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Interleukin-8 (IL-8) is a key mediator in the migration of neutrophils from the circulation to the site of inflammation in the tissue. IL-8 is secreted by many cell types in response to proinflammatory stimuli such as interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor, and lipopolysaccharide and is a potent chemoattractant and activator of neutrophils. Neutrophil activating peptide-2 (NAP-2) and melanoma growth-stimulatory activity (MGSA/GRO) are structurally and functionally related to IL-8 and, like IL-8, bind to specific G protein-coupled receptors on neutrophils. In the present study two closely related cloned IL-8 receptor subtypes are characterized by expression of the cDNA clones in monkey kidney cells (COS-7) or chinese hamster ovary cells and analysis of their ligand binding profiles. Both receptor subtypes bind 125I-labeled IL-8 with similar high affinity, however, the F3R receptor binds IL-8 exclusively, while the 4Ab receptor binds both IL-8 and MGSA/GRO with high affinity and NAP-2 with lesser affinity. Furthermore, we demonstrate with the use of intersubtype chimeric receptors that the specificity of ligand binding to both IL-8 receptor subtypes is dictated by the heterogeneous NH2-terminal domain. The F3R receptor is representative of a restricted IL-8 receptor subtype, and 4Ab represents a nonrestricted receptor subtype. It is proposed that these subtypes be named IL-8 receptors alpha and beta, respectively.  相似文献   

Analysis of two recombinant variants of chicken striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin has shown that the structure of the amino terminus is crucial for most aspects of tropomyosin function: affinity to actin, promotion of binding to actin by troponin, and regulation of the actomyosin MgATPase. Initial characterization of variants expressed and isolated from Escherichia coli has been published (Hitchcock-DeGregori, S. E., and Heald, R. W. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9730-9735). Fusion tropomyosin contains 80 amino acids of a nonstructural influenza virus protein (NS1) on the amino terminus. Nonfusion tropomyosin is a variant because the amino-terminal methionine is not acetylated (unacetylated tropomyosin). The affinity of tropomyosin labeled at Cys190 with N-[14C]ethylmaleimide for actin was measured by cosedimentation in a Beckman Airfuge. Fusion tropomyosin binds to actin with an affinity slightly greater than that of chicken striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin (Kapp = 1-2 X 10(7) versus 0.5-1 X 10(7) M-1) and more strongly than unacetylated tropomyosin (Kapp = 3 X 10(5) M-1). Both variants bind cooperatively to actin. Troponin increases the affinity of unacetylated tropomyosin for actin (+Ca2+, Kapp = 6 X 10(6) M-1; +EGTA, Kapp = 2 X 10(7) M-1), but the affinity is still lower than that of muscle tropomyosin for actin in the presence of troponin (Kapp much greater than 10(8) M-1). Troponin has no effect on the affinity of fusion tropomyosin for actin indicating that binding of troponin T to the over-lap region of the adjacent tropomyosin, presumably sterically prevented by the fusion peptide in fusion tropomyosin, is required for troponin to promote the binding of tropomyosin to actin. The role of troponin T in regulation and the mechanisms of cooperative binding of tropomyosin to actin have been discussed in relation to this work.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor is the most commonly mutated gene in human cancers. The ability of p53 to induce cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, DNA repair, and other p53-dependent activities is well known; however, the mechanism by which p53 induces a specific activity over another is unclear. Here, we showed that stringent regulation of and by p53 family isoforms facilitates differential target gene expression and thus determines cell fate. Through the use of engineered deletion mutants, we found that activation domain 2 is required for induction of the proapoptotic target gene insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) by p53 and that the basic domain inhibits induction of this gene by p53. Thus, for the first time we provide evidence that the basic domain of p53 is inhibitory in vivo as has been determined in vitro. We also showed that the in vivo inhibitory activity of the basic domain depends upon activation domain 1, such that combined deletion of activation domain 1 and the basic domain was required to alleviate the inhibition by the basic domain. Importantly, deletion of the inhibitory functional domains, namely N-terminal activation domain 1 and the C-terminal basic domain, is paralleled in nature. We found that the IGFBP3 promoter was activated by p53(DeltaNDeltaBD), which mimics a naturally occurring N- and C-terminally truncated human p53 isoform, and by p53AS, a C-terminally truncated murine p53 isoform generated through alternative splicing, but not by full-length human or murine p53. In addition, we found that the C termini of p63 and p73 inhibit the induction of IGFBP3, such that C-terminally truncated p63 and p73 isoforms induce the expression of IGFBP3, whereas full-length ones cannot. We also demonstrated that IGFBP3 is an important effector of the apoptosis induced by N- and C-terminally truncated p53, such that knockdown of IGFBP3 by using an IGFBP3 neutralizing antibody or IGFBP3 small interfering RNA partially rescues the cell death induced by N- and C-terminally truncated p53. In addition, we identified that histone deacetylase activity, not p53 DNA binding ability, governs the regulation of IGFBP3 by full-length p53 family proteins, as inhibition of histone deacetylases restores the induction of IGFBP3 by exogenous full-length p53, p63, and p73 proteins. Furthermore, we found that activation of p53 or inhibition of histone deacetylases alone was not sufficient to induce IGFBP3; however, combined treatment endowed endogenous p53 with this activity. To better understand the significance of this regulation, we performed a microarray study and identified several target genes differentially regulated by full-length p53 and p53 lacking the N-terminal activation domain 1 and the C-terminal basic domain. Taken together, our data suggest a novel mechanism by which p53 family proteins differentially regulate gene expression and provide an insight for designing a combined therapy for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

