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The ability of arginine vasopressin (AVP) to potentiate the actions of synthetic ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) was examined using anterior pituitary fragments. Marked potentiation of ACTH release was observed upon incubating the fragments with a combination of 2 nM AVP and 1 nM CRF. Potentiation of CRF-induced ACTH release was also observed when the fragments were incubated with a combination of 1 nM AVP and 0.5 nM CRF. These results suggest that AVP may play a role in the release of ACTH from the adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

The effects of bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist, and cyproheptadine, a serotonin antagonist, on basal and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-stimulated ACTH release were investigated in a 40-year-old female patient with Nelson's syndrome. Oral administration of either bromocriptine (2.5 mg) or cyproheptadine (8 mg) caused a marked drop in plasma ACTH levels. Intravenous administration of synthetic ovine (o) CRF (50 micrograms) produced an exaggerated response of plasma ACTH. Short-term (3-week) treatment with either bromocriptine (7.5 mg/day) or cyproheptadine (12 mg/day) resulted in a marked suppression of basal ACTH release. Furthermore, a blunted response of plasma ACTH to oCRF was observed after short-treatment with either drug. However, after a longer period of treatment with cyproheptadine (18-week), plasma ACTH levels rose again and hyperresponsiveness to oCRF was restored to the pretreatment levels. These data indicate that synthetic oCRF is a potent secretagogue for ACTH release in a patient with Nelson's syndrome. It is suggested that bromocriptine and cyproheptadine are effective drugs in reducing basal and CRF-stimulated ACTH release, possibly acting at the pituitary level in this case. However, the apparent refractoriness after chronic treatment with cyproheptadine may limit its therapeutic use in the present case.  相似文献   

The ability of angiotensin II (ANG II) to release ACTH was studied in vivo. ANG II elicited dose-related increases in plasma ACTH levels in freely-moving non-anesthetized rats. The observation that this effect was totally abolished by immunoneutralization of endogenous CRF, as well as the lack of stimulatory activity of ANG II in pharmacologically blocked animals, suggest that the induction of CRF secretion by ANG II represents an essential modulator of the ACTH-releasing potency of this peptide.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess the response of fetal brown fat in vivo to hypothermia and norepinephrine infusion. In 10 unanaesthetized, chronically-prepared fetal sheep (133 +/- 2 days of gestation) cold water was passed through tubing encircling the fetus in utero and plasma glycerol concentration was measured as an indicator of brown fat activity. Following cooling for 60 min, amniotic fluid temperature fell 7.79 degrees C to 31.66 +/- 1.73 degrees C (n = 8, P less than 0.001) and maternal temperature fell 0.63 degree C to 38.63 +/- 0.08 degrees C (n = 9, P less than 0.001). Eight of the fetuses were subjected to a second experiment in which norepinephrine was infused intravenously for 15 min. During infusion fetal arterial temperature fell 0.38 degrees C to 39.05 +/- 0.25 degrees C (n = 7, P less than 0.05). Amniotic fluid temperature (n = 7, NS) and maternal arterial temperature (n = 7, NS) remained constant. Glycerol concentration during the infusion increased from 0.73 to 1.27 mg/dl, a 74% increase over control (n = 8, P less than 0.001). Although clearly detectable, these glycerol responses to hypothermia and norepinephrine stimulation are one-third or less of those achieved after birth, indicating that thermogenesis remains quiescent in the near-term fetal sheep, despite powerful stimuli for activation.  相似文献   

T Suda  F Yajima  N Tomori  H Demura  K Shizume 《Life sciences》1985,37(16):1499-1505
Immunoreactive corticotropin-releasing factor (I-CRF) release from rat hypothalami was studied in vitro utilizing a perifusion of rat hypothalami and a rat CRF RIA. Basal release of I-CRF from the hypothalamus of adrenalectomized or hypophysectomized rats was higher than in that of normal rats. K+-induced I-CRF release was completely suppressed by omission of Ca++ from the medium. Dexamethasone suppressed I-CRF release from hypothalami, but not from median eminence (ME). C-AMP and angiotensin II had mild stimulatory effects on I-CRF release. These results suggest that 1) the feedback mechanism acts mainly on a higher level than ME, and 2) c-AMP and angiotensin II may be involved in CRF-releasing mechanism(s).  相似文献   

