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The hypothesis of a recent reversal in the eutrophication of the Wadden Sea and the potential of inshore waters in denitrification is explored. Salinity, temperature and nitrate concentrations in the List Tidal Basin (Northern Wadden Sea) have been measured about twice weekly since 1984. Salinity has a clear seasonal cycle with lowest salinities of about 27 in late winter and highest salinities of about 31 in summer. Mean annual deviations from the long-term mean salinity correlate significantly with riverine freshwater discharge. Winter nitrate concentrations are generally high (about 50 μM on average). The major part of the variability is related to salinity (∼35%). Temperature had a minor impact (∼1%). Superimposed on this, a long-term decrease of about 1 μM per year was found. Together, these processes account for about 45% of the nitrate variability. The long-term decrease of about 2% per year is similar to continental riverine trend in total nitrogen loads. In contrast to the List Tidal Basin, salinity explained more than 90% of nitrate variability in the off-shore German Bight. Salinity (30) normalised winter nitrate data of the German Bight also show a long-term decreasing trend. Most of the List Tidal Basin data are either on or below the nitrate–salinity relation found in the German Bight. This observation suggests that denitrification has a major impact on the winter nitrate concentrations in the Northern Wadden Sea compared to the German Bight. It is hypothesised that a large part of the unexplained variability is related to weather-dependent changes in residence time of tidal water masses in the Wadden Sea and circulation patterns within the German Bight.  相似文献   

From 1955 to the mid 1980s the loads of both nitrogen and phosphorus from the river Rhine to the Dutch coastal area, the Wadden Sea included, increased. Since 1985 the phosphorus loads has decreased significantly, while the nitrogen load remained about the same.Annual primary production in the western Dutch Wadden Sea has increased fromc. 40 g C m–2 (1950) to 150 (mid 1960s) and over 500 g C m–2 (1986). The biomass of macrozoobenthos has more than doubled since 1970. Simultaneously, the meat yield of cultured blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), has increased since the 1960s. Previously, it was indicated that the increase in primary production of the phytoplankton over the period 1950 to 1986 was stimulated by the load of dissolved inorganic phosphate from Lake IJssel, a reservoir supplied by Rhine water. Since 1990, however, primary production has been higher than was expected from decreased phosphate loads from Lake IJssel. It is argued that this lack of response may have been caused by increased concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphate at sea originating from increased inflow from a.o. the Strait of Dover, which compensate for the decrease in phosphate from the rivers, possibly in combination with a significant improvement of the light conditions of the water in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

The development of benthic macrofauna in the Wadden Sea and in the coastal North Sea after the severe winter of 1995/96 is compared with the preceding years with mild to moderate winters. In the intertidal of the Wadden Sea, ice-drift and low temperature caused the expected changes in species composition by increasing winter mortality in sensitive species, and by exceptionally high recruitment of some species during the succeeding summer. In the shallow subtidal (10–20 m depth), similar winter effects were observed. However, recovery of many subtidal populations was still incomplete until the summer of 1997. It is suggested that this was due to hydrographic conditions that carried many larvae or drifting juveniles into more distant offshore areas. This may have limited larval supply and may have delayed recovery at the onshore sites. Since in the eastern North Sea severe winters are accompanied by frequent easterly winds, it is not clear whether decreasing winter abundances in some species were due to increased mortality, or to a seaward dislocation of organisms. Received in revised form: 7 May 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Borum and Sand-Jensen (1996) described empirical relationships between nitrogen (N) loadings from land and total (benthic + pelagic) primary production rates in shallow coastal marine waters. We applied these relationships to N loadings of the western Wadden Sea system, and compared the production estimates with actually observed primary production rates of autotrophic components (phytoplankton, microphytobenthos, macroalgae and seagrasses) for those years for which field data were available. During the 1980s and early 1990s, primary production values appear in good agreement with those derived from the empirical relationships. During the 1960s and early 1970s, however, these relationships substantially overestimated the total primary production in the western Wadden Sea. Based on ambient nutrient concentrations and the Redfield ratio, production in that period was considered not to be limited by N but by phosphorus (P) during most of the time. It is concluded that primary production is not invariably stimulated by N loading from land. If other factors (i.e. additional nutrient sources, N:P ratios, internal nutrient dynamics and co-limiting effects of nutrients and light) are not taken into account, management regulations that are targeted at diminishing the effects of eutrophication hold the risk of seriously under- or overestimating nutrient reductions that are thought necessary to achieve their goals. Received: 30 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 12 July 1999 / Accepted: 15 July 1999  相似文献   

