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1. Knowledge of the influence of predatory fish in detritus‐based stream food webs is poor. We tested whether larval abundance of the New Zealand leaf‐shredding caddisfly, Zelandopsyche ingens (family Oeconesidae), was affected by the presence of predatory brown trout, Salmo trutta and the abundance of their primary detrital resource (Nothofagus leaves). 2. The density of Z. ingens and the biomass of leaves were determined in seven fishless streams and four trout streams in the Cass region, central South Island, on four occasions spanning 5 years. 3. Physicochemical conditions were similar in trout and fishless streams, but ancova indicated that Z. ingens numbers were positively related to leaf biomass and that caddisfly numbers were significantly greater in fishless streams than trout streams for any given biomass of leaf. The cases of trout stream larvae were also heavier per unit length than those in fishless streams. 4. Our results provide evidence for both top‐down and bottom‐up influences on a detritus‐based stream food web. Although stream detritivores may benefit from a habitat that provides both food and a degree of protection from predators, top‐down effects of predators on detritivore population abundance were still important. Thus, detrital resource availability may determine maximum attainable population size, whereas predation is likely to reduce the population to a level below that. 相似文献
Life history and production of Agapetus quadratus (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) in a temporary, spring-fed stream 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1. The life history and trophic basis of production of the caddisfly grazer Agapetus quadratus were studied in the torrent Gorg Blau, a spring‐fed stream on the island of Majorca that dries annually during summer. 2. Quantitative random samples were taken every 2–3 weeks during an annual surficial flow period, from November 2000 to mid‐July 2001. Instars of field‐collected larvae were determined by measurements of head width and pronotum length, and the sex of all pupae was determined to study sexual dimorphism and sex ratio. 3. Stage‐frequency histograms suggested a trivoltine population, with an average cohort time of 4 months. Larval development was asynchronous, with continuous growth and overlapping generations. Recruitment peaks were identified in mid‐November, early March and late June, indicative of winter, spring and summer generations. On average, females were larger than males and the mean sex ratio was 2 : 3 (females : males). Population densities and biomasses derived from the field data were used to calculate production and turnover rate. 4. Annual production of A. quadratus in the torrent Gorg Blau (4.80 g dry mass m?2 year?1) was the highest ever reported for the genus, being comparable with that estimated for some insects with rapid development and multiple cohorts. 5. Estimates of production of A. quadratus were combined with foregut content analysis to estimate the fraction of total production derived from the principal food sources: algae and organic detritus. Algae supported a major proportion of the production of this grazer. 6. The low density of predators characteristic of many temporary streams, and the small amplitudes in discharge and temperature during most of the wet period that characterise the spring habitats might allow high levels of grazer production in this particular Mediterranean stream. 相似文献
Year-round collections of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from a Colorado mountain stream allowed critical examination of several methods of calculating production for species with different life cycles. Five of the six numerically dominant species exhibited slow seasonal, univoltine life cycles. Baetis tricaudatus was bivoltine. Two species demonstrated well synchronized development, three species were poorly synchronized and a sixth was intermediate. Mean density and biomass data from each sampling date were used to ascertain the goodness-of-fit of each species to the Allen curve. It is proposed that such information can provide quantitative criteria for identifying species with well synchronized development and thereby determine when it is appropriate to directly apply cohort methods while avoiding time intensive body size (e.g. head width) measurements necessary for size-frequency analyses. In addition, these data demonstrate that species specific production varies with gross changes in elevation. 相似文献
Life history and production of Caenis luctuosa (Burmeister) (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae) in two nearby reaches along a small stream 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Population dynamics and production of C. luctuosa were compared in two reaches of the Agüera stream (northern Spain). This species showed univoltine winter life history in both sites. However, the start of the recruitment period, and the cohort production interval differed in 1 month between reaches. Secondary production of C. luctuosa ranged from 76 mg m–2 year–1 (upper site) to 93 mg m–2 year–1 (lower site). Although annual production seemed to be mainly influenced by the biomass found at each site, changes in life history may have also been important. The need to have accurate information about life history of the analysed species at the study sites when assessing secondary production is highlighted. 相似文献
