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Saccharomyces cerevisiae NAD(H)‐dependent 2,3‐butanediol dehydrogenase (Bdh1), a medium chain dehydrogenase/reductase is the main enzyme catalyzing the reduction of acetoin to 2,3‐butanediol. In this work we focused on altering the coenzyme specificity of Bdh1 from NAD(H) to NADP(H). Based on homology studies and the crystal structure of the NADP(H)‐dependent yeast alcohol dehydrogenase Adh6, three adjacent residues (Glu221, Ile222, and Ala223) were predicted to be involved in the coenzyme specificity of Bdh1 and were altered by site‐directed mutagenesis. Coenzyme reversal of Bdh1 was obtained with double Glu221Ser/Ile222Arg and triple Glu221Ser/Ile222Arg/Ala223Ser mutants. The performance of the triple mutant for NADPH was close to that of native Bdh1 for NADH. The three engineered mutants were able to restore the growth of a phosphoglucose isomerase deficient strain (pgi), which cannot grow on glucose unless an alternative NADPH oxidizing system is provided, thus demonstrating their in vivo functionality. These mutants are interesting tools to reduce the excess of acetoin produced by engineered brewing or wine yeasts overproducing glycerol. In addition, they represent promising tools for the manipulation of the NADP(H) metabolism and for the development of a powerful catalyst in biotransformations requiring NADPH regeneration. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 381–389 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study we introduce a computationally‐driven enzyme redesign workflow for altering cofactor specificity from NADPH to NADH. By compiling and comparing data from previous studies involving cofactor switching mutations, we show that their effect cannot be explained as straightforward changes in volume, hydrophobicity, charge, or BLOSUM62 scores of the residues populating the cofactor binding site. Instead, we find that the use of a detailed cofactor binding energy approximation is needed to adequately capture the relative affinity towards different cofactors. The implicit solvation models Generalized Born with molecular volume integration and Generalized Born with simple switching were integrated in the iterative protein redesign and optimization (IPRO) framework to drive the redesign of Candida boidinii xylose reductase (CbXR) to function using the non‐native cofactor NADH. We identified 10 variants, out of the 8,000 possible combinations of mutations, that improve the computationally assessed binding affinity for NADH by introducing mutations in the CbXR binding pocket. Experimental testing revealed that seven out of ten possessed significant xylose reductase activity utilizing NADH, with the best experimental design (CbXR‐GGD) being 27‐fold more active on NADH. The NADPH‐dependent activity for eight out of ten predicted designs was either completely abolished or significantly diminished by at least 90%, yielding a greater than 104‐fold change in specificity to NADH (CbXR‐REG). The remaining two variants (CbXR‐RTT and CBXR‐EQR) had dual cofactor specificity for both nicotinamide cofactors.  相似文献   

Fragrance rice (Oryza sativa) contains two isoforms of BADH, named OsBADH1 and OsBADH2. OsBADH1 is implicated in acetaldehyde oxidation in rice plant peroxisomes, while the non-functional OsBADH2 is believed to be involved in the accumulation of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, the major compound of aroma in fragrance rice. In the present study, site-directed mutagenesis, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation studies were used to investigate the substrate specificity towards Bet-ald and GAB-ald. Consistent with our previous study, kinetics data indicated that the enzymes catalyze the oxidation of GAB-ald more efficiently than Bet-ald and the OsBADH1 W172F and OsBADH2 W170F mutants displayed a higher catalytic efficiency towards GAB-ald. Molecular docking analysis and molecular dynamics simulations for the first time provided models for aldehyde substrate-bound complexes of OsBADHs. The amino acid residues, E262, L263, C296 and W461 of OsBADH1 and E260, L261, C294 and W459 of OsBADH2 located within 5 Å of the OsBADH active site mainly interacted with GAB-ald forming strong hydrogen bonds in both OsBADH isoforms. Residues W163, N164, Q294, C296 and F397 of OsBADH1–Bet-ald and Y163, M167, W170, E260, S295 and C453 of OsBADH2–Bet-ald formed the main interaction sites while E260 showed an interaction energy of −14.21 kcal/mol. Unconserved A290 in OsBADH1 and W288 in OsBADH2 appeared to be important for substrate recognition similar to that observed in PsAMADHs. Overall, the results here help to explain how two homologous rice BADHs recognize the aldehyde substrate differently, a key property to their biological role.  相似文献   