Macrofauna density and bioturbation intensity (measured with X-ray radiography), were studied in the Dutch Wadden Sea near Ameland and in Mok Bay, Texel, in September 1988. The bivalveMacoma balthica and the polychaeteHeteromastus filiformis were widely distributed in the areas studied. The cockleCerastoderma edule and the polychaeteScoloplos armiger did not occur in areas with high clay content, while the molluscsHydrobia ulvae andMya arenaria preferred fine sediments. The polychaeteNereis diversicolor preferred the higher parts of the intertidal. In the Ameland area disturbance of primary sediment structures was highest near the shore and near the middle of the tidal confluence where physical reworking was low. The sheltered Mok Bay sediments were completely reworked by deposit-feeders. Bioturbation intensity and deposit-feeder (bioturbator) density were, however, not highly correlated. A number of stations showed higher bioturbation towards the surface and this may be related to the high abundance of near surface dwelling macrofauna, due to eutrophication and organic enrichment of the sediments in recent years.  相似文献   

The Dutch Wadden Sea: a changed ecosystem   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
Since 1600 the surface area of the Dutch Wadden Sea decreased considerably by successive reclamations of saltmarshes. In 1932 the Zuiderzee (3200 km2) was closed off from the Wadden Sea causing in the remaining part an increase in tidal range and current velocities. In 1969 the Lauwerszee (91 km2) was closed off and turned into a freshwater lake as well. Man's use of the Wadden Sea changed simultaneously. Dredging in harbours and shipping routes, and extraction of sand and shells became common practice. Extraction of sand increased manifold between 1960 and 1985. These activities did contribute to the turbidity of the Wadden Sea water. Discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds into the western Wadden Sea increased also manifold since 1950, causing an increase in phytoplankton production, duration of phytoplankton blooms, and intertidal macrozoobenthic biomass. Loads of metals and organochlorine contaminants entering the Wadden Sea were hard to estimate. Fisheries changed drastically since the 1930's. Fishing for ‘Zuiderzee’ herring came to an end shortly after closing off the Zuiderzee. The anchovy fishery ceased in the 1960’, that for flounder in 1983. Undersized brown shrimps were fished until 1971. Selective shrimptrawls and sorting devices with flushing seawater were introduced to reduce mortality among young flatfish and shrimps. Oysters became extinct in the 1960's due to over-exploitation of the natural beds. Production of mussels increased more than ten times between 1950 and 1961 due to ‘culturing’, catches of cockles increased slowly between 1955 and 1984. Whelks were fished until 1970. The most important changes in the biotic system of the Wadden Sea, increased production of microalgae and intertidal macrozoobenthos, can be attributed to increased nutrient loads. Eutrophication provided ample food supply for mussels which are harvested mainly by man and eider duck, and may have caused also increased growth in juvenile plaice. Increased turbidity may have impaired life conditions for adult dab, and have presented also recovery of sublittoral eelgrass beds after their disappearance in the 1930's due to the ‘wasting disease’. Increased turbidity in the Wadden Sea is probably caused by closing off the Zuiderzee (1932), a significant increase of dredge spoil disposal near Hoek van Holland between 1970 and 1983, and a more than 10-fold increase of mussel culturing in the Wadden Sea since 1950. Stocks of several bird species breeding in the Wadden Sea area suffered great losses in the early 1960's due to a pesticide accident. Most of the breeding populations have recovered. PCB's caused a reproduction failure among harbour seals in the 1970's. Since 1980 official Dutch policy aims at multiple use of the Wadden Sea, with emphasis on protection and restoration of the natural environment. The 3rd Water Management Plan (1989) aims at a development of the Wadden Sea ecosystem towards the situation of ca. 1930, i.e. without undoing present sea dikes and reclaimed polders. Management of the Dutch Wadden Sea will therefore have to focus mainly on reduction of eutrophication, pollution and turbidity. Some management options are discussed.