Summary 1. The aim of this study was to estimate the amount of leaf litter ingested by the shredder caddis‐fly Sericostoma vittatum in a small stream in central Portugal. The study combined field data on population dynamics and laboratory experiments to determine the effect of temperature (9, 12, 15 and 18 °C), leaf species (Alnus glutinosa, Castanea sativa, Populus × canadensis and Quercus andegavensis) and animal mass on growth and consumption rates of the larvae. 2. Sericostoma vittatum had two overlapping cohorts, each of which needed about 1 year to complete development. Mean annual density and biomass were 115 individuals m?2 and 83 mg m?2, respectively. Secondary production was 0.44 g m?2 year?1 and production/biomass ratio was 4.9–5 year?1. 3. Consumption rates of larvae increased with temperature up to the optimal temperature for growth which varied between 13.7 and 16.7 °C depending on the diet. 4. Consumption rate was positively related to larval mass but growth rate was negatively related with larval mass. Larvae fed on A. glutinosa and P. × canadensis had higher consumption and growth rates than those fed on C. sativa or Q. andegavensis. 5. Annual leaf litter consumption by S. vittatum was estimated as 14–22 g m?2 depending on the diet. No relationship was observed between the amount of detritus consumed by the population of this caddis‐fly in the field and either water temperature, the stock of detritus on the stream bottom, or larval abundance. Instead, the temporal dynamics of leaf litter consumption by S. vittatum were controlled by its life history. 6. This study highlights the influence of factors such as animal size and water temperature on the invertebrate energetics. Models explaining how these variables affect invertebrate production efficiency may be very important for obtaining accurate estimates of the role of shredders in the energy flow across stream ecosystems. 相似文献
The goal of this research was to determine the role of Lepidostoma hirtum Fabricius 1775 in the fragmentation of allochtonous organic material, in a segment of a mountain river in central Portugal.
For this purpose, we measured leaf fragmentation and growth rates at four temperatures (9, 12, 15 and 18 °C) and four leaf
types (alder, Alnus glutinosa L.; oak, Quercus andegavensis Hy; poplar, Populus × canadensis Moench; and chestnut, Castanea sativa Mill.). Growth rates ranged from 0.012 to 0.049 mg AFDW day−1 with no significant effect of temperature and leaf type. Fragmentation/consumption rates were significantly higher for alder
(1.62 mg animal−1 day−1) than for other leaf types, and significantly lower at 9 °C (0.70 mg animal−1 day−1) than at any other temperature (1.12 mg animal−1 day−1). In the studied stream, L. hirtum larvae had a univoltine life history, with an asynchronous development. Secondary production of L. hirtum ranged from 53.95 mg m−2 year−1 (pools) to 63.12 mg m−2 year−1 (riffles). Annual P/B ratios differ between habitats: they were 4.01 year−1 for pools and 4.49 year−1 for riffles. Considering the average density of this species in the study river and their consumption rates, this species
has the potential to fragment 8.6 times the mean annual standing stock of organic matter, in the study location. 相似文献
Composition of speciose leaf litter alters stream detritivore growth, feeding activity and leaf breakdown 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Leaf litter derived from riparian trees can control secondary production of detritivores in forested streams. Species-rich assemblages of leaf litter reflect riparian plant species richness and represent a heterogeneous resource for stream consumers. Such variation in resource quality may alter consumer growth and thus the feedback on leaf breakdown rate via changes in feeding activity. To assess the consequences of this type of resource heterogeneity on both consumer growth and subsequent litter breakdown, we performed a laboratory experiment where we offered a leaf-shredding stream detritivore (the stonefly Tallaperla maria, Peltoperlidae) ten treatments of either single- or mixed-species leaf litter. We measured consumer growth rate, breakdown rate and feeding activity both with and without consumers for each treatment and showed that all three variables responded to speciose leaf litter. However, the number of leaf species was not responsible for these results, but leaf species composition explained the apparent non-additive effects. T. maria growth responded both positively and negatively to litter composition, and growth on mixed-litter could not always be predicted by averaging estimates of growth in single-species treatments. Furthermore, breakdown and feeding rates in mixed litter treatments could not always be predicted from estimates of single-species rates. Given that species richness and composition of senesced leaves in streams reflects riparian plant species richness, in-stream secondary production of detritivores and organic matter dynamics may be related to species loss of trees in the riparian zone. Loss of key species may be more critical to maintaining such processes than species richness per se. 相似文献