The 41-residue corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) was synthesized by the solid phase method. The synthetic CRF and arginine vasopressin (AVP) were examined for ACTH releasing activity and effects on the release of 5 other pituitary hormones in vivo and in vitro. Injection of the CRF into pharmacologically blocked rats increased plasma corticosterone levels in a dose-related manner. The minimum effective dose was 1.6 x 10(-12) mol/100 g body weight. CRF also significantly stimulated release of ACTH-like immunoreactivity in a dose-related manner from rat pituitary quarters beginning at a concentration of 10(-9) M. AVP, a peptide known to have CRF activity, exhibited slightly lower corticotropin releasing activity than the CRF at equimolar dose levels. Secretion of other pituitary hormones was not appreciably altered by either the CRF or AVP.  相似文献   

Responses of plasma ACTH and cortisol to corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) were evaluated in 31 normal human males. 1.0 micrograms/ks of sterilized synthetic ovine CRF was administered to the subjects, aged 19 to 53 yr and weighing 50 to 78 kg, at between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. as an intravenous bolus injection after an overnight fast. Blood specimens were drawn before and 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after injection for later determination of plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations by radioimmunoassays. Plasma ACTH and cortisol levels for all subjects rose significantly (p less than 0.001) from the basal level (mean +/- SEM, 26.8 +/- 4.5 pg/ml and 12.6 +/- 0.9 micrograms/dl) to peak levels (58.4 +/- 5.5 pg/ml and 22.9 +/- 1.0 micrograms/dl) at 30 min and at 60 min, respectively. Although the plasma concentrations of ACTH and cortisol thereafter declined gradually, the levels at 120 min (43.4 +/- 5.2 pg/ml and 18.9 +/- 0.9 micrograms/ml, respectively) were still significantly higher than the basal levels (p less than 0.001). Significant inverse correlations were observed between the basal levels of each hormone and the ratio of the peak level to the basal level (p less than 0.01), and the increases in plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations were either not significant or much smaller for the individuals in whom the basal levels were higher than 65 pg/ml and 17.0 micrograms/dl, respectively. No serious subjective symptom was observed during the experimental period in any of the subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of long-acting somatostain analogue (SMS 201-995) on plasma corticotropin (ACTH) and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) levels were studied in a patient (63-year-old woman) with ectopic ACTH-producing tumors associated with type I multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN-I). The patient had undergone bilateral adrenalectomy. Plasma CRH, as well as plasma ACTH, beta-endorphin and alpha-MSH, increased. The hormone levels were dramatically decreased by acute administration of SMS 201-995. Moderately higher doses of dexamethasone (0.05 or 0.1 mg/kg a day) did not decrease plasma CRH or ACTH. An extremely high dose of dexamethasone (0.2 mg/kg a day), however, decreased plasma ACTH, but failed to decrease plasma CRH. Acute administration of SMS 201-995 further lowered the level of plasma ACTH even in this condition. In addition to the decrease in ACTH, SMS 201-995 decreased plasma CRH. Chronic administration of SMS 201-995 continuously decreased plasma CRH, ACTH and beta-endorphin. The decrease in these hormone concentrations accompanied the disappearance of hyperpigmentation. These results suggested that SMS 201-995 inhibits hypersecretion not only of ACTH but also of CRH, and that the agent is therapeutically useful in normalizing the hypersecretion of these hormones.  相似文献   

The ability of arginine8 vasopressin (AVP) to potentiate the beta-endorphin-releasing activity of synthetic ovine corticotropin releasing factor (oCRF) was examined using an anterior-pituitary quarter assay. Both AVP and oCRF stimulated the release of beta-endorphin immunoreactivity (beta-END-I) in a dose-dependent manner, with AVP being approximately 10 times less effective than oCRF. Marked potentiation of beta-END-I release was observed when pituitary quarters were incubated in the presence of a combination of 0.5 nM oCRF and 1.0 nM AVP. Further potentiation was not observed when the higher doses of 1.0 nM oCRF and 2.0 nM AVP were tested in combination; however, maximal beta-END-I release may have been attained by the addition of 1.0 nM oCRF alone. These results suggest that AVP may play a role in the mediation of beta-endorphin release from the adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

