temperate regions, respectively in Sikkim Himalaya. The two isolates have been found to be positive for: (i) production of antifungal compounds; (ii) phosphate-solubilizing activity; (iii) nitrogenase activity; and (iv) growth at 4°C under laboratory conditions. These bacteria produce a non-fluorescent yellow pigment, particularly at lower temperature. Both of the isolates seem to be well adapted to temperate conditions.  相似文献   

Two strains of Pseudomonas corrugata, (1 and 7), isolated from subtropical and temperate soils in Sikkim Himalaya, respectively, were subjected to Petri-dish as well as plant-based bioassay to examine their potential for disease suppression against three major pathogens of maize. A mixture of Pythium ultimum, P. arrhenomanes and Fusarium graminearum was introduced in the soil; maize seed inoculated with one of the two strains of Pseudomonas corrugata (1 or 7) were sown in pots containing such soil. The bacterial inoculation resulted in significant disease suppression as well as growth promotion of seedlings. The bacterial strains were also evaluated for their intrinsic antibiotic resistance against a range of concentrations of ten antibiotics. While the bacteria were found to be sensitive to gentamycin and rifampicin, they exhibited resistance against ampicillin, carbenicillin and penicillin, even at high concentrations.  相似文献   

When coordinating movements, the nervous system often has to decide how to distribute work across a number of redundant effectors. Here, we show that humans solve this problem by trying to minimize both the variability of motor output and the effort involved. In previous studies that investigated the temporal shape of movements, these two selective pressures, despite having very different theoretical implications, could not be distinguished; because noise in the motor system increases with the motor commands, minimization of effort or variability leads to very similar predictions. When multiple effectors with different noise and effort characteristics have to be combined, however, these two cost terms can be dissociated. Here, we measure the importance of variability and effort in coordination by studying how humans share force production between two fingers. To capture variability, we identified the coefficient of variation of the index and little fingers. For effort, we used the sum of squared forces and the sum of squared forces normalized by the maximum strength of each effector. These terms were then used to predict the optimal force distribution for a task in which participants had to produce a target total force of 4–16 N, by pressing onto two isometric transducers using different combinations of fingers. By comparing the predicted distribution across fingers to the actual distribution chosen by participants, we were able to estimate the relative importance of variability and effort of 17, with the unnormalized effort being most important. Our results indicate that the nervous system uses multi-effector redundancy to minimize both the variability of the produced output and effort, although effort costs clearly outweighed variability costs.  相似文献   

Fifty-five strains of Pseudomonas corrugata isolated in southern Italy were characterized phenotypically and compared with 23 strains of different origins. At least two main cultural types with rough or smooth colonies were observed. Strains with rough colonies produced a diffusible pigment in culture. On the basis of their nutritional profiles, Ps. corrugata strains formed a distinct phenon most closely related to fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. isolated from tomato pith necrosis-diseased plants. Three major groups of strains were differentiated within the Ps. corrugata phenon on the basis of utilization of 2-ketogluconate, meso-tartrate, hystamine, DL- glycerate and induction of a hypersensitive reaction on tobacco. Some Ps. corrugata strains belonging to group 1 and 3 which did not produce pigment in culture produced IAA in a colorimetric test. Variability in the serological reaction of the Italian strain was observed. None of the three antisera utilized reacted with all strains. Some strains isolated from diseased plants from the same greenhouse showed different nutritional profiles and reacted with different antisera. Fifteen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) patterns were observed. Strains were divided into two groups on the basis of their protein profiles. The heterogeneity which had already been observed in a world-wide study on Ps. corrugata was confirmed in strains from this restricted area.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas corrugata, a soil bacterium originally isolated from a temperate site of Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is examined for its antagonistic activities against two phytopathogenic fungi, Alternaria alternata and Fusarium oxysporum. Although the bacterium did not show inhibition zones due to production of diffusible antifungal metabolites, a reduction in growth between 58% and 49% in both test fungi, A. alternata and F. oxysporum, was observed in sealed Petri plates after 120 h of incubation due to production of volatile antifungal metabolites. Reduction in biomass of A. alternata (93.8%) and F. oxysporum (76.9%) in Kings B broth was recorded after 48 h of incubation in dual culture. The antagonism was observed to be affected by growth medium, pH and temperature. The reduction in fungal biomass due to antagonism of bacteria was recorded maximum in the middle of the stationary phase after 21 h of inoculation. The production of siderophore, ammonia, lipase and chitinase in growth medium by P. corrugata were considered contributing to the antagonistic activities of the bacterium.  相似文献   

In an attempt to obtain biologic control agents for grey mildew of tomato, a total of 628 bacterial strains were isolated from agricultural soil samples in Beijing, China, and screened for in vitro antibiosis toward Botrytis cinerea. Strain P94 exhibited the most obvious antagonistic activity. It P94 had no pathogenicity and was identified as Pseudomonas corrugata by the Biolog identification system combined with 16S rDNA sequence analysis and biochemical and physiologic characteristics. The specific products of polymerase chain reaction with two pairs of specific primers indicated that P94 belonged to P. corrugata genomic group II. Strain P94 inhibited the growth of a number of phytopathogenic fungal and bacterial species and showed inhibition activity to tomato grey mildew by tomato leaf testing in vitro. Strain P94 showed a positive reaction for HCN, protease, phosphatase, and indole acetic acid tests and a negative reaction for siderophore-, chitinase-, and cellulase-production tests. Therefore, the secondary metabolites producing novel P. corrugata strain P94 exhibited an innate potential of biocontrol activities in vitro.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Pseudomonas corrugata in soil has been checked. Semiselective medium TNR (a modified SNR) permitted to isolate the causal agent of “tomato pith necrosis” from that source. The average soil population of the bacteria was 3.1 × 104 CFU × g of soil. P. corrugata was also isolated from plants sowed in the naturally infected soil. It was supposed that primary infections came from here.  相似文献   