1. Balitorid loaches are widespread and highly diverse in Asian streams, yet their life history and ecology have received little attention. We investigated seasonal (wet versus dry season) and spatial variation in populations of algivorous Pseudogastromyzon myersi in Hong Kong, and estimated the magnitude of secondary production by this fish in pools in four streams (two shaded and two unshaded) over a 15‐month period. 2. Mean population densities of P. myersi ranged from 6.0 to 23.2 individuals m−2, constituting more than half (and typically >70%) of benthic fishes censused. Abundance was c. 25% greater in the wet season, when recruitment occurred. Significant density differences among streams were not related to shading conditions and were evident despite small‐scale variations in P. myersi abundance among pools. Mean biomass varied among streams from 0.85 to 3.87 g ash‐free dry weight (AFDW) m−2. Spatial and seasonal patterns in biomass and density were similar, apart from some minor disparities attributable to differences in mean body size among populations. 3. All four P. myersi populations bred once a year in June and July, and life spans varied from 24 to 26 months. Populations consisted of three cohorts immediately after recruitment but, for most of the study period, only two cohorts were evident. Cohort‐specific growth rates did not differ significantly among streams but, in all streams, younger cohorts had higher cohort‐specific growth rates. 4. Secondary production of P. myersi estimated by the size‐frequency (SF) method was 2.7–11.5 g AFDW m−2 year−1 and almost twice that calculated by the increment‐summation (IS) method (1.2–6.6 g AFDW m−2 year−1). Annual P/B ratios were 1.17 – 2.16 year−1 (IS) and 2.73 – 3.22 year−1 (SF). Highest production was recorded in an unshaded stream and the lowest in a shaded stream, but site rankings by production did not otherwise match shading conditions. Wet‐season production was six times greater than dry‐season production, and daily production fell to almost zero during January and February. Cool temperatures (<17 °C) may have limited fish activity and influenced detectability during some dry‐season censuses. Estimates of abundance and annual production by P. myersi are therefore conservative. 5. Comparisons with the literature indicate that the abundance and production of P. myersi in Hong Kong was high relative to other benthic fishes in tropical Asia, or their temperate counterparts in small streams. Manipulative experiments are needed to determine the influence of P. myersi, and algivorous balitorids in general, on periphyton dynamics and energy flow in Asian streams. 相似文献
Climate models predict widespread shifts in precipitation patterns and increases in the frequency of extreme events such as droughts, but consequences for key processes in affected ecosystems remains poorly understood. A 2‐year manipulative experiment used a series of stream mesocosms to test the effect of recurrent drought disturbance on the composition and secondary production of macroinvertebrate consumer assemblages and functional groups. On average, secondary production in drought‐disturbed communities (mean 4.5 g m?2 yr?1) was less than half of that that in controls (mean 10.4 g m?2 yr?1). The effects of the drought differed among functional feeding groups, with substantial declines for detritivore shredders (by 69%) and engulfing predators (by 94%). Contrasting responses were evident among taxa within most functional feeding groups, ranging from extirpation to irruptions in the case of several small midge larvae, but production of most species was suppressed. Taxon‐specific responses were related to body mass and voltinism. The ratio of production to biomass (community P/B) increased under drought, reflecting a shift in production from large long‐lived taxa to smaller taxa with faster life cycles. This research provides some of the first experimental evidence of the profound effects that droughts can have on both the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. 相似文献
As part of a research programme on the food chains in Tjeukemeer, the Daphnia hyalina and Daphnia cucullata populations were studied for three successive years. To analyse the factors regulating the production of these two species, their population parameters (density, size distribution, fecundity) and population dynamics (birth rate, mortality rate) were studied and related to environmental factors. Since Daphnia in Tjeukemeer shows continuous recruitment, the population dynamics model INSTAR was developed and used to integrate field data with laboratory data on development rates and length-weight relationships. The dynamics of the Daphnia species are mainly regulated by temperature and fish predation, the latter affects both birth rate and mortality. Total annual Daphnia production was 3.1–6.9 g org. dry wt M–2, and annual P/B ratio ranged from 25 to 40 for D. cucullata and from 45 to 49 for D. hyalina. 相似文献
