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The tongue biter, Ceratothoa imbricatus , a cymothoid isopod, commonly found on a number of Australian inshore temperate fish species, was recorded in the pelagic jack mackerel, Trachurus declivis , in 26 of 43 trawls. The infestation rate was low (1·76%) in the 26 trawls where the association was noted. It is suggested that infestation occurs at an early age and that subsequent growth by the isopod is mediated by the host. Estimates of the growth parameters indicate that the isopods are long lived, and can remain for at least nine years on the host fish. Protandrous hermaphroditism, common in the Cymothoidae, is found in C. imbricatus with females attaining a large size in the bucco-pharyngeal cavity while the male, with suppressed growth, is restricted to the branchial arches.
Although cymothoid isopods are commonly described as parasites, observable damage on the jack mackerel was restricted to the tissues at the points of attachment of the isopods. The effect of the isopod on the jack mackerel may not be as debilitating as might be expected and it is argued that the relationship may best be described as commensalism.  相似文献   

Juvenile parasitic cymothoid isopods (mancae) can injure or kill fishes, yet few studies have investigated their biology. While the definitive host of the adult cymothoids is usually a single host from a particular fish species, mancae may use so-called optional intermediate hosts before settling on the definitive host. Little, however, is known about these early interactions. The cymothoid isopod, Anilocra apogonae, infests the definitive host, Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus. This study examined their host preference among potential optional intermediate hosts. Their effect on the growth and mortality of the young of three apogonid fishes, including the definitive host, was investigated. The number of mancae produced per brood was positively correlated with female length. When given a choice of intermediate hosts, significantly more mancae attached to Apogon trimaculatus (Apogonidae) than to Apogon nigrofasciatus. When presented with Ap. trimaculatus and Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae), mancae only attached to Ap. trimaculatus suggesting that mancae may show a taxonomic affiliation with preferred hosts. Mancae fed on all three apogonid species, with C. quinquelineatus being fed on earlier than Ap. trimaculatus and Ap. nigrofasciatus. Mancae feeding frequency, adjusted for fish survival, was lowest on C. quinquelineatus and highest on Ap. trimaculatus. Infested apogonids had reduced growth and increased mortality compared with uninfested fish. A. apogonae mancae can use several species of young apogonid fishes as optional intermediate hosts. Via reduced growth and increased mortality, mancae have the potential to negatively influence definitive host populations and also other young species of apogonid fishes.  相似文献   

The composition of the metazoan parasite communities within 2 fishing zones along the Chilean coast were compared to determine the population structure of the jack mackerel Trachurus symmetricus murphyi (Nichols) in these 2 geographical locations. More than 7,780 parasites belonging to 15 taxa were collected between 1990 and 1996 in 71 samples comprised of 3,946 hosts. The same taxa were found in both fishing zones. However, jack mackerel from northern Chile had a higher abundance of cymothoid isopods, Ceratothoa spp., whereas those from southern Chile had more Rhadinorhynchus trachuri, Hysterothylacium sp. larvae, and Anisakis type I larvae. Results were similar at all community levels because all parasites had low prevalence and infracommunities had low total abundance and richness. Analyses at the component community level may be more adequate for stock identification when infracommunities are simple. There were significant differences in composition of parasite communities between years in each fishing zone, presumably as a result of the increase in offshore catches since 1994. These results reinforce the hypothesis that more than 1 ecological stock of the jack mackerel exists in the southeastern Pacific and contradict the current assumption of a single stock in the management of this heavily exploited fish species.  相似文献   

Sixty specimens of the giant marine isopod Glyptonotus antarcticus Eights, collected from Borge Bay, Signy Island, Antarctica were examined for epizoans. Ten species of cheilostomatid bryozoans were found on the isopods. The purpose of the study was to quantify the prevalence, intensity, abundance, and spatial distribution of the bryozoans on the isopods. The proportion of isopods colonized was 42%. The larger isopods had both significantly more epizoic bryozoan colonies and species. The greatest density of bryozoans was on the fused pleon and telson. There was no significant difference between the dorsal and ventral abundance of bryozoan colonies. The diversity of epizoic bryozoans on the isopods is higher than on other host organisms from more stable environments. This may be because of active selection by settling larvae. The frequency of local substrata being scoured by ice is high around Signy Island, so there may be a selective advantage in colonizing a motile host. Accepted: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