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is a shallow tidal area along the North Sea coast of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. The area is strongly influenced by rivers, the most important of which are the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Elbe. Due to the increased nutrient load into the coastal zone the primary production in the Wadden Sea almost tripled during the past few decades. A conceptual model is presented that links nitrogen input (mainly nitrate) via Rhine and Meuse with the annual nitrogen cycle within the Wadden Sea. Three essential steps in the model are: (1) nitrogen limits the primary production in the coastal zone, (2) a proportional part of the primary produced organic matter is transported into the Wadden Sea and (3) the imported organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea and supports the local productivity by nitrogen turn-over. The conceptual model predicts that during years with a high nutrient load more organic matter is produced in the coastal zone and more organic matter is transported into and remineralized within the Wadden Sea than during years with low nutrient loads. As a proxy for the remineralisation intensity ammonium plus nitrite concentrations in autumn were used. Based on monitoring data from the Dutch Wadden Sea (1977–1997) the above mentioned model was statistically tested. In autumn, however, a significant correlation was found between autumn values of ammonium and nitrite and river input of nitrogen during the previous winter, spring and summer. The analysis supports that in years with a high riverine nitrogen load more organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea than in years with a low nitrogen load. A comparison with older data from 1960 to 1961 suggests that the remineralisation intensity in the Wadden Sea has increased by a factor of two to three. This is not reflected by a two to three-fold increase in riverine nitrogen load from 1960 to present. It is suggested that the increased remineralisation rates in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1960s and the 1980s/1990s are largely caused by an increased nitrogen flux through the Channel and the Strait of Dover and by an increased atmospheric nitrogen input.  相似文献   

 In a first synoptic evaluation, the temporal and spatial distribution of bacterioplankton and chlorophyll-a were determined in the German Wadden Sea. Three surveys were undertaken in winter, spring, and summer of 1994 using up to eight ships simultaneously between the river Ems and Sylt island. Despite intensive hydrodynamic mixing of the Wadden Sea water, spatial gradients were obvious. The abundance of bacterioplankton ranged from 0.4 to 26×105 ml–1 and chlorophyll-a varied between <0.1 and 79 μg l–1. In winter, relatively homogeneous distribution patterns of both parameters with small gradients were found. Highest chlorophyll-a values connected with a highly patchy structure were observed in spring, while in summer both total chlorophyll-a values and the complexity of the distribution pattern had decreased. In contrast, bacterial numbers increased steadily from January to July with the highest bacterial densities and greatest patchiness observed in summer. Moreover, in some regions of the Wadden Sea, a trophic succession of algae as carbon producers and bacteria as consumers was evident. Correlation analysis verified the relationship between bacteria and chlorophyll a, indicating bottom-up control of bacterial abundance in the northern part of the German Wadden Sea. Since the observed regression slope is remarkably low (0.12–0.46) compared to literature values (0.5–0.8), we suggest that the link between phytoplankton and bacteria found here is a special characteristic of the Wadden Sea as a transition zone between the coastal region and the outer North Sea. Received: 26 May 1998 / Accepted:12 November 1998  相似文献   