Colonization at sugar beet root surfaces by seedling-inoculated biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens DR54 and native soil bacteria was followed over a period of 3 weeks using a combination of immunofluorescence (DR54-targeting specific antibody) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (rRNA-targeting Eubacteria EUB338 probe) techniques with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The dual staining protocol allowed cellular activity (ribosomal number) to be recorded in both single cells and microcolonies of strain DR54 during establishment on the root. After 2 days, the population density of strain DR54 reached a constant level at the root basis. From this time, however, high cellular activity was only found in few bacteria located as single cells, whereas all microcolony-forming cells occurring in aggregates were still active. In contrast, a low density of strain DR54 was observed at the root tip, but here many of the bacteria located as single cells were active. The native population of soil bacteria, comprising a diverse assembly of morphologically different forms and size classes, initiated colonization at the root basis only after 2 days of incubation. Hence the dual staining protocol allowed direct microscopic studies of early root colonization by both inoculant and native soil bacteria, including their differentiation into active and non-active cells and into single or microcolony-forming cells.  相似文献   

A disease of mature tomato plants is described, the symptoms of which include brown discoloration and/or necrosis and collapse of the pith. These are sometimes accompanied by vascular browning, external dark brown to black stem lesions, bacterial flux from stem wounds and adventitious root formation. The disease, which appears to be favoured by high humidity and/or free water on the plant surfaces and by high N fertiliser, has been widespread on many glasshouse holdings in England since 1971 but has caused severe loss on only a few. It is thought to be caused by a new species of the genus Pseudomonas for which the name P. corrugata Roberts and Scarlett is proposed.  相似文献   

From the biomass of five Pseudomonas fluorescensbiovar I strains, including the P. fluorescenstype strain IMV 4125 (ATCC 13525), lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were isolated (by extraction with a phenol–water mixture followed by repeated ultracentrifugation), as well as individual structural components of the LPS macromolecule: lipid A, the core oligosaccharide, and O-specific polysaccharide (O-PS). 3-Hydroxydecanoic, 2-hydroxydodecanoic, 3-hydroxydodecanoic, dodecanoic, hexadecanoic, octadecanoic, hexadecenoic, and octadecenoic fatty acids were present in lipid A of the LPS of all the strains studied. Glucosamine, ethanolamine, and phosphoethanolamine were revealed in the lipid A hydrophilic part of all of the strains. Glucose, rhamnose, mannoze, glucosamine, galactosamine, KDO, a trace amount of heptoses, ethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine, alanine, and phosphorus were identified as the main core components. Interstrain differences in the core oligosaccharide composition were revealed. Structural analysis showed that the O-PS of the type strain, as distinct from that of other strains, is heterogeneous and contains two types of repetitive units, including (1) three L-rhamnose residues (L-Rha), one 3-acetamide-3,6-dideoxy-D-galactose residue (D-Fuc3NAc) as a branching substitute of the L-rhamnan chain and (2) three L-Rha residues and two branching D-Fuc3NAc residues. The type strain is also serologically distinct from other biovar I strains due to the LPS O-chain structure, which is similar to those of the strains of the species Pseudomonas syringae, including the type strain. The data of structural analysis agree well with the results of immunochemical studies of LPS.  相似文献   

Efficiency on biodegradation of high concentration of nitrobenzene (NB) by peat-phosphate esterified polyvinyl alcohol-embedded NB-degrading bacteria Pseudomonas corrugata was conducted compared to free bacteria cells. Its biodegradation kinetics, reuse ability, degradation effect in the absence of the essential element needed for the growth of bacteria and degradation efficiency of the raw water from the contaminated site were also invested. Results show that the degradation rate when the concentration of NB was at 600, 750, and 900 mg/L reached 91.02, 83.23, and 55.9 %, which was higher than that observed in free bacteria at the same concentration levels. Biodegradation kinetics of the material could be well described by first- and zero-order kinetics when the concentration of NB was at 300, 450 mg/L and 600, 750, 900 mg/L, respectively. Stable degradation activity (stayed at a level of approximately 70 %) was displayed during the 11th repeat-batch experiment. The affect of absence of phosphorus in the medium can be abated ascribed to the addition of peat, which contributes with organic matter and other elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus necessary to maintain metabolically active the microorganisms. Effective biodegradation of the raw water from the experimental site revealed that the material can be a potential candidate for treating NB-contaminated wastewater in the practical setting.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas belonging to the rRNA-DNA homology group I produce medium-chain-length (mcl)-polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). We show that P. corrugata, a member of this group, accumulates 0.5–1.0 g of mcl-PHA/L of culture when grown on glucose (Gl) or oleic acid (Ol). The predominant monomers of Gl-PHA and Ol-PHA are β-hydroxydecanoate and β-hydroxyoctanoate, respectively. The molecular masses and polydispersity of P. corrugata PHAs are higher than those typically found with other Pseudomonas. We electrotransformed P. corrugata with a plasmid pCN51lip-1 carrying Pseudomonas lipase genes to generate strain III111-1. The recombinant strain grew on intact triacylglycerols (TAGs) to 1.9–2.7 g of cell-dry-weight/L of culture. The yields and the predominant repeat-units of PHAs obtained from the lard- and tallow-grown III111-1 were similar to those of Ol-PHA from wild-type cells. In contrast to other Pseudomonas species, P. corrugata III111-1 grown on TAGs at temperatures up to 36°C was not significantly affected with regard to cell yields, amounts of PHA produced, and the repeat unit compositions of the polymer. Received: 29 May 2001 / Accepted: 2 July 2001  相似文献   

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