We examined deep-sea benthic data on polychaetes, isopods and bivalves from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Samples were taken during the expeditions EASIZ II (1998), ANDEEP I and II (2002) (depth: 742–6,348 m). The range between sites varies from 3 to 1,900 km. Polychaetes (175 species in total) and isopods (383 species) had a high proportion of species restricted to one or two sites (72 and 70%, respectively). Bivalves (46 species) had a higher proportion of species represented at more sites. Beta diversity (Whittaker and Jaccard) was higher for polychaetes and isopods than for bivalves. The impact of depth on species richness was not consistent among groups; polychaetes showed a negative relationship to depth, isopods displayed highest richness in the middle depth range (2,000–4,000 m), whereas bivalves showed no clear relationship to depth. Species richness was not related to latitude (58–74°S) or longitude (22–60°W) for any group.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the effect of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, symbiotically associated with bacteria of the genera Xenorhabdus or Photorhabdus, on the survival of eight terrestrial isopod species. The EPN species S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora reduced the survival of six isopod species while S. feltiae reduced survival for two species. Two terrestrial isopod species tested (Armadillidium vulgare and Armadillo officinalis) were found not to be affected by treatment with EPNs while the six other isopod species showed survival reduction with at least one EPN species. By using aposymbiotic S. carpocapsae (i.e. without Xenorhabdus symbionts), we showed that nematodes can be isopod pathogens on their own. Nevertheless, symbiotic nematodes were more pathogenic for isopods than aposymbiotic ones showing that bacteria acted synergistically with their nematodes to kill isopods. By direct injection of entomopathogenic bacteria into isopod hemolymph, we showed that bacteria had a pathogenic effect on terrestrial isopods even if they appeared unable to multiply within isopod hemolymphs. A developmental study of EPNs in isopods showed that two of them (S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora) were able to develop while S. feltiae could not. No EPN species were able to produce offspring emerging from isopods. We conclude that EPN and their bacteria can be pathogens for terrestrial isopods but that such hosts represent a reproductive dead-end for them. Thus, terrestrial isopods appear not to be alternative hosts for EPN populations maintained in the absence of insects.  相似文献   

The study of the cymothoid isopod parasites on marine fishes from Tunisian localities has allowed us to distinguish eight species, seven of which have already been recorded and one, Mothocya epimerica which is new to the region. New hosts for Cerathotoa parallela and Nerocila orbignyi are reported. For each parasite species collected, the host fish, the parasitic specificity and the parasitological index are given.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the occurrence of cymothoid isopod parasitism in aquaculture, reports the first case of infection by a cymothoid isopod (Ceratothoa oestroides) in Turkish aquaculture, and analyses its effects on sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Analyses revealed that C. oestroides negatively affects the weights and lengths of sea bass hosts. These effects have been previously underestimated because host age has not been accounted for. The analysis of condition factors as a means of assessing parasite effects is therefore likely to be misleading. Infection of fish of all ages by all cymothoid stages indicates that sea bass are not intermediate hosts but that C. oestroides has effected a complete host shift.  相似文献   

The isopod crustaceans are diverse both morphologically and in described species numbers. Nearly 950 described species (∼9% of all isopods) live in continental waters, and possibly 1,400 species remain undescribed. The high frequency of cryptic species suggests that these figures are underestimates. Several major freshwater taxa have ancient biogeographic patterns dating from the division of the continents into Laurasia (Asellidae, Stenasellidae) and Gondwana (Phreatoicidea, Protojaniridae and Heterias). The suborder Asellota has the most described freshwater species, mostly in the families Asellidae and Stenasellidae. The suborder Phreatoicidea has the largest number of endemic genera. Other primary freshwater taxa have small numbers of described species, although more species are being discovered, especially in the southern hemisphere. The Oniscidea, although primarily terrestrial, has a small number of freshwater species. A diverse group of more derived isopods, the ‘Flabellifera’ sensu lato has regionally important species richness, such as in the Amazon River. These taxa are transitional between marine and freshwater realms and represent multiple colonisations of continental habitats. Most species of freshwater isopods species and many genera are narrow range endemics. This endemism ensures that human demand for fresh water will place these isopods at an increasing risk of extinction, as has already happened in a few documented cases. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Studies of microbial associations of intertidal isopods in the primitive genus Ligia (Oniscidea, Isopoda) can help our understanding of the formation of symbioses during sea-land transitions, as terrestrial Oniscidean isopods have previously been found to house symbionts in their hepatopancreas. Ligia pallasii and Ligia occidentalis co-occur in the high intertidal zone along the Eastern Pacific with a large zone of range overlap and both species showing patchy distributions. In 16S rRNA clone libraries mycoplasma-like bacteria (Firmicutes), related to symbionts described from terrestrial isopods, were the most common bacteria present in both host species. There was greater overall microbial diversity in Ligia pallasii compared with L. occidentalis. Populations of both Ligia species along an extensive area of the eastern Pacific coastline were screened for the presence of mycoplasma-like symbionts with symbiont-specific primers. Symbionts were present in all host populations from both species but not in all individuals. Phylogenetically, symbionts of intertidal isopods cluster together. Host habitat, in addition to host phylogeny appears to influence the phylogenetic relation of symbionts.  相似文献   