Effects of logging on macroinvertebrate production in a sand-bottomed, low-gradient stream 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1. Macroinvertebrate production and macrophyte growth were studied in logged and unlogged sections of a sand‐bottomed, low‐gradient, blackwater stream on the Coastal Plain of Virginia, U.S.A. A section of the catchment had been clear‐cut 3 years prior to sampling. No logging occurred in the upstream area of the catchment, which had experienced almost no land disturbance by humans for over 100 years. 2. A primary difference among the logged and unlogged sections of the stream was in the abundance of macrophytes. The combined biomass of Sparganium americanum and of Chara sp. was over 300‐times greater in the logged than the unlogged section. 3. Annual macroinvertebrate production in the sediment was higher in the unlogged section (41 g dry mass m–2) than in the logged section (25 g m–2). 4. Annual macroinvertebrate production on Sparganium was higher in the logged section (10 g m–2 of plant surface area) than in the unlogged section (6 g m–2). Annual production associated with Chara, which occurred only in the logged section, was 196 g m–2 of stream bottom covered by this plant. 5. Whole‐stream annual macroinvertebrate production, calculated by summing habitat‐specific production that was weighted by habitat availability, was greater in the logged section (103 g m–2) than in the unlogged section (41 g m–2). Sediments supported 99% of the annual production in the unlogged section, whereas macrophytes supported 76% in the logged section. 6. Much of the additional macroinvertebrate production in the logged section was by collector‐filterers living on macrophytes. Production by collector‐gatherers was also greater in the logged section, whereas production by other functional feeding groups changed little with logging. 7. Although logging along high‐gradient, rocky streams also results in increased macroinvertebrate production, that increase often is stimulated by greater periphyton growth rather than the macrophyte growth observed in this low‐gradient stream. 相似文献
Population dynamics and harvesting of semelparous species with phenotypic and genotypic variability in reproductive age 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We study the evolution of polymorphic life histories in anadromous semelparous salmon and the effects of harvesting. We derive dynamic phenotypic and genetic ESS models for describing the evolutionary dynamics. We show in our deterministic analysis that polymorphisms are not possible in a panmictic random mating population. Instead, genetic or behavioral polymorphisms may be observed in populations with assortative mating systems. Positive assortative mating may be supported and generated by behavioral and phenotypic traits like male mate choice, spawning ground selection by phenotype, or within-river homing-migration-distance by size. In the case of an evolutionarily stable dimorphism, the ESS is characterized by a reproductive ideal free distribution such that at an equilibrium the individuals are indifferent from the fitness point of view between the two life histories of early and late reproduction. Different strategy models - that is, phenotypic and genetic ESS models - yield identical behavioral predictions and, consequently, genetics does not seem to play an important role in the present model. An evolutionary response to increased fishing mortality is obvious and may have resource management implications. High sea fishing mortalities drive the populations toward early spawning. Thus it is possible that unselective harvesting at sea may eliminate, depending on the biological system, behavioral polymorphisms or genetic heterozygozity and drive the population to a monomorphic one. If within-river homing migration distances depend on the size of fish, unselective harvesting at sea, or selective harvesting of spawning runs in rivers, may reduce local population sizes on spawning grounds high up rivers. Finally, harvesting in a population may cause a switch in a dominant life-history strategy in a population so that anticipated sustainable yields cannot be realized in practice. 相似文献
SUMMARY 1. Population dynamics and production of Jesogammarus annandalei , an endemic amphipod in Lake Biwa, were examined from April 1997 to June 1998. The life cycle of this species was 1 year with the new generation beginning in early autumn. They preferred low temperature (<12 °C) and their spatial distribution varied seasonally and accordingly.
2. In deep water, the abundance of J. annandalei ranged from 200 to 63 000 m−2 and decreased towards summer and the biomass (0.01∼3.6 g C m−2 ) was on average comparable that of zooplankton. The density was much higher than that recorded by a study conducted 35 years ago.
3. Individual growth rate of this amphipod was high in winter and spring but decreased in summer. Annual production of J. annandalei (6.2 g C m−2 year−1 ) was only 2% of primary production but was at the higher end of the range reported for amphipods in oligo- and mesotrophic lakes.