The predicted increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the effects of global warming will influence the Wadden Sea, The Netherlands, an area of exceptional ecological value. The direct effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on terrestrial coastal ecosystems is either marginal or unknown. The slight acidification of the sea which is predicted might have an impact on primary producers and juvenile animals. The effect of CO2 fertilization on marine primary production remains to be elucidated. Profound changes will occur if sea level rises at the predicted rate of 60 cm per century, as sedimentation rates will be insufficient to maintain the salt marshes on the barrier islands. The marshes of the mainland coast will be impoverished, as high and low marshes are not expected to continue to coexist at the same locations. As sediment supply to the Wadden Sea is sufficient to compensate for sea level rise, the estuarine character of the Wadden Sea, with sand- and mudflats, is expected to remain largely unchanged.  相似文献   

Tidal variation of biological parameters was studied at three anchor stations in selected inlet channels of the northern German Wadden Sea in May and July 1994. Concentrations of bacteria, chlorophyll a and suspended matter as well as primary and bacterial production were assessed over a period of 25 h in the surface and in the bottom water. Diurnal variation in primary production was found both under in situ light conditions and under constant illumination. Tidal turbulence caused the introduction of detritus, bacteria and pigments from the sediment into the water column. The impact of sediment resuspension was most evident in the bottom water, leading to tidally oscillating bacterial production rates which were high during high stream velocity and low during the slack times. Estimations of the areal daily phytoplankton production and corresponding bacterial carbon demands were unbalanced. Primary production accounted for only 25–45% of the total bacterial carbon requirement. This discrepancy is due to the shallow euphotic depth in the Wadden Sea, allowing net primary production only in the upper 2–3 m of the water column, while the relatively high levels of bacterial activity do not show a vertical decline. Assuming that the specific biological activities in the water columns over the tidal flats are similar to those found in the inlet channels, it was found that production processes dominate in shallow areas whereas decomposition processes dominate in the deep channels. Moreover, the predominance of heterotrophic processes in the inlet channels means that additional organic carbon sources must contribute to the heterotrophic metabolism in the deep parts of the Wadden Sea, and that the horizontal flux of material is important in this turbid mesotidal ecosystem. Received: 18 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 November 1998  相似文献   

Data on the bulk chemical composition (C, N, P, S, total chlorophyll) of particulate matter were obtained on five occasions over one or two tidal cycles in the Jade Bay, Lower Saxonian Wadden Sea. Sampling intervals were usually one hour. The results show pronounced short-term variability for all parameters which is controlled to a large extent by physical processes such as erosion of surficial sediments at high current speeds and sedimentation at slack water. Contributions from living phytoplankton biomass were low while C∶N ratios indicate a high abundance of microheterotrophs. Organic phosphorus accounted for 36% of total P, exchangeable ammonium made up 1.9% of total nitrogen on average.  相似文献   

The salt marshes of the Wadden Sea are important wintering areas for some species of granivorous passerines, which have declined considerably since the 1960s. We investigated the habitat choice of all wintering passerines in eight study areas in German salt marshes with special consideration of human impact on these habitats. Granivorous species that almost exclusively winter in salt marshes, Shorelark (Eremophila alpestris), Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) and Twite (Carduelis flavirostris) were concentrated in the lower salt marsh vegetation and in the driftlines, while all other species preferred the high upper salt marsh communities, although Rock Pipits (Anthus petrosus littoralis) fed in muddy areas along ditches. Shorelarks switched habitat in conditions where seeds were scarce to feed instead on arthropods in upper salt marshes. Intensively sheep-grazed upper salt marshes resemble lower salt marshes in their vegetation and were therefore mainly visited by Shorelarks, Snow Buntings and Twites. In winter, the driftline is preferred by the two former species, while in autumn and spring more birds foraged in the salt marshes. Twites prefer to feed mainly on seeds of Salicornia. Areas with S. europaea are visited mainly in late autumn and early winter, while areas with S. stricta are used throughout the winter because of a steady supply of seeds. Several years after embankment, polders are hardly used any more by the lower salt marsh species as the habitat changes into freshwater marshes. Large embankment projects since the early 1960s have included salt marshes and intertidal flats, and the resultant loss of habitat is responsible for the decline of lower salt marsh species. For other passerine species the effects of reclamation are unknown. The effects of intensified grazing on the wintering populations of Shorelark, Snow Bunting and Twite are still unresolved. Although grazing supports lower salt marsh vegetation, the seed production per plant is much lower there and some important seed producers hardly occur. Since grazing was reduced and embankment projects have been stopped, the salt marsh areas (especially lower salt marshes) have increased and so have the wintering populations of Shorelark, Snow Bunting and Twite. For the other species, the consequences of habitat changes are unknown, although it is suggested that reduced grazing will support them. Reducing the human impact on salt marshes will, in the long run, probably lead to a natural salt marsh with much variety in elevation and in its corresponding vegetation and bird communities. Meanwhile, management by grazing might be required in parts of the salt marshes.  相似文献   