We report sequence, tissue expression and map-position data for myogenin, MYOD1, myostatin and follistatin in three Ictalurid catfish species: channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), blue catfish (I. furcatus) and white catfish (Ameiurus catus). These genes are involved in muscle growth and development in mammals and may play similar roles in catfish. Amino acid sequences were highly conserved among the three Ictalurid species (>95% identity), moderately conserved among catfish and zebrafish (approximately 80% identity), and less conserved among catfish and humans (approximately 40-60% identity) for all four genes. Gene structure (number of exons and introns and exon-intron boundaries) was conserved between catfish and other species for all genes. Myogenin and MYOD1 expression was limited to skeletal muscle in juvenile channel catfish, similar to expression patterns for these genes in other fish and mammalian species. Myostatin was expressed in a variety of tissues in juvenile channel catfish, a pattern common in other fish species but contrasting with data from mammals where myostatin is primarily expressed in skeletal muscle. Follistatin was expressed in juvenile catfish heart, testes and spleen. All four genes contained polymorphic microsatellite repeats in non-coding regions and linkage analysis based on inheritance of these microsatellite loci was used to place the genes on the channel catfish linkage map. Information provided in this study will be useful in further studies to determine the role these genes play in muscle growth and development in catfish.  相似文献   

Mycoplasms are known as pathogens of economic and medical interest in plants, animals and man. Here, we show a positive correlation between the presence of Mycoplasma-like symbionts in their isopod hosts and survivorship on low-quality food. Most isopods that survived feeding on a cellulose-based low-quality diet for 90 days harboured 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma' in their midgut glands, while those that died within 90 days mostly either harboured no or other bacterial symbionts. We detected 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma' in all but one of the examined species of terrestrial isopods from different habitats and locations, suggesting an evolutionarily ancient association between terrestrial isopods and their Mycoplasma-like symbionts. Phylogenetic analyses clustered symbionts from different populations of the same isopod species together, and clearly distinguished between symbionts of different isopod species, indicating host-specificity of 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma', although a previous study provided evidence for environmental symbiont transmission. Nonetheless, horizontal exchange of symbionts between species may have been possible in evolutionary earlier stages, as suggested by only limited congruency of phylogenetic trees of hosts and symbionts. Another symbiont, 'Candidatus Hepatincola porcellionum', was only detected in midgut glands of the most terrestrial tribe of isopods (Crinocheta), suggesting an evolutionarily younger host-symbiont association. This symbiont proved to be negatively correlated with host longevity, even on high-quality food.  相似文献   

We report two new exotic introduced isopods in Chile: Halophiloscia couchii of the family Halophilosciidae and Niambia capensis of the family Platyarthridae. This report provides first evidence of the presence of these species in the Southeastern Pacific. These species were found in several salt marshes and beaches spanning nearly 2000?km of the Chilean coast. With the data reported here, the percentage of exotic oniscidean isopods in Chile is 28%.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic DNA from 18 phylogenetically diverse species of bony fish was hybridized with probes specific for the channel catfish immunoglobulin heavy chain constant (CH) gene, as well as with immunoglobulin heavy chain variable (VH) probes specific for five channel catfish VH gene families. The results showed that CH probes strongly hybridized only to genomic fragments from other catfish species. In contrast, restricted DNA from most other species hybridized with at least two channel catfish VH probes. In those species whose DNA hybridized with multiple VH probes, the restriction pattern of hybridizing fragments was probe-dependent. These studies suggest that (1) the CH gene defined in channel catfish appears to share similarity only with CH genes in other catfish species, (2) families of VH genes appear to have diverged in early phylogenetic lineages of teleosts, and (3) VH genes similar to those defined in catfish appear to be widely represented in phylogenetically diverse species of teleosts.  相似文献   