Domain‐swopped chimeras of the glutamate dehydrogenases from Clostridium symbiosum (CsGDH) (NAD+‐specific) and Escherichia coli (EcGDH) (NADP+‐specific) have been produced, with the aim of testing the localization of determinants of coenzyme specificity. An active chimera consisting of the substrate‐binding domain (Domain I) of CsGDH and the coenzyme‐binding domain (Domain II) of EcGDH has been purified to homogeneity, and a thorough kinetic analysis has been carried out. Results indicate that selectivity for the phosphorylated coenzyme does indeed reside solely in Domain II; the chimera utilizes NAD+ at 0.8% of the rate observed with NADP+, similar to the 0.5% ratio for EcGDH. Positive cooperativity toward L ‐glutamate, characteristic of CsGDH, has been retained with Domain I. An unforeseen feature of this chimera, however, is that, although glutamate cooperativity occurs only at higher pH values in the parent CsGDH, the chimeric protein shows it over the full pH range explored. Also surprising is that the chimera is capable of catalysing severalfold higher reaction rates (Vmax) in both directions than either of the parent enzymes from which it is constructed. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effects on xylitol accumulation and ethanol yield of expression of mutated Pichia stipitis xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) with reversal of coenzyme specificity in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. METHODS AND RESULTS: The genes XYL2 (D207A/I208R/F209S) and XYL2 (S96C/S99C/Y102C/D207A/I208R/F209S) were introduced into S. cerevisiae, which already contained the P. stipitis XYL1 gene (encoding xylose reductase, XR) and the endogenously overexpressed XKS1 gene (encoding xylulokinase, XK). The specific activities of mutated XDH in both strains showed a distinct increase in NADP(+)-dependent activity in both strains with mutated XDH, reaching 0.782 and 0.698 U mg(-1). In xylose fermentation, the strain with XDH (D207A/I208R/F209S) had a large decrease in xylitol and glycerol yield, while the xylose consumption and ethanol yield were decreased. In the strain with XDH (S96C/S99C/Y102C/D207A/I208R/F209S), the xylose consumption and ethanol yield were also decreased, and the xylitol yield was increased, because of low XDH activity. CONCLUSIONS: Changing XDH coenzyme specificity was a sufficient method for reducing the production of xylitol, but high activity of XDH was also required for improved ethanol formation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The difference in coenzyme specificity was a vital parameter controlling ethanolic xylose fermentation but the XDH/XR ratio was also important.  相似文献   

A major problem when xylose is used for ethanol production is the intercellular redox imbalance arising from different coenzyme specificities of xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase. The residue Lys21 in XR from Pichia stipitis was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis to alter its coenzyme specificity. The N272D mutant exhibited improved catalytic efficiency when NADH was the coenzyme. Both K21A and K21A/N272D preferred NADH to NADPH, their catalytic efficiencies for NADPH were almost zero. The catalytic efficiency of K21A/N272D for NADH was almost 9-fold and 2-fold that of K21A and the wild-type enzyme, respectively. Complete reversal of coenzyme specificity toward NADH and improved catalytic efficiency were achieved. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Qi-Kai Zeng, Hong-Li Du, Jing-Fang Wang have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Comparison of the inferred amino acid sequence of orf AF1736 of Archaeoglobus fulgidus to that of Pseudomonas mevalonii HMG-CoA reductase suggested that AF1736 might encode a Class II HMG-CoA reductase. Following polymerase chain reaction-based cloning of AF1736 from A. fulgidus genomic DNA and expression in Escherichia coli, the encoded enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity and its enzymic properties were determined. Activity was optimal at 85 degrees C, deltaHa was 54 kJ/mol, and the statin drug mevinolin inhibited competitively with HMG-CoA (Ki 180 microM). Protonated forms of His390 and Lys277, the apparent cognates of the active site histidine and lysine of the P. mevalonii enzyme, appear essential for activity. The mechanism proposed for catalysis of P. mevalonii HMG-CoA reductase thus appears valid for A. fulgidus HMG-CoA reductase. Unlike any other HMG-CoA reductase, the A. fulgidus enzyme exhibits dual coenzyme specificity. pH-activity profiles for all four reactions revealed that optimal activity using NADP(H) occurred at a pH from 1 to 3 units more acidic than that observed using NAD(H). Kinetic parameters were therefore determined for all substrates for all four catalyzed reactions using either NAD(H) or NADP(H). NADPH and NADH compete for occupancy of a common site. k(cat)[NAD(H)]/k(cat)[NADP(H)] varied from unity to under 70 for the four reactions, indicative of slight preference for NAD(H). The results indicate the importance of the protonated status of active site residues His390 and Lys277, shown by altered K(M) and k(cat) values, and indicate that NAD(H) and NADP(H) have comparable affinity for the same site.  相似文献   