For the past 30 years, the Danish Wadden Sea area has been protected by fishery and hunting regulations, pollution controls and settlement restrictions. Nevertheless, todays Wadden Sea is a depleted ecosystem when we compare it with past abundance and diversity of marine animal populations. This review indicates that the abundance of finfishes has undergone a long-term decline since the seventeenth century. The review also indicates a trajectory of ecological decline since the early twentieth century that seems to be related to: (1) fishing extractions which focused on undersized fish throughout the first half of the twentieth century; (2) habitat destruction, which was most marked in the first half of the twentieth century; and (3) pollution, which was worst in the third quarter of the twentieth century. Historical investigation reveals that we need to fundamentally revise present-day baselines about the potential species richness and abundance of the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

Diatoms inhabiting the Wadden Sea show a rhythmic migration pattern, which is superimposed by the tidal rhythm. In addition to light intensity, light quality has a pronounced influence on the upward-directed migration, thus giving some information on the nature of the relevant photoreceptors. Maximum diatom migration occurred when sediment surfaces were illuminated with blue light. The cell densities in blue light exceeded those of white light control experiments 1.8-fold. Furthermore, we registered a minor peak in the red light region, which reached approximately 60% of the white light controls. Cryptochrome and/or phototropin may thus be involved and act as photoreceptors for the vertical migration pattern. Flushing sediment surfaces of freshly mixed Wadden Sea sediments with air, O2, CO2 or N2 did not show a significant influence of O2 on the upward migration. The disappearance of diatoms from sediment surfaces which were flushed with CO2 is most probably caused by the acidification of the sediment bed.Communicated by E. Rachor  相似文献   

横岗水库富营养化特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2005年5月和11月调查了横岗水库的营养盐、叶绿素a(Chl.a)和浮游植物,对水库富营养化特征进行了分析。5月的总氮(TN)平均浓度为3.810mg·L-1,总磷(TP)平均浓度为0.172mg·L-1,Chl.a平均浓度为17.888mg·m-3,综合营养状态指数(TSIM)为73.3,该水库已达重度富营养化;11月份TSIM下降到55.6,处于轻度富营养化状态,TN和TP平均浓度分别下降到1.302mg·L-1和0.096mg·L-1,Chl.a平均浓度却上升到26.935mg·m-3,Chl.a浓度的上升与氨氮(NH3-N)和正磷(PO4-P)浓度上升以及浮游植物群落组成改变有关。从5月到11月,水库由蓝藻型富营养化水体变为绿藻型富营养化水体。5月浮游植物平均细胞密度高达2.75×108cells·L-1,优势种为美丽平裂藻和银灰平裂藻,其中平裂藻细胞数约占总细胞数的90%。11月浮游植物平均细胞密度降低到1.27×107cells·L-1,平裂藻的优势度下降,只占总细胞数的14.89%,绿藻成为主优势类群,其中栅藻是优势种之一,占总细胞数的11.52%。  相似文献   