An inexorable loss of terminally differentiated heart muscle cells is a crucial causal factor for heart failure. Here, we have provided several lines of evidence to demonstrate that mitofusin-2 (Mfn-2; also called hyperplasia suppressor gene), a member of the mitofusin family, is a major determinant of oxidative stress-mediated cardiomyocyte apoptosis. First, oxidative stress with H(2)O(2) led to concurrent increases in Mfn-2 expression and apoptosis in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Second, overexpression of Mfn-2 to a level similar to that induced by H(2)O(2) was sufficient to trigger myocyte apoptosis, which is associated with profound inhibition of Akt activation without altering ERK1/2 signaling. Third, Mfn-2 silencing inhibited oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in H9C2 cells, a cardiac muscle cell line. Furthermore, Mfn-2-induced myocyte apoptosis was abrogated by inhibition of caspase-9 (but not caspase-8) and by overexpression of Bcl-x(L) or enhanced activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt, suggesting that inhibition of Akt signaling and activation of the mitochondrial death pathway are essentially involved in Mfn-2-induced heart muscle cell apoptosis. These results indicate that increased cardiac Mfn-2 expression is both necessary and sufficient for oxidative stress-induced heart muscle cell apoptosis, suggesting that Mfn-2 deregulation may be a crucial pathogenic element and a potential therapeutic target for heart failure.  相似文献   

The amino terminus of the aspartate chemoreceptor is formylmethionine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The amino terminus of the Salmonella typhimurium aspartate receptor has been identified as formylmethionine by mass spectral analysis of the amino-terminal tryptic peptide. Purification and analysis of the blocked amino-terminal peptide was facilitated by the use of a mutant aspartate receptor which has a cysteine residue at position 3. The sequence of this peptide confirms the translational start site predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the tar gene. Furthermore, in vivo labeling experiments reveal that the formyl group is present on chemotaxis receptors produced at wild-type levels in Escherichia coli, indicating that the presence of the formyl group is not a consequence of over-production of the receptor. The stability of the amino-terminal formyl group on the receptor may be a consequence of the membrane localization of the receptor and the dependence of this localization on the membrane transport machinery of the cell.  相似文献   