V Giguere  G Lefevre  F Labrie 《Life sciences》1982,31(26):3057-3062
Synthetic ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) causes a 6- to 8-fold stimulation of ACTH release and cAMP accumulation in rat anterior pituitary cells in culture at ED50 values of 1 and 4 nM, respectively. Removal of Ca2+ from the incubation medium reduces CRF-induced ACTH release by 70% but have no effect on cyclic AMP accumulation. ACTH release induced by 8-Br-cAMP is inhibited by 65% in the absence of Ca2+. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 does not alter spontaneous ACTH release. Verapamil, a pharmacological agent that blocks Ca2+ entry into cells, has no influence on spontaneous or CRF-induced ACTH release. The present data clearly demonstrate a role of Ca2+ in CRF action at a step subsequent to cAMP formation and suggest that Ca2+ is mobilized from intracellular stores during CRF stimulation.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro studies were carried out in a 37-year old female with cyclical Cushing's disease. Preoperative studies revealed periodic secretions of urinary corticosteroids occurring with a cyclicity of 2-3 weeks. On transsphenoidal surgery, a microadenoma was visualized in the anteroinferior portion of the anterior pituitary. Gel filtration analyses of the adenoma and surrounding tissues revealed increased concentrations of beta-endorphin and an activated conversion of beta-lipotropin to beta-endorphin in the adenoma compared with the surrounding tissues. These findings were in agreement with the characteristics previously reported for corticotroph adenomas. However, unexpectedly, concentrations of ACTH and beta-lipotropin in the adenoma were only slightly higher than those in the surrounding tissues. Precise mechanisms underlying this unusual finding were elusive, but it may have been due to the periodic nature of her hypercortisolism. In addition, this patient was reproducibly responsive to bromocriptine (2.5 mg, per os) with a reduction of the plasma cortisol level. Although this may suggest an intermediate lobe subtype of Cushing's disease as proposed by Lamberts' group, our case did not have any other characteristic suggestive of this proposed variant. However, it is tempting to speculate that cyclical changes in the central dopaminergic tone may have been at least a partial trigger for the periodic hormonogenesis in this patient.  相似文献   

Plasma ACTH determinations were made by radioimmunoassay, every 10 min for 8 hours during sleep in a patient with Nelson's syndrome. The plasma ACTH concentrations were relatively stable, fluctuating in a narrow range. It is strongly suggested that the pituitary tumor itself was secreting ACTH in an autonomous manner and it is concluded that a neuronally initiated program of ACTH secretion, was absent in the present patient with Nelson's syndrome.  相似文献   

Synthetic ovine CRF, in an amount approximating that found in pituitary portal plasma of the rat, induced a significant increase in the secretion of both ACTH and immunoreactive beta-endorphin/beta-LPH (i beta-END/LPH) by human fetal hemipituitaries in an in vitro superfusion system. This finding suggests that a molecule similar to synthetic ovine CRF may be a physiologic hypothalamic releasing factor in man.  相似文献   

A 100-micrograms bolus of synthetic ovine corticotropin-releasing factor was administered intravenously to 10 nondepressed inpatients suffering from an alcohol dependence disorder. The test was performed during withdrawal and after 4 weeks of abstinence. During withdrawal, the plasma cortisol responses of alcoholic patients and 7 control subjects were similar, except for an earlier decrease of cortisol in the former group. However, after 4 weeks of abstinence, the cortisol response was significantly lower in alcoholic patients than in controls. These abnormalities observed during discontinuance of alcohol consumption may reflect adaptive mechanisms of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity which may be previously altered by chronic alcohol intoxication.  相似文献   

In a significant proportion of patients with acromegaly, a non-specific increase in plasma growth hormone (GH) has been recognized following administration of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH), probably due to the lack of the specificity of the receptor in their tumor cells. In this study, the effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a newly isolated hypothalamic hormone, in addition to TRH and LH-RH, on plasma levels of GH and the other anterior pituitary hormones were evaluated in 6 patients with acromegaly. Synthetic ovine CRF (1.0 microgram/kg), TRH (500 micrograms) or LH-RH (100 micrograms) was given as an iv bolus injection, in the morning after an overnight fast. Blood specimens were taken before and after injection at intervals up to 120 min, and plasma GH, adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), thyrotropin, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and cortisol were assayed by radioimmunoassays. A non-specific rise in plasma GH was demonstrated following injection of TRH and LH-RH, in 5 of 6 and 2 of 5 patients, respectively. In all subjects, rapid rises were observed in both plasma ACTH (34.3 +/- 6.2 pg/ml at 0 min to 79.5 +/- 9.5 pg/ml at 30 min, mean +/- SEM) and cortisol level (9.1 +/- 1.3 micrograms/dl at 0 min to 23.4 +/- 1.2 micrograms/dl at 90 min). However, plasma levels of GH and the other anterior pituitary hormones did not change significantly after CRF injection. These results indicate that CRF specifically stimulates ACTH secretion and any non-specific response of GH to CRF appears to be an infrequent phenomenon in this disorder.  相似文献   

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