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Muscle contraction generates discrete sound bursts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Isolated frog sartorius muscles were stimulated to shorten under lightly loaded conditions. A piezoelectric transducer was placed alongside the muscle to record sounds generated during contraction. Shortening was accompanied by the generation of a series of discrete sound bursts. The bursts were found to be moderately repeatable among successive contractions; 44% repeated from contraction to contraction. The duration of each sound burst was on the order of 400 mus, and the temperature dependence of the interval between successive bursts had a Q10 of approximately 2. Sound intensity was variable: average acoustic power ranged from 0.05-0.4 mW/g, or approximately 1% of the heat generated during contraction. The generation of discrete bursts of sound during contraction, rather than continuous sound, implies that contractile behavior may be discontinuous.  相似文献   

A mechanism of muscle contraction is presented in which energy from the hydrolysis of MgATP is transferred directly to conformational strain in a flexible segment of the myosin head. That segment is proximal to both the active site and the subfragment 1—subfragment 2 hinge (the portion of the myosin molecule that connects each of its two enzymatically active globular heads to the long thin helical body). This proximity allows configurational changes at the active site, which are an intrinsic part of the enzymatic mechanism, to impose a localized strain, or distortion, near the hinge. The energy, trapped in the protein this way, is subsequently used for mechanical work when other enzymatically-induced conformational changes free the strained segment of the myosin head to unbend. As this happens, the head rotates and the distal end (opposite the hinge) attaches to the actin filament and pulls on it. In this mechanism, actin interacts with myosin in two different ways: (1) at the active site where it activates a step in the hydrolysis of MgATP that frees the head to rotate; (2) at the distal end of myosin, where it forms the grip through which the rotating head pulls on the actin filament. The first interaction allows actin to initiate primary movement of the myosin head; the second directs the force and allows the movement of the head to be used for the sliding motion of the actin and myosin filaments during contraction. In this model, there are also two different energy transfers: one occurs in the transduction process itself when energy from hydrolysis is trapped as conformational distortion in the hinge region; the other occurs, reversibly, when actin and myosin form and then break the distal grip; in this second transfer there is no net energy change in the course of a cycle. A chemical mechanism is suggested to explain actin-activation of hydrolysis at the active site-hinge region.  相似文献   

Muscle ATP turnover rate during isometric contraction in humans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ATP turnover and glycolytic rates during isometric contraction in humans have been investigated. Subjects contracted the knee extensor muscles at two-thirds maximal voluntary force to fatigue (mean +/- SE, 53 +/- 4 s). Biopsies were obtained before and after exercise and analyzed for high-energy phosphates and glycogenolytic-glycolytic intermediates. Total ATP turnover was 190 +/- 7 mmol/kg dry muscle, whereas the average turnover rate was 3.7 +/- 0.2 mmol . kg dry muscle-1 . S-1. The average ATP turnover rate was positively correlated with the percentage of fast-twitch fibers in the postexercise biopsy (r = 0.71; P less than 0.05) and negatively correlated with contraction duration to fatigue (r = -0.88; P less than 0.05). At fatigue, phosphocreatine ranged from 1 to 11 mmol/kg dry muscle (86-99% depletion of value at rest), whereas lactate ranged from 59 to 101. The mean glycolytic rate was 0.83 +/- 0.05 mmol . kg dry muscle-1 . S-1 and was positively correlated with the rate of glucose 6-phosphate accumulation (r = 0.83; P less than 0.05). It is concluded that a major determinant of the ATP turnover rate is the muscle fiber composition, which is probably explained by a higher turnover rate in fast-twitch fibers; fatigue is more closely related to a low phosphocreatine content than to a high lactate content; and the increase in prephosphofructokinase intermediates is important for stimulating glycolysis during contraction.  相似文献   