Transketolase (TK) is a useful catalyst for ketose syntheses. The first part of this paper reports a convenient and easy method to synthesise 4-deoxy- -fructose-6-phosphate, potential inhibitor of sugar metabolism. TK used in synthetic purposes is the enzyme from Saccharomyces cerevisae, which is commercially available, or the enzyme from spinach leaves which we obtained as a crude extract. But these sources are expensive or give small quantities of the enzyme. In order to obtain larger amounts of enzyme, we use TK overexpressed in S. cerevisiae. The three-dimensional structure being known, the study and modification of the substrate specificity of this enzyme can be investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. In the second part of this paper, our study shows that Asp 477 is involved in determining the stereospecificity towards C2 hydroxyl group of the acceptor substrate.  相似文献   

To elucidate the structural basis for the alteration of coenzyme specificity from NADH toward NADPH in a malate dehydrogenase mutant EX7 from Thermus flavus, we determined the crystal structures at 2.0 A resolution of EX7 complexed with NADPH and NADH, respectively. In the EX7-NADPH complex, Ser42 and Ser45 form hydrogen bonds with the 2'-phosphate group of the adenine ribose of NADPH, although the adenine moiety is not seen in the electron density map. In contrast, although Ser42 and Ser45 occupy a similar position in the EX7-NADH complex structure, both the adenine and adenine ribose moieties of NADH are missing in the map. These results and kinetic analysis of site-directed mutant enzymes indicate (1) that the preference of EX7 for NADPH over NADH is ascribed to the recognition of the 2'-phosphate group by two Ser and Arg44, and (2) that the adenine moiety of NADPH is not recognized in this mutant.  相似文献   

The catabolism of branched chain amino acids, especially valine, appears to play an important role in furnishing building blocks for macrolide and polyether antibiotic biosyntheses. To determine the active site residues of ValDH, we previously cloned, partially characterized, and identified the active site (lysine) of Streptomyces albus ValDH. Here we report further characterization of S. albus ValDH. The molecular weight of S. albus ValDH was determined to be 38 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 67 kDa by gel filtration chromatography indicating that the enzyme is composed of two identical subunits. Optimal pHs were 10.5 and 8.0 for dehydrogenase activity with valine and for reductive amination activity with -ketoisovaleric acid, respectively. Several chemical reagents, which modify amino-acid side chains, inhibited the enzyme activity. To examine the role played by the residue for enzyme specificity, we constructed mutant ValDH by substituting alanine for glycine at position 124 by site-directed mutagenesis. This residue was chosen because it has been considered to be important for substrate discrimination by phenylalanine dehydrogenase (PheDH) and leucine dehydrogenase (LeuDH). The Ala-124–Gly mutant enzyme displayed lower activities toward aliphatic amino acids, but higher activities toward L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, and L-methionine compared to the wild type enzyme suggesting that Ala-124 is involved in substrate binding in S. albus ValDH.  相似文献   

CY-007 and CY-049 pteridine glycosyltransferases (PGTs) that differ in sugar donor specificity to catalyze either glucose or xylose transfer to tetrahydrobiopterin were studied here to uncover the structural determinants necessary for the specificity. The importance of the C-terminal domain and its residues 218 and 258 that are different between the two PGTs was assessed via structure-guided domain swapping or single and dual amino acid substitutions. Catalytic activity and selectivity were altered in all the mutants (2 chimeric and 6 substitution) to accept both UDP-glucose and UDP-xylose. In addition, the wild type activities were improved 1.6-4.2 fold in 4 substitution mutants and activity was observed towards another substrate UDP-Nacetylglucosamine in all the substitution mutants from CY-007 PGT. The results strongly support essential role of the C-terminal domain and the two residues for catalysis as well as sugar donor specificity, bringing insight into the structural features of the PGTs. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(1): 37-40]  相似文献   