4. These results are consistent with the view that Lake Biwa is becoming more eutrophic, with a consequent decrease in the abundance of predatory fish in the profundal zone. 相似文献
2. In deep water, the abundance of J. annandalei ranged from 200 to 63 000 m
3. Individual growth rate of this amphipod was high in winter and spring but decreased in summer. Annual production of J. annandalei (6.2 g C m
4. These results are consistent with the view that Lake Biwa is becoming more eutrophic, with a consequent decrease in the abundance of predatory fish in the profundal zone. 相似文献
2006年4月-2007年3月间,对长江支流清江二级支流——胡家溪大型底栖动物群落结构和生产量进行为期一年的调查.结果表明,主要优势摇蚊Conchapelopia sp.的生活史为一年两代,波特真开氏摇蚊(Eukiefferiella potthasti)为一年一代;Conchapelopia sp.的年均密度和年均生物量分别为105 ind·m-2、0.1g·m-2,波特真开氏摇蚊为280ind·m-2、0.3g·m-2.采用龄期频率法测算的周年生产量(g·m-2湿重)和生产量/生物量(P/B),Conchapelopia sp.分别为1.2g·m-2、2.3,波特真开氏摇蚊为1.4g·m-2、2.5.2种摇蚊的生产量时间重叠比例相似系数为0.7,重叠主要出现在冬春季节.营养基础分析发现,无形态碎屑为2种摇蚊的主要食物,占其组成的84%以上,对生产量的贡献率分别为80.1%、68.6%.2个优势种的年均物质通量分别为7.2和7.1g·m-2. 相似文献
Richard D. Robarts Tamar Zohary Andrew C. Jarvis Cangella M. Pais-Madeira Lynne M. Sephton Susan Combrink 《Hydrobiologia》1992,237(1):47-60
The study provides a 2.5 year record of Rhenosterkop Dam (KwaNdebele, South Africa) plankton population dynamics and production in relation to physical and chemical changes which occurred during the trophic depression and stabilization phases of the reservoir. The mean volume of the reservoir was 4% of full storage capacity. Water temperatures ranged from 14 °C to 27 °C. Due to inorganic suspensoids, the euphotic zone averaged 2.6 m. An anaerobic zone developed each summer. The nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and silica concentrations did not displaya seasonal pattern, but the latter two nutrients declined over the study. The dominant phytoplankton group was the cryptophytes while the zooplankton population was dominated by crustaceans. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 1.1 to 27 mg m–3 and were positively correlated to silica and SRP concentrations and inversely with NH4-N concentrations. Primary production ranged from 22.6 to 375 mgC m–2 h–1; changes in Amax were positively correlated to silica and SRP concentrations. Total zooplankton dry weight biomass varied from <0.5 to >4 mg l–1. Annual zooplankton (secondary) production was 8 to 15 gC m–3 a–1; both primary and secondary production were greatest in the first 12 months of study and remained at low levels for the remainder, similar to the trends for silica and SRP. The data indicate that the reservoir shifted from eutrophic to mesotrophic during the study, typical of events in new reservoirs, and that changes in the plankton populations were largely the result of changing nutrient concentrations. 相似文献
1. This is the first study on the life cycle, growth and production of Sigara selecta, a Palearctic corixid species typical of brackish and saline waters, at the warmest limit of its European distributional range. The study combines field and laboratory approaches. 2. The S. selecta population studied was multivoltine, producing four asynchronous cohorts from early spring to December and overwintering in the adult state. Development time from egg to first adult ranged from 2 to 3 months. A minimum temperature threshold of 10 °C and diel amplitude of ≥10 °C were observed for reproduction and oviposition. 3. Maximum density and biomass were reached in mid spring and early autumn. The sex ratio was unbalanced, females dominating during most of the year, except in spring, when the sex ratio was balanced or dominated by males during the first adult emergence. 4. Laboratory rearing experiments at constant temperatures (18, 22 and 26 °C) pointed to a significant effect of temperature on egg development and nymphal growth. In the range of temperatures tested, both egg and nymphal instar duration decreased with increasing temperature. Mean nymphal development time varied from 43 days at 26 °C to 71 days at 18 °C, with a mean of 57 days. Survivorship was independent of temperature. 5. A reduction in nymphal and adult length was observed with increasing temperature. 6. Growth rates decreased with increasing body mass and increased as temperature increased. The first nymphal instar had the highest length increments and growth rates in all temperature treatments. 7. Satisfactory agreement was found between the field and laboratory degree‐days required for complete development from egg to first adult. At constant and variable thermal regimes, degree‐days decreased with increasing temperature. 