Apart from a few experimental studies muscle viscosity has not received much recent analytical attention as a determinant of the contractile process. This is surprising, since any muscle cell is 80% water, and may undergo large shape changes during its working cycle. Intuitively one might expect the viscosity of the solvent to be an important determinant of the physiological activity of muscle tissue. This was apparent to pioneers of the study of muscle contraction such as Hill and his contemporaries, whose putative theoretical formulations contained terms related to muscle viscosity. More recently, though, a hydrodynamic calculation by Huxley, using a solvent viscosity close to that of water, has been held to demonstrate that viscous forces are negligible in muscle contraction. We have re-examined the role of viscosity in contraction, postulating impulsive acto-myosin forces that are opposed by a viscous resistance between the filaments. The viscous force required, 104 times the hydrodynamic estimate, is close to recent experimental measurements, themselves 102–103 times the hydrodynamic estimate. This also agrees with contemporary measurements of cytoplasmic viscosity in other biological cells using magnetic bead micro-rheometry. These are several orders of magnitude greater than the viscosity of water. In the course of the analysis we have derived the force-velocity equation for an isolated half-sarcomere containing a single actin filament for the first time, and from first principles. We conclude that muscle viscosity is indeed important for the contractile process, and that it has been too readily discounted.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of yeast enolase 1 was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under conditions of subunit association/dissociation, enzymatic activity or substrate binding without turnover and substrate analogue binding. Subunit association stabilizes the enzyme, that is, the enzyme dissociates before denaturing. The conformational change produced by conformational metal ion binding increases thermal stability by reducing subunit dissociation. 'Substrate' or analogue binding additionally stabilizes the enzyme, irrespective of whether turnover is occurring, perhaps in part by the same mechanism. More strongly bound metal ions also stabilize the enzyme more, which we interpret as consistent with metal ion loss before denaturation, though possibly the denaturation pathway is different in the absence of metal ion. We suggest that some of the stabilization by 'substrate' and analogue binding is owing to the closure of moveable polypeptide loops about the active site, producing a more 'closed' and hence thermostable conformation.  相似文献   

Since carnitine plays an important role in fat oxidation, influx of carnitine could be crucial for muscle metabolism. OCTN2 (SLC22A5), a sodium-dependent solute carrier, is assumed to transport carnitine into skeletal muscle cells. Acute regulation of OCTN2 activity in rat hindlimb muscles was investigated in response to electrically induced contractile activity. The tissue uptake clearance (CL(uptake)) of l-[(3)H]carnitine during muscle contraction was examined in vivo using integration plot analysis. The CL(uptake) of [(14)C]iodoantipyrine (IAP) was also determined as an index of tissue blood flow. To test the hypothesis that increased carnitine uptake involves the translocation of OCTN2, contraction-induced alteration in the subcellular localization of OCTN2 was examined. The CL(uptake) of l-[(3)H]carnitine in the contracting muscles increased 1.4-1.7-fold as compared to that in the contralateral resting muscles (p<0.05). The CL(uptake) of [(14)C]IAP was much higher than that of l-[(3)H]carnitine, but no association between the increase in carnitine uptake and blood flow was obtained. Co-immunostaining of OCTN2 and dystrophin (a muscle plasma membrane marker) showed an increase in OCTN2 signal in the plasma membrane after muscle contraction. Western blotting showed that the level of sarcolemmal OCTN2 was greater in contracting muscles than in resting muscles (p<0.05). The present study showed that muscle contraction facilitated carnitine uptake in skeletal muscles, possibly via the contraction-induced translocation of its specific transporter OCTN2 to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Nonlinear dynamical techniques offer a powerful approach for the investigation of physiological time series. Multiscale entropy analyses have shown that pathological and aging systems are less complex than healthy systems and this finding has been attributed to degraded physiological control processes. A similar phenomenon may arise during fatiguing muscle contractions where surface electromyography signals undergo temporal and spectral changes that arise from the impaired regulation of muscle force production. Here we examine the affect of fatigue and contraction intensity on the short and long-term complexity of biceps brachii surface electromyography. To investigate, we used an isometric muscle fatigue protocol (parsed into three windows) and three contraction intensities (% of maximal elbow joint moment: 40%, 70% and 100%). We found that fatigue reduced the short-term complexity of biceps brachii activity during the last third of the fatiguing contraction. We also found that the complexity of surface electromyography is dependent on contraction intensity. Our results show that multiscale entropy is sensitive to muscle fatigue and contraction intensity and we argue it is imperative that both factors be considered when evaluating the complexity of surface electromyography signals. Our data contribute to a converging body of evidence showing that multiscale entropy can quantify subtle information content in physiological time series.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been recognised that improvements to classic models of muscle mechanical behaviour are often necessary for properly modelling co-ordinated multi-joint actions. In this respect, the purpose of the present study was to improve on modelling stretch-induced force enhancement and shortening-induced force depression of muscle contraction. For this purpose, two models were used: a modified Hill model and a model based loosely on mechano-chemistry of the cross-bridge cycle (exponential decay model). The models were compared with a classic Hill model and experimental data. Parameter values were based, as much as possible, on experimental findings in the literature, and tested with new experiments on the gastrocnemius of the rat. Both models describe many features of slow-ramp movements well during short contractions (300–500 ms), but long-duration behaviour is described only partly. The exponential decay model does not incorporate a force–velocity curve. Therefore, its good performance indicates that the status of the classic force–velocity characteristic may have to be reconsidered. Like movement-induced force depression and enhancement, it seems a particular manifestation of time-dependent force behaviour of muscle, rather than a fundamental property of muscle (like the length–tension curve). It is argued that a combination of the exponential decay model (or other models based on the mechano-chemistry of contraction) and structurally based models may be fruitful in explaining this time-dependent contraction behaviour. Furthermore, not in the least because of its relative simplicity, the exponential decay model may prove more suitable for modelling multi-joint movements than the Hill model. Received: 19 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 9 June 2000  相似文献   