Deletion of the amino-terminal 17 residues from human ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) resulted in a protein ([delta 1-17]mARF1p) devoid of ARF activity but which retained the ability to bind guanine nucleotides with high affinity. Unlike the wild type, the binding of guanine nucleotides to this deletion mutant was found to be independent of added phospholipids. A chimeric protein was produced, consisting of 10% (the amino-terminal 17 amino acids) human ARF1p and 90% ARL1p, an ARF-like protein (55% identical protein sequence) from Drosophila. This chimera was found to have ARF activity, lacking in the parental ARL1 protein. Thus, the amino terminus of ARF1p was shown to be a critical component of ARF activity. A synthetic peptide, derived from the amino terminus of ARF1p, has no ARF activity. Rather, the peptide was found to be a specific inhibitor of ARF activities. This peptide was also found to be a potent and specific inhibitor of both an in vitro intra-Golgi transport assay and the guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate-stimulated accumulation of coated vesicles and buds from Golgi preparations. We conclude that ARF is required for the budding of coated vesicles from the Golgi stacks and serves a regulatory role in protein secretion through the Golgi in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Clinical efficacy of the antiplatelet drug clopidogrel is hampered by its variable biotransformation into the active metabolite. The variability in the clinical response to clopidogrel treatment has been attributed to genetic factors, but the specific genes and mechanisms underlying clopidogrel bioactivation remain unclear. Using in vitro metabolomic profiling techniques, we identified paraoxonase-1 (PON1) as the crucial enzyme for clopidogrel bioactivation, with its common Q192R polymorphism determining the rate of active metabolite formation. We tested the clinical relevance of the PON1 Q192R genotype in a population of individuals with coronary artery disease who underwent stent implantation and received clopidogrel therapy. PON1 QQ192 homozygous individuals showed a considerably higher risk than RR192 homozygous individuals of stent thrombosis, lower PON1 plasma activity, lower plasma concentrations of active metabolite and lower platelet inhibition. Thus, we identified PON1 as a key factor for the bioactivation and clinical activity of clopidogrel. These findings have therapeutic implications and may be exploited to prospectively assess the clinical efficacy of clopidogrel.  相似文献   

Different regulatory principles influence synaptic coupling between neurons, including positional principles. In dendrites of pyramidal neurons, postsynaptic sensitivity depends on synapse location, with distal synapses having the highest gain. In this paper, we investigate whether similar rules exist for presynaptic terminals in mixed networks of pyramidal and dentate gyrus (DG) neurons. Unexpectedly, distal synapses had the lowest staining intensities for vesicular proteins vGlut, vGAT, Synaptotagmin, and VAMP and for many nonvesicular proteins, including Bassoon, Munc18, and Syntaxin. Concomitantly, distal synapses displayed less vesicle release upon stimulation. This dependence of presynaptic strength on dendritic position persisted after chronically blocking action potential firing and postsynaptic receptors but was markedly reduced on DG dendrites compared with pyramidal dendrites. These data reveal a novel rule, independent of neuronal activity, which regulates presynaptic strength according to dendritic position, with the strongest terminals closest to the soma. This gradient is opposite to postsynaptic gradients observed in pyramidal dendrites, and different cell types apply this rule to a different extent.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that disruption of the htrA (high temperature requirement A) gene in either the virulent Bacillus anthracis Vollum (pXO1(+) , pXO2(+) ), or in the ΔVollum (pXO1(-), pXO2(-), nontoxinogenic and noncapsular) strains, affect significantly the ability of the resulting mutants to withstand heat, oxidative, ethanol and osmotic stress. The ΔhtrA mutants manifest altered secretion of several proteins, as well as complete silencing of the abundant extracellular starvation-associated neutral protease A (NprA). VollumΔhtrA bacteria exhibit delayed proliferation in a macrophage infection assay, and despite their ability to synthesize the major B. anthracis toxins LT (lethal toxin) and ET (oedema toxin) as well as the capsule, show a decrease of over six orders of magnitude in virulence (lethal dose 50% = 3 × 10(8) spores, in the guinea pig model of anthrax), as compared with the parental wild-type strain. This unprecedented extent of loss of virulence in B. anthracis, as a consequence of deletion of a single gene, as well as all other phenotypic defects associated with htrA mutation, are restored in their corresponding trans-complemented strains. It is suggested that the loss of virulence is due to increased susceptibility of the ΔhtrA bacteria to stress insults encountered in the host. On a practical note, it is demonstrated that the attenuated Vollum ΔhtrA is highly efficacious in protecting guinea pigs against a lethal anthrax challenge.  相似文献   