8. Rate of growth in the field could be predicted with reasonable accuracy from a simple model obtained as a function of body mass. The model explained 67% of the variability in growth rates. 9. Annual production and production/biomass ratio (P/B) of S. selecta estimated by the Instantaneous Growth method were 1.28 g m?2 year?1 and 13.71, respectively. Spring and autumn cohorts contributed 32% and 54%, respectively, of total annual production. Maximum production corresponded to intermediate temperature periods, although summer production may have been underestimated because of the longer sampling interval relative to cohort interval production. The Size Frequency method underestimated production by at least 18% with respect to the Instantaneous Growth method. 相似文献
We investigated temporal dynamics of secondary production and trophic basis for four dominant mayfly species in a second-order
river of the Hanjiang River basin in Middle China from June 2003 to June 2004. The secondary production of the dominant four
mayfly species, comprising nearly 90% of the total density of mayflies, was 14.45 g m−2 per year for Ephemera sp., 9.15 g m−2 per year for E. sinensis, 7.23 g m−2 per year for Leptophlebia sp. and 1.55 g m−2 per year for C. nigropunctata. C. nigropunctata and Ephemera sp. had most of their production in winter (from January to March), while E. sinensis and Leptophlebia sp. produced in two intervals, from June to September (summer) and from December of the first year to March of the next year
(winter). Overlap in temporal distribution of production among the four mayflies was generally high (>0.60), especially those
of C. nigropunctata, Ephemera sp. and Leptophlebia sp. Overlap of Leptophlebia sp. and Ephemera sp. was >0.85. Patterns of the four food types (amorphous detritus, vascular plant detritus, fungi, and diatoms) for each
mayfly varied significantly (P < 0.01) over time, and patterns of food ingestion between the four mayflies were also significantly different (P < 0.05–0.01). Among the four main food types, all mayflies used amorphous detritus the most, which constituted 53–96% of
their diets and contributed 54–97% to their production. Thus, temporal changes in the food web for mayflies in Heizhuchong
stream are quantitative rather than qualitative. 相似文献
The response of macroinvertebrate production to a pollution gradient in a headwater stream 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1. This study quantified patterns of macroinvertebrate secondary production and stored benthic organic matter along a gradient of pollution and habitat channelisation over a 3‐km reach of Goosefare Brook, a first‐order stream in southern Maine (U.S.A.). 2. Whole‐community invertebrate production decreased from 26.4 g ash‐free dry mass (AFDM) m−2 year−1 at the reference station to 1.1 g AFDM m−2 year−1 at stations with the greatest levels of pollution. Production decreased along the pollution gradient for most taxa, although decreases were partly offset by production increases in tolerant taxa. Biomass turnover rates (P/B) were less affected by the stresses than was production. 3. Differences in functional characteristics of the community were evident at stations with channelised habitat, but overall production declined in a linear pattern that mirrored the pollution gradient. Stored organic matter showed a decline along the gradient, but was also lower at channelised stations. Populations of taxa with documented pollution tolerance were more likely to maintain or increase production and P/B. 4. Decreasing biomass because of decreasing stored organic matter and lethal effects of pollutants resulted in shifts in the pathways of energy flow observed at stations exposed to moderate physical or chemical stress, to the loss of most taxa and an extreme (96%) decrease in production at the stations receiving the highest levels of metal pollution. 5. The shifting prominence of different taxa along a continuum of stress in Goosefare Brook shows that describing the nature of an impairment in a functional context requires consideration of chemical stressors, habitat alterations and food resources. 相似文献
大亚湾基础生物生产力及潜在渔业生产量评估 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对大亚湾海域初级生产力及浮游动物次级生产力的现场调查数据,对该海域潜在渔业生产量及最大可持续渔获量进行了评估。结果表明,大亚湾春季及秋季初级生产力平均值分别为765.23 mgC.m-2.d-1和1786.33 mgC.m-2.d-1,浮游动物次级生产力春季及秋季平均值分别为175 mgC.m-2.d-1和679 mgC.m-2.d-1。采用Tait模式和Cushing模式估算的大亚湾潜在渔业产量分别为3.30万吨和4.78万吨。数据分析结果表明,基于基础生物生产力的评估方法很可能高估了该海区的实际渔业产量,这与基础生物群落结构的改变密切相关;高生物多样性及生态系统结构与功能的健康性是维持渔业资源产量与质量的重要基础。 相似文献