Convergent extension driven by mediolateral intercalation of chondrocytes is a key process that contributes to skeletal growth and morphogenesis. While progress has been made in deciphering the molecular mechanism that underlies this process, the involvement of mechanical load exerted by muscle contraction in its regulation has not been studied. Using the zebrafish as a model system, we found abnormal pharyngeal cartilage morphology in both chemically and genetically paralyzed embryos, demonstrating the importance of muscle contraction for zebrafish skeletal development. The shortening of skeletal elements was accompanied by prominent changes in cell morphology and organization. While in control the cells were elongated, chondrocytes in paralyzed zebrafish were smaller and exhibited a more rounded shape, confirmed by a reduction in their length-to-width ratio. The typical columnar organization of cells was affected too, as chondrocytes in various skeletal elements exhibited abnormal stacking patterns, indicating aberrant intercalation. Finally, we demonstrate impaired chondrocyte intercalation in growth plates of muscle-less Sp(d) mouse embryos, implying the evolutionary conservation of muscle force regulation of this essential morphogenetic process.Our findings provide a new perspective on the regulatory interaction between muscle contraction and skeletal morphogenesis by uncovering the role of muscle-induced mechanical loads in regulating chondrocyte intercalation in two different vertebrate models.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle pump is thought to be at least partially responsible for the immediate muscle hyperemia seen with exercise. We hypothesized that increases in venous pressure within the muscle would enhance the effectiveness of the muscle pump and yield greater postcontraction hyperemia. In nine anesthetized beagle dogs, arterial inflow and venous outflow of a single hindlimb were measured with ultrasonic transit-time flow probes in response to 1-s tetanic contractions evoked by electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve. Venous pressure in the hindlimb was manipulated by tilting the upright dogs to a 30 degrees angle in the head-up or head-down positions. The volume of venous blood expelled during contractions was 2.2 +/- 0.2, 1.6 +/- 0.2, and 1.4 +/- 0.2 ml with the head-up, horizontal, and head-down positions, respectively. Although altering hindlimb venous pressure influenced venous expulsion during contraction, the increase in arterial inflow was similar regardless of position. Moreover, the volume of blood expelled was a small fraction of the cumulative arterial volume after the contraction. These results suggest that the muscle pump is not a major contributor to the hyperemic response to skeletal muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Piazzesi et al. [G. Piazzesi, L. Lucii, V. Lombardi, J. Physiol. 545 (2002) 145–151] made a study on the muscle transients due to step changes in force using improved time resolution and recorded filament movement and shortening velocities in the four phases. They point to Phase 2 and to Phase 4 (working muscle) and claim that their results do not contradict the swinging-cross-bridge (SCB) model which has a much-quoted constant power stroke of about 150 Å (their value of 70 Å was smaller). Siding with the SCB model, they nevertheless record that the power stroke decreases with load. We are pleased with this experimental result as it conforms to our theory, published in 1996, of an impulsive model with a much smaller step-size distance z (≈20 Å). Using their data we obtain precise interval times and estimates of filament movement in Phase 2 and in working muscle. Our first result is that the time frames (interval times) for Phase 2 are the same as in working muscle. Moreover, we demonstrate that the authors’ data verify the correctness of our calculated z values. There are eight active ATP events in Phase 2 in time frame t compared to one in working muscle in the same time frame t. This gives, for the first time, precise numbers for contractile events. We show that the SCB model is incorrect and our analysis supports the impulsive model with a much smaller filament (zero-load) motion, ≈20 Å per ATP split.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent work aimed at deriving tractable constitutive relations for skeletal muscle from biophysical cross-bridge theories. Discussion is focused on a model proposed previously by the first author (the Distribution-Moment Model), which emphasizes the important role of the moments of the actin-myosin bond-distribution function. The theory leads to a relatively simple third order state variable model for contraction dynamics in which the state variables are the three lowest order moments of the bond-distribution function; further, these three moments have simple macroscopic interpretations as muscle stiffness, force, and elastic energy. New results are presented on the formulation of a compatible model for excitation-contraction coupling, and this model requires the introduction of only one more state variable--the free calcium concentration.  相似文献   

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