Recent studies on endogenous SsrA-tagged proteins have revealed that the tagging could occur at a position corresponding to the normal termination codon. During the study of SsrA-mediated Lacl tagging (Abo et al., EMBO J, 2000 19:3762-3769), we found that a variant Lacl (Lacl deltaC1) lacking the last C-terminal amino acid residue is efficiently tagged in a stop codon-dependent manner. SsrA tagging of Lacl deltaC1 occurred efficiently without Lacl binding to the lac operators at any one of three stop codons. The C-terminal (R)LESG peptide of Lacl deltaC1 was shown to trigger the SsrA tagging of an unrelated protein (CRP) when fused to its C terminus. Mass spectrometry analysis of the purified fusion proteins revealed that SsrA tagging occurs at a position corresponding to the termination codon. The alteration of the amino acid sequence but not the nucleotide sequence of the C-terminal portion eliminated the tagging. We also showed that the tagging-provoking sequences cause an efficient translational readthrough at UGA but not UAA codons. In addition, we found that C-terminal dipeptides known to induce an efficient translation readthrough could cause an efficient tagging at stop codons. We conclude that the amino acid sequence of nascent polypeptide prior to stop codons is a major determinant for the SsrA tagging at all three stop codons.  相似文献   

Tropomodulins (Tmod) bind to the N terminus of tropomyosin and cap the pointed end of actin filaments. Tropomyosin alone also inhibits the rate of actin depolymerization at the pointed end of filaments. Here we have defined 1) the structural requirements of the N terminus of tropomyosin important for regulating the pointed end alone and with erythrocyte Tmod (Tmod1), and 2) the Tmod1 subdomains required for binding to tropomyosin and for regulating the pointed end. Changes in pyrene-actin fluorescence during polymerization and depolymerization were measured with actin filaments blocked at the barbed end with gelsolin. Three tropomyosin isoforms differently influence pointed end dynamics. Recombinant TM5a, a short non-muscle alpha-tropomyosin, inhibited depolymerization. Recombinant (unacetylated) TM2 and N-acetylated striated muscle TM (stTM), long alpha-tropomyosin isoforms with the same N-terminal sequence, different from TM5a, also inhibited depolymerization but were less effective than TM5a. All blocked the pointed end with Tmod1 in the order of effectiveness TM5a >stTM >TM2, showing the importance of the N-terminal sequence and modification. Tmod1-(1-344), lacking the C-terminal 15 residues, did not nucleate polymerization but blocked the pointed end with all three tropomyosin isoforms as does a shorter fragment, Tmod1-(1-92), lacking the C-terminal "capping" domain though higher concentrations were required. An even shorter fragment, Tmod1-(1-48), bound tropomyosin but did not influence actin filament elongation. Tropomyosin-Tmod may function to locally regulate cytoskeletal dynamics in cells by stabilizing actin filaments.  相似文献   

In polyomavirus-transformed cells, pp60c-src is activated by association with polyomavirus middle T antigen. These complexes have a higher tyrosine kinase activity compared with that of unassociated pp60c-src. Genetic analyses have revealed that the carboxy-terminal 15 amino acids of pp60c-src and the amino-terminal half of middle T antigen are required for this association and consequent activation of the tyrosine kinase. To define in greater detail the borders of the domain in middle T antigen required for activation of pp60c-src, we constructed a set of unidirectional amino-terminal deletion mutants of middle T antigen. Analysis of these mutants revealed that the first six amino acids of middle T antigen are required for it to activate the kinase activity of pp60c-src and to transform Rat-1 fibroblasts. Analysis of a series of insertion and substitution mutants confirmed these observations and further revealed that mutations affecting the first four amino acids of middle T antigen reduced or abolished its capacity to activate the kinase activity of pp60c-src and to transform Rat-1 cells in culture. Our results suggest that the first four amino acids of middle T antigen constitute part of a domain required for activation of the pp60c-src tyrosyl kinase activity and for consequent cellular transformation.  相似文献   

Dynamins induce membrane vesiculation during endocytosis and Golgi budding in a process that requires assembly-dependent GTPase activation. Brain-specific dynamin 1 has a weaker propensity to self-assemble and self-activate than ubiquitously expressed dynamin 2. Here we show that dynamin 3, which has important functions in neuronal synapses, shares the self-assembly and GTPase activation characteristics of dynamin 2. Analysis of dynamin hybrids and of dynamin 1-dynamin 2 and dynamin 1-dynamin 3 heteropolymers reveals that concentration-dependent GTPase activation is suppressed by the C-terminal proline/arginine-rich domain of dynamin 1. Dynamin proline/arginine-rich domains also mediate interactions with SH3 domain-containing proteins and thus regulate both self-association and heteroassociation of dynamins.  相似文献   