Weekly measurements of mesozooplankton (>76 μm) and hydrographic parameters have been carried out since 1984 in the List Tidal Basin (northern Wadden Sea). Monthly water temperature significantly increased by 0.04°C year−1. The largest increase by 3°C in 22 years occurred in September, implying an extension of the warm summer period. Mean annual copepod abundance and length of copepod season correlated significantly with mean temperature from January to May. Except for an increasing Acartia sp. abundance during spring (April–May), no long-term trends in copepod abundance were observed. The percentage of carnivorous zooplankton increased significantly since 1984 mainly due to a sudden increase in the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis in 1997. We expect that global warming will lead to a longer copepod season and higher copepod abundances in the northern Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainability has several, sometimes contrasting, meanings that may generate confusion, misunderstanding, and conflict concerning conservation and restoration practices. It is therefore desirable to clarify the concept of sustainability, thereby potentially contributing to mutual understanding, especially when social conflicts arise. This article discusses a recently published typology of three conceptions of sustainability that range from economic to ecocentric valuations of nature. We argue that the typology is incomplete because it does not include the arcadian approaches. For this reason, we introduce a “tripolar model” for conceptions of sustainability, applying it to the debate on shellfish harvesting in the Dutch Wadden Sea. We conclude that the particular visions or conceptions of sustainability held by relevant actors may have an impact on strategies for conservation.  相似文献   

High recruitment of the bivalves Cerastoderma edule, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica and Mya arenaria in summer after severe winters is an often reported phenomenon in the Wadden Sea. After the severe winter of 1995/96 however, only Cerastoderma and Mytilus followed this pattern in the Sylt-R?m? Bight. Repeated sampling of Cerastoderma, Macoma and Mya following a severe (1995/96), a moderate (1996/97), and a mild winter (1997/98) revealed that early recruitment was highest after the mild winter. In Cerastoderma the eventual high recruitment at the end of summer 1996 was caused by reduced benthic mortality. Low recruitment of Macoma and Mya after the severe winter may have been caused by a higher susceptibility to epibenthic predation and/or a higher susceptibility to passive re-suspension than in Cerastoderma and Mytilus. In all cases, post-settlement processes were decisive for reproductive success. Received in revised form: 7 May 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A conceptual model is proposed, describing potential Zostera marina habitats in the Wadden Sea, based on reported data from laboratory, mesocosm and field studies. Controlling factors in the model are dynamics, degree of desiccation, turbidity, nutrients and salinity. A distinction has been made between a higher and a lower zone of potential habitats, each suitable for different morphotypes of Z. marina. The model relates the decline of Z. marina in the Wadden Sea to increased sediment and water dynamics, turbidity, drainage of sediments (resulting in increased degree of desiccation) and total nutrient loads during the twentieth century. The upper and lower delineation of both the higher and the lower zone of potential Z. marina habitats appear to be determined by one or a combination of several of these factors. Environmental changes in one of these factors will therefore influence the borderlines of the zones. The lower zone of Z. marina will be mainly affected by increased turbidity, sediment dynamics, degree of desiccation during low tide and nutrient load. The higher zone will be affected by increases in water and sediment dynamics, desiccation rates and nutrient loads. Potential Z. marina habitats are located above approx. –0.80 m mean sea level (when turbidity remains at the same level as in the early 1990s) in sheltered, undisturbed locations, and preferably where some freshwater influence is present. At locations with a high, near-marine, salinity, the nutrient load has to be low to allow the growth of Z. marina. The sediment should retain enough water during low tide to keep the plants moist. Our results suggest that the return of Z. marina beds within a reasonable time-scale will require not only suitable habitat conditions, but also revegetation measures, as the changes in the environment resulting from the disappearance of Z. marina may impede its recovery, and the natural import of propagules will be unlikely. Furthermore, the lower zone of Z. marina may require a genotype that is no longer found in the Wadden Sea. Received: 26 April 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 October 1999 / Accepted: 16 October 1999  相似文献   

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