Behavioral Adaptations of Terrestrial Isopods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In their response to environmental stimuli, terrestrial isopodsshow various trends that are correlated with their ecology andphysiology. With the transition from sea to the littoral zone (Ligia), orientationto light changes from positive to negative. Yet, since theseisopods are positively hygrokinetic even at very high humidities,their hygroreaction is of greater significance than their photoreaction. In isopods from mesic habitats (Oniscus, Porcellio, Armadillidium)photoreaction becomes of less significance than in littoralspecies, until in some species it reverts to positive (Armadillidium).Sometimes the positive photoreaction occurs only at high temperatures(Porcellio), a pattern of behavior correlated with thermoregulationby evaporative cooling. Similarly, in mesic species the responseto humidity becomes less significant than in littoral species,resuming importance mainly when the isopods become dehydrated(Armadillidium). Finally, in isopods from xeric habitats in semi-arid and desertregions (Armadillo, Venezillo), photoreaction is strongly negativeexcept in Hemilepistus at lower temperatures. All of these isopodsare positively hygrokinetic only at low humidities and are stronglynegatively thermoactive, indicating a drop in activity at hightemperatures. The photonegative response in these isopods isstronger than the hygroreaction.  相似文献   

Blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus and channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus , two large-bodied piscivore-omnivores in Lake Texoma, Texas-Oklahoma, U.S.A., showed very high overlap in food use, but substantial differences in use of habitat during the year. Both species primarily ate fishes, aquatic insects, vegetation and detritus, terrestrial insects, seeds and zooplankton, with overall overlap = 98%. Diet breadth indices were very similar (blue catfish=4.31, channel catfish = 4.53). Quantitative and qualitative feeding varied seasonally and food habits changed ontogenetically. Feeding intensity was greatest in winter and lowest in late summer. Aquatic insects were eaten more from May to October and fishes more in winter. At body sizes from 100 to 299 mm Ls , both species primarily ate aquatic insects, terrestrial insects, fishes or zooplankton, whereas the diets of individuals >300 mm Ls of both species were dominated by fishes. Overall, their overlap in distribution across major habitat types was only 58%, with blue catfish most abundant in deep water offshore, and channel catfish more common in shallow cove habitats. Blue catfish that did occur in coves were in the deeper parts of those habitats, essentially not occurring in the littoral zone. In lakes without blue catfish, channel catfish are widely dispersed in various habitats and it is suspected that displacement of channel catfish by blue catfish may influence habitat differences of the two species in Lake Texoma. Because the spatial separation of the species also reflects their typical interspecific differences in unimpounded drainages, however, the habitat differences observed in Lake Texoma probably also reflect evolved, historical differences in ecology of the two species.  相似文献   

This study describes the diet composition, diet overlap and prey diversity in two economically and ecologically important marine catfish species: the bronze catfish (Netuma bilineata) and the blacktip sea catfish (Plicofollis dussumieri) collected between January and December 2015 from the northern Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan. Stomach data of 342 bronze catfish and 283 blacktip sea catfish were examined. Diet composition and feeding strategy of each species by identification of stomach contents were weighed and enumerated. Both species primarily consumed teleosts, Brachyura and small amounts of a wide variety of prey items; however, specialization was a more common trait for the bronze catfish than for the black tip sea catfish. The Morisita‐Horn index showed considerable diet overlap in percentage of mean weights (0.847) than in numbers (0.612) between co‐prey pairs of both species. The highest Bray‐Curtis similarity between the southwest monsoon (SWM) and south inter monsoon (SIM) was observed in bronze catfish and lowest between autumn inter monsoon (AIM) seasons in both species. While Bray‐Curtis dissimilarity was observed, both species share diet niches and diet overlap. The present study evaluation of the feeding strategy and potential competition between two sympatric species of marine catfishes can provide the framework for their conservation and management in the region.  相似文献   

The European catfish Silurus glanis is an important fish species in both commercial and recreational fisheries. Catfish is a spreading species that was reported to potentially benefit from increasing temperatures. The goal of this study was to estimate long‐term changes in harvest rates of catfish in Central Europe. This study used individual mandatory angling logbooks collected by the Czech Fishing Union in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) over the course of years 1986–2017 (32 years) to assess harvest rates of catfish. This study discovered that harvest of catfish has been increasing over time. Moreover, rivers that previously showed zero harvested catfish are beginning to display higher harvest rates of catfish. Increasing average air temperature and angling effort in the study area have positively affected harvest rates of catfish. The increased harvest of catfish could not be reliably explained by intensive fish stocking. In conclusion, while other studies show that many fish species are negatively affected by human activities and therefore show decreased harvest rates, catfish angling seems to benefit from anthropogenic changes.  相似文献   

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