The wild-type trp repressor of E. coli bound 5-methoxytryptophan, a Trp analogue, less tightly than Trp. A mutant repressor (Val58→Ala) that should bind 5-methoxytryptophan preferentially to Trp was computationally designed by free-energy calculations accompanied by free-energy decomposition. The designed mutant was demonstrated by experiments to bind 5-methoxytryptophan more tightly than Trp, consistent with the computational prediction. This success indicates the usefulness of free energy decomposition in protein design. Proteins 26:459–464 © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thr(373), Lys(374), Asp(375), and Lys(260) were chosen as site-directed mutagenesis targets within porcine NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase based on structurally corrected sequence alignment among prokaryotic and eukaryotic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenases. Wild-type and all mutant enzymes were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. These mutations do not alter the secondary structure or dimerization state of the mutants. The D375N and K260Q mutants exhibit, respectively, a 15- and 28-fold increase in K(m) for NADP, along with marked decreases in V(max) as compared to wild-type enzyme. In contrast, replacing Lys(374), which was previously proposed to contribute to apparent coenzyme affinity, does not change the enzyme's kinetic parameters. T373S exhibits similar kinetic parameters to those of wild-type while T373A and T373V mutations reduce the V(max) values of the resulting enzymes to 1 and 20%, respectively of that of wild-type. We conclude that a hydroxyl group at position 373 is required for effective enzyme function and that Asp(375) and Lys(260) are critical amino acids contributing to coenzyme affinity as well as catalysis by porcine NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Computational protein design relies on several approximations, including the use of fixed backbones and rotamers, to reduce protein design to a computationally tractable problem. However, allowing backbone and off‐rotamer flexibility leads to more accurate designs and greater conformational diversity. Exhaustive sampling of this additional conformational space is challenging, and often impossible. Here, we report a computational method that utilizes a preselected library of native interactions to direct backbone flexibility to accommodate placement of these functional contacts. Using these native interaction modules, termed motifs, improves the likelihood that the interaction can be realized, provided that suitable backbone perturbations can be identified. Furthermore, it allows a directed search of the conformational space, reducing the sampling needed to find low energy conformations. We implemented the motif‐based design algorithm in Rosetta, and tested the efficacy of this method by redesigning the substrate specificity of methionine aminopeptidase. In summary, native enzymes have evolved to catalyze a wide range of chemical reactions with extraordinary specificity. Computational enzyme design seeks to generate novel chemical activities by altering the target substrates of these existing enzymes. We have implemented a novel approach to redesign the specificity of an enzyme and demonstrated its effectiveness on a model system.  相似文献   

A combination of enzyme kinetics and X-ray crystallographic analysis of site-specific mutants has been used to probe the determinants of substrate specificity for the enzyme alpha-lytic protease. We now present a generalized model for understanding the effects of mutagenesis on enzyme substrate specificity. This algorithm uses a library of side-chain rotamers to sample conformation space within the binding site for the enzyme-substrate complex. The free energy of each conformation is evaluated with a standard molecular mechanics force field, modified to include a solvation energy term. This rapid energy calculation based on coarse conformation sampling quite accurately predicts the relative catalytic efficiency of over 40 different alpha-lytic protease-substrate combinations. Unlike other computational approaches, with this method it is feasible to evaluate all possible mutations within the binding site. Using this algorithm, we have successfully designed a protease that is both highly active and selective for a non-natural substrate. These encouraging results indicate that it is possible to design altered enzymes solely on the basis of empirical energy calculations.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of glucose dehydrogenase from Haloferax mediterranei revealed that the adenosine 2′-phosphate of NADP+ was stabilized by the side chains of Arg207 and Arg208. To investigate the structural determinants for coenzyme specificity, several mutants involving residues Gly206, Arg207 and Arg208 were engineered and kinetically characterized. The single mutants G206D and R207I were less efficient with NADP+ than the wild type, and the double and triple mutants G206D/R207I and G206D/R207I/R208N showed no activity with NADP+.In the single mutant G206D, the relation kcat/KNAD+ was 1.6 times higher than in the wild type, resulting in an enzyme that preferred NAD+ over NADP+. The single mutation was sufficient to modify coenzyme specificity, whereas other dehydrogenases usually required more than one or two mutations to change coenzyme specificity. However, the highest reaction rates were reached with the double mutant G206D/R207I and with coenzyme NAD+, where the kcat was 1.6 times higher than the kcat of the wild-type enzyme with NADP+. However, catalytic efficiency with NAD+ was lower, as the Km value for coenzyme was 77 times higher than the wild type with NADP+.  相似文献   

The Gin residue at amino acid position 102 ofBacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase was replaced with Ser, Thr, Tyr, or Phe to investigate the effect on substrate recognition. The Q102S and Q102T mutant enzymes were found to have a broader range of substrate specificity (measured byk cat/K m) than the wild-type enzyme. However, it is evident that either Ser or Thr at position 102 are of a size able to accommodate a wide variety of substrates in the active site and substrate specificity appears to rely largely on size discrimination in these mutants. The Q102F and Q102Y mutant enzymes have low catalytic efficiency and do not show this relaxed substrate specificity. However, their activities are restored by the presence of an aromatic substrate. All of the enzymes have a very low catalytic efficiency with branched chain aliphatic substrates.Abbreviations used BSLDH Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase - FBP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate - HP hydroxypyruvate - KB ketobutyrate - KC ketocaproate - KV ketovalerate - MDH malate dehydrogenase - PP phenylpyruvate - PYR pyruvate - RBE relative binding energy  相似文献   

An FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase (FAD-GDH) from Aspergillus terreus NIH2624 was expressed in Escherichia coli with a yield of 228 ± 16 U/L of culture. Co-expression with chaperones DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE and osmotic stress induced by simple carbon sources enhanced productivity significantly, improving the yield to 23883 ± 563 U/L after optimization. FAD-GDH was purified in two steps with the specific activity of 604 U/mg. Using d-glucose as substrate, the optimal pH and temperature for FAD-GDH were determined to be 7.5 and 50 °C, respectively. Activity was stable across the pH range 3.5–9.0, and the half-life was 52 min at 42 °C. Km and Vmax were calculated as 86.7 ± 5.3 mM and 928 ± 35 U/mg, and the molecular weight was approximately 65.6 kDa based on size exclusion chromatography, indicating a monomeric structure. The 3D structure of FAD-GDH was simulated by homology modelling using the structure of A. niger glucose oxidase (GOD) as template. From the model, His551, His508, Asn506 and Arg504 were identified as key residues, and their importance was verified by site-directed mutagenesis. Furthermore, three additional mutants (Arg84Ala, Tyr340Phe and Tyr406Phe) were generated and all exhibited a higher degree of substrate specificity than the native enzyme. These results extend our understanding of the structure and function of FAD-GDH, and could assist potential commercial applications.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of a thermostable alkaline phytase from Bacillus sp. MD2 was performed with an aim to increase its specific activity and activity and stability in an acidic environment. The mutation sites are distributed on the catalytic surface of the enzyme (P257R, E180N, E229V and S283R) and in the active site (K77R, K179R and E227S). Selection of the residues was based on the idea that acid active phytases are more positively charged around their catalytic surfaces. Thus, a decrease in the content of negatively charged residues or an increase in the positive charges in the catalytic region of an alkaline phytase was assumed to influence the enzyme activity and stability at low pH. Moreover, widening of the substrate-binding pocket is expected to improve the hydrolysis of substrates that are not efficiently hydrolysed by wild type alkaline phytase. Analysis of the phytase variants revealed that E229V and S283R mutants increased the specific activity by about 19% and 13%, respectively. Mutation of the active site residues K77R and K179R led to severe reduction in the specific activity of the enzyme. Analysis of the phytase mutant-phytate complexes revealed increase in hydrogen bonding between the enzyme and the substrate, which might retard the release of the product, resulting in decreased activity. On the other hand, the double mutant (K77R-K179R) phytase showed higher stability at low pH (pH 2.6-3.0). The E227S variant was optimally active at pH 5.5 (in contrast to the wild type enzyme that had an optimum pH of 6) and it exhibited higher stability in acidic condition. This mutant phytase, displayed over 80% of its initial activity after 3 h incubation at pH 2.6 while the wild type phytase retained only about 40% of its original activity. Moreover, the relative activity of this mutant phytase on calcium phytate, sodium pyrophosphate and p-nitro phenyl phosphate was higher than that of the wild type phytase.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) - rat Y1 (rY1) receptor complex and of the NPY 13-36 - rY1 receptor complex was constructed by molecular modeling based on the electron density projection map of rhodopsin and on site-directed mutagenesis studies of neuropeptide receptors. In order to further guide the modeling, the nucleotide sequences encoding Trp287, Cys295 and His297 in the third extracellular loop of the rY1 receptor, were altered by site-directed mutagenesis experiments. Single-point mutated receptors were expressed in COS-7 cells, and tested for their ability to bind radio labelled NPY (3H-NPY). Mutations of Trp287 and His297 completely abolished binding of 3H-NPY. The Cys295Ser mutation only slightly decreased the binding of 3H-NPY, suggesting that the involvement of Cys295 in a disulphide bond is not essential for maintaining the correct three-dimensional structure of the binding site for NPY. Molecular dynamics simulations of NPY-rY1 receptor interactions suggested that Asp199, Asp103 and Asp286 in the receptor interact, respectively, with Lys4, Arg33 and Arg35 of NPY. The simulations also suggested that His297 acts as a hydrogen acceptor from Arg35 in NPY, and that Tyr1 of NPY interacts with a binding pocket on the receptor formed by Asn115, Asp286, Trp287 and His297. Tyr36 in NPY interacted both with Thr41 and Tyr99 via hydrogen bonds, and also with Asn296, His297 and Phe301. The present study suggests that amino acid residues at the extracellular end of the transmembrane helices and in the extracellular loops are strongly involved in binding to NPY and NPY13-36.Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   

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