Phenology is a major determinant of tree species range   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Global warming is expected to have a major impact on plant distributions, an issue of key importance in biological conservation. However, very few models are able to predict species distribution accurately, although we know species respond individually to climate change. Here we show, using a process-based model ( PHENOFIT ), that tree species distributions can be predicted precisely if the biological processes of survival and reproductive success only are incorporated as a function of phenology. These predictions showed great predictive power when tested against present distributions of two North American species – quaking aspen and sugar maple – indicating that on a broad scale, the fundamental niche of trees coincides with their realized niche. Phenology is shown here to be a major determinant of plant species range and should therefore be used to assess the consequences of global warming on plant distributions, and the spread of alien plant species.  相似文献   

A proper amino terminus of diphtheria toxin is important for cytotoxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of deletions and substitutions were made at the 5' end of the gene fusion between the first 388 codons of diphtheria toxin (DT) and a cDNA encoding human IL2. The chimeric protein (DT388-IL2) was expressed and purified from E. coli and found to be very cytotoxic to a human T cell line, HUT 102, that expresses a large number of IL2 receptors. Deletion of the first five amino acids of DT resulted in a non-cytotoxic chimeric protein that had both ADP-ribosylation activity and IL2 receptor binding activity. Deletion of the first two amino acids of DT had little effect on cytotoxicity, while deletion of the first four amino acids or of two acidic residues at positions 3 and 4 greatly reduced cytotoxicity. Unexpectedly, a mutant containing a single leucine in place of the first two amino acids (gly, ala) was 2-3 fold more active. The amino terminus of DT may participate in the translocation of the A chain to the cytosol in a manner similar to Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) in which a specific C-terminal sequence has been proposed to be involved in its cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

We have studied the importance of N-terminal processing for normal actin function using the Drosophila Act88F actin gene transcribed and translated in vitro. Despite having different charges as determined by two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis, Act88F expressed in vivo and in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysate bind to DNase I with equal affinity and are able to copolymerise with bulk rabbit actin equally well. Using peptide mapping and thin-layer electrophoresis we have shown that bestatin [( 3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenyl-butanoyl]-L-leucine), an inhibitor of aminopeptidases, can inhibit actin N-terminal processing in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Although processed and unprocessed actins translated in vitro are able to bind to DNase I equally well, unprocessed actins are less able to copolymerise with bulk actins. This effect is more pronounced when bulk rabbit actin is used but is still seen with bulk Lethocerus actin. Also, the unprocessed actins reduce the polymerisation of the processed actin translated in vitro with the bulk rabbit actin. This suggests that individual actins do interact, even in non-polymerising conditions. The reduced ability of unprocessed actin to polymerise shows that correct post-translational modification of the N terminus is required for normal actin function.  相似文献   

Tyrosine 785 is a major determinant of Trk--substrate interaction.   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Interaction of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor/Trk with cellular substrates was investigated by transient co-overexpression in human 293 fibroblasts using ET-R, a chimeric receptor consisting of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) extracellular ligand binding domain and the Trk transmembrane and intracellular signal-generating sequences. The chimera was fully functional, and associated with and phosphorylated phospholipase C gamma (PLC gamma), ras GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and the non-catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3'-kinase, p85, in a ligand-dependent manner. Deletion of 15 C-terminal amino acids, including tyrosine 785 (Y-785) abrogated receptor and substrate phosphorylation activities. Mutation of Y-785 to phenylalanine somewhat impaired receptor phosphorylation activity, which was reflected in reduced GAP and p85 phosphorylation. In contrast, ET-YF phosphorylation of PLC gamma was significantly reduced, while the high affinity association potential with this substrate was abrogated by this point mutation in vitro and in intact cells. Furthermore, a tyrosine-phosphorylated synthetic C-terminal peptide competitively inhibited Trk cytoplasmic domain association with PLC gamma. Thus, the short C-terminal tail appears to be a crucial structural element of the Trk cytoplasmic domain, and phosphorylated Y-785 is a major and selective interaction site for PLC gamma.